The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 11, 1896, Image 2

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M, 1
J'DTAtlMSIII'!) 1870.
I'ubllalif-d every Kiciiing. Kxi-ept Siinilft) ,nt
8 Bourn Jariiis ktrkkt. Near Ckstrk.
TClie llfnilil in ilmlveinl In Hhcimntlunn uud (ho
surrounding tmv ns for six cents a week, pa,
aid to the cnrrlcrs. Ily nmll (3.00 n year, or S5
Mall a mouth, jwyftlile In advance. Advettlso-
?nte ohnrite ci accord Iiik to spnee and iHwltlon.
b pulillalicm reserve the rlalit to chiinifo the
wsiltlotiof advertisement nlium-ver the puis
llcatton ul new ilcniftiiils It. The rluht In
tflrvwl to reject any advertisement, whether
eld fur nr nut, that thu publishers may ileem
prii nr. Advertising; rates mode known
apoa ni.lloalim.
atwwl t Hie iotofnce nt "Shenandoah, Pa as
seend clam mall matter.
Evening Herald
yjtii).Y. skiti:miii:ii it, iscd.
' nH rilWlllKXT,
Of Ohio.
vtrE rmini:sT,
Of New Jersey.
Of Susquehanna.
Ot V.tla
.inrrntssoN's iu li: roi
ai.i: I! A I K)
Tlio proportion liltiiii-ii tin- Millies
if uiilil mid silver Ii n MIIItCAM'll,!;
rr.OHI.IMI iiIloKrtIirr. .T nil prlml
pies will lend iih to disregard the lej-ul
proposition, to liiipllrc Into the mur
hct irlrn iiT gnlil In thu scier'll coilli
trios with Mlilrh i' shall prnlialily ?m
ismiicctf-il In collilliclcc, nlnt 1'AICIj
AN AVi;iA(lK Irnni tlicm."
Cuius. Maoek is quoted ns favoring tlio
election of John Wunaiuakcr fur tho C11itc.1l
States Sonnto. Chris. has that privilege.
Uklkhk Scwall withdraws as a vice presi
dential catulidato, Tom Watsop will give the
Democrat!) a heap of trouble. Without tl.o
Populists' vote Hrynn ci.ii carry hut few
states. '
TlIK delegates to the Hanisburg conyin
lion yosturilay performed the eon'ortion act In
ailmlrahio Democratic style. It would not ho
surprising wore they to iltclare in favor of
"greenliaeks" one muiilh heuco.
Tim interview which that iimiiBculato
i-onwrviitur of our ruorals, Jimes Smith, Kmj.,
KUiitloman, liail with Mr. Grime, of Knox
ville, 0110 of the mo-t prominent ami ci li
ft native business men of that place, is uno
lie will likely remember lor some years. Mr.
(liiimis is reputed to he slow to violotico I ut
our Gentleman Jim Is lucky to have escaped
without injury, as the Knoxvillo citizen's
iiuliKintlnn was as meat as that uf sumo of
our staid old citizens who have hecu logically
worked up over the outrage.
TiiKitu aro many mean men in this country,
lint the "wlno merelmut" of Elmlm who lias
brought an action ugainst two churches of
tliat city for alleged iolatiou of the IShiuc'g
lliiuor law, in using wine at the communion
.table, is certainly void of all eu:e of de
cency and icFpeit for divine worship. Tlio
law says that it is an oll'euie to "cxposo for
Kilo or give iiuay iutoxiisitius drink on
Holiday," and this u what this "wino mcr-
laut ban's h'.s ruuigei Upon, ilo.will
rdly lie siucesslul 111 inxading the faultily
the church to iieeouililish his ends.
Till: Democrats, so-called through political
uirtcsy, nu t ut Hanisburg yesteiday und
icceciloil m milling inemseives wrung suiu
it. This unusual feat was accomplished
Tier Chairman (uiriuau hud succeeded in
instituting 200 delegatus fur men who sut at three mouths ago. The attack
'Atip ..i William F. llanity, iu tho shape of a
resolution demanding his resignation as a
'ember of the National Conimitteo, failed of
ssage. Our own Watson bliephcrd, who;o
'o ambition is to occupy u sent in thu halls
Congress, no matter how secured, was
q- V''cse"t as ' delegate and joined in tho con-
oitioii act. riliopnuni was lor goui iincu
niuntlisago; now he is for Watsiin Shephcid
for Congress. Tho uoiuiuatiun of n Populist
fur Congiossinan-at-Iiargo, und leprosenta
tiou on tho electoral tiekot, is a fitting
climax to the repudiation of principles mid
men of throo months ugo.
t'."TiiK New York Tribune says ot tue
'iflhinesu u-eroy's probahlo miMiun to this
fiiuntry, that heiuiue on a diplomatic visit
) m the gii nlest Importance to both countries.
jjERs precise natuio bus yet to be officially
jKjLcloscil, but it is believed to embrace as one
lif iu chii l' objects the oousetit of thU Govern-
wHiint to inodilieation of the treaty under
"2E9ilch ciuna is rodtricled from impoiimg
SSftdioi duties on imports from tho United
SRtcs. Great Hntiiiu, Uormauy uud France.
