I EVENING HERALD ? itaiii,isiii:ii is;o. Published every HvcniiiK, Except Sunday, at 8 Hocm Jardin Stbi-kt. Near Ccstiis. The llmild H doilvrinl In Shenandoah and the surrounding towns for six cent i wuck, li able to the carriers. Ily ninl) Sfl 00 a year, or S5 cent n month, payiilili- In advance. Advertise ments charited aecordliiKtositficennd position. The publishers r'erve tlie rlulit to chniifro the r'Osltlon of ndvcrttscmmiH whenever tlie pub Icntlon of now de-iunnds It. The Huht In roiwrved to reject any advertisement, win ther ld for or not, that the publishers may deem Improiier. Advertising rater) uiudo known upon application. Entered nt the pontollie nt Shetiandonh, 1'a., as eocond clas mall mutter. TKLKPHON'R CONNKCTION. Evening Herald tuksuay, si:iTi;Miti:it in, isdo. IlEPUBLICAN NATIONAL TICKET. toil 1HKMIIE5T, VI M.I AM M' KIN-LEY, Of Ohio, inn vicn i'Uiti)i:.VT, CIAUHUT A. 1IU1IAHT, Of New Jersey. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. roatCOSOUIXMAN-AT-LAUtlK, (JALUMIA A. C1KOW, Of Susquehanna. SAMUEL A. IiAVKXPOl, Of Ile .IKFFKlIfiONN ItfLK t'Olt A COIN aoi: ItATIO j;Tli proportion between the nlues of cold and silver Is u M HIM'ANTILi: rUOHI.EM ultogether. Just prllicl. pies will leud us to dlsrctfiml the legal proposition, to Inquire Into the mar Itct price of Kobl In the seerkl conn tries with which we shall probably be connected In commerce, and TAKE AN AVEH.WU: from tbeln," MAINE'S MESSAGE. Mill no has sounded the bugle call, and her moirwigo is that tho pcoplo of this country want none of the doctrines of Bryan ntl his l'opocratle followers. Tho campaign in Maine, tho home of tho Chicago nominee for Vico l'rosiilciit, was conducted on national ismios, and tho result furnishes an accurate Index of tho drift of public toutlmcnt on tho Jiuaucl.il question. Tho average liepublican majority in Maine MucolbC0 1ianlice.il 17,317; in IHU tho 11c publlcaiis carried tlio state by 12,000. Yes terday's majority was Id.OlW. From pri'Mint indications It would bo in order to move to "tnako it unanimous" for tho liepublican candidates, their pluralities arc so overwhelming. Tiiis election was tho Ki cutest landslldo in tho wholo history of tlio Republican party in Maine. It will electrify tho entire country and havo a wonderful oll'ect in swelling tho voto for gold in every other state in tlio union. To tho patriotic Democrats of Maiuo is duo part of tho glory for the victory. Thousauds of them voted for tho liepublican candidates in repudiation of tho l'opoirallc doctrine. Mniuo stands by her guns in a manner that is not to bo misunderstood. As goes Vermont and Maine, so goes the nation. UKMINDI'UL of tlio declaration of Holy Wnt that lying lips aio an abomination to tho Lord, buine newspaper editors coutiuue on tho narrow and crooked road. Talk about drawing the color lino, it takob a Texan to do it under trying circumstances. Tho other day a white murdcier in that statu objected to being hanged along with a negro murderer, and thoShcriU rei-pected Ills .prejudice, and hanged him by himself. Tiieiik is an old saying that "Nature ulihurs a vacuum," credited to tho old pliilos option. It is easy to imagine tho puzzled look that would sweep ocr their counter uncos were it possible for them to examine tho cranium of "Me Too" Smith. There are some (.oris uf vacuums that oven Nature abbots in vain. Fall Initio will be good, bad or indill'ercnt u tlio luoiehunt wills it. If ho is anxious to moe his goods and attract purchasers, h oaudosoby means of printers' ink judici ously and persistently applied. "Keepin everlastingly at it brings suceoirf," and u whore is this so true as it is of advertiaing- that is, advertising done on correct linos, and in prr mediums. To reach tho ear of tlio public advtryUlng must be done in spasms, but little every day will surely bring customers, if they are impressed with the -fact that it is to their interest to como to your atore.and there is no better medium than the 1Ikrai.ii, which reaches tho largo class of ieopl who buy. Make fall trade by using the advertising columns of the 11 KHALI) it lf Ijc