p - .JL) You Can Moke Your dollars anil cents by carrying them. V.VitfliinilAy,t i TI1 i-t. Neaii (.'KNinE. by buying vour '' "','''' 1 HUonrj tiOt.un and tho Ji.i.n. iowni fornix e-ciitaii week, imy M our More ,,,.. ty mil a.oo n )-rnr. or E. month, paj able In ntlvnitco. Advcrtlse f Its chartfe) according to spite-i-nnd position. Vlie publishers reserve the right to clulr.ge tho position of advertisement whenever the pul Motion of news demands It. Tho rliiht Is reserved to reject any ndicrttscmcnt, whether paid for or not. thnt the publisher tuny deem Improper. Advertlslnk rates mailo known upon application. Kuterod at t!ie postoflloe at Shenandoah, Pa., as second class mall matter. THI.KI'IIONH CONNT.CTION. Evening Herald Vi:i)Ni:sl)AY, Al'fit ST 20, 1MI8. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL TICKET, ron rmwnirxT, WILLIAM mkinlly, Of Ohio. Mill Villi ftlH-rriENT, OAiiULT A, IIorUltT, 01 New Jersey, REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. I'UlCcUXaitlWHStAJf-AI-t.AUOH, tJALTTrilfA A. OltOW, Of Susquehanna. HAMUIX A. DAVKXPOUT, Of Ifcie Til T too many cooks spoil tho broth is .ipplicahlo to tho Republican camistlgii in hi county. Movianro already being mndo on the political chess-board in town for tlio spring . li i lion, among tlio Democratic aspirants. hLXATOK Qt'Av has nailed another Ho of the f'oiribino leaders in Philadelphia. The public awaits their next movo with Utile 'worn. Thk crowded condition of the public schools .it the opening of tho present turni is tinpio eudentod, nnd may necessitate tho formation of additional grades. run accidents of politics sometime bring - i.v sudden surprises, especially in Scbtiyl k ill utility. TJio present campaign is an illiistruilou of that fact. A i v.nyasr of newspapers in tho far West ru and so-called fire silver statos reveals tho i. t that 0) out of 101 lioaid from nro sui i i ting gold. OfOl Ilopuhlicnn papers, biJ uro ' -r gold, while 7 out of 11 Democratic papers are against their party. All but 3 out of 30 lt publican papers in California aru for tlio filil ticket. IlnvAN nnd his backers disavow any piif ' ii in e for silver. "It is bimctallisii that wi want," they Miy. Tho Mexican -Minister 1. 1 l iiiaiico declares that this is impossible ii mli r tho freo coinage of silver. So does M iy honest man who Investigates tho Mihjeit. Can llryan bo right and nil tho hni sty anil intelligence of tho country VillOU,'? 'I'n k Now York Dispatch lias unearthed a i-il.isvil conspiracy, tlio most tremendous in tin history of the world. It has discovered (iiioiigh a tnhlu by Mr. Carlisle that theio i- nearly $11,OIK,00(I,(KX) of silver id tho win Id, of which $7,OOU,000,()00 is controlled by a few European banks, headcil by tl.o llulbseliilds. These banks are backing llryan witli the intention of furring fieo i -mage of silver on tho United States and making a profit of f3,000,000,00!) out of tho American people during the next four .veins It claims that only American bankers uic for gold ; the Knglish bankers are all for -'cr, and ate spending millions of dollars to insuio itryan's election. They uavo'pic hvrvcil all tilt silver produced sinco the dis covery of America for the present oppor tunity. The Republican cumpaign fund jules into insignificance compiled with Jlryan's hacking, and it lemains to bo seen whether a patiiotle people will consent to lie bought with the small American fund usieail of tlio colossal bribe of tho Ilriti.shers. It is fortunate that the truu inwardness of the plot has been d.'sewcrcrf. A few weeks no the above journal believed the llryan Jtuarrhistlc lackers to bo tho (ioulds, hut no.v it knows that the Moulds are very ' small potatoes" compared with tlio con spuutors who nro really engineering tho si