The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 07, 1896, Image 1

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VOL. XL-NO. 223.
Keep warm
Just received a full and complete
line of all grades of fine Woolen Underwear
direct from the knitting mills. We guaran
tee them to be new and perfect as we only
sell first-class goods at the very lowest
bottom prices.
16 E. Centre Street,
Up-to-Date Hatter and Gent's Furnisher.
A Full and Complete Line
From 50c to $1.25.
Laces, Gloves, Ribbons and
a fine graduating dress.
. i . 1 B rPT'Ci North Main St.,
BUYS the: best
rvn Ti-r m a 1 T T K T T
RhAI I Y ( )N A WA I
UlrXKJ 11 V-i i i tm viu
fa ilrnwlno- nrnr and I will make
ou special oarpains.
The larj;oht, freshest and best stock of
In Shenandoah ut from four to fifty cents.
Thomas H. Snyder,
23 S. Jardln St.,
' One Car Strictly Old No. i Timothy Hay.
One Car Winter Wheat Middlings.
One Car Choice Yellow Corn,
To Arrive in a Few Days.
One Car Strictly Old White Oats
Fine and Heavy.
Fresh Creamery B.utter Every other day.
Dairy Butter Fine and strictly fresh.
Pure Kettle Rendered Lard. Old Apple Vinegar.
Fresh Roasted Old Government Java Coffee.
Finest Quality Fresh Roasted Blended Coffee.
New Mackerel This Season's Catch.
Lebanon Summer Bologna and Chipped Beef.
Children's Carriages
and upwards.
All Styles of
j. p.
Williams 8c Son,
South Main St.
Fans. Everything suitable for
ixiwtw, Shenandoah, Pa.
is ecu cow no more than upline. 1 now oiler
the most honutUul WALL PAPER nthnlf what
vou expect they would cost. The winter Reason
Shenandoah, Pa.
Despotic Step In the Persecution of Super
intendent Bogart.
Arrested by "Jack" Toole on Oath of "Jim"
Smith, Who Renews the Vates Chargo
"on Information Eeoelved" Great
Indignation Arousea.
Ono of tho dirtiest outrages ever per
petuated against n citizen of tho United
States was enacted in tills borough to-day by
Ulio railroading Prof. C. 1). llogart, supcrin-
tcnucni 01 tno puuuc bciioois 01 mo town, to
Pittsburg ou tho charges of which the ac
cused was only recently acquitted by tho
School Hoard of tills place. A moro auto
cratic act could not bo performed by the most
despotic of governments.
iU about 0:30 q clock this morning Superin
tendent llogart was engaged in receiving
parents and pupils in hisolllco in tho High
school building when Detective "Jack"
Toolo appeared and placed him under nrrest
on a warrant Issued at Pittsburg and involv
ing tho chargo of Clara Vates which tho
School Hoard of this town fully investigated
with tho result that it completely exonerated
tho accused man.
Suporiutendcnt llogart was not surprised at
tho step, as rumors had been current for
several woeks that tho conspirators would
"tako him in nippers to Pittsburg," but ho
was both astounded and indignant when ho
learned that ho would not bo allowed to enter
bail, or sufficient tlnio to inako proper nr.
rangemcnts for his departure. Ho barely
had timo to hurriedly closo his office
and call at his homo to tako leave of
his family. "Jack" Toolo was obdurate.
Superintendent Hogart and n host of
mends offered bail in any amount for tho
former's nppearanco at Pittsburg at any time
tho Grand Jury or court at that placo may
require, and they had n written opinion from
A. W. Schalck, Esq., tho Pottsvillo lawyer,
btating without equivocation that ball could
bo so furnished, but Toolo a ouly reply was
On to Pittsburg. He said ho was "under
instructions to accept no ball." Sir. llogart
and Iks friends then tried to pcrsuado Toolo
to delay tho departure, so that the arrival at
Pittsburg would bo mudo in tho day time or
early oveniug to-morrow, and not at mid
night, but to this Toolo also refused to
acccdo. Sir. Bogart ventured to say that it
was evidently tho intention to land him in
Pittsburg at midnight, to that ho could get
no legal redress and would bo obliged
to go to jail until to-morrow. This
brought out a reply from Toolo that ho
would treat him as a criminal if any insults
were offered. No persuasion would prevail
and Superintendent llogart was obliged to
ltavo town witli Toolo on tho 11:03 Lehigh
Valley train, less than two hours after tho
arrest was made.
