1 EVENING HERALD ixTAin.isiii:i 1870. Published every Evening, Except Sunday, at 8 Bourn Jnui! HTra.-rr, Nr.AU Cestsb. The Herald ii dcilrrtrd InHliermndoRh and tho surrounding towns for six cent a week, pay able to tho carrier. ily mall (3.00 a year, or 23 cents n month, payable In advance. Advertise ments charged according tn ppaeo and position. Tho publishers reserve tho right to change the riosltlon ol advertisements whenever tho pul Icotlon of news demands It. Tho right Is reserved to reject nny advertisement, whether paid for or not. that the publishers may deem Improper. Advertising rate made known upon application. Entered at tho powtofllco at Shenandoah, Pa., as eooond class mall matter. TKLKI'HONl! CONNECTION. Evening Herald TUESDAY. SEITEMnnit 22, 1800. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL TICKET. fob I'limitinsT, WILLIAM M'KINI.KY, Of Ohio, ron vice rnnsninxT, OAItttirr A. IIOIlAItT, Of New JerBev. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. KOB"oOKll!llJUK.AT-LAll(!II, GALCSIIA A. OUOW, Of Sus'iuchnrina. HAMUKL A. llAVENPOKT. Of llo jnrfiiusoN's itrr.i: roit a coin- Alii-, ItATIO Tim proportion between tho values of (-old mill silver Is n M nllCANTIM! l'ltOHI.UM altogether, .lust prlnrl. pies will lead us to disregard tho legal proposition, 1o Inquire Into tbn lnnr lift prlco of gold In the scleral eoun trles with which wo shall probably bo connected In commerce, nnd TAKE AX AVi:lt.(!i: from them." Tnnni-: is quito a diUorrnce hutween a moralist and a financier. Tho taxpayers of Shenandoah, and many of tho business men of tho borough, realize this to their sorrow. "Hjuiiy" IjIjWaudh is still chairman and Mr. ilrumm remains a candidato on tho Itopublican ticket. Wo note this fact for tho benefit of some of our contemporaries who npponr to think tho "war is still on." Tin: first brick in tho construction of tho now county hospital at tho alrashouso whs laii yoiteiday amid much ceremony. There is no question but that tho new addition is sadly needed for the proper cato of the county poor. A uuui'UNlxo gloom seems to bo settling on tho heart of Mr. llryan, and ho is looking in every diioctlou for coiiholation. llo finds it in tho reflection that whllo ho may not carry a singlo state, ho is still tho proud "nominee of three conventions." Tin; Democratic candidate for tho Logisla turoin tills district iswiidto bo in favor of creating the oilico of county detcctlvo with a salary attached. Mr. Uritllths will find that the taxpayers of tho county aro opposed to creating any more political sinecures for back-number politicians. Thi: anthracite coal trade is quiet, and thcru is said to bo very little business at tho September prices. Tho collieries aro con tinucil ou short time, and tho markets aro absorbing most of tho newly mined coal ou orders previously placed. from this time on the coal trade is expected to keep fairly active, as tho weather grows colder tho con sumption of coal will necessarily incioaso. Watmik SiiF.riii:iu is the Democratic can didato for Congiess in this district. Mr. Shepheid belicvis his party is pursuing policy that is inimical to tho welfare of tho people, (see his vote at the Allentown con vention) but he will run on a free silver platform, all the same. Mr. Shepherd'; position will contribute not a little to tho Itepublicun majority that Schuylkill county will roll up In November. Wo still think Watson Shepherd, and tho entire Democrat! ticket, will be defeated. Tin: fall trade is opening, and the iudlca- tious are business will show an improvement over that of tho papt year. The wise mer chant is already taking advantage of tho times and placing ills announcement before the public. In order to roach the buyers of Shenandoah it is necussuiy to use thoeolumii of tho Hi:i:am. It cannot be done through any other medium. We havo tho leaders, and tho people have confldcmo in an oh established paper, while the "mushroom1 publications arc hero to-day and gono to morrow. Our circulation books are open all. Tun free silverite will tell you that all th country needs is an abundance of money and then good times will follow. These men very well know that they are stating un un