The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 22, 1896, Image 4

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If not, do you want 0110? Wo liavo re
ceived a supply of pictures of both candidates
In colors, Riro 20x29 inches, worth 23 cents
each, Our price whllo thoy last 15 rents.
q. North Main
'Deed Acknowledged.
Tho following deeds wero acknowledged in
open court by Shcriir Scott :
From tho Shorill' to Daniol Gcrlict, pleco of
ground in Schuylkill Haven,
From tho Shcriir to A. J. Pilgrim pleco of
ground in Mlnersvlllo.
From tho Shorill' to li. Wollor, Jr., pioco of
ground in Ashland.
From tho Shcriir to Thomas Fullcn, pioco
of ground in Ashland.
From tho Shcriir to C. F. Kull, pioco of
ground in ABhland.
From tho Shcriir to Tamancnd It. nnd L.
Asso., piece of ground in Hush township.
You Will tii) Surprised
When you seo our ladies OSo dongola button
shoes. You'll pay f 1.60 in othor stores for
shoos no better.
Factouy Shoe Stows,
tf J. A. Moykii, Mutineer.
lutmno From Nervousness,
Henry Moog, who ten days ago camo from
Philadelphia to cook at tho Maysvillo cafe.
suddenly liocamo lniano last Saturday from
ncrvousnciand was taken to his homo yes
terday mori'ilng by relatives.
Cor. Main & Lloyd Sts.
Commencing Monday, Sept. 21st,
we add to our many new depart
ments a full stock of PAPER
PATTERNS, issued by the Mc
Call Campauy, of New York,
Paris and London.
BEST We offer the latest
fashions, the new October crea
tions of fashions, leading dicta
tors, at the uniform price of
10 and 15 cents each.
Positively No Higher,
There are no better Patterns.
Fashion mandates are not owned
by any high priced pattern com
pany ; just think of buying the
best and latest paper patterns for
Come to us for Fashion Sheets,
Bazaar Dress Maker, and the
leading dress maker journals.
Don't Forget This, only Ten or
Fifteen Cents for patterns -usually
charged 25 to 35 cents.
Watch our DAILY NOTES of
modem Dry Goods selling. Our
fall opening of Dress Goods,
Cloaks and Wraps will be au
event to be remembeied by our
thousands of friends.
& 20 East Oak Street.
fa pr. J.W. VanValzali's
Denlstrv In all Its Branches.
Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty, '-
caimess txiracnon.
Artificial Teeth Inserted. r
All Work Guaranteed,
No stairways
climb anymore.
5,000 BARS OF 2
j e. b. Foley, s
Attendnut In the Dispensary Department
Were llusy Yestenlny.
Yesterday tho nttondants In tho dispensary
of tho Miners' hospital at Fountain Sprlugi
wore unusually busy. Tho following wero
nmong tho lotig list of patients who applied
for relief: John Shcrmolskis, 20, Shonandoah,
laborer, Fast Hoar Itidgo, compound fracture
of index finger. Finger amputated ; John
Wilson, 31, Shnmokin, laborer, Sterling
colliery, chronic ulcer of right foot. His
heel was almost torn on four months ago;
Charles Shonofski, 35, Win. 1'enn, minor,
Win. l'cnn colliory, Rbecss of llttlo finger of
left hand duo to cut from falling coal: John
Dunlgan, 2."i, Mt. Carmcl, miner, Alaska
colliory. Foreign body removed from throat;
Italph Itomaka, 43, Shenandoah, laborer,
I'acker No. 3, ulcer of kneo duo to injury re
ceived Bomo timo ago ; Edward I'rovoot, 43,
Locust Dalo, minor, Alaska colliery, Injury
right hand ; Otto Donnth, 0, Ashland Fcliool
boy, foreign body removed from tho ear;
Aleck SkollavlM, 20, Shenandoah, miner,
Maplo Hill colliery, sprain of back, duo to
heavy lifting: William McOuiro, 22, Shenan
doah, laborer, West Shonandoah colliery,
sovero sprain of wrist, duo to n fall; John
Conway, 30, Lost Creek, miner, Tacker No.
