The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 24, 1896, Image 4

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    You Coo Make
Ymiri!oWnri nnd cent go n long way
by currying them. You con snvu
ty buying your stationery, blank book, &c,
at our store
a. North Main St.
,. '.i 1
In order to make room
for the carpenters we offer
the following selected stock
which is displayed in our
large show windows nt
greatly reduced prices.
A big lot of Men's Good Grade
at a reduction of 30 per cent, on the
original price.
a mo stock of j
of every description at a reduction
of 50 per cent. These goods are
going at sacrificing prices.
Also a big lot of
Children's Suits :-:
:-: and Novelties.
Goldin, Prop.
9 and 11 South Main Street.
MON'DAY, AUGUST 21, 1890.
RtnixlInK or Hie CIiiIm In tli" I(un f
Cliuinploii.lilp 1'cli imut.
National league.
I. I'.C CLOIH. v. u
Brooklyn- W M
Philadcl'o. 47 M
Now Yorh M l
Wiish'ton.. 83 02
SU Loir 33 03
UiulsvlUo a 72
At Philndolphln First giirao: Philadel
phia,!); St. Louis, 1. Second gnmo: St.
10, St. Liouls, 10; Philadelphia, 5. At Bos
ton First Rimio: Pittsburg, 11; Boston",
4. Socond gamo. Pittsburg, 0; Boston, 3.
At Baltimore Cleveland, 10; Baltimore,
3. At Brooklyn Chicago, 11 ; Brooklyn,
7 At Washington Wnshlugton, 0; Cin
cinnati. 2.
Kaiitcrii Lungou.
l. p.o. ctniw. w.
I. VjD.
S3 Ai
&4 .420
57 J1
Providenco tfl
Hsichester.. M
.13 .5'Ji) Syracuso ... 48
4i .582 Springfl'ld 43
40 .549 WllkeHb'ro 40
Buffalo XJ
Toronto . SI
42 .543 Sernnton... 33
AtScnmton First gamu: Hochestcr, 3,
Scranton. 1 Second gamo: Scranton, 3;
Hoehctor, 2 At WilkoOnrro Wilkes
liarre, 3, Syracuso, 1. At Providence Buf
falo, 3, Providence, 1. At Springfield
loronto, 2; Springfield, 1.
At SymcuMj Syrocuso, 0; Itochostcr, 1.
Atlantlo League.
ni-tms. w. I- r.c cujim. w. u J.o.
Newark 53 5ft J7 Wllmngt'n 51 55 .431
Hartford 59 51 .53i) Athletic. 54 .45!
Paterson. .01 53 .535 Lancaster. 40 57 .417
Saturday's Atlantic league oames.
At Lancaster Ianoastcr, 8; Athletic, 3.
At Wilmington First gamo: Wilming
ton, 32; Hartford, 4. Socond gamo; Wil
mington, 11; Hartford, 0.
At Paterson Hartford, 7; Pnterson, 0.
i:iprrinicu Tells It All.
Tho well known adftgo, "experience is a
dear teacher," was nover moro forcibly ex
emplified than in the case of diphtheria.
Jlxpcricnce has tanght those who survlvo it
that it is tho moat dreaded di6easo known.
Experience has taught us that not a single
diphtheria patient ever died where thomp'
son's Diphtheria Cure, was used according to
directions. This valuable incdicino is sold
by leading druggists everywhere at SO cents
a liottlo. Tho reader can ncll afford to ho
guided by the furtunato experience of others
and keep Thompson's Diphtheria Cure handy
in tho homo nil the time. Sold at Kirlin's
drag store.
20 East Oak Street.
Dr. J. W.VanValzah's
No stairways
climb anymore.
(Continued from First l'ngc.)
tory than neees-ary for tho good of tho silver
In speaking of the Bryan movement Mr.
