The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 21, 1896, Image 2

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USTAIH,lSlli:il 1870.
Published every tu rning, Ujccpt Sunday, M
i Hooth Jaruik Hrninrr. Nuau CoinR.
The Hcrutcl I tlcllvciril InHhctmiiUonh nnd the
lurroumling town for nix cent n week, imy
Able to tlio cnrrlern. lly mall J8.00 ft year, or 2S
oanti n month, priyithlo In advance. Advertise
ments churned ncei irtiltiK tn cpnee and position.
Tho tmbllflhern reervo the riht to chni.trc ttio
ftosltlon of itilvcrtlftcmctits whenever the pill
Icatlon of newn detnniuls It. The rlKht In
reserved to reject nny advertisement, whether
fmhl for or not. thnt the publishers mny deem
mproper. Advertising rate luado known
upon Application.
Entered nt tho piwtofllce nt Shcunndonh, Pa., as
sooond class limit rntittor.
Evening Herald
I'M DAY, AUGUST 21, 1800.
Kill I'llFMtll.NT,
Of Ohio,
inn vice riiBsmr.xr,
(lAltllirr A. HOIlAllT,
Of New Jersey.
Of Susquehanna.
Of lirlo
Somh editors have a penchant for exercis
ing their abilities on both sides of a political
question. Tlioro are timeawhen tbo editorial
mind, with the columns of two papers of
opposite political faith at command, can
easily satisfy a prejudice or disliko fur home
particular candidate and not bo termed a
"kicker." This fact was forcibly brought to
our attention in tho present campaign in this
county by a Democratic editor. Tlio latter
is disKitlsfied at the remit of his party's con
vention, and ho seized the opportunity to
use his pen against the party nominee,
.through other than the columns of his own
paper. And still they tell us tho Democrats
are dwelling in harmony.
Systematic advertising, through the right
mediums, always pays. One of tholargoet
advertisers in the country, and who very
wisely usos the columns of the Herald, it!
l'lof. J. M. Munyon, of Munyon's Homo
p.ithlc ltcmcdy Company. Last yoar ho
netted $207,000 from his bu-iness, tho fouith
hi its history, and lie attributes this quick,
Hidu-spronil success to liisadvortUing, hacked
up by tho merit of the uiodiciue, which last
year cost him in round numbers 100,000.
lie snys: "Wo hive never spent a dollar out
's de of tlio newspapers for advertising, and
we piopono to increase our adveitising. I do
not think that thcro is anythlifg that can
take tho place, of newspaper advertising."
Tin: O.inioron bug-hear is again brought
birth, notwithstanding the Senator's an
nounced determination tere,tiioat tho expira
tion of his present term. Quite a number of
urn exchanges place veiy little credence, in
the assertion, and profess to believe that
Senatois Cameron and ljuay aie working
quietly to effect the former's re-election
Vhuiu7crau expression of opinion is had of
the Republican voters and especially in
Schuylkill comity, it has been decidedly op
posed tu Cameron, lio is too closely identi
fied with tho 10 to 1 idea, and his round in
the Senate should be HUillcient to show tl at
he is not in harmony with the Republican
party. Wo do not thiuk that Don Uimeion
will again leprcsont this utato at Washington
for another term.
Tun rccoids of some of tho ardent frie
siUer advocates which are hoing brought to
light, makes their prcicnt position on the
lurrency question appear ridiculous, to say
the least. Senators Jones and Stewart, both
hailing from the statu of Xuvada, are the
Lead and front of the silver cause. The
former is chairman of tho National com
mittee having in charge liryun's canvass.
On Juno 11th, lh71, the very year following
"the crlmo of 1S73," ho addressed tho Senate
as follows: "I delicto the sooner we como
down to a purely gold standard the better it
will ho for tho country." In tho same speech
the Senator said that tho human heart was
set upon gold, that it was the standard of
high civilization, and that when gold was
used exclusively for money it Uitight the
very habit of honesty. Tho day following
Senator Stewart joined his colKaguo iu favor
of tho gold standard. He said : "The labor
ing man is entitled to have his labor uieasund
by tho same standard of the world that
measures our national debt," and that tho
question of money wuuld never be settled
"until you determine tho simple question
whither tho laboring man i3 entitled to have
a gold dollar, if ho earns it, or whether you
are going to cheat him with something el.-e.
