EVENING HERALD liTAllI.ISIIl:i) 18T0. Published every Kvcnlng, Kxcciit Sunday, at 8 Bourn Jardisi Hthbot, Keaii Cesiub. The Herald Is dcllvcied InHhenantliiMi Anil tho surrounding towns for nix cents a week, pay ble to tlio carriers. Ily mull 88.00 n year, or 25 contn n month, payable In advance. Advertise ments charged according to space and position. The publishers rccrvo the right to change tho f osltlonot uilvcrtlM-incntn whenever the pill Icatlou ol news demands It. The right In reserved to reject any advertisement, whether paid (or or not, that the publishers may deem Improper. Advertising rates made known upon application. Entered at the postodlco at Hhcnahdoali, rn., as second class mall matter. TKLKI'IIOKIS CONWliCTlON. Evening Herald TiiunsDAY, oltoisuh 1, isuo. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL TICKET. you I'ltHCIUKKT, WILLIAM Jt'KINLUY, Of Ohio. kou vwT2 mirmtrnXT, OAltKirr A. HOI1AUT, Of Hew Jersoy. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. I-OU'ConaRIWHAX'AT-Likall, OALUSIIA A. (1UOW, Of 8llflillchanna. auukl a. uavi:ki-okt, Of le jeithusov nvt.r. ron a eon?- AOI3 ItATIO "Tlio rrtprtloH between tnn mines of colli imil illrrr In n MRROAS'TIt.M l'ltOHI,i:H altogether, .tint rirlnrt pics will lrd us ti disregard the lienl proposition, to Inqnrrn Into the taar Itct price of gold In th several ronn tries with Trlilolt vfo shall probably Ixi coniiectcil In commerce, AhA ('Alec AN AVUItAOlI from them." III. sure Hint your taxes ate paid before the 3rd inst. Otherwise you cniinut voto at tlio November election. Tin; Wandering Willies aro ulily rcpre tented in bcliuylltui county by our own William Williclm, with sentiments that they all approve). Foit a country lawyer with u small jirao lice Ilryuti is a wonder, but so was Tom Thumb, nnd no one ever thought of run ning him for President. f Acconni.No to tho newspapers, llryan's idea is to get elected President of the United States without tho cunsent ur assistance of Jiuy other politician on earth. n elfort is being made to account for Mr, llryan's vote for General Weaver, instead of tho Democratic candidate, in 1MW. It is needless to bay that the explanation dooa not explain satisfactorily to leal Democrats. - - - 'Two wrongs will not iniiko a right. Uryan yells rascality and dishonesty on ,1. Pierpont Morgan and the government bond deals and then turns around uiid wants to work his own llfty-three cent dollar scheme, 'Which wo all know is wrong. Jlikie Lansing, of Nebraska, who is a nejgnbor of Hon. William Jennings Bryan, has told the drummers at their noonday ineetiuB tlmt Mr. liryan will lo-o his own state by 20,001), his own city by 1,000 and his own voting precinct by from 50 to 75 votes. 'This bort of arithmetic must bo very exas perating to the fiec sihcritcs of this county. Lack of school accommodations are re ported not only from Philadelphia and Xew York, but from a number of other places, for lack of funds ten schools in Delawaro .township, llunterdun county, have been closed, depriving about 800 childieu of edu cational facilities. Are we losing our regard for tho education of our children? It looks that way in a number ol localities. Shenan doah, however, is sustaining its past reputs lion in this lino by famishing the proper facilltios for tlio education of the young. lr Mil. HliYAN is elected President of tlio Vnited States and frco coinage of silver is adopted as tho policy of tho Government, and it tuck policy has the ell'ect of enhancing tho price of silver, as the champions of that policy say it will, then the success of Mr. Uryan will bo worth to William It. Hearst, pioprietor of the free silver New Yoik Journal, nut less than 100,000 a year. This 1-the estimate placed im Mr. Hearst's m in nings, as they say, on tho appreciation of taint of tlio product of liis silver mines. Tins week tin athletic competition between i Illicit, of various regiments of the United states army will occur at Denver, Col. Teams fr .in posts iu Utah, Arizona ami New Mexico li ise been ordered to