Tiltmnti said, "Whether you are a Democrat,
lteptthllcaii, or 1'opullst makes no dlirerence
to me. I am under orders from tho National
Democratic lmrty as now organized and I
look to tho turning down of the Tories who
have this government in hand. Before the
Democratic convention was held in July I
ailed myself a political orphan (laughter)
because I didn't know' where I was going to
lie, and I tell you here, whether Democrats,
or liepublicaus, or Populists, or l'nupcrcrats,
as pome call me, or whatever you are, you
have votes, yon are freemen If you exercise
your vote, you are slaves If you surrender
that Ciod-glvcn privilege. If you voto In
telligently and according to tho vested rights
of yourself and families, then you havo dis
charged your duty ns a citizen. It is tho
ignorance of tho people that has brought this
country to the verge of ruin. Wo havo at
Wnshiuutoii a Congress, Senate and Repre
sentatives who can buy and sell you llko
cattle in tho market. Wo have had two
parties since tho war, and It didn't matter
which one, tho people lost, daughter and
applause. ) They havo brought this country
to the condition that we have slxty-nlnc
million of poor, half-starved, naked sleeves
and about thirty thousand millionaires a
million paupers to one millionaire. How did
they get it? They stolo It. (Laughter and
applause.) They have legislated for then)
men and are asking you to voto for men who
will continue to legislate in that direction.
We have Republicans by the thousands and
hundreds of thousands who are in favor of
tho freo coinage of silver and, ixissibly, it few
thousand, or porhapsa few hundred thousand,
who cry out for a gold standard. They cry
"ltepudlatlon" and "Anarchy." They own
all tho nowspapcrs, except a few straggling,
half-starved ones hero and there."
Hero Senator Tillman enumerated some of
the newspapers he did not think were Wight
np and then said lie would answer any
questions anyone might wish to ask. None
licing asked ho proceeded : "What is inoneyl?
Anything is money which this government of
the United States, by an Act of Congress,
declares is a legal tender fordebt and reccivw)
for taxes. It does not matter whether it is
pine bark, or what. During tho war you
didn't seo anything but paper."
A man in tho crowd interrupted with some
kind of a remark which only Senator Till
man seemed to hear, and only heard part of
it, , but he shouted back iou didn't see any
gold, or silver then and you didn't seo any
tramps, either, or beggars who couldn't find
work, or this new kiud of charitable objects
that the state can tike caro of when they
commit borne crime and go to tho peniten
tiary. They talk about 50-eent dollars. I
want to ask you all who recollect tho war,
when one-third of tho country was in insur
rection, when our taxablo values were
10,000,000 and they are now 05,000,000, did
our paper ever sink so low that it was worth
only 50 cents." They tell us that if wo try
to assert our rights to legislate for ourselves
that our monoy will go down to 50 cents on a
dollar. Who believes that." ( Voice in the
crown, "I do").
Senator Tillman stopped for a moment and
then said, "Gentlemen, I have seen a tly in a
pan of milk. Let's try it to-night." Ho then
called for a ralslug of hands by those in the
crowd who intended to vote for Mckinley
nnd also by tho free silver men and announced
amid much laughter that there were four flies
in tho pun of milk. After this littlo by-play
Sonator Tillman resumed tho subject and
said, "You hear the argument that you can't
legislate valuo into metal ; that you can't
make 53 cents worth of silver worth 100 cents.
Well, now, how do they, by Act of Congress,
make 100 cents worth only 53 cents? I say
you can run it back to 100 cents. Gold, silver
anil paper are all flat. 1 hoy are all money
by law, and law only. Takothreo dollars, one
of gold, one of silver and one of paper and
hum them. Tho paper goes up in smoke
and you have lost it. Tho two others have
become bullion. It loses half its valuo. Why
was it worth 100 cents a moment ago? Be
cause the law says so. It is wortii only 50
cents now because tho law says it shall not be
coined. And yet they say you cannot legis
late valuo into a metal. They ask you how
you aro going to keep down n panic, or keep
tho gold from going abroad. Now I will bet
there are not 100 men In this audience who
havo seen any gold in a year, and nearly
every man of you handlo silver every day."
Leaving the money question Senator Till
man spoke of tho farmer and evidently mis
took the character of his audience, as ho spoko
to them as farmers and declared that their
products had been driven out of the markets
and the gmlueries of tho west were teeming
with products whilo tho pooplo of tho East
are starving,
Candidate Bryan was spoken of by Senator
Tillman as being at tho head of tho Demo
cratic party because ho came up from tho
peoplo nnd liecause ho was poor and is poor;
and McKlnlcy, he said, must bo poor because
ilnniia bail to step forward to keep the
Sheriff from him. "Tho difference between
the two," said the speakor, "is that McKln
lcy is owned body and soul by Hanna and his
syndicate and ho has a poor way of showing
his patriotism. Whoever heard of Abraham
Lincoln lieing afraid to open his mouth and
say where ho stood. Byran Is not afraid to
talk and is not ashamed to shako hands with
you. Our present President has not seen a
tailoring man, except afar elf, in four years
and has forgotten there aro any. Ho hears
nothing oxcept through Wall street. Pier
pont Morgan is his right hand man on finance.