truth. Money is locked up in tho banks awaiting investment, and the only obstacles to a freo ciiculatlon of moiiey aro tho uproar and consoqucut distrust that thoso rcpud.a tlouUt have created. Thoio is ample money in tho United State for all business nocossi tie. Hut thero Is no confidence among thono who own it, and until this confidence is re stored by the defeat of tho Hryan ticket wo can expect little business activity i Biivan is now running for President on three illUbront platforms. Ouo, he says ho accepts. Ono of the others, tho party bear ing it says '1U "eeJ ,10t lll:tTl,t t the third, he has accepted, tho nomination and not the platform. A three-headed party usod to bo called a hydra-hiadod moustor This would probably bo u caso of three hooka on ono lino so as to try and cutcli fill tno nsn, A reading of tho three platforms would indlcato that he would havo so much to do If elected thut lio never could perform, and by ucceptlug tho voted ho becomes bound to represent the voters and the basis of each of tho threo platforms. Ho is running at a ratio of 8 to 1 on platforms, and 10 to 1 on silver, and everything el60 that nan bo won, and ho admits that tho net result to the public will be nil awful panic without tho interference or consent of any other natiou on earth. Tho IlKliALti has only been ablo to find ono sontouco uttered by Hryan that will throw light ou all thoso matters, and that wan In his Chicago speech, whoro he, with much eloquence said: "Hum down your cities," etc. Sintered for Tm cuty-tour Yearn. There U no use at all In people suHcrltiB from any throat airection whatuver, when speedy and permanent relief Is at hand. Mrs. I). A. hmitli, Jersey hhoro, Fa., writes: I had been troubled with cankered soro throat for tncuty-four yours, and Thompson's Diphtheria Curo did mo more good than nil tho others I tried and used. Tho saino medicine cured tho sore thro.its of my clill- rcn. Would not bo without it In tho I101160, under any circumstances." Sold at Klrllu's drug store at SO cents a bottle. POLITICAL TALK. Tho llttlo "unpleasantness" between tho county organization and Congressman Ilrumm has been fixed up. All that was necessary was for tho county seat papers to keep hands olf. The Itepublicans of Ircidcnshurg held a monster mooting last evening. McKlnley and Hobart clubs aro being formod in almost ovory town In tho connty. Shenandoah has not yet fallen in line, but thero is a movement on foot to organizo a club hero in the near future. Shepherd has not accepted the challcngo to a joint dbato with the llepubllcan nominee. Watson is shy, very shy. The Mahanoy City Itepubllcan club has completed all arrangements for a public meeting this ovcuiug. The committee was n consultation with Chairman Ldwards yes terday, and they extend a general invitation to all candidates to be present. Tho meeting is to be held in front of tho Mansion House. Tho (iermans aro enthusiastically in favor of McKlnley and sound money. Tho grand rally the first gun of tho cam paignat l'ottsvillo to-morrow evening, will jo addi-osscd by Congressman Quigg, of Now York; Congressman Ilrumm and ex-District Attorney Whitehouse, in tho Academy of Music. Mr. Oulgg is an ablo and llucut alkor, and is familiar witli the issues of tho campaign. Factory Inspector Campbell will stump tho county for the Itepublicun ticket. An ell'ort will bo made to induco Congress man l)ulgg to address an uudlcuco at Lavelle Fair on Thursday. Should tho effort provo successful tho New lork Congressman will sneak in this town on Thursday evening What llttlo dissatisfaction that existed hero at the beginning of tho campaign has been overcome. The Republicans of Shenandoah are united for the county ticket, from top to bottom. Shepherd is still wondering where he is at. Ilovtill know alter November 3rd. The Democrats of tlio county aro sadly in need of an organ to advocate the 111 to 1 idea. Wilhclm's silver voice is no longer heard along the by-ways. Arthur Sewall, Democratic candidate for Yice President, like Altgeld, writes his eontnicts with a cold clause. As we predicted, the silver cr.izo In this county is on tho wane. Who says the Republican factions aro not