The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 02, 1896, Image 2

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i:sT,viii.ism;i) ihto.
1'ubltslicd nvery Kvcnlng,
6 Hoctii .Unm.v strei.t. Ni:aii C'kntiik.
Tim Herald Is tlcilvciml itiMicnaiiUntift niul Ibo
lurroiindhiK towns rir six cents ft week, mj
blo to tho curriers, lly innilCl.OOn S'ir,i)fJS
tent n month, payable In advance. Ailvertlie
meats cluirKcd according to ppucoanit HslUon.
The puhllnliorA reserve the right to change tho
fonltlon of advertisements whenever the put
lCAtlon nf news demands tt. Tho right Is
reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
paid for or not. thnt tho publishers may ilein
Improper. Advertising rates mado known
unon ftnnltentloii.
ltnlered at the pmtomcc nt Shenandoah, lv, as
tecond class mall matter.
Lvening Herald
wiidniisday, sniTi:Mm:n 2, mm.
Of Ohio,
tun vine rciHxinusrr,
(lAiiitirr a. lroiuitT,
Of ' Jersey.
Of (Susquehanna.
HAMU1IL A. iuvkntout,
of i:ho
Property Is the fruit of labor. Property
Is desirable, in li msltle good In tho
Morld. Tluit some shnitltl be rich shown
tliut others iniij b me r.eli, nnd henee Is
c-ncniirngcinciit to Imltistry noil enterprise.
Let tin limn Mho Is homeless putt down tho
liniisn of another, hut let him work dili
gently nud htillit one for himself, thus, hy
I'Mtlliplc, assuring- Mint hUown ftliull he
hale from slolenee when jl Is built
UltAllAM LINrL?f.
Vermont has spoken !
Tlio (Ircon Mountain state, with her sturdy
sons of toil, was tho first to speak after the
holding of the national conventions, nnd she
speaks in no uncertain tonos. Tho lostllt is
an unprecedented I'epuhlican majority
variously estimated at from 35,000 to -10,000
plurality double that of tho last picsldential
ih etioii and from 10,000 to 15,000 Kroatcr
tl m ovdr given to a Republican candidate for
llovornor In that ftato.
Tho Issue was a stjua-o one between the
advocates of llryatiism and thoso who stand
ior tho St. Louis platform. This victory for
mhmhI money and good government Is n uioet
clorioiis one ; nud a crushing and humillat
iug defeat for the fico silvorilcs and rcpudia-
tionists. At tho Inst presidential election tho
Republican majority was 17,115(1; yesterday's returns will bring it up to 40,000. Then)
lluies seem ridiculous nnd beyond tho
bounds of possibility, but this is an extra
ordinary year. Tho people aio repudiating
tile fiio-fnr-all doetriucs of tho Altnelds nnd
the Tilluuns, nud tho Demi emtio voters aro
assisting in the repudiation act.
Vermont being an agricultural and manu
facturing state, nUbids an accurato indox as
to tho true sentiment of tho people on tho
issuoti of tho day and they have tpoken.
Thousand! of Democrats aro disgusted with
tho men now in control of tho Democratic
p.irty. as indicated in yestorday's oleetion,
null will bo re-echoed in those to follow.
As goes Vermont nud Maine, so goes the
Maine will speak next week, and in just as
tmphatlc terms as the Circcn Mountain state.
Tjiu luscious oyster is again in season, tho
letter R, upon the appe.lranco of which in
the word representing tho month in which
the inolhuk Is auppwed to be in season, oc
tarring lu Scjitcinber and loutiuuiug until
.ii.i y
Ik Seii.nor Tillman is so anxious to meet
- sfiie Turn on the stump to debato tho money
V- quontlon. a friend at our elbow suggests that
h i cross swords witli tho doughty Major
l'lniiey, chairman of the executive torn
mittco, and a walking encyclopedia upon tho
lliiaucial question
ll.vv fever appeari to havo been much loss
prevalent this season than usual, though
tliuro have, of course, been a good many
eases. Medical hcienco has failed lo iloflno
the cum) of this strango ami annoying
malady, and its uluiost absolute return at n
curtain period, it has also failed to dud any
other remisly than that of a cluiugo of
ilimato. Shenandoah has a number of those
who ufler from this disagreeable ami uimo
iiig dUvabo.
