The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 19, 1896, Image 1

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    JVill4lJ P jJV4w
YOL. XI.-NO. 207.
Of our fentire stock of SUMMER Novelties,
NECKWEAR. Also a full line of GENTS' HALF
HOSE and HIGH GRADE HATS, all colors and
shades, at greatly reduced prices. We will
positively carry over no stock, and wi 1 1
give the benefit to purchasers. Come at
once for these goods as they will soon be
A Full arid Complete Line
From 50c to $1.25.
i-aces, Gloves, Ribbons and
a fine graduating dress.
. I .1 IZDEDirCT'C North Main St.,
w- i i xi wu w, Shenandoah, Pa.
To meet the wants of our trade, for
good old stock we offer to-day :
One Car Choice Old No. 1 Timothy Hay.
1,000 Bushels Old Michigan Oats.
One Car Winter Wheat Middlings.
200 Barrels Finest Quality Hinnesota Patent Flout,
Hade of All Old Wheat.
100 Barrels High Grade Roller Flour.
10 Tons Chop.
Children's Carnages $3.75
and upwards.
All Styles of
j. p.
Williams 8c Son,
South Klaln St.
Fans. Everything suitable for
Only the happy wearers of Morgan's Shoes
can nppreciato their real goodness of quality,
fit and durability. Tho'prices aro right a trial
wm tell a long story, bee our special in ladies'
Alfred F. Morgan,
No. 11 W. Oak Street.
A Large Stock of New Floor Oil Cloth.
Fall Styles.
The Candidate's Speech as Viewed by a
Gold Democrat.
The Hew York Ex-Congressman Addresses
a Monster Audience at Madison Square
Garden, and Denounces the Nebras-
kan's "Ponullstlc Utterances."
New York, Aug. 19. Tho second notn
Mo demonstration of tho political cam
paign In Hevr Yorlc city was hold last
night under tho auspices of tho Demo
cratic Honest Money Lcnguo of America,
In Madison Squnro Qardon, whoro Hon.
Bourko Cookrnn addressed nn Immense
oudlenco with n speech entitled "In Oppo
sition to Hepudlntlon." Tho elements
woro klndor to Mr. Cockran than they had
boon to Mr. Hryan,fornn nf tornoon shower
had cooled tho nlr and made tho night an
Ideal ono, In pleasant contrast to tho swel
tering atmosphere which oppressed tho
Bryan shoutcrs. Tho pollco arrangements
wcro hotter, nlso.
In placo of tho small platform from
which Mr. Bryan had spoken was orocted
n big stago, whereon wcro seated many of
tho'vlco presidents of tho meeting, whoso
names ruado a list 800 strong, nnd in whoso
ranks wero Included many of tho most
prominent business mon, financiers, bank
ers and railroad prosldonts of Kow York
and othor cities. Among thorn wcro Charlos
S. Falrchlld nnd William L. Trenholm,
Congressman John K. Cowcn, of Balti
more, president of tho Baltlmoronnd Ohio
railroad j ox-Governor Flower, Senator
Gray, of Delaware! ex-Congrossmon John
Dowltt Warner, Carl Schurz, ex-Mnyor
Abrnm S. Howitt, President M. E. Ingalls,
of tho Big Four railroad; William M.
Slngorly, of Philadelphia, and others.
Eighteen thousand scnts had been placed
In tho gardon, and ull of them wcro filled
when Mr. Cockran advanced to tho front
of tho platform nnd was greeted by a tre
mendous choer, mon climbing upon their
chnlrsand waving little American flags
which had been strewn through the hall.
Threo hearty choors wero given for Mc
Klnley, and thero wero hlssos whon a gal
lery god yelled, "Whnt's tho mattor with
Major John Bryno, tho president of tho
league, called tho meeting to order, ad
dressing his hearers as "Democrats who
lovo their country above party," nnd ex
horting them to savo that party from re
pudiation, anarchy and socialism, and then
presented Hon. Perry Belmont, whomado
a short speech.
Thoro was a second outburst of cheering
nnd of flags when Mr. Cockran was Intro-
duccd, which lasted several minutes, and
whllo It was In progress sixty slugers:
chosen from nmong tho city's banks, sang
"Tho Star Spangled Bannor," tho vast
nudlenco swelling tho chorus with tre
mondous effort. Frequent outbreaks of
cheers followed Mr. Cockran s periods.