I forgot John Sherman (laughter) is his right
hand man, too. Between 1'ierpont Morgnu
on tho one side and John Sherman on the
other, haven't wo had a glorious Democratic
administration ?"
In closing an appeal for votes for Bryan tho
Senator said, "If you voto to put McKinley
in you simply voto yourselves down asses,
That is what you do,"
Speaking of Pennsylvania Senator Tillman
said, "Now, I don't think it Is possible, under
existing conditions, for you to win this state.
but you can win your Congressional district
and send a man thoro who will back Bryan to
rellovo you, Pennsylvania, Now York and
New England do not constitute all of tills
country. There are 70 millions of us and 83
millions of us farmors ; count your farmers
along with tho rest,aud you farmers under the
ground; the South is ull right for this fight;
tho West, west of tho Mississippi, with the
exception, possibly, of Iowa, aro Just as
determined for Bryan as South Carolina ; and
I am pretty Euro Illinois and Indlanna will
go for Bryan. Wo don't need them, for we
will carry all south of the Potomac and west
of tho Ohio, but thoy may bo mighty com
fortable to have In November."
A Voice ; "How Is Ohio going?"
Senator Tillman: "Wo are going togivo
Mr. McKinley as nice u little fight in his own
homo as any aspirant ever had. I don't say
we will carry It, hut wo will crowd them
mighty liard,"
A Voice : "How is South Carolina f "
Senator Tillman: "It is Democratic, Popu-
listic. l'uillicristic, or anything else to bn re.
' llcved from this tliralldnm. It is so much
one way wo haven't any fun down there."
On tho income tax Senator Tillman said :
"Tho income tax was declared unconstitu
tional by tho Supremo Court, ono of whoso
judges reversed himself. Somebody told lno
this morning that he was ashamed to say ho
was n Pennsylvania!!. Wo hav a plank to
lefoim tho court and will tako out thesodls
honest judges and we will put some ono elso
there. If that is revolutionary.or anarchistic,
then I um un anarchist. When tho legal
tender acts were declared unconstitutional by
that same court and the national banking
system was In jeopardy, Congress Increased
the court to nine and (ieneml Grant appointed
two Judges who thought the law was' con
stitutional, The money iiowcr has set tho
The mention of General Grant's name In
this connection seemed to ncttlo a Grand
Army man who mado a remark that was not
heard on the platform, but tho man was sub
sequently heard to say, "You are a South
Carolian ?"
Sonator Tillman : "I am proud of licing n
South Carolian."
Tho Voico : "And you boast of that ?"
Sonator Tillman : "Yes, I do ; becanso
our forefathers were foolish in 1800 are we,
tho grandchildren, to Buffer forever ? You
don't know tho war Is over."
In closing his speech Senator Tillman, evi
dently with soino display of sentiment, said :
I do love this country, every foot of it, and
would like to seo evory man In it at work
and every mouth appeased with something to
cut, and evory naked back clothed, and a
return of thoso good and prosperous days wo
knew before tho war; nnd. If you do your
duty on the 3rd of November, I hopo nnd bc-
llovo tho Iiooplo will seo an era of prosperity
this country has novor known."
There was light scattering applause when
Sonator Tillman took his scat and Mr.
Wilhelm arose and mado a few remarks as to
how ho met Senator Tillman in Washington,
on his personal views on tho sllvor question,
and concluded by asking for three cheers for
Senator Tillman. Mr. Wilhelm sneceeded
in geting out the cheers and then announced
that Senator Tillman would remain in this
county for n week, shaking at Pottsville to
night, Mahanoy City to-morrow night, Ash
land on Wednesday and Tamaqua on Thurs
day. Senator Tillman hastened to his hotol after
tho meeting and retired after holding a short
reception, lestcnlay morning ho accom
pauied Mr. Wilhelm to Pottsville.