take part and wero to lcntli sous at Kurt Ligan. Athletics of vauous kinds have boon receiving toiiildc. abli attention in the army In the past few yi .as, prluraiily to lelievo the tedium of lite at Holated posts after tho activity of cam p.iiuis against Indians had passed, and many ol ihe lxyn who wear the blue liavo become tvpirts iu various branches and tho com petitions t Denver will no doubt be very interesting. Tin: meeting held last night, under the auspices of the Hepublicau County Executive Committee, was a success iu mure ways than one. To say that Mr. Healey, the principal speaker, Justified nil that had been previously said of bin), is to express the merit of his speech but faintly. His address was moder ate, dignified, conciliatory und full of origin W.itV and force Tho whole gave evidence of W?.. !.. I P .1... !.. JfcosUryi' I'tinuioil uy u Iliuil Ul HIV puuiiuvq. juug- tiS" wht, nLanJ,f"tery of the issues, iu direct whs flial'!ftitery of the issues, x spoaWs who favor tho frco n 'ad jr array classes against Saga sii Xlio deal iu glittering ttllltl TO BE SOLD 3 BAIty Wilhelm, !., and Tit, the audlenco. Takcu 1 ... AO. 37 WEST CEN' n.ilc r "Mch the rougu MAHANOY CITY. Miner of Many Years llxporlciico Mecls Ills l'lrat Accident. MAHANOY City, Oct. 1. Hubert Sneddon, an aged miner residing on I'.ast Pino street, wis injured at tlio hlmwood colliery yester day afternoon. While looking for tlio effects of a shot a piece of coal foil and struck him, slipping his upper lip and bruising 1 1 is legs and anus, lie has been a miner for lis years and this is his first accident. There will be a ltopubllcan mass meeting here to-night, in Armory hall. David Healey, It. U. Koch and C. A. Snyder will bo the speakers. Tho Springdaio colliery, operated by Lcutz, Lilly & Co., shut down yesterday for an in definite period. No cause is assigned. Secretary Purschinaii, of tho Y. M. C. A., has arrived from Philadelphia and will bo tendered a reception in the rooms of the Association this evening. The borough authorities have Issued notices that heroafter the ordinance prohibiting bicyclists from riding on tho streets at a greater sliced than eight uilles an hour will bo strictly enforced. AViiiiU tlio World to Know It. H. P. llulT, of 810 Hepburn street, Wllliamsport, Pa., says: "I can say posi tively that Thompson's Diphthoria Curo saved my lifo and also that of my sister. The doctors had given up both of us. Our friends wero advised to try Thompson's Diphtheria Cure on us. They did and in two days' tinio tho dreaded dlscaso had dis appeared. I am only too glad to havo the prlvilego of letting tl.o world know tho wonderful curativo powers of this medicine, and wish I could toll overy ono individually. No medicino liko It In tho world." For sale at Klrllu's drug store at 5o cents a bottle. The Hospital i'atlents. llcsidcs minlstorhig to tho needs of 1)0 regular patients, they treated bIx that woro newly admitted and 15 at the dispensary, but two of whom vcro new. Charles Ileinlcy, 21 years old, of I'rackville, who was struck down by n mass of coal at tho Furnaco col liery and almost buried, was subjected to an operation. lie sullcrcd a compound depressed fracture of the skull with rupturo of menin gial artery, tlio parital and temporal bones being involved. The physicians removed three bones in all.coveringfouror fivo square inches Ho may recover. William Patterson, 25, Xew Castle, iron worker, but employed at Win. Penti colliery, stillering from a compound fracture of threo of tlio bones of the foot. The wound extended from the heel to the toes on tho outside. Ho also sustained lacerated wounds of tho scalp. Palling coal was tho caiiFe. John Yunalawicz, 21), Shenandoah, miner, Kohinoor colliery, fracture of seven ribs of the left side with abdominal injuries. His heart was displaced to tlio rightabout half an inch, and It may not be possible, to replace it. His recovery is doubtful. Anthony Pcuska, 14, Lnuigan'9 Patch, doortender, Kllangowau colliery, severe con tusion of tho right knee. Ho