'fTie situation fur the Chiuej nation uud the
statesman who is its Auibassadur and virtual
bead is one ot extreuiti difficulty. Worsted lu
war, foreud to pay a heavy Indemnity to
Japan, compelled to rely first upon Russian
aid, for which, it is by many believed, the
Hussian prico may I prmtlcal dismember
nieut uf th Chinese Empire, and crippled in
Jjuauci because silver, iu which import
duthtt aro (olid, has lost nearly half Its value,
'Ohiua appeani to have only this alternative
4iotiaeut of Western nations to the Imposition
of btaher imiuirt duties, ur practical lsiuk
ruiitoy "''! enfuicement of Rustiun claims,
.l-.bitf Invohingtho integrity or iudepen-
;i-u, of the En.nire. Thew appear to bo
faots, though the situation and tho prupiaU
jof Oliil'a are an yet not euiciauy miuwu.
'WITH all duo respect to the learned judge
of Sehuylklll oouuty, wo are uvorthoh in
.aiuoil to bullovo that his views on tho luit
liortutit quostlou of naturallwtioii are sumo
what weak and niod bolstering up. A dus-
..oii, from PutUvlllo says :
' JUlleIerlllughJ't'3f'i'.lton',l,1, n llll""
l .l ''V. I'Vo'ucr .iou i e,
''.T.VViViency Iii the examination M I"
f 5
St' ml
- riHiu
en this
. ii
ii- uriui
Tin- s. lmylkil) count court may not need
any inuui turns from other counties hut if
the learned judge imagines that lie is In
fallible lie makes a grievous error. Surely lie
cannot he blind to tlio fact that the imturnll
aation laws In Schuylkill, like in every
county in the state, have heon looked at too
lliditly in the past ; In fact, any one could
obtain the valuable documents simply for tlio
Hiking. The time lias mine when such work
ns this must ccaiw, especially if our institu
tions aro to he preserved, and wLun a demand Is
made by the rcoplr fora more rigid examina
tion, it is no more than right that thedemand
should lie granted. The learned judge is
elected by the people, and if he is not, he
ought to lie subservient to the wUhes of thb
peoplo, especially If their demand is a leasou
atilo and just one, as ill this case. Hanletou
Take Ijl.tatlve Uromo Quinine Tablets. All
drugglst refund the money if it fails to cure.
35 cents.
Nutloluit Loaicue.
At WashltiKton Wiishlngton, 0; Phila
delphia, i. At Cleveland Cleveland, 5;
lit. Louis, 3. At Now York Now York,
13: Huston, il. At Pitt-burn Chicago, 2;
Pltf-burx, 0. At D.'.lllmoro Hallltnoro,
11: Hrooklyn, 5. At Iioulsvlllo Iouls
Vlllo, 3; Cincinnati, 2.
Eastern l.encu.
AtWllkosbarro-Hpriniilleld, 13;Wllkes
barro, 7. At Huffnlo II11IT11I0, f; Toronto,
!. AtSerniitnn Hcranton. 15; Providence,
4. At Itnchestor ttoehester, 3;Syraeupe,2.
Atlaitflo Ijoitti?,
At Hartfiird Hartford, b; Pater'nn, 3.
At U'inciister Newark, 11; Lancaster. H.
At Philadelphia First gaino: Athletic,
13; Wilmington, 12 Second Biuno: Ath
letic, (i; Wilmington, 0.
I'owilerl.i Speaks for .lIcKlulcy.
Ni:w Yoi'.K. Sept. 11 A mass meeting
was held in Couiier I'.ilon lust night under
tho auspices of thocnmpnlgneommltteo f
thoMtKinloy league. Torrance V. Pow
derly, Into master workman of tho Knights
of Labor, and ex-Senar ir Warner Miller
wop; t ho chief speakers Tho meeting was
pluuno 1 for wage earners and a very largo
audience was present early, and when tho
speaki ng begun tho largo hall was crowded.
Several llryan men wore pre-ont, and
made their pre-enco known by loud cheers
for their eiindldato. This 'interruption
was spoedllylstupivd by the police, after
which the program of tho evening was
curried out.
It Is No Longer lYni-cil.
That hcietoforo much dreaded and gener
ally fatal disease, diphtheria, lias at last been
overcouio. Thompson's Diphtheria Cine is
as positive to cute as it is used according to
instructions. No more deaths need occur
from diphtheria, croup, quinsy, or any other
tluoat aH'cctiou. Ily all means keep one or
mote bottles on hand nil tho time. Itcots
only 50 cents a bottlo and is sold at Klrliu's
drug storoj
Tlio County League.
There will be two games of hall in the
County League series to-morrow, at Ashland.
The homo team and "Locust Dalo play 111 the
morning at lU::iu, and I.ocu't Dalo and
(iirardville play in the afternoon at 3:30. The
intention is now to play two games each
Saturday until tho season clones.
Tiin. O'ltrlcii Iii a KuiiiiMny.
