J" H1 ee jlUU! iou: ,T 'eYi an bO ITLsrrsl m- t Bottle of CUTJCURA RESOL VENT, greatest of humor cures, is often sufficient to complete a permanent cure of the most torturing and disfiguring of skin, scalp, and blood humors. PrFDTCtmE TniATMBNTron Atl Ultra ant BLoonlloMons. Warm baths with Cpticuba Soil-, pernio applications of Cuticuiu (oint ment), the great .kin cure, and mild dotes of G'cticuiu ItEsoLVENT, greatest of humor cures. Sold throughout th Srottd. IMce, Ccnct), jnc, Soai, 2lc t lttsOLVBKT, 5()a. ind SI. Pottkb Uaoo Alf It Cum. Corp., 8ol Prop. . Iloiton. 03- " How to Curt Ewjr limner," milled free. QalclitriTlioroiiaiilr, Forever Cured. Four out of flvo who BUffor nervousness, moutal worry, attacks ot " tlio blues," are but paying tlio penalty of early excesses, Vio. Urns, reclaim your manhood, regain your vigor. Don't despair. Send for book with explanation and proofs. Mailed (sealed) free ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.V. .CHASES ElcodfEerveFood For Weak and Run-Down People from Childhood to Old Age. WHAT ST IS ! The richest of t rertoratlw Ucoau, .mcAUse H rtpW.i the snino pubetnncei to the I loud a.id turr-a thit sro exhiuted lu JneBi-r,if-.ciHff fluii-,tlid1(ien(1ndlifOfition, uifiti lmue, yyrvi -rk, , -rry, excfmcs, abase, eta, WHAT !T DOES' Bf mskinir tha blopd p-jxe&ui! r.ci ,ml t ho duration perf'-ct, H creiVtes o..a iieli, itiiuu.-lna.nd etreopih. Tlio nf-rtes bj ine ttiii'li mrnu.thf! brain b'onis active and clear. I ..r rht tdx lost vitality ami stor-NDF all wast inn un .us a.d ne&kness In oitti'r box, Jthft noeiini' , wrflft'ufftQal9r''fruIfltorIt 1 worth It weifrhtiiyotd. OwboTlo-tiftiffli, Price be, or aboiBst'i. r.rugsictBor by mall. Itnnltl'ren. . THS? DR. CHASE COMPANY VIS Cbtstnut fcLt rbilcdelxbta. POLITICAL CARDS. JjlOn CHIEF DURQKSS, PIERCE WALKER, Of tlio Fourth ward. Subject to Citizens party rules. VOTE FOR JOSEPH Op Sukxanijoaii, FOR REPRESENTATIVE, First District. VOTE FOR FRANK C. REESE, FORiREGISTER. A VOTE FOR 4H0N.ELIASDAVIS Of Dboad Mountain, -F0I1 County Treasurer VOTE FOR BGEO.FOLMER,Sr., Of Suekamjoam, County Treasurer. VOTE FOR Harrys Bradigan, Of SnnxAsnoAii, FOB- PROTHOflOTARY CHARLES DERR'S Barber Shop I Ei Wcat Centre Stree OiS tfcn0ur Hot Towel Shave ,a!cpraln'sJpopulr. You will like It We uwiya uiup,jvvJttirui uair culling FATAL SCHOOL FIRE. ' ,'otal Destruotion of an Indian Seminary Noar Antlers, I, T, rOUE BOYS BURNED TO DEATH. One of Tlioao W'ns n Cripple mid the Others Wcro In ltontns CoiitnlnlnENn Windows. The Fire Siitpinicd tn Hiiro lleell of In cendlnry Origin. Astlehs, I. T.. Oot. 5. At 11 o'clock Saturday night Sponccr nendomy, loented ton mllos west of Antlers, burnoil tonshos, together with nil the furniture, anil four Choctaw boys were burnod up In tho llamos. Thodc-Mlnro! John Smith, Daniel James, Thomas Kuulotubblo nntl 'Will iam Wilson. Thoso lnjurod oro; Alfred Bryan, bruUod mid burned In hoad: Har ris Klshor, spralnod foot; Colton Uacon, leg spralnod i Kdward Clark, Jaw bono brokon ; Sam Spring, burnod In fnco, hoad nnd shouldors, and wrist sprained. Tho orlKln of tho lira Is stwposoa to ho Incendiary, ns no ono was occupying tho room lu which tho iiro broko out nnu thoro had lweu no flro In It this season. Super intendent J. B. Jctor, who In In charge of the school, hoard tho flames popping and when ho got up, tho stairway was on flro. Ho ran