heme to make this tlio banner silver jouLtry of the world. Tki: three dollars, one of gold, one of - hit, oi iu of paper, and burn them. The jpi r dollar is lost, it lias gone up in smoke ; t u nher dollar is bullion, and is worth 0:1 rent-, ; tho gold dollar is bullion, too, and v urtli 100 cuts." This was not a very strong irsiinient for his cause that Senator Tillman put forth. On the contrary, it was an argu ment that is making the vottra of Slicnan- hnili think, ns it is a conclusive argument in i-m-r of a stublo currency. Money is a in. ilium of exchange and it lias been found t nut tlio precious metals aru thu most con tinent and useful for that purpui-e. Tin : in. i' that Is likely to retain its value, whether il has Ibe stamp uf tho government upon it ui not, is the most reliable, as it is less liable t i liuctuation. Hence the cxjiciicucc ol tl e leading commercial nations of the world, ia nig found gold less liable to tine tuatiuns in value, havo adopted It as the standard by which aliies are mwisureil. This is the cun K ution of the Republican patty and the position it has taken upon the enrrcney iucstinn, that gold is the moru reliable metal b whieh to guagc values and should be tho liasls upon wbiuli our ciieulating medium is s stahllshed. Senator Tillman's illustration Is nil apt one from tlio gold standpoint. Till; statu convention of Sound Monty Democrats, held in Philadelphia yesterday, to elect delegates to tho National Democratic - iiiivciition to bo held in Indianapolis next xreelc, was a gathering of the moat prominent members of that party from every district in t lie statu. Their action is lit diioct contrast fo tliowi delegates who were present at tlio Alloutowu stnto convention nnd wero mini -iinously opposed to tho fice und unlimited outage of sUprcr and who will meet nguiu on tm 10th of September to fxot that which they opposed les 'hail three months ago. The Sound ' Money iJcinormU recoginn- that their first duty is to their country. The Democratic party, unilcr tlio domination of Tillman-, Altgehl ami the l'opulists, lias bolted the long clu'i isliod principles of that onco grout party, adopted the dogmas of fulio leaders and lirouglit tlie blush of shame, to overy honest ami ttue Democrat. Tho Sound Money Democrats may not he ahlo to carry a single state, hut the course adopted will gain the desired end tho defeat of JSryan, who has declared that there Is no liower in heaven or earth that could compel him to support n gold-standard Democrat for olflco. Yester day's convention was particularly conspicuous fur the absence of ward workers and irty hcolors, hut their places were occupied hy men of thought and intelligence, who have often guided the ship of Democracy tluougli many storms. I'jlhiuii Knights I 'a mile. Cl.EVKl.AS'li, Aner. 2d The piinido yos ti'I'diiy urieriiniin wits pr.iiinuuru'd by nil th iso who participated tlio flnt.,t over Riven nt n biennial encampment. Certainly It was the greatest pnrmlu of the kind over seen In this city. The procession moved nt 4 o'clock. Tho line ot timrclt was about flvo mllns lonr nnd the streets throughout till that illstatii'o were packed with people. Thorn wern 4.50U men in line, with Dafav etlo Division Xo. 1, of Liifayetto, Intl., tho first division of tho uniform rank organ bod in tho United Slates, In tho lead. 1'hllndelphln nnd Indianapolis aro appli cants for tho honor uf i ntertalninn tho noxt biennial convcntl-n nf tho Knights and tho contest is pr.ic tictilly lietween those two cities. Change In I.lglitlmuso Ilimnl. Wasiiinotox, Auk- 20. Itls nnolTlclally stated at thu navy department that a change Is In contemplation In tho United States lighthouse board, and that in all prolmblllties the prosii' "it will nssiirn U, this