harmonious? Iliumm and Whitcliouso will speak from the same platform and drink from the same canteen to-morrow night at l'otts- ville. Sam. Losch is making sound money speeches in tho lower district, and advocating tho election of tho entire ticket, from Con gresbinau to Poor Director. "Joo" Wyatt's majority will bo larger this year than It was in 1681. Mark tho predic tion. L'llas Davis and Lmainiel Jeukyn are especial favorites among tliu workinginen Chairman Ldwards is Hooding the county with sound money literature. Still thoio a great demand here, tho supply being un equal to the demand. Frank Keese is making an active canvass, and is meeting with much encouragement wherever he goes. That staunch Democratic newspaper, the Minersvillo Free Press, is doing yeoman service for the Republican cause this fall And tlieie aro others. "Hoys will be boys," but you can't alford to lose unv uf them. He ready for tho green apple season by having DoWitt's Colic and cnoiora cure in too nuuso. u. 11. Aiagon ouch. Double Wedding. (iinirdville was the scene of a pretty wed ding ceremony to-day, when two youn, ladies of that plate were juincd iu wedlock at the same hour. Tho contracting parties were David Harnett, a prominent young business man of Philadelphia, and Miss Mary Scanlan: Michael McDonald, of Homes- ville, and Miss Hannah Scanlan. The young ladies aro sisters, and prominent in society circlcB In that town. Tho teieinuny was performed in St. Josoph's church. Mnnv u dav's work Is lost bv stck head eho. caused bv indigestion and stomach troubles. DoWitt's Little liirly Risers aro the mort effectual pill for overcoming such difficulties. U. II. Ilagenhiich. Lutherans for Temperance. At tho meeting of the Fast Pennsylvania Synod, now in eesion at Fasten, a resolution was adopted ou Saturday asking the Lutheran church to set itself uncompromisingly against the liquor tralllc, and setting aside tho fourth Sunday in November to bo observed as tern pemnto day. OI severest trial and tost provo In regard to Hood's Sarsaparilla igst, Greatest Merit ' U Secured by n peculiar Combina tion, Proportion and rrocess unknown to others which naturally and actually produces . Greatest Cures Shown by thousands ol honest, voluntary testimonials which naturally and actually produce 3d, Greatest Sales According to tho statements of druggists all over tho country. In these three points Hood's Sarsaparilla U peculiar to Itself. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best It Is the Ono True Blood Purifier. u i i-jjii are uio oniy puis loiaao riOOtl S FlIlS with II ood'n Sarsaparilla. PITHY POINTB. nppetilngfl Throughout the ltegton Chron icled for Hasty Perusal. Berries aro still being shipped from Haztt ton. Thero is talk of reorganizing the Citizens Hand of airurdvillo. A charter was granted to tho King lagclos Citizens' llencflclal Association, of Ollborton. John Ploppcrt was oxcuscd as a Juror, be- causo ho is now a resident of Northumber land county. A fantastic parado will take placo at Ash land to-morrow evening, by the wheelmen of mt town. A hog was cut in twain in tho Lehigh alley Railroad cut at the southern end of Main 6troet yostorday. A dlvorco was granted I rank Allison, of ort Carbon, from his wlfo Minnie ou tho grounds of adultery. Mrs. John P. Holl'inau died at her home in ottsvlllo yostorday, and tho funeral will take placo to-morrow afternoon. WinfieldS. D.ivis has been nppolnted Dis trict President of tho P. O. 9. of A. Camps iu tho Schuylkill-Columbia district. John Ilogan has been appointed conductor on the Schuylkill Traction Company cars, between Mahanoy City and Gllbcrton. Messrs. Grant Lcsslg nnd Joseph Ilurke left town on Saturday for llothlehcm, whero they will enter tho Lehigh Uulversity. Dr. Sliaclfer, Stato Siiperintoudont of ublle Instruction, has appointed Friday, October 23rd, as tho autumn Arbor Day. Michael Hradlcy, insido foreman at Llm- ood colliery, was called Saturday to tho bedsido of his father at Forcstvillc, who is lying seriously ill. Now that tho time has arrived for putting up stovos tho Hues and pipes should bo par ticularly examined, ns many fires originato from defectivo flues. The Weathcrly School