Again, Stewart said tbo Rnglish had tried to
get along without gold, aud had to come hack
to It, and he closed uji the whole matter, so
far as he was concerned, saying, "You must
come to tho same conclusion that all other
people have that gold is recognized as the
uulvcrsal standard of value."
Tun report come from Harrlsburg that u
secret movement has been sUirted looking to
a change In tho present liquor llienso law,
known us tho llrooks high license law. Tho
change contemplated aro said to atfect par
ticularly Philadelphia and Pittsburg, and tlio
bill to Iks framed and introduced at the next
Legislature will he similar to what is known
ns tho Haines law of New York. One of tho
chief reforms desired is to relievo tlio beiirh
of Philadelphia and Pittsburg fruin tho
arduous work of heuriug applications and
granting licenses. In Philadelphia especially
complaint Is made of the disagreeable burden
now imposed upon judges of tho License
Court, aud tho amended act will he so c-jii-htructcd
a3 to apply to Philadelphia uud
Pittsburg only possibly Philadelphia alonu
nnd ti leave tho rural Judges to continue
to oxorciso tho duties imposed upon them by
the llrooks law. Another feature of tho pro
posed law is to hroak up tho owucrshlp or
control ot retail hootos by distillers, brewers
and wholesalers.1 Ono of tho attorneys for tho
organization states that a very fargo propor
tion of.thf retail saloons uro simply com
mission 'lioustfc'selilng spirits and beer for
ananufaetuiers and wholesalers. Tho new
law will provide such restrictions ai will
lircvctit till?. It Is proposed to hiahc ono
of tho penalties for violation of tlito section
Imprisonment, sending to the county jail or
state prinon any brewer, distiller or whole
saler, wlio directly or Indirectly controls or
in jurt owns, directly or Indirectly, a retail
establishment. To ferret out and break up
nil such combinations a detective system
will ho iiecowwry providing for an espionage
of brewers and distillers more rigid than that
now exercised by the United States govern
inent over distilleries. The movement lias
occasioned considerable ceinincnt, especially
among the larger concerns who profess to
believe that it la a secret attempt at extor
Happenings Throughout the ltcglon Chron
icled for Hasty
The Delano public schools will open on
Ashland will reorganize a foot ball team
this evening.
A largo addition Is being built to tho Locust
Dale school house.
Lost Creek and Locust Dalo teams will
play to-inorrow afternoon.
A partial ecllpso of the moon will ho visi
ble on Saturday aud Sunday.
liiichanan, tho Jeweler, yesterday placed a
3,2S0-pound safe in his store.
Tlio Prohibitionists of Northumberland
county will nominate a ticket.
(icncral Jlcndo Hand, of Mahanoy City
will hold a picnic at High Point par.k on
In Mahanoy City they have a peanut war,
ono dealer selling two quarts of tho Allen
town favorite for five cents.
All the P. & It. employes in tho Mahanoy
City district will reccivo their wages for tho
first half of August on Saturday.
The (iiriirdvlllo shirt and overall factory Is
now compelled to work over timo to supply
the large demand for its plotted.
Miss Kate Mottey, of tliraidvillc, has se
cured a position as teacher in tlio New Phila
delphia schools, at a salary of ."0 a mouth.
Uround has been broken at Ifoyal Oak col
liery, near Shamnkiu for a new slope. The
breaker will he enlarged to meet tho increased
1 he School Directors of Hanks township
have appointed two teachers for the one
school, aud when the term opens thcro is
likely to he war.
Democratic County Chairman Lineawcavcr
lias opened roomy headpuarters on the second
lloor front of tho Ilannan building on South
Cell tie street, Pottsville.
The Coxe liros. havo stalled up their mines
on full time. The superintendent is of tho
opinion that this Improvement in the work
ing time will bo continued until January.
An extensive squeezo has interfered witli
the operation of (Vileraine colliery, Hazlcton,
for Ihe past few days. The No. 2 slope is
partially closed and the mules have been re
moved. Lehigh Valley railroad station employees
havo lcceivcd a list of 100 questions on tho
rules of the load to which they must write
tho answers and send the same to the main
olllce of the company.
It Is No I-onger Feared.
That heretofore much dreaded and gener
ally fatal disease, diphtheria, has at lust been
overcome, Thompson's Diphtheria Olio is
as positive to cure as it is used according to
instructions. No more deaths need occur
from diphtheria, croup, quinsy, or any other lly all means keep ono or
moro bottles on hand all the time. It costs
only .10 cents a bottle and is sold at Klrlln's
drug stole.
