The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 16, 1896, Image 2

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Published every livening, Except Sunday, n
8 Hocin Jxnnis Brma.T, NBAti CKKTitE.
The Hrrntil 1 ilcilvoi'tl liiHhcnnndoah nnd t'ie
surrounding towns fir six cent" n week, pay
Able tu the carrier". 1 1 v imill 83,00 5 yi nr.urK
cents n mouth, payable In adenucc. Advertl..
mcnts charged ttccemlliigtoapacc and position.
The publishers rocre tin- right to changa tlie
KMitlon of uilvcrtlpcincut whrnecr tlio pul
leintloit of news demand it The right In
resorted to reject any advertisement, whether
paid for or not, that the publishers may deem
Improper. Advertising rates mado known
npon application.
Entered at tlie postoftlcc at Hhenandonti, Pa., as
second class mail mAtter.
Evening Herald
WEDNMWIiAY, HUllTMlil'U 10, lMifl.
Of Olilo.
rem vin: ruiMiiiKKT,
vlAltltirr A. IIOIIAUT,
Of New Jersey.
I mi k his faith by declining a legacy
Icli would lift him among the million-
airos ' Would iinyboUy be lool enough to
oiler olio of these silver jawsinltln a million
dollars, with tlie expectation that it would
lu declined upon the ground that it was
right to ho poor and wrong to he rich?
Is it not rather n radical liuman Instinct to
lay up a penny for a rainy day ? Is not this,
on the whole, one. of the incut worthy attri
bute of human natnioV
ltut who reaches the goal of Wealth and
ndepctidotice the weak, tho ignorant, the
icioui' Is It not rather the strong, thu in
telligent, tho moralt Is it not the man who,
to the aggressive courage and heroic ,nbcr
that carries him over all obstacles, addi fore
sight, mental grasp and that strict integrity
that wiiistheconndcncoof mnukind? What
ever exceptions there maybe, this is certainly
tho rule ; and it Is the man having theso
qualities who provides for his own futuro and
by his superior force aud enterprise distrl-
utcs the blessings of work aud wages nuioug
is countrymen.
Hut this man is lie who controls wealth
and capital in short, he is the gold hug.
(lALUSIIA a. enow,
Of Susquehanna.
Ol Krie
.IJiri'IIlthON'S Hfl.U roil A G'OIN
'Tim proportion between tlie inlitp
of k'old unit silver Is ii M i:itC A MI I.I!
ritOlll.IMI nltogetlier. .lust priori
pies will lead us to disregard the legal
proposition, to Iniiilie Into thu mar
tlet price of gold In the several eiiun
trles with which we shall probably lie
roniieeted in eoliilueree, and TAICK
AN AVi:KAii: from Ihem."
Tin: luti'ht dellnition of 1(1 to 1 is that six
teen Democrats aro voting the licpuhlicaii
ticket to one liepubllcau voting for rcpudiii'
(R u now cruiser, the llrooklyh, gets more
power out of a ton of coal than nny other
vehsol of hur class. She is not only swifter
than her European rivals, hut can run longer
on the same amount of coal.
A Touching Srelie Witnessed ut tlie Court
House Yesterday.
iV young woman with an iufant eight
months old in her arms fainted In the court
hoUM) at rottsvllle yesterday. Physicians
weie summoned. Dr. V. N. Stein, of
Shenandoah, responded, and the woman was
carried into one. of the nearby offices. Tho
doctor labored hard, restoratives wcro applied
and notions administered to stimulate tho
heart. This was at 3:30 o'clock aud It was S
o'clock before consciousness returned. Tho
woman nnd babe were then romoved to the
l'ottsvllle hospital.
It was learned that tho woman had sue'
climbed to hunger, having had nothing to eat
for two days. Sue is Anna Gorski, 32 years
of age, and resides at Heading. Her hus
band had recently deserted her and to add
deeper sorrow to her lot had taken a favorite
child. She had learned that they had gone
to Pottsvillo and on Monday morning wont
thereafter them, using tho contents of her
slender purso to pay the faro. The husband
she could not locate, and tho child, she
learned, had liecn bound out. Tho people
in whose custody it was had become attached
to it nnd did not care to part with it. Her
pleadings wero unavailing. Some one
fened her to the court house. Several
tluential Jewish people of Pottsvillo liave
interested themselves in tho matter and the
woman's case is now in the hands of a
Tut HmtAuVa pungent editorial comment
upon public quostiuus, generally hits the
bull's-eye. Those who come under its X-rays
always i'ccltho elfects. This is applicable
to editorial writers as well as public officials
Lull day brings its news of closing mills.