Ho spoko In substnnco as follows:
"Mr. Chairman, ladles nnd gontlomen,
fellow Democrats all : With tho inspiring
strains of that nntlonnl song still ringing
in our ears, who can doubt tho Issuo of
this campaign? Stripped of'all vcrlml dls
guiso, It Is nn lssuo of common honosty,
an lssuo between tho honest discharge
nnd tho dishonest repudiation of public
and prlvnto obligations'. It Is a quostlon
as to whether tho powers of this govern
ment shall bo used to protect honest In
dustry or to tempt tho citizen to dishon
esty. On this question honost men can
not differ. It is ono of morals and of jus
tice. It Involves tho oxlstcnco of social
order. It Is tho contost for civilization It
self. "A Domocrntio convention may re
nounce tho Democratic faith, but tho De
mocracy remains faithful to Domocrntio
princlplos. Democratlo leaders may bo
tray ft convention to tho Populists, but
thoy cannot soduco tho footstops of Demo
cratic voters from tho pathway of honor
nnd of justice. A candldato bearing tho
mundato of a Democratlo convention may
In this hall open a canvass loveled against
tho foundations of social order nnd ho bo
holds tho Democratic mnsses confronting
him orgnnlzed for tho defense
A Solemn llurdeu of Duty.
"Follow Democrats, lot us not dlsgulso
from ourselves tho fact that wo bear in
this contost a sorlous and grnvo and sol
emn bunion of duty. Wo must rniso our
hands against tho nominee of our pnrty,
nnd wo must do It to preservo tho future
of tho party ltsolf. Wo must opposo tho
nomlnco of tho Chicago convention, and
wo know full well that tho succoss of Our
opposition will moan our own exclusion
from publlo life, but wo will bo consoled
nnd grntlflod by tho reflection that It will
prove thnt tho American iooplo cannot bo
divided Into partios on n quostion of slm
jlo morals or of common honosty.
"Wo would look In vnln through tho
speech delivered liero ono weekago to find
a true statomont of tho lssuo Involved In
this canvass. Indeed, I bcllevo It Is doubt
ful If tho candldato hlmsolf quffo under
stands tho nature of tho faith vhlch ho
profosses. I say this not In criticism of
his ability, but In justico to his morality
IboUovo that If ho hlmsolf undorstWl tho
Chairman Gnrmnn's Cmifblcnco.
WlLKKSHARliE, Pa., Aug. 111. John M.
Gnrman, tho nowly elected rhairmnn of
tho Democratic state committee, returned
homo from Atlantic City yesterday. He
sold tho hoadqunrtcrs of the stnto commit
teo this year will probably bo In Harris
burg, although strong pressure was being
brought to bear in favor of Philadelphia.
It Is more than proliablo that Matthew
Savago will bo retained ns secretary. In
Mr. itnrmnn'soplnlon tho silver sontlmont
in tho state Is rapidly growing, nnd with
good organization, ho said, there Is no rea
son why Bryan should not carry tho stato.
Met Accidental Death nt lot.
SnAMOKHJ, Pa., Aug. 19. Mrs. Augusta
Mnnthcl died nt her homo In Greenback
Monday night, on tho 101th annlvorsary
of her bltth. Ho death was tho result of
Internal Injurlos received by falling from
n second story window ton days ago. Dos-
plto nor ago airs, Mnnthel s mind wan on
tirely cloar until tho end. Sho distinctly
rpmembored having seen Nnpoloon and
his troops pass through tho provlnco of
Poson, pcrmany, on their Moscow cam
paign. Sho was 00 years of ago whon sho
emigrated to. this country.
Nominated hy the Ton of a Penny.
WlIXIAMSr-OHT, Pa., Aug. 10. Tho
Democratlo county convention yesterday
nomlnntcd W. E. Ultter for cougrt'ss, and
II. H. Kiittcr, Harry Troxell and C. W.
Williamson for tho legislature. Tho voto
on county treasurer stood a tio, and after
soven hours It wus decided to scttlo tho
contest by tho toss of a penny. Tho can
didates wero A. D. Updegraff and W.
Mlllor. Tho former won tho toss and was
mndo tho nomlnco.
Cardinal Ratolli's Departure.