ClBcrsKii and traveling shows eannut ox
pjet to coin money if they do not caio to
advertise. People in this time must bo
xoqnaiiitcd through the newspapers thlt they
are to patronlM) any cutuitninmcnts or
iiniusoineutH. Liberal mananurs and thoso
who appreciate tin vjlue of an udvortiMmcnt
never fail to place one in tho papers wlioio
fioy know it will do tho most good.
.1 urbondalo Leader.
iJCoNTKiilAi-.n Li.ovn, of Luzerne county,
k sifter the Justices of thu Peace of that
county with a big stick, Ho has determined
to wipe out the pernicious methods indulged
in by theo otncials in tho pant, and in the
future they will havo to lm content with
wliat fee justly belong to them. In com-
inwitlug nim tho action of tho Controller,
the vllkobarro Leader says: "lleietoforo
Justice havo been wont to inako.four cnes
out dfouol collecting from tho couufy for at
loast threo of theni. but in tho future thin
will bo provciitod, Controller IJoyd has
juado it a rule to compel Justices to produce
their dookets i before Iseuing. am order for
thoir feeB7"'In this way ho i enabled to do-
teet fraud, llndlug no loss than five dishonest
Tctiitiit mauo ly' ono Justice this morning.
The Controller promptly throw them out
ami warned tlic Jostle not to the
lIYlicc " Tli.1t the net criatitM tho olllcc or
( otilrollcr Is one of much hem lit to the lux-
payers of this, unit I.tlcinc county, when
properly ndliiiuHtcrcd, is not to lie doubted.
Hut if I In) Umtrnllor rcfusct or fails to
exorcise the prerogative of his ollleo the law
becomes ft dead letter. Controller Lloyd,
howover, appears to ho Imbued with the Idea
that ho has boon eleeteil 111 the interests of
tho luxiwyern nnd will strictly enforee the
It i mild Watson Shepherd, the Demo
cmtlc nominee fur Uingloss In this district,
will address ft public meeting at Malianoy
City on Saturday evening, nud will gimp tho
opportunity to suite his position on tho money
question. There Nit general demand, even
among tho freo silver Democrats, for Mr,
Shepherd to publicly inform the people
whether ho favors all that tho Chicago plat
lorm contains, Including tho freo nnd un
limited colunjio of silver, nt tho ratiiof Ifl to
1. It must Indeed be embarrassing to tho
Congressional candidate when ills own party
voters demand from him a statement as to his
position on certain qtiostions of public policy,
yet such is the caso.
!pulngH Throughout the Ileglon Chron
icled for Hasty 1'eruMiL
Tor tho past twenty-four days 1,000 pas
sengers have been carried dally over tno
Ccntraliii branch of tho .Shainokin-Mt. uir
mel l'.lectrie Railway.
It wis reported yostcrday that Low
boy" Kerrigan, who fatally shot W. S.
Ileiiner a fuw months ago, had been captured,
and was in the county jail at llloomshurg.
Tho rumor proved to bo untrue, howover.
William Wilhelm talked free silver at (ill
berton last evening.
The finishing touches are'liclng put to the
now Stato hospital reservoir, and it will bo
fully completed in tho course of a week.
Tho Lehigh YallcvOnl Company nnd the
Cross Creek Coal Company, who own con
siderable property in Ranks township, county, propose to work out their
road taxes this year and have notified the
supervisors to this effect.
Dr. J. L. Hollinan, who ha been in Kuropo
for tho past three mouths, will arrive in Ash
land to-day.
Tho workingmcn nt I'rimroso havo organ
ized n union of tho U. M. W. of A.
The accidents at tho eolllories in tho eighth
or 1'ottsrillo district for the month of August
were five fatal and twelve non-fatal.
Republican headquarters has been marked
by a large transparency surmounted with sev
eral small Hags. There is qulto n demand for
tho excellent photographs of McKinlcy and
llubnrt, recently received.
Fifty-live employes at tho 1'. A It. shops at
Palo Alto and St. Clair weio laid oil' yester
day, owing to tho retrenchment policy begun
by the eoinp'iny.
Pinegrovc is to havo a new hoso house to
cost i2,i-00.
Centralia is likely to bo soon lit up with
electric light hy tho Shamokin-Mt. Ctirmel
Rlcctrlc Railway Company.
