X EVENING HERALD itaiii.isiii:i IKK). Published every Evening, Kxccpt Humlfir.M s BuvTn Jabdin Hrtii.KT, Nkau Ckxtuk. The llornlil I ilcilvcird lnHlieiiaiKhinri nnd the surrounding towin fornix cents n week, pay bio to tin! carriers. Ily mall Sl-C) n year, or 25 conts n month, payable in advance. Advertise ment charged according to spate and position. Tho publishers reserve the riKht to change the fiosltlun of advertisements whenever the puln leatlon of news demands it. Tho right Is reserved to reject nny advertisement, whether fiald for or not, that tho publishers limy deem mpropcr. Advertising rates made known upon application. Entered at tho postofllco nt Bhcnandoah, Pa., ns socond class innll matter. TKLHPHONH CONNECTION. Evening Herald TlilllSllAY, SElTmillllt 3, 1MK). REPUBLICAN NATIONAL TICKET, con hihsiukkt, WILLIAM M'KINI.KY, Of Ohio, run vicb pitwinnKT, tiAitmrr a. nonAHT, Of New Jersey. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. KOlO.-OSOIIIXSMAK'AT-t.AKOn, UALUSIIA A. (1HOW, Of Rusuuchanna. SAMUi:r A. IJAVKNl'OKT, Of Erie PHOIT.UTV AND IXDUSTltV. Property Is the fruit of liihor. Property It ilrslrnlllc, Is ll pmltlln good In tho Morld. Tlmt some should he rich Shows thut others may heroine rich, find hence Is eiicoilrngcmcnt lo Indus! ry nnd enterprise, Ia'I im man who Is homeless pull dowtitht liousii of iinotlier, hut let liliu work dill genii' nnri build one for himself, thus, hy fKiunpIe, assuring thut Ills own shall he Male from violence when It 14 built. A lilt A HAM LINCOLN. C'ANDIDATK SlIKl'ItKRll WAS 0110 of tllO'O who lioartlly favored the Alluuton n platform, mill who now pretends to repudiate that iWumoiit. Evidently Mr. Shepherd wants to go to Congress, no matter what road is taken. VhitMOST'H Iioptiblican majority is. eft ( rcophiB up. C'haii man llanna should call n lijlt, lust tho ISoy Orator might withdraw In- traveling show. ' 111; l'reo-sllver sheets in this bcctlon aio. t .ng very little in rcfereni o to tho Vermont 0 iction in fart, they are likoso many clams. Well tlioy limy l, as there is very llttlo sansfactloti in tlio result for them. Mil. MANtxV predicts, on the basis of an ollirial canvass, that -Maine will ylvu over ls.000 Kepiibliwm majority, llryan jirobably MHpcclud as lnueli when he changed his mind about reciting his piece in that Mute. It seems from a recent discovery that tho Jj-iuyluiilans vreru a w rltiiiL' people fsOOO yeais ago. If tho excavators will look close tliey will jiroliubly flud a brick ersay on a blioitcut to wealth for everybody by a ficiiuvnt ill. trihiitiun of Hat money. l''i:ni:r.Al. ullke-liolders liavo been warnid a-.iin.,t miking contributions to campaign fu'ids, but it is safe to s.iy that a refusal to vote for llryan will not he considered a cautu for reniuval. That is the view taken by Schuylkill county postmasters. 1'iu:nIIi;nt Ci,r.vr.LNi)iind tho members of his Cabinet uro supporting tlie Indianapolis convention. Tho question naturally arises, where do the thousands of oHicu-hohlcrs, who hold their positions by tho gnuoof tho I'irsi d !, .-land upon the question '.' "I.UT no act he done, 110 policy bo adopted, no expedient retorted to, that will tarnish the honor of this great lepiiblie," is the ad vice of John Sherman. It is gratifying to know that thus far in the history of the coun try every P-irty of repudiation lias been wiped oik at tho polls. Wi: are in iciclpt of tiia first copy uf the Mt Cirmel .Star, which appeared for the llrst "lime oil Tuesday. It is twenty-four coin.' us, and is edited and published by A. Vi liarr. Its columns are well filled with local matter, and tho advertising patronage guarantees the Star much success. Mus. MAYliliU'K, who for seveiul years bus been imprisoned in Hiigland, and in whoso bdialf many stieiiuous churls have been made by Aiuuiicau women, is ery ill colli, luileed, tliather mother, who hud 1111 inter tew with her, expiossos tho opinion Hint fclio c iniiot survive the winter unlet loleasul from prison. i couniNo to ealculatioDii tiio ticket to bu plac d iu tins Held by the Indianapolis gold l)i uioeiats will carry fur itself, or at least will low) to llryau, the states of Kentucky, Texas, Florida Alabama, Indiana, Minnesota (1. 