on tho outside nnd woko all the boys and barely sovod his own Ufo. Tho boys throw tholr beds out of tho windows nnd jumped to tho ground on thorn. Ono of tho boys who was burnod to doath was a crlpplo, nnd tho othor throo woro In rooms where thero woro no windows, it Is said tholr moans and groans woro hoart slckon lng In tho oxtrcmo. Tho ncadomv was built by tho Choctaw Nation, and 103 boys woro thoro when it burnod. Everything Is a totol loss, as tho Nation did not carry any Insurance Super intendent Jctor doos not know, whether tho Nation Is going to rebuild, as It Is financially ombarrassod nnd away behind with tho school fund. ltlslinp Kcnno's Retirement. Washington, Oct. 5. Bishop Konno, rector of tho Catholic university, ninkos publlo thocorroipondonco with tho popo In couuoctlou with his rotlromont In re tiring Mgr. Koano Is clovatod to tho rani: of archbishop. In an tntorvlow Arch bishop Koano said: "I woloomo my re- loaso from tho ofllco of roetor of tho uni versity with profound gratltudo, both to divine providence and to tho popo. Whilo I always regardod its dutlos as a labor of lovo, they had grown to bo far beyond my strcngth and abilities, nnd tho doUvorauco from tho burdon Is a rosponso to many prayers." A Valuable l'rcftcrlptinn. Editor Jlorrison of Worthhiston. Intl.. "Sun." writes: "You have a valuable- nro- scriptiou in Electric Bitters, and I can cheer fully recommend it for Constipation and Sick Headache and as a general system tonic it has no equal." Mrs. Amiio Slehlu, 2025 Cottago Qrovo Ave, Chicago, was nil run down, could not eat pr digest food, lmd a backache which nover left her and felt lired and weary, but six bottlos of Electric Hitters restored her health and renewed her strength. I'rices 50 cents aud, J1.00. Get a bottloat A, Masloy's Drug btore. The .Supreme Court's October Term WASHINGTON, Oct. 5. After a four months' recoss tho United States supremo court will recouvono uoxt Monday for tho Octobor term. Thero will probably bo a full bench nt tho boglnnlng of tho term. Tho court docket now coutulns 015 ense, against 751 at tho beginning of last year's October term, and of thoso twonty-olght have nlroady been nrguod and submitted, and aro before tho court for decision. It is surprising to many that foot hall players nnd other athletes regard a sprain or bruise of so little consequence Quo reason of this is, thoy know how to treat such injuries so us to recover from them in a few days, whilo others would ho laid up for two or threo weeks, if not longer. Writing from Central Stato'ENonnal School, Lock naveu, Pa., Mr. W. H. Loach, captain of tho baso ball club and gymnasium says : "I tako pleasure instating, that members of our baso hall club and myself havo used Cham berlain's PalnJIialm with most excellent re sults. I unhesitatingly recommend It as the best romody for sprains, swellings, cuts and bruises, of any.tthatjl know." For sale by Gruhler Bros., druggists. Tlio Itoman Uscupes Wltho'ut Damncc. , BOSTON, Oct. 5. Tho Warron lluor Ro man, which was released from her Invol untary nuohorngo on tho mud flat at Georgo's Island Friday night, camo up to her dock yesterday. No tlino was lost In reloading tho cargo tnkon out of hor whilo sho was aground, nnd so good progress was mado that thostoamor sturted at high tldo today for Liverpool. A dlvor who examined tho vossol's bottom reports that no Injury was