Tho electric light plant of Mt. Carinel is
run during tho day, supplying pouer lor a
number of the industries.
Tho Ktato Council of tho Jr. O. U. A. 31.
will meet at (leltysburg on tho 15th Inst.
Tho now artesian wellat llcthlehcm tlirows
S0.000 gallons an hour.
Two thousand new gondolas have just Loju
placed on tho Reading road.
nwaided the contract to boat tho St. George's
Catholic church of town by hot water, using
i ILivnton boiler and about 4000 foot radla-
Tho Culumblii II. & S. I-'. U. Co., is renting
advertising spaces on the fences and build-,
lugs at its park and the cmnniitteo cnpigeJ
In soliciting patrons has met with flatterins
success. ,
1 no l lllieil oiaies oppress ouito ai jia&,u-
ton lias been raided from a fourth class to a
thiid class by reason of incieased business.
Mauvndy City, Sept. 2. John lierdolls
was badly burned ubotit tho hands, face and
neck at tho .Schuylkill colliery. IIo was
brushing out a body of gas when it became
Ignited by his naked lamp.
Frank I'ipchew. 31 years of age and known
throughout the county as a medicine peddler,
dkd suddenly last night, llostarted toattend
a lodge meeting, but when half way thero
was obliged to return to his homo and died
soon after. An Inquest this morning fixed
tho cause of death as inllanimntion of tho
Deputy Coroner Fogarty will to-night hold
an Inquest on the l'ark Place boiler explosion
incident. Tho inquest was delayed to await
the recovery of John Itecfe, ouo of tho
Miner Killed.
Anthony Karutis, a siuglo man, residing in
Mahanoy City, was instantly killed at tho
Malianoy City colliery last evening. Ho was
lifting a collar to plaee it on lop of tho "log"
when ho slipped, and tho collar caught his
head against tho top of a mine car, crushing
him to death.
Last of tho Season,
Tho last cheap excursion of tho season for
Atlantic City via I'. It. It. II. will ho run
on Sunday next, September (5th, train leaving
Shenandoah at 2:10 a. in. Fare for round
trip, $8.50. B-l-5t
Take Lnxativo llroiuo Qulnino Tablet. All
druggists lcfiind the money if it falls to cure.
23 cents.
Ask your grocer for tho "Itoynl 1'atent'
flour, and tako no other brand, It isthobet
Hour uiado.
ContliiK lSvcnt.
Sept. .1. (Irand Lalmr Day plculc under
the auspices of tho Oraut band at Columbia
IrX' . .. ,
unmoor r.nieiuiiuiiiBuv aim imu,iii n
Hone Section, J. T. of II. &'V., in nubbins'
opera bout!.
J'liiufiflpatlon llay nt Alexnnilrla.
ALKXANUUIA, Vn., Soiit. S. Hlaboroto
propamtbuiB are being mndo for thoeele
hmtlou of thu Xatlonnl Kmauclpntlon
Proclamation on Sopt. 82. M. L. ltobin, ciluilnnan ot the coiuinlttoo on nr
rmigcuiunts, stdtos thnt nil tho prominent
race lenders will Ikj prosont una that col
oral mllltlon companies from tho loading
cities will participate, tilirrott A. llouart.
tho itepubllcnn noinlnoo for vice prosidout.
has Ijeon Invited todcllvorun nddross. Mr.
liobluson thinks hd accept' tho invitation,
Why suuer with Coughs, Colds and La
flrippo when Laxatlvo llromo Quiuluo will
euro you In ono day. l'ut up In (ablets con.
venlcutfor taking. Guaranteed to euro, or
money refunded. Price, 25 cents. For sale
by Klrllu's Pharmacy.
Women ( rushed '
Ul Kr',J, Supt .'
WiH ill t nitlv ' lied
punlriii-. Mr-, l.ilen .' ,
Col 'iiLin. torn 1 itu-.ii
'i l:lcvatnr.
'- Mury To -1
i i her two . 1,1,
i. mid Mr-. Mar
1 in nn elc
Itr-euleiit ill lb-- i'.llleoil .Square luilliUn-j.
All wore umplovtui as servants lu Hmtb'rs
onfo. They wore on tho "ultlewnllt" olo
vntor, tho covur of which had not boon
iiiifnstenpil, anil were crushed between tho
platform nml tliecoverinjr.