2, coal removed from eyo; John Wilson, 11,
Ashland, school boy, lacerated wound of
wrist: Klraor Lewis, 50, Shenandoah, flro
boss, Indian Hldgo, suffering from abscess of
back, result of a blow received somo timo
ago; Frank Czlzowski, 25,. Shonandoah,
miner, East Iloar Itidgo colliory, suffering
from lacerated wound of left index linger,
result of fall of coal; James Holtzman, 23,
Mahanoy City, loader, Prlmroso colliery.
suffering from an injury recoived atLakosido
last Saturday a wcok. Ho received a con
tusion of back by coming in contact with a
bicycle; Josso Wyatt, 35, Park l'lace,
machinist, Iark l'laco colliory, foreign body
removed from oyo; ltccso Llewellyn, 13,
llorea, school hoy, ulcer of tho thumb caused
by an exploding dualin cup thrco weoks ago.
Tho following victims of accidents wore
admitted to the wards of tho Institution yes
terday : John Itokus, 31, Win. l'cnn, laborer,
Packer No. 3, severe contusion of tho side.
duo to fall of coal ; Thomas Kramer, 13, Mali
anoy City, slatcpickcr, Locust Valloy colliory,
dislocation of tho olLow joint ; Adam Wilcus,
25, Shenandoah, laborer, St. Nicholas colliory,
sovero contusions of back ; I'etor Mitulus, 38,
Win. l'cnn, miner, lacerated wounds of tho
scalp, faco and neck, with severe contusion
of back. Slippod down a manway ; David
Lucklnbill, 18, Mahanoy City, carpenter,
Mahanoy City jig houso, suffering from
simplo fracture of thigh, duo to a fall.
Buy tho wedding ring at Ilrumm's.
Thrco 1'uueriilR.
Tho funeral of Mrs. AutiallarbaraTcmplin
took pluco this afternoon, at ono o'clock,
from tho residence of her son, William H.
Templln, on North Catherine street. Services
were held in tho Evangelical (Icrman
Lutheran church, on West Cherry street,
Itov. John Oruhler, tho raster, officiating.
Interment was mado In tho Odd Fellows'
cometory. Tho nttendanco was largo. Tho
following gentlemen were tho pall bearers :
Houjamln IScacher, John Ilunn, William
Ilrown, Morris Wurni, Henry Warnick,
Georgo Cnrbcl.
Tho funeral of Theresa, daughter of Albert
Smith, outsido foreman at tho Indian Itidgo
colliery, took placo at 0 o'clock this morning
from tho family residence, on North Jardiu
street. Services woro held in tho German
Catholic church and jntcrmout was mado
in tho Annunciation cemetery.
The funeral of Alvin Itlchard, son of
Harry and May liowso, of South Jardiu
street, also took placo to-day. Services were
held at tho family resilience and tho remains
wero interred in tho Odd Fellows' cemetery.
Poison Ivy, insect bites, bruises, scalds,
burns, aro ijuickly cured by DuWitt's Witch
Httjel Salvo, tho great pile cure. C. II.
Howard of S3IKI (Mr,-red.
John Armstrong nnd Ike Johnson, tho
latter colored, who wero arrested last week
at Hazloton and committed to tho Schuylkill
county prison, charged with being implicated
in tho murder of "Monk" Clay at tho Or
wigsburg fair grounds, wero given a hearing
yesterday and released on f500 ball oach to
appear as witnesses when wanted. There
was not sullicieut evidence to hold them.
James Hogau is thought to bo the murderer,
and tho Schuylkill County Commissioners
havo offered a reward of 200 for his arrest.
Children's Coats.
Our coat stock has arrived and is now dis
played in our coat rooms. We can demon
strate to you that our knowledge in buying
outer garments has tho approval of tho
buying public. All perfect fitting, With
reasonable pneea.
XI. F. Gill.
Fllm-rhimers ut Work.
A gang of lllm-llamers nront work in the
town and tho pcoplonro warned against them.