Wasiiisoto.v, Aug. 111. Tho reported ap
pointment of Father Martinelllassuccessor
to Cardinal Satollins papal delegate to tho
United States has been conflrmod by Dr.
Booker, secretary of tho legation, who has
just returned from his vacation. Ho says
thero will bo no official notification of tho
chango until tho now delegate arrives
early In September. Cardinal Satolll will
sail for huropo In October.
York County Itcpuhllcnti for Penrose,
YoilK, Pa.. Aug. 10. Tho Republican
county convention yesterday nominated
Colonel J. II. Stahlo for congress nnd a
full county ticket. On tho United States
senatorial question tho attitudoof tho con
vention was strongly for Boies Penrose.
nnd this Is taken as a virtual defeat for
John Wanamakcr for tho Indorsement of
tho county.
Ten Kallors l'rnlmbly Drowned.
Philadelphia, Aug. 10. According to
private advices received in this city ten of
tho crow 01 twenty-one men of tho British
bark Flora P. Stafford, which wus burned
at sea several weoks ago, perished. Cap
tain Oscar Smith took to ono boat with
ten mon, and tho mate with nine other
members of tho crew got in tho second
boat. Captain Smith and his ten men suc
ceeded in saving themselves, but nothing
has ever been heard from tho chief mute
and his crow.
At Ilreen's lllalto Cafe.
Homcmado vegetnlilo soup will bo served
as free lunch to-morrow morning. Plenty
for everybody.
Meals served at all hours.
Mr. Dixon's Funeral.
The funeral of Martin Dixon, will take
place from his Into residence in Connors patch
to-morrow morning at niuo o'clock. Tho
services will to held in St. Joseph's Iiotnan
Catholic church, Ciirardville. Tho night
crews on tho various Hues of tho Schuylkill
Traction Company will attend tho funeral in
a body. Tho deceased wa3 an efficient and
favorite cinployo on tho above road.
llrenntiu's New KeHtuurunt.
Kxtra fino hot lunches will bo served to
night and to-morrow morning.
Successful Festival.
Tho ice cream festival under tho auspices
of tho Annunciation T. A. 11. Society, for tho
purpose of procuring uniforms to attend the
T. A. It. convention at Shamokin, which was
held in tho Annunciation hall last evening,
was a great success. Tho cako walk was a
feature of tho evening and was won by An
thony Monaglmn aud Miss Malzo Connors.
Tho society realized a neat sum.
At ICejichlnskl's Arcade Cafe.
Vegetablo soup to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
Meals served at all hours.
May Kesult Seriously.
Several weeks ago Michael Whalen, whoso
homo Is at Jackson's and who Is well known
hero, received a small cut on his right instep.
Tho wound did not bother him much and ho
did not think it necessary to consult a physi
cian. A day or two ago, however, erysipelas
set in and Mr. Whalen is now confined to his
bed with liis foot swollen to twice its natural
lllckert'g Cafe.
Totato salad and calf's liver will constitute
our free lunch to-morrow morning.
School Hoard.
A special meeting of tho School Hoard will
bo held to-morrow evening for tho purpose of
electing a teacher to fill tho vacancy caused
by tho resignation of Miss Conry, now Mrs.
John 11. Scheuhiug, and arrango other pre
liminaries for tho ro-opening of tho schools
next Monday.
Kendrlck House l'ree Lunch.
Vegetable soup to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
Not a Counterfeit.
Itobert Smith, tho West Centro street
huckster, recently becamo possessed of one of
tho new ii silver certificates aud has been
showing It to friends. Some to whom tho
bill was shown got tho Impression that It
was a counterfeit because It looks so uuliko
tho regular run of bills, and now Mr. Smith
iskept busy denying that ho has been victim
ized. Notice,
Tho members bf John W. Stokes Lodge
No. 515, 1. O. O. F., aro requested to attond
tho next meeting of tho lodgo on August SI,
1600. Husincss of groat importanco will bo
It. D. ItEESE, N. Q.
Attest :, J. S. Williams, Scc'y. 17-10-21
"Rex" Makes a Plea For a florc
United Party.
Tho Appointment of Secretaries by Chair
man Edwards May Cause Trouble That
Should by All Means be Avoided.
Major Losch's Greed for Power.
Special Heralii Correspondence.