.Miss llnrton Stay Itelnrn to Turkey.
LlVBHPooL, Sept. . Miss Clnrn Ilarlon,
prusldeiitof tho American Hod Cross so
cioty, ilocldeil nt the last moment not to
will for tho Uiiitud States on lxmril tho
stonmer Servln yestnrdny, ni she hail In
tended iluliiif. This elinnpi' In her plans
is duo to tho character of tho nows re
coivod from Turkey, to which country bIio
may return.
Spain's lleholllous Colonies.
London, Sept. 2. A dispatch from Ma
drid says thnt pnrt of tho reluforcomonts
of Spanish troops Intended for tho island
of Cuba will lie lauded nt I'orto Itlco,
owing to tho fnct thnt thero nro Indica
tions thnt n rebellion is browing thero.
rormosn In n IVrmeiit.
SnATTl.i:, Wash., Sept. 3. According to
.Tnpnnoso ndvlcos Just recolvcd Formosa
coiitlnuos In n stato of rebellion ngalnst
.lapnneso rulo. Jnpaneso forcos nro kept
constnntly nlort in nn ondeavor to subduo
the lebels.
Closing (Jluitntlons of tho New York nnd
l'hllndelphla Kxchnngcs.
New Youk, Sept. 1 The Htoek market was
loss decided in character today and tho deal
ings were entirely professitmnl. The volaino
of business also fell sharply below yesterday's
reeorrt. Closing inus :
llnitimore&Ohio. Uli
Lehigh Valley
New Jersey Con
N. Y. Central.. .
St. Paul
W. N. Y. & Pa . .
f'li.MU. a: Ohio..
IJ :. & Hudson
1 rio
. 80
L )uah Nav..
2ti iws't paid.
PiIU.AlU'XrHtA.Krjit. 1. Flour wonlc; sintor
Hylvuuiiv rolliT, clenr, 2.T.V$U; do. do. strniKht,
$U t4J-2o ; wiwtcm wiutnr, clear, $2.7.VU. Wheat
dull; September, QffXQMc. Corn dull; Sep
tember, 2(Va2'l,l4!. OutH qnlct; Sptember,
23lj"J'lc. Hay in fair demand for kokI;
choice timoUiy, 13.C0U. Uicf steady; city
lamiiy, ?y.'Xfff Ju; oeir nam', ?i5.sin i. l'ori-
Kteady ; old mess, JF7.60'.S.5 ; family, 5 ).
010. Lard qul"t ; vtern Mtfim, Zi.7'iy2. Gut
ter sternly ; wit em dairy, kVt$J2.o; uo. croani
cry, UWlQUa.i do. factory, "WllWc; El-
Kin,lrt4e. ; imitation cronmery, lU'il.V. ; X'.
York 'Jilry, liXdlScj do. creamery, 11 W'llW
lV'nnsylvanm orc.imery printb, Htrictlj fancy
ltk. ; do. firkin, liiaiKc. ; do. H"coutw, 14 HW.
prints jolibinjc nt -NX2rte. Cht'iBB tpaiet;laiKo
jslow lorK, 5(iSc, ; nmall tjviioy, 0Sc.; tuirt
HldinH, &q 5c. ; lull nkiinn, Kalc. Ej?m Htcady ;
New Yrk ami IVivasylvanii, 14atl5o. ; wewtcru
!.hi Stuc'c Market
New YoiiK.sJppt.l. Cable.- ipioto Amerien
stimrs at 1 Jlllo., druMMwl weights; hlieep at 0'
flO'., drc-mod Wfinlit; refrinmtor bet'f at
tUMWti!. ChIvch activi-and ldglier; veals,
7..i); buttermilks nnd tfnwscr-t, $lo.I.53. Shep
ami Iamb dull; sheep, ? J..xTo b.'J. ; lumbn,
U.. Hogrf Kteady at ( 1.1 J.