Ono worked tho gamo to tho extent of ?5.85
in Councilman Magarglo's store, on Hast
Centre street, during Mr. Magarglo's nbsenco.
Circumstances point to tho Joo Kclscr gang
and tho Councilman Is on tho war path. He
says ho Is willing to pay a liberal reward for
evidence. An sffectivo war against tho
crooks of town seems imminent.
to cum: a coi.ii in osi: day
Tako Laxatlvo Brorao Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund tho money if it falls to euro.
25 cents.
ltcpulrliitf tho Damage.
Lehigh Valley Carpenter Foreman Edward
Dcpew, of Delano, has his furco busily en
gaged repairing tho damage created liy tho
recent bombardment of hail. Tho time of the
mechanics is so far occupied in replacing
broken windows. It will tako over 300 boxes
of glass to repair tho Delano shops and
HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Ills,
Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache.
A. plcas-nt laxative. All Druggists.
ItUTinp's Visitation.
Nest Sunday afternoon Itov. Father Mc
Qovorn, Bishop of tho dloceso of Harrishurg,
will couflrin a largo class of catechumens in
tho Slavish Catholic church on West Second
street. Tho church is a prosperous ono under
tho care of Itov. rather Bella, of Shamokin,
On Sunday morning Bishop McGovcni will
bo at Shamokin.
Hownru of Counterfeit 1111U,
Tho United States secret servico officials
aro quietly advising merchants and others to
watch tho f 10 bills that pass to them. Tho
counterfeiters are unloading a batch of these
bills all over the country, Tho Martha
Washington and Stanton f 1, and tho Wludom
and HcPhcrson ?2 silver certificates aro
being raised to f 10.
ilV. JComlg Will Trench.
IieVlval sorvicos will bo held in tho Calvary
Baptist church, on South Jardin street, this
evening, whou Itov. ltomlg, of the Evan
gdlical church, will occupy tho pulpit. Tlieso
services aro being well attended, and every-
liody hj invited.
1'ot l'ourrl nf Kvonts Jn tho Neighboring
Mahanoy City, Sept. 22, James Mcnglo
and Milton Wagner, who left hero nt 4 o'clock
yesterday morning for a trip to Washington
and other points south on their blcyclos, ar
rived at JInrrismirg nt 2 0 clock yesterday
aftornoon with 105 miles to their credit.
Work on Hcrskcr's opera houso is being
pushed day and night and tho opening will
positively take placo on tiro date promisod
Octobor 15th.
Tho Citizens' band will tmako a trip over
tho Schuylkill Traction II1J0 to Ashland and
Shenandoah to-night to advortlso its excur
sion. A proposition is being mado to havo an
other road race over tho Delano course to
sottlo tho many claims to local champion
ships which tho Lakosido races failed to
sottlo. A proposition to build n, three-lap
bicyclo track is also being discussed.
Congressman Ilrumm will speak from tho
porch of tho Mansion Houso to-night. If tho
weather is unfavorable the speech will bo
mado in Armory hall. After tho meeting
there will ho a reception in tho Young Men's
Republican Club rooms.
Thomas Lntwistlo and Charles Bausoman
havo replaced tho drilling machine used in
sinking near tho cemetery for water for tho
rrimroso colliory. This timo tho drill is
placed 280 feet further up tho mountain to
escape tho coal bed. If water is secured it
will bo convoyed across tho valley to the
colliery by plpo lino. v
Prof. W. N. Ehrhart, principal of the
schools hero, has mado quite a number of
changes slnco ho assumed charge, and nmong
tlicm is tho formation of it local teachers'
institute, which meets ovcry Monday. Those
institute have not been held hero for a
numbor of years, nnd aro conducted on tho
same plan as thoso in Shenandoah.
John L, Williams, superintendent for tho
Union Coal Company at Shamokin and Mt.
Carmol, was a town visitor yesterday.
Mrs. Hattio Chadwick and daughter,
Esther, havo gono to Trenton, N. J., to visit
Frederick E. Drinker lias tendered his
resignation as reporter for tho Dally Nows.