The free' silver agitation is costing the
mintry about $1,000,000 a day, but viewed
in the light of education it is worth it. It
vfill bo a thousand years before the frcoailver
scipent will show its head again.
.Ii iKir PniuunNd'H refusal to naturalize
any ono who-e taxes are paid by a political
party, will bu commended by all good citizens.
hen tho right of suffrage is held so low, it
is time to adopt the course that Judge Pensh
ing points out. ,
Tin. workingnicu ol Schuylkill county
have a high regard for T. Y. Powdcrly, re
cently Master Workman of the Knights of
l..ihi.r, and his opinion upon any public
(liiistiuii will be received with the respect
due ills standing, jir. rovtucny i.s a i.i:iiiu-jr
enit, but liu iepudiates tho Ilryun principle
as follows: "They tell us that we lark muniy
that there is uot enough in circulation, and
that the mints should bo started to coin
silver in unlimited quantities fiirtho good
of labor. Hut just how the lulin who has
no silver to bo coined is to Ho benefited has
not been made clear to us yet, and I believe
It "ill do tlie country mure good to open the
mines, mills and factories to the unemployed
than to open our mints to the uuiestrictcd
coinage of silver 'it the ratio of HI to 1
While we are cUmulng Wall street let us
not forget 'Lat under free and unlluiitex
coinage a . English manufacturer may bring
tw.i hundred ami fifty thousand dollars'
v.,' h of silver bullion to our mluts, have it
ironed into live hundred thousand dollars
and buy up the factory of the rulued Amcr
nan manufacturer with a commodity whir
ve have doubled in price at our mint,
without "asking for the aid or couscnt
nny other nation." Are we fools to try th
doubtful experiment of bllvcr mono
iiiutitlliMii when tho certainty of emiching
foreign silver owners lights the heavens
beforo us '"
Other Items of News Fiom One of Our
Neighboring Towns.
M.uianoy City, Sept. If). During the
latter part of August, last, Mayberry Fritz
put up at chance a whitu flyer bicyelo and it
was won by O. It. Lord, of this place. lriU
borrowed tho wheel from Lord and failed to
return it. Yostcrday lie was arrested by
( 'unstable Leitenlierger, at Holding, where lie
entered f."00 bail for trial
Articles of agieemcnt havo been signed
by Thomas Carney, Jr., and John C. Lewis
V.j 1
:m inouantm nouseKeeDers nraise it.
-j x- A
Connoisseurs praise it
People with weak digestion praise it
i mi ff? ra,
Ccnulnc Cottolcne has trade marks "Cottotene" and sltir'sjicad in cotton-plant ivreathon every tin.
The N. K. Fair bank Company.
Chicago, New York, IIUlnUelililo, I'ittuburKfa.
Iteturns from 418 Towns'' Give Vavpin
40,430 l'turnllty Slay Ilcnch 50,(lj0.
AUOUSTA, Mc., Sept, 111. 9erl00
towns tj 1x) yet heard, fxcini, tho Ropubll
cjin plurality In MnKio figuros up 40,423,
and will probably roach 50,000 when all of
tho towns uroili. Tho returns urn com
plete from Ub towns, cltlos nnd plunta
tloni InJJm stnto, nnd from ten ot tho
ThS 118 towns heard from give Powers
(ISep.) 78,010, Frank (Donu) 32,515, Ladd
Cl?ro.)2,7W, Dutemnu (Poo.) 1,731, W. It
foraoue-mile bicycle 'race for ?i0 a hide, to Clifford ( 570. Over 82,000 Ito-
and nbout H3,0IX) Democrntlo. Tfie Repub
lican voto has oxoeded unything over uo
foru known in Mnlno, tho nearest npproach
to It being tho 79,101 received by Governor
Burleigh in 1&83.