duty Captain H iM -y Kvans, now in command of the battle.liip liuliiina. Tl.i. probably will necesslato tho retirement from the board of Captain John H. Dart lett, who, it is stated, will bo ordered to soa. Cnptnln Evans' term of two years sea service will expire Sept. 1 next, and as Captain Il.irtlett has hail only eleven months sea duty since his promotion In ltiU2, ltlsnssiinied that ho will bo ordered to somo sttltablo voskuI. STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS. Closing ouotiilloiis of tlio Xew York and Phlbtilelplihi l:ehaiiges. New Yiiuk, Alt?. 3."). The speculation In stocks today was about ns dull as on Monday, nnd was uninteresting and practically menu ingless in gi iicrnl outline, tho only noteworthy deV"lo;i neat being a de"lin 1 1 the lowest n 'hit i l'.'tioVid CI Hinz hUh: Il'illininr" & OM'J l.i h 'llU'i Valley i-i'-i IJhiMa. ic Ohio 12' Kew Jersor (ten H1K Del. & II 1 Um 1PI X. Y. (V'ltiul (1,K D,I8'.V UVt Pennsyl-auia. . Sj 'Jlle . . . 11,4 Heiuliug 4 Ijilt . Kri & W in,-4 St. rfiiu tti ueiugiiAar jb'h w.a. . Aspa it n.s't paid. (leiieral Marlieti, l'muiDELPiiiA. Aug. 25. i-'loar firm; winter suix-rtlne, rAMelV,; do. extrm, I.MJ'niJd; Penn-.j lv.min roller, char, 2.7SC!.I!; di. do. straight, WUU. AVhea- unlet; August, OJ (Wav'i Dornilall; Aagait, SZq47'it: fJats unset tled ; Au'!,t, PjrtJJ'u. liny steady; ciioleo timothy, Hiiuu u.H. ISeef uneh'mgeli.clty i-u.1-lly, l).6.wHU. iMrd en tier; western steam, ..77'i;- Hatter firm ; w ntern tla'ry, 8H7l2e. ; do. creamery, UUjrtllle.j du. factory, !y(llc.; Hgins, KJe. ; lmitnlion creamery, lOjiiUo.; Now York dairy, liable. ; do. eroamery, lljyg) 10o. ; I'ennsylvnula crea aery prints, strictly fauey.ltle.; du. firsts, 17 (Jillla. ;elo. seconds, 1 i We.; prints Jobbing ut 20(BSc. Clieoso dull; largo, fridbJie. ; small, 0'-c4o. ; part Bklin". aaSo.; full skims, lftlr. Eggs llrui; N.-w York un.l Pur asylvanin, 14 ijllie. ; weteTnfrc.,.i, 12H15-. T.I tu Htuolc Markets. Nnw Youx. Aug. 2.5. European cables qiv Aiiieriean ,teor.s at lUalle., drer,nuil weirun: Ami-rle.in h)ii"P at 10 alio. ; roWgerator neei' atSitx-v'- 5i1vim active and linn; ve-als, jloor to prime, Ua-:.l2i; grassersaiul buttermilks, f Juli.;-. Sliei.'p and lambs steady, but better fe 'ling all nround; she-ep, p Kir toetood, .133.7J; lambs, common to prime, j.J.ou Vi.73 ; few choice, .to. II jgs firm at Sl.bYtt I IS. Kou't (iroir Careless. The llepublieansof Pennsylvania should not ktow careless und lndillerunt in thu present caiuiiaigjii simply liecauso our htato will kivo the Hopiibllcan ticket a tromondou.s majority. Thero aro issues at stake which vitally affect us. The Demo-, fats havo Indorsed u platform which iiicjuis, if it mu;iii,-aitythliff, Hat rt(iinlla tlon. The sturdy uitl.ons of thu Krand old ciiminouwualth of 1'enusylvnnln should stani) their seal of illsitpiiroval on such a proposition. Woaronot ready to rcpudlato our debts simply to please a fow ruttlo brained theorists. Another thing which hliould bo borne in mind by Pennsylvania Hi-publlcans. Thu representatives of the party in tho national convention havo plodded themselves in favor uf a protec tive tariff v. lilcb will cause tho revival of the industries which have languished ever t-inco the Democrats assumed control of tbo atfiiii-f, of Kovernniont. Kepuhlleniw of I'oinifylvnniniiiiiht iirouFeamlorgani.o In overy district to defeat tho party which lias sold its birthright for a mess of not taxe, ar.d has thoruby driven from its ranks ul! tbo self rospeotiuK men who are op piitrJ to lviunllatlon aiid anareny. Holll-diy.