sustained, which is romark- nblo Indeed, Inasmuch as fow vossels grounding In this harbor oscnpod without serious damage. The Ideal Panaeeii. James L. Francis, Aldonnan, Chicago, says: "I ronard Dr. Kinc's New Discovery nsnn Ideal Panacea for Coughs, Colds and Lung Complaints, having used it in my fuuiily for tho last flvo years, to tho oxclusion of pnysiciau's prescriptions or otuer prepara tions." l!ov. John Hurcus. Keokuk. Iowa, writes "I havo been a Minister of tho Methodist Episcopal church for 00 years or more, and havo nover found anything so beneficial, or that gave me such speedy relief as Dr. King's New Discovery." Try this Ideal Cough icenicuy now. Trial bottlos tree at A. Wasley's drug store. Itcfused Flvo Cents, Committed Suicide. New Yoiik, Oct. 5. IUndolph l'orclvnl 13 yours old, hanged himself ut his homo In this city. Tho boy was of nn orratlo disposition and had boon sick. Ho was dissatisfied nt what ho thought was undue strictness on tho part of his mother, and was Irritated at her refusal to give him flvo cunts which ho wanted to spond. County Trustee and Cash SUsstnor. Nasiivilie, Oct 6. N. II. Harrison, trustee of Mouroo county, Is missing, and au examination of his books sho ws a short ago of 87,000 to $10,000. Warrants for bis urrast havo been Issued. Heller In Six Hours. Distressing kidney and bladder diseases rollovod In six hours by the "Now Great South American Kldnoy Cure." This new remedy Is a great surpriso on account of its excecdiiiK promntuess in rclievim: nain in tho bladder, kidneys, back and every part, oi mo urinary passages in maio or iemaio.' It relieves retention of water and luiln in passing it almost immediately. If you want qmcK lenei ami cure tms is your rcmray. Sold by Snapira's pharmacy, 107 South Main street. Ml . mrrn nnin it nn i inn I l jHJ4Mf. -CFI2K2ISrffiHS. W.Fi I III, I f III IV li'l i 1 Alii' I war - w w Mir, 1 P , Everybody Knows that carelessness, chemicals and common soaps make combina tion in the laundry which Is simply fatal to shirts, collars, cuffs and other linen, and moro people nro finding out every day that by tho modern meth ods of washing clothes, thosun light methods, and Sunlight Soap 1 tho clothes not only recclvo no Injury in tho wash, but nro ac tually preserved, as tho dirt which would produce wear and decay Is taken out without rub bing, without boiling, without chemical action. Sunlight Soap Saves Clothes LoTPf Brtift., Ltd., lladjoa & Harrison Bts., New York. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Q 8. I'HII.I.U'S, SI. D. Olllco: 80 West Centre street. Can bo consulted nt nil hours. p F. 1IOUKE, SI. V. 80 E. Lloyd street, Sbennndonh. Olllco hours ! 7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 8 and 7 tot p. in. T II. POSIKUOY. t) . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Bhcnandonh, la. M. BUHKE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. OIHco Eiran bulUHng, corner of Main nnd Ceutro street, Sheuamlonh. pitOF JOHN JOKES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Jjock Uox G5, SInhnuoy City, Pn. Hnvlnp studied under some of tlio boat masters In I)lldon nnd Pnrls, will plvo lesonil on tho violin, guitar nnd vocal culture. Terms reasonable. Address In enre of Strousc, the oweler. Hheunndonh. Groccre can tell you why those whobuy SEELIG'S keep coming back for it. You cnu't keep on felling n poor tiling to the same people saved by using Seel- ig'S because you tcan buy cheap r coiieo nuu, make it delicious bv n t little or this admixture. m rpiSO 004 North Sixth St. PHILADELPHIA. CUKE GUARANTEED. zTSv t.HtvrinI'KACXlCBB8 jennoeiiila f ?. Ycur HonpllHt Ixii'rlriit'e In tleritmnf. STRICTURE, BLOOD POISON, Gcn cnAt. Debility, Lost Viqor, KKEXCJr.SSES AND ALL lOTHF-, fvSrW EFFECTS OF YOUTHFUL iV folly of both sexes Pcrmoncntlr cured utter ever j onoclolios InlUd. 