take place at Lakeside, between ,4 iind'S
o clock, on tlie 21th nut. lo bring tiuxraco
within tho L. A. W. bounds theyoiuig men
w ill also contest for a racing suit. "
An itiriuest was held List nifMit on tho
remains of Mike lSeruick, thevfelavonian who
f. l .1.. ..1 i .... l... ii r. i,
as luiiuu ueaii uuti jiiuinLeu on uiu l . o. IV.
milroad, uenr the gas nlvise, Sunday morn
ing. Tho jury renduTcd a veidlct finding
that the man wa.s.killcd while lying asleep
on the railroad
Why (l
Her with Coughs. Colds and La
lion Ijaxativo lirnmo Quinine will
cijnryiiu 'u one day. I'ut up in tablets con-
yenient lor i.unng. iiuaruiueeu iue-iire, or
money lH'funded. I'rlie, 25 cents. For sale
by Kirliu's I'harmacy.
1'ug.lgeil III ll Alnml Cllls.iile.
l'lom lollsllle Chronicle.
V murder was committed at the (Irwigs-
burg fair grouud last week. Tlie murderer
lias thus far escaped detection. Is any etlort
being made to run him down? (Ir has
murder become so common in the county
that unless tho pcrprctrator of the crime Is
caught red handed lie will escape? I he
muidcrer of Mis. Gormen, at Mill Creek,
wasn't hunted for very long. Will the slayor
of Monk" Clay as e'ttsily escape? Where
are all the detectives that turn up at every
couit with bills ugainst the county? Here's
a chance for seine of them to prove whether
they deserve their tithes.
Buy Keystone flour. I!o sure that the namo
Lrsski & Baku, Ashland, l'a., is printed on
every sack
(Uriiuhllln Wedcllni;.
Miss Maggie Whalon, of (llmrdville,
ynung lady well known in this town, and
Patrick Sherry, of St. Nicholas, were marriod
in St. Joseph's church at Glrardville this
morning. They drove to town with friends
this afternoon and after spending a while
hero with friends started to make visits at
Mahuuny City.
IN a communication to the Now York
Advertiser, John II. lllack, president of the
Commercial Travelers' Sound Money Leogue,
writes as follows: "The commercial travelers
of tho United States aro for sound money for
the simple reason that they found by oxiiori
ii.. i nny radical change in currency,
hmI especially, any such revolutionary
iliauge .is is now (ouUuuplated by the party
of lite siler lunacy, would uot only lie disas
trous lo the business of the country, but
wuiild extinguish fur nil time tho bnsinesh of
the commercial traveler My advices from
the t.umi.eieial travelers of the. West are not
hiicl' s to encourage any of them to vote the
1 1, u.oenti. ticket this fall. Huslne&i beyond
flic Mississippi, is practictlly at u standstill,
nn 1 lik. ly to remain so until the floe silver
nr. -y is settled once and for all. In my
1, ei ut trip through the South I was much
e,i ctilled to t'lid thill the business anil
iiu.i.eyi d men of the sen tion were a unit m
bi taring fur sound money They had all
the wildcat currency tUoy wautod during tlie
war days They know that a depieciated
currency means a depreciated and stagnant
huslucn. In tho Notth the situation Is undei-
stood. lluliieas men In nil uomiuuiilltcs are.
f cjur.. for the aouudmt kind of money.
Till i" cxitjnpllflod by the recent election in
Vermont and Maine."
The rlilladelphlu Primaries.
Philadelphia, Sept. Id. Tho light of
last August botwoon tho udutinlstrutlon
nnd tho Penrose-Durhnm wing of tho Ho-
publicnn party was rouowod with much
vigor ut tho Republican primary election
held last night. Tho 1'enrosO forces
uuissed their strength on Alexander Crow
for sheriff, James R. Young to succeed
Congressman Roy burn In tho lourth dis
trict, Churles L. brown against Roproseu
tntlvo Harry AVnlton to succeed Senutor
Porter, nnd Representative Varo to suc
ceed Senutor Goorgn Handy Smith. Crow
will most likely bo defeated, nnd It would
seem that tho imtl-iidmlulstr.itlon forces
huvo bcHin victorious In tho other threo
Instances. The position of tho Thirtieth
ward Ik uncertain, but should tt bo for
Smith ho will most llkoly bo returnod.