The affair aroused great public indignation
and business men and prominent citizens
from all quarters of tho town were loud ill
their condemnation of tho autocratic act
Among them was Sir. Itusscll W. Stout, who
volunteered bail, and finding it would not bo
accepted, ho accompanied Superintendent
llogart to Pittsburg.
lioforo tho train left a Herald reporter
requested permission to look at tho warrant,
but Toolo declined to afford him tho privilege.
Justice SI. J. Lawlor is authoiity for tho
statement that tho warrant in tho caso was
sworn out by "Jim" Smith, of this town, be
fore James A. JloJIaster, an Alderman of
"Jim" Smith is thoman who helped "Jack"
Toolo work up tho alleged case against
Superintendent llogart when an eflort was
mado to prevent Sir. Bogart from receiving
his commission as Superintendent of tho
local schools.
An interesting fact in connection with tho
matter is that "Jim" Smith swears out the
warrant "on information received."
Jteforo taking his 'departure tills morning
Superintendent llogart said If lam accorded
tho least quantity of justice I will return
hero to-morrow." When asked as to what ho
had to say ho replied with coolness, but great
firmness, I have nothiuc moro to say than
that there is absolutely nothing in tho case
At Kcpchlnskl'it Amnio Cnfo.
Pea soup to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
Steals served at all hours.
Miners' Hospital.
Georgo uuntalitz, or blicnanuoali, was
admitted to thoSIiucrs' hospital on Saturday.
Tho following wero treated at tho dispensary
department: John Kciulth, 20, uirardvilie,
laboror, Packer colliery No. 5, abscess left
thumb, caused by a pieco of coal imbedding
itself therein; Martin liyan, 17, Uirardvilie,
driver, Hear Illdge, bovorely lacerated wound
of tlfb right index fingor; William Canfield,
of Gllbcrton, slmplo fracture of the radius
and ulraa right foroarm, by a fall; Jolm I.
Tempest, 31, Girardvillo, miner, Slahanoy
Piano, sovcro contusion of tho chest; .Jolm
liyan, 10, Ashland, sprain of tho hand, duo
to a fall.
Kcmlrlck llciuso Tree I.uncli.
Vegetable soup to-night.
Hot luu'ch to-morrow morning.
Wedding Announcement.
Sllss Slamo Wasloy, until recently muslo
teacher in our public schools, and Sir. Kuos
Pall, who niU tho position of Health Ollicer
of Slahanoy City, will bo joined in wedlock
on tho 21th inst. The ceremony will take
placo at tho homo of Miss Waslcy's mother,
ou South White street. Sir. Hall was for
merly a resldontof thljtown.
llremiun'n Newiltestnunint.
Grand Army bean soup to-uight.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
t'amp No. 00, Attention,
Members of Washington Camp No. 200,
P. 0. S. of A., are hereby notified to meet in
their hall. Schmidt s building, ou Tuesday.
Sept. 8th, 1600, at 1 o'clock sharp, to attend
tho funeral of our lato brother, John 11
Shirey, Members, of our sister camps aro
respectfully Invited to attend, liy order or
John Gikton, Pres.
Attcet ; John II. Dankb, Sec'y. H
'ostpnncil Tntll Thin lltcnltig nt ColiiniMtt
I'll r It.
Tlio Inclemency of tho weather on Satur
day caused a postpontnent of llic Onint Ilniiil
Ilcnlc, nuil it will bo held this evening, at
Columbia l'ark. (Irent preparations wero
made for tho event, and ilioso who nttend
to-night will enjoy themsehos. Concerts by
the liand and dancing music by tho Schoppo
full orchestra. Don't forget tho date, this
evening, at Columbia l'ark.
Terry llrlmbtit'H Hcslgnittlnn.
NKW YoitK, Sept. ". Perry Holmont has
resinned ns n member of tho Democratic
state- commlttco. In his letter of resigna
tion ho says : "Tho Indianapolis conven
tion In its selection of candidates for pres
ident and vico president mid in Its declara
tions of Democratic principles has in every
way fulfilled my holies. It now remains
for tho Democracy of tho stnto of New
York to select presidential electors, cimdl
dates for statu olllcos, for congress and tho
A Iteimlilluuu'H Confidence'
Washington, Sept. ". Chairman Hnb-
cockl of tho Hepubllcan congressional
committee, received a telegram yesterday
front Vlco Chairman Apsley, who, with
llentosentntlvo McCall, lias been uitiklnu
ft tour of political observation through tho
far itorthwost and nlonir tho l'acltlc coast.