11.1, and the Ilakutas. It is tho intention of t'.e managers to see to It that the tliinl ticktt 1- not piedwd in tbo-te states where it might luit MeKinley. Only in tho Smith and i a will tho ticket Ihj pushed with wg.u and dutenuinatioti. 1 ink uf the many laughable speetachs 111 tins iiuustial oainisiign will bu enacted in Thursday, at the city of Ilarrisburg, when the saino delegates who met at Allentoivn b than four months ago ami 110 laieo incm hes unalterably opposed to the free coin- ago of oilver, will be asked to declare them- mho us In favor of that which they con- dciiiuedin April. Hut the llryan managers , ..... .1.. .,....i 1. .i t'i,ir,n i!.,ri,.n I1IL1U MO I1VHIH. , H... ... " will obey orders. .Schuylkill county's dele- gjtee aro numbered among (laiinan's con tjrtlunlsU, and It is to lie Men whether they can bo uuulo to believe white is black to pleusoa lot of ollico-scokers und silver initio owners. Wo aro always willing to give the Democrats credit for an average amount of common senso" and honesty of purpose, but AvaVln hardly bring oursolvos to lxillovo that iafmau can mako theso dolegates reverse ?.tsclv vea inside of tho short spaco'of a few moutlis. when tho very conditions that (tRed In April, so far as tho money quotIon v'fflSpncorned, exist to-day. Wo shall fco . . IvTSt we shall seo. l'litnlly Shot li n Criminal. llALTIMUHl . K'lit -ivlwunl Loo Sim tmmt. a li-yi'. r-uld lnimttc of the llouo of lli-fii 'i'. near this city, yesterday shot nnd mortal1; wniiniUnl H. F. Thu:im, lined iyi, ono i if tho keepers i)f the Institu tion, nnd iiiiiUc his escape. Mimnolis, who lias tilwuys Ini'ii looked upon lis nnoof tho most unruly boys In tho Houso of ItefU?e, broke Into 11 locker heloiiHlntf to imo of tho kcoiiors nnd stole two lomlod rovolvors. Arnioil with thoo lie run to tho inniii on tninnu, mill iiivscntiiiK ono of them nt tho hond of 'rhenium, who wns on duty theio, deiuiitiiled tho keys. Thomas refined to Mirreliilur them, whereupon tho tluspcrntu yutiiiK crlmliml lowered tho womion mid shot tho kocper In tho lower part of tho body nml niiido his uscniio. Connecticut's Iteplllillenn Ticket. Hautfouu, Sept.y. Thoculmlmitlon of ono of tho most actively conducted Hcpuli licitn cunipulKiis In this stuto for Btiburim tnrlal honors win wltnosed yu.-donhiy, whon tho Ueimbllcnns placed In nomina tion iv cnndldnto for govarnor, nlso com pletod it full stnto ticket nnd clio-o six presidential electors. Tho chief InUirost was contered on tho hciul of tho tlckot. Tho following wcro nominated : For gov ernor, Lurin A. Cooko; lieutenant gov ernor, .lamosl). Dowell; wjcretury of state, Charles Phelps; treasurer, C. W. Uros venor; comptroller, U. 1. Mead; presi dential electors, Ooorgo Popo, Gardner Hall, James Qraham, George I. Allen, George A. Hammond and J. Doming Perkins. Sir. Ilrjun's Many N dies. T0Lr.no, O., Sept. 3. Wlllhvni Jennings llryan yesterday demonstrated again that It made no dlllerenco whether his volco wns hoarsoomot byniakinginorosieochos at Springlleld, Konton nnd Klndluy, and lat night made two more in thlscity. At Sprlugllohl tho nominee mado a twenty ininuto talk, and at Kent in he addressed ll.UUO citizens. Thu address was mado In tho park of tho little city and was well received. Tho crowd wns mado up mostly of farmers, who cheered the utterances of tho nominee heartily. In this city a crowd of 10,00(1 gathered In the school squaro, and tho cheers that grouted Mr. Hryau at tlmos ljeouino a deafening roar. llllglnuil to Act ludepundently. liONDOX, tscpt. 