1 HAVi: YOV A rOHTKAIT OF McKlNLEY0R BRYAN ? If not, do you waul one? Wo have re ceived n supply of ploturei of liotli candidates III colors. hIm- 20t2H inches, worth 85 ccntH each. Our price while they last 15 i-ntn. HOOKS & BROWN cl North Main St. YESTERDAY'S BABE BALL 0AME8. Nntlnmil league, AtWoshtnuton Wnshlntiton, 7; Ilroofc lyn, 0. At 1'ittHljurii 1'lttnburp, 8; Cin cinnati, 3. At Chicago Cleveland, 2; ChlciiRO, 0. At Loulsvlllo St. Ijoula, 10; IlOUlSTillf, 1 AfWllkosbarro Wilkosbnrro, 13;Provl donco, 0. At Scrnnton Scrnnton, 8i Springfield, 1. At Sjtiicu.ro Hochostor, 1Q ; Syracuse, in. At Toronto Huffulo, 0; Toronto, 0. Adjourned Without Agreeing. CnESTEit, Po., Sopt- 15. Tho Itopnbll can confnrreoa of tho Dclawnro-Chostcr congressional district odjourncd bIuo dlo j-ostorduy without having mudon nomi nation. This moans that there will be two candidates In tho Hold from this dis trict, former Judgo Thomas S. Uutler, from Chester county, nnd Congressman John I). Hohlnson, from Djluwaru county. I'oison Ivv. Insect bites, bruises, wnlds, linrns, aro quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Ilnel baive, the great pllo cure, i . n llugcnbuch. Wilkinson' Cor. Main & Lloyd Sts. THE DAY- LltiHT 5T0RE. Tliere's pleasure aiid profit for you while buying here, bright day light in every corner of our big storeful of bargains Warm Weather Blanket Prices. -- Une case urey lilankets on sale at special price, 39c a pair better grades for 50c upwards. Comfortables, too; the right sort, filled with clean, white cotton or feather down, Si. 00 t0.S5.00 each. Silk Gloria Umbrellas. Extra fine umbrellas of Gloria silk, newest handles, finely finished, and best paragon frames, Si. wand upwards. Men's Furnishings. Gents shirts of all kinds; we carry all sizes in white or fancy shirts. See our great special 39c shirt it's the regular 50c kind of other stores. Fall styles of neckwear, collars and cuffs. All linen collars, 10c ; cuffs, 15c. A Wagon Load of New Cloaks. Six cases of new capes and cloaks came to-day ; there's lots more to follow in the next ten days. Due notice will be given in this column of our regular fall opening. l. j. minissos MAIN STREET. LLOYD STREET. r n: Tvi r mr iujiiu y luls -TO- 20 East Oak Street. M Dr. J. W. Van Valzah's O DENTAL PARLORS. PA No stairways to climb anymore. mmmmmmmmmmimd 5,000 BARS OF g ...SOAPi TO BE BOLD 3 BARS FOR Bo. 3 E. B. FOLEY, 3 NO, 27 WEST CENTRE STREET. xv THE COUNTY COURT. rrnroeOIng 'hi' Criminal and Civil ilriuichc. Torm-lLLl', Sept. IB. Among the rases Iwfore the (Irand Jury yesterday was one in which .Incob Mitchell was charged with shooting and killing William LasawlckcB 011 the morning of July tth, last, in the hitter's saloon 011 West Centre street, Shenandoah. A bill of involuntary manslaughter was returned and arrangements were made for tho trial of the caso to-day. M. M. llurko, of Hhcnamloah, represents tho nccusod and ib confident that tho trial will result in nothing more than a matter of form and the acquittal of his client. Tho pliootlng took place at ono 0 clock in tho morning. Mitchell, who is a Lithuanian, was bartender for the deceased, who was also a Lithuanian, and the men were firm friends. A row started in the saloon and Mitchell went to the street to attract tho attention of tho police by firing shots from a revolver. Three discharges were made. The fourth cartridge refused to oxplodo and Mitchell started bark to tho saloon with tho Intention of relondlsg tho wvapon. On tho way he tried to learn why tho Tcmninlng cartridge refused to explode and pulled tho trigger of tho revolver Msveral times. He was entering tho saloon wliou tho Inst pull was given and tho weapon was discharged. I.usawickas stood close to Mitchell and in line with the shot. Tho bullet entered bis groin, per foratcd tho intestines In ten different places and finally lodged against tho second lumbar vertebra. Mitchell at onco surrendered him self, but was rolcascd under ?1,000 bail pend ing the result of tho