A (icrinaii llcnlcil ('fticnslilp.
Washington, Auk. 21. A yountr Ger
man was burred from citizenship yoster
day after n practical demonstration that
ho could not rend tho KnglUh lijnguiiKc.
Two Germans applied together to Judge
Cole, of tho district supremo court, who-e
recent ruling In tho uimi of tin Italian that
u knowledge of tho constitution isossen
tlal to citizenship rights created irenernl
Interest. Both Gornmns said they could
road KnulUh as a test. One reached tho
reading requirements and was admitted
to citizenship, but tho other mado so poor
n showing that naturalization papers were
.failed on the Charge nf Itlgnmy.
Tampa, Fin , Aim. 21. Thomas F. Ulb-
mn is In jail hero on thochargo of bigamy.
Uo married nearly twenty yours ago in
Mncon, Ga. Flvo years ago ho left his
wife and went to UruiiHwlek, Ga., after
wards cuming to Tampa, tvhoro ho mar
ried Miss Florence Parrlsh last Novcmbor.
Gibson claims that ho left his Macon wlfo
because of her bud character, and Insti
tuted divorce proceedings. Ho claims he
secured tho illrorco while In Hrunswick,
but, hearing that his wife was dead, novcr
sent to Mncon for tho paper. Tho charge
of bigamy is preferred by tho father of tho
young woman Gibson married hero.
Small ItojH Oausrd tho Wreck.
CANTON', O., Aug. 21. Tho railway no
ridunt whleh occurred ou tho Cleveland,
Canton and Southern road, aoino forty
miles south of horc, Wednesday night, In
which two Canton mnn tvero killed and
eighteen only escaped doath by tho caboose
(-.itching In a treo on the edge of an em
bankment, was Investigated yesterday,
and tho fact doveloped that this costly ami
fiitol wreck was caused by three railroad
spikes which somo small boys had plncod
on tho outside rail at the curve whero tho
train was derailed.
With Hood's Saruapa
rilla," Sales Talk," and
show that this medi
cine has enjoyed publio confidence and
patronago to a greater extentthanaccord
cd any other proprietary medicine. This
Is simply because it possesses greater
merit and produces greater cures than
any other. It Is not what wo say, but
what Hood's Barsaparllnx does, that tells
tho story. All advertisements ot uoocvb
Sarsaparitla, liko Hood's Bansaparilla It
sell, aro honest. Wo havo never deceived
thp publio, and this with Its superlative
medicinal morlt, is why tho peoplo havo
abiding confidence in It, and buy
Almost to the exclusion' of nil others. Try It
Prepared only by O. I. Hood ti Co., Lowell, Mass.
are tho only pills to take
HOOd S PillS with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
of PottsvUlc,
A. T. Jones, of Pottsville, was a town
visitor to-day.
Miss Delia Wade has gone to Philadelphia,
to visit friends.
Harrison Hall, of Mahanoy City, was in
town yesterday 'afternoon.
W. X. Hhrhnrt and wife arc spending a few
days with Tamanua relatives.
J. V. McOlnty, and son, Prank, of Tamaqun,
were town visitors yesterday.
George Lambert, of Mincrsvllle, Is spending
a few days in town with rclativos.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Hooks havo re
turned from their wedding tour.
Misses Gussie Klino aud K. Luxcmhcrg, of
Scranton, aro spending tho day in Mahanoy
Mrs. James J. Ilrennan, and children, of
Washington, I). C, aro tho guests of town
Miss Mary Whalcn returned homo last
evening from Wilkosbarro whero sho spent
her vacation.
John ltcose, who was injured in tho Park
Place explosion, Is improving nicely at tho
state hospital.
II. L. Whitelock, tho shoo dealer, and
daughter, Clara, returned to town last even
ing from Philadelphia.
Miss Annlo Morrison and sister, Hannah,
havo returned homo after a pleasant visit In
tho Now Kngland states.
Hx-Pollccman James Dougherty returned
homo last cueiliug after spending soveraldays
in Philadelphia with friends.
Misses .Mary and Kate Craven, of Phila
delphia, nre the guests of Mrs. William
Small, of West Cherry street.