10ST MANHOOD AKD SHRUIIXEH CS3ANS P.ESTCBIB. homattcniit:ir-Btkil grrat ad l,--mous I Victors AQdrfi:Ul lit claim, nrite, print or say, oil Dr. Thccl knowi more tbout thne dUtajt and how to tnut ibomiuweMrullthan all otbers comMnwi, and tbty all k:i U too, to their Korrowt 1'uor and Kloli if you wcro robbrd and vlctlmlied, aod you wlih to fet llunest and tklllful tn-n'o nt, try once more old Iri TlictI, and he will euro von po-uiTL-lr If core li ponible, Ko Ilrcvptlon, noTuNo ltoprfetctiitlon. Frcihowei ourcl in i to 10 Layi. tiend ae 3-c-nt (.tampi fur Truth, lteit of all for Single or Mfirrlcd, young cr oil. Only Boole ci posing qusoki. JloornUS, Ercnlnrtj 6-9. Hours for exam ination and tn-Rtraent In aomlns liopdeis aiiddangtiroua catet, daily, 9 to 5. Wed. and Sat,ev6i.,6tol0, Pun.,0 to 2. TreaU mnt by mall. KuicU'it aecruoy (luurnntrfMl. I'oItlvtly tho lowcwt churgf In thliclty for tto bct trcjitnient. CURED TO STAY CURED. Ooas This Mean Anjthlng to You ? If your truss don't hold you or Is causing palu. tee us at once. It may savo you) cars of suili rln,;. Wo havo cured hundrods ot peopio In Pennsylvania, andean refer you to patients curen in your own town, uur ireainicnt is harmless and will not keep you from your dally labor. Call and havo a talk with our itoctcr. It will cost you nothing. Wo guaran tee relief alter tho first trcatiucnt, and our prices nie rcasonauie. Tho Dr. Miller Co., Philadelphia, tiso Our Doctor Every Tuesday nt UNION HOUSE, Ashland,-Pa. HUMPHREYS' No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Infants' Diseases. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 8 M Neuralgia. No. O Cures Headache. No. 10 " Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Delayed Periods. No. 12 " Leuchorrea. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. 18 Cures Rheumatism. No. 10 " Malaria. No. 20 " Whooping Cough No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on rocoipt of price, 25o., or a for SI. Dn. noMPiinEvs' HoaiEorATmo Manual or Diseases Mailed Fuse. Humphreys' Med. Co., Ill William St.,N.Y. Fur alo nt PoUiuky'ii druit ktore, at liist uentre Htrcct. m&Y PILLS! SftFC AKQ KURf, C.FtH"Wqir5 AI For sale at Porlniky's drug time, M Uatt centre street, 1 z 1 m Elaborate Eoception of the Ruler of the Eus3iau Empire, ' , , I SEOIIET AGENTS EVERYWHERE. , Tho Crnr DUllliea to SeoTliem, lint Admits Tlmt They Aro Store Neceury Thnn the I'liig nnd I'ritnnnt Which Testify tn l'reuch Vrlendshlp. I CnEiiHoriiO, Oot 5. The ozar of Uussm nrrived In Franco today. Tho French northern squadron gathored to honor tho Husslan guests ot lTituco comprises twen ty-one vessels. This flotilla mot the Pule Star, having on board tho ozar and cr.ar lna, convoyed by English men-of-war, nt ' tho Hlgo of French wators, just tho ex- j tromo of tho throo nillo limit. Tho man-of-war Dupuy do Lomo convoyed SI. t Fauro, tho prosldont of tho republic, to tho meeting point of tho