-lmrg Uoglster. Nerves just ns surely como from the use ot Hood's Sarsaparllla as docs tfie cure of scrofula, salt rheum, or other so-called blood diseases, 'ibis is simply liecauso tho blood affects the condition of all tho bonos, musclos and tissues, If It is Im pure it cannot properly sustain those parts. If made pure, rich, red nnd vital ized by Hood's Sarsaparllla, it carries health Instead of disease, and repairs tho worn, nervous systom as nothing; else can do. Thus nervous prostration, hysteria, neuralgia, heart palpitation, are cured hy Sarsaparilla liecauso it Is tho One True lilood Purifier. Wnnrfo nnu are tho best nftcr-dinner MOOCl S PUIS illls,ttld digestion, iUt Hood's CANADA DEFEATS VENCED0R. ino laiiituiiiii l nriit Outsails n,c Anicrl- f l-Illl I. Dill, lor.Kliti, (.. Ann-. The Caiindbin 3U)diifoiidor,C.iiiiula,defeatetJ tho Chicago ilmllonger yesterday in the race for tho liitfriintional trophies. Tho witinor matin thocourso in ft hours and H) minutes, or cloven minutes within tho time limit. Tho race was for tho most part n drifting maicn. I hero was occasional light breezes,, In which the Canada did tbo Imst work. Twice during- the race there was a twi-lvo mile Bn hour bronze blowing. In this wind the Wnroilur showed some Ralu over her rival, but thero was not onough ui mat sort or weather tor tho challenger. Tlio wind freshened about the tlmo of tartlng, and was blowing about eight iwioisati niuir lrom the souih, with nros- peots of tloln liettcr. Indications wero that tlio btmts would bo ablo to mako a race, nltlmugh it would not be In fast time, llio course was astarttotho north east. Canada rounded the stake, completing ner urst rounil at 2:0(S. to tho nccomnanl ment of whistles and guns from steamers and yachts. Sho then r.tood off on port tack for second round. Voncedor caught tho breeze, and made for tho stako boat at a lively rate, at least a milo nstorn of Can nda. Voncedor rounded tho stako at 2:14, with a repetition of salutes by tho fleet. Canada finished tho first leg of tho sec ond round at 2:40 and at onco sot hcrsnln- nukor, trimming it aft. Tho broozo hauled Into the east, making wind tlond aft on -cconil leg. hhu noon trimmed her suite .Tinker forward and allowed.lt todrawovcr nor noist, on which four men wero stand-lug- Voncedor rounded tho state at 2 :49, hav ing gained nearly a mliiuto on tho loir. She tried to break out a spinnaker, hut ner stops lailo l to part, and sho lost about two minutes in getting under way! For a long time it was a question another or nut Canada would cross tho I.ulsh lino within the time limit, but as the breezo grow in force it bocamo cvldont that she would cross with a small margin of time to sparo. At 4:111 shu rounded tho stako boatnmld the screaming of whistles. Sho had saved tho race with eleven minutes to spate. When she nearcd the lino thero wero but two of her sailors in sight, but as soon as sho turned tho sailors sprang up out of tho hull and ran to their stations with tho pre cision of clock work. Vein-odor rounded the llnal bo it at 4 :J7, more than eighteen minutes behind. With tlio time-iilhiw iiiee Venci'il u-was beaten more than twonty-thros minute. ltlieiiiniitlsni Cured in u lny, ".Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon mo sj-stcm is rcmarknmo and mysterious. It removes at onco tho causo und the discaso Imniediatoly disappears. Tho first doso greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by u. ii. jiagcniiucn, jiruggist, siicnunuoan. Kultau oT tanlbnr Denit. ZAN-zni.ut, Aug. Tho sultan of Zan zibar, ICamed liin Thwuln Din. Said, is iio.ni. onm Aim nas occupied the palaeo, taking possession of that building im mediately after tho iloath nf Huluod Uiu Thwalu liin Said be'-omo known. Ho proclaimed himself sultan and barricaded himself in tho p.tbico with 705 anneal Askarls. Sailors from tho Urltish war ships Philomel., Thrtishund Sparrow h ivo been landod to protect