Yesterday afternoon Tim. O'ilrien, the
liist Centre sticet saloonkeeper, was oxei
cisiiig u horse on the road to Uiugtowiv when
the animal became unmanageable. Mr.
w Jineu s 1001 was eaiiKlll' in me siirini;, ano
ho was dragged for about 150 yards when
, . ii 1 11 . , i
Ollrien's face and fide wore-badly bruised
and cut.
ftlllgeri. Will Iglioru tile ri'irsts' Order.
St. Ijoris, M-pt. 11. As to the law pro
mulgated by tho svuiul of the Catholic
printout the St. Louis nrchd'uei'se for
bidding Catholics to sing In Protestant
church choirs, many of tho leading clng-
urs si.y tney will nor oney it. nenrys-.
Laburge, who has sung In the ilrst 1'res
bytermn church for four years' Edward
aiid Kurnard Gorkos. whofor ten yeairs
have sung in tho Llndell and Methodjst
churches, all say they will pay no atten
tion to thu law and thoy do not bullovo any
of the singers will.
Kv-Ooveruor Ilrown Is .--m-Jmislj- Tnjiurvil
Loi lnVlIXK, Sopt. 11. Ex-Govunior
John Young Hi-own was qultu sorlously
Injured lust night by a full while boarding
a street car. His collar bone und an linn
won' broken ami his crippled leg was
badly hurt. Thu ox-governor Is about IW
years old, but Ills physicii.n , say he Is In
no liiiiumlluto dangor. Governor Brown
Is the Dumueratlo candidate for congress
in this district. V
A Cu-tiniis War Imminent.
London', Sept. 11. Tlio Dcrlln oorres
liondoiit of The T imos says tlint thero are
persistent rumors there of an Impending
customs vvnr between Germany nnd Uus
sin. It Is stated that Russia Intonds to re
taliate for some vexntlou.'. restrictions
upon Uusslttii imports tmpiwetl at the In
stigation of tho German agrarians.
Tlio Weather.
For District of Columbia, eastern Poim
sylvuulu, Now Jersey, Mnrj-lau.Umd Dola
wuro : Fair ; westerly vviutla.
Mrs. Agnes do Yore, who was itijured In
Now York In a bloyele collUmu, died nt
the Hoosovoit nospitai.
A ibdegntlon from Vermont, headed by
Sctu.tor t'rootor, caiieu on jinjor -Hcnin-
lev at Canton this morning.
The Iowa Populist state convention In
dorsed the Democratic Mate ticket, and
declared for Hryaunnd free silver.
Michaels, tho Yt ulsh blcyole rider, ami
timifcssionul champion ot Uruat llrltaui.
will llloeL uuilll n. .iuiiiimu ill u iimwjii
race for throe hunts on the Toronto Hlund
track Sent. 111.
Chairman lllnklov. of the Now York
Domoorntio state, dunle the
ivnort t hat he and Senator lilll Unit on
donvored to swing tho state uonventluu to
Palmer and lluokner.
John McCarthy, who 14 supposed to lieu
notorious lunik robber, was nrrested nt
Sun FruiieUoo. McCarthy Is charged with
i, luiun initilbuiieil In the iittomtit to
loot thol'lrM National uankof LysAmfoles
by tumiullliig bunanth tho vaults.
. it ,i,.u-,,'i ,,,'itlur intioh whethur slok hind
...i.., i.iii,,,,u linllirnstlon and constlm
.!.,.. '.!,.. nuJ l,v noLdoct or hv unavoidable
Muit,iuuniM: DuWltt's Little llirly RU'rs
will sntullly cure tUuin all.' C. II. Jlagtiii
r-MI j Lih,. j--lifflMfTir- J , ,iiiliiiii B
Dentil or n Well Known Cmiinllaii.
( Niouk s. rit 11 .tunics L, wi- tin
I Well kn JWIi cuini' du d yiiti nlu.v at
West lI.tmiiMii. Li. I Mr ij-wls was ,w
years ot .in.' UN ili'linsi- was rtiu-i-d by
heart tnuilil.'.'ui' he had been In fairly ouil
health until within iifewdiirn, tilsliisten
gtiRunn'iit, whlihclosod three wooksnito,
Wis at Daly's Imndoii theater, where ho
plnyed Dr. (Juuttles In Augtiatln Daly's
ooniudy, "Lmu on Cnitohos." He nrrlvi it
In Anmrlo.i on Saturday wook In seem
ingly good health. Mr. howls was niar
rlod to 11 IJoston lady. Ho lwivos no issue.
Jl'.b'ni'c of llesslc Little's Murder.
DAVTov, O, Sept. 11. Chief of Police
I'arroll says that two men, whoso names
lie refuses to give, have eutno to him and
told htm that they have ieminnt knowl
edge, that Alfred Franz murdered Ilussle
Little, whom he had lietrayud, and that
they will give evldoneo In tho trial. Ho
stiys, furthermore, tfcnt ho has clear cor
roborative testimony aupportllig the direct
ovldoneoof those two unknown witnesses.
Tho murder took plnce in loss tlinn one
hour after she left her boarding house.
Tho Tlirco rrlcliils' Latest Ilipeilltlon,
I'AMI'A, Flu., Sept. 11. Dr. Joaquin
Castillo, manager of tho Culxin expedi
tions, arrived hero last night from Key
West, and left Immediately for Jackson
ville. Tho Three "Friends landed her last
expedition under General Itevora safely.