3. It is lenrned in tho foreign olllco circle that .Sir Philip Currlo, tho llrltlsh nmbassador to Turkey, who started on his return to Constantinople on Monday, left England with Instruc tions In dealing with tho sultan to act In dupendontly uf the other ambassadors to the parte If tho occasion should raiuiro It. Sir l'liilip, according to this sourco of In formation, Is also to hnvo free command of llrltlsh naval aid to enforce such do nmnds as he may make. fugitive .Murderer Captured. CttCsTLl-NE, U., hupt. :t. William J. Ulehter, who mmderoil ills lil-yeur-old nephew, Jnmes MeConnell, sou of Will iam McConnell, the temporanco evangel ist, in Allegheny last June, and whom de tectives havo been seeking since then, was arreted hero Monday evunlng. Uetectlvo McDonungli, of Allegheny, left yesterday with the prisoner The prisoner declared that ho was glnd he had b Min apprehended, -nil uxprunMid tho terrible remorse ho has folt. Itlieuiiiitilsui Cured lna Day ".Mystic Cure" for iiheumatism and Neu ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon tho system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at nnco tho cauto and tho disease immediately disappears. Tho first doso greatly licncnts; 70 cents, hold by C. II. Hagenlmch, Druggist, Shenandoah. Ask your grucer fur the "Itoyal Patent' Hour, and take 110 other liraiul. It is tho best Hour mado. 'the Mojirc ltiotlters Iteslcn. Cliic.Mio, Sept. 3. W. II. and J. II. Jlooro resigned tnelr positions wlthtn.il Diamond Mntehcompany yesterday. The loslgnntlous were handed to Gocrgo M. Pullman, one of the largest carriers of the Diamond stock. W. II. Mooro was first vieo pro.-ldent and a director. J. II. Mooro was not a director, but was second vice president of the company. NUGGETS OF NEWS. Firoin Klmlra, X. V., last night caused ilSS.OiK) loss. Three firemen were injured, none fatally. Senator Quay is to havo charge of tho Republican headrmarlorH in New York during Chairman lliiuna'h absence in Chicago. Herbert Dowell, n-od 10, and Miss Jessie risher, aged 17, were drowned In Jen nings' pond, at Natiek, Mass., by tho up setting of a boat. Tliimthy J. Campbell last night re ceived tho nomination for congress at tho hands of the independent Democrats of the Ninth New York district. New Uiimnshliu's Djinoer.itio conven tion Indorsed tho cinillibioy of llryan and Sewnll and rejected it resolution Indorsing the administration of I 'ivsldunt Cleveland. Senator Tillman, of South Carolina, will in .1:0 a tour through Pennsylvania later in tho month in tho interest of free silver. He will speak In Philadelphia on Sept. 10. While n crew were threshing on tho farm of Herbert ijos-,ing, at Saultae Con tie, Mich., tlie boiler exploded, killing ttifc men aud severely injuring two 'lu rs. The killed mi- (ieorgo Ca-ti rllou, Darin-l.osiing ami Dnnson Lo-.-ing. "Merit talks" the intrinsic valuo of Hood'sSarsaparilla. Merit in medicine means the power to cure. Hood'H Sarsaparllla possesses actual and unequalled curative power and there fore it hos true merit. When you buy iiooa-HBarsaparnia.ana lane u according lu u""'u"si lu V"l Juul euro an? of the many blood diseases, you morally certain to recelvo benefit. 1 Thopowertocuro is there. You aro not trying an experiment. It will mako your blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus drive out the germs of disease, strengthen the nerves and build up tho whole system. Sarsaparilla Is the best, in fact the One True Illood Purifier, Prepared only by O. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Hood' r:il Do not purge, pain or FlIlS grljie. All druggists. 