addition to his herculean labors in the field of morality. Detective Toola recently assumed the hard task uf electing tirilHth-', of Malmnoy City, to the Legislature. It ) intimated tliut the refusal uf tin county court to attach a salary tothoMpsintmeut of county detective had as much to do with this determination a that fellow-feeling which is mid to make mankind akin. However that may bo, tho campaign of his friend tlritliths lias been somewhat neglected of late and has millered in consequence. As his present i jirajsiug engagement in tho cause of plurality will soon to over it Is proliablo ho will then work overtime in the political Held to make up f iar the time lent trying to curroct the morals Shenandoah. S'KABLT n month agp certain keen-sighted jservors thought they detected In tho Yost a change in the drift of public konti- unit. Either the imoplo who woro oryiug loud for free silver had exhausted them- elves, or tho conservative element that had contented ittulf with merely witching tho Vogroaa of "vouts had retolved to take a .a. ..r tiic f.ai.i. i of tin ud tb. duUtfulncss of Its bigtin to bu apparent This small hinintiiUK ' .....ii i oi ii miction became so manifest two weeks later that In all the Middle Western .States, except Michigan, some fifty newspaper editors, without any comparison of notes, coneimcd In rejort that the silver c nue was dying out. Tlie enthusiasm had gone out of the campaign and the sound money si ntiment was advancing rapidly. It was about this tlmo that nn oiler to wager large sums of money that tlie l'opocrat candidate would not carry his own state, county, town or election district whs made, without' bikers. Two or throe recently reported circum- stances confirm those observations. Ono is tlio earnest protest of tho liryan Cam paign Committee against tho candidate's return to the list, which k lost irrevocably, as shown by the election in Maine yesterday, and his abandonment of tho West at this critical moment in his fortunes. "Hoys will be boys," but yon can't alford to lose any of them. lie ready for tlie green apple season by having DuWitt's Colic and Cholera Cure In tho house. C. H. Hagcn btich. PITHY POINTS. Happenings Throughout tho Heglmi Chron icled for llnsty l'erusal Tho Mahanoy City foot ball team will open the season at Sliamokin on Saturday. The local foot lll team indulges in practice every night at tho corner of Main and Lino streets. Hon. I). I), l'lillllps is still confined to tho Miners' hospital, hut his condition is much Improved". Tho Schuylkill Hat and Cap Manufacturing Company yesterday put a new delivery team on tho road. l'atrick Heilly to-day assumed charge of tho milk routo which ho recently purchased from Oscar Ilcttridge. Tho pooplo of .Sull'olk barred their doors on Saturday and Sunday evening. The placo was crowded witli bums. The Prohibitionists held a meeting at Schuylkill Haven last night, the speaker being liev. (1. w. Gross, of Shamukin. The announcement is mado of tho approach ing marriage of Mr. A. J. (iaughau, and Mi-a Ellen Dailey, both well known residents of Ceutralia, on tho 22nd inst. Tlio Lehigh Yalloy Coal Co. has completed two i'airbauk scales at their l'riiuruso col liery, Mahanoy City, one of which will ho used for empty cars and the other for loaded cars. Ex-County Chairman liurd W. Payne is acting as Deputy Controller in the absence of I rank Iieeso, who is prosecuting his canvass for liogister. The popular comic opora, "Wang," will he produced at Kaier's opera house on Thurs day evening. It doesn't matter much whether sick head- aclic, biliousness, indigestion and constipa tion are caused by neglect or by unavoidable circumstances ; DoWitt's Little Early Hiscrs will sptedlly cure them all. C. 11, llagen bucli. As to Naturalization Tapeis. Judge Pershing called attention to the matter of naturalisation of foreigners. He said ho had passed through a rather rough experience last week, and was utterly unable to get along as rapidly as ho desired owing to theciowd. His attention had been called to the fact that aliens from other counties had put in appearance and