Passengers from Havana announce the
arrest of Dr. Leopold Ilerrlel, Alfredo
Hernandez and Dr. Juan Francisco O'Far
111, all members of Havana university.
Alleged complicity with tho Cuban junta
caused tho urrosts.
IlintniiN Monument to llnncock.
Uosio.N, Sopt. 11. A monument over
tho grave of John Hancock. In tho Granary
burying gnninds, was unveiled yostenlay
afternoon. A hundred or nioro lovers of
tho numo nnd fame of tho staunch old pa
triot dulled the elements and gathered!
around thu bountiful shaft. Mary KUza
lieth Wood, givat granddaughter of Han
cock, unveiled tin- shaft, and thero wero
brief addrussos by Governor Woleott und
Ollkcrs of the L'jrtteil Tyrmtlirtii'.
Kor:ni::vri:n, N. V., Sept. 11. Thu last
session of thu tenth annual convention of
tlio United Typotheta was heldyosterduy.
Tho election of oillcers resulted as follows:
President, .Tamos H. Ditiro of Nashville,
Tenn. ; secretary, Thoiilas Knapp of Chi
cago; treasurer, W. D. Carpenter of Cin
cinnati. The date of thsr next annual
meeting at Nnshville,,Tonn., will bv fixed
by the execarivu committee.
Mrlhc of lona .Millers linnilliciCr
Dl.s Moixks. hi., Sept. 11. Tho miner
of this district threaten to go out una
strlko Oct. 1, nnd trouble Is expected One
of thu mines, Curbondale, has imported
inn men, oolorud and Italians, i'mr tho al
leged purpose of keeping prlooi for min
ing down to eighty rents instead if ninety
cents, the usui'l wi titer sch oil ulo. The old
miners siy thoy will not submit) tulowor
rate than ninety ceutri-
The South Ctlrotiim Scnatorslitp.
Coi.u.MiilA, S.C., Sept. 11. A practkally
comploto ami ollicial count of the vote lu
Tuesday's Democratic primary for thu
nomination of a cumliilato for n rulleil
States senator gives Judge Joseph II.
Karlo 13,01s, Governor John Gary K. 'ins,
:W,7U0; total vole, sj,71S; Karlo's iiiujoiUy,
A .Mull Train Allium-.
Go.-iii:x, Ind., bept. 11. 1 ho Lukohiioro
through express, carrying malls and ex
press from New York to Chicago onught
tiro near bore last night and thousands of
dollars' worth of goods, with much mall
.... ... i..,T.. tlnlnitvitil Wbnil lbfi ibltiliu
were discovered the train was sbwed down i
MTnr-t inn.l.. to nvtlniMifsh tbimi. 1
i ,
illu" and a wildrun with 1
tin. blazliiL' train was made forthls city. !
'Six miles away. The fire ilepai-Mneut was
1 ,,,,,,,,, 5iHi,.,i. imt nilt he.fom
much of the valuable oxprossagc had been
Itnssrll Sage siimuinr.ts-1.
Xkw Yokk, Sept. 11. Magistrate Craao
In tho Centro street pollcu eimt t issued a.
summons for Knssell Sago. Psllcuman
Dlriulngham complulnud that lie was vio
lating the sanitary law by poriulttlng
tluist In char-jo of a tenement owned by
him to mix garbage with nshos.. Whuu
the policeman wont to servo the hmuinons.
he found Mr. Sago was out of town.
Tlio Uerinmlii Will lie "Luini .Miiy."
Ntw Yoiik, Sept. 11. Thu stoHiuur Her
muda, noted for Its flllbustorlngveKplults,
arrived hero yu-tonlay In clmrgo c( treas
ury department oflluers. Tlio Bermudiu
has no roglstrj-, but will huvo her name
almngcil to Laura May and will bo put
under the American' :lag as soon as tho
nucossarj' bill has boon passed by eongross.
Closing Quotations of tlio New York, mul
rlillitdclplilu iTxcluincM.
New Yokk, Sept. 10. The stock, market So
day wtw rimitioaarj', on a decreased volunu ot
busincHS. Tho iirofivssional eliarauter of the
operutious was as clearly evident as hiTetof ore,
and th" developments of t he tfny workisl t j tlio
od'.ta,"' of thu Um ('lusting iud" :
Baltimore "oOliia
Oliuui. & OUio.
p.'l. & Hulls in
D,,L.4e W .. ..
Lu'tBKrie W...
LehluhNav. . .
Lehigh VWlay
Now Jersey Cen
N. .. (Saitrol.
Poiuuqrl rania .
tit. Vm&. .
vr.. k.y. Pu .,
. 01k
ad wu't pattt.
( i i' 1 1 oral MairMt.
Pnii.DTOJ'lUAi Sopt. Ifl Klour wl tcusin-
talne J. i wtnfe-r annerft ao.HJ 0&8.1&; do. oxtras,
a.uV9S.flfl:Ppunsyiviiiu poiiiir, custr. w.(ta'
tlo.dn., tra.uht, WaJlJi; vrteni wlulcr, clear,
J.75ia, Whnat dull; Sirptember, W'vUOKo.