Tho resignation takes effect with tho close of
this week.
Charles HookB, of Pottsvillo, is visiting
friends in town.
M. F. Lally has boon appointed to succeed
John Creary as ono of tho local assistant
superintendents for tho Prudential Insurauco
I'. J. Dovcrs, tho barber, transacted busi
ness in Philadelphia yestorday.
M. M. Burko, Esq., was attending to pro
fessional business in Sunbury to-day.
John C. Kline, of Ashloy, who spent a
week in town with his parents, returned to
his homo to-day.
11. L. Whitclock, tho shoo dealer, is trans
acting business in Heading and Philadelphia
C. L. Fay, a former town laundryman, now
of Hazlcton, was a town visitor yesterday.
William cale, Sr., of Philadelphia, a for
mer town resident, is greeting acquaintances
Mrs. Evan J. Davies, of North Jardin street,
was called to Pottsvillo yesterday through
tho illness of her hrothor-in-law, Thomas
Miss Nora Murray, of Iowa, is tho guest of
acquaintances in town.
Miss Jessie Grant, of West Oak street, spent
tho day in Pottsvillo.
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Gilbert, wero suddenly
called to Hazloton by tho serious illness of
tho latter s mother.
Thomas Boll left for Bethlehem to-day, to
reumo his studies at Lehigh University.
Mrs. Comely, of Mahanoy City, was tho
gtiost of town fricuds yesterday.
John West, of West Oak itrect, is doing
jury duty at Pottsvillo this week.
Miss Lizzlo Kaufman, of Ashland, spent a
few hours In town last evening, tho guest of
tho Lewis family, on West Cherry street.
ICyo lladly lidurcd.
Thomas Price, living with his parents at
430 East Water street, Mahanoy City, met
with a serious injury this morning. While on
his way to work in company with a
number of companions about his ago, and
in a playful sculllc, tho lid of his
dinner can camo off. In an endeavor to se
cure tho same from a companion, tho sharp
point of tho lid was pushed against Price's
cyo.cutting the eyelid severely. Dr. Hannah
Watkms was called in and soveral stitches
were necessary. Tho oyo protrudes from tho
socket, and presents a ghastly sight. It will
require tho best of care to savo his sight.
Death nt Mrs. l'timell.
Mrs. Mary Purnoll, of Mahanoy City, died
at her residence, on East Centre street, this
afternoon, aftor four months Illness. Tho
causo of death was duo to malignant ulcera
tion. Tho deceased was tho wife of Daniel
Purncll, tho well known clothier of that
town. Tho family formerly resided in
Girardvillo. Tho funeral will take placo on
Friday afternoon, interment being mado at
Sort lees nt tho 31. V. Church.
Tho revival Bervicos in tho Methodist
Episcopal church still continue to attract
largo attendance. This evening Iiev. I. M.
Gable, pastor of tho Methodist church at
Mahanoy City, will occupy tho pulpit. Every
body invited to attend.
r.Tfor over i .'t-
f ALL NATlom
oi wauiouuicr
II IE U L0 1VI I 1 V ft VI dj '
v proscnuoa oy enunenicnyElciiiiis! jo,
fab A MAimfl "31
flnlw rrnnnlnn with Trddt Mnrfc Anrtinp " B
IK Ad.ltlchtiriCo.,21Dl'earlSt., Nciy York,
B S3 & CO els. Eailsrted & rocummtutka fcy
B. A Wnrliy, 100 North Main Bhc-tt,
H u. il JlngcnOucli, lot I.
.... w.
1 nn Rlrurrmn
B. u;.5;,.-y"iiP--.?,r?P"l'lpl1 t'n'pininin-
Carpets, Oil Cloths
aid Window Shades,
Juvt received at
Horso Sale nt 1'ottsTllle, I'n., nn Tliurs-
lny Next.
Waldron, tho great Canadian horso shipper.
arrived at Pottsvillo Saturday with a stock of
lino horses of all descriptions. Thoy wero
taken to tho stock yards stablos, where thoy
will ho sold noxt Thursday, nt public auction.