Board havo ordored a oan of $0,000 for thirty days to stem them over until tho arrival of tho Stato appropria tion, their treasury being depleted. Tho Lorraine Social Club, of Pottsvillo, avo issued invitations to a number of town peoplo to attend their first monthly dance that takes place on Thursday evening, Octo ber 1. Tho Mahanoy City wheelmen will make a century run to Philadelphia on next Sunday. They will leavo thero at Ii o'clock in the Jnorning and expect to reach Reading at 10 clock. David Luckinbill, a P. A R. carpenter era- iloyed at tho Mahanoy City jig house, had Is left leg broken yesterday by the dasher of jig falling on it. At tho Church of Nativity ou Sunday, at Soutli Hethlohcm, Hishop Itulisou ordained tho Rev. J. 11. May, of Pottsvillo, to the priesthood. Rev. May was formerly connect ed with tho Reformed church. Oscar Kuipo, of Orwigsbnrg, tho fast yonn wheelman, has been suspended by tho I.. A. from entering amateur events. Tho chargo against him is that ho rodo a match raco which is a violation of tho lcaguo rules. Tho host Creek base bull team will givo a ilauce iu Ferguson's hall to-night. Tho Rurliers Protective Union will hold their regular meeting at It. J. Yost's barber shop to-night. Meeting will bo called to order at II p. m. Deeds Itecorded. A deed from Miners' nnd Laliorcrs' Saving uud Association to William W. Dorr, for two lots in Lavelle. Deed from John McOuigau to Mary Mc- Guigan, for lot In Minorsvillc. Deed from Frank Iiolich to Melinda Denglcr, for tract of land in Barry township. Marriage, T-In-nses. Alfred V. Richards, of Shenandoah, and Lizzie Wesner, of lit. Carinel. John H. Kabley and Rosa B. Hrubaker, both of Lofty. Joseph Uopko and Mary Bubna, both of Pottsvillo. George W. Roberts and Mary J. Fvans, both of St. Clair. James McGiuIcy and Katie McArdle, both of Mlddloport. It doesn't matter much whether sick head ache, biliousness, indigestion and constipa tion aro caused by neglect or by unavoidable circumstances ; DoWitt's Little Larly Risers win speetiuy cure uiem all. c. it. imgcn bucli. Major McWInlcy's Southern Stump. CaN'Ton', O . Sent. SJ-.'.-Miijor McKlnley rerelveil by ox press yesterday u finely pol ished anil embellished stump of i treo. It Is lntonili'il for uso in iliillvoiiiiR his front porch addresses, mill is (if n convenient height for that purpose. The stump was out by Jesse firm or, sheriff of Knoxvlllo, leun. Accompanying: tho stump was u letter which mid: "Tho loyal peoplo of east Ton nesseo lire Intonsoly in earnost in your Ixjhiilf In tno present national eon- tost, una Ijelnpdeslronsof linprussliifrthnt fact deeply uiul firmly on jour mind I havo Kant n token of mr devotion us ti people to the cntiso of p;ond Kuvorninent, which vim so amy mm llttingly represent. rMnco we cannot havo you on the stump in the south this fall, wo hope you will do us the honur to deliver your homo speeches lrom tho southern stump." Saved from the Gallows. Faiimvii.i.k, Va., Sept. !J. Tho caso of Mary Abonmthy which lias created so much Interest in tho statu (luring tho Inst fifteen months, was yesterday ended In Prince, Kdwnrd county court. Tho eom innnwonlth'ri attorney uskod that a nolle prosoiiii bo entered, which tho cgurt promptly prilerod. Mnry was twice sen tenced to death for complicity in tho murder of Mrs. Lucy Juno Pollard, In Lun enburg oounty, and each time had the verdict nguliist her set aside. Tried to lNilson the Stcnlllcl-'s Olllcurs. Lewi:s, Dul , Sept. -il. A cabin boy on tho htouniur Dul wieh, which arrived hero last night, mmlu an attempt Sunday oven Inu to poison the captain and ollleers of the vosrt'l liy placing red ochre In their coffee. 