Mrs. Rowley and family, to-day removed
their household effects to Philadelphia, whero
they will rcsido in tho future
Misses Sabina Malloy, Laura Samuels, Miss
Edwards and Flossio Gerhard, of Mahanoy
City, wcro town visitors last evening,
Miss Ella Clauscr, of Wost Ceutro street,
who was the guest of Miss Mary Faulkner, at
Ilokendauqiia, returned homo last evening.
Miss Lizzie Kclthan, of North Main street,
lias gone to Scranton to spend her vacation.
Sho will bo tho guost of Miss Ituhy Yost,
formerly of lown.
Hon. William E. Jones, of Mahanoy City,
ind Tax Collector McCool, of Mahanoy town
ship, were among the out-of-town people
observed at the horso sale yesterday.
Miss Llla Caiey. of Philadelphia; Mrs.
Ella Clarke, of Lost Creek, and William
Smith, of Watcrhury, Conn., aio guests of
the McAndrcw family, on Union street.
Llmer llarkerand sister, Lvn, of Newport,
Hhodn Island, and Mrs. David llolman, of
Hazlcton, aic guests of Letter Carrier P. D,
Holman's family on West Cherry street.
John Canfield, manager of the Shcuandoali
Ileef Company, left this morning on a West
ern trip to Chicago, III. His vacancy is being
lllled by Charles Knapp, of Mahanoy City.
Messrs. Harry and Patrick Dowliug of
Philadelphia, arrived in town last evening.
They wero called hither by tho serious Illness
of their sister. Mary, who is a .sufferer of
heart failure. Her condition to-day was
very critical.
Ask your grocer for the "Royal Patent'
(lour, and tako no other brand. It is tho host
flour inrdc
A Pure l'nko.
To-day's Philadelphia Inquirer published a
half-column article on the alleged prosccutlou
of a Polish girl at Ijjst Creek because sho
would not marry n man who wanted to scenic
? 1,000 she had saved. The Hkjiai.d to-day
investigated the story aud found that theie
was no foundation fur it. Justice Cariliu, of
town, whoso name is coupled with the case,
says lie knows nothing of it.
How are your Kidneys? I have tried Dr.
llobhs Sparagus Kidney Pills and find they
aro all they are lecominended to bo. They
are superior to any kidney medicine that I
litjve ever tried, and I have tried them ou
myself. J. E. Hon:, M.T).,Collinstou, Iowa.
Iliiiriirecl Indian r.j m-lii-d.
Lewistov, Idaho, Aug. 21. Fran!;
Hlles, a half breed Indian from the Ncz'
l'erco reservation, was taken from the
Asotin jail Into at night unit hanged by a
mob of indignant citizens. His crlmo was
tho criminal outrage of Miss Maiy Bleh-
nrils-on, u young woman 17 years of age.
Miss Kichardsou, whoso-homo Is In Enter
prise, Ore., wns In delicate health and hud
boon visiting friends iu this vicinity. On
Wednesday sho started from Lowlston for
Asotin on horseback unattended. On tho
road sho was ovortuken by Hlles and two
Indians from tho reservation uuu assault
ed. He wuf captured unit placed in jail,
but tho sheriff was overpowered and Biles
talion out una hanged.
lloym Organised for I'lunder.
DltlDGF.TON', N. J., Aug. 21. Policemen
Hotchner nnd Smith on Wednosilny suc
ceeded In capturing a gang of young rob-
bors. l'or somo time pant tho stores of
north Bridgcton havo been broken into
and robbed of various kinds of merchan
dise. Customers of early morning milk
men woro robbed of their lacteal fluid;
bakery shops wero looted, and anything
and ovorythlng thnt camo In their sight
stolen. The boys, whose ngos run from
15 to 10 years, hint u mooting place, and
would then start out to do the north
ern part of tho city nt night. Soveral of
tho boys pleaded guilty.
Closing (Jiuittitioim of the New York uud
Philadelphia Kxi'lianges.
Nrw Yoiik, Aug- 20. Today's stock market
dtsappoiutod the owners and holders of securi
ties wlio hail pinned their faith to decided Im
provement In prices as a result of the begin
ning ot tho return now oi goui. wiosang uius
llaltinioro As Ohio 15V4
Lehigh Valley
Chena. & Ohio
New Jersey Gen.
N. Y. Central
St. Paul
Vt'. N. c Pa
Del. & Hudson
D.,L. & W
Erie . .