25c I Hood s STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS. Closing Quotations of the New Vork and Philadelphia l.xchnngcs. Nnw YoltK, (sept 2. The stock market to day dliiilnycdIn' riaWa.'ilvity and the attri bution of busmi A was exceptionally itood.tt Kreater range Di inn covered man lor mont'n past. The movement of prices, with momen tary Interruptions, wns toward n higher lovel. laosIHK Mils: Ualtlmore A: Ohio, ll'i Chesn. As Ohio. Ill's Del. Ae Hulls, .n 1 1114 h. is W 155 r.rin U , Lake Erin W 15 Tielilgli Nav 39 Ski nss't paid. Lehigh Vnlley 29' i New Jersey Ceil OS1 N. Y. Central. v, Pennsylvania 8r"4 Heading 8 Kt. Paul 8 , W. N. Y. is Pa 14 flenernt Slarkcts. PlllI.AliKI.l'lli , Sept. 2. Flour quint i winter superflne,l.WI n .MS ; do extras, 2.15r?2.30i Penn fylvanla l'.'ll'T, clear, ; do. do. straight, faiui.25; western winter, clear, $2.733. Wheat dull ; Kept ember, fiOHJ.f.OHc. Corn steady Sep tember, -VnffVj. Oats steady; Heptember, 124r. Hay steady for good; choice tim othy, 13.fllx314. Beef steady; city family, 10.80 (10. Pork steady; family, t-D.TIWMO. Ijird western Hteam, $3.76. llutter steady; western dairy, 8$12e.; do. creamery, llHlflH'c. : do. factory, 7JtfiJIlHo.; Elgins, 10)4o.i Imita tion creamory, 10'iil2c. ; New York dairy, 10 11 15c. ; do. creamery, llH'SlOo.; Pennsylvania rreamery prints, strictly fancy, 10c. ; do. firsts, 17M18c. ; do. seconds, 14'(JK5c. ; prints Jobbing at aoflc. Cheese quiet; large, 58o. ; small, 5 he. ; part skims, 25c. ; full skims, lQlJic. Eggs steady; New York nnd Pennsylvania, 11310c. ; western fresh, Uft16c. I. ho Slock Market. Nr.w Yoiik, Sept 2. Steers lower; rough stock steady. Native steers, $3.001.83; Texas and Ooloradus, 13. 403.70 ; stags aud oxen, U.75 &3.50; bulls, Jl.(i52.33; dry cows, 1.2U2.73. Ddves quiet ; veals, $47.50; grassersand but termilks, tWinSM. Sheep and lambs very dull nnd heavy ; sheep, ?2.BO3.73 ; lambs, $3.60(&5. Hogs easier at 8.4.VdS.M. East Liukiity, Pa., Sept. 2. Cattlo Btoady; irlme,4..W.l.fi3; common, J33.50 ; bulls, stags n-id cows, $2tt3.30. Hogs nctivn; prime light, , VXlS.ilj; medium, J3 5.VS,3.00; heavy, JJ.'.'df !' l roughs, t2'l. Sheep steady; prime, t3.(i.Vg 1.7.'.; fair, IXsa.'ii; oommon, i2i2.75; cominou to good lambs, t334.25 ; veal cttlvos, $5.50. IHecllle lllllers. Klectrio Hitters is a nicdlcino suited for any season, but perhaps moro generally needed iu tho spring, when the languid exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish aud tho need of a tonic and altera tive is felt. A prompt use of this medicino lias often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act lnoro surely in counteracting and freeing the sys tem from the malarial puison. Headache, Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to Dlectric Hitters. Only fifty cents per bottle at A. Wasley's drug store. Disastrous I'lru In Norfolk Xoukolk, Va., Pcpt a. Fire broke out uliout 11 In Inst night In bite s foundry, on Water street. It was totally destroyed. In a very short snaro of time n number of buildings iu tho lane loading to Main street caught lire, and the llamos spread rapidly from one tenement to another, and consumed tho entire block. At 12 o'clock tho Union stock yard, 011 tho east sido of Nebraska street, caught lire nnd was soon destroyed. Tho Humes from this building communicated with tho row of houses adjoining tho stock yard on tlu south and soon they were also burned. One hundred families, wlilto anil colored, havo been made homeless and hou.selesi by tho conllagratlon. Tho los. is estimated ut Koo.ojo. Another New York murder Mj'stcry. Ni:w Yo'iK, Sept. 3. Annlo Meyers, an unfortunato Jewess, 23 years old, tho re puted wife of Samuel Meyers, was found dead In her rooms on thu Second lloor of a five story tenement on East Twenty-ninth street. Around her neck was a stocking drawn tightly, showing that death was caused by strangulation. The police say that while tho woman might havo com niltted suicide, everything points to tho theory that she was murdered. Meyers was arro-ted on a charge of being a "bus plclous tornon." Candidate Itran's Niece IIlopcs. J;!lTl'.;suVVllJ.i:, Intl., Sept. 3. Mls Dnur.i Million, a niece of William Jen. nlngs liryan. nominee for president, was married here yotordny afternoon to John L. Martin by Squiro Hause. Both are from Sulein, ills., from which pluco they elopod. Tho young lady stnrtod from homo pre smnublv to vllt friends iu this city, and her sweetheart hoarded tho sumo train. Tho rea-.on b.r ibj olnpomont was that the mother of t! bride was opposed to the marri.ii'u 