Corustady;8aptimil r. l wis drill;
beiJU'iunur, iihiHH', a"- May dull; enoiou tim
othy, tliSU. Beef sti noy; city family, tMs
V); Ix v. liauw, Jia.aj' ro.-K urn ly ; laiu
lly, fOTfiflu Lard ivtiady: wiutern sta,
fa.ii'!lj. Butter steady; wrntun creaimiry.
rancy,iii'iiio:. : reuns.yiYiuii'rciiniory jirusw,
strtotly fnuey, Wo. ; do. flr, ITtWe. ; do. aoo-
ouns, 14KI1W1. : print Jouning ut ril. Uttoese
quiet : Nw York fi.e Wry , ehotou, b' 4fa.blii. , do.
tairto gwsl, TVSi'Jie.; prt aklms, ,i'vW4u,
Klfgsqui.'t; ue 'by, oholoe, 15e. ; western do.,
li'kO. ; do. fair. ia14c.
lAvv Moek MurK. ts.
New Yomk, Sept. 111. Ruropimu o ibbw quote
Amencaa steers at KCullc , ilrnssisl weight;
iep at dn-s .1 weight; refrigeraUir
lieef at THMXo. Caul's oiuet, but steady:
vwils, KgnT.SI) j grasx-rs and buttermilk., ."6
(HH.H. Ssbi ci i and la.i.b i dull luid lower ; slitwu,
H'.' lauil, Uii. Hugs stuuly at
East LniKIITY, tpt. In. Cattle steady
prime, i1741.!H; goi.d, f l.iJvt.t!u, balls, stags
audcoWA. isv3..VI,- fresh ivsund springers,
(1.31X41. Hog-i slow; prime lutsortisl medium
weight. a.i
;ht, $:t.nuav8.e5;
common in f ul
roughs, J.IM.
in', hi i'!.'i.75i
l llUK'C lUlllOS,
In, Wjjli vual
sfPBfff p.mfti'
Last and all tho time Hood's Snrsapnrilla
has been advertised ns n blood purlflor.
Us great cures' havo been accomplished
thronp h iju rilled blood cures of scrofula,
salt rheum, eczema, rheumatism, neural
gin, catarrh, nervousness, tlm't tired feel
ing. It cures when othcra fall, because it
Strikes at tho root ot the disease and
eliminates every germ of Impurity.
Thousands testify to absolute cures ol
blood diseases by Hood's Barsaparllla,
although discouraged by the falluro of
other medicines, Eembmbcr that
Is the best Infactthe One True lllood Purifier.
Hood's PiHslis1
Postal Clerics Orert llrj'iin.
Lincoln, Neb , Sept. 11. Twenty-four
membersof tho National Postolllco Clerks'
association, en route to the national con
vention hold at D.'iiver, shook hands with
Mr. Hrynn yesterday, and James II. Mo
loney, secretary of the civil sorvico board
nnd suixTlntundent of tho registry depart
ment at S-prlngileld, Mass , promised Mr.
Hrynn the support of that organization in
a noat speerti. Mr. Hryan was at tho depot
In response to a telegram, und mailo u
short speech to tho clerk-.
Serious G-isnllne I-xplosJoa.
ST. Loris, Supt. 11. One man was fa
tally Injured and four others seriously
hur last night a tho result of an explos
ion cnuod by the cureless bundling of gas
oline In tho bulldiiig occupied by tho
Mound City Cleaning nnd Dyeing' com
pany. The Injured, are: Junius WMker,
the proprietor; Jnnes Vlncwit, 11 dyer;
Harry ltoberts, John Meers nnd Edward
If you hare ever seoiva llttlo cftild in the
agony of summer complaint, you can rcaliio
tlio. danger of the trouble and appreciate the
Aiiltie of InstaatHneous-retier ulwuys allbrdetl
by DeWitt's- Colic and I liolein Cure. For
dysentery and diarrhoea it Is a reliable
remedy. We cinild not nll'onl to lecominenrl
this as a euro unless it wero a euro. C. H.
Com le t l ullilly Kliot WhOu lUrnvlng.
LKAvnswoiiT'l, Kun., Sept. 11. WI1P
lam Hluylook and Charles Pond, mur
derers, inndu n dOspernto attempt to esuapo
from tho Kansas penltcntluiy. On gain
ing the outside of tho prison wall tower
guards called njjoii' Hluylook mil Pond to
halt, and opened lh on them when thoy
refused. Kight shots wero flrnd, and uwh
man was hit. Pond managed to gain tho
woods, and is still utlarge. Huiylnck was
shot through tho leftthigh and abdomcti,
and Is fatally wounded. Illuylock und-hls
l)ther Jonathan wore train robbe-s, und
la May, lnh", shot and Instantly killed
City Marshal David Gordon, of Volunibus,
Kan. 'J."..ey were captured after a hard,
tight, and sentunced for life. Charles Poad
Is nailer sentenco of death for murdering
his wlfo. He was abvut to bo pardoned,
thestnte bound just having completeiLu.
favoi-ublo iiivestigutlou of Ills oaui.
n Adjouroeil Witl..t Noml,.lng.