was caught be tween tho bunibers of mine cars. Alex. Lukofski, 11, Shenandoah, laborer, Kehlcy Hun Colliery, sovero sprain of tho knee joint with swelling of tho thigh sus tained tlneo weeks ago and treated elsowbero in tho meantime. Peter I'.ouline, aged 22 years, Win. Pcnn, laborer at Wm. Peim colliery, extensive lacerated wound of the forearm, cauKd by falling coal. TO ClJIti: A COLD IX OXH DAY Tako Laxative Iliotno Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tho money if it fails to cure. 25 cents. Attractive mid Cheerful. What can be mora attractive than a homo made cheerful and fragrant with licautlful lhmers all through the long winter? And when they can bo had without price who would bo without them '! A collec tion of fifty choice winter-lloweriug bulbs, iu ten varieties, including the celebrated Kilter Lily, Hyacinths, Tulir", &c., alone wm th ?1.50, l.i ntlercit as a premium to American Gardening (established lS-lii pri e $1 (10 per year), popular wiokly journal for llower gro.vers, by Messrs. Win. Llliott & Suns, SLcih.icn, 51 Doy St., X. Y. (established IMS) a (Inn whom wo know to be perfectly reliable. Send them a postal card and 10- rcivu full paitieulars by return mail. This oiler will not bo repeated. Poison Ivy. iuseet bites, bruises, scalds. burns, arc quickly cured by DoV.'ilt's Witch Hazel Salve, tho great pllo cure. u. ii. llngenbuch. Naturalization Day. Thursday and Friday, October 1st and 2nd, are tlio days set down by tbo courts for parties desiring to become naturalized, Applicants, therefore, will govern themselves accordingly. James II. Deegan, Prothono- ftry. il-21-tf Tho Company Censured. Coroner A. J. Lcuihan, of Coitralia, em panelled a jury who investigated tho facts of the death of tho lato John Simon, who died from injuries received in an accident at tho Logan colliery, and rendcied a verdict cen suring the company as follows: "We, tho jury, Hud that tho said John Simons met his death because of thu negllgemo of tho Lehigh Valley Coal Company iu falling to have the trustllug whicli fell and caused his injuries, put in repair, and wo tlnd that tho company deserves severe censure for said neglect, which lusulted in tho death of tho said John Simons." Tho jury was composed of the following persons: Messrs. A. C. ltoouey, fiuouiau ; A. J. Ilariett, Charles Fetterman, J. Kallwlch, Hugh Conway and John Murray. Made and Merit Maintains the confidence ol tho people in Hood's Sarsaparllla. II a medicine cures you when sick; it it makes wonderful cures everywhere, then beyond nil jucstion that medicine possesses merit. That is Just tho truth about Hood's Bar Bnparilla. Wo know it possesses merit becauso It cures, not onco or twico or a hundred times, but in thousands and thousands o( cases. We know it cures, absolutely, permanently, when all others (ail to do any good whatever. Wo repeat ds unit. t the Illlo Sarsa t l:st-In foetid ustablo I' uting his daiood Purifier. no sou? t flan n , PERSONAL. David It. Lewis and son are visiting friends In New York. Charles Wonder, of IlluofioUl.Wcst Virginia, Is visiting rolatlvcs In town. William Van Wort is doing local work on tlio Mabanoy City liocord in tho absenco of Mr. Parker. Luther Sechrlst, of Hazlcton, a former rosl dont of town, was greeting acquaintances hero to-day. Arthur O'Hara has gono to Philadelphia to study mcdicino at the University of Pennsyl vania. Mcado Peters was called to tho bedsldo of his son, Wells, whois 111 iuLewishurg, to-day. Miss Julia Weil, of Philadelphia, who was tho guest of Mrs. Emanuel Friedman, on North Jardin street, returned to her homo to-day. Mr. und Mrs. 1). llllllnger, of Heading, tho parents of Martin Ililllnger, tho photographer, were town visitors to-day. William Smith, of Hazlcton, spent to-day In town. Mrs. Hazclny, of Turkey Hun, is seriously ill. Sho is sull'ering from llrlght's dlscaso. Mrs. Itenjamln Hichards, of West Ccntro street, is convalescent. .Michael Curlcy, of St. Clair, visited friends In town to-day. Miss llcsslo Edwards, an accomplished