The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 28, 1896, Image 1

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    Wu lrrA'lS fit
i m p i IH h mk u iiiinjK'iM in war
We have a bigger stock and a more complete line of fashionable
hats and gents' furnishing goods than ever heretofore, which are selling
at such remarkable prices, never before offered in an up-to-date line ot
fine goods. We also call special attention to our large assortment ot
gent's fine woolen underwear. Our line of HATS in all the leading
styles should be worn by all careful dressers. At the
Oil Cloths,
and . . .
Ae still have the 49c window
shades. Best value ever
Reduction in Wall
From 2-3 cents to 20 cents;
Accordingly. This stock
can enlarge my store.
Coine nt onco and take advantage of tho
rr lJ
i nomas n. snyuer, dealer w wall papeic
23 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Don't Take
The chances are 16 to i that
feeding new oats A great deal of
r musty and light in weight. We offer
I sound and heavy. The price may be
!'J rieht.
-One Car Choice
New Mackerel This season's catch White and Fat.
' Mixed Whole Spices for Pickling.
Fancy Creamery Butter. Fine Fresh Dairy Butter.
I'attect nam
Lunch Tongue and Chipped Beef.
Corned Beef
n 9 T"u..!t Tama Cfn t A r't
Good Laundry
Strictly Pure Kettle Rendered Iard.
Tl -VI 1 A 1- tt;
. , . rure uiu Appie
Our Spices are
, Our stock of Floor Oil Cloth and Linoleum is larger than ever. The
ntpt nntterns and lowest nrices. We invite attention to the larcest
lltock of RAO CARPETS we have
ISom 25 cents up.
Just Received.
$25 Upwards.
Window Shades,
and Covers.
North Main St.,
Shenandoah, Pa.
from 10 cents to 8 cents. All other grades
must bo disposed of at once, In order that I
These bargains wlllhoM good for a short time
you will make your horses sick by
new oats now in market are stained,
a car of white oats strictly old
a little higher but the quality is
Winter Wheat Middlings.
ana Tongue.
Shredded Codfish.
10 cents a can.
Tr Mnra b.irM iti
Soap 10 pieces for 25 cents.
v lnegar.
the Highest Grade and Strictly Pure.
ever had. All grades and prices
ii famous mm
Opinions on
The Former Preaches a Gold Sermon and
DiBpleases Borne of Ills Congregation.
Dr. Talmage Opposed to Politics
In the Pulpit.
New York, Sent. 23. ltov. Dr. Chnrlos
II. Pnrkhnrst slKtinllzod his return from
buropo to tho pulpit of Jludlson Squnro
Prosbytorlnu church yostordny by Munch
ing n. sermon on tho political situation.
Tho church was llllcd, n number of silver
men who disapproved of tho doctor's views
being In tho congregation. Somo of those
made uiiflatterlng comments on leaving
tho church nftor tho sermon. 'When tho
doctor was told of thoso comments ho ro-
'Thoro Is mora In this thing than tho
silver question, and somo Sunday In the
near future I am going to speak my mind
about tho troatniont of labor by capital. I
will not mlnco words, either.
Ono of tho visitors to tho church was
Treasurer William P. St. John, of tho
Democratic national committee.. Ho did
not wait to hear nil tho doctor had to say.
Mr. St. John Is ono of our duacons,
said Dr. Parkhurst after tho service.
Tho pronehcr led up to what ho had to
say about tho campaign by an argument
in which ho tried to show that it was lm
posslblo to mako anything without ma
terial and impossible to build a structure
without a good foundation. Among other
things ho said:
Wo are building forward Into tho
future without knowing what wo are
building upon, or knowing whether wo
nro building upon anything In particular
that contains in itself tho lndisponsililo
elements of permnnenco. Material com
moditlos in tho shapo of stocks and bonds,
products of tho soil and manufactures
havo tho samo intrlnsio valuo in tho United
States ns they had six months ago. Hut
tho idoa Is In tho air that all this is pres
cntly to bo dumped upon foundations too
fictitious to sustain themselves, a nd still
less to sustain tho enormous weight of our
national economies that it Is proposed to
plnco upon them.
"Thoro Is a feollng that thero nro eternal
principles that it Is proposed to mix with
mi alloy of chloily human invention, and
that this incoherent conglomeration is to
bd UKod in mortdrlng up underneath tho
torriilo weight of our national weal and
dostlny, and stocks go down. Of course
thoy go down, and they will continue to
go down till thoro Is restored tho convic
lion tnat tno government is to lw sot up
on a bottom that will not give.