property, nshoi-o, and all tho ladles havo been lodged in tho Dritish consulate, which lsguarded by the sailors. llurglnr Shot by a Storekeeper. Plaixfikui, X. J.. Aug. 20. G. G. Dar ker, u storekeeper at Pattunberg, a few mils from this city, li.nl an oncouiiteo with a burglar at an early hour in tho morning. Darker, who slept in n room above the storo, was awakened by an un usttal nolo. H.i found that thu Koro had beon broken into, and reiw a man coma out of tho front door and start to run a-rnss tluj-o ul. I! irkor shot at thu man, wounding him. Tho wounded burglar re fuses to m ike any statenlent or tell his name or residence. A little ditighter of .Mr. Lewis Dayton, an old and much respected citizen of ISaruitz, l'a., occasionally has trouble with her stoinacli which gives her considerable dis tress. In speaking of it .Mr. Dayton said : "As soon as she has an attack we give her a doso of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itcincdy, and it lias never failed to relieve her promptly. We all use it in our family witli the samo good results." ' For sale by Gruhler Ilros., druggists. Mr, llohnrt at canton. Canton, ()., Aug 20. Garret A. Hobart, the Hopubllniii nominee for vlceprusielont, nrrived In Canton just beforo noon. lie was acconipanle-d by 11. JI. Kohlsaat, edi tor of tlio Chicago Timos-IIerald. This is Mr. Hobart's second trip to Canton. Tlio greeting between Major McKlnley nnd Mr. Hobart was most oordial. Tho object of thu mooting was tho discussion of their letters of acceptance. Wlthitravttl of Italian Legation, Hu Jaxkii-.o, Aug. 20. It Is rumored that tho entile Italian log.itlon will bo withdrawn in consequence of the recent political conflicts in San Paulo lwvoen tho Italians and tho Hrazlllans. Tho Ital ian minister is still waiting for Instruc tions from Homo as to his course of action. ItitUrond ltlot in Kentucky. WilliamsTOWN, Ky., Aug. -JO A tele gram has luen received from tho superin tendent of tho Dmisvlllo and Nashville railway ro;j-ietlug that olU"iif.s be ills patched as nulck at possible to K.iglo Tun nel, no ir Klllstown, where a railroad riot Isgoinjtoti. H is said that one man had boeikillol and anithor fatally stnblwel. The sheriff ani a large posao liuiiiiuliately loft for the suono of th.) riot. Thu (iKitr on the Way to Vienna. St. PKTKKS:irno. Aug. Theezurand oznrina left I'uturhot at 1 1 o'clock yesterday morning on their way to Vienna. They wero aec.mrianlo I by Prince L'jbanolT Iljstovsky, the minister of foreign affairs, and a numerous -u-te. Somo years ngo wlieu sull'crlng with an uncommonly sovcro attack of diarrhoea, Mr. W. 11. Gulnnlp, of Atco, Pa., received through tho mail a sample bottle of Cham bolnlu's Colic, Chulera and Dianhoca Hcmedy. Ho says: "I found it to bo ono of tho most cllectivo icmodios I ever uwd. It gave me almost immediate relief, It has no Mipcrior and I think no equal, No bad cll'ccts follow tho uso of this remedy. It Is ploasaut to tako when reduced with water nnd sweetened. Children llko it. It novor falls. It is tho most perfect roinedy over produced for bowel complaints," For Salo at 25 and 50 cents per bottlo by Gruhler llros., druggists. A MICHIGAN CITY AFLAME. All tliellunliii M Houses, Water Works and Slimy lteslileurrs Destroyeil, Channino, Mich.. Aug 20. The city of Ontonagon, Mich., Is Iwlug tlostroyod by flro, nnd iiooplo nro (leolng for tholr live Tho telogniph ollloe has boon hurneKl. A special tmlu has beon sent to the scene from Green Day. Tho lire liad lioen burning In the woods southwest of tho city for two weeks. It was nearly out when a sottthwost gale swopt it upon tho town. Atn.nm yeitor day it was seen that tho oily was de'iomod. A mossago was sent to Suiiorintotident Mintum, of tho St. Paul railroad, at Green