Pay only your own bills. In dealing hero
the cash customer is not taxed to help sup-
Iiort tho credit customers who do not pay.
Hero nil are ono level. All are cash.
7-lS-tf Factoky Shoe Stoue.
Met Dentil oil the Jtiill.
William Heaton, 38 years old and residing
at Fishbach, near Pottsville, met a horriblo
death on the railroad yesterday. As tho
shifting onglno was pushing three cars on the
siding near the Pottsville Iron Company's
mill, tiie conductor noticed a dark object
lying on tho track. He signaled tho engi
neer to stop and ran ahead. Ho found
Heaton lying across the track, and grasped
him by tho clothes to pull him from tho
track, but not beforo the unfortunatn man's
legs wore passed over by tho wheels. He
was removed to the Pottsville hospital, where
ho died during tho amputation of his legs.
Ho leaves a wife and flvo young children.
If you want a fino wedding cake, let Otto
mako it for you.
Colliery to bo Ite-opem-il.
Girardvillo is jubilant over the report that
the old Girard colliery, which has been abau
doued, is again to be operated. Messrs. John
Hanson, Phllipl'ortncrnud Frank Bcnslnger,
it is said, havo leased tho colliery nnd will
opcrato it under tho firm name of Tho Senate
Coal Co. Tho leaso of this property disposes
of tho contemplated washery, which was to
have been located at this mine. A now shaft
will bo sunk and arrangements will b made
whereby tho accumulated water in tho old
workings will be tapped through the work
ings of Preston No. 3 colliery. When tho new
breaker will bo built is not definitely known.
Tho Christian 1'ndcnvor.
Tho Executivo Committeoof the Schuylkill
County Union of Young People's Societies of
Christian Endeavor will meet next Saturday
in Pottsville to arrange for tho next county
convention, which will bo held in that town.
Tho committee numbers nbout 125 members
and Includes all of tho presidents of societies,
Junior Christian Endeavor superintendents
and tho oulcials of tho county union, Tho
convention this year will last two entire days
instead of ono day ns was tho custom hereto.
fore. This will bo the lagest convention of
tho kind ever held in this county. Tho
speakers will bo of tho licst Christian En
deavor workers in tho United States, and
will embrace tho heads of the Christian En,
deavor work at Philadelphia, Now York and
Washington, D. C. Tho total membership of
the societies In tho county is about J.OOO, with
eighty societies in good standing.
Tho truth, the wholo truth nnd nothing
but tho truth. That's our motto; and we
add leather, solid leather and nothing hut
leather. That's tho way our shoes aro built.
7-18-tf Factoiiy SnoE Stoue,
See That You're Registered.
Every voter should seo that his namo ap
pears on tho registry list. It is tho duty of
tho assessor of each district to bo present at
tho election house of said district this year
on Tuesday and Wednesday, tho first and
second days of September, from the hours of
10 o'clock a. m. to 3 p. in., and from 0 o'clock
p. in. to 0 o'clock p. m., of each said days, for
tho purpose of hearing nnd acting upon ap
plications to bo made, or relating to names
upon the original registry list, or that are
sought to bo placed thereon or struck there
from, which list thus revised and completed
tho assessor shall, on tho following day, mako
a return to tho County Commissioners.
l'etiusylrniiln Itnllroad Kxcurclon to
Ocean Gruve.
Remember that an Insiduous disease is
often sido-tracked by a chango of nlr. The
invigorating effect of tho saline air of tho
ocean U one of the greatest tonics known to
medical 6eionco. Tho Pennsylvania railroad
excursion to Ocean Grove on August 20th
comes within tho reach of everybody, fl.00
covers raw lor tno entire round trjp. Train
leaves Shenandoah at 0:08 a. m.
Delivered Ills Fnrewell Sermon.
Rov, E. A. F. Hanncman, pastor of the
St. John's Gorman Lutheran church, at
Tamaqua, delivered his farewell sermon
yesterday to a largo attendance Rov.
Hunneman has boen pastor of that church
for tho past 8 years and it wtis through his
arduous labor and planning that Tamaqua
now has so imposing a structure as St. John's
German Lutheran church, built at an
enormous expense and stands to-day almost
or entirely freo of debt. Ho has built up his
congregation to proportions which makes it
the largest In that town. Impaired health
compels mm to locate in Chicago,
It Will Have Klght Hundred Subscribers
Completed January 1st.
Saturday's Issilo of tho llKHALt) contained
tho announcement that tho cofttract for the
construction of the Schuylkill Tclcphono
Company has liecn nwnrded, and that work
would begin soon, In speaking to a director
of tho company to-day lie says tho lino will
Iks ono of tho most complete, and best con
structed in tho United States. Copper wire
will bo used exclusively, and tho telephonic
equipment, which will be furnished by tho
western Construction (o, of Chlcauo. 111..
will bo of the latest and most npproved stylo.
J ho line will cover a total distance of sixty
miVs, and will take in nil tho principal
tow ns of Schuylkill county, through which
rights of way havo already been secured. It
Is cstlmatid that tho cost of construction will
not fall far short of ?100,000. Over eight
hundred poles will lo used to opcrato tho
lino, and fully ono thousand miles of copper
Our informant says tho company lias even-
reason to feel satisfied with the outlook.
Already there nro over eight hundred sub
scribers secured, nnd tho number is constantly
growing. Mr. Edwin C. Price, of Ashland, is
president, and in that town a central station
will bo located with two operators. At
Delano they will connect with tho lines to
Wllkesbarro and Scranton, nnd eventually it
is intended that a crand trunk system will
lie established that will reach into all parts of
How nro rour Kldnevs? Bieh. rvd blood Is
conducive to health and happiness. No
Khcumatisin. no Neuralgia, no Kidnev
Troubles, no Gout, no Bright's Disease, no
Diabetes. Therefore keep your kidneys
strong and well by using Dr. Hobbs S;aragus
iviuney rills. Sold at Kirlin's drug store.
lliggest nf nil llallots.
Tho largest ballot of any yet printed for
an election will bo used In tho coming Presi
dential contest. It will measure two feet by
nearly three feet. Tho number of parties In
tho field Is what has caused tho increase in
size of tho sheet. There aro nino columns.
Eight parties are already in tho fight, nnd
tho ninth column is for the use of any party
that may yet decido to go into it. The
parties and their candidates as they will
appear on the ballot aro: Republicans, Mc
Kinley and Hobart ; Democratic, Bryan and
Sewall ; Prohibition, Levering nnd Jones ;
National, Bcatty and Southgato ; People's,
Bryan nnd Watson ; Socialistic Labor, blank ;
rrco Silver, Bryan and Sewall; Sound
Money, blank,
Tito llronil Mountain Tunnel,
Sujierintcndcnt B. F. Bertolctto, of this
division of tho P. & It. railroad, was seen by
a newspaper man in reference to the proposed
tunnel through the llrtmd Mountain, and ho
said that he knew absolutely nothing about
it and was positive that nothing of tho kind
would lio dono nt tho present time. He
acknowledged that It was ono of the many
ways proposed for tho handling of heavy
trallic on tho Willlamsport division, but by
no means tho most enconomical one, as tho
construction of a tunnel would cost nearly
?7,000,000 instead of f3,500,000.
A Mysterious Accident.
Edward Kopper, aged 17 years old, boarded
a train at Mahanoy City with his parents for
the purpoo of attending the funeral of a re
lative at Shamokin. After tho train left ho
was found near tho station. It is thought
that ho alighted from tho train and fell
against a pile of sills, fracturing his skull.
Ho died Sunday morning.
Approaching MnrrlaKe.
Thu announcement is made of the marriago
of Councilman A. D. Gable and Mrs. Elizabeth
Grililths, which will occur on Thurday next,
nt high noou. Tho ceremony will bo per
formed by Itov. John Gruhler, pastor of tho
Gorman Lutheran church.
A Jfew Coal Operation.
A tract of coal near Mt. Girmel is shortly
to bo developed nnd n large breaker will bo
erected. Capitalists who are interested in
the project are all men of largo wealth with
abundant means to push thu enterprise It
is further stated that Morgan. Davis, Jr., of
Scranton, ono of the best mining experts in
tho region, will bo offered tho position of
superintendent of tho new operation.
Itonds Certified Into Court.
County Solicitor J. O. Ulrich has certified
into the Common Picas Court tho bond of
Candidus Schroeder, who was granted a re
tail liquor licenso in Ryon township in 1S00.
Also tho bond of Gcorgo B. Leitzol, who )n
the name year was gTanted n retail licenso in
Union township.
Ocean Grove Camp Meeting.
A special excursion train for Ocean Grovo
will bo' run by tho Philadelphia & Reading
R. R, Tuesday, Aug. 25 th, lciving Shenandoah
at 0:05 a. m. Tickets 1.00 good only on
special train going and for return on any
train up to and including Sept. 1st. Ot
Assistant District Superintendent.
James O'Donnell, of Hazleton, who has
fulfilled the position of mino foreman for the
Silver Brook Coal Company for the past SOV'
eral years, has accepted a lucrative positiou
under tho P. & R. C. & I, Co. as assistant
district superintendent, with headquarters at
Mahanoy City. He moved his family to tho
latter place to-day.
Team Itoad Cave In.
Tho team road between Delano and Maha
noy City, about 500 yards below tho Delano
school house, caved in late Friday night.
Tho cave is a large one, and the township
Supervisor, with a force of men, worked Sat
urday and yesterday filling tho vawniug
The t'hoenlx'Outliig.
Tho Phoenix Hoso Company's anniversary
was celebrated at lJikcslde to-day. Tho
attendance was vory large, nearly seven
hundred tickets being sold at tho P. & R
depot. The Lithuanian Band accompanied
the oxcursion and enlivened the occasion with
their music. As always on such occasions,
tho fire laddies and their friends had
delightful day out, notwithstanding the
threatening weather.
Stoned u Train.
As a north-bound Pennsylvania Itailroad
train was about midway between St. Clai:
and Darkwatcr last night a stone was thrown
through a window of one of tho cars
woman with a child In her arms barely
escaped being hit. Sho had just rested back
in tho scat when tho stone entered.
FrnckvlUe Won.
A gamo of baso hall at Mahanoy City
Saturday afternoon between the Frackvillcs
and St. Nicholas Blues resulted In a score of
0 to 3 In favor of tho Frackvjllq team,
Flnced In the Lockup.
Joseph Krablnltsky was arrested and placed
In tho lockup at noon to-day by Policeman
Goodman and Spocial Officer Alex on a charge
of indecent exposure.
They Are In- Line.
A McKlnlcy Club was organized at Wig-
imn's on Friday night with a membership of
twenty-seven for a start.
I'OWJ.INO. At Shcncndoab, nn Pnturday, the
i i ii .'i! 1 "n"K'cr oi i niiKrtnc mm
tiKvu j-i j-i-iir ium iniomii.
incinl on Tuesday, Hie S'lli lnt., at U:30
til . front tin. ...Mn.... i J . - ,
. . , win oi- ih'IU in
ie Annunciation church, where hluli max
' i,- i .'"''"eiii ill me pari. li ei'lno-
, . ' .",,u ruiauvr respcMiuuy
nvltcd to attend. d-22.2t
uch in Little
Is especially true oi Hood's l'ills, lor no medl
cine ever contained so great curative power in
so small space. They nro a wholo medicine
chest, always ready, al- pia. a
ways efficient, always sat- mLfi Q I a
Isfactory; prevent a cold 1 I
or fever, euro all liver Ills,
sick headache, jaundice, constipation, etc. 25c.
The only Pills to take with Hood's SarsaparillA.
TTf ANTED. Fnltliful pernoti to travel. Salary
n ?"H0 nntl expenses. Itefcrenoe. Enclose
elf-mllresfoil stamped envelope. President,
urawer i', i;iiick H-Kft
OH KENT. Htorc room nt 1.1 North Main
street. Apply to Miehue Peters, North
Mnrkct ft roe t.
JjU)H HALE. Ono of the IkkI paying lumber
yards In Bhenandouli. Centrally located.
isveryminpr eonnecieo wmi mo ynru, lnciiunnc
tcnniR, will beeoldatu renHonahle ilRtire. For.
further information call on J. W. Johnson.
North Main Htrvct K-UMf
OU KENT. A stable.
Apply at 129 North
Mnlp htreet.
J701l SAUC A wx-ond-hand pqtiare piano.
Apply at Williams & Hon, furniture and
musle ptoro.
OH SALE. The bnlnnco of tho 80,000 fint
iiiortimira 10vear bonds to be issued hv All
KnfntH ProteBtant Episcopal Church, of Shenan
doah. Ilonds are In denominations of $5 and
$-50, nnd bear Interest at 5 per cent., payable
unrterly. Jf these bonus nro taken on or before
lie 25th inst. the accrued Interest from Julv 1st
will ko the. purchasers. Apply to Dr. C. M.
liordner, 01 East Oak Street, Shenandoah, Pn.
IMI'OItTANT NOTICE, Tho ftnecs, dnnclnjr
ptivillon nnd Htnuds nt Columbia Park are
open only to such advertisers who pay for spaces
nntl nu otners win no eonsioerea ns trespassers,
whether the signs be painted, or tacked, or hunt;
UDon the fence. Map of tho nark can bo seen
nt the Columbia Hoic house. Terms for spaces
may uc ecurvu. ironi
Thomas J. Williams,
Thomas Helms,
tf Committee
Feed, &c,
At lowest cash prices.
By Purchasing Your
Groceries, Smoked Meats,
Flour and Feed at
Meluskey & Son,
105 S. Main St.
Team's to Hlro.
If you want to hire a safe and reliable
team for driving or for worklnc purposea
pay Shields' Hvery stable a visit. Teams
constantly on hand at reasonable ratee.
No. 410 East Centre street.
Opposite Heading railroad station.
Pronosnla will be received by the undersigned
committee up to Friday, August 2hth, 1896, nt
S p. m., for furnishing the public bdiools of
Shenandoah, Pa., with coal from the collieries
of the Philadelphia nnd Reading Coal and Iron
Ulusmuht be made on stove, egg and pen
coal. All bids must Iks In the hands of tkc
Secretary of the Board at 5 o'clock p. in., on
iTiuoy, August -ui, xeyo.
The committee reservea the right to reject any
or all bids.
James Dcvitt, Chairman,
David Mohoan,
JoriN T. Lek,
Mabmial IUcgii,
JIiaiAEi. Sullivan,
fi-l'Ma Com mil tee.
Under the auspice of the
At Columbia Park.
Holionne'a Full Orchestra will furnish the
dancing music. Concerts by the band during
tbe afternoon nu evening.
Fine Groceries,
Butter and Eggs,
Flour and Feed.
Our delivery wagon awaits your order. Ooois
delivered promptly.
26 Bast Centre Street.
Barber She
Barber Shop !
f ' "
-12 Woot Contro Street.
Our Hot Towel Shave
becoming popular. .You will like It.
make a specialty ot hair cutting.
Beauty Unrolled
To the admiring gaie of those who hare a tnste
nr njuuy ime wnu paper is mo nispiay oinew
wall tnicr wrinkle w bnvn lnl rr eel ved.You
can find any color or pattern you want for your
hall, bed, room, parlor, dining room, kitchen or
cafe, from Pc up to $3 per roll. Fine artistic
ptijiei-9 a specially.
House, Sig:n and Decorative Painting:.
Satisfaction guaranteed. EMlmatestcltoer
fuIy furnished. Send postal,
22l Centre St., Shenandoah,' Pa.
riaoe Your Orders Noir.
Go to the Shenandoah Dental Booms fact
painless extraction of' teeth. Gold nnd Silver
fillings. If yonr artlflcal teeth do not suit
yon call to see ns. All examinations freo.
Wo mako nil kinds of plates. Gold Crowns,
Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown
and Bridgo work and all operations that per
tain to Dental Surgery.
.No enarges tor extracting when plates art
ordered. We nro tho only users of vitalized
air for tho painless extraction of teeth.
Dental : Rooms,
(Titman's Block)
East Centre Street.
Office Hours: 7 a. in. to 8 p. m.
Lager and
Pilsner Beers
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt,
West Coal Street.
Wholesale and Retail
Liquor Dealer.
Cigars, Tobacco, &c. Agent for Heading
Urewing Co.'s Beer and Porter.
11S and 11Q S. Main St
Edward H. Spade,
Work guaranteed and
220S S. Jardln St.
Evan J. Davies,
Undertaking !
13 N. Jardln Street.
; .u. , " rr . 1
Shackamaxon Hotel
Arkansas Ave., below Reading depot, Atl&nti