It wvVb: "SIcKlnloy will carry the Paciflo
foiiBt by a great majority sure. Wo aro
having rousing meetings all along tho
lino. The outlook Is of tho very best.
lrnn 31 III Hestunefl Operations.
IldLi-iiMYSiiuua, Pn., Sept. ".After
several months of idleness tho Hollldnys
burg Iron and N'all works was put In
operation today, giving employment to
250 Won. Tho capacity of tho plant has
been Increased. 1 he iron workers aro ju
bilatit over tho prospective renewal of bet
ter times.
ratally Hurt by n rreumtur lltnitt.
Pottsvim-E, Pa., Sept. ".Andrew Mus.
kolat, a miner employed nt tho Williams
colliery ,almvo Fish bach, wasfatjillylnjured
by tho premature explosion of a blast.
His oliost. left arm und other parts of hit)
body! wero badly torn by flying places of
rocK und coal.
Tim Wenther.
Fot District of Columbia, eastern Penn
sylvania, Xcw Jorsoy, Delaware, Mary
land and Mrginlu: Fatr till tomorrow;
westerly to northwesterly winds.
Atltrren'H ltlnltn Cafe.
Homcmado vegetable soup will bo served
as freo lunch to-morrow morning. Plenty
for everybody.
Meills served at all hours.
liag lCnlidug at Nuremberg.
Labor Day was appropriately celebrated at
Nuretfdierg ou Saturday by tho raising of an
American flag over tho school building in
that town. Tho exercises were conducted
under tho auspices of Nuremberg Council
No. 7C3, Jr. 0. U. A. St., and several parties
from Shenandoah participated. l!ev. Alfred
Heebner, pastor of tho SI. K. church, pre
sented tho flag in behalf of tho council, and
Itov. ltobert O'lloylo accepted tho emblem in
the namo of tho School Hoard, lioth ml
dresses wero favorably received. State
Councilor C. It. Johusou, of Wilkesbarre, was
also present and spoko upon tho principles of
tho older. Misses I tattio Kline and Katio
Dodsworth, both of town, assisted in tho
exercises by their sliming. After tho flag
raising a picnic was held which attracted
large crowds. Tho affair proved a big sue
Violin, Mandolin, Bun jo, Guitar and Auto-
harp strings and trimmings at Ilrumm s.
l'atlier 3latthuw Day.
A convention 'was held in the rooms of tho
St. Joseph's Pioneer Corps, at Girardvllle,
yesterday afternoon, to mako arrangements
for tho observance and proper celebration of
l ather Matthew Day. Delegates from all
societies of tho Father Slatthew Catholic
Total Abstinence Union of tho Sliddlo
Anthracite Coal Itcgion wero in attendance,
and tho appointment of committees and other
preliminary work was transacted. Tho ol-
scrvanco of tho day will tako place on
October 10th, at Girardvllle, and tho attend,
aneo will bo large.
Mrs. l.tuus Asks Damages.
Sirs. Thomas Kvans, of town, whilo visit
ing Slahanoy City last February, fell in front
of the Welsh Congregational church, because
of a defective pavement, and sustained
injuries that incapacitated her from labor of
any kind. Harry 1'cese, of town, has put in
a claim In behalf of Sirs. Evans for $30 from
the Ilorough Council of that town, tho
amount covering the doctor's bill.
Kicked by a Horse.
Slichael Tecica, who drives Georgo
Wrctek's grocery team, sustained 'a fracture
of the skull yesterday by being kicked by'n
Iiorso which ho was grooming. Tho unfor
tunate man's wounds wero dressed , by Dr.
Phillips. Ho was taken to tho Miners'
Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund tho money if it fails to euro.
25 cents.
Huso Hall.
The game at tho Trotting park yesterday
afternoon between tho Itrownsvlllo and
Cherry street teams was declared off, tho
latter team failing to put in un appearance
A ciowd of several hundred spectators yes
terday saw tho Shamrocks, of Centralla, go
down beforo tho Lost Creek team, by a score
of 25 to 15 on tho former's ground. Tho game
was a very ono sided affair.
Pay only your own bills. In dealing hero
tho cash customer is not taxed to help sup
port tho credit customers who do not pay.
Hero all are ono level, All aro cash.
7-lS-tf Factouy Shoe Stobk.
Stripped or Ills Clothing.