Day, asking for n train to tako tho pooplo away. The ojiorator who sent tho mossnge was driven away from his Instrument by tho burning of tho building. A train was ordered there from from Porl, twenty-six nillos south. The train reached Ontaliogon and took a load of pooplo to Hockland, ten miles away. It left again for another load nnd since thon nothing has lioen heard tllTO. At 6 o'clock tho flamos had swept through tho main part of tho city, de stroying nil tho business houses, ninny residences and tho watch company's mills, tho water works, electric plant, court house, jail, etc. Tho Ibuuos then worko.l up tlio river to tlio rest of tho city. Tim operator, who left tho Instrument which had been temporarily put up, said noth ing could savo tho city from utter anni hilation, and that utiloss tho wind went down by dark every houso would bo de stroyed. lteeeptlnn of LI Hung Cbnng. Washixqto.y, Aug. 20. Minister Yang Yu, of China, was at tho state department yostertlay conferring with Acting Secre tary Hockhlll as to tho arrangements for tho recoptlon ot LI Hung Chang at Now York tho latter part of tho weak. Tho minister and his numerous sulto of secre taries, attaohos, interpreters, etc., will go to Now York torn irrow. All of the de tails of tho arrangements havo boon left with Gonural Huger, who Is acting as tho personal representative of tho president in tho matter. There will bo no naval re view unless required by GenOrnl Huger. The Djlphln will report to General llugor tomorrow, and will be subjoot to his or ders as lung as K-irl LI remains in this country. Four troops of Unlto.l States cavalry stutlonod nt Fort Mcyor, near Washington, will leave over the Pennsyl vania road this morning for Now York to uctas tho oseort of Karl Li. Clmseil hy a Spanish Cruiser. Galveston-, Tex., Aug. "J. The British steamship Honcrny, Captain Thomas Lamb, has arrived rom Philadelphia. The captain of the vessel report! that while not far off Chesipoiko capos, on Aug. 10, he pas od n stuam ;r with ji yellow funnel and two polo masts, Mooring southward, nnd seemingly a Spanish cruiser. She was lying to, apparently dlsablod, but had no signals Hying. Ho ran across her again on tlu 17th and sho chased him until evening, when sho dropped nstorn. Sho followed th Bjncroy all the noxt day to Alligator Kjef, when she again fell back. Lrsrse Importations of OoUI. WAMlIVdTOV. Allff. SJ-L Thn trnnenrv olltcials yesterday reeuiveda telouramfrom the assistant treasurer nr Now York stat ing thrt arrangements had been perfected for the imp irtation of f in irofd coin. This sum, together with the S2,7WJ,-lxJnow-on the way makes the total im portation within tho last fewdav J1.500.- IWO. Thue shlpmentsaro said to be a part, of a general movement in Now York hav ing for its object the maliitenaneo of the rosjrvo at or ubore ;ho :S10 i.ou'i.ox) point. Aiiieriean lliiprisonee in Mexico. PlKO.tAS NEO!!AS, Aug. 21. Thorn Is gri-.it le-eling amon;t Americans here over the imprisonment of Jerry McCarthy, an Amoiic.ui passenger train 'conductor, em ployed hy the Moxlcati International rail road. McCarthy's train run over and killed a Mexican two months nco. Ten days ago ho was arrested and put in jull' charged with being ruMionslhlo fif tho accident. Dull was denied him, and lie must remain in conllnomeut until after trial. ,.' The people have long-since learned that tho most disagreeably "medicines aro not ni c cssarily the host, ,1b fact, ns n rule, they nre not. What id-n'aiitcil is something mild nnd sure, sur(K'ns Chamberlain's Colic, Choleia and ,Diarrlioca liemedy. ' That is really pleasant to tako when reduced with water and sweetened. Then it is acknowledged everywhere to bo tlio most successful remedy in tho world for bowel complaints. Ask nnv lumber of druggists for tlio bet remedy they have for diarrhoea and fully nino out of cu will recommend Chamberlain's. In speaking of this medicine, Mr. 11. II. Htimim of Friciidsvillo, Susquehanna Co., Pa., snys: Wo havo used It in our family for pain in tlio stomach, colic and diarrhoea and found it to bo a most cHectivo remedy." For sale iy Gruhltrliros., druggists. T'lltu ol n Tramp .