Lako Erie is W
Lehigh Nov
.. It
. u
. Si
2d oss't paid.
General Market.
PllIi.Ali:i.i'l!IA, Aug. 20. Flour steady ; win
tor Hupurflne, ) .WVi.lH; do. extras, 2.15g2.80;
Pennsylvania roller, clear, $i.75ft$a; do. do,
straight, tfl3.23, Wheutfirm; August, OlJyG
02c. Corn dull; August, 28j;o. Oats steady ;
August, 24f(2Jo. liny firm; choice timothy,
118.60911. Ileef Bteudy; city family, !.5ujto.
Pork dull: family, W.7&Z10. Butter steady;
western dairy, 8tfit2e. ; da creamery, V3
lOo. ; do. factory, 7W12-i Elgins, 10c. ; imita
tion creamery, lOtftlio. ; New York dairy, 10
l5o. ; do. creamery, UJalOc. ; fancy state
prints, wholesale, 10i. ; prints jobbing at 10
23o. Clieeso steady ; large, DWSo. ; small, (1
6e. ; part skims, 2fi.V. ; full skims, l(&lc. Eggs
Ftroug ; New York nudPeunsylvania, l&.gl5Ho. I
western frosh, 12.(4 He.
I.tte Stock Marheti.
New Y'oiik, Aug. 20. European cables quote
American steers at lO'J'ijllc., dressod
weights; refrigerator beef, 8Jic. Calves ac
tive aud firm; vuali, t J.5 J'47.50 ; grassers and
buttermilks, 3&4.03. Sheen uud lainbx active,
nhccp,. t3a,i.; lambs, 54t.
When you want good roofing, plumbing
gas fitting, or general tlnsmithlog dono call
on E. F. Gallagher 18 Wost Centre street
Dealer ir. sto'ea 1-tf
Like a thief at night, It stoats In upon us
unawares. Tlio patients havo pains about
tho chest and sides, and sometimes In tho
lmck. They feol dull and sleepy j tho mouth
lias a had taste, especially in tho morning. A
sort of sticky sllmo collects about tho teeth.
Thenppctlto is poor. Thcio is feeling liko a
heavy load on tho stomach; sometimes a
faint, all-gono sensation at tho tip of thb
stomach which food does notsalWy. J yes
are sunken, tho hands and fict become cold
and feel clammy. Aftor awhile a cough sets
in, at first dry, hut after a few months it is
attended with a greenish coloicd expectora
tion. Tho patient feels tired all the while,
and sleep does not seem to afl'ord any rest.
After a timo ho becomes nervous, irritable
and gloomy, and has evil forebodings. There
is a giddiness, a sort of whirling sensation in
the head when rising up suddenly. Tlio
bowels become costlvo ; the skin is dry and
hot at times ; tho blood becomes thick and
stagnant: tho whites of tho eyes become
tinged with yellow ; tho urino is scanty and
high colored, depositing a sediment after
standing. There is frequently a spitting up
of the food, sometimes with a sour taste and
sometimes with a sweetish taste: this is
frequently attended with a palpitation of the
heart ; tho vision decomos fiapaired with
spots before tho eyes ; thcro is a feeling of
great prostration aud weakness. All of these
symptoms aro in turn present. It; is thought
that nearly one-third of our population has
this diseaso iu sumo of its varied forms. It
has been found that medical men havo mis
taken tlio nature of this disease. Some havo
treated it for a Liver Complaint, somo for
Dyspepsia, others for Kidney Diseasi, etc.,
etc., hut none of tho various kinds of treat
ment hare been attended with success.
Now, tho Shaker Digcstivo Cordial causes
tho food eaten to bo digested. This will
causo an appetite fur moro food, and this
being digested will result in an increase of
strength, an Incrcaso of flesh and an incroiso
of nerve owcr.
The tired, weary fcoling will give way to
vigor and courage. Tho pale, thin and
emaciated trill rccoTcr thcircolerand plump
ness, because red blend and fat arc the result
of properly digested food.
A ten cent trial hottlo will produco a result.
Its good eircct will lie realized at onco. You
wili not havo to take a dozen bottles to find
out if it is doing you any good. Try it, and
then give praise to tho Shakers of Mount
Lebanon, New York, for tho relief that you
Two of tho Onug Totally Wonndcd and
Their Victim's Condition Critical.