"I am not hero to argue financial que
Hons, out tuo prosont situation in our
country is nn illustration on a portontioiis
scnlo of tho truth I nm trying to drive
homo that you cannot movo with vigor
nor strike with effect except as you feel on
tho instant tho overlaying fixity of tho
rock your foot is planted upon.
"National prosperity will como back
when confidence comes back, and conil
donco will return when tho nation gets its
feet out of tho quagmire and back to gran
lto. Traiilo not only, but all the" rotations
of our great communal life are conductod
on tho credit system, on a system of niu
tual confidence, and today that mutual
confidence docs not oxlst. That is the so-
crot of our disquiet. And attempts are
being made deliberately and in hot blood
to crush out all lingering remains of that
mutual confidonco, and such procodure I
daro to brand ou this nltarof God as thor
oughly falso to tho spirit of tho gospol
and nccursodly treasonable to our colloc
tlvo interests and national dostlny."
Ho Thinks l'olltkal Scrliioin Will lnijmlr
a Preacher's Uwef iilnetis.
WASniSfOTOX, Sept. 28. Itev. T. DoVt'itt
Tnlmago, in his sermon nt tho First Pros-
byterlan church yesterday, mado tho fol
lowing allusion to tho presidential cam
"During tho last six prosldontial elec
tions I havo been urged to ontcr tho po
litical arena, but I novcr havo and nover
will turn tho pulpit in which I preach Into
n political stump. Kvory minister must no
ns ho feels called on to do, and I will not
criticize him for doing what ho considers
his duty, but all tho political harangues
from pulpits lroiu now until tho 8d of
Novomber will not In all tho United States
chango ono vote, but will leavo many oars
stopped against anything that such clergy
men may utter tho rest of their llvos.
This statement was followed by a rcf-
cronco to tho depression now prevailing
throughout tho country, and ho said that
novcr within his memory had "so many
peoplo literally starved to doath as In tho
past row months." no believed the coun
try better off after overy crisis, and that
tho Almighty would settle tho controversy
between tho metals.
Missouri's rusloh Scheme. 1'crfecturi.
St. Louis, Sopt. 23. At n joint mooting
of tho state Democratic mid Populist com
mittees the plan of fusion as to tho na
tional olootoral tioket tnloptod by tho sub
committee was ratified. Hy this tho Dem
ocrats will havo thirteen olootoral nomi
nees and tho Populists four. Chairman
Cook, of tho Democratic stato central com
mittee, snya that this will insure Missouri
to tho Domocrats by a plurality of at loast
At Krpcliliikr A rendu Cafe.
Grand Army boan soup to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
Special Sleeting.
Tho Christian Ihidonvor Society of tho
M. K. church will hold a special meeting to
night foroito purposo of electing a dolegato
to tho county convention, which will shortly
convene at Fott6vil!o.
lleneflt l'ontpoiieil.
Tho benefit for Jamos Whalcn, of Yatos
vlllo, which was to havo taken placo on Wed
nesday, 30th Inst., has been postponod until
Tuesday, October 20th,
511m Horner's l'atliel'lo Suicide nt tlio Tlmo
Set for Hit Marriage.
VE9TJ11XSTKU, Md., Sept. US. Miss Cnr-
rio Hornor, daughter of Charles Horner,
of this place, committed stilrldo by means
of strychnine yesterday under peculiar
circumstances. She was to have been
married at 1 o'olock yesterday to William
Brook, a grocer. The license hud been
procured, trossenu arranged and every
thing was in readiness for tho nuptials.
Miss Horner had recently received some
intimation thut Urock did not Intend to
marry her, and procured by stealth from ,
n druggist enough strychnine to kill sov
ernl people.
About noon Hrock suggosted thnt they
tako n walk in tho remoter', and thoro in
formed hor, according to her father's
statement, thnt ho was not In n position
to marry her. Upon this sho complained
of nervousness, and wild sho wished to bo
nlono. Sho walkod to tho other end of
the cemotory, where she remained for flvo
minutes. At tho ond of that tlmo Brock
hoard a scream and rushed ovor In tho di
rection she had taken, only to find her in
convulsions, a stono's throw away. Sho
was romoved to her home, whero sho died
In twonty minutes.