Harry Hurot, 10 years old, of St. Clair, was
caught in the machinery at ono of tho
collieries b.y his clothing and whirled about
tho revolving mechanism, until he was re
leased by tho clothing giving way, and beforo
tho machinery could bo stopped. In his drop
to tho ground ho fell 11 feet and sustained
sovcro injuries. Ho was taken to tho Sllucrs'
Appalling1 Sunday flornlns: Fire In
Denton Harbor.
The Fire Started In a Theatre Not Long
After the Audience Had Left A High
Wind Prevailed and Caused the
Flames to Spread Rapidly.
J1.tox Haiiiotu, Sllch., Pont. 7. The
most horrible holocaust, with gront loss
of life, thut has ever occurred In this part
of tho state occurred Saturday midnight,
when Yoro a Opera House tnoknro, and In
tho flght to save the building and other
blocks adjoining eleven llromun, ono a
volunteer, were killed, tho death being in
stantaneous with flvo of them, six living
only a few hourx in awful agony, whilo
several others mot with sovcro bruises and
Soon after tho discovery of tho flro flamos
broke through tho roof and Illumined the
pky and streets with a lurid glare that
served to mako vivid tho general scono of
confusion and oxcltement. As soon as the
flames broke through tho windows and
wulls and let In tho draft tho burning
block was known to lw doomed. It soon
become n llery furnace. The falling walls
proved to bo not only a death trap for the
lire fighters, but dangerous to ovcry ono
who was trying to help stay tho progress
of tho flames or assist In saving goods.
Ono could soo portions of human bodies
through tho fallen bricks. Parties going
Into savo tho imprisoned men were over
come by heat
During tho ovening tho play "A Factory
Girl" had boon given by local talent, and
had closed but a half hour before lire was
discovered. There was much confusion at
tho outset, owing to lack of hook nnd lad
der facilities. St. Joseph was called on for
assistance, tho llromon approaching tho
building through an nlloy in tho rear nf
tho building. Whilo hoisting ladders tho
upper walls foil over without a second's
warning, covering tho mon. Tho tragedy
was witnessed by hundreds of spectators.
Tho following wero killed : Frank Wntr
son of St Joseph, leaves a wifo; John
Hoffmann of llenton Harbor, loaves a wifo
and flvo children; Thomas Kldd of Hen
ton Harbor, unmarried; Frank Woodloy
of llenton Hnr!xr, leaves wifo and three
children ; D. H. Gnngo of St. Joseph, dray.
man ; Scott Itlco, bell boy nt tho Denton
hotel, lived but a few minutes; 111 I.
Mitten of Denton Hurbor, leaves wife und
seven children ; Ijouts Huff man of Denton
Harbor, widower, leaves two smnll chil
dren; Arthur C. Hill of St. Joseph, fore
man of St. Joo lloso company, lived ono
hour; Frank Seaver of St. Joseph, lived
threo hours; ltobert li. Hofo of St. Joseph,
lived ono hour.
Tho Injured aro: John A. Crawford, ex
chief of llenton Harbor flro department,
nvercomo by heat and siuoko and burned
about tho head, will recover; Will Fround
of St. Joseph, cut about tho head; Frank
Paget of St. Joeph, leg bruised by falling
Frnnk Woodloy and Thomas Kldd were
on top of adjoining buildings with hoso,
when they encountered livo electric wires,
on which they wero hanging dead when
Tho canso of tho flro is a mystery. Sev
eral theories, from a cigar stub to a lamp
explosion, aro given. Guy Prescott Is un
der arrest as being ono who knows of tho
origin. When asked by a reporter the
cause ho remarked that ho "was not going
to give nny body away." This remark
caused Ills detention.
Tho Injured and dead wero taken from
the ruins as fast as possible, and at 5
o'clock tho last man had been removed
Tho dead wero removed to tho city hall to
Iki Identified, ihero worn many heart
rending scenes as wives, parents and chil
dren scanned tho distorted and mutilated
remains of those lying cold In death upon
tho floor. Words cannot express tho ap
palling force of this great horror, tho sor
row In tho stricken homos or tho shadow
of grief that rests on theso peaceful com
munities. Tho building was comparatively now,
having been erected seven years ago at a
cost of f 10,000, by Patrick Yore, a wealthy
farmer, who had since leased it to A. J.
Simon, who. 1ms had chargo for six years.
A two story brick block owned by Joseph
Frlck, which stood adjoining, was de
molished by tho Opera Houo walls fall
ing on top and crashing through to tho
basement. Tho total loss is $M,0UU.