'lie bride's mother is u jistur of Mr. Hiv'.ui. llev. Mark Jllnser, a Dunkard minister of Deckers Point, l'a., says ho can recommend Chamberlain's Pain Halm to anyone in need of a good liniment, and that ho considers it the best ho 1ms ever used. Pain Halm is especially vufuablo for rheumatism, lamo lack, spniins, swellings, cuts, bruises, burns and scalds. It Is 0110 of the most remark able medicines iu existence, and its etllcts will both surprise and delight you. For silo at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by Gruhler Hros., druggists. I'le Deaths tit ll Hotel Fire. Vanklkkk Hill, Out., Sept. 3. Tho Comniurelal hotel, owned by George Con htantluomi, was partially destroyed by lire Tuesday night, and flyo perMins wore burned to death. They wore Mary Daulme Yandomi, Christy Villeneuvo, Joephlne Dosohuinps, Mrs. T. Finn anil Miss IC Mc Ix)od. The lire broke out iu tho kitchen and htireud so quickly that It wns impos sible to make any attempt at rusoue. The loss on the hotel U 110,000. llritlsli Warship Sent to Manila. London, Sept. 8. Tho Tlinos publishes a dlslMitch from Hong ICong saying that the Hrltish consul nt Manila, the capital of the Philippine Islands, has telegraphed to Hong Kong fur assistance, and that the uunboat Hudpolo has Xxsun ordorod to pro ceed at ouoe to thu Islands. Hundreds o( arrests, tho dUmtch wiys, have lioeu made in Manila. Thu Weather. For eastern Pennsylvania und New Jer soy: Prolmbly local showers tonight; warmer; couth woaterly winds; cooler to morrow. ttellef 111 Six Hours. Distressing kidney and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy Is a great surprise 011 account of its exceeding promptness in rollovlng pain in tlie bladder, kidneys, back and every part of tho urinary passages In male or female It relieves retention of water aud pain in passing it almost Immediately, If you want guick relief and euro this is your remedy, old by Shapiro's pharmacy, 107 South Main street. Coming Kvent, Sept. 5. Grand Labor Day picnic under tho auspices of tho Grant baud ut Columbia park. Octobor 2. Entertainment aud festival by Hope Section, J. T. of II. & T., in Kobblus' opera house. 111 SgijSs. . ..ra-S-.,i t l uStrongf Arms ( tiro not necessary to do the washing when Sunlight Soap is used; it does most alt (ho work Itself. Just rub a llttlo on tho clothes, roll them up and put them back la tho water. Then w hen yon tako them out you will see that Sunlight 5oap Does the work LoTCr Bros., Ltd., Hudson A Harrison BU., Now York. - rir.-s orark shooters Win. Pea Giiit, N. J., Sept. 8. Tho greatest interest In tho shooting yostcrday under tho auspices of tho Now Jersoy Hi (lo asso ciation was In tho interstate tonm match for tho bronze trophy. Although the trophy has been In competition since 1875, tho score mado yostcrday by tho crack shooters from Georgia was tho highest ever made. Tho ranges wcro at 200 and tMI yords, and Georgia mado u total of 1,003, which tops thu record by sovonteon points. Tho scores wcro: Georgia, 1,008; Mas.sochusetts, 1,030; District of Colum bia, 1,0-32; Pennsylvania, 1,010; New Jer sey, 001. Twelve len Itlowu to Atoms, SAX FitAxnsco, Sept. 3. Hy an explo sion in tho drying houso of tho California Powder company, nt Herculos Station, Cal., four while men nnd eight Chinamen were blown to atoms. Fifteen Chinamen were more or les? seriously injured, and It is believed that some of them will dio. Tho white men killed are: James McNulty, foreman of tho mixing room; V. W. Cra tor, fireman of tho packing house; Man uel Garcia, assistant general engineer; John Fretas. laborer. Tho explosion set flro to the llttlo town of Itodoo, and great damage was dono. Tho loss will roach 800,0d'). T-ast of the Season. The last cheap excursion of the season for Atlantic City via P. & It. K. I!, will bo run on Sunday next, September 6th, train leaving Shenandoah at 2:10 a. m. Faro for round trip, $2..r0. O-l-ot to cmti: a coi.iin oni; day Tako Laxative llromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tho money if it fails to cure. 25 cents. Should riet Together. Tho demand of tho sllverltes isforchoap money. It is the main item In their crood. Plenty of cheap money to pay off tho gold bug-' mortgage'). Hut now comes tho boy orator, who deelaivs that tho freo silver coinage law will send silver up to $1.20 per ounce. If such Is the caso it will not ba cheap nionoy, but every bit as dear as gold. There is a contradiction horo. Money can't be cheap and door at tho .same time. Which Is right!' The boy uratoror his followers? They ought to get together and try to reconcile tholr divergent views. As tho caso stands now the general public will rofiiso to bellovo either of them. Hollldaysburg Ileglstor. Grlp-Cnlds-lIciutuehe. Why sutler with Coughs, Colds aud La flrippo when Laxative llromo Quiuino will cure you in 0110 day. Put up in tablets con venient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents, r or sale by Kirliu's Pharmacy. Jesse L. Tet, Esq., all old resident and highly respected citizen of our town, called this morning and after purchasing a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Itemedy, said: "If anyone asks you if this icniedy will do what is claimed for it, tell them yes, and refer them to 1110." H Alexander Stoke, Keynoldsvllle, l'a. No 0110 can doubt tho valuo of this medicine after giving it a fair trial. Then it is pleasant and safe to take, making it especially valuablo for children. For sale by Gruhler Hros., druggists. Itait lor the IViiplf, Tho government on its own account has coined all the silver that Is In circulation, and git'ir.uittwd It to bo kept at a par with gold, whatever profit there was made from the difference In valuo of tho silver in tho dollar und tho cost of tho silver wont to tho government. Wo havo now binietullsin, iu that both silver and gold aro tisod a a circulating medium and am kept at oqual values. Frae and unlimited silver coinage at 10 to 1 moans th.it. the owner of those stiver mines oan take t, 1 tho Unlt-d Suites mints and for 58 cents worth of silver, have coined n dollar. This would be n nine speculation for those silver kings, but a mighty bad tiling for tlie pooplo. Kverott Press. The Worhlngmau's Weluire. The workingmim will certainly show llttlo Interest in his own welfare, It he votes for any lirty which proKiss to give lilm u 50 unut dollar foradollar's worth of his labor. It Is not unusual fur druK.isU to recom mend Chainborlaiu's Cough Itemedy to their customers. Many of them have ued It themselves, or in their families and know from personal experience it great valuo In the treatment of cough, colds and croup, They know too that their customers aro their best friends aud naturally wish to glvo them tho most rcllablo medicine they huvo for those ailments. Messrs. Daugherty Hros., prominent druggists of Iudlaua, l'a., say, "Wo sell moro of Cliamborlalu'a Cough Itemedy than of any other cough syrup, and always tako pleastiro In recommending it tq our customers." Mr. II. M. Urcy, the popular druggist at Fredonla, Pa., who has sold Qhauiborlaiu's Cough Remedy for several years, says; "I can truly say that It Is tho host cough nicdlcino in the market." For salo at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by (Jrublur Hros., druggists, "Words to tho Farmers Itcganl- ins the EH'ccts of Menrcci 1 utcd Currcncj-. FRAUD ON THE COMMUNITY. Sentiments of the Great Com moner That Apply to tho Present Crisis. AW APPEAL TO THE POOE. "Whoever Attempts Under Wlintevcr Popular Cry to Shake the .Stability of the Public Currency. Itrlng 011 Distress 111 Money Matters and Drlle the Coun try Into the Uso of Depreciated Money, Blabs Your Interest aud Your Happi ness to the Heart. " If nny farmer thinks that ho is going to do all selling and no buying, or that ho Is going to sell moro than he buys, nnd thus get ahead of tho world by the uso of a de preciated and fluctuating currency, we commend to him tho following words of Daniel Wobster: "Sir, I pronounco tho author of such scntlmeuts to Ho guilty of attempting a detestable fraud on tho community; 11 double fraud! 