Charlos Hornor, tho father of tho dend
girl, was so Incensed thnt he started in
quost of Brock, swearing to kill him, but
tho luttor by that tlmo had left town.
Irnnw orlcors' Hcutfold Foil.
Pottbtowx, I'a., Hept. 28. Uy tho fall
ing of a scaffold at tho plant of the War
wick Iron oompany, Peter Nsholl was se
verely Injured and three other mon lcs
seriously. Thoy wore repairing an engine,
and a htrgo pieco of iron fell on Scholl.
Slnljtii'il to Di-lltll by Iter MihIkuiiI.
PlIILADKU'HIA, Sept. '-'S. Mary Grlb
ley, agod 27 years, was stabbed to death
yostorday by hor husband, John, during a
Jealous quarrej. Ho was arrested. The
couplo havo had numerous quarrels for
somo time past.
Anntlmr l'reftlrfentiul Elector Iteili-ns.
IlAliltlsiit'HU, Sept. 2i Tho resignation
of Harry Alvan Hall, of Pittsburg, an
elector on tho Democratic ticket, was re
col vod at tho state department yesterday.
Tho executive committee states that tho
Democratic committee will probably meet
within tho noxt forty-eight hours to fill
tho vacancy and re.irr.mgo tho ticket, as
it has jltft boen discovered that thoro are
threo too many electors nominated by the
reco'ht stato convention. Tho certificates
must bo filed beforo tomorrow midnight,
in order to bo in tlmo for printing on tho
olllcinl ballot.
Killed In mi Italian Onnrrel.
WlLKbSHAHiii:, Pa., Hept. 28. During a
quarrel among a number of Italians nt
Yatcsvlllo Saturday night Joseph Tcmplo
was sUttAjud In tho nbdomen liy Mlchncl
Fesson. Ho died last night. Fossen was
Atllreen's Itlnltn Cafe.
Grand Army bean soup will bo served as
free lunch to-morrow morning. Plenty for
Meals served nt nil hours.
Held For Assault.
William Grimes and Charles and Frank
Smith wero arrested by Policeman I.ce and
Constablo llolin on Saturday on a cliurgo of
assault and battery mado by Michael N asser
and wero put under fllOO bail each, by Justice
Cardin. Wnsser says that ho and two men
went into a saloon on West Coal street to get
a drink; that tho threo accused men were in
tho plnco and without tho slightest- provoca
tion attacked Wasser and his friends with
chairs. Tllo prisoners simply denied all
knowledge of n fight.
If you want a fine wedding cake, let Otto
mako it for you.
Saloon l'iglit.
Last night between cloven and twelvo
o'clock Chief Tosli was called to tho saloon
of Felix liynkewicz, corner of White aud
Centre street, wliero a fight was in progress.
Maces and stones wero used freely, and ono
Stinty Vichskofsky was badly beaten. Ho
authorized tho nrrost of Joo Vichskofsky,
whom ho said did tho boating. Ho was taken
in custody by Chief Tosh and put under
?300 ball beforo Justice Cardin. Several cross
suits will follow.
To AVater Consumers.
Notico is hereby given to water consumers
that tho water will bo shut oil' to-night
(Monday) at 10 o'clock, sharp, aud will be
turned on again at 0:00 o'clock to-morrow
raorniug. This schedule will continue uutil
further notice. All sprinkling, pavo wash
ing, etc., must stop ut once.
A. 1). C.AW.K,
0-28-lt Chairman Water Committee.
The Itnth rillieral.
The funeral of Gustavo Iiuth, whose death
was recorded in these columns on Saturday,
will tako pluco to-morrow, services being held
In tho Kvangcllcal church, at llaruesvllle,
interment being mado nt that placo. Tho
Masonic Lodge of Tamaqua will havo eliargo
of tho funeral.
Democratic roosters and McKinley trum
pets, 10 cents, at llrumm's.
riipulUt Candidate.
Dr. Szlupas, of Scranton, a former resident
of town, on Saturday announced himself ns
a candidate for CongreM on the PnpulUt
ticket, lie will lieKiu to deliver lectures in
town during tho month of October.
Health KefMirU.
I.izzlo Flock, aged 1 year and 0 months,
388 North Catherine street, la sulltiilng from
diphtherctle croup.
A Mine. Inspector.
Mr. Walter S. Sheafer, of liottsvllle, was In
town to-day Inspecting tho properties of tlio
Sheafer estate.