Walker H. Adams, of this place, is lying
at tho point of death n a rosult of an en
counter with four burglars. Two of tho
burglars wcro captured, having first been
wounded by Adams' son William. Adams'
storo Is provided with a burglar alarm
connected with his houso. Shortly after
midnight tho alarm sounded, and Adams
ami his son, arming thamselveu, wont to
the store.
Thcro thoy weroi met by four burglars,
who at onco opened flro. Tho elder
Adams was shot In tho head, and ho fell
to tho ground. Tho son was commnnded
by tho burglars to throw up his hands.
Ho mndo a movo as If ho Intended to com
ply with tho command, when ho suddenly
raised his Winchester and fired in rapid
s'lceossion, wounding two of tholmrglars,
frho fell within a fow foot of whero tho
elder Adams lay. Young Adams contin
ued to flro, nnd tho two burglars emptied
their revolvers at him. Ono of tho bullets
struck tho bucklo of William's suspender
aud then glanced off. Both tho wounded
burglars wcro shot In tho abdomen, and
nelthor of them care recover. They rcfuso
to say nnything as to their identity. Tho
elder Adnnm cannot survlvo his wounds.
William Adams says ho is confident thnt
ho wounded tho two burglars who escaped.
ltellef In Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
reliovcd iu six hours by the "New Great
South American Kidney Curo." Ibis now
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain in
tho bladder, kidneys, back and cvsry part
of the urinary passage.") in male or female.
It iclicvcs retention of water aud pain in
passing it almost immediately. If yeu want
quick relief aud curu this is your remedy.
Sold by Shapira's pharmacy, 107 South Main
111 Health Ciun.'il Ills Hi situation.
IlHliLlX, Aug. 21. Tho Heichsangzolzer
publishes a semi-olllciiil note, which de
clares that General Hrohsart von Sehellan
dorf, who was recently minister for war,
resigned on account of 111 health, thus do
nylng tho reports that his retirement was
duo to a difference of opinion with thocm
peror regarding reform In military trials.
Mark A- Hannn,. Republican nntional
chairman,, will remain in Now-York for a
week looking over the situation In the
Samuel Pessenilsn, tho Connecticut Ho
publlcan: leader, declines a gubernatorial
nomination, no wants to be United States
Mls Gertrude Vnndcrbllt Is making on
effort to bring about penct between Cor
nelius, Sr., and Ms hou who recently mar
ried Mls Wllsun.
Orlando S. Doromus, tho oldest engineer
on tho Now Jen-eynndNowYork railroad,
stopped Ills train In timo to Mivotholifo of
a child lying lietween the tracks.
Daniel Whalcn, who for ten years was
cashier of tho board of exeisoinNow York,
it under S3,000 ball charged with tho lar
ceny of $5,(100 belonging to the city.
Mrs. Htildu Snell has retired from tho
cnntO".t for tho fortune of tho Into A. J
Davis, of llutto, Mont. Sho dis'Sovored it
vnit another man named Davis she had
mniTio'l year 1130.
llucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in tho world for cuts,.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, aud positively cures piles,
or .to pay required. It Is guaranteed to giro
porfect satisfaction or mouy refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For sale bv A. Wasley,
The Tliun wml Sot Warlike.
Pi:kto;ha, Aug. 21. President Krucror.
of the Transvaal republic, In an Interview
declared that thohtorlo-attrlluitlnghostllo
intentions on tno part or tho Transvaal
uro absolute Inventions, spreud by neoido
who wero angry because Kngland and tho
Transvaal could not bo pushed into it war
with each other. In conclusion ho ei'
pressed tho opinion that war between the
Transvaal republic nnd Great Britain
would nevor occur. Dr. w. J. Luyds, tin
foeretary of gtato of tho Transvaal ropub-
no, oxpressos similar sentiments.
Why suflbr with Coughs, Colds and La
Grippo wheu Laxative Ilromo Quinine will
euro vou In ono dar. Put un in tablets con
venient fur taking. Guaranteed to cure, or
monoy refunded. Price, 23 ccuts. For sale
by Kirlin'Pbarmacy,
Orntrth of the Christian Vnlon.
OMAHA, Aug 21. At yosterdny's session
of tho Christian Union convention olllccrs
woro elected as follows : President, John
G. Quny of Denver t secrotnry, Mrs. Mary
Porter Kylo of Michigan i treasurer, W. J.