11 fraud which Is to choat mon out of their property and out of tho earnings of their labor by first choatlug them out of tholr misunderstanding. " ' Tho natural hatred of tho poor to tho rich.' Sir, It shall not bo till the last mo ment of my existence; it shall only bo when I am drawn to tho vergoof oblivion, when I shall cense to havo respoctor affoo tlou for anything on earth, that I will be llovo tho people of tho United States cap able of being effectually deluded, cajoled und driven about iu herds by such nbom lnablo frauds as this. If thoy shall sink to that point, If they so far coaso to "be men as to ylold to such pretenses and such clamor, thoy will lie slavos already ; slavos to their own passions, slaves to tho fraud and knavery of pretonded friends. " 'Tho national hatred of thopooraganst tho rich.' "i'hedanger of a moneyed aris tocracy.' Sir, I admonish thcpuopleuguinst the object of cries likes these. I udmonish every Intelligent labur.-r In tho country to be on his guard a,;nlr.st such delusions. I tell him the attempt Is to play off his pas slonsngalnst his interests', und to prevail on him in tho name uf liberty to destroy all tho fruits of liberty, In thonamoof patriotism to Injure and afflict his country, in thonamoof his own Independence to destroy that very Independence, und mako him a beggar and 11 slave. "Has ho n dollarf Ho is advised to do that which will dostroy half its valuo. Has ho hands to labor? Lot him rather fold them and sit still than bo pushed on' by fraud and artifice to support measures wh S will render his labor useless aud hopuicss. ".Sir, tho very man of all others who has tho deepest interest iu o sound currency, who sutlers most by mischievous legisla tion in money matters, is the man who earns his dally brutid by his dully toll. A depreciated currency, sudden changes of prices, paper money falling between morn ing and noon, unit falling still lower be tween noon and night theso things con stitute tho very harvest time of specu lators, and of thttwhulo raco of thoso whj, ore ut onco idlo nnd crafty, ami of that other raeo, too, tho Cotllincs of all times, marked so as to be kuown forever, by one stroko of tho historian's pen, 'thoso greedy of other ineu's properly aud prodigal of their own.' "Capitalists too, may outllvo such times; thoy may either prey on tho earn ings of labor by their cent, per cent , or thoy may hoard. Hut tho laboring man, what can ho hoard? Preying on nobody, ho becomos tho proy of all. His property is in his hands. His reliance, his fund, his productive freehold, his nil, Is his la bor. Whether ho work on his own smalt capital or another's, his living Is stilt earned by his industry, and when tho miiirey ot tho country becoin.'-i depredated or debased, whether It bo adulterated coin I or paper without credit, that Industry Is ronuo'i 01 its ruwuru. no tnen laoors for a country whose luw dimit him out of his bread. I would s.iy to every owner ot every qimrtui' suction ol hind In the west, I would ay to overy man iu tho oast who follows his own plow, and to every me- chaulo, artisan and laborer In every cltj- lll tho eouutry I would say to every man everywhere who wishes by honest means to gain an honest living, ' Hswura of wolves In shae' elothlug. Whoever attempt under whatever jiopular ory. to shake tho stability of the publto curronoy, bring on distress in money matters and drive the eouutry into the use of depre. elated money, stabs your Interest and your happiness to tho heart.' " lHOI'i;UTV AND 1NIHJKTUV. Property Is thf fruit of labor, Vroportj U leliulje, la 11 posttlte ood In tlift world, Tlmt smiiH nhould be rich tthoim that ntliors may brcume rich, it ml hence Is encouragement to Industry nud i)terprie. Let no man who 1 homelfits pull dowu thu Iioush oT another, but let him work dili gently nnd build one for