Fits ami Corbett May be- Arrested
New Yoiik. Sent. 10. Chief of Pollco
Conlln U considering tho advisability of
placing James .1. Corlwtt und Robert Fltz-
slmmous under arrest. Tho testimony
will be reiiulred of those who weropresont
ut tho meeting between tho two men lust
Snturdiiy, when It was agreed that they
should fight for $10,000 a side to u finish,
beforo tho club offering tho largest purso.
This ho considers n violation of tho law.
Chief Conllu said today that ho was en
gaged In gathering evidence, und, If suf
ficient, tho two mon will bo placed ondcr
ltiisobtill CJumes Yesterday
At Washington Washington, 4 , Brook
lyn, 1 At Chicago (culled; darkness)
Cleveland, 0; Chlougo, 0. At Loulsvlllo
Tioulsville, 1 1 ; St. Louis, 2. At Scrtmton
First gamo: Scranton. H; Sprlnglluld, 8.
I'oeond gnmo- Seruuton, 1), Sprlngfleld, 5.
At WUkusbarre-Vllkosburre, 0; I'rovi
icuce, 4. At Toronto lJulTalo, 8; To
outo, H. At Syracuse Syrucuse, 15;
Uochoster, 7. .
ftTO Girls Kcscucsl After u Hard right
with Their Assailants.
Eoo HAIiUOll ClTV, N. .1., Seipt 10. An
attack wits mndo In tho ovouiug on llcloua
und Molllo Wobor, visitors from Now
York, by strango men. Tho girls had boon
milking u call, nnd wero on tholr way
back to tho homo of their undo in this
plnco. On roachtng u lonoly part of tho
road they wore stopped by two rough look
ing rimn, who grasped them, nnd, despite
their struggles and1 screams, threw thom
to tho ground. I.mwrcuco Englohardt and
llcrmau Gollcr, who had heard tho girls'
crlos, arrived on the scene, and Imme
diately attuckod tho girls' assailants. A
tcrrlblo battlo was fought. Whon asslst
uuco arrived both of tho strangers woro
lying on tho ground unconscious and Gol
ler and Englohardt woro blooding from
cuts und scrutchos. Tho inoro hotheaded
of tho crowd wantoil to lynch tho stran
gers, but finally thoy woro takon to jail. It
was found that tho Injuries of ono of them
would probably prove fatal. Both of the
girls uro buffering from slight bruisos und
ltucklcn's Arnica Salve.
Tho best salvo in tho world for cuts,
oiuinus, mien, iiiti-is, mi, lui-uiu, puiia,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, aud
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or jo pay required. It is guaranteed to givo
perfect satisfaction or ruony refunded. I'rico
So ceuts per box. For sale bv A. Wasloy.
Kq Improvement In tho Situation
Ottoman Capital.
CoKSTAyriNopLK, Sept. 10. Thoro la no
Improvement In tho situation hero. Largo
numbers of Armenians aro arrestod dally.
Sir Thlllp Currio, tho British nmbassador,
hus given orders that tho refugees on Brit
ish ships shall not ber surronderod to tho
Turkish authorities. Most of thom will
bo convoyed to tho Island of Syra, which
Ixjlongs to Grocco, where thoy will bo
nndor tho protection of tho British consul,
Tho ambassadors of tho powers held a
moetlng-yostorduy to plan moasuros to bo
taken for tho protection of tho dlfforent
ombasslos nnd tho foreign population gon
orally lu tho ovont of a ronowal of tho dis
turbances horo. Tho oxact steps deter
mined upon woro not divulged, but thoy
nro understood to iucludo tho united ac
tion of tho guardships of all tho powers,
each ship being assigned a certain position
and a certain number of mon, tobolnndod
ut a given slguul to protoct certain points.
Tho dofousos of the ombasslos will also,
according to report, bo considerably
strengthened by an lncroaso In tho nutn
l)or of men now guarding thom, nnd by
I other precautions which will tontl to mnko
them cnpablo of resisting attack tor u con
siderable tlino.
Coming Krent.
October 2. Sntertainment and festival by
Hope Section, J. T. of 11. & T., in Bobbins'
opera bouse.
Sept. 21, Grant Iiand.ftiatlval and concert
in-Eobblns' opcni house.