A high wind prevailed, which caused
tho walls to fall outward, and udjolnlng
buildings wero saved only with greatest
efforts. A largo quantity of stage scenery
belonging to Harry Kmery, of the Kntlo
Putnam company ; J. A. Simon and W. C.
Hocks wus destroyed, with no insurance.
Thousands witnessed the conflagration,
und with dllllculty crowds wero kept out
of danger.
Tho St. Joseph funerals wero held today,
commencing at 10 :; n. m., while the llen
ton Harbor unfortunates will bo Interred
tomorrow, with services by various socie
ties. This calamity is a greater shock to
tho twlti cities than tho Chlcora's loss, a
year and half ago, owing to its suddouuess
und destructive results.
Jllckert's Cafe.
Our freo lunch to-morrow morning will
consist of ulco filled beef and dressing.
3Iunt Take mi Tart.
Postmaster SIclIct has received ouo of tho
circular? issued by the post ofllco department
at Washington warning all employes ugalnst
taking an active part in politics or contribut
ing to any iwrty. It is a misdemeanor, sub
ject to heavy fine and imprisonment, for any
ouo connected with'' the department found
guilty of lovylngisscssments from employes
or engaging In tho campaigu.
netting In Trim.
Last years heroes of the gridiron witli
several new members held their first practice
yesterday afternoon at tho Trotting park.
Tho boys showed up fine aud from all appear
ances tho boys of Shenandoah will again win
many victories.
Don't waste
By having
Before you
Are ready
To use it.
There Is nn
lostt of from 3
to 10 cents on
every ikjuikI of
v o lr v e from
jvnporntlon anil
fermentation of
the oil, ir not
used as soon as
ground. Tho
will save this loss. The first c-t Is n trltlo
more than the common mill, but will not bo
thought of when you consider tho com enlence,
largo saving, and gotd coffee obtained, it
holds two pounds of liorrics and has an air
tight glass to receive the ground cotrcc. thereby
saving tbv fine aroma. Lull aud sec It.
Got them ot.
8 S. Main Street.
"Hookies" l'uir.
Tho Rescue Hook aud Ladder t'o. 1, of
Shenandoah, is making arrangement to hold
a fair on October 17th, in Itobbins' opera
house. Tho "Hookies" never do things by
halves, and it is hardly necessary to say that
tho coming fair will exceed anything of tho
kind yet held in tho town. Jlany new and
nttraetivo features will bo introduced. Tho
members of the company dcserc all the
support and encouragement that our peoplo
can glvo them. Their enterprise in equipping
tho company with a new chemical engine
the first one to be introduced in this region
fully attest their desiro to bo in a position to
fight tho lire fiend. All this is for tho beucfit
of our citizens, and the latter can in no
better way show their appreciation of tho
firemen's efforts tlian by assisting to mako
the fair a success. The proceeds are to ho
devoted to paying oil' tho indebtness of their
new acquisition.
Fresh lies and Cream Puffs daily at
Scheider's Vienna baker-, 29 E. Centre street
T,aueddu Races l'tistpnlicd.
Tho bicycle races at Lakesido on Saturday
wero postponed on account of the weather
They will he held next Saturday. Notwith
standing the inclement weather, thero wero
several hundred persons present, mostly from
Slahanoy City, but very few fiom tb'u tovn.
It is estimated that 1,200 enthusiastic sports
braved tho elements and wended their way
to Schuylkill's popular resort.
Tho truth, tho whole truth nnd nothing
but the truth. That's our motto; and wo
add leather, solid leather and nothing hut
leather. That's the way our shoos aro built.
7-18-tf Factouy Snon Stoui:.
Want Clilsnell ICeleased.
About a year ago Georgo Ciiisnoll, tho
well-known sprinter who makes ills home at
Moreu and elsewhere, beeanio Involved inn
shooting scrape at llnzleton, and wasscntcnceiVf,
to threo years impiisonment. An effort is
now being made to have him released. Whilj
intoxicated Chismil accidentally shot hi .
wife, but the signers of the petition think ho
has been sulllciently punished for that act.
gjEi ye could get, which.
was only nine dozen.
0etee&& A beautiful first
quality oil cloth not water color,
window shade, 35 inches wide and
6 feet long, mounted on good
spring roller, ready to hang. They
come in three leading colors and
are all trimmed with an 8 inch
Swiss lace to match. Regular
value 95 cents. OUR PRICE
while they last 60 cents. We can't
get these goods again at this price,
so buy at once.
F.J. Portz 8c Son,
Price, 25c.
drug store:,
6 South Main Street.
7 i