-sleiiner, Nkw You, Aug .'i 'I he Jlriti-ih trnmn steamer il-jldav... from Cii-dllT fur Hali fax, struci; an Icolxirg In latitude J7.5S, longitude 4iUD, an I sail almost immedi ately. Her crow of tweiny-two men and her captain took to the three lifob.j.its. .1 hoy wero picked up by tho Anchor liner Cireussla, which arrived here from Glas gow yeswnbiy und brought the news of tho ellsutm liellel In Mx Hours. Distressing kidnoy aud bladder disease relieved in six hours by tho "Now Groat South Aiiieriean Kidney Cure." This new remedy is ft great surpriso on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain In tlio bladder, kidneys, back and every )wrt of the urinary imstagos in male or .female. Il relieves retention of water aud in in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick rcllof and curb this is your remedy, Sold by Skapira's pharmacy, 107 South Main stroet. iiilliiii Ten, lory outlaw Killed. Oimiltlli, O. T , Aug. 20. Dill Doolln, the lust of tlu uuiod outlaws of the south, was killed in a bn: tie with deputy mar shals under command of Hoik Thomas, near Ingalls, titty mil ' northeast of huro. Ono marshal was also liadly wounded. The battlo took plaoa close to Doollu's old homo, tho marshals waylaying him as ho was leaving from a visit to his wife and baby. A Viiluuble Prescription, lMltor Morrison of Wortlitngton, lud., "Sun," writes: "You havo a valuablo pre scription in Electrlo Bitters, and .1 can clie-or-fully recommend it for Constipation and Sick Headache, and as a general system tonic it has no equal," Mrs. Annlo Stehle, 21125 Cottago Grovo Ave, Cldcago, was all run down, could not cut or digest food, had a backaeho which novcr left her and felt tired and weary, but six bottles of LMcctric Hitters rostorcd hot health and renewed her strength, Prices 50 cents and $1.00. Get ft bottlo at A. Waslcy's Drug Storo. A Golden Opportunity. Grasped by a Young Married Woman of Shelbyville, III., Just in the Nick of Time. MRS. WAKEFIELD. Women, llko men, arc divided into two classes; ono that Is prompt to act and tho other dilatory. Tho former class carries off tho trophies In hus'i lness, lovo and war, while the latter bears tho burden of disappointment always. Tho good woman whose portrait appears abovo had arrived at a condition physically, whero prompt action was necessary. Tho drafts upon hr rcscrvo force had- been too great and physical bankruptcy was Imminent lb was impossiblo for her to sleep, and if women cannot sleep they have reached tho beginning of the end. Mrs. Wakefield had grown worse under tho doctor's caro and hope was fast departing, when sho was recommended to try Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine Sho acted promptly on tho rccom' rnendation and received tho reward of her prompt action, in renewed health. Women frequently suffer for months and oven years without complain ing or making their sufferings known, and tho result is liable to bo a sudden collapse. As soon as tho first evidence of weak nerves is felt Dr. Miles' Nervine is indicated and may be relied upon to give quick and lasting relief. Odc bottlo taken in tlmo often effects a cure and tho first bottle is guaran teed to-benefit or money will bo refunded, by tho druggist of whom it was bought. "Nov and Startling Tacts," an important health phamphlct, mailed freo on application. Read Mrs. Wakefield's