Eakt 1jIi:ep.TY, lJa., Ki-pt. 1. Cattlo steady
prime, $4.flOfj,4.tS5; common, i-'A&H.thi ; bulH.Htag-i
iuhI oowi, 't.i.5o. H'jj4 Mteudy ; pnmo lish:,
J H..ya.ii.lx) ; bet mcciiam, w.oify'.i &) ; uommou
to fair Yorkers, .4-j-w.o0: hvuvv, J.lail.2.'j
rnuirtis, ?2."n l.."). Sheep HNiady, prinie, ja.'j&a)
I..i5; fair, $..i.2.'l; cMimflon, W'tpi.T."; commou
lo good Jamij-,, )fsitt,4.25; vud calven,
'cs'-e i.. iom. i.sq., mi om resmom i
nisiuy rcspecicu cuizeii 01 our town, cauca
mis morning ami alter purchasing a home
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar-
rheoa Iiemcdy, said: "If anyone asks you if
this remedy will do what is claimed for it.
tell them yes, and refer them to me." II
Alexiinilor Stoke, Reynoldsville. I'a. Xoono
,. ,ii.t ,i. ,.i f ....ii..i., ,.fh.
giving it a fair trial. Then it is pleasant and
safe to take, making it especially valuable
for children. For i-alo by Gruhler Uros.,
'llm Crops ul .North Carolina.
IIAI.KIUII, X. C, Sept. 2. Tho stato crop
bulletin says that during tho mist sovon
days crop conditions havo not materially
chanced. U.iln has fallen hero nnd there,
but over larjro ureas tho drought is int
ubated. Cotton in tho cast is practically
beyond Improvement, is half open, nnd
being picked rapidly. It Is no longer ktow
lnir In tho central district, mid looks dry.
Picking Is rapid.
Three Killed In u 1'owtlcrMlll Implosion.
St. Louis, Sept. 2. With n detonation
that shook thu earth for miles around tho
Kqultnbly Powder mills, near Alton, Ills.,
exploded yestorilay. Ilonry Hegas, Ilenry
lingers mid 1 nomas Ketlar, employes of
tho powder works, wero Instantly killed.
mill C. II. Whlto wns badly injured. Tho
bodies of tho dead ronchod tho earth lu
Shot hy ti Careless Young (lunncr.
Camiik.V, N. J., Sept. 2. David Morgan,
ltl yonrs old, wns fatally shot in tho head
yostcrday afternoon by Iho discharge of a
gun hold by Aaron W. Anderhon, 10 yours
old. Tho boy.s wore gunning forvoed birds
noar Colllngswood. Anderson wns ar
rested and cent to jail to await the result
of tho coroner s inquest.
Itev. Mark Mluser, a Dunkavd minister of
Deckers Point, Pa., stij's ho can recommend
Chamberlain's Pain lialm to anyone in need
of a good liniment, and that ho comldors it
tho best ho has ever used. Pain Halm is
especially valuable for rheumatism, lame
luck, sprains, swolllngs, cuts, bruises, burns
anil scalds. It is one of tho most remurk
nblo lntdioluc In existence, and its eil'octs
will both surprise and delight you. For sale
at 25 and B0 cents per bottle by Gruhler Ilros.,
i ne cat-'i i'ctictilul Policy.
St. PETKii-sHiriiU, Sopt. 2. High govern
ment oltloluls horo express tho opinion thut
the death of Prince Lobanoff-llostovsky,
tho Hussion minister of foreign affairs,
will not involvo tt chaiigo In tlio policy of
Itussln, which, it is added, is distinctly
paelllo nnd fully approved by the czar.
Mr. Yumlcrlillt's Condition.
NuwrouT, 11. I., Sopt. 2. In view of ro-
polls to thu eontinry Inquiry was made
today, nml It was ascertmueu tnnt uor
nellus Vanderbllt is Improving steadily,
Dr. MoLauo, his physician, left on Sunday
night for two woow vacation. ir. van
dorl)lt drives out dully.
lllicumnilsiii Cured luu Day.
"Mystic Curo" for Kheumatlsm and Neu
ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action unon tho Bvstem is rcmarkablo and
mysterious. It removes at bnco the causo
nnd tho disoase Immediately disappears. Tho
first doso greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by
u, n. uagcuuucn, Druggist, suenauuoau,
Oldest Dank President Dciid.
AttsTEKDAM.N.Y . Hcpt 2 -D.mlol Spra
kcr, tho oldest bank pr - ddont in the
United States, dlod yesterday at his home
In Fondn, nged 08 yonrs. Ho ostnbllshod
tho Sprnkor bank nt Cnnujohnrlo In 1853,
nnd tho Mohawk Hlvar bank nt Fondn In
1830. Ho liecnmo president of tho lnttcl
Institution, nnd hold tho office for forty
Two Killed hy n Iltiuawny Cnr.