secured papers. While tho court had authority to grant such papers, this court did not propose to naturalize any aliens who did not live in the county. Tlio court would fix another day before the November election for naturalizing all those who wished papers. Judge Pershing further said that ho had received a communication from a paity signing hiiufelf a member of tho naturalization committee of one of the political parties, in which it was stated the law requiring tho applicant for papers to pay all expenses was unpopular. Ibis was a matter .with which tho court had nothing to do. The law required this, and if it was dis covered it was being violated, the papers granted would be annulled. 'Ill CJUlti: A COI.II IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure, 2.) cents. Tlio tjiintlfo and Candidates The several candidates for the Senate and Legislatuio met tho Justices and Constables Association by special invitation of tho latter yesterday at Pottsville. I he object was to secure tho consent of the caudidates to havo tho present constables' fee bill amended so that constables will receive proper compensa. tion for their services, ltefereuce was also mado to tho oft repeated injunction of tho various Grand Juries to tho justices about their alleged return to court of petty casos which should bo settled in their respective olhces. rhe candidate.! had a very lengthy chat with the committee, and the matter was settled very agreeably to nil. Tho candidates pledged themselves individually, if elected, to uso their best endeavors to havo bills passed lectifylng tho constables' fee bill and compelling the Grand Juries to perforin the proper functions of their ollieo as to justices' cases. Another to Atlantic Clt). Owing tu tho rain on Sunday, tho llth inst. many persons who desired to avail them selves of the P. & It. It. It. Co's low rate ex elision to Atlantic City did not go. Toac t-umiuudnto them another will be run on Sunday next, 20th inst., at tlie snuio hour, viz: leave Shenandoah lit 2 10 a m. laro for round trip, $2.50. "Thero aro lads In mcdicino ns well as in other things," said a busy druL'Klst, "but the most Back remarkalilo thing about Hood's Sarsn parllla Is that enstomers who try other remedies all come back to Hood's, and this Is why the enormous sales ol this great medicine EOT keep up and continuo the f jft wholo year round, steady H uJ' as a clock. "Why Is it?" "O, simply because Hood's Sorsaparilla has more real cura tive merit than any medicine I ever sold." This is ol daily occurrence) In almost every drug store. Hood'.s Sarsaparllla has cured more sickness, and wade moro happiness through restoration to health than any other medicine. Sarsaparilla Is tho standard - the One True lllood Purifier. rt.! are tho only pills to tako nOOCl S PIUS with Hood' i Sarsaparllla. They All Come w USB - 5 s V V V S S IT WILL Save your Hands and Clothes It will do a large wash usually taken. Less labor, . . areater comfort. Lover Bros., Ltd., New York. KT?K New Home for Dentistry. Philadklphia, Sept. 13. Tho alumni and friends of the Department of Dentistry con nected with tho University of Pennsylvania will learn with satisfaction that the plans for the new building which is to bo tho future homo of the department nro rapidly being completed, aud there is good reason to expect that within a few weeks ground will bo broken fur its construction. Tho plot of ground upon which the new building is to bo erected is located at tho intersection of Locust and Thirty-third streets, in closo relation to Frankiu Field. Tho structure will consist of two parallel rectangular build ings, the larger facing toward Locust street, with a froutago of lfO feet and 45 feet depth the smaller building will bo directly in the rear ,und connected with the larger by a stair-case wing which connects all floors and unites both buildings at their middle. Tho main building has two npper floors aud a base ment. Tlio OpemtivoCliuicroomwillocctipy tho entire uprer lloor and will accommodate somowhat more than ono hundred chairs. Tho clinic room has been planned with special