statement: Shelbyville, 111., March 28, 1695. "I was In very poor health and my symptoms gradually developed into nervous prdStratlon. I suffered greatly from nervous headaches, and at times wa3 unable to attend to tho slightest household duty. Sleep at night was im possible, as I had spells of nervousness when I had to get up and walk the floor. Tho l-ast noiso would startle mo, in fact my nerves wero in a ter rible condition. I was recommended to try Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine and purchased six bottles of tho remedy. Tho first bottlo did mo so much goou that I took tlio second, and I can safely say it is all it is recommended to be. My appetito is much hotter; tho nervousness has disappeared; I can enjoy a good night's rest and I havo gained health to such an extent that would consider lb folly to look for a better remedy. I havo also used Dr. Miles' Rain Pills, and they havo given mo mucL relief. I found them a sure cure for sick headache." Mas. S. Wakefield. 6old by all Druggists. Book on Heart and Nerves, Free by Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind, Dr, Miles Nervine Coming Event. August CO. Dawn party at icidenco of Dr. C. M. ISiirdnor. 31 llistO.ik street, benefit of All Saints church Sept. 5. Grand Labor Day niciiic under the auspices of the (ir.int band ut Columbia park. Huclcli-n' Arnica imii,, 1 Tho best s.ilee nr ril(. -im.i-,,-! ti bruise,, sore,, ulcer,, salt rl i. fever j tetter, chipped hands, chilblains. Celtic. Hlld all skin eruptions, mill iiilhely e'.i- -hV-, ni ju ini.i luijiurcu. ii la gu.ilHlile-'! ' mvi porfu l satlsl'actiuu or numy reninue-l. l'riie 2 cents per boy t'-.r-iilb le .,'-m'in liny Ki-y.toi,e Hour. He Mire tlmt t-i mime IiE'-sKl A IlAKIt. Ashland, I'm., Is i-ririe-d nil every jiek. PROFESSIONAL cak Q 8. I'lill.Ul'S, M. I). Olllees :io.t Ccntl-fn, Can lie coiiHtilted at all hot-. p K. ItHltKK, i. D. ) K. Lloyd street, ;-lilMli(i.r.l, Ollleo hours t 7 ti) . Hi., I to ami f ni p. m, , .r. II. l'OMKHOV. i ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Khennmlnah, Pb. M. I1UHKE. ATTORNEV-AT-LAW. oaice-ltitiiii hulMiiiK, cornr ni Mam an. Centre streets, HliPimiiilnnh, pitOF JOHN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 6J, Slalianoy city.J'H. Hnvlns Btutlled umU-r some nf tL lei Qiasters te London and Vnrls, will give Ii-msihu on tbo violin, eultar and vooul culture. Tirn i rcason.ilile. Address In care ot Strmtse, tin oweler, Hliennndouli, Hillions of Dollars Oo up In smoko every rear. Take nt risks but get viiur houses, stock, fur ulture, etc., Insured in first-class re liable comjiaules hs represented by riAViri FATKT It's"'ance Aecut, UiVlLI rAUOl, 130 South Main Also Life aud Accidental Compauli Restores Health. P. J. CANFIELD, Agent lor neiianUOan UHU V ICinity -For-- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter i ry IBiirbey's Boliemian Beer. BUCKNELL - UNIVERSITY, Joux UowAKii IlAniii", I.L. P., I'rest, College with four courses of study lending to degree; Academy for Ijovs and sound mem i uulles Institute, nnd hehool of JIu lc Tltlrtr nc-rt caniims; ten bullilliifis iucluillnB cv if. imliiiu, liilinrnturv mid obse-rvatory. For citnloiruo mid other information address, WM. f. (IIIKTZINOEH, , Iteslstnir, Lewisbure, l'a. i iiueiiisiii m s.iiusia inutavna iiranoi ENNYROYAL PILLS kl. !.... E...)I.V lit i j, uiiiuauu iHiy ucnuinr bafc, alwaj- iMULW, ladies k MiranJ la Itetl uul LuU wtulUoV flumes, ntiu win diw nooca lObo ' 'Jiotw and imiatioM. At Iruggiu, er ienl 4c . iiciici lur .M'l if ii (eiicr, vj rflDni ilulL 1M.OOO TuHtlruonUli. SamtJpw, .... , uiriitirriemKuivu.(jiiiuun "Vjuarta MSY PILLS! UUAP-' Wlk-1K aPECiriCCO-l'SILA.PA or sale at Povlnsky's drug stori, 23 East Centre street. ALL Si oe? e