pianist of Hazlcton, is visiting E, I), lieddall's family, on West Oak Btrcet. Miss Sallio Dclaney spent yesterday at Pottsville. Mrs. Joseph Wadllngor, of Pottsvillo, is visiting relatives iu Now Y'ork York city. Harry J. Muldoou spent yesterday in Pottsvillo. Superintendent J. J. Ilradlgan and wife and daughter, Nellie, and Mrs. Glover attended tho funeral of Hov. Prcudegast's mother iu Ileckorsvlllo to-day, Tho wholo system is drained and under mined by Indolent ulcers and open sores. DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo speedily heals them. It is tho best pile curo known. U. 11. Hagcnbuch. Deaths and Funerals. Tho funeral of tho lato Thomas A. Tindlc, who died at his homo in Pottsvillo on Tues day, will tako placo to-morrow afternoon, at 2 o clock. Tho remains of Mrs. Mary Prendergast, who died ut her homo In Ileckschervillo on Monday evening, wero interred at Miuers villc this morning. The deceased was tho mother of I!cv. Charles A. Peudergast, of Mahanoy Plaue. Daisy, tho 2-yoar-old daughter of David Howard, of 203 East Lino street, died yes terday from croup. Interment will be made on Friday, at 2 p. m. Tho infant daughter of John A. and Hen rietta Staull'er, of 115 South Gilbert street, died yesterday from convulsions. Interment was made to-day in tho Odd Fellows' cemetery. William George, infant son Marguerite Harlow, of 100 street, was buried in tho of James and North Union Odd Fellows' cemetery yesterday. Miss Mary Cooney, sister of John F. and Michael Cooney, of Pottsville, died at tho latter place on Tuesday evening. The funeral will tako placo to-morrow morning. The lilmetallsts Sleet. Tho liimctallic League held a conference at tho Exchango hotel, Pottsville, yesterday. There were about two dozen representatives present, among them being M. J. Lawloraud Joseph II. Punieroy, of town; John Parker, editor of tho Mahanoy City Kecord; Hon. Charles Falsgrove, of Schuylkill Haven; Daniel Duffy, of St. Clair; William Wilhelm, Harry H. Foster and others. Tho confereuce was begun at 10:30 o'clock and was not ad journed until 12:30. Tho meeting was private, no leporters being admitted. The principal work was tho preparation of a declaration as to tho principles and plans of the league. This declaration will not be made public for a day or so yet. The question of endorsing Shepherd for Congiess was the main topic, but the doubt as to his honest dosiro relative to freo silver canned some of them to oppose such a move, while the majority favorea it. A series of meetings will bo inaugurated, the first to bo held hero this evening, and will be addressed by Joseph Pomeroy and William Williclm, Esns. Kngntved Invitations. Notwithstanding the fact that we have one of tho finest job offices iu tho interior of tlio stato, now material is being added to keep abreast of tho times and to meet tho wants of our patrons. llcsidcs the addition of a num ber of tho latest faces of job type, wo are now prepared to furnish wedding Invitations, lijill programs, etc., equal to tho finest worll 'of tho engraver at ono-fourth the annlait charged for this class ofwork. Call at tir office, or drop us a postal card, when iu need of theso things or any kind of job work. You will be well pleased with tho workman ship and tho prices. l iltul Theater Ftro Iu Scotland. AlJEIiDKKN", Oct. I. Tho 1'iilnco of Va rieties, n play houso, was burnoel at thu beginning of tho performance lust night. Tho performers wuro compelled to take to Ulght, leuviug nil their property. , Tho theater was ii ulckly destroyed. A sonruU of the rulus resulted In the finding of threo corpses, nnd It Is feared that there, may bo still others who did not have time to maka their escape, so rapid was the flro's headway. Forty persons wero In jured by belug liuruad or trumplod upon, in the panic. Olllcers of tho Trlsnn Asuoctatloii. Milwaukee, Oet 1. The report of the committee on nominations uf the National Prison association yootcrekiy numed the followliiK officers: President, Ruelo0 Hrlukorholl of Mansfield, O. ; vioe presi