reference to thorough lighting and tho windows aro so arranged tliat every operator will havo and abundance of light for his work. On the first floor will bo tho general mechanical laboratory, plaster and molding rooms, vulcanizing room, an examin ing room for patients, tho administration otllces, spocial laboratories and class-rooms for instruction and practice in technic work, the extracting room and impression room. In the basement will bo a large assembly room for the exclusive use of students, hat aud coat room, iuitiuincnt lookers, lavatories, bicyclo room, metallurgical rctin, crown aud bridgo work room, and a special clinical room to bo fitted as amodel dental ollieo for the uso of clinical instructors. Tlio principal room in tho wing building wilt bo tho lecture amphitheater, which will seat five hundred. In addition to the amphitheater the wing will furnisli laboratories for histological and bacteriological work, tho library and museum, jaultor's apartments, aud the laundry. It Saedvller Hoys. Mrs. E. L. Fiedler, Dollefuutc, Pa., writes follows: "Two of our children were taken ill with diphtheria aud the disease developed into a most serious form. Iiy the aid of skillful physicians all possible means and medicines were applied and still our dear ones grew worse. A kind neighbor stiggesttd we uso Thompson's Diphtheria Cure. We did so and in less than twenty-four hours the coating was all removed from their throats and the boys wero up and about. Tho third day they could eat with comfort. I caunot say too much for Thompson's Diphtheria Cure, as I feel suro it saved our children." Sold at Kirlin's drug store at 50 cents a bottle. fellruiiim and Kdnurds Speak The Ilcpulilicans of Tamauua held an en thusiastic aud largely attended meeting last evening. Enthusiasm ran high, aud fire works and music stiried up tho old town. County Chairman Edwards spoke at some length and was followed by Congressman Ilrumm. Many other candidates were present. Pulrldc or u Well Known Dentist, Rk'am.'.'o, Ph., .Sept 15. William C. Foulks, who committed sulcldo In Phila delphia yostcribiy, was n well known den tist of this city. Ho was 40 years old. His wife and four children left for Philadelphia several days ago, nnd ho disappeared from hero luH Monday. Junior Order American Mechanics. aETTVSi!!7lto, 1'a., Sept 15. Delegates and visitors to tho Junior Order of Amer ican Mechanics' regular session are coming in rapidly from all parts of tho state. Tho opoulng sessions nro liolng hold today. A parade bikes placo this evening. ratal I'lre Dnmp l.xiiloslon. I'lTTSiil'iio, Sept. 15. A dispatch from Walker's Mills, l'n., reports an explosion of flro damp yesterday In the old Hawk Xost coal mine. Tho dispatch states that ono man was klllod and the othor miners woro entombed. Tuurs to the Soulli via reniisjlraula llalt- 1-lllKl. Two very attractive early Autumn tours are offered by tho Pennsylvania railroad, leaving New York and Philadelphia Septeui' her 86 aud October 13. Aftor tho txporieuce of the past few years it is hardly necessary to say thut those outings are planned with tlio utmost care. Suffice it to say that all arrangements aro so adjusted as to afford the best potslblo means of visit ing each place to the boot advantage. Tho tours each cover a period of ten days, and iucludo the battlefield of Gettysburg, picturesque llluo Mountain, Luray Caverns, ISasic City, tho Natural ISridgo. GiOttoe of tho Shenandoah, tho cities of Hlciimond and Washiugtun, and Mt. Vernon. Tho round-trip nite, including unnecessary expenses, is 55 from N'ow York, $53 from Philadelphia, aud proportionate rates from other points. Each tour will be in charge of ono of tho company's Tourist Agents. Ho will bo assisted by an experienced lady as Chaperon, wuoso especial charge will bo Iadios uuao comianied by malp oscort. Special trains of larlor'cars are provided for the exclusive use of och iarty, iu which the entire rouud trlpfrom New Yorkistnado, For detailed Itinerary Upply tu TUVot Agents or to Tourist Agent, 1100 llroadway. New Yolk, or lioota 411, Broad Street Station" Philadelphia. mm ' S usually taken. ! . . . areater comfort. D V HILL DOES NOT YIELD. Gives No Kncnnrntfrmrnt That lie Will tie I'rcsent nt tlm Convention. il-FFAt.o, Sept. IB. It seems probnblo thot the ticket to lw named by tho Demo cratic stiito convtmtton when it nssonibiM tomorrow will bo: For governor, John Boyd Thnshor of Albany; for llontouunt governor, Chnrles V. McClelhiml of WeBt Chester; for jmlgoof tho court of appeals, Holwrt C. Titus of Huffnlo. Tho platform will bo brief if tho wlshos of those 'present nro curried out. It will indorse in few words tho platform nnd ticket tidoptcd nt Chlon(io, will proclaim that tho pooplo nro dqwntroddon by tho nccuiiitibitlotiof woolth with nfownnd will denounce tho llnlnos liquor tux law. No mention will bo mado of tho natlomil nil ministration unless tlio friends of Mr. Clevolnnd can carry a resolution In tho convention. Aftor u conforonco of the loaders Nor mnn K. Mack telophonod to Wolfort's Itoost, Albany, nnd urgod Senntor Hill to como to tho convention. Senator Hill thanked them for their kltnluoss In giving hlin n special Invitation, but said that ho could glvo them no oncoiirnpjoinont. Ho had not decided to nttond tho convontion, nnd at prosont ho could glvo thorn no do citlod nnswor to his action. It w3 gon orally ngreod among tho conferrcos thot Senator Hill would not be prosont. At Albany, last night, Senator Hill re fused to be lntorvlowod on nny snbjoct, but statod that ho did not expect to go to HulTalo nnd would not go thoro unless somo circumstnticos ontiroly uuforseon by him nt tho present tlmo should nrleo. Theories of cure may be discussed at length 1 y physicians, but the sufferers want quick relief; and Ono Minute Cough Cure will give it to them. A safe euro for children. It is "tho only harmless remedy that produces ituiuediato results." C. II. Hagcnbtich. Gangway Collnpso on tlio "Jthluc. BntiLtN. Sept. 15. Owing to tho col lnpso of a gangway landing at Uuoslngou yesterday, us n uuinbor of passongors woro being landed from a stenmor, forty llvo person wero thrown Into tho Hhino. Throe woro drownod, 11 vo wero pulled out of tho water In a critical condition, uud It Is foarud that others aro mlsdug. Killed lu Securing u Hot. 1 Huiomkield, N. J., Sept., 15. A man named Arthur Pock was accompanying his aunt to tho train in Hloomllold yes turday. At tho crossing of tho Delaware, Lackawanna nnd 'WiMtem railroad his hat bluw olT, and in attempting to get It ho wnH klllod by a train. Tbreo Friends nt Fei-naiidlnn. Wasiiixoton-, Sept. IB. Tho socrotary of tho treasury yosterdny recolvod a tele gram from tho colloctor of customs at Fcrnnndlna, Fin., stating that tho sus poctod fllibustorlng steamer Three Frlonds had nrrlvod ot thut port, presumably from Key Wast Don't triflo away time when you havo cholera morbus or diarrhoea. Fight them in the beginning with DeWitt's Colic ard Cholera Cure. You don't havo to wait for results, they are instantaneous, and it leacs tho liowels in healthy condition. C. II. Hagenbucb. When you want good roofing, plumbing gas fitting, or general tinsmithing done call on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centro street Dealer Ir ste-cs 1-tf Civil Trial for tbu Competitor Prisoners. WAsntNOTOS, Sept. 15. Tho Spanish government has yielded to tho domunds of tho United States for a trial by civil court of tho Competitor prisoners. Authentic Information to thlseilect has rnachod tho statu department unofficially, and tho formal announcement Is expected in tho next mail from Minister Tuylor, in Madrid. Tho Spanish government reached this conclusion some tlmo ago, but has delayed tho formal announcement of Its decision until after the cortcs adjourns, in order to escape criticism from that body for making concessions to tho United States. Ovation to John Dnly. LtMElilCK, Ireland, Sept. 15. Upon tho urrival hero of John Daly, tho released Irish dynamiter, tho mayor and tho cor poration of tho town met him and an ovation wus tondorcd to him by many thousands of pooplo. In reply to un ad dress Daly ugalu repudiated tho dynn inito policy and said he thought that