UAKLAVU, Mil., .-op. 11. ihe HupubUV
onn congressional coutcniioii ol me .-ixtji
district met again yesterday, ana tliooiyitlv
ballot was' taken wlthuut reulr. Poiuto
of Allegany and MoDuiald of Montgom
Hry luivo been tho inadlng isiudldiitvs.
Kiu-h !ms reached elovsn votes, but It takes
thirteen to nominate Tho deadlock promi
ses to lie proloc.jod, u no dark, horse lias
yet developed lunch strength. Allegany
tried without result ta hnvo Julgo Stako
nomliiated. It Is uol.thought that any n
the iwlginal candidates can ivin. Ijito
yesterday afternnon the convention tui
imuuud to meet at Husekvlllo Sept. IZ.
Why sutler with Coughs, Colds ami La
Srippe when Laxative Ilroiuo Quinine will
cure ynu in one day. Put up in. tablotocon
venitmt for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or
sioney refunded. Pce, 25 cnts. For sate
by Kirlin's l'liannacy.
Custom House stllul-ileil t)' Troops.
El- Paso, Tex., Sept. 11. Ni. attack
was nm. !e by Yiujals or insurrectionists
on thu Juarez, custom liou'e, although ouo
was expected Yi'.diicsday night- Thi en
tire town is uiiilur arms, imdinling four
eompivnlo-- of Inftantry, one of cavalry and
one hundred ruvales. Tho custom house
Is carefully guarded by regular troops und
armed clerks. 'Iwo troups of cavalry ar
rived yesterday from. Durango. Three
more troops of the sumo regiment havo
twen stationes". at Ahumlda, slxrr miles
south of Junroj:. Sejita Teresodu's houso
Is guarded by iirmil friends, but thero
bus been no conflict yot o uuj- klud.
HiMlilun'H. Arnica Salve.
Tho bust salve in the world for cute,
bruises, sores, ulvwrs, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter. ch&BDed hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin avqptioua, and jitively ouies nllet.
oi jo pay reqHlMd. It is guaranteed to givo
perfeot aatlsfnctdea or nouy wAmded . Prico
corns per biu . t or sale r.v A . WMley .
?lll .'O till tl Ol O OUibl .'I'Ud.
Komi., vs . 11. i-"i.ifossor Luiijl Hal
mien, the eele'n-.ilu.l Italuui metotirulo
Ut, Is dead xie was born in WiV, and iu
1831 tooli i ba"?o of thu liiete.iriiloKleal ib-senatu-T
of Yennvlus, His mime has
been cimnwtoa with all reports of erup
tions sine that time, pr)uoially In 1S72.
when his life v.-ns lu daligor. He was the
author uf a number of interesting works,
and win the inventor of soveml valuable
Instruments designed to measure ruin
falls, to study atmospheric oloctrielty and
uud to record subterraneous disturbances.
ltlteiiiiiutlsiii Curetl In a Day.
".Mvstie f.'ure" fur Ithcuiiiatisni and Ntu
rslgia radically euros in 1 to 3 days. Its
notion unou tho system is remarkable and
mysterious. It romovos at ouce the causo
and the disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly boueflU; 75 cents. Sold by
C. H. llaueubuoh, Druggist, iilicnandoah.
Ask your grocer for tho "Itoyal I'atcnt
Hour, and take uo other brand. It Is tho best
llour madoj
Theories of euro may bo dUcusswl ot length
hv tilivsli'tans. hut tlin eiillerers Willi t uulck
relief; and Ono Jlluuts Cough Puro will givo
ittotheni. Asjifoenro for children. It U
''tho only harmless remedy that producer
imuieiliato reuit.- u. it. iiuseuuian,
Ily I be Icileral Antborltles on ltd- Arrttal
Bt ,Vlllillnglon, Del.
WlLMiVOTOS, D.-1., Sept. 11 Tho
steamer Latirada arrived at the mouth uf
the Christiana yesterday from Port An
tonio, and vrns promptly seized by the
Federal authorities. She has n cargo of
bannnns for n Philadelphia firm. Upon
anchoring, tbo vossol was lwardod by a
deputy collector, ond It was found that
her manifest gavo her destination ns
"Philadelphia or any other port lu the
t'nlted States." This aroused suspicion,
and her stoppngo hero gave weight to tho
Ixdlef that nnotlicrflllbustcringcxpedltion
was contemplated. Collector of tho Port
Townseud accordingly decided to hold
hor, nnd telegraphed to Washington for
further Instructions. Ho received a reply,
Instructing him to hold the steamer for
further orders. Captain Murphy s lu
charge of the vessel.
Ynncoiii-or's Welcome to I.I.
Vajtcouvku, n. C., Sept. 11. Li Hung
Chung Is expected hero tomorrow, and the
local Chinamen have already nmdo ox
tonslvo preparations to welcomo their dis
tinguished countryman. A triumphal
urch of Inimenso size Is being erected nt
tho Canadian Pacific depot, and n plenti
ful supply of llroworks hnvo boon ob
tained. An nddross, of course, will bo pre
sented, and a request made for the ap
pointment of a local causul, China not
having ntij representative In Canada. The
board of tr.ado Will nlso press Vancouver's
claims for tho appointment of a consul
here. LI Hung Cluing will stay on board
tho Empross of China until the vessel sails
on Monday.