1 lie attempt was uUcuverod In time to prevent any gr.ive results, and the boy wan placed in irons. His murderous attempt wus mnde In rovongo for recent disciplining he had undergone for a for mer offense. fli-nth from lllf)c!o Accident. NKW Hltti.NSWICK, N. J , Sept. HI Bton Felter, who was Injured in a blqyclo accident on Friday afternoon, died Sun dny night of peritonitis. The boy, who wos 15 yoorB old, was "scorching" down Livingston avenno when ho ran into a buggy driven by Nollsou T. Pnrkor. Tho shaft penetrated tho boy's right breast breaking threo ribs and injuring ono of his lungs. Tho whole system is drained and under mined by indolent ulcers and open sores. DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo speedily heals them, It is tho best pilo curo kuoftii. C. II. llngcnbuch. When you want good roofing, plumbing gas fitting, or general tlnsmithlng dono call on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street Dealer ir. stc-ea X-tf NEEDLESS SUFFERING. Homos Evorywhoro Filled "With tho Wonk and Nervous. No Need to reel Tired nnd Irrltablo Knowledge, That You May Hover Havo l'osBnod. Feopic often havo pnla nnd snllow complexions, tho muscles aro weak anil tlaubyi thero Is a wenk, nervous feel Injr and a general tired and exhausted condition! tho appetlto is gono. Tho spirits! nro depressed! strength, energy and ambition nro lacking; tho sleep may bo disturbed, thero may bo neu ralgia and rheumatic pains. Id fact tho entlro system lacks vigor of norves and power of tho body. Thoso condi tions ariso from a disordered Btalo. of tho norves and blood. Whnt is needed is Dr. Greene's Ncrvura blood and ncrva remedy to build up tho wustcd, weak ened, diseased norves, and to give a supply of purer, richer blood. flf MISS E. UUKKK. Miss E. Burke, of Amoskeag, N. II., writes: "I was stricken-down with nervous prostration, and no one bu God knows what I suffered. "I was so nervous that the least lit tle thing would causo my heart to flut ter and palpitate. I was also troubled with suvero headache and dizziness, which unflttedmo for any mental work. "I took Dr. Greeno's Nervura blood and nerve remedy. Vhat a blessing it has proved to mo t I can truthfully say that I owe my present health to Dr. Greene's Nervurn, blood and nerve remedy. This wonderful medicine has done mo so much good, that I urgo othera to uso it and get well." This grand medicine transforms tho body from a weak, nlling, disordered condition into a strong and vigorous one. It is the prescription of tho grent specialist in nervous diseases, Dr.' Greene, of 35 W. 14th Street, New York City, who can bo consulted freo, personally or by letter. NUGGETS OF NEWS. William Mlltz, a Philadelphia palntor, died after cntlnp; a menl ou a table ou which ho had mixed pnlnts. General Hlnnco, governor of tho Philip pine islands, has disappeared, and It is supposed ho has boon mnnlered. Nearly 51,500.000 In silver dollnrs will bo coined lit tho 1'hlladolphln mint this month, in addition to about 830,000 of minor coins, John Hntchy, of Philadelphia, sot flro to his houso while Intoxicatod, endanger ing; the lives of his children, and is under ball for arson. Goorjro Flomlng, 40 yenrs old, a homo loss Gorman baker, wns discovered to bo afflicted with leprosy nt Bellevno hospi tal, New York. For aiding In fleecing tho Union Na tional bank of Now Orleans out of ?30,000, J. N. Wolfson, a prominent lawyer, was urrested Inst night. Grlp-CoIds-lIoadache. Why Buffer with Coughs, Colds and La Grippo when Laxative Bromo Qulnino will curo you in one day. Put up in tablets con venient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or monoy refunded. Price, 25 cents. For sale by Kirlln'g Pharmacy. ltussln, Japan nud Korea. Lokdox, Hept. 22. Tho Tlmos expresses tho lu'llef that Hussla nnd Japan havo agreed to join protectorate In Korea, Rus sia virtually tnklnsr tho position thero that China hold before tho war. Tho king of Korea will quit tho Husslun legation, whom ho hn been since tho assassination of tho prn-Jnpanoso ministers, and will return in triumph to tho p.ilnro This ar rangement, The Times assorts, will bo carried out simultaneously with Japnu's evacuation of Korea. "Ilussia," says Tho Tlmos, "thereby obtains a virtual ascend ancy In Korean affairs, leaving Japan only u nominal shnro In tho control." Don't tritlo away timo when you havo cholera morbus or diarrhoea. Fight them in the beginning with DoWitt's Colic ar.d Ciiolora Cure. You don't havo to wait for results, they aro Instantaneous, and it leaves tho bowols in healthy condition. C. II. llagcubuch; Indiana's Uilft th Her Xuiiienahe. Ni:w Yoiiii, Sept. 22. Governor Clnudo Matthuws and about sovonty-llvo promi nent citizens