SAIXM, N. Sept. 2. William 11; -in
nnd John Taylor wore killed yesterday nt
tho government bnttory nt Finn's Point
by being struck by n runaway cnr on nr.
Incline lending from nil excavation in th
ground, whore thoy wcro mining for con
creto stono.
Seveli-Yenr-Old Child Murdered.
Lawukvck, Mass., Sopt 2. Isaliclli
Kolll, the "-year-old daughter of Mr. nne
Mrs, Louis Kolll. of tills city, was mur
dered by Antonio Quatlero, an Italian
who boarded with tho llollls. Ko motive
is known for tho crime.
Tired Feeling
Makcs you seem " all broken up," with
out life, ambition, energy or appetite.
It is often tho forerunner ol serious Ill
ness, or tho accompaniment ot nervous
troubles. It is a positive proof of thin,1
weak, Impuro blood; for, if tho blood la
rich, red, vitalized nnd vigorous, it im-'
parts lifo and energy lo every nerve,
organ and tissue ot tho body. The
necessity of taking Hood's Sarsaparllla
for that tired feeling Is thereforo apparent
to every one, nnd tho good it will do you
is equally beyond question. Remember
Is the best In fact tho One True Blood rurlficr.
HnrUe DStlc cureliverllls.easytotake,
nOOU S rlHS easy to opeiatoJ, ascents.
Chichester's Knellfth IMamond Ilranff.
Pennyroyal pills
Oriel tml and Only Gcnulnts A
SArc, fclwavi nlUbte. ladicb tsk S
DrDftRlst for Ch'ehmer F.nqlixh WaA
jboxc; sekleil with bias ribbon. TaLo W
tkn and imitation. At DrugifliiU, or send 4.
fn ftatnr t particular!, leatlmoolala ani
J I lilt. ir.wuiF 4i'iiinii, jiurao jirn.
ChlclirKlrrt'liuiutcul CuHUadltonSiuarh
tJdb all l-ooi' ''tuukiu. i'JltlaWi 1
poit CIIIKK nuitoifes,
Of the Fourth ward.
Subject to Citizens party rules.
Of Kiii:.naxioaii,
Rlrst District.
vote: for
Or SumiANbOAit,
vote: for
Or lll'.OAIl Moustain,
County Treasurer
County Treasurer
Harry Bradigan,
Ok Sukxasixmii,
It i
Everything Itnuly for Secretary of tho
Interior Trancl.
"Wasiiixoton, Sept 2 Secretary Hoko
Smith closod his ndmlnlstrntlon of tho
nffnlrs of tho Interior dcpartlnont ynstcr
ilnynudrotlrcd from tho cnblnot Whon
ravin rtowtAND fkakcis.
cx-Oovcrnor 1'rnncls'wlllnrrivo from Mis
souri nnd tako tlio oath of ollleo is not yot
definitely known, though It will bo before
tho end of tho weok.
It is possible, howover, that Mr. Frnncls
will 1m) horo this nfternoon. In thnt event
Secretary Smith has planned to leave for
Atlnnta tonight. All Important mnttors
thnt havo been pending have now boon
disposed of, so thnt Mr. Francis ns secre
tary will havo a clear field to begin with.
IWIsslonnrlcs Meet 1.1 Hung Chang.
Nuw YoUK, Sopt. 2. LI Hung Cluing bo
gnn yostorday's long programme with nn
nudlr ncynttho lintel Wnldorf forthorcp
rosentutlvos of American missions In
Chinn, nnd In his reply to tho nddross do
llvereil by tho Hov. Ilr. Klllnwood, tho
Chlnuso statosnimi, who Is nlso n scholar
In his own country, said somothlngsubout
tho two religions which surprised tho peo
plo ho spoko thorn to. Subsequently tho
Chlnoso statesman visited Chinatown nnd
then reviewed the police, flro departmo'nt
and tho htroot clonncrs in Union square.
Ho did not attend thobanquot in his honor
given nt Dclnionloo'slustnlghtliy Chlnoso
Renewed Altncks Kvprctcd.