Every one in this part of tho stato
knows how Waldron conducts a salo. Ho
sells them. When n horso enters tho ring ho
must liml a new owner before ho leaves it
Waldron does not wasto any time In soiling
them. If n horso is worth f200 nnd only ?25
Is bid on it, it will havo to go, just tho satno.
That is what Waldron calls an auction, and
anything clso is a mock auction; and ho does
not hold mock auctions for this lot of horses.
You can't help but get suited, for there are
all kinds to select from. There aro somo fino
looking dray teams; nlso somo fino dapplo
gray tenms; as lino as over shipped to this
part. In fact there are horses to suit every
ono. It will pay tho people in this part to
attend this big salo, ns it is only a Short way
there, and if you nro. In need of a horso you
are sure to return with ono. Don't forget
tho placo Mock lards Stables, Pottsvillo.
Date : Noxt Thursday, at 1 o'clock p. m.,
promptly, rain or shine. 0-21-3t
Coal ornaments at Brumm's jowolry store.
Allcntown Fair.
Tho Ashland Band will glvo nn excursion
to Allcntown Fair, over tho P. & It. road, on
September 21th. Train lcavos Shonandoah
at 5:25 a. m arrives at Allcntown at 8:30.
and leaves on return at 7:15 p. m. Faro for
round trip, 51.50. o-10-3t
MANLKY. At Shonnmlnah, I'n., on Sept. 21ct,
1890, Bessie, wlfo of John Mnnly, nged GS
years. The relatives and frlcndsof tho fumlly
are respectfully invited to attend the funeral,
on Thursday morning, nt 10 o'clock, from the
lamuy residence, oo wcfci -ncrry street.
Itcrpilem high mass at Annunciation church.
Interment hi Annunciation cemetery 2t
The Largest
Stock of
Dry Goods in
Schuylkill County.
Never before in the history of
this store has there been such a
magnificent display of fancy dry
goods. It is hard to find so many
beautiful designs chosen from the
dainty creations of the weavers' art
in this and other countries, as you
will find here. This is the store
of the people and their apprecia
tion of fair and square dealing is
shown by the liberal patronage
they extend it. We are much
gratified at the admiration our
selections receive and will endeavor
to always keep this large and popu
lar dry goods house up to the high
Standard it has so successfully
maintained since its establishment
twenty-one years ago.
Novelty dress goods were never
so attractive and, quality con
sidered, never so cheap. We have
them in many designs, most of
which we have exclusive control of
for this market, and would be
pleased to have you inspect them.
The prices are 25c, 40c, 50c, 70c,
75c, $1.00, Si. 50 and S1.75 per
We are enabled to show you a
larger line of all kinds of fine dress
goods than any other house in the
county. 38 inch serges, all wool,
extra quality, 25c per yard; 50
inch serges, 40c ; better quality,
50c to 75c per yard.
The fashion sheet of Butterick
patterns, free of charge. The
Delineator and Metropolitan cata
logues are now ready and show
many beautiful designs particularly
well adapted for making up the
many choice fabrics we have to
show you. The Delineator, in
addition to its superb new colored
lithograph plates of dress modes
and millinery, contains a great deal
of information, and is full of all
sorts of good things. Subscribe
for it. You won t miss the dollar
it costs you for a year, but you will
miss much, very much, if you are
unfortunate enough to let one
number escape you. A full line of
liuttenck patterns, the recognized
standard of the worldj always in
....27 N. Main St.
TJIOH HALE. IIousclioM furniture, including
' parlor, hedroom and kitchen furnishings,
Must ho sold fit on c. Chen p. Apply to Mrs,
John S. Marshall, 127 S. Jardiu etrtet. tMG-lw
TV)It 8AUC Btoronnd dwelling, with eleven
X1 room, nt Alt. Cannel, l'a. Suitable or
store or saloon. For further Information call
on or address, Charley Dleti, South Oak street,
Mt. Carniel, I'n. 9-16-lw
FOH HAIJi A heoonddiand square piano,
Apply nt Williams & Sou, furniture ant
music storo.