injuries. Lasawickas died on tho night of July 6th after exonerat ing Mitchell from any malicious intention. Mitchell surrendered hinif-clf after the victim's death, but tho court subsequently re leased him under bail pending tho trial which is now about to bo held. Judge llechtcl announced several appoint ments in answor to petitions : Martin J Lynch was appointed constable of the First ward of Ashland. Charles A. liocklcy was appointed constable in tho Fourth ward of Ashland, t rank Iicrgor was appointed tax collector in tho Ilorough'of Lanilingvillo. All theso appointments wore made to fill vacancies. Philip Portlier was appointed guardian of Joseph Allen Click, minor child of Jos. M Click, late f (lirardvllle, deceased. A liond in tho sum of 4100, with Chas. liarnlmrd as surety, was tiled and approved. W. I). Soltzor presented tho petition of Clara Lewis, praying that 11 subiocna in divorce Issuo against her husband, on tho ground of intollorablo treatment. M. M. llurko presented an application for a charter for the Iagclas llcncficial Society of Gilbcrton. In tho matter of tho application in caso of Bridget Monaghan vs. Harrison Rhupack, to have a writ of certiorari stricken olf, the ralo was not granted. John Holla, convicted of assault and lattery upon tho tax collector of Mahanoy City, was sentenced by Judge llochtel to pay ?1 fine, costs and twenty days imprisonment TO CUIti: A COM) IN OXi: HAY Take Laxatlvo Broino Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tho money if it falls to cure 25 cents. Obituary. lilward D. Coonan, postmaster at Port Carbon, died at that placo on Sunday from a complication of diseases. He was for many years an engiuoor 011 tho P. & It. railroad, and in 18IK1 was appointed postmaster. Mr. Coonnn was a momber of tho G. A. It. and A. O. II. A widow and five children survive. His funeral will take placo Wednesday morn ing at I) o'clock. John Jenkins, aged twenty years and soil of William Jenkins, of Mahanoy City, died yesterday morning. Tho funeral will take place to-morrow morning. Children's Coats. Our coat stock has arrived and is now dis played in our coat rooms. Wo can demon strato to you tliat our knowledge In buying outer garments has tho approval of tho buying public. All perfect fitting, with reasonable prices. It. F. Gill. Itcsumed Ills l'nlplt. Tho many Shenandoah friends of Itov Gcorgo Williams, lately located iu Mahanoy City, will bo pleased to learn that ho resumed his pulpit in the First llaptist Church at Ocean Grove- on Sunday. It will bo re membered by our readers that Dev. Williams euddonly became demented last July and wandered to New 1 ork city, where he was subsequently found by his friends. He has not fully rccovored from that illness and is yet very weak. Itev. illiams 011 several occasions occupied tho pulpit In Calvary Iliptist church, of town, and held tent meet ings in ISaird'B grove. Tho truth, tho wholo truth and nothing but tho truth. That's our motto; and wo add leather, solid leather and nothing hut leather. That's the way our shoes aro built. 7-18-tf Factory Shoe Stobb, Murrhtgo Licenses. Max Isaacmau and Miss Annio Shuhmau of Grata. Hawrllo Harbola and Miss Eulka Torhan, of GHbortou. Edward Smith and Miss Mary Simon, of Pottsvillo. Michael Kemyo and Miss Susie Catsello, of Pottsvillo. Edwin Oocar Hill and Miss Ida May Henry, of Ityan township. Aaron Seachblcy and Lllzaueth Matthews, of Trcmout. A. C. Itcad and Linda McCarroll, of Delano. Abo Guzlnsky and Lena Frccdmau, of Shenandoah. Tho wholo system is drained and under mined hv indolent ulcers and ouen sores, DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo speedily heals them, it is tnu oost puo euro Known, u II Hagcnbiich. License Transfers. Tho retail liquor liconso of Edward Connelly, of Keilly township, was transferred to Miehiiol J. Connelly. The retail liquor licenso of John Au sustitns in tho Third ward, Mahanoy City, Andrew Stank. Itotall liquor licenso of Gcorgo Selinsky tho Third ward, Shenandoah, to Anthony