oznr's yacht and I the trench squadron, resident inure, after tho salutes wcro flrod, then roturned to Cherbourg to await tho arrival of tho czar nt tho landing stage On oppronohliitt tho Ungllsh Hoot tired an Imperial saluto, followed by a saluto to tho English vessels, which was rotumou by thom. Tho czar's yacht, after saluting the BrltlBh ironclads, steamed ahead Into tlio center of tho French Hoot, nnd In this order tho vossols proceeded hero. For the purposos of tho recaption tho groat naval magnzlno of tho Chorbourg nrsonal, which Is sltuntod opposlto Cher bourg's landing stago, was utilized. From tho landing stago to tno nan ot tuo maga zine 11 covered way, richly decorntod with sllkhanplngs, bnnnerets nnd Uowers, had boon erected. Tho landing stago was also beautifully drnpod, and ovory preparation had boon mado to polloo tho harbor and pro tect tho landing stago, covered way, mag- uzlnoand Its approaches wun wans ot uni formed soldiers aud gendarmes, while overywhero, liko tllos on sugar, swarmod French nnd Uusslnn sooret ugouts. 1110 cznr dlsllkos to see thom, but acknowl edges that thoy aro more necessary than tho flags nnu lostoous wnicn tcsiuy m French and Husslan friendship. President Fauro, surroundod by M. Han- otunx. Admiral Bosnaril, minister of inn rlno; General Dlllot, minister of war, nnd nil tho gonorals, admirals, Hold officers und subalterns who aro to bo in attend ance on.tho emporor und omprcss during their stay In Franco, awultod tno czar nnu cznrlno on tho lnndlug stago. After tho fonnal welcomo by Prosldout lumro tuo alltterlnir crowd of notabilities passed along tho covered way to tho hall of tho magazine, while thunders irom grear, guns, rlnglngof bolls and thoexclted cries of tho French crowd doafonod tholr ma jesties' airs. Tho Interior of tho ningazluo had boon decorated and urrunged with all tho ex quisite tasto of tho French in such mut ters and with tho amazing llbornllty of their present onthuslnsm for all things Husslan. Tho Interior of tho magazine had been dlvldod into u reception hall, a diplomatic hall und a banquotlng room. Tho first of tho is huug In rich crimson satin, and tho decorations consist of a wilderness of cxqulslto blossoms, from which peop out flowors and dovlcos formed of tho buyonots, swords, ramrods and other lmplomonts of land and sea wnr litro. Tho dlplomntlo hall Is draped In yellow satin and decorated with a bewil dering array uf beautiful mirrors which reflect at a thousand anglos oxqulslto pot und foliago plants aud tho rarest blooni3 of French greonhousos. Two sumptuous retiring rooms udjoln this hall. Tho third room Is hung lu palo green satin set oil by hoavy velvet portieres nnd priceless tapostry. Tho ornaments hero aro nlso suggestive of tho warfare thnt tho Franco-Hussian alllanco may do prepared against, lustres aud punoplles In which military and naval weapons, models of torpedo aud torpedo dostroyors, great und small guns appear uuobstruslvely, but nono the loss significantly. Within tho hall aro threo tablos, ono raised lilghor than the othor two, which, with thirty soats, each, accommodated thoso In nocossary attendance. At tho principal table aro threo beautiful chairs of tho period of Louis XIV, which woro occupied by tholr raajostlos and President Fnuro. Tho Borvlco of China and glass Is most oxqulslto, tho former being from tho otellors of Sevres. The tablos