elent, Charles K Keltou of Chicago and Charlton T. Lewis of Morrlstowi), 7. J. ; hocretary, llev. John L. MUUgan of Alle gheny. Pa. ; financial secretary, Joseph H- Myers of Columbus, O. ; treasurer, Charles JI. Jossup of Now York. (state (senator Short Iu UN Accounts. Cincinnati, Oct. 1. Stute Senator Adolph 1'luomc-r has been missing sovoral ilays, und yesterelay the ally treasurer stated that he had failed to turn over $MJC duo the school oard for Its library fund. Houator Pluemer retired as treasurer ol tho library in Juno, and was unable to sottlo then or since. The senator is not consiilercd guilty of any emljozzlomout but so pressod that he cannot moot hi obligations. Ho was a mllllouuiro live yoars ago. Verdict Agalnit u Itallrnad Company, Thf.nton, Oct. 1. Augustus Laruo, the Pennsylvania railroad llromnn Willi WH.C injured somo months ago while ritllng iu his cab near New Drunswlck by being struck by u piece of timber oxtondlng from a passing train, secured a verdict the company yesterday iu the United oiuica cuurt amounting to H.OOO. Hoy Keystone llour. Bo euro thnl tho paroe Lessio & IUeb, Ashland, VeWtu print) nbsA'fm'l .every sack, t 'M n (Continued from First Pagel crasheil Into tho houso of ISvnn Davis, nnil tho lntniitos had a narrow oscnpo with their lives. lllllldlllg lllown Down, Two Killed. ItKAM.vo, Pa., Oct. 1. During tho storm tho cast houso of tho Tomplj t nrnnco nt Templo Station, five; mllos ribovo HomlliiR, win blown down by tho wind nnd nonrly n dozen workmen weru burlod in tho ruins. Tho men wero pinned down by tho heavy timbers nnd it was some tlmo before thoy could ho roached. Tho dead uro ; Ktlwnrd Hlsmlllcr, (envos widow nnd flvo chlldron ; Samuel Trout, loaves widow nnd two chlldron. Flvo wero badly hurt, nnd it is believed somo of thorn will die. Intal flood nt Staunton, Vn. IttCH.vtoNi, Oct. 1. Tho city of Staun ton, iu tho Shennndonh valloy, was visited by a torrlblo Hood yestcrdny. Many lives woro lost and groat damngo dono to prop erty. Tho wnter Invaded tho lowor por tion of tho city, rising so rapidly that many wore unablo to oscapo in time. Others barely oscapod with thoir llvos. I'llty Lives Lost In I'lorldn. Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 1. It is a con servative ostlmnto to say that fifty pcoplo lost their lives in Florlela from Tuesday's hurrlcnno, and tho numbormayrun much higher. News from that portion of tho stato whoro tho storm first struck Is very 6low in coming, for wlros aro down and railroads aro lmpassablo. Nino Largo Tobacco Sheds Destroyed. TOWANDA, Pa., Oct. 1. A terrific wind and rain storm visited this (section about 2 o'clock yesterday morning, doing great damugo, tho farmors especially sufforlng heavy lossos. Nino largo tobacco sheds within a radius of flvo miles' wero com pletely destroyed. Tho Cnuadlnn Tactile Strike.. TonoN'TO, Oct. 1. Trains on the Can adian Pnclllo aro all dolaycd in conse quence of tho operators' strike In somo cases they havo arrlvod threo and four hours bohind schodulo tlmo. Communi cation botweon stations whero tho striking operators havo been replaced by inex perienced men has boon carried on with tho greatest difficulty. It is said that the Granel Trunk operators nnd switchmou aro only waiting a favorablo moment to join tho meu on strike. THE STOKM AT WASHINGTON. Seven People Iteporteil Killed Near the Nittloiuil Cnpltnl. Washington', Oct. 1. lleports from the suburban towns about Washington show that great damago was dono by tho storm throughout tho surrounding country. At tho Cathollo university, Just outside tho city, tho now dormitory in process of con struction was tlomollshed. At Urook land, u few mllos out, tho town hall was partially tlestroyeel und many other build ings unroofod anil othorwiso damaged. The train sheds at Alexandria woro blown down, nnd tho dobrls is across tho tracks. In this city tho papal legation was un roofed and tho Chinese legation was dam aged about $1,500. lleports from Boclcvlllo, Mil., and other tinall places along tho Metropolitan