Made and Merit Maintains theeonflilenco
of the peoplo in Hooel's HarsapariUa. If n
f medicine cures you when sick , if it makes
wonderful cures everywhere, then beyond
all question that tnodie rue possesses merit.
V.'lio are tlieie jii.lil luig, these pinto
era's, tli..t extito n much voiiom in the
bosoms ot the ilvciltt? Let Us look
f Mill i tits face a moment and mukc the
1 i , , citife-aiuu tbat Is so j,"'l Ir 'Im
t. i Would the imut violent of ILi c -'In i
That is just tho truth ubout Hood's Sar
Baimrllla. We know it possesses merit
beoauso it cures, not once or twice or a
hundred times, but In thousands nnd
thousands of cases. Wo know It cures,
absolutely, jiermanently, M hen nil others
full to do any good whatever. Wo ropoat
Hood s
Is the Is'st in fact the One True lllood l'urlller.
1 JUS liilliilisncsH. Jficeuu.
A Hancli-r.t. Compleuion
ir ti.
t t r'
ilui I'cv, uua
Of Cuiirso You lo.
Of courw) you want to avoid all deaths by
diphtheria . Thei o is on ly one remedy known
that will positively and in every mstauco
cure this fatal disease. It is Thompson's
Diphtheria Cure, which lias saved thousands
of lives by being Usui according to instruc
tions. Not a single case of Uilure ever
known. What is good for others is equally
as usvful tu you. Alto cures all case of
croup, quinsy, aore throat, etc. Sold by
clrugBisla everywhere at 50 cents a bottle.
No family en atl'urd u. l without it Uaudy
in the house all the time, and if ouco tried
you uever will lie without it. Sold ut Kirliu's
Muy Io to Court.
Mr. Berry, a inemlwr of the cicaiuluing
hoard who made a minority report to tie
(iovernnr, claims to have proven that Mr.
Davis, the apjioliitee, did not make the Ye
ciuisite percentage, aud that his apivoinUnaut
as mine iuiiec.tor is illegal. Although bin
commission has lieen issued, the law brumal
that the case may lie ro-openud, mid ujion tlte
rouueat of fifteen miners taken to MK.
This, Mr. 1 terry says, may be dune. UmI-
tou Standard
"Hon will lw Ikivs." hut yon can't affonl
to lose any of them Be ready for the greotl
apple season bv having DoWitt's folic and
Cholera Cure in the bouse ' JI Hagen
When you nn good rooi.i f pmwllng
ga3 fitting, or 'ral 'ineni tl iyu U
on E, F. (.ail r is ( tru sti-ct
Diatlcr ir -t 1"' t
Old Soldiers Visit Mclllnley.
Canton, O., Sept. 10. Tho reeoptlon of
the old soldiers yesterday was most en
thusiastic. The Women's Rellof corps and
thousands of Cuutoulaus followed thu pa
rade to tho McKluloy homo. Every post
In tho county, und niiiny from ueljolnlug
counties, wero represented. Major Mc
Klnlcy wus given an ovation and was In
terrupted by cheers ut 6hort lutorvals.
Colonel J. J. Clark presented tho delega
tion. Itlieinuuilsiii Cured In a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Ithcumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures lu 1 to 3 days, Its
action tiion tho Bystcm is remarkablo and
mysterious, It removes at once tho causo
aud tho disease immediately disappears. Tho
first eloso greatly bencllts; 75 cents, bout by
C. II. Hngenbuch, Druggist, Shenandoah.
Another to Atlantic City.
Owing to tho rain on Sunday, the Oth int.,
many persons who desired to avail them
selves of the P. & It. It. R. Co' s low rate ex
cursion to Atlantic City did uot go. To ac
commodate tucm another will bo run on
Sunday next, 20th Inst., at tho same hour,
viz : loavo Shenandoah ut 3:10 a. m, Faro
for round trip, $2.50.
Don't trifle away time when you have
cholera morbus or diarrhoea. Fight them In
the beginning with DoWitt's Colic and
Cholera Cure. You don't have to wait for
results, they ate iifttantancous, and it leuvos
tho bowels in healthy condition. C. 11.
llilrued Iloilles In rt freight YVrecli.