Irishmen wero too noblo, brave and gen orous to advocato such principles. Daly also paid a visit to his inothor In this city. The housos wero Illuminated last night and there was a torchlight procession tu Daly's honor. l.xtrn Pay Allowed Assessors. Kastox, Pa., Sept. 15. Judge Scott yes terday handed down uu Important opin ion in the case stated of E. C. Duuker vs. tho county of Northampton to recover foes for certain work required by tho com ptilsory education law. Hunker is assessor of tho Third ward, of hasten, und in com pltunce with the compulsory education law made u list of ull children botweou the ugos of 8 and 18 years within tho ward, and returned tp tho couuty commissioners, who roftifod to pay his bill. Tho court or derod that tho comtniijslonera must puy. BILIOUS PILLIOUSNESS. WHY SOKE BILIOUS PEOPLE TAKE FILLS AND OTHERS DON'T. Illliousness is much misunderstood. Bo many jieople have it, that 'tis worth understanding, the more so as it is easy enough, if you begin right. Liver secretes a fluid called bile. 1111c goes to the intettines, where it perforins import ant work in digestion. SoinctkjicB bile Isissagcs in liver get dogged. This biliousness. "Pilliousness" is the idea thut by taking a pill which stimulates the liver, we may cure biliousness. It is only an idea. Pill-tuklug relieves but does not cure it The cure can only como through the stomach Why? llillousuos-i is caused by the poison of undigested food, irritating tho liver. To cure biliousness, these puisous must lie got out of tho stomach. Tho only suro way to do this is with Sliakcr Digostivo Cordiul. Shaker DigosUvo Cordial is a pleasant, tonic aid to digestion, prewired from roots, herbs and wine by tho Shakers of .Mount I.ekmon. It helps tho stomach to digest its food, and sweeps out of tho system all dangerous poisons. In this way it cures bl,liousnojw, headache, nausea, dizzlnoss, had taste, ktomacli-acho, fover, flatulence, constipation, losof appetite, etc., 'when other leuicdloa only givo tempor ary relief. All druggists, Ten cents for a trial bottle, AVrite for interostiug lbok to Tho Shakers, 30 Ucado street, New York. INSURGENTS AGAIN ACTIVE. tltcy Ham th Ixipoi I'lnntntton Vnlneil nt 8180,000. Havana, Sept IB. Maximo Gomez Is ttndorstood to bo campod nt Gauslmns do Agramonto, about thirty-six miles from I'uorto 1'rlnclpo. Ho is organizing a ptrong cnvnlry forco nnd is credited with tho intention of making a second raid wostward. Tho insurgents havo burned tho Lopoz plantation, situated near Arto mlsn, proving of PInar del Hlo. Tho property dostroyed was valued nt $150,000. Tho government has authorized Joseph A. Springer, tho United States vico con sul general horo, to act ns consul gonorul In tho absence of Gonoral Fltuhugh Loo. Tho Insurgents havo dynamited a military train ot ltamblazo. Tho cngineor, flromnn nnd n briikoman woro wounded nnd so voroly burned. Ono of tho mon will die. Ono ofllcor and sovoral soldlors on board tho train woro wouudod and tho oscort klllod four of tho attacking purty. Insur gents plundorod tho village of Snbaullln In tho military province of Matanza9 and burned tobacco plantations of Dos Hor raanos. Anothor forco klllod Justo Mar tinez, a merchant at Clfuoutes, nnd woro pillaging tho town when put to flight. General Woylor sooms to hnvo com pletely lost his head. Ho Is having loading citizens of Havana arrested by wholosalo. Woylor says tho mon nrrostcd have boon plotting to havo hlra recalled to Spain. Itclensc of Two American Citizens In Cuba Washinoton, Sopt. 16. Tho state de partment has Just boon advlsod of the ro loaso by tho Spanish officials of William A. and Louis M. Gloan, two cltlzons of Massachusetts, who have- boon undor de tention in Cuba for many months. Tho Gleans Woro nrrostcd at Sogua la Grando last April on a chargo of aiding tho revo lutionists, based on tho fact that thoy per mitted Bomo rebols to sleep in .tholr houso. Itoprosontatlvo Dull ot Connecticut and Senator Lodgo of Massachusetts brought tholr case to-tho attention of tho state do partmont and after using nil ordinary methods to securo tho rolea.se of