.Minister Arrested on u Slimier CIiArge.
Dktuoit, Sept. 11. Dr. J. A. Ames
(colored) was arrested Into yesterday after
noon on suspicion that ho was Implicated
in causing tho death of Miss Ada Desolms,
a dressmaker. 23 your of age. Mrs. M. E.
Livingston, with whom thoyoung woman
boarded, charged Jefferson White, an em
ploye of tho-public works olllce, with be
ing Miss Deselms' bntniycr, and White
was also arrested. An aunt of thi dead
girl was about to convey tho body to her
house, at Howling Green, O., when the of
ficers stepped in and dutiilnod her. An
autopsy held yesterday afternoon con
firmed tho belief us to tho cause of tho
young woman's death.
I'mlc7zllug Crt'tom House Ottlrlal.
Dktuoit, Sept. 11. Charles Y. Hrynn,
cashier of the IJetrolt custom house, was
taken Into custody yosterday afternoon
charged with onibuxzlcment of tho gov
ernment's money. His shortage, 4o which
ho confesses, is about 51,fi00. It was dis
covered in tho course of tho regular an
nual examination ottho custom houso by
thu treasury agents. Mr. Hrynn tendered
his resignation yesterday afternoon, but
ho was ordered removed shortly after
wards by a telograiiK from the tmnsury
department, which hud just been apprised
nl th' tlwiilcntlun Bryan's shortage Is
charged to wheat speculation.
Jesse h. Test, Ksq an old resident and
Iiilily respected citizeB'of our town, ealled
this morning and after purchasinp. a bottlo
of Chmnberlniu's Colic, Cholera and Dlar-
rlwoa Kemcdy, said: "If anyone asks you if
this- remedy will do what is claimed for it.
tell them yes, and refer them to me." H
Alexander Stoke, l!eynIdsvillo, Pa. Xo 0110
can doubt the value of'this medicine after
giving it a fair trial. Ticn it is pleasant and
safe to toko, making it especially TOluablo
forcbildreu. For sale by ifiruhlor Bros,,
lrusgists. . i
i-jTin ,Minys .ne ltolitied.
TmiMAsviLi.i:, Ua., Sopt. 11. Thu ofllco
of the Southern Kspross company In this
city was robbed during tho night of $1,000.
Tho thlcvos entered through tho front
rloornnd found tho sufo key that wnleft
in the olllce Tho safo contained 2,000,
but only ono package, coutalnlng 81,000,
was taken, the barglars having been
frightened n way probably before tlan-second
package was discovered. Tho burg
lary and robbery was ono of tho' ixwlost
and most during criminal acts over- com
mitted In this section ot Georgia.
Ch;s. 1!. Hood, Tjtoker and Jlanuff-cturer's
Ageut, Columbus, Ohio, certifies- that Dr,
Kinx's fcw Dlocovery equal as a
Couch remedy. J. lb ISrowu. I'Sop. St.
James Hotel, Ft. Wriync, Ind., testifies that
he was cured ot n. Cough of two years stand
ing, caused by La Gripis( by Dr. King's Xow
Uiscovcn. 11, i. Jlerril, iSalilwiusville.
3Iss., s.iys that ho hasnseil and leeomuiend
ed it and nevcr-knew i to fail rnd would
rather have it tnan any doctor, becauso it
always cures. Mrs. Hemming, Jil II. 28th
St., Chicago, always keeps it at hand and lias
no tear ot Crosp, necanso It instantly relicTcs.
Freo Trial Utttles nt A. Wasley.'s Drugstore
A tioy .Vcilllltteil of XUllriler.
UxitlXTOWN, Pa., Sept. 11. Tho Jury In
tho JoseiiU Stoa murder case, uf tor being;
out throo hours, returned with a verdict ot
uoqulttiil. Stoa Is tho 11-yonr-old Itullntk
boy who killed his playmate, Conwell
siteelo, vfltb a stne In July nt thulr homo
in Drownsville. He Is the youngost por-
f-on uver tried f r tho crime of murder lu
Culmu 1'ntriot KxecutAd.
Havana, Sopt. 11. Luis I'ayrol Slar
tllif., a member of an oxpeditlou landed
by the Throo Friends was executed yes
lrday. Hodled as. a Chrlstiau. Slartinez
wns a nephow of the deuoiisetl stpnnlsh
Ganeml Gnllln. Tho steamers lluonos
I Ayres and tsan Fernando luive arrived
hero with another iletaeJiliient of troops
for Cuba, consisting of 101) officers and
8,mb0 men. On the voviiks one soldlerwns
killeil and seven othors lniurod as a rdsult
of th heavy weather.
FiillllllH'l- iu Interview 1(111.
Washington, Sept. 11. Senator Faulk
ner left Washington last night for New
York, where ho will luiv a conference with
lleiuocratiuletuters.lnoludlng Sena tor Hill.
He luid uothlug to soy about his errand
except that be had been "Ordered on."