branch of the Baltimore anil Ohio rail road show that tho storm elid a groat deal of damago, but no loss of llfo was re ported. Tho Episcopal church In Itock vlllo was eleinolishetl anil a treo fell upon tho Episcopal par.sunago, wrecking a por tion of It. Houses wero unroofed and trees blown down In all tho smaller towns outsldo of Washington. Great damage is reported In tho farming districts, where all grains lu stack or shocks havo boon 6troved over tho land. Many barns havo been blown down. All reports Indicate that tho storm was vory severe lrxovery direction outsldo of Washington. Tho White Houso was slightly injured by thostorm, a portion of tho copper roof ing being stripped oil and other damago dono. Tho most notable loss to tho build lug was that of tho tall flagstalf from which tho blgnal was given to tho city that tlio president was In town. In tho beauti ful grounds surrounding tho house tho damage sustained was harrowing to tho feelings of tho lovers of nature. No loss than twenty-flvo of tho splondlil trees woro completely leveled, whllo fully fifty of tho other trees are permanently dofacoil. There Is reason to fear that tho beauty of tho lawn is permanently Injured. Fully 5,000 of tho 75,000 trees in tho city nra destroyed. lutelllgeuco of the death of sovtu per sons as tho result of tho storm has roachcil this city. Dr. II. G. Shormau, of this city, cousin of Senator John Sherman, of Ohio, dloel of fright nt his country residence nt Olnoy, Md. Threo colored men, mimes unknown, were burned to death In a cabin at Washington gruovo, uhtmt twenty mllos from Washington. A tno blow over, elcmnllshlng the cabin and over turning tho lamp, which set lire to the place. Captain ftobort Cholsindltig, with his schooner Capitnl, having a crow of a white and a colored man, was oaught by a blow at fsandy Point, tlilrty-llvo mllo from Washington. Tho boat was over turned anil all throe wero drowneel. At Alexandria, V., the storm was rola; lively moro sovero tnnn in w asiinigtou. There wero four fatalities and three por- sons were more or loss injured. The dead nro: W. D. btevwrt, killed in bed by fall ing walls; Mr. Holt, a visitor from North Carolina, killed In bed; Tillman DUos, colored, and an unknown colored woman. The loss lu and around Alexandria Is es timated at &iu0,000. A special bulletin Issued by tho weather bureau states tuatlorouumtuuiothe wind reached thu fearful velocity of eighty miles an hour. SAVANNAH JIAIU.Y STltlCKKN, Klvvi-n I.tma Lout anil Nearly 611,000,000 Worth tif l'rojiei-ty ettroj twl SAVANSA11, Oct. 1. The hurricane that wept over Savannah Tueselay noon cost neiK-ly a dozen lives and unladed a flnan olul loss of nearly il,OU0,(XJU. Each report thnt la received Is vorv than at first. The following is a list of dead: J. AV. John- Eton, Captain C. E. Murray, of the tug Hubert Turner, und tho following, ull colored: Mary Waring, Eliza Ilentty Fanulo McFall, Uuby Williams, Julio Jackson, two deck hands of tho Hubert f urncr, an unknown man and an infant Hundreds of residences nro Injured, and jno most beautiful trees lu tho city are down. Tho loss to shipping will amount 10 over riuo.uuu. xno most serious casualty was tno capsizing in midstream of thii sa vannah river of Iho Norwegian bark Uo sonlus and lliWbutAl loss of tho tug Robert Tumor.' Jj-Z At imuisvvJeK Tourjiorsons wero cuiou BOWS? AuYJ Pavl'simV'-Jehjr Jofferson and baby, . FOR OFFENSIVE PARTISANSHIP. District Attorney In Virginia Itcslgns by llcqncst. WASItlNOTOK, Oct. 1. Whntovnr ilnnlit may havo existed as to tho cntirsn nf thn administration with rcforenco to tho on forcomont of tho rtilo against olllcers of tho gavorninont, especially those In any way connected with tho Judicial branch, nctlvoly engaging In political campaigns, was dissipated yostorday by tho action of Attornoy General Harmon in accepting tho resignation of Francis H. La?sltor, United stnt attorney for tho Eastern ells trict of Virginia. Complaints had reached tho ilepartmontof Justlcothat Mr. Lassltor was noting us chairman