Stewart of Parnassus, Pa. Tho report of
tho genorat socrctnry, J. A. Duff, showed
833 soclotlos, with a membership of 28,830,
ti gain of 2,303 ovor lust year. The socie
ties havo contributed 28,209 for general
purposes nnd $7,011 for missions, n total of
(35,310, nn incrcaso of $3,130 over lnstyenr.
In tho Junior department thcro nro 388
codettas, with n membership of 8,!J02, an
Increase of 3,431 ovor tho Inst report. The
night session was given over to John G.
Wooley, tho gront tunipornnco orator.
Infant Dies nf Old Age.
ST. Louts, Aug. 21. Physicians of this
city linvo ellscovcred n remarkable phe
nomenon in tho person of n child 8 months
old, which riled of senile debility. The
child wns llermnu Hobort Burch, tho sou
of who lives in n cabin on tho
bank of the Mississippi river. Its body
had ceasod t grow nftcr birth, but the
hoad wns f till' developed, tho face barring
all the marks of nh old man. Tho head
wns covered with coarso hair nnd on tho
face wim ii straggling board. Dr. Kandnll
stntes thnt tho bnbo's head wns perfently
developed In every way, oven to tho bones,
Which wcro hard nnd brittle, ns with tlio
enso of pooplq of ndvnnccd years.
Preparing" for the Grnnd Army I'nrndc
St. PAUL,Aug. 21. Work on tho review
ing stands for tho bfg Grand Army pa
rade two wcoks hence? has already liogun.
The mnlo revlowlng stand will havo n ca
pacity of 1,100, whllo tho total capacity of
all tire stands" now under way will oxeood
10,000. Ono of thoso stands wilt bo given
up to tho 2,000- children that will consti
tute the "living flag," nnd their greeting
to tho Veterans will bo ono of tho main
fonturos of tho parade; Kncnmpmont
wcok will bo started with- a reception nt
Iho Ityon hotel to Comiunndor-ln-chlef
tvnn N. Walker on Monday night,Aug. 31.
The Is'ew President of Ilnlltla.
Lima, Peru, Aug. 21. Sonor Alonzo
has been proclaimed president of tho ro
pnblio of Bolivia. There is unlvorsal sat
isfaction expressed: because c tho preapect
of a long continued pence.
r.l Shortens Ills Kngllsh Tourr
New Castlk-ox-Tyni:, Aug. 21. LI
Hung Chang has suddenly curtailed tho
program of his trip through tlio provinces.
Ho took u special train tor London yester
day ufternoon.
The IdenPFnnnccn
Janws L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago, says:
"I regard Dr. King's Now Discovery as an
Ideal Panacea for Coughs, Colds- nnd Lung
Complrints, having used it in my family for
the lait flvo years, to tlio oxcliision of
physician's prescriptions or other prepara
tions." Rev. John llurgus, Keokuk, Iowa, writes:
"I have been a Minister of tlio Methodist for 50 years or more, and
havo never found anything so beneficial, or
that gavo 1110 such speedy relief asDr. King's
New Discovery." Try this Idfeal Cough
Remedy now. Trial liottles free at A.
Wabley's drug storo.
The International Itesuttn.
Pct-in'-Uay, O., Aug. 21. There was a
five mllo an hour braezo yostcrdny, but
that died away almost before tho first race
In tho internatloual regatta began. Hut
for tho faft that thcro was 110 timo limit
tho raco could not have been finished.
Tho freo for nil wns tho only race sailed.
Tho prize was the 1Trltel Victory cup, and
the coiirsu seven" cn miles. The ynehts
which enteredlwi o t Vroda of Hamil
ton, Sultana of To,tu., Vnunonn of Chi
cago, Solum of Canada, Priscllln f Cleve
land and Miriam of Erie. Tho only iuter-
sting featnro of tho raco was the contest
ttvoen the Selma ami tho Sultana. Uoth
achts wcro handled vory cleverly. The
raco was closo, but tho Selma, with her
magnificent spread of canvas, was tho
winner, Vreda forging nhoad toward the
tho finish and getting necond plum-
Somo years ago when suffering with an
uncommonly sovcro attack of diarrhoea, Mr.