Letters Granted.
Letters of administration wore granted to
John J. Cox on tlio ostato of F.llcu Cox, late
of Tumaqua, deceased.
Deeds ltecoriled.
From Jesse Heplcrct. ux. to Illdred towi
ship school district, lot ill Kldred township.
Ask your grocer for tho "Itoyal Patent'
flour, and tako no other brand. It is the best
flour mado.
He Was Duped by a Shrewd ani Tricky
Tho Trlcl: Discovered by the Appearance
of the Real Complainant The Justice
Now Has His Inning and Hold!
the Trickster for Trial.
Justico Cardin found hlnwlf In a predica
ment Saturday night and for an hour or two
lie was so hot under tho collar that it whs
not safe for anyone to stand before his desk
and misbehave. Tho cause of dlscomforturo
was tlio perpetration of n fraud by n man
who had been nriested and got tho case
settled by presenting n straw" prosecutor
beforo the Justice. The tik-k was such n
good one that it affords considerable amuse
ment nt tho expense of tho Justice, yet it
also furnishes a warning fur other dispensers
of justice.
It appenrs that one day last week ono of
tlio prominent Polish citizens of town was
arrested on a chargo of assault and lmttery
and put under ball by Justice Cardin for
trial, Anight or two after tlio man appeared
before Justice Cardin and ollered to pay tho
costs and settle tho suit. He was told that
no settlement could be mudo without the
consent ut the prosecutor. All right, 1 go
fetchin him," said tho man, who left tho
otlico without fuitber urging tlio matter,
About half nn hour later the man returned
with n companion who said be was willing to
withdraw the suit and lie signed tho Justice's
docket to clinch tlio bargain after tlio costs
wore paid. Tlio men left the office and tho
Justice thought no more of the ease until
Saturday night, when a third man entered
tlio office and asked, "Mr. Squire, when dat
case comin' up in court?" A few Interroga
tions and replies followed and then tlio
Justice exclaimed rather pettishly, "Why,
man, didn't you agreo to settle that case the
other night upon payment of the costs and
didn't you sign tho docket to thatctlect?
Tho impatience of the Justice changed to
staggering astonishment when tho calle
presented prouf that ho was the real prose
cutor In the caso nod thnt ho had not signed
anything of the kind. In fact, lio protested
ho had not seen tho prosecutorsinco tho nlgli
too caso was Instituted.
Forn time Justice Cnrdln hung between
doubt and despair, but after somo rcllectiou
ho saw n way out of tuo dilemma. Anothe
warrant was Ksucd and tlio man who had
paid tlio costs was taken Into custody on
charge of subordinating forgery. When tlio
accused appeared lie admitted that lie got
friend to impersonate tli,o real prosocntor in
ttie case, but ho laughingly ndded, Neve
mind, Mr. Squire, mo payin' moro costs now
aud settleln." Not tins time, said the Justice
and the trickster was put under $300 ball to
appear for trial at court on tlio second and
moro serious charge.
.justice (.arum says that he has so many
i-oiisii ami l.itnuanians neluro mm in cases
and, ns n rule, these people resemble eacl
other so much to or.o who is too busy to mako
a closo inspection that it was quite easy fu
him to bo deceived, but ill the future ho will
bo moro particular as to identification
peoplo in such affairs.
Apropos with tins caso tlio Justice lias in
hands a claim for collection of wages from
tho P. & It. C. & I. Co. On a recent pay day
a Polish woman applied at tho Maple Hill
colliery for the pay of a man employed there
biio said the man to whom tho pay was duo
was her husband, and that lio could not call
himself ou nccount of illness. In-ide l-'uio-man
McDonald gao licr the money. Since
that time a second woman has claimed tlio
pay, which amounts to J30. It now appears
that the latter is the wife of tlio man entitled
to the money and who was ill on tlio pay
day. It is believed that somo shrewd connec
tion, or neighbor, of tho family perpetrated
the trick, but tlio woman has not been lu
catedand Foreman McDonald is out of pocket.
Itlckerl'H Cale.
Our free lunch to-morrow morning will
consist of vegetable soup.
Trip to the Valley.
Tlio following party of townsmen enjoyed
a drivo through tho Catawlssa Valley yester-
ilny : Joseph and Peter Schoppe, W. J.