Venhelotrsky. DoetW Recorded, Deed from Charles Hartshorn to O. Bochtel, for premlsos in Pottsvillo. Deed from tho oxeeutors of Henry Mul dooii to Edward It. Foley, for lot In Shcnau doah. Deed from Edward II. Foley to Sarah Fadden, for lot in Shenandoah, Cliurters C. run led. Judgo Pershing granted a charter to tho Fatlior Matthew Pioneer Total Abstinence Hcnovolont Corps, of Mahanoy City. A charter was also granted the St. Stanl laus Young Men's Lithuanian Itoman Catho lic Donellcial Association of Shenandoah, Buy tho wedding ring at Ilrumm's. How Are Your Kidneys? Ever ha vc your back ache? Qj Dr. Hobbs tQi Sparagus Kidney 8 Hills g B ite Nmlthj KltiBf j, Q nd the Hark Ft roc n Ilenlthy kUrr tfU rarlfy the Mood by Tfr flltrini from it j urlo acid nnd nil Kifl 3 othnr tolnoDs or 1'uro blood mftans pcrfpct health. Ht JXU tiurlfrinftthebli ooa Dr. Hobbs nuza B0 JIM, M. D. Sparagus Kidney Pills euro Khenmnt Ism, Neurnltrin, tl o n t, AiiEDmin, 1'nlnft In Abrlorarn, ilackache, nli ottbaKMnefH. rh)rfctan nnd driitftrtstB m Kldnnr nianoT HiiKnefl, nnn nil iniiimniHiion i timnniali from thoaflnndn. . For Sale In SHENANDOAH, PA., by ' S. P. Kirlln, Druggist, 6 South Main St. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. Opened In tlio 1'rltultlvn 3Irtlinllst Cliurrli Tills Morning. The annual convention of tho Schuylkill District of Primitive Methodist Sundav schools was opened in tho Primitive Metho dist church, corner of Jardin and Oak streets, this morning, by the President, Itov. 1). Savage. Devotional exercises wcro led by Itov. It, V. Sharp, of Wadesvillc, and Rev. James Moore, iiastor of tho local congregation, made an address of wel come, which wns emphatically cordial. The business of tho morning sossion was briof, dealing principally to reports of Sun day schools and election of officers. Tho re ports wcro very favorable Tho elections re sulted as follows : President, Itev. T. M. llatoman, D. I)., of Girardvillo ; First Vice President, Mr. Frcdorick Ulochcr, of St. Clair: Second Vice President, llcv. W. J. Itichards, of St. Clair : Secretary, Miss Emma Swoyer, Tamaqua ; TreaBiiror, Miss Sarah E. llrncie, Girardvillo. Itev. Alfred Heebner, pastor of the Meth odist Episcopal church, was introduced to tho convention and conducted tho closing exercises of tho morning session. Tho ovou ng session will open at 7 o'clock and tho public is cordially invited to attend. The Grant Hand will give a pleasing con cert at their festival on September 21th. Como and enjoy It. fi-H-2t MAHANOY CITY MELANGE. Hllgbt l'lro In Hie (Inihniu Ilultilliig Hoy Arresteil. Maiianov Citv, Sept. IS. An alarm of fire was sounded at 4:30 yesterday afternoon The fire companies responded and found that tho names Wcro confined to a bed in the build ng of D. M. Graham, tho grocer, on West Centro street. Tho firo is supposed to havo been started by a littlo boy of tho family who was playing in the room. John Shad, 14 years of age, was arrested for disturbing tho schools in tho Eighth street building and assaulting a boy. Ho furnished bail for his trial at court. George Price, 18 years old and an apprcn tice iu the Albany Dental Itooms, fell through n ceiling iu tho new Horsker build ing, but held on to tho stringers until help arrived and only sustained a few scratches. Tho Young Men s Hepublican Club will meet at their reoms to-night to make ar rangements for tho Ilrumm meeting to morrow night, which will bo tho opening of tho Republican campaign in this town. PERSONAL. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I.co and tho lattcr's father, John Houser, havo returned from visit to Mt. Carmcl relatives. Elijah Gregory, of Girardvillo, was the guest of his son, Borough Surveyor Gregory. in town last evening. A. I.. Laubcustein, of Ashland, paid tho HUHAI.U a business call last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frey left town this morning on a vacation to friends in Rochester, Is. V Christ. Schmidt and family, of West Coal street, aro attending tho weddiug of a, rcl ative at Mt. Carmel to-day. The family of Arthur Trezise, who spent tho past few weeks in town as guests of rel atives, left for their homo in Brooklyn, N V., to-day. Mr. and Mrs. John Fryo, of Rlugtown left town to-day for au extended trip through Jow iork state. Mrs. Joseph and Philip Woll, of rottsvillo: P. J. Gorman, of Girardvillo Michael Leahy Mahanoy City; Daniel Duffy, St. Clair; Thomas Foley, Gilbcrton, and William Carter of Pottsvillo, attended tho funeral ol James Bowes to-day. Miss I.izzio Davis, of Cumbola, is the guest of town friends. Rev. Main, of New Philadelphia, was in town yesterday, greetiug his fellow brcthron Miss Itoso Iavin, of Philadelphia, who was tho guest of the family of Health Ollleer Conry, returned to her homo to-day. Almshouse ltepurt. Steward Reese, of tho Almshouse, pro sonts tho following report : Number re maining July 31, 2S0 male, white; 112 female, whito j 2 nialo, colored; 2 female, colored; total, adult 307. Children, males. 3 females; total, 8. Total adults and children, 401, Native, 143; foreign 201. Admitted during tho month, nialo, 12 female; 1 female, colored. Total adults admitted 307; children, male, 3; fo male, 2; total, 5. Total adults aud children, 12. Nativo admitted, 82: foreign, 20. l)ls- charged, 21 male, 11 female, 4 nialo chil dren, 1 female children. Died, 2 male, 3 female, 1 femalo colored, 1 femalo child. Total deaths. It. Total discharged, native, 10; foreign, 31. Total discharged, 47. Totol remaining, 281 male, 110 female, 2 malo olored, 2 femle colored. Total, adults, 303; children, 4 male. Total remaining, 809, Native, 149; foreign, 250. Church Dedication. Tho German Lutheran church, of Girard villo, which 19 being handsomely remodelod and repairod, will be dedicated ou Sunday, September 20. Rov. (Iruhler, iwstor of tho Lutheran church, of town, and Kov. Dr. Sneaker, -of Philadelphia, will conduct tho services in the morning iu tho Gonuati language. I!ev. Bock, pastor of tho Gorman Lutheran church, of Mahanoy City, and Itov. Climber of Frackville, willlectureduring tho services which will bo hold by tho combers of the Sunday School In tho afternoon, Iu tho evening Ilov. Speaker, of Philadelphia, will occupy tho pulpit. Tho l'nust Wheel Leads, S. K. Stuzman, of Heading, won tho two silvor "timers" at tho Orwigsburg raco meet last week, and took first prizo In the 5-mllo handicap and second prizo in the 2-mllo han dicap at tho Lakesido meet on Saturday. Ills mount was a Faust Ilacer, a high-grade wheel. HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver IU, Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache, A pleasant laxative. All Druggist. MARVELOUS CONTORTION, .V Man Who ninrlugly Dellcs tho Laws ot Nature. One of the most unique and marvelous exhibitions of contortion ever given iu this town was witnessed last evening by n number of the medical profession In Dr. O. M. Hamilton's olllcc, on North Jardin street. Tho subject was Harry S. Fltrgorald, of Philadelphia, who has been giving exhibi tions of tho same kind beforo medical tocietles, colleges and hospital stall's for the lust 30 years. Many of the physicians last night recognized him as a subject they had seen in clinics during their collego days in J , Philadelphia. The exhibition is iiotapkus-i1 Ing one, but woiulcrinl to a degree that excites deepest Interest on tho part of tho medical profession. All the members present last night declared that Itzgorald eclipsed anything over demonstrated by or upon a lining subject in their experience. Tho most wonderful feature of tho man's performance was his ability to dislocate his Joints and rc6toro them to tholr propor position with equal facility. Giving his shoulder a sudden wrench a sharp grating sound was hoard and as ho stepped fbrward ho was fonnd to havo dislocated tho upper bono of tho arm, tho head of which was found to be in tho armpit, Again it was thrown inward under tho collar bone, and several physicians satisfied them selves by examinations that tho