MADttlD, Sept 2. Oflleial dispatches
from Manila stato that several small towns
In tho Philippine Islands have revolted
and that attacks have boon mado on tho
gendarmes, whose cuptnln was killed. Ite
infurojmcnts havo been dispatched nnd
ships sent to Mindiimui. tho sonond lnrgest
of tht Philippine il i Is. Kourthousand
roops will hi .-oiii. Man! hi. Governor
lllnmo has cabjoil t' the authorities that
the natives and hul.'hceeds have been ex
cite 1 1 ;-: o ret so"i"i esin wirlutm portions
f the Kl.inds nnd timfc ronewod outbreaks
are expocio-l.
Electric Hitters.
Electric Hitters is a medicine suited for any
season, but perhaps more generally needed in
tlio spring, when tno languiu cxnausieu
feeling prevails, when tho liver is torpid and
ugglsli anil tlio neeil ot a tonic anil auera
ve is felt. A nromnt use of this luedlcino
has often averted long and perhaps fatal
bilious fevers. Xo medicine will act more
surely in counteracting and freeing tho sys
tem from the malarial poison. Headache,
mligestion. Constipation, IJlzzincss yieui to
Electric Hitters. Only fifty cent per bottle
at A. Wasloy's drug store.
A Iramp's Coalition of Mririlpr.
IsncnsoLL, Out., Sept. 2. A tramp who
gavo his namo as Georgo C. Underwood,
of Houston, Tex., was arrestod horo last
Thursday nnd sentenced to thirty days In
jail for breaking into a bonded cnr nt tho
railway station, s-lnco being placed In
jail Underwood confessed to tho chief of
police that ho shot n nogro In Toxns re
cently ancl was n fugitlvo from Justice.
Tno Houston authorities havo telegraphed
to hold Underwood nt all hazards, ns ho
was wanted for murder.
Suspected' of lining 4niitger.H
ClXClSXATi, Sept. 3. Hod wood, tho win
ner of tho fourth race lit Nowport yester
day, Is suspectod ot being a ringer. Tho
horo won in n go!.
op from n. field of
maldous, after being!
backed heiivily in tho
ring. Tho Judgas hi l
i a tip that the horso
was not Bedwood,. iiad will uinko nn In
vostlgatlon before g
vlngu, decision. No
bets will bo paid untiil tho honso is Idciiti
I'.ellEf In
Distressing kidney
Ktx Hours
and bladder diseases
by tho "Kcw Great
relieved in six hours
South Americau Kidi:
Cure." Mills new
remedy Is a creat surtlriso on account of its
cxccmniK promstnesslln relieving pain lu
tno manner, Klttneys, back anil every part
of the urinary passages in male or female.
it relieves retention 101 water auil nam lu
passing it almost iminNliatelv. If vou want
quick relief and cure this is vour remedy.
boia by hliaptra's puiirroaoy, 1U7 South Main
I'rlzu AVlmUliS' Marksmen.
ii iniMiia nitti nnnit'lli
. J ., 1 2. A t tho New Jer
iliitiofi nieet hero ye-terdny
10 KQ-st cavalry of (jeoi-tlu
Sr.x Giiit. K
say Hide ssocl
the team of tho
won tho Girblno shooters' prize. Theflrst
team of the onglnlors' conjis, IJlstriot of
LuluiiiUtii. won tn lUAtcu nt Si id RU'l
yurils, iiuil the toniiiof tho first infautryof
ueorgia won tno interstate regimental
.Serious Conlllcts on tho Turkish llorder
Kofia, Uul?urla, Srept. 8 berious oon
OlotK took plee on Aug. 27 on tho Turk-lsh-Iiulfrtirlau
froutur, near the villages
of Ailnrushltuco mid ICar.llk. A Turkish
officer nud aeverul Turkish soldiers woi u
killed. Tho Utilitarians did not miu'cruny
losses. Tho DulKiirlan (xuvorninunt is re
iufurcliiK the troops on the frontier.