tho mon, with tho sole result of changing tholr con dition, from actual imprisonment to de tention under survolllnuco, with somi weekly reports, tho dopartmont was obllgod to act with greater vigor. Ac cordingly Minister Taylor recently mado somo vory onergotlc representations to tho Spanish minister of foreign affairs, and tho llborutlon of tho Gleans was accedod to. Tlio California Itullwny Dlsantcr. EntEKA, Sopt 15. In tho railway disaster which occurred hero Sunday night, four persons wero killed and sixteon seriously Injured. Tho nccldont occurred to tho regular passenger train, bonslstiug ofanonglnoand two cars. Tho sccnoof tho accident is tho company's bridgo at Mad river, about half way lietweon Areata and Korbol. Tho train hud run out on tho first span of tho bridgo, whon, without warning, tho stringers gave way, letting tho wholo train drop forty feet to tho gruvol bod of tho river, where tho coachos wero smushod. In tho coachos were be tween thirty nnd forty passengers anil all of theso, with tho exception of ono man, who jumped from tho rear platform, wont down with tho truln. Grip-Colds-IIeatlnclie. Why suffer with Couchs. Colds and La Gripjio when Laxatlvo Bromo Quinine will cure you in ono day. Put up in tablets con venient lor taking, uuarantecu to cure, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents. For sale by Kirlin's Pharmacy- Diamonds In ft Letter. Philadelphia, Sept. 15. Soveral days ago Jacob Frothlick rccclvod notlco from u friend In Gormany that $1,000 worth of small, unset diamonds had boon enclosed iu a letter nnd uddrosed to him. Being In ignorance of tho customs laws, Mr. Frothlick notified the customs' officials, and upon tho receipt of tho foreign mail tho lotter with its precious contents was found. Tho diamonds wero seizod, and they will bo hold until tho treasury dopart mont can adjust tho duty. Mr. Frothlick says that ho will pay tho government duties. How aro your Kidneys? Uric Acid in your blood causes pain, misery aud Rheumatism, Diabetes, llrignt's Disease, etc. our niters tlio kidneys aro sick. To get rid of such misery take Dr. Hohbs Rparagus Kidney Pills which drive out tho Uric Acid by making well tho kidneys. Sold at Kirlin's drug storo. Worklugnieu's Sliver Investigation. Dbnveh. Sopt. 15. Tho Donver Trado and Labor assembly has decided to send a commlttoo to Mexico to Investigate tho conditions of labor lu afrco silver coun try. This Is donu becauso It 1ft allegod by thom thut tho commlttoo recently sont to Mexico by tho Chicago assembly is undar tho lnlluenco of tho sound money Demo crats. Tho committee consists of T W. Taylor, president of the assembly, and Charles N. Monaghan, representing tho Knights of Labor. They leave horo on Thursday. llruvll and Italy. BUHN-os AYKES, Sept. 15. A corre spondent in Rio Janeiro telegraphs that tho Brazilian foreign minister, Senor Cor qulru, has informed a circle of frlonds of high standing officially that he regards the prospects of n peacful settlements of the Italian quostlon us extremely favor able Kugeuie Onlofr to Alsncn. Berlin, Sopt 15. Tho Strosburg Bu'r per.eltung announces, that ox-Empress Eugenie is going to Alsaoo for a sojourn at the Koborsau oituto with Mine, Pour tales. Tho paper says It Is very doubt ful that sho will revisit .tho soones of tho disasters to the Frenoh armies in 1870. A farewell to Miirtlnnlll. Home, Sept. IB. The pope. miB Klven a . farewell uudlonoe to Archbishop Mar- tluolll, tho now papul delegate to the United ritutoa. Hucklen'a Arnlwi Salve. The boat salve in the world for cute, briilsos, soros, ulcers, salt rheum, fever soros, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin aruutlons. uud inwitlvuly cures piles. or jo pay required. It Is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction or luouy refunded. Price 23 cents per box. For sale by A. Wasley. To ltuce Around tho Horn. Saj FltAKClsco, Sept. 15. Tho British ships Dltton and Codarbank havo Bulled out of port for u ruco, In dUtuuco moro than half way around tho world. Each is ludou with whont. tho Dltton, Captain Moody, being bound for Quoenstown, and