CiuiUrnutn Jouos,vhohslieeu In Chlcngo,
will meet Senators Hill and Faulkner
Delintliit; the Sultnn's Deiiosltlon.
I.oxpo.N, iropt. 11. Tho Press Assocln
tiou announces that a private dispatch
from Oonsttuitlnople received last evening
confirms the rumor that tho deposition of
tho sultan Is liolng seriously debated by
the powers, and Important dovelopnionts
n ro oxpectod.
"Boys will bo boys," but you can't ntl'ord
to loso any of them. Ho ready for the green
applo season by having DoWltt's Cello and
(Jliuicni uuro in tno uouse, v. n. iiagen
When you want good roofln'gJipltimblnB
gas fitting, or general tlnsmil
on E. F. Gallagher 18 West
Doalor Ir. ttc-ea
Ministers Should Use
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure.
labors so soverely tax tho nervous ey s
tcm, as that of tho ministry. Tbodo
rangoincnt of tho norvo centers of the brain
by over work, frequently brings on attacks
ot heart trouble and nervous prostration.
Rev. J. P. Kostor. M. D Pastor U. B.
church, London Mills, Ills., himself a physi
cian, writes Feb. 20, 1895: "Heart affection
and nervous prostration bad become so
serious lost fall that a llttlo over work In
tho pulpit would so completely prostrate mo
Tv Mi1pi' tua seemed certain I
ui. iuuw must relinquish tho work
Heart CUre of th0 ministry entirely.
Heart palpitation became
ReStOreS bo bad that my auditors
TTAolf h would ask mo If I did not havo heart dlsoaso. Last
November I commenced taking Dr. Miles'
Now Heart Curo alternately with Dr. lilies'
Ncrvlno and derived tho greatest posslblo'
benefit. I havo just closod revival worl; of
10 weeks, preaching nourly overy nlghV ad
twlco on the Sabbath. I can speak for hours
without suffering as I formerly did. Hard
working ministers should keep Dr. Mllos'
grand remedies on hand."
Dr. Miles Heart Curo Is sold on guarantee,
first bottlo will benefit or money refunded.
oe, mm
604 North Sixth St.
Side entrance on Green St.
f- OUIKsTliil'JtAtTICIKBiS jrenral lini 0
f 71 Yi'iirs Ilii-itltat Kxiivrli'iife 111 .U'riimnr. '
HUtntRAL UtEilLirT, UU3I VlbUR,S
Prisreii5r asin Ai I nrurui
Folly of both Sexes
lcrmnncntlr onrcil after crcrr utic cNo hos fallc J,
Sin! tWoi-tent 3tiiniT- fiir xifcTrnlh. TliPouh
PXi'it-iir- ol t Jut H'tvv- im 1' r- ii t -iitnimnT
To all Batterers of 1-UrUOHS OV VOUTII.
lohI' vinoic iim uiKAMi?9 ov xij;r
AND WiJ.UKN, - pacts; e.oth Douodj
curciyseiil''cl ..iK:c alicijr,. Tr.- 'nitnt bymall
BtrlCtly oolluetitlt.1, n I t u-e. quick COIfl
ijaaranf"tl. matter how ... j 8tanltD I
will poi IvHy cure yr;. Wrh or ca.L
HR nRR 329.l5tl!St.Piiila,Pa.
OIBeo: 30 Wt Centre street.
Candie consulted nt all h
1 rf'- .
30 E. Lloyd fJtTSheriapah.
Ofilco hours : 7 to 9 i. m., 1 to 3 and 7 lof
p. uii
n. roNEitoY.
Shenandoah, l'a.
Ofllce Ximn liulldlnir. cornier of MAin ana
Lntro streets, &ucBanuonu.
Look Box 65, Jlnlianoy City, Pa.
IlnvlnK studied under some oi the best
masters li London and Paris, will give lesson
on tho violin, guitar and vocal culture. Terms
reasonable. Address in care of St rouse, the
cweler. Shenandoah.
Grocers can tell
you why those
whobuy Seelig's
keep coming back
for it. Strange
though how long
it takes people to
try a new thing.
las an
.admixture to
ordinary cof
fee makes a
lUCULloua utiiiis. ptckAKS,
Does This Mean Anything to You?
If ynur truss don't hold you oriseaLMne
paln.heo us at once
It mav buvo you taBs
. cap s oi
ln Pennbylvaiiia, and can refer youtuuativiti
cured in your own town. Our treatment f
uiu iiiicna itim mil nuv tvev jmi nuni .u..i j I
dally lsibor. Call and have a talk with uwL.J
If trill Anar w.n t.ntlii.u, W tx w.,...., t'l 1
7 m V"BV ''r"J" "V ht-'UHIf
ujort'iioi aner hip m&i irraiiuein, ana oj
prices uro reasunuuic.
The Dr. Milter Co., Phlladelphi
Seo Our Doctor Every Tuesday nil
UNION HOUSE. Ashland, Fl
oo o o o e e o o o & o o r9 to o
ualnd Silver
not salt
'pus free.
: ii rles are
colds, cf
l,a Urn
Used externally it is the best lit
nient in tbe world. Iieware
imitations, bify only the cen
i( w-...f i.-st!imjai.
vtPrrvf or 11