FOll SALE. Ono of tho bst paying lumber
ynnla In Shenandoah, Centrally located.
teams, will be sold at u reasonable figure. For
further information call on J. W, Johnson,
TOTICK. I will pay 850 per month to any re
1 Bpoifalhle party who will hoard my team of
trottlntf mares until my return from California,
about April 1, 18V7, ami as 1 do not care to pay
board for 11 horses, I will sacrlflco my handsome
Kentucky trotting horse, Harry Medium, by
Happy Medium, 0 years old, ia hands high,
weight 1075 lbs. j perfectly sound anil safe for
lady to drive; fearless of all objects, steam or
trolley cars, and will now be warranted to trot
in 2.25. or no salo ; prlco 875 cosh, and will only
he sold at this low figure to a reliable party who
will board my mares and give them good caro
and attention until my return. For further
particulars call or telegraph to residence, 809 N,
15th 8t., Philadelphia. William Detwileu.
i, s. Would like mares to go to country.
skill , h.
I It I l I U . I
Ve shall do the great-
est shoe business this g
fall that has ever
been dbne in this
town. Liberal treat
mentand big values
has built up this im-
mense trade in just a g
year. No fake re- in
duction sales. Noth-
ing but the Factory jE
Price, and that is the t
lowest possible price i:
to be had.
The shoe we show :
to-day is one of the g
most comfortable you 8;
canwear. In regular
stores the price is
$1.50 to $2.00, but ji
the Factory Price is
$1.25. Every cus- g
tomer gets tickets for
the amount of their g
purchase and when
they have $25 worth E
we give one of those S
! beautifully painted
1 LAMPS. .
you see in our win
dow. For liberality JE:
and big value, the
Factory Store stands gr
Yours Shoely, gE
1 J.
Feed, &c.,
At lowest cash prices.
i20a S. Jardin St.
By Purchasing Your
Groceries, Smoked Meats,
Flour and Feed at
Meluskey & Son,
10S S. Main St.
2 g
2 8
1 Unless.... 1
1 All Signs
iFall- I
Go to tho Shenandoah Bontnl Rooms for
painless extraction of teeth. Gold nnd Silver
fillings. If your nrtlficnl teeth do not suit
you call to see us. All examinations free
Wo mako all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns,
Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown
and Hrldso work and all operations that pcr
Uiln to Dental Surgery.
No chargos for extracting when plates oro'
ordered. Wo aro tho only users of vitalized
air for tho painless extraction of teeth.
Dental : Rooms,
(Tilman'a Block)
East Centre Straat
OQloo Iloura: T a. m. to 8 p. m.
Beauty Unrolled
To tho admiring goM) of tlioao wlio have a trate
forronlly fino wall paper Is tho dlnplny ofnew
wall paper wrlnkleB we liave jtiBtre.elvecl.You
can find any color or pattern you want or year
ball, bed room, parlor, dining room, kltchcrrc-r
cafe, from 5o up to f3 per roll. Fine artistic
papers a specialty.
House, sign and Decorative Painting.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Estimates cheer
fully furnished. Send postal.!
E31 V. Centre St.v Shenandoah, Pa.
riaoo Vcmr Orders Now.
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, a.,
West Coal Street.
Edward H. Spade,
Work guaranteed and
Wholesale and Retail
Liquor Dealer.
Cigars, Tobacco, &c. Agent for Hooding
Brewing Co.'s Beer and Porter.
11 and 11S S. Main St
Wanted-An Idea
Protect your Ideas, ther may bring you weoltn.
Write JOHN WEUDEllIiORN & CO., Patent Attor
neys, Washington, V. C, for their Sl.fuu prUo oner
sad list of tuo hundreJ InTeutlous wanted.
Fine. Groceries,
Butter and Eggs,
Flour and Feed.
Our delivery wagon awaits your order, Goods
delivered promptly
26 East Centre Street,
Evan J. Davies,
Undertaking !
13 N. Jardin Street.