W. R. Gniunip. of Atco, Pa., receitod
through the mall a samplo hottlo of Cham
bprlain's Colic, Cholera- and Diarrhoea
Remedy. Ho says : "I found it to 1 ono
of the inobt ellectivo remedies I over nscd. It
gavo mo almost immediate relief. It ha3 no
superior and L think no equal. No bad
effects follow tho use op this remedy. It is
pleasant to- tako when reduced with water
and sweetened. Children liko It. It never
falls. It is tho most parfect remedy over
produced for bowel complaints." For sale at
25 and 50 cents per hottlo byGruhler Bros.,
County hues a Cttltapsett llanh.
KAX8AS ClTV, Mo., Aug. 21. Tho bonrd
of county commissioners of Wyandotto
county, Kansas, whiclt county has ?2fl,000
of Its funds iu tlio defunct Argentine bank,
yesterday began proceedings agniust tho
bank to recover th nmount of deposit,
"Tho county will not lose u dollar, said
Major Drought, tho-chalrmnii of tho board,
who is also n director of tho bank. "It is
ouo of tho best bonds ever given to tho
county by a depository." All excitement
over the-failure has subsided.
To- Itaeo Ncv more This Season.
Tiivrvitf Amit 9t Thrt Tplnpj nf Wnlpc
has glvou orders thnt his ynchti tho Brit
annia, shnll cense-raclngfortho remainder
of tho yuchtlng season, una It Is reportea
that tho Moteor, aatnnltu aud Allsu wilt
also retire. This notion Is .understood to
nnvo neon tiiKon in consoquonco 01 tno ac
cident oil South Sea on Tuosdny, .which
resulted in tno Heath or tno iictuum
yachtsman, Baron yon Zodtwltz,
A llttlo daughter of Mr. Lewis Dayton, an
old aud much respected citizen of Barnitz,
Pa., occasionally has troublo with ho
stomach which gives her constdorablo dis
tress. In speaking .of it Mr. Dayton said
"As soon ns sho has an attack wo give her
doso of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, aud it has nover failed
to relievo her promptly. Wo all uso )t in
our family with tho same good results." For
salo by 0 rubier Bros., druggists.
A nny nt Atlantic City.
For tho accommodation of thoso who de
sire to spend only a day at tho seashoro tl:
Phila. & Reading B. It. will run a low price
excursion to Atlantic City on Sunday next,
Aug, 23rd,,leavlu8, Shenandoah at 3.10 a. 111.
aud;ihiladelphla,.CIiostnutSt. wharf, at 0.00
a, 111. Tickets $2.75 good only on tho above
special trains. Returuiug leuvo Atlantic
City at 7.00 p. ni. and Philadelphia at 0.30
p. m., thus giving about8ipura at th(., sea
shore. .f v S-17t0t ..
Buy Keystone flour. Bo euro that tho name
Lkssiq & Baer, Ashland, Pa., is printed on
ovory sackj -
Ministers Should Use
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure.
labors so levcrcly tlx, the nervous sys
tem, as that of the ministry, Tho de
rangement of tho? nor vo cuntou of tho brain
by over work, f rcjucntly brings on attacks
of heart trouble, and nerrous prostration.
Eov. J, P. Koster, M. D7, Pastor U. B.
church,. London Mills, Ills, himself a, physi
cian, writos Fob. 2, 1655: "Ileort affection
and rr?svf)C3 prostration hud become so
serious la.Xa,ll that a little over work In
tho pulpit would so cemtlety prostrato mo
TV M?1ps' "lot " sekmcd certain I
vi mil w mu,t relln.uish tho work
Heart CUTS ot tuo mim&try entirely.
iicaripaipKauon uccamo
so bid that my auditors
would ask ran It I did not
havo heart disease. Last
November I' commenced taktm; Dr. lilies'
Now Heart Curo alternately with Dr. MuYgVvs
Nervino and derived tlio greatest poaslblo
benefit. I havo Just closed revival ftork of
ID- wocks, preaching noarly ovory flight and
fsico on the Sabbath. I can speak for hours
without sulTorlng as I formerly did. Hani
working ministers should kocp Dr. Miles'
grand remedies on hand."
Br. Miles Heart (jure is sMn on gnarantoo.
fln-tibottio villi benefit or money refundod.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Of tho Fourth ward.
Subject to&lttzcns patty rules.
Of SunNAztrtoAii,
Rlrst Ol strict,.
Op Dboad Mountain,
County Treasurer
Of Shenandoah,
TSl" i' ffi ! imnaBPaiii 'JWb i ' 1 "
mtt ..y smmm -.L JrA