of a campaign commlttco and othorwiso taking a promi nent nnd active pnrt in tho practical poli tics of his district. In letters to Mr. Las Eltor Judgo Harmon says in part! "Whatever rulo may prevail In other departments It is woll settled In this, that there Is an Impropriety in olllcers llko you acting as committeemen to manago and conduct political campaigns. Tho reasons aro so manlfost that thoy should not re quire more than a moro suggestion, As United fatates attornoy you determine who to prosocuto nnd whom not to proso cuto. You conduct or roeommond the discontinuance of pniMJOutlons already commenced. You havo admission to tho grand Jury room, and indictments are found or rofusod largely upou your ofllco. Your political work necessarily brings yon in direct contact with pooplo of all clnssos, whoso assistance you sock to gain or whoso opposition you r-ook to overcome. It is Impossible for you to do and to havo dono tho work which dovolvos on mem bers of a campnlgn committee, ospeclally in tlmos of high feeling and great excite ment, without gathorlng a crop of friendly and unfrlondly feelings which, as common oxperiduco toachos, very often havo an unconscious iulluonco on thought and ac tion. It Is moro than likely that somo of tho persons with whom your political ac tion so brings you in contact will bo In volved in your f uturo olllclal action. s "Iho fact that you wore known as a man of actlvo political habits when you wero appointed is lrrolovant, becauso the ques tion now concerns your couduct while lu olllco. Tho knowledge of tho fact by tho pooplo of your district merely serves to cmphaslzo tho tlnngor and Impropriety of your carrying into political coutosts tho wolghtaud authority of your oulco." Grlp-Colils-IIcadache. Why sutler with Couchs. Colds and La Grippe whou Laxativo Uromo Quinine will cure you in ono day. Put up in tablets con venient for taking. Guaranteed to curo, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents. For sale by Klrlln's Pharmacy. Joseph ChainberVitn llomevwiril Hound. New York, Oct 1. Hon. Joseph Cham berlain, British colonial secretary, and his wlfo, formerly Miss Endicott, sailed for Europe yostorday on tho White Star line steamship Ucrmanlc. Sir. Chamberlain's name did not appear on tho passenger list of tho steamer. Mr. Chamberlain nrrlveil n this country four weeks ago. IJoforo his departure ho said that his trip had boon sololy for ploasuro ami to cunblo Mrs. Chamberlain to visit her relatives. Taken to an Asylum. NewYobk, Oct 1. Albert C. White head, otherwUo known as "John Mur phy," recently released from an English prison, was taken from IJellovuo huspital to tho Insane asylum at Amltyvllle, Long Island, today. Tho papers ileclaring Whitehead insane wero signed last ulght by Dr. Wellman, stato examiner for the Insanos llucklen's Arnica Salve. Tho best salvo in the world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhoum, fover sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or jo pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salo by A. Wasley. Ilepubllclins Will Support llreeklurldge. Fhankfof.t, Ky., Oct 1. Tho Republi can commlttco of the Seventh congres sional district neloptod a resolution against making any nomination for congress. This is duo to a fusion between tho Re publicans and gold Domocrnts to unite iu supporting W. C. P. Brockinrldgo for oongress. The Weather. For eastern Pennsylvania, Now Jersoy und Dolawaro: Fair; slightly eooler; west erly winds. NUGGETS OF NEWS. At Backsvlllo, Ky., Harry Altlson, a 14- year-old boy, stabbod and killed "BUI" Drnpor, at a political meeting. Tho mlno operators at Lcadville, Colo., aro building bullet proof stockades about their mines, nnd will omploy non-union labor. Becauso tho British government ennuot cxtradito Tynan, Kearnoy and Haluos, tho prosecution of Ivory, alias Bell, will bo abandoned. Colorado's second Republican conven tion nominated an Independeutstato ticket und declared for bimetallism through tho Ropiibllcan party. George Barnum, only