Stetlcr, William and John Lang, James
O'Hearn, W.J. Kvans, David Holvey, John
Fiscnliower and Adam Stutfenbergcr. Ono of
tlio party, an old teamster, surprised his com
panions by carrying straw to tlio horses after
a farmer had given him permission to help
himself to fodder. It was the result of
temporary absent-mindedness, but tho
teamster will be several your older beforo bis
friends get over tho mistake.
KendrU-k House Tree l.uiu-li.
Pen soup to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
Don't Care for tho 1'ollcc.
Joe Gustltisaud Anthony Viisnvnge wore
before Justice Curdin this morning, chnrged
by Joe Anderson witli nssnult and battery
and taking a prisoner from ids custody. An
derson cariies a black eye as a result of tlio
fracas. Ho swore that tlio accused mon mako
a practice of openly defying tlio police au
thorities aud encourago others to do like
wise. They wete put under bail for trial at
A new two-step is eageny waiuu ior uy j
musicians and dancers, wo nave a numoer
of new two-steps which will plone, nt
llrumm's Jewelry Store.
ltuy flood Clothing.
Our immense stock of clothing, hats and
caps, gents' furnishing goods, )um completely
overcrowded our store and iu order to make
room for our winter tock wo are selling nt
greatly reduced prices. We carry none but
the boat makes, Hnmmendough lire., of
Now York, of which every article sold is
warranted in quality and fit, Our children's
department is complete,
L. ItKFOWItlt,
Oue-Prioe Clothier,
U-2-tf No. 10 South Maiu Wreo.
Slight .Stalihlng.
Andrew Okus and John Oregoll fought
Saturday night and Okus stubbed Grogoll in
tho right hand witli a penknife. Ho was
arrested, but settled tho caso.
Flower Vases, Rose Bowls, Etc.
Also 20 New Patterns of
Floor Oil Cloth,
And very cheap for good quality.
8 S. Main Street.
Assembling of Clergjinen nt Win. renii
To-nmrroH An Interesting rrnginlu.
The Mahanoy Valley Ministerial Associa
tion will conveno in tlio Wm. Pelin Metho
dist Fniscoiinl church to-morrow, nt 10 a. m
. , ... J-.ll.. M "Tl.n
Tlio program win no as unions . y ..
Idenl Church," liovs. William n. .wcizig,
Henry (1. Main and Amos K. Crowcll. !-)
"Ministerial Success What and How
Achieved;" Itovs. Samuel C. Carter, John '
Wood, John W. Fryer and Frank Fox. i3
"Tlio Minister and Polities," Itovs. I. M
Gable, Alfred Heebner, A. D. Giost and John
I). Fox. (1) "Young People's Societies
Possibilities and Perils," Kevs. A. J. Amtlior,
C. P. Connelly, C. 12. Iladcllllb and A l
Giest. (IS) "Are Sormons Made, and How"'
Itcvs. John D. Fox, Amos A. Crowcll and ('.
P. Connelly. (0) "Vacation Camp Meeting
Experiences," ltov. I. M. Gablo, Alfred
Heebner nnd John D. Fox.
llreniian's New ltestauront.
Clam soup to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
Allen Daro Arrhes.
John A. Titman's gray gelding trotter, AIloi,
Dare, was brought to town Saturday in charge
of tlio colored groom who cared for tho hor-'
during its circuit of the tracks "down East
It is tho gelding's first visit hemj andltbo
peoplo who have called at tho U11J tP sea
him are unanimous in ndniiratToitfo&tl-
animal. Tlio Horse may go ivugioiui
burg nnd Iierwiek fairs. It w illUioartcU
hero for tho winter in charge ou
groom, who is much devoted tcj'T
Tako Laxative llromo quinino Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure
23 cents.
Ith-jcllst Injured.
Juhn Charles, of South Jardln street, met
with nn accident Saturday evening by the
saddlo of his bicyclo breaking whilo he was
coasting down tlio Locust mountain. His
face was pietty well bruised and lacerated,
but be was not injured as bad ns at first re
ported. Want eil
At tlio Factory Slice Store, a number of boys
and girls to give out tickets for beautiful
decorated parlor lamps. tf
Twenty-four sheets of paper
and 3 1 envelopes to each box.
15, 20 and 25 Cents.
Per Box 25c,
We still hold the name of giv
ing the best quality goods for the
least money.
F.J. Portz 8c Son.
Three Positive Facts.
Remember name and number.
6 South Alain Street.