It U not unusual for druccists to rcconi-
mgd Cuamieriaiu's Cough ittmcily to their
customers. Many of them linyo used it
themselves, or lu their families and know
from personal experience its great value in
tho treatment of coughs, colds and croup,
They know too that their customers aro their
best friends and naturally wish to give them
tho moot reliable medicine they have for
thoso ailments. Messrs. Daughcrty llros,
promlnont druggists of Iudlana, l'a., saj',
"Wo 6cH' more of Clianiberjaip's .Cough
I'emcdy than of any other cough syrup, and
always take pleasure in recoipmeiidlng it to
our customers." Mr. II. Mi Urey, tho popular
druggist at Fredouia, l'a., who has .sold
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for several
ars, says; "I can.trniy saytuat lt JSMtuo
hk congii meuiciua in xna- inar(;ei.,' i nr
STys and 50 cents per botilo by Gruhler
Full Details Gladly Given.
A Railroad Official's Experience.
It. EDWARD EDMOffDS, long con
nected with railroad construction la
Nobraska, writes! "ilyfioart troubled
and pained mo for 13 years Shortness of
orcatu xvas tho constant and most common
symptom. Intense, cxcmclatlnt pain, gener
ally followed any severe oxertloh. Falntness,
hunger wlthoutanyappetltoj Buttering that
mado mo clutch rcy breast, and palpitation
that often stasgorcd mo ns t I would fall,
wcro Iroqunt attacks. Ajyila, everything
wonld turn tlacklt l aros.frora astooplng
posturo quickly. Elecplose nights with their
prostrating unrostwero
numerous and I could
get no rest day ornlght
I consulted loading phy
sicians and tried adver
tised remedies. Thoy
gavo mo no relief. Ono of
JJI. iUllCb
Heart Ctire
Dr. Miles' circulars described m7 caso so
exactly that I took Dr. Miles' Now Hoart
Curo and I am now a well man. I hopo
every ouo. troublpd with heart diseaso will
try Dr. Miles' remeSics. If thoy wlllwrlto
mo personally, I will gladly glvo them full
dotailsof my experience." Edw. Eosonds.
1'. O. Box 03, David City, Nobraska.
Dr. Miles' Heart Curo la sold on guarantee
that first bottlo benefits or money refunded.
To all enle-rn-s or lvItltOUS OK VOUTIT,
Mis-p viciijt tnd disi;asi;s ot? sllin
AMI vvilJlU.'i. :i8 rnsresi cloth bound: s
curcly Beak-J nndrrsli(lr--c. Treatment by mall
Btrlctly onlldentlLl, and a r-osMve. quick cur
Ru.sran'pp'l. No matter bow leng standtDg, 1
wm pot Ivcly cure you. Write or calL
OR nRR 329 H. !5th St. Phlla.Pa.
till yxlJLStj SO years' continuous practice
PAT. NOV. 11, 1890. JUNE23, 18BI. TRADE MAflUJAN. J itp.
i ucwareoiirauauienfcaiiu wiiruueui iimihuiuhb.
NONE GenuiiiB'an 'TWIN"
The roost beautiful 1 mct pliable! most ?rf ect Btayl
They never breakl They never cutl They never rust!
Made In Cotton nnd Silt Casings and Nickel PIiiUmL
fiend 23 cts. (Stamps) for BftmpIcB "Genuine, Twin toi
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Q S. l'illl.I.ira, M. D.
Oflloo: E0 West Centre street.
Can be consultoU at all hours.
p F. BUIllUS, M. D.
80 K. Lloyd street, Bhenandcah.
OOlce hours -7 to 9 n. m., 1 to 8 and 7 to S
y n, POM HKOY.
Hhenaudoah, l'a.
Ofllct Eirnn bulldlncr. corner of Main and
Centre stretn, Bhcnandouli.
Lock Box 65, Mahanoy City, Pa.
llavlnir studied under some of the bet.
masters li London and Paria, will (five lessons
on the violin, guitar nnd vocal culture. Terms
reasonable. Address in care ol Strouse, the
ewcler. tihenandoah.
Joiik Howard Harhis, LT. P., Prest.
CollenoTvlth four courses of study leading to
degrees : Academy for bovs nnd yound men i
Indlea Institute, awl School pf Mu-lo. Thirty
aero cainimaj ten buildings including gynv
nnalum, lahnrntory nnd observatory. For
catalogue and other Information nddrews,
M'M. a auETZiNqER,
Iteglstrar, Lcwlsburtf, Pa
Cured by this granular efforvescent and stimu
lants An Instant cure for sour stomachs and
lienilaohes, which often accumulate from having
n night out.'
17 anil J 9 Peach AJley , iSIienndoah
1. -.ik