tho CodarbnnU for Hull. ithcumatlsm.' Cured lu a Day, "Mystic Curo" for Rheumatism and NeU' ralgla radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon tho system is remarkablo aud mysterious. It removes at mice the cause and tho dlseaso immediately disappears. Tho first doso greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by u. u. uagenbucti, urugeist, snenanaoan. Almost Distracted ID YOU EVER suffer from real ner vousness? When ovory ncrvo seemed to quiver with a peculiar, creepy feeling, first in ono place, and then another and all seemed finally to concentrate In a writhing Jumble in tho brain, and you be como Irritable, fretful and peevish; to be followed by an impotent, weakened condi tion of the ncrvo centers, ringing In the; cars, and sleepless, mlscrablo bights? Dr. Miles' Sirs'. Eugcno Scarlcs,. 110 Slmonton Sc., Elk hart, Ind., says'. "Ner vous troubles bad mado me nearly lnsano and physicians were unable to help mo. My memory Nervine Restores Health.... was almost gone and every little thing worried mo until I was almost distracted. I really feared I was becoming a manioc I imagined ail sorts of evil things and would cry over nothing. I commenced taking Dr. Miles' Rcsteratlvo Ncrvlno aud four bottles of this wonderful remedy completely cured mo, and I am as well now as I over was." Dr. Miles' Ncrvlno is sold on guarantee, first bottlo will benefit or money refunded. DR. LOBB'S BOOK FREE To nil sulTcrers of KltttOItS OF YOUTH, LitHV VIOOIt and DILUSLS OF SIKH AND WOJID'. 209 paces: cloth Dound: e curely scaled and motlcdrcf. Trcatroentbyraal strictly oofldcntlnl, and n posldve. quiet curs guarantfdd. Xa matter tinw lens standing. 1 v?Ul poe Ively cure you. Write or call. tlR ORR 329 H, I5l!i St.Phlla.Pa. l 604 North Sixth St, Id lltaZaaW side entrance onurcensL PHILADELPHIA. CURE GUARANTEED. (.UK1 I lnl'lc.i'Jli.K(UB years ana u Year, llonnltnl Kxnrrlcneo In .lermonv, stricture, blood poison, hgeneral debility, lost vigor, .EXCESSES AND ALL OTHER EFFECTS OF YOUTHFUL Folly of Both Sexes I'crmanenuy enreu nrter crerr one ele tin. ruHeO. LOST MAnHCOO AND SHRUNUI! ORGANS RESTORED. fci'Dit fiveS-cent stamps for boolcTriitli. The only cslrfwure of (junckff mmcrsworn testimonial PROFESSIONAL CARDS. q a. rillLMPS, M. D. Oulce : 30 West Centre street. Can ba-consulted at all hours. P. P. BURKE, M. D. 80 E. Lloyd street, Shennndoab. Ofllce hours : 1 to 9 a. m., 1 to 8 and 7 to 9 p. in. J. II. POMEROY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Shenandoah, Pa, M. BURKE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ofllce Kgan building, corner of Main and Centre streets, Shenandoah. pltOF JOUN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 65, Mahanoy City, Pa. Having studied under some of the best masters lo Loudon and Paris, will give lessoml on the violin, guitar and vocal culture. Terms reasonable. Address In care of Strouse, the ewcler. Shenandoah. Every man s wife who has uscdSSELIQ'S knows a good drink.Tryiton your husband CURED TO STAY CURED. Does This Mean AnrHitng to You? II your truss don't hold you or Is causins pain, see us at once. It may save you j ears of suffering. We have cured hundreds of people in rennsyivania, and can refer y. u r patient. cured In vnnr own town. Ilnr trpntmonf 'J harmless und will not keep you from yoif dully labor. Call and havo a t'tlk with ol doctor. It will cost you nothlnr Wo guar teo relief after tho first trcatiu .it, t,uii 1 prices are reasonable. I The Dr. Miller Co., Philadelphia Sco Our Doctor JKTery Tuesday at UNION HOUSE, Ashland, 4 oooooooco&ooooooooo-oo J 101 ."kilver nillions of Dollar.' Go nn in smoko every ytfelSn risks but get your housesrgr!" nituro, etc., insured iu Ant liable companlos as rcpreserL DAVID FAUST, IKS Also Life and Accidental CompauleX TUn' Dncil tvncUnncfl And a velvety softness ol the skin Is inva-. rlably obtained by those who use Fozzow'8 I Complexion Powder. I ljjijfjf friends vlr can teU )rou ff about Seel- g Ig'a. This admix- lute unproveccheap coffee and makes e youadeuclnmannit i i u lor little money, ilea pack-1 g ajcKroceis. a I