dislocations wcro actually present. i no most wondcriul performance was a successive dislocation of tho hip, foot and knee, tho hip being dislocated backward, tho foot inward and a twist given to tho knee, tho wholo being brought upon tho chest, forming an apparent triplo dislocation. An other interesting feature was tho obliteration of tho pulse at tho wrist by contraction of tho muscles and an obstruction to tho flow of blood iu tho largo veins of the leg, brought about by dislocating tho thigh bono upon tho pubis, thus interfering with the circulation. Fitzgerald's feats of contortion aro duo to practico extending from childhood. Ho is now 61 years of ago. His remuneration comes from tho generosity of those who witness his feats. Tho audienco hist night comprised Drs. G. M. Hamilton, D. W. Straub, J. S. and M. S. Kistlor, J. S. Callen. G. F. Matter, D. W. Stein, R. Hoehlerncr, D. John Price, J. M. Monaghan, J. W. Erwiu and J. W. VanValzah. Druggist C. II. Hagenbuch nnd K. W. Shoemaker, Esq., were also in attend ance. Last Picnic of the Season. Don't forget to go to tho Columbia park on Saturday, Sept. 10th, to assist tho Gymnasium Comedy Co., which will hold a picnic on that date. Tho boys aro always willing to help tho poor with thoircntertuinmcnts. Besides, tho company will givo a half-hour's enter tainment, afternoon and evening, including Irish song and danco Uams, buck dancing and vocalists. Speakers will also discuss tho silver and gold question. Como nnd help the loys out with their picnic. 0-ll-8t A Double Wedding. What will undoubtedly bo tho event of tho fall social season will bo tho marriago of Mr. Michael McDonald, ono of Homesvlllo's popular young men, aud Miss Hannah Scan l.in, au estimablo young society lady of Girardvillo, and Mr. David Hartnctt, a prominent business man of Philadelphia, aud Miss Mary Scanlan, a society favorito of Girardvillo. Tho above named ladies aro sisters and will bo married within, the same hour on Tuesday, Soptember 22nd, at their homes. Girardvillo Exchange Tho Lavellu Fair. Tho eleventh annual fair of the Mahanoy Valley Agricultural Association will ho held next week and from present indications it will bo tho largest and best fair ever held. Tho association lias devoted tho wholo of Tuesday for the bicycle races which are sanctioned by tho L. A. W., and tho raco which is going to oxcito u great deal of in terest is for tho championship of Shamokin, Mt. Carmcl, Ashland, Girardvillc, .Shenan doah and Mahanoy City. This raco has been booked at tho request of a vast number of riders to replace tho ono mile novico. Tho management havo tho ussuranco also that every class In tho speed program will bo filled, which together with the engagement of tho celebrated Cook hippodrome will un doubtedly make this tho most successful fair ever held by this association. 0-15-17-19 If you want a fino weddiug cake, let Otto makoit for you. ltobbed n Shoo Factory. Last June tho shoo factory of Kopnor, Scott & Co.,at Orwigsburg.was robbed of fifty- three pairs of shoes valued at ?50. Some of tho stolen goods wcro olfered for sale at Mahanoy City, and this lead to an investigation that threw suspicion on Jack Douglass. Yester day tho latter was captured in a straw shed at tho half-way house near Schuylkill Haven, at 3:00 n. in,, while ho was asleep. Douglass is a nativo of Orwigsburg, and ho but re cently returned to the locality of his theft. Pay only your own bills. In dealing hero tho cash customer is not taxed to help sup port tho credit customers who do not pay. Hero all aro ono level. All aro cash. 7-18-tf Factory Shoe Stobe. Catholic KnlfhU of America. SI. P. McLaughlin, Esq., Assistant District Attorney aud, State- Vico President of tbo Catholic Knights of America, with P. F. lirennan as deleeate, left Pottsvillo yoster day for Scrauton, where tho convention of the association will bo held during tho week, tZifor over X) Zrm of U10 Globofor RHEUMATISM.! ana similar uompiamU uuu yreparun nnaer mo Binngcnt GERMAN MEDICAL LAWS,, .poovjiuou uy eminent puysiciansij DR. RICHTER'S " a Mrtiinn EXPELLER. Wnrl.l rpnnwned t Tlemiirlcivlilv Buccp.sf n! I Onlv crnnlns with Trade Mark " Anchor." JK. id. lt!clitcrCo.,SI51,i'arlSt., -Nor York. 31 HIGHEST AWARDS. 