hlmeir, thus, by example, itHsurlnu thut hit own ahull be sufe from vlolencn when It Is built. AlUl.VUAM LINCOLN. lias Hern Restored. Whon thoreu coiners talk nbout tho necessity of restoring silver to tho position that It occuplod prior to 1673, thoy Ignoro tho fact thut tho government has done that very thing fifty times over by tho cptungo of moro than fifty time tu many Mlver dollar us wore coined In tho Whole provloun history of tho country, Forest Hqmblloih . Will Not PerformMiracles But It Will Cure. E. MILES' RKSTOHATIVE NERVINE cures nervo"J3 prostration., Notml raculou3ly, but scientifically, by first removing tho germs of disease, and then supplying healthy nerve food, increasing tho appetite, helping digestion and strength ening tho entlro system. I)o9perate cases require prolonged treatment as shown by that of Mrs. M. 11. Keed, of Delta, Iowa, who writes: "As tho result of a lightning stroke, tho physicians said I had alight ctrpko of paralysis, my iimos would aa draw up. I Dr. Miles' would have .throbbings In my chest that seemed unendurable. Forthroo months 1 could not sleep and for three' weeks did not close my eyes. I prayed for sleep, and Nervine Restores Health.... felt that If relief did not come I would bo dead or Insane. I took Dr. Miles' Restora tive Nervine and tho second night slept two hours and from that time on my health i Ci pro red; slowly at first, but steadily and surely. I took In allW bottles, nnd I cannSt express how grateful I am, for I am now perfectly well, and Lave taken no medicine for over four montlia." Dr. Miles' Nervine is sold by druggists on guarantee that first bottlo benefits or money refunded. . Dook on heart and nerves free. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lnd. DR. LOBB'S BOOK FREE To all sutrerers of KllltOItS OI? VOtlTIT. KWV'qJ:i " OlMUArtlM Olf MJJfl Afl m O.Hi..N, 2u8 pases; c:otli bound t se curely sc'uk-i! i.nd malltdrcf. Trs 'njenthymaU strictly oaUilratlal, ana a posture, qniclc car iruiirante-M. J'o matter how Unir standing, 1 wlllpo: IvHr cure you. Write or ca'.L OR nRR 329K.I5tliSf.Phlla.Pa. -li vvUU 30 vears'cvntinvoui practice PAT. NOV. 11, 1890. JUNE23, 1861. TRADE MARK JAN. 21, Beware of fraudulent and worthiest Imitations. NONE Genuine TWIN" Th taoit beautiful t most pliable! most perfect Etayl They never break I They never cutl They never rustl Made In Cotton and 11 It Ctulngs and Nickel Plnted. Beud 25 cts. (Stamps) for samples "Genuine Twin." to J. lUSTUUBN. JCKaU SUttt, rhlltdtlpfeJ, ft. P. J. CANFIELD, Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity -For- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. c. S. PHILLIPS, M. D. Ofllco : SO West Centre Btreet. Can bo consulted at all hours. p P. BUKKE, H. I). 80 K. Lloyd street, Shenandoah. Oflice hours : 7 to 9 p. rn. ., 1 to 3 and 7 to d J. POMIffiOY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Shenandoah, Pa. M. BUIUCE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office Efjftn building, corner Centre street , Shenandoah. of Main and pitOP JOHN JONI23, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 63, Mahnnoy City, l'a. 3 la vine studied under some ot the best musters Vo Loudon nnd Paris, will give lessonn on tho violin, guitar and vocal culture. Terms reasonable. Address In care ot Strouse, the cweler, Bhenandoah. BUCKNELL - UNIVERSITY, John Howard Hakkis, LL. D., Prest College with four courses of study leading to degrees: Academy for boys nnd yound men; Ladles' Institute, and School of Mutc. Thirty acre oampuit; ten bumutigs including try To uuiiuiii, iuuoraiory nnu ouservaiory, catalogue and other Information address, WM. O. GUKTZINGER, Iteuistrar, LuwUburg, Pa. BROMO-KOLA ALCOHOLIC, NERVOUS AND BILIOUS HEADACHES Curetl by this granular effervescent and sttmu laut. An Instant cure ft?r sour stomachs nnd hendaches. which often accumulate from having a night out, JOHN F. CLEARY, BOTTLER OF CAEBONATEDiDKINKS, 17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah