You Com IVlako Ymir dollars nml it-ntu ko n lone way by cnrrjlti tliom. Ynu enn nnvu TIME AND MONEY by buyliiK your stationery, lilntik books, &c, at our More HOOKS & BROWN a North Main St. FOR TEN DAYS ONLY. In order to make room for the carpenters we offer the following selected stock which is displayed in our large show windows at greatly reduced prices. A big lot of Men's Good Grade PANTS at a reduction of 30 per cent, on the original price. A ItHl HTOCK f-m i MEN'S SUITS of every description at a reduction of 50 per cent. These goods are going at sacrificing prices. Also a big lot of Children's Suits :-: :-: and Novelties. I Gold in, Prop., 9 and 11 South Main Street. EVENING HERALD Fill DAY, AUGUST 21. 1SD0. YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL GAMES. NMlounl I.ragu. At Philadelphia First gainorLoiiisvlllo, 0. Philadelphia, 3. Second rmiio: Phila delphia, 4; Louisville, a At Baltimore First Kamo: St. Louis, -D; llaltlmore, 3. Second gnmo: Baltimore, 8; St. LouIr,1 At Boston Boston, 8; Cincinnati, a At Brooklyn Brooklyn, 11; Pittsburg, S. At Now York New York, 9; Chicago, 0. At Washington Clovelanil, 2 ; Washington KaAtfrn League At Wilkcsbarro (10 inning) Wilkcs barro, 7; Syracuse, 0. At Scranton Ito ostor, 10; Scranton. 5. At Springfield Springfield, 11; Toronto, 0. Atlantic League. At Lancaster (11 lnulngs) Athletic, 0; Lancaster, 8. At Wilmington (called, darkness) Wilmington, 13; Hartford, 12. At Nowark First gamo; Nowark, 0; I'nt erson, 6. Second game; Nowark, 8; Pat 'Crson, 5. latal l'ouiter ailll l:.,l(nim. HAZLKTON, Pa., Aug. Sl.-A torrine ex plosion occurred at the Tomhieken Pow der company's mills. Derringer, Pa., yes terday. One man was instantly killed jind three others were terribly injured, as follows- E J. Whltolm-ad was killed. Tho Injured wore Peter Sholl, Olivor Boss, John Klssbach. The buildings wero com pletuly dcmnlisheil. The cause of tho ex plosion is not known, but it Is believed tho powder in tho drying houso was ignited by coming In contact with some hard sul- stanco. Pennsylvania)! Challenge to Ynlo. Philadelphia, Aug. 21. Tho secretary of tho Athletic association of tho Univer sity of Pennsylvania, Mr. Neill, yestorday rout to Yale a challenge to play Pennsyl vania football. Tho challenge innkos no stipulation whatever ns to rules, date or tmiulier of games, Pennsylvania's object being to havo Yalo agreo to play first of all, und to arrango other details thereafter. I'l'iiitNyltnnla Hermits for Cuhu. WlLLiAMsroiiT, Pa., Aug. 21. Frank A. Goodell, an agent for tho Cuban Junta, Is in this section enlisting men for tho Cuban lnsurgont army. Ho has quite a number of men, and Detectlvo Grllllii, of Washington, was hero on Wednesday, on deavorlng to break up tho band. Tho Weather. For eastern Now York, eastern Pennsyl vania and Now Jorsoy : Slightly warmer; generally fair; bouthorly winds. REMOVED TO 20 East Oak Street. Dr. J. W.VanValzah's DENTAL PARLORS. No stairways to climb anymore. :amm?wwwwmmww??J 5 WE HAVE THE ... 3 1 ...LATEST DESIGNS I j IN FLOOR OIL CLOTH. 3 E. B. FOLEY, 3 HO. 37 WEST CENTRE STREET. 3 SCHUYLKILL GOLD DEMOCRATS. They Held a C invention at Pottsvllle This Morning. Delegates Elected to the State Convention to bo Hold In Philadelphia to Elect National Dclcgates-No Action Was Taken on the County Ticket. Hpoltll til i:F.MNU ltr.lIAUI. 1 onsviu.1), Aug. Ml. Tho Rold Demo crats of Schuylkill enmity beli? a convention in IVutiBjivniii hall tliln morning which w largely attMidod and prestdol over by Od. II. lloyer, of Pottsvlllo, Chamilng Shu m tray, of tlio Chronicle, nml Meyer Stroine Wcio the secretaries. The convention elected delepitoi to tho state coavoution which will couvetio in l'liiln delphla on Tucday, next, to elect delegates to attend tiio Xatioual Democratic conven tion to ho liold at Indianapolis on Septctnlxjr 2ml. The dlogates elected at tho convention tills morning aro m fullons: Httt district, II. .1. Moore, of Mahanoy City; Second, John X. Denco, Ashland; Third, Hon. W. L. Torbcrt, (Jirard Manor; Fourth, llou. C. F. King.S. 1!. Urisconnd William J. MaU, I'ottsvillo. ifesolntlona wore adopted iustntctlug the delegates to fuvorthe nomination of a Presi dent ami Vice President who favors a gold MuiHlard. The gold Democrats will tako no action so fat as tho county ticket is concorned. They will very likely favor the ficmoomtic county ticket. They want tho national Democratic ticket nominated so tlutt they will not lw disfranchised. EXCITING RUNAWAYS. A I.lttlo Itoy Ksnipcs Uninjured Troin 1'crllous Situation. A team of horses belonging to William Meyers and hitched to a coal wul-oii rannwav this moniingon Main stroetand created great excitement. William James, a hoy soven years old, was in tho wagon at tho tlmo and his porilous situation Increased tho excite ment. Tho horses started from in front of tlrosskcttler's saloon. Near Coal street tho rear wheels became detached, hut tho boy remained in tho wncon and held on to tho reins, making a fruitless tllbrt to stop tho horses. At Ilaird's field the body of tho wagon parted from tho front truck and fell to tho street. Tho boy let go tho reins and fell with the body of tho wagon, hut escaped injur-. Tho horses and front truck of the wagon wero found at tho forks of tho Ititigtown and Brandonvillo roads. When tho runaway team passed the Janitor's hotel it frightened a horso In-long-ing to James Moyer, of West Cherry street. Tho horso ran around tho corner into Coal street, but was stopped by tho wagon it was hitched to being caught by a tcleirmnh pole. Tho shaft of tho wagon nnd some of tlio harness was broken. The dairy team of Frank II. Mull, ran away from tho Pennsylvania station last evening, tho horses being frightened by tho blowing of a whistlo on an engine. While running up Main street, three cans of milk each containing five gallons, fell out of tho wagon. Tlio horses turned tho corner of Main and Centre streets, and wero cauidit at tho dairy on West Centro street. Tho top of tlio wagon was torn oil, and tho rear irt was also damaged. Tho damage to tho team is estimated at $50. POTTSVILLE LETTER. PoTTHVII.LE, August 21. A convention of the Schuylkill County League of Gamo & Fish I'rotectivo Associa tion will bo held at I'ottsvillo on September 1st. About fifty associations will bo lepro sented. After the business session ndjournsa a shoot nt about 2,000 bluo rocks will be held. The follwwing wero elected as delegates from tho I'ottsvillo association last night. Fred, l'ortz, C hrist Schimpf, J. L. llohbs, P. J. llaverty and C. W. Parkin. K. O. Faust. II. J. llcndler nnd C. W. Parkin wero appointed a committee to draft suitable resolutions on tho deatli of tho late Hon. Henry C. Ford, of Philadelphia, who was a member of tho as sociation. iicnm iiix'onucD. From Lehigh & Wilkcsbarro Coal Co., to Michael Gallowich, lot in Kllno township (McAdoo) From Michael Gallowich to John Moros, lot in Kline township. Deed from HouoraCaiey to Mary McGarry, lot in liist Norwegian township, MAIIKIAOE MCBXHIM, Krail H. ltatzburg, of Shenandoah, and Mary K. llodcnh;iin, of Anuvlllo. Peter Petuszkn, of Hrownsville, and Mary ILilslewicz, of Shenandoah. John Fnuiick nnd Anna Jutek, both of ew Castlo township. Wnltor W. Scliock, of Walker township, nnd Mary liausmaii, of Pottsvlllo. Oeciin drove Cuiiip Meeting. A Ktteeljll f-venrslnn train fni. Oonnn Will ta mil liV till! I'hilmli.lnMn .( lnn,ll It. II. Tuesday, Aug. 25th, leaving Shenandoah at il.03 a. m. Tickets $1.00 good only on special train going aim tor return on any train up to nnd including Sept. 1st. (it An Aged Lady's Tall, Mrs. Jano Johnson, an nged invalid re siding with her son-in-law, Iiorough Surveyor W. O. Gregory, on North Main street, met with a 6crious accident yester day. Mrs. Johnson is paralyzed on tho lett side and it is with difficulty that sho enn move without assistance Whllo leaving her bed she fell and fractured her left ankle. Dr. D. J. Laugtou is in attendance. Tho truth, tho whole truth and nothing but tho truth. That's our motto: nnd wo ndd leather, solid leather and nothing hut leather. Ihat sthoway our shoes are built. 7-18-tf Factory Shoe Store. Will Slug at Tumbling Itiui. John Jenkins, tho baritono singer nml com edian of town, will begin a week's engage ment at Tumbling Kuu uoxt Monday. Mr. Jenkins has turned nn excellent reputation hero both ns a singer and comedian ami tho I'ottsvillo pooplo havo a treat in store for them. 1'hco Mangled. At about 10 o'clock this morniug William Millard, of West Lino street, met with an accident nt Kohley Iiun colliery which might havo resulted in instantaneous death, Mil. lard had everything in readiness for a blast nnd lighted tho squib. After watting nbout ten minutes, nnd hcnrlng no explosion, ho began to return Jo tho scene pf the charge When within a few feet, tho cxnloslon nr. curred, burning the whole left side of his Jaco and stottering sonio of tho bones, Tho Injured man was taken to his homo. THE BOr.OUOH COUNCIL. Collector Hcanhin Appeal Tor Assistance, to Collect Taxes. A regular meeting of tho Iiorough Council was held last evening, but It was a brief one nml little business was transacted, Tho mcm- ners in aitcniianco were .nessrs. jicuutrjN Iilly, Couklcy, lloehm, Schoppo,-StraughS 1). K. James, Lnglcrt, Hand, Iteoso nnd Murphy. President T. J. James Is toying with tho surf nt Atlantic City nnd in his absence Mr. Iteose wns mado temporary chairman. Tlio committee on roads ami highways mado a routine report nnd supplemented It with a recommendation that Council tako steps to compel tho lakeside Electric liall wny Company to erect a fence along tho embankment skirting its line at tho Indian llldgo colliery. It wns decided by motion tint tho Chief Hurgcss, in conjunction with tho bolicitor, glvo tho Lnkosido itallway Company a legal notice to do tho work. Mr. McGuiro said that thogrndo given for Last Centre street, betweon limerick and Union Btreets, was too high nnd wns told that tho stroot committee would look after tho matter. Upon suggestion of Mr. Conklcy tho Super visor wns Instructed tomnkotho crossing nt Ilowcrs nnd Coal Btreets safe. Mr. Straughn, of tho Finance Committee stated that tho committee had decided to oxonerato tho following jicoplo from taxes for 1MU : Mrs. Patrick Stanton, Mrs. Kitchen, Mrs. LnftUR, Mrs. Motts, Mrs. James Stanton, of West Oak street; Mrs. Thomas Casey, West Centre street; Mrs. Michael Wado and Mrs. Thomas Powell, West Cherry street; Mrs. Carey, South West street; Mrs. Ncary, West Coal stroet; Mrs. Dougherty, Applo alloy; Mrs. Ellen Stack, South Rowers street: Mrs. Marshall, North Jardiu street; Mrs McDonald, South Jardin stroet; Mrs. Thomas OJInen, South Jardin street; Mrs. John O'lUlon, West Cherry street; Mrs. Thomas llonuit, Third ward ; Mrs. Gchricke, West Centro street; Mrs. Millard, Strawberry alloy rMrs. Iilngheiscr, West Oak street, jlr. Straughil.also suited that ho bolloved thff Council and School Hoard should tako some action in referenco to tho collection of taxes ; that Tax Collector Scanlan says thcro seems to lo n determined effort on tlio lrt of certain peoplo of town to ,avold paying taxes. The collector was almost mobbed recently while making collec tions. Tho collector alleges ho has informa tion to provo that theso people havo declared they will not pay taxes. They say peoplo do not pay taxes, in Now York or Philadelphia nnd that if tho Collector attempts to collect taxes at tho collieries ho will bo taken homo in n wagon. Mr. Straughn said tho question wns too largo for tho committee to handle nnd it was left for Council's action. Jlr. Kngljit said ho witnessed tho attack on the Tax Collector and thought it timo that somo protection should bo given that official, especially on pay day. Tlio report on exonerations was accepted on motion of Mr. Lnlly. Nothing wns done on tho suggestion of assistance to the collector. Mr. Hand said tho collector had tho law in his own bauds. Mr. Kecso presented tho nanio of Mrs. Casey, Fourth ward, for oxouoratlon from taxes for 1S95 and it was referred to tho finniico committee. it was decided that tho lamp and watch committco notify tho Shenandoah Electric Illuminating Company to removo tho unused incandescent fixtuio from tho Council cham ber nnd nsk for n rebate on what tho company tins been overpaid. On motion of Mr. James it was decided to procure bids for winter overcoats for three of tho policemen, tho bids to bo opened at a meeting of Council." Mr. McGuiro stated that tho liorongh Sur veyor had furnished n grade for laurel street. Tho committee on flues was instructed to look after somo causo of complaint at the rear of tlio Helsenberger buildings on East Centro street. Tlio character was not stated, If you want a fine wedding cake, let Otto make it for you. Last Night's Muslenle. Miss Sadio A. Schooner last evening tendered n muslcnlo to a number of her friends at her residenco on North Jardin street. Tho following program was rendered : Duett, Helen and D. J. Prico; piano solo, Helen Prico ; duett, Edith Morgan nnd I). J, Prico ; solo, D. J. Prico ; piano solo, John Hough ; duett, Bella Drown nnd D. J. Prico ! solo, Edith Morgan ; piano solo, Helen Price; solo, Uella Drown ; trio, Edith Morgan, Delia isrown ami 1). ,1. 1'rico; piano solo, John Hough. After tho guests had been enter tallied with tho above program, they nil repaired to tho dining room whero refresh ments wero served. Tho following people wero in nttenflanco : Misses Edith Morgan, Delia and Anna Brown, Salllo Beddall, Gertrude Parrott, Hnttie Nicholls, Gertrude Hough, Helen Price, Mary Jones : Messrs, Edward Shoemaker, Esq., Clarence Crobaugh, D. J. Prico, It. L. Brown and James and John Hough. Tho out of town folks wero: Miss Bella Wylo, of Plymouth ; Miss Laura Bickcl, of Pottsvillo ; Mrs. E. B. Greenwood and Philip Moinbergcr, of Morton, Pa., aiid Mis. E. Evans, of Wnnamio. Seo tho window display of new silverwnro at Bruiuni's jewelry store. Slight l ire. This morniug whllo Dr. Stein was seated in his offlco leading tho events of tho day, ho suddenly felt tho atmosphere getting hot. Ho turned around and found tho waste basket wrapped in a mass of flames, Ho quickly picked it up and throw it out in tho hallway whero tho llames wero extlu- guished. Tho flro was caused by some un- icnuwii person throwing u lighted match in tho basket, which ignited tho rubbish. School Notice. Tho public schools of Shenandoah will open Monday, August 24th. Teachers will please meet in tho High school room on Saturday morning, nt 10 o'clock, August 22d, to receivo keys, registers, notlcos, nnd other general information, pre liminary to opening tho schools. For tho benefit of pupils and latrons desiring information regorilingscliool matters, tho olllco of tho Superintendent will bo open Saturday, r. m August 22d, all day Won day, tho 21th inst., also on Tuesday following. After that nt 8:15 n. m. and nt 4 p. in. of each school day until further notice. 8-20-2t Superintendent. HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Ills, nilloiisncss, Indigestion, Headache A pleas"nt laxative. All Druggists. True ns (logpcl. From Ashland Local, "Box's" letter to tho Shenandoah Eveninq Herald, from I'ottsvllle, Wednesday's issuo, is full of senso and to tho point, Notice. Tlio mcuilwrs of John V Ktnl-Aa T ,lr. No. 515. I. O. O. P.. nrn ril, In nOA.,.l tho next meeting of tho lodgo on August 21, lfeDO. Business of groat importance will bo transacted, R. D, Kecse, N. G. Attest ; J. S. Williams, Sco'y, 17.10-21 RELICS OF MOUND DWELLERS. Interesting Illscnverlo by Hxplorers at McKee's Itnclis, Teu PlTTSIitnio, Aug. 21. Orcnt Interest is mnnlfosted hero over tho discovery of a numuor or impiomenta in n mound nt Mc Kco's Hocks, whloh is bolng oxenvnted for Fcicntlflo purposes. Tho mound Is bo lloved to hnvo been built by tho nnclont mound dwellers, and tho Implements found yesterday place tho mound on n par with thoso that hnvo been explored clowhoro. The work Is being dotio under tho direc tion of Mr. Thomas Harper, of this city, who bollovos that tho specimens found hor-arc not less thn;i 1,000 years old nnd pri -o that tlioy wero mndo by tho most an -lout twoplo that inhabited thiscountry. Uono noodles or awls wero included In tho And, and Mr. Hnrpor unys thoy can bo IMirtlnlly restored. A tomnhnwlc which ho regards ns not being less than 1,000 years old wns nlso found. Tho same kind of weapons nro found on tho Hrltish lslos. Mr. Hnrpor says tho weapon is similar in nppenrnnco to tho hnloith, which wns used for striking. It is mado of gnoiss. Ho oonsldersthls nn oxtrnordlnnry discovery. Tho bono implement, or linker, Is re garded by Jlr. Harper as possessing un usual Interest This Is tlio implomont with which prlmltlvo men, as well ns an cient pooplo, havo used In making flint instruments. since this mound wns oponcd, n month ago, sixteen skeletons hnvo boon found, ninny of them bolng of gigantic Htnturc, Tlio Twin Shaft Horror Investigation, IlARRISiiOim, Aug. 21. Govornor Hast ings nnd Attorney General McCormlck had n conference yosterdny afternoon with Mine Inspectors William Stein, Edward Roderick nnd Mward Ilronnan, who wero recently appointed by tho oxocutivo to mnko inquiry Into tho causo of tho Twin shnft disaster, noar Plttston, Tho in spectors mado a verbal report of tholr work, nnd nt tho roquost of tho governor will present to him within tho noxt ten days a written report, togothor with roo ommondntlons, to bo submitted to tho next legislature, looking to greater safety to workmen in mlnos of tho state. Tho report will bo given out by tho govornor as soon ns It Is submitted to him. llurnetl by KxpIodfugMctnl. PlTTSUOUO, Aug. 21. By tho explosion of molten metal at Furnace I, of tho Ed gar Thomson Stool works, ton mon wero burnod, three seriously. The names of tho latter wero Mike Strasko, John Lor vick und John Dusmo. They wero burnod nbout tho head, body nnd feet, butnll will recovor. Tho explosion was caused by tho molten iron striking n pool of water. Tlio Itardsley Cn.40. Again. Hakkisjiuko, Aug. 21. Attorney Gon cnil MeCormiek stated Inst night that n meotlng of tho board of pardons will prob ably bo held noxt weok to consider tho Bardslcy case. Great Hosiery llnrgntn. An imported lino of tho finest German and French hosiery is offered nt our hosiery counter for 25c. per pair. They aro tho finest llccco-'incd cotton and best cashmero wool and would regularly sell for 50 to 75c. per pair. 8-20-2t L. J. Wilkinson. Sir. King Withdraws. From Pottsvlllo Chronicle, Deni. Hon. Charles F. King, presidential elector from this district, unablo to conscientiously placo himself upon tho platform adopted at Chicago, has tendered his resignation to State Chairman Gnrman. Mr. King, with many other prominent Democrats in this county, cannot forco himself to bclievo that frco silver is tho panacea by which nil tho ills now com plained of can bo corrected nnd rather than appear before the peoplo in n falso light has resigned. Ho is for sound mouey, and an honest dollar for a dollar's worth of labor. Tiiy only your own bills. In dealing hero tho cash customer is not taxed to help sup port tho credit customers who do not pay. Hero all aro 0110 lovel. All are cash. 7-lS-tf Factory Shoe Store. Hack Injured, John Dixon, of Gllbcrton, who wns injured in tho mines by falling down n mauwny while going from a shot, was taken to tho state hospital yesterday. Tho injuries aro on lowor parts of the back nnd nro of such a nature that Mr. Dixon is unablo to walk without assistance Ho is a cousin of Martin Dixon, who was buried yesterday at Girnrd ylllo. V.T for over xxZr V'lT V LL NATa?('V of tho Globofor RHEUMATISM NEUEALGIA aa similar Complaints' r GERMAN MEDICAL LAWS prescnoea oy eminent poysiclansi UK. KICHTEK s &fa a Kmc nn n m PAIN EXPELLER.l World renowned I IlfmAT-Wnliltf fmrrAeafril I OnlVPeriMlnft wllh Trnri Murk Anrhnr.'M IF, Ad. ItlcMcr Co., 2151earlSUf Kcw York. I , 31 HIGHEST AWARDS. 13 Branch Bosses. Own Glassworlm. SS&COcta, Eailorncd & recommended by A AVntley. ICO North Main Street, j. Ji llugcnliucli, 103 k. .iinin st.. biienunuoah. DR. rtlCHTER-n 1 "ANcnon." SToaiAoiiAT. i,. I lOnltejHjpepHliiHtoiiiMeli Cniniilntntn.l YOU CAN SAVE "HVLONEY By Purchasing Your Groceries, Smoked Meats, Flour and Feed at Meluskey & Son, 10S S. Main St. Sr-iackamaxon Hotel Arkansas Ave., below Heading depot, Atlantlo City, N. J. BERNARD CONWAY, Teams to Hire. II you wont to hire a snfi and reliable team for driving or foMvorklnepurposce pay Shields' livery stable a visit. Team constantly on hand at reasonable rates, JAMES SHIELDS, No. 410 East Centre street. Opposite Heading railroad station. COTTOLBNI3. s3?Fav iA "s well i f demands V1 I ' nt cost. tJ$ uT,Lr, 18 m. a , , w , n ft WiIj D tt " V A stuuuuuc' snorieiinig ever B ilPift. is m WW vj MISCELLANEOUS. T 09T. Iletween tho Ixhli?h Vnllev ,lnt aj,,l Xl Annliiiclalfou churcli on Wctltiesttiiy, AUKiLit 10th, a ,ockct book containing money nnd jinpers, Klii'lercnli keep the money if ho reiuniH 111c oiner contcnls in tlio llmiALU oillce and will be paid 81.00 rewnrd besides. 8-21-21 J7IOU HAI.K. One of the best paylnu lumber yards In Shcnandonli. Centrally liK-nteil. Everything connected wltli tho ynrd, Inoluillnr teni, will lie sold nt a reaHonnbln Hure. For further Information call on J. W. Johnson, North Mulii Htrect 8-lU-tf FOIt lti:.S'T. A stable. Apply nt 129 North Main street. 8-18-tf TjOIl SAl.U. A licenced snlonn property. Lot : SOsloO nnd douhla duelling on the rear, l-'nlr price. A desirable property. Inquire of Win. 11. Hhocmnkcr, lit his olllco. . 8-15-lw IOK HA 1.15. A desirable residence nnd hnlf hit on White ptreit. within one snunrn nf Centre ctrcet. Inquire of Win. 11. Shoemaker. WWW fTIOH SAI.12. A seeond-hnnd snunro plnno. music More. ' 7-28-tf "T7ANTKD. fl.000 ntreuts for Ttuweirs nuthor- Ized "I.IVES OK McKINLEY nnd no 1IA11T." BMlinRes.eleBiintly Illustrated. Prleo only 81 00. Tho best nnd tho chenpest, nnd out sells nil others. r0 iier cent, to nKcnts nnd freight pnld. 4fyltooks now ready. Savo tlmo by sending 50 cents In stamps for nn outfit nt once. Address A. I). WOltTHINGTON & CO., Hartford, Conn. 7-3-lw-cod IflOIt SALE. Tho balance of tho 80,000 first ? mortixnito 10-year bonds to be Issued by All Habits' l'rotestnnt Kplscopnl Churcli, of Hhennn dnali ltonds are in ilpnnmliintlmia nf nn.l SoO, .nd benr Interest nt 5 per cent., payable quarterly. If theso bonds nro taken on or before the 25th Inst, the accrued Interest from July 1st will go to tho purchasers. Apply to Dr. C. M. Eordncr, 31 East Oak Street, Shenandoah. I'n. TMI'OItTANT NOTICE. Tho fences, dnnclnc X pnvlllon nnd stnnds nt Columbia I'nrk aro open only to such ad vcrtlsere who pny for spaces and nil others will be considered ns trespassers, whether tho sinus bo painted, or taekeil, or hung upon tho fence. Terms for stinoes mnv l, secured from At,Fiini Evans, Thomas J. Williams, Thomas Ukllis. 7-27-tf Committee. PROPOSALS. Proposals will be reeelvitl bv the underslirnnl committee tip to Friday, August 2Sth, lMtfi, at 5 t, m., for furnishing the public schools of SlicnnixJonh, l'a , with cool from the collieries oi tnc rnuaucipmannu KemiinK Uoal nml Iron Company. Jihls imiht be mado on stove, eRj; nnd pea coal. All bids must be In the bauds of the Secretary of tho Board nt 5 o'clock p. m., on Friday, AiiRut 2Mb, 1800. The committeo roicrves the rlt;htto reject any or nil bfihj. jam unviTT, (;ba1rmnn. IAVI! JIonrJAN, John T. I,nE, AUSltAL Haugii, Michael. Sullivan. 8-10-'Jt Commlltec. Fine Groceries, Butter and Eggs, Flour and Feed. Our delivery wftRon awaits your order. Good delivered promptly. WILLIAM H. HUSSER, 26 East Centre Street. " MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TEKMS. P. W. BIERSTEIN, 20S S. Jardin St. Evan J. Davies, LIVERY AND Undertaking ! 13 N. Jardin Street. FOR FANCY Groceries, Flour, Feed, &c, At lowest cash prices. T. J. BROUGHALL, 25 SOUTn MAIN STREET, SHENANDOAH, PA. GRAND PICNIC ! Under the auspices of tho f GRANT .BAND I LABOR DAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1896. At Columbia Park. Bchoppe's Full Orchestra will furnish the dancing music. Concerts by tlio band during . ........ - ' - o ' COTTOLGNB. as tnc cooking 01 dainties, the shortening that pro- 1 !.!.! t-i. l ' J wholesome food at the lowest fIJSL the P"resti most Healthful and n n u , . l . Known. Get the prenuine. rradc-marks " Coitoeic" and steer's head in cotton-plant wreath, on everv tin. Sold everywhoro. THE N. K. FAinBANK COMPANY, glttat, StwTork, rhlladtlykla, HtUbarfW OPEN EVERY DAY Go to tlio Shenandoah Dental Eooms for painless extraction of teeth. Gold and Silvoi fillings. If your artlflcal teeth do not nit yon call to fco tis. All examination free. Wo inako all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns, Aluminum Crowns Logan Crownfj Crown and Jiridgn work nnd all opcratlons lhat per. tain to Dcntul Surgery. I No charges for extracting when) plates art' ordered. Wo aro tho only U6crs of vitalizod1 air for tho painless extraction of teeth. SHENANDOAH Dental : Rooms,, (Tltamn's Block) East Centro Stroet. Office ITours: 7 a. in. to 8 p. m. Beauty Unrolled To tho ndnilrhiR gnie of those who havo n tasto for really Mno wall paper la tho display ofnew wnll paper wrinkles we havo Just received. on. enn find any color or pattern you want for your hall, lied room, parlor, dining room, kitchen of cafe, from 5o up to S3 per roll. Fine artistic i papers a specialty. House, Sign and Decorative Painting:. Satisfaction guaranteed. Estlmntes;chccr fully furnished. Send postal. J. P. GARDEN, 221 W. Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. rinco Your Orders Now. M. C. WATSON, Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer. Cigars, Tobacco, Ac. Agent for Reading Brewing Co.'s Beer and Vorter. 11Q and 113 S. Main Sf Edward H. Spade, -AGENT FOIt- SHAMOKIN STEAIifl LAUNDRY Work gitaranteed and unexcelled. REPAIRING DONE FREE. Lauer's Lager and Pilsner Beers, Finest, Purest and Healthiest. Chris. Schmidt, asu 907 Wfest Coal Street. f. 4 r- r