of Indiana went on board tho United Stntos battleship Indiana, lying oil Tompklnsvlllo, S. I., yosterday. Thny were welcomed by Captain Hobley D. Evans, tho ship's comninnder, and a salute of thirteen guns was fired in their honor. Tho purpura of tho visit was to present tho silver service nnd library that tho citizens of Indiana havo provided for tho craft, named In honor of tho state they represent, hpeeehos were mailo by Assist ant Secretary of tho Navy McArtoo, ex President Harrison and Captain Evans. l'nrty l)cfil(rnatlon lu Mansacliuicttn, Uostdx, Sept. 23. Colonol William M. Olin, bccrotary of stato of Massachusetts, has Just rendered a decision to tho effect that in this stato the nunies of electors of tho 1'iilnior uud Iluckuer tlckot cannot go on tho ballot under their titlo of "Na tional Domocratlo." Tho law soys in ef fect thnt in tho caso of nomination paper ciindldatos tho namo of tho party of vhlch tho nominating faction is u wing must precede and doscribo tho other word used in tho no mil. TO CUM! A COM IN ONK DAY Take Laxatlvo Bromo Quinlno Tablets. All druggists refund tho money If it fails to euro. 4 oeuts. V THE FALL OF D0NG0LA. Official Details of the Cnptnre of the llcrvlsli Stronghold. KL Hafih-ox-the-Nile, Sept. S3.--Tho following ofllclal details of tho capture of DongolA, the' dervish stronghold, have boon obtained. Tho gunboats engaged in tho capture of Dongola were tho T amnl, commanded by Hougemont, after Naval Commnntlcr Colvlllo was wounded ; Abon kler, commanded by Uentty, and Matom moh, commondod by Oldfleld. They ar rived hero Into in tho afternoon. Com mander Oentty, who assumed command of tho threo guns, reports as follows: "Wo arrived at Dongola early in tho morning nnd mndo fast to tho oast bank. Ily this time Colvlllo was nblo to rosumo command, and tho operations against Dongola began with bombarding It nt 800 yards range. Wo immediately porcolvod that Dongola was not defondod, and a forco was landed, which enpturod a quan tity of treasure, all tho dervish books and also sovon grain laden boats. "I was not ablo to soo tho oiToct of tho Dervish flro on tho gunboats. Tho Mo tommoh was struck by ono sholl which in jured her gun fittings and her boiler, breaking tho safety valve. Tho Dervishes' rlllo flro wus ossontlally good. Tho wooden parts of tho upper docks were simply rid dled nnd tho sldos of all tho gunboats ehowod hundreds of hits." Beatty rocolvod n bullot through his hel met and Armorer Hlchnrdson was wound ed in tho body. Ho has slnco diod. On board tho Tnnial Ave mon wore wounded, on tho Aboakler six men were wounded, and ono man was wounded on tho Meteni nieh. Commaudor Colvlllo is recovering rapidly. At tho tlmo Wad Blshara was'wounded- ho had just recolvod a lotter from tho khalifa nnd ordered out of his tent every body oxcopt tho mossongor who had brought It, and two blacks. Shortly af tor wards u shell from ono of tho gunboats burst In tho tent, killing tho messenger and tho blacks and wounding tho dorvlsh loader la tho chost und head. SIX PROBABLY DROWNED. They Started on a 1'lshlng- Trip nnd Nocr Cnmo Hack. Boston', Sept. 2'J. Tho twonfy-ono foot cntboat Hcbo, of Dorchester, with six men, started out for a Ashing trip Saturday morning, oxpcctlng to return Saturday night, but has not been hoard from. It is thought that tho boat was capsized nnd the men drowned during the severe squall on Saturday night. Tho missing men, nil of whom resldo In tho Dorchester district, are! John Gnnnon, mnrrlod; Michaol Ihirko and John Uurko, both single, and Martin J. Burks-, mnrrled, all threo broth ers; Patrick C. McCormnok nnd Honry Donnelly. Yesterday ther harbor pollco received a report that the sluglo mast of a small croft, ovldontly a yacht, was sticking nbovo wntor down back of Long Island. Mr. Cnultor, tho owner of tho Ilebo, bo llevcs that tho boat is lost and tho men drowned, as tho party had arranged to re turn Saturday night so that some of thorn might go to work. Used SownU'fl Noino Wlthutit Authority. Bath, Mo.. Sept, S3. Mr. Arthur Sew all, Democratic candidato for vlco presi dent, has withdrawn from membership and presidency of tho American Merchant Marino association. Ho