also display tho daintiest llowcrs. Tholr majestlos and tholr hosts break fasted hore, and after tho rovlow of tho French fleet, which took placo this aftor noou, and which thoy wltnossed from tho deck of tho Elan, Napoleon's old state bargo reglldotl and refurnished, thoy at tended a stato banquet lu this samo hall given bj) Prosldont Fauro. A lino of rails has boon laid In tho nr Fonal grounds, tho terminus being at tho door of tho dlplomatio hall. Horo at 0 o'clook tills ovoning tho czar and czarina will tako tho train for Paris, preceded u fow minutes by tho spoclal train of tho president, nntl quitting tho ursonnl to tho roar of 101 guns. Tho stato banquet will oocur simulta neously with fotosof different kinds nnd general rejoicings of tho peopio of Chor bourg, who havo loyully decorated tholr town with lavish hand, the dominant note of tho decorations ovorywhoro being tho black and yellow of tho ozar of all tho Itussins pleasantly intermingled with tho trl-color of France. Owing to tho Inrush ot pooplo for tho event thousands are unable to obtain lodgings. The quostlon of defraying the onorinous expenses of tho czir's visit, It Is said. Is still unsettled, but Provident Faure Is playing ducks nud dmkes with Ills private fortune In order to worthily ontertnln tho Husslan visitor. President l'nuro to VUlt the Cmr. LOXPOK, Oct. 5. A dispatch from St. Petersburg to Tho Dally Telegraph says that thoro Is a rumor in dlplomatio circles there that President Fnuro will visit the czar in tho lwglnlug of Novomber. A Her llu lUsjmteh reports that the Kolnlsche Zoltuug oonllrms tho news thnt tho ozar will visit Kinperor William for threo days nt Potsdam. Tho Ilest for Children. "I bellovo Chamberlain's Cough Roraedy is tho be6t for children I over used. For croup it Is unequalled. It is a splendid seller with us. T. M. Kckles, Ph. G Manager Wampum Pharmacy, Wnmputii, Pa." When used as soon as tho first symptoms appear, that is as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even after tho croupy cough has appeared, it will prevent the attack. The mothers of croupy children should bear this lu mind and always keep tho reiuody at hand. It Is also tho b08t medlclno In tlin world for nihl.s nnd whooping cough. For sale nt 25 nnd 50 cents por uoiuo uy urulilor llros,, drnggUts. IT you want protection buy "Battle Ax' It Is man's ideal tobacco. It protects his jurse from high prices. It protects his lealth from the effects of injurious tobacco. ', t's the biggest and best there is nothing '. ess, nothing more. An investment of 5 cents will prove this story. ?iltitytUUUnUlll,,llUl1,lV,V,UUUt':tUVl,,lUHUllli',l "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES Boraotlcnes neoJfl a reliable, monthly, resulfttlnp medicine. Only- l-armloM and the purest drugs should be uboJ. If you want tho beta, get Otru Peal's PenroaB FiBSs They are prompt, safe awl certain lnTesn't. The eennlne (Dr. rout's! never illiap nolut. Sent anywhere, 81.00. Addrosa "eal Medicihs Co., Cievel-nd, O. . For Kilo by P. P. I). KIHI.IN. Shenandoah. Pa. pei7i7a. Railroad. SCIITJYKII.I. DIVISION. HniTi:MiiKn20, 1B96. Trains will leave Slit-nnndoah utter tlio abovt dftto for WIkkihi, OUlierton. lniokville, Dnrl uater, nt. tJiair, iuu.vine. Jiftmuurs, Henautit I'ottttown, 1'lioeiilxvtllc, Norrittiwn nnd Ihli ndelplilu ItroAd street Mntltm) nt 6 08 nnd 114' ii. in. and 4 20 p. in. nn week dajs. For Pov vlllo nud Intermediate ptntions 9 10 u. m. SUNDAY. For Wlirenns. Gilbcrton. Frackvllle. Dart. Water, St. Clair, Pottsvllle, nt 0 OS, 9 i0 n. ro, and , 310 p.m. For llaniburtf, lEendlup, I'ottitowu i rhoenUvllIe, Noirletovvn, l'htladelpbia at 6 CO 9 10 a. in., 3 10 p. in. lrains leave rracKvnie inr nnennnaoan ai 1 10 10 a. in. and 12 1 i. & 01. 