brother of tho great showman, was murdered and robbed lu his lonely hut near Harrison, Mich. He was u pensioner aud a recluso. It doesn't matter much whether sick head ache, biliousness, ludirastlon aud constipa tion aro caused by neglect or by unavoidable clrcutnsutirtos ; IJeWHt s l.Ittlo liarly lasers win speeauy curo tnem an. u. it. uagcu buck. Serious Strike In llnlieuila. I'KAOrjE, Oet. 1. A serious strike is In progress throughout the coal regions of north Bohemia, duo to the incitement of nuarchlsts. A band of about fifty strikers has boeu marching from pit to pit at Breux. forcing tho miners to stop work, aud ut Ossegg and olsowhoro tho strikers aro smashing windows or doing other danv acre, besides Intimidating tho minors. The managers of the mluos havo asked for military protection, JvwUll Quarter of Vet llurneil. TAKOlElt, Morocco, Oct 1. Tho Jewish quartor of Fez, tho principal city of the nmniro of Morocco, has been burnod and sovcral porsons have porlshed and many havo been fatally Injured. Vivo hundred of tho rosldonts of tho burning quarter wero oomnelled to fly In an unclail con. dltlon to tho country until tho llnmes wore nuonchod. It is estimated that thoro aro 10,000 Jews In Fez out of a total popula tion of 100,000. Theories uf cure may bo discussed at longth by physicians, but the sufferers want qu ck relief i and Ono Minute Cough Curo will give it to them. A safe cure for children. It is 'the only harmless remedy that produces immediate results." C. H. Ilagouhuch. WillNotiStaMiracles But It H. MILES' RESTORATIVE NERVINE cures nervous prostration. Not mi raculously, but scientifically, by first removing tho germs of disease, and then supplying healthy nervo food, increasing tho appetlto, helping digestion and strength ening tho entire system. Desperate cases require prolonged treatment as shown by that of Mrs. M. 11. Reed, of Delta, Iowa, who writes ! "As tho result of a lightning stroke, tho physicians said I had a light stroko of paralysis, ay limbs would all draw up. I Dr. Miles' wouict nave throbblnga in my chest that seemed unendurable. For threo months I could not sleep and tor threo weeks did not closo my eyes. I prayed for sleep, and Nervine Restores Health.... felt that If relief did not como I would 1 dead or insane. I took Dr. Miles' Rcsto tlvo Nervine and tho second night slept f hours and from that tlmo on my health, proved! slowly at first, but steadily surely. I took In all 40 bottles, and I c? express how grateful I am, for I perfectly well, and have taken no met for over four months." Or. Miles' is sold by druggists on guarantee th; bottle benefits or money refunded. Book on heart and nerves free. 1 Modlcal Co., Elkhart, Ind. 9CSCSOOC9OO0CO9OS9I CURED TO STAY CURED. Does This Mean Anything to You 7 If your truss don't hold you or Is causing pain, seo us at onco. It may savo you j eais ol suffering. Wo havo cured hundieds of people In Pennsylvania, andean refer you to patients cured in your own town. Our treatment is harmless and will not keep you from, your dally labor. Call and havo a talk with our doctor. It will cost you nothing. W'c guaran tee relief after the first treatment, and our prices are reasonable. The Dr. Miller Co., Philadelphia. Seo Our Doctor Kvery Tuesday at UNION HOUSE, Ashland,- Pa. POLITICAL CARDS. JlOU CHIEF BtntGcsa, PIERCE WALKER, Of the Fourth wnrd. Subject to CItltons imrty rules. VOTE FOR JOSEPH WYATT, Op Sitksasdoah, FOR REPRESENTATIVE, F"lrst District. VOTE FOR FRANK C. REESE, Or SnEXAKDOAn, FOR REGISTER. VOTE FOR HON. ELIAS DAVIS Or Deoad Mocktaix, -FOB County Treasure VOTE FOR 5 rter Op SniraAKUOAH, -FOIt- County T VOT' jemlan Beer. Harrys mo waits you at I ! S SALOON, I jjl and Coal Sts. i yi, ooers, porter and alel Choice temperance drinks I it. to hlro a safe and reliahla riving or for working purposes -Jy on hand ut reasonable rats. Is onsjlo East Centre street, ppssf f jn g'' fng railroad tairma. v (Qutusx. q . ' fW.l fU euiored.vr.'sarof til ostlinato places l .4"bl'1ln l? BruuavjlfV nt 8500,000. 1 'immtt I