13 Branch Houses. Own Glassworks. 23&WCU. Endorsed & recommended hj Wnflcy. ICO'Nortli Sloln Street, Ct II Jlaccnljuch, 10a Alain rit., rlhcnanuoau. DFt. niCHTCR'O ' "ANCnOR" STOaiAOIIAXi best for Colic, IiyHpepqlqHfoninrli Complnlntii. CHARLES DERR'S V Rnrher Shon I 12 West Centre Street Our Hot Towel Shave s becoming popular make a specialty oj h You will like It. We hair cutting. DO YOU NEED A Wn. NEISWENTER. Watch Thlo Space for Day of Arrival. MISCELLANEOUS. AQH HAIjE. A ncooml-hnml pqunre pint jo. A null' nt Vi11tin & Knn. f urnlttirn nml music et-nre. 72S-tf SALOON POU HALR-Oih of the finest tmlomis In thin vnllcy, recently fitted up with fine fixtures nnd In n denirnMc location, In offered for sale to n live man, who hns n littlo cnpitnL It i a bfirjmlu. For further itartleulnrs npply nt the IIkuam) office. lM-2w JjlOK HALR. One of the best lyinft lumber 1 ynrds In Bhennndonh. Centrally locntetf. Kverythlnt? connected a ith the yard, Including teams, will bo sold at a reasonable figure. For further information call on J. W. Johnson, North Main Ptreet 8-ltMf Evan J. Davies, LIVERY AND Undertaking I 13 N. Jardin Street. FOR FANCY Groceries, Flour, Feed, &c, At lowest cash prices. T. J. BROUGHALL, 25 SOUTH MAIN STREET, SHENANDOAH, PA. P. J. CANFIELD, Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity -For-- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY By Purchasing Your Groceries, Smoked Meats, Flour and Feed at Meluskey & Son, 10S S. Main St. Edward H. Spade, AQENTiFOH- SHAMOKIN STEAM LAUNDRY Work guaranteed aud unexcelled. REPAIRING DONE FREE. MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TERMS. P. W. BIERSTEIN, aoa s. Jardin St. A Handsomo Complexion Is one of the greatest charms a woman can possess. Pozzo.ni's Comflbxion 1'owDua gives it. HORSE ? Our 24th carload will arrive in a few days. ALL WESTERN HORSES. . . . WELL BRED. . . . WELL BROKEN, X Beauty Unrolled To tlw ndmlrinfr snx of those who have a taste for really fine wall paper la the display ofnevr wall paper wrinkles wo havo Justrenelvod.You can flnil any color or pattern you wont for your hull, bed room, porlor, dlnlnR room, kitchen or enfe, from 6c up to f3 per; roll. Flneotllstlo papers a specialty. House, Sign and DecoratIve Painting. fintlsmcrlon gunrnnteed. Estlrontonlchow; fully fumlslied. Bend postal. J. P. GARDEN, 221 W. Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. Plaoo Your Orders Now Lauer's Lager and Pilsner Beers, Finest, Purest and Healthiest. Chris. Schmidt, a., 207 West Coal Street. OPEN EVERYDAY Goto the Shenandoah Dental Booms for painless extraction of teeth. Gold and Silver fillings. If your artifieal teeth do not suit you call to seo us. All examinations free. We make all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns, Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown and Bridgo work and all operations that per tain to Dental Surgery. No charges for extracting when plates aro ordered. Wo aro tho only users of vitalized air for tho painless extraction of teeth. SHENANDOAH Dental : Rooms, (Titmon's Block) East Centre Street. Office Hours: 7 n. m. to 8 p. in. BROJYIO-KOLA ALCOHOLIC, NERVOUS AND HEADACHES BIXIOUS Cured by this granular effervescent and stimu lant. An inBianc curu lur uur blu,uuvu.uuu headaches, which often accumulate from having. a night out. JOHN F. CLEARY, BOTTLER OF CARBONATED DRINKS, 17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenando'l Fine Groceries, Butter and Eggs,, Flour an j pfis foa Our delivery wogon awaits yjj il Silver delivered promptly. O.ot suit WILLIAW H. riTcrownt , . , A Crown 26 EaJt Centre Strt-t . por- M. C. WATSCf C are zed Wholesale and Retail A k Liquor Deals' Cigars, Tobacco, ic Agent for Ueadn. Jircwlng Co.'s ueer aua 1'orter. 116 and 11Q S. Mai In St