HooPKSTox, Hit, , Sept. 10. The charred
remains of four bodies wero, found Mon
duy in tho wreckage of the burned train
at Wellington. It Is known that ten or
twelve trumps were on tne train, and nt
twenty-three ours were) enveloped simul
taneously It Is thought none of them os
cniwd. One oorpe found Friday was Iden
tified by a railroad ouril In the pocket us
Al Heiiton, of Slater, Mo.
It. Marvok Mlnser, a Dunkard minister of
Deckors Point, Pa., says he can recommend
Cliamberlain's Pain Balm to anyone iu need
of a good liniuicut, and that ho considers it
tho best he has ever used. Pain Balm is
especially valuablo for rheumatism, lame
liack, sprains, swellings, cuts, bruises, burns
and scalds. It is ono of the most remark
ablo medicines iu cxistenco, and Its ctlects
will both surprise and delight you. For sale
at 23 and 50 cents per bottloby GruhlerBros.,
If yon have over seon a little child in the
agony of summer complaint, yon can realize
tliff datigcr of tho troulo and appreciate tho
value of instantaneous relief always nirorded,
by DoWitt's Colic and Cholera Cure. For
dysentery and dlorrhoea it is a reliable
romedy. We cordd not nffonl to recommend
thisas n euro utilsss it woro a cure, C. H.
Oft TOSJiSfi 604 North Sixth St.
bSb fi teiliSEita Side enirance on Green SL
llLlltvr In r JtACJl 1L1. IB.1 jrcnra) unci a
Vcurs ltusnllal lxmu-ience In C'ermnnr.
'crunncntlT curcd'after evcrr ono eUe has fnllesl.
mftrter hat Btir-Hty US great ud r raioui Doutort and sfsxial.
liu claim, vrlte, prlut or aay, old Ilr. Thtl knowa more
alMUl Uidso dlacaaea aui-fcw lolrtat iurei(ollj tban all
cthcrr comMncd, bq1 Ihtf aU Lnow It too, to tbclr aorrou.
I'ooraotl Itleh, If roa Trcro roli'x ,1 and vicitmlzcil, and jaa tA get lloeet anTaklUful tlvaim nt. try orme more old
llr. Tlicc'l and he t,l'louro vou iKwiih Ir if cure Is poafilble.
So Ilporpllon, no 1'alao lEt'l,rcciitutioiu Fu-ih easel
oarod In-i lo 10 OnB. Head tlo 2-wnt ft imps for Truth.
Beatorall fcr SlQglocr Married, rouiicorcid. O&lrUobkex
nlng luockf. Uoura: 'J.S. rvtnlafat6 9. nouri for exam
luatloo and treatment la rccqIdk hoaeks and dangcrouscaaef,
da!le,ato3. Wed. nnd SaU CV3., C to 10. SaclltoU. Treat
toeat by mall. Strioumt .aertwy Utiaj-nnlcetl. IkoatllT(ly
the lowMt cliorgea Uublactty for the bat tn-nlmcnt.
Theories of cure may be discuastnl at length
by physicians, but the sull'erers want quick
relief; and Ono Minute Cough Cure will give
Ittotheui. A safe cure fur children. It is
''the only harmless remedy that produces
Immediate results." C. JI. Hagenbuch.
l'Miico llctweell 7tuly end Abalnla.
Home, r!opt- 1" I'naee lus lieeu eon-
oludeel by IUily with AUysslnln. ihe
Nefftu Menellk lUimuiidoil U.OIU.OCJO lira
(alJOUl tVH,VH) IIUI nauayjm, uut am
oomponautlon for the oo ot ninliiktlnlng
Ills prlwinurn. i nt rtMiriuuuu ui me nuns
.f Hrvthrlu w.M "lo diliuuilded. In ox
uhainwfortlwoimnliigiip of oommureliil
dutilJnl llussU supported tlwo coiidl
tiotis. . ,
Camhrlit Iron AXUls Itesume.
Johnstown, l'a., Sopt. 1(1. Aftor u shut
down of nlno days 3,000 men havo resumed
work nt tho Cumbria mills It was glad
news that greeted tho Idle Cambria work
men when notlcoa wero posted In tho yards
announcing tho resumption of operations.