7 12 and 10 27 v. m. i Sunday, 11 13 a. m. and 5 -10 p. m. I ijcave I'ottsvlllo lor nnenanuoau at 10 15, lift n. m. nnd 1 40, 7 IS and 10 00 p. m. Sunday at 10 40 a. m., 5 in p. m. Leave Vlilladelphln, (Droad street utatlon), foi Rhciinndoahnt5r)7nnd8 35n. m., 110 and 7 V p. in. week days, SundayH leave at 0 50 n. m. Leave llroad Btroet etatfon, Philadelphia, Un Sea ilrt, Asbury Park, Ocean (.rove, Lonj lirancli, nnd intermediate stations, 4 no, 0.&0, 11.39 n. in., 2 3S, 3.30, 4.OT p. m. week-day, SOO Saturdays only. Sunitay (etop at Iutcrlakeu lor Asnury 1'arK;, u, a Leave II road Street btatlou, Philadelphia, FOIl NEW YOKK. Kxpress, week-ilays, 3 20, 1 05, 4 50, 5 15, C 50, 7 38, h20, 950, 1021 (I)lnhiK' Cnr), U(0. m. I-J (noon, 12 (Limited 100 and 4 22 p. iil DintnKCnra), 140. 23J (Diuinu Car) 320,350, 4 00, 5 00, 5 50 (Dining Car, GOO. 0 50, 8 12,10 00, p. in., 1201, nlRlit. Sunday, 3 20, IW, 150,515, M 2), 8 33, 9 50, 1021, Dining Cnr, 1103 a. m 12 2 30 Dinlnsr Car , 1 00 Limited 1 22 Dining Car, 5 20,550, Dhilng Car, 631, 6 50,812, JO UC p. m., 12 01 nljtlit. Kx press tor lldston without change, 1100 a in., week-tlays, ami 0 50 p. m,, dally, VOll WASHINOTOX AND TUB SOUTIL For naltlmre nnd Wnhinirton, 3 50, 7 20, 8 Si 1020, 1123 a. in., 1209 H231 Limited Dli-' ln Car). 1 12. 3 lfi, 4 11 (5 19 Omitri-wjlonni Limitm!. Dinhnz Car). 6 17. 655 (Dinlmr Carl. 7 58 (Dltilug Car) p. m., and 12 06 nlghi weeK day. HunuayH, aru, 7 u, viz. u 2u a, in., 12 00 1 12, 1 il, ( 5 18 CmiKretdunnl Limited. Dining Cnr), 0 55 (DinliiK Car), 7 58 p. in (Dining Car) and 12 05 niix'it. For Sea tllrt, Snrinir Lake, Delirmr, 0(,4im (Arrive, Anbury Park aud Lour Itraneh, 6 50, P35 and 11 39 a in., 3 30 and 10) p. m week days, cniuuayn, n. m. FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Droad fet reel station, Philadelphia (vlft Delaware rUer bridge), expri'M, 7 02 p. m. dully. U-ave Market street Ferry, express, 8 5A a. m., 2 00, 4 00, COO p. m. Sundays, 8 15, 9 4 n in. Accommodation, 8 00, s 20, a. in., 3 20 and 120 p. in., week das, Sundays, 8 00, 8 15 n. iu., 4 00 ami 5 00, p. m. For Cape May, AugU'H-ea, Wildwood at.0" Holly Ileneli, nntl Swt Isle City, Ocean City nnd Aalou Lxpretis, 9 00 u. in., 4 CO p m, week Jays. Suudavt), 9 00 n. m. KxpreM, 9 10 a. in., and 2 30, 4 20 p. m. wHtk day Sundays, 8 50 a. in. For Somers Point. Ksprcs. 8 50 a, m 1 00 p. in. wek days. Sundays, 8 a. in. H. M. Pkex'Ost, J. K. Wood, Gen'l Mauaser. Oen'l FtWg'r Agtt Wanted-An Idea 1,1 Who can think of some simple tblnitonatcnti1 Protect your Ideasi they may bring ou wealth. Write JOHN WKDDGHlitTItN & CO.. Patent Altor. ceys. Washington, V. C, for their 91.8U) prlxo otter and I lat of two hundred Inventions wanted. PChlebrttcr's KtuclUh Diamond llrand. ENiYROYAL PILLS Urltflnbl nail Oslj Genuine. Arc, Jrji rrlUUM. cadii k , UrutilH tot tjhtcmitinr j fiotuh Dl.A la uvui-i wr j'knwiiiirf, Mtfllf far I.Md(a.M n CbtrhMr CWuUnil Ci,Mad1n 4u. 4f i leiumoDlkil Mil Utter, b H-taMi R R i IN KFFi:CT MAY 17. 