claims that soma of tho members hnvu trlod to precipitate tho association Into politics. Mr. Sowall's resignation Is brought about from tho fact that Secretary A. Smith.of tho associa tion, has sent out circulars npponliug to tho voters to support McKinloy and Ho bart because tho Republican platform favors discriminating duties for tho pro tection of Amorlcnn shipping. Tho cir cular is hcndoil "Arthur Sewall, of Bath, Me, president." Mr. Sowall says tho uso of his name was unauthorized. Ifucklea's Arnica Salve. Tho best salvo in tho world for cnts, bruises, sores, nlccrs. salt rheum, fover sores. tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or jo pay required. It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price iso cents per nor. r or saio ov a. wasioy. Tnrks W"er ll-dy to Fight, Loxijon, ?ept. 22 Tho Berlin corre spondent of The Times quotes n Constan tinople dispatch to xne vosslscno vocitung from nn nnnsually well Informed corre spondent which Is said to havo ovaded the consorsnlp or tno nirKisn omciais. and which says: "LaBt Wednesday and Thursday everything was ready Tor n general massacre of Christians and n. bombardment or Constantinople 6nouiu tho Europoan warships nttompt to pass the Dardnnolles. Thoro were forty-eight guns placed In position on tho bolghts abovo Pern., and the Turkish llcot In the harbor- was cleared for action.' Thoories of cure may bo discusscdat length by physicians, but tho sufferers want quick relief : and Ono Minuto Couitli Curo will nivo it to them. A safo cure for children. It is tho only harmless remedy that produces Immediate results." U. II. tlagenbucli. Two Killed In a freight Wreck. MEADVII.L1!, IV, Popt 22. Two freight trains on the Krlo railroad collided In tho fog yostorduy and were badly wieckod. Kdwnrd Harris nnd M. K. Garlnnd, both of Knglowood. Ills., were caught In tho wreck and killed. They wero each about 20 years old nffd wore on their way homo nfter mi unsuccessful search tor employ ment Ufn Sentence Tor Abduetloo. Sax FIIANCISCO. Sept, 22 Oliver Wln throp was seutenccd to llfo Imprlsonmont for rubbory In connection with his nbdno tlnn of James Campbell, tho Hawaiian in lllonnlre, whom ho kept a prisoner throo days for a 20,000 runsoin. 1 House A f cleaning s IBon losd 0 a a terror, e 1 Ami worki "AAA done jxhe Modern Cleaner with 2 0 ease g ) in half S 5 s."is'- the time. J Child! Ii Childt, 1 New York. Almost Distracted ID YOU EVER suffer from real ner vousness? When every ncrvo seemed to quiver with a peculiar, creepy feeling, first in one placo, and then another and all seemed' finally to concentrate In a. writhing Jumble la tho brain, and you be como irritable, fretful and peevish; to be followed by an impotent, weakened condi tion of tho ncrvo centers, ringing In the cars, and sleepless, zMserablo nights ? rf AT life' Mrs. Eugene Searlcsr Nervine Restores Health hart, Ind., says: "Nor--vims troubles had made' ma nearly lnsano and physicians wero unabkv to help mo. My memory was almost gono and every llttlo thing worried mo until I was almost distracted. I really feared I was becoming a maniac I Imagined all sorts of ovll things and would cry over nothing. I commenced taking Dr. Miles' Rostoratlvo Nervlno and four bottles of this woudorf ul remedy completely cured mo, and I am as well now as 1 over was," Dr. Miles' Nervlno Is sold on guarantee, first bottlo will benefit or money refunded- ?00Aet4 iVJw.ii'!sS nallr cures cramps and all bow el c o m - plaints, mddtn ' colds, chills VViH' and La Grippe. Used externally it is the best lini- tnent in the world. Beware of J imitations, buy only the genuine made by Perry Davis. ,J,. POLITICAL CARDS. JJIOR CIIIEF BUItCinSS, PIERCE WALKER, Of tho Fourth wnrd. Subjoct to Citizens party rules. VOTE FOR JOSEPH WYATT,, OP SlIEXASDOAII, FOR REPRESENTATIVE, First District. VOTE FOR FRANK C. REESE, FOR REGISTER. VOTE FOR HON. ELIAS DAVIS Ov BaoAD MOV-TTAIST, -FOIi County Treasurer VOTE FOR GE0.F0LMER.Sr., Or SircKAsnoAii, -FOIt County Treasurer. VOTE FOR Harry Bradigan, Of BltEKASDOAU, von- PROTH0N0TARY A Handsomo Complexion Is one of the greateit charms a woman can poiscaa. I'ouom'a Ooui-uixiox l'owcuu gives It. mmm