General SInnivgor Price states that tho
steel works, open hourth, blooming mill,
No. 1 rail mill nnd three blast furnneos,
Nos. 1, 1 nnd 5, are tho departments which
hnvo resumed. At tho tlino of tho shut
down It wus announcod that tho slump In
busluoss wus only temporary, und tho
early resumption was only what wus ex
Did Vou liver
Trv Electric. Hitters as a remedy for your
troubles? If not, get a bottlo now and get
relief. This mediciuo has been found to be
pec.uliarly adapted to tho relief and euro of
all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful
direct luflueuco In giving strength and tone
to the organs. If you havo Loss of Appetite,
Constipation, Headache. Fainting Spells, or
are Nervous, Sleepless, I'.xdtablo, Melaucholy
or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Hitters
is the medicine you need. Health and
strength are guaruntcod by lis use. I.arge
bottle only lltty cents at A. Wasley's drug
Ainrrlrau Rwlncllcr In Liverpool.
Liverpool, Sopt. 10.-;Thoma8 Mont
gomery Joy, said to be an American, and
hulling frum New York, was ojiarged lu o
I local police court hero yosttirelay with ol
I Inlulntr poatflfto stumps by false pretenses.
It appears that he advertised a bloycle to
be ulveu away tu eucn ol ten persons sonu
lmr lu the most words from the letters In
the word overland. Hut oach oompotltor
hud to lncloM) u postage stamp. The pollco
found it.UUO letters nt Iho office here, wlieiv
I Joy's letters woro mldrosMitl to, and thay
IllSO lourui o,uvo umur tuiui- uucuusseu tu
him, but uudfliverod, lu thu postollloa.
Tho police, howover, have Iwau unable to
find uny lileyeio niinioit ino uvonunti."
Juy wus eventually committed lor,
To all sillTerers of EIINORH Ol' VOIIT1T,
VlfJOIl and IHSlivSIM OP meH
ANlt WOMEN. 208 taec r clotb Munas s
curely sealed and raallpdrrc. TreatnQent by m&a.
strictly 'onfidentlil, and a positive, quick cura
suaronteed. Ho matter bow long standlAE, X
will pos Ivr-ly cure you. Writs or can.
HR nRR 329H.l5thSt.Phlla.Pa.
Doos This Mean Anything to You 1
If your truss don't hold you or Is causing
pain, see us atonce. It may savo you years ol
sutrorliig. We have cured hundreds ol peoplo
lu Pennsylvania, andean referyoivto patients
cured In your own town. Our treatment is
harmless aud will not keep you. from your
dally labor. Call aud havo a talk with our
doctor. It will cost you nothing. We guaran
tee relief after the first treatment, aud our
prices aio reasonable.
The Dr. Miller Co., Philadelphia.
Sco Our Doctor Every Tuesduv at
UNION HOUSE. AslilandvPa.
llr i"
TO f I Hi
ltellef In Sis Hours.
Dlstrtvwliig kidney and bladder discuses
1'b.B riMtrlutlon of the limits fUcvcl ' "'x ''V;1" ntllJ '.'Sf, arBut
CH1UL1I .IllliritUlt IlllllDV bUID. UH I W
remedy is u gicat surprise on nccu'int of its
excwsllng prumiitnesu lu rulieviiig iln iu
the bladder, kieWys, lwck and every art
nf the n rl liar) passages in male or lemnie.
It relieves retention of wator ami lain In
pi.saing It almost iiiimollately. If you wan
min k relief and cure 111 s J vtir rcluody
Hold l.y Khapin's plutimacy, li 7 doutli Main
ire. t
It. hi o (Jnuilnc Ta'ilcls. All
1 1 ii v ftt it f.u's tu cure.
B, 1'IIILMl'H, M. I).
ODlce : SO West Centre stro.
Can be oonsulted at all hours.
p V. BUHKR, M. D.
80 1C Lloyd slrett, Slismadoah.
,, 1 to 8 aud 7 to
Oftlce hours i 7 to 9
p. UL
Blionandoah, Pa.
Offloe I!t(in building, corner ot Main
Uoutra strets, Bhenaudonh,
Ixk llox 6S, Malinnoy City, l'a.
Having studied under some of the best
masters fp London and Paris, will give lessons
on tho violin, guitar and vocal cut are Terms
reasonable Addrosa In caro of Htrousc the
ewe'ter, rdieuandoau.