1896. t Train) leave Shenandoah ni fnllown I VVii-Vt.wVnrU-v.il Phtliulehitiln uook 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a. m., 12 IS, 3 00 and 5 55 p. m Sundayi, 2 10 a. m. For New York via Mniicli Chunk, week days, 5 25, 7 20 n. in., 12 4-i nnd 3 00 p. in. For Heading and Pblladelphln, week days. 1 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a.m., 12 48, 3 00 aud 5 55 p m. 8un days, 2 10 a. m. For Pottsvllle, week day, 2 10;7 20 a. ra., and 12 4h, 8 10 and 5 55 p. in. Sundays, 2 10 a. m. For Taniaqua and Malianov City, week days, 2 10,5 25, 7 20 a. m.,12 49, 3 00 and 5 55 p. m. Sunda) s, 2 10 a. m. For illlamsport, Sunbury and LewtsburK week days, 3 25, 11 30 n. m., 150 nud 7 25 p.m. Suudnrs, 3 25 a. in. 1- or Malinnoy l'lane, weekdays. 2 10. 3 25. S 25. 7 20, 11 30 a. in., 12 4S, 1 50, 3 00,5 55, 7 25 aud 9 55 p. rru Mimiays, & iu, ts a. in. For Ashland and Sbnmokin, week days, 8 25, 7 20,1180 a. in., 150,725 nnd 9 55 p.m. Bun days, 8 25 a. in. For ltaltlmorc, Washington and the West via IL AO. It. It., through trains lea- Heading Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. k it. V K) at 8 20, 7M, 1124 a. m., 3 10 and 7.27 p. i... Sundays, 3 20, 7 00, 11 26 a. m.,3 4(1 and 7 27 p. in. Addi tional tialns from Twenty-fouith nud Chost nut streets station, week days, 10 30 n. in. 12 20, 12 1C 8 40 p tn. Sundays, 1 3-5, 8 23 p. m TUAINS FOn SHENANDOAH. I-ave New York via Philadelphia, week days, 4 80, HOG a. in., 130, 4 30, 9 00 p tn. and night. Sunday, 6 00 p. in. Ixiave New York via Mnuch Chunk, week days, 4 30, 0 10 a. in., 1 30 nud 4 15 p. in. Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week days, 4 20, 8 35, 10 05 n. m. and 4 01, 0 80, 11 BO p. in. Sundays, 11 30 p. m. Ieavo Heading, week days, 135, 7 10, 10 08, 11 55 a. ni., tt 00 and 8 20 p. in. Sundays, 1 35 n. m. Leave Pottsvllle, weekdays, 2 35, 7 40 a.m., 12 80 nnd 6 12 p.m. Sundays, 2'i a. m. Leave Tnmaqua, week dayn, 3 18, 8 50, 1123 a mM 1 27, 7 20 and 9 43 n. iu. Suuda h, 3 18 n. m, Ia'ATu Mnhanoy City, week ilays, 3 4.5, 9 2i, 11 47 a. iu., 2 03, 7 4 1 and 10 08 p. m. Sundays, 8 45 n. in. Leave Mnbanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00, 630. 9 87, 11 59 a. m., 1 12, 2 19, 5 20, 6 29, 7 57 and 10 20 p. in. Sundays, 2 10, 00 a. m. Leave WIlllnniBport, week days, 7 42, 1010 a in., 8 35 nud 11 41 p. ni. Sundays, 11 15 p. in. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf and South stmt whmf fur Atlantic City. Weekdays Express, 9 00 n. in., 2 no, lo 00 p. m. Accommodation, 8 00 a. in., (30 u in Sundays Express, 900, 10 00 n. m . . uu. modntitm, n u) a. in., 1 I) p. in. Heturnlug lenve Atlantic City depot, corner Atlantic ami Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Exitreaw, 785, 9 00 n. in., : , i p. tn. AeeoniimMlatfou, H 15 a. in , 1 J i i SumUys Eiprewi, 4 00, 7 30 p.m. A.mmt I1HIMM1, ( J,J U. Ill, , -i JiJ . HI, Parlor Oars on all exprnc-s trains. I. A. SWEK1AHD, 4L G. HANCOCK, Qou'l Superintendent. OeaM Pasa. A? nillions of Dollars Go up in smoke overy year. Tako no risks hut get your houses, stm.1;. fur niture, etc., insured in first-class re liable companlos as represented by bAVIb FATIST surancc Agent, UHyiU rAUJl, 130 South Main t Also Life and Accidental Coinpaulea. MKT ho Rosy Troshnoss 'AriclJlvehely softness of tho skin Is lnva Ttatily obtained by those who use I'ozioni'u Coxapl.ilo Powder. it . . i