Pottsvii.le, Aug. 18. In my last letter I
had to deal with our friends the enemy and
their household troubles. This timo wohavo
troubles of our own, at least 0110 or two al
leged Kcpublicnn newspapers aro trying to
caii90 dissatisfaction, assisted materially by
monwhohavo not occupied a scat on tho
party bandwagon for so long, that now that
they luivo been allowed a llttlo authority aro
willing to sncrifico tho party's interests to
satisfy a personal animosity.
This is all wrong. It is neither fair to
County Chairman Edwards nor to those
candidates whoso names appear on tho ticket
as the party's standard-bearers. I know
from personal knowledge that Mr. Edwards
accepted tho position of county chairman
wUh great reluctance. Ho fully realized,
and does so to-day, tho responsibilities ho
assumed, and ho asks tho co-operation of tho
party newspapers and workers. Tins ho
should recelvo, but ho should not be dis
appointed because the l'ottsvillo Republican
tho very naino of which is a misnomer
has gmsicd tho opportunity to display its
spleen against ono of the party's nominees.
Tho Republican has not supported tho
party ticket for so long that it now finds
itself in tho position of n political outcast.
In its endeavor this year to assume tho
position of tho prodigal sou, it found tho
fatted calf wanting. Tho candidates and
voters doubted its sincerity, and now the
editor is trying to create dissatisfaction
within tho ranks on tho very evo of the
opening of tho campaign. My advice to
Chairman Edwards is to pay no attention to
tho pscudo Republican sheet. The battles of
tho past have been won witli tho paper ar
rayed against tho ticket, and he can do the
samo tbiug this time. Hush money will
prove a useless expenditure in that diiection.
A great many Republicans appear to bo
surprised at tho promptness of the bald
headed statesman from Schuylkill Haven,
now that ho has himself been permitted to
"ride in tho band wagon" once more, in
endeavoring to provido good scats in tho same
vehiclo fur his followers. Samuel, like the
immortal Sairy Gump, has 'opes. In fact,
he has been lUing on hopes so long that any-
0110 of a less sauguiuo temperament would
have died in despair long ago. But, however
that may be, ho lias carried ins point
in tho naming of the county chairman
thereby scoring a point against hi
quondoui adversary, Coiigicssiuau Ilnimm.
aud his friend, Senator C'oyle, who
have had tho county orgauizatiun just
as they wanted it for some time past. But
tempora mutantir, aud people change with it
Tho chango in tho present case lands the
Hon. bam on top. Not satisfied with captur
iug tho county chairmanship he wants to
name tho secretaries also. This, too, would
be all right, if tho selections ho made wero
such as to commend themselves to tho mass
of voters. But unfortunately they do not,
and tho Hon. Sam should, profiting by his
past experience, get into line at once, drop
tho men he has endeavored to furco into tho
positionsand select others who will be ac
ceptable to all factions, more especially accept
able to all tho candidates.
Whilo tho selection of Chairman Edwards
is a victory for thoso who oppose tho Iirutmn-
Coylo faction, and is recognized by tho latter
as a bitter defeat, the fruits of that victory
should bo deferred and set aside until after
November, The Republican party lias a con
test to meet that will require tho united
support of all factions of tho party if victory
in November is desired. This cannot bo
'accomplished if tho party is divided. Roth
factions have representatives upon tho ticket,
and that fact should bo an incentive for each
to lay aside their "pruning kuives" and work
together in harmony.
Chairman Edwards, too, should not permit
himself to bo led Into making such a mistake
at tho beginning of his career as to allow him
self to bo used ns the creature of any one
man, whether that man bo tho leader of one
faction or another. As to tho twaddle pub
lished in some papers about the capture of
tho organization by tho anti-(Juay wing of
the party, that is hardly worth noticing
further than to say that if Mr. I.osch had
not been acceptable to tho friends of Senator
Quay he would not have been on the slato
for Senator. Hut tho lion. Sam should, of all
tho politicians of Schuylkill, be tho last to
lose his head over his first success in many
years to rido rough-shod over his opponents,
as It appears ho is now disposed to do.
The gentlemen named for secretaries are,
no doubt, estlmablo men, but ono of them
is entirely unknown and of 110 weight rolitl
cally and of no experience, whilo tho other
is, I am Informed, unacceptable to several of
the candidates.
Chairman Edwards should go slow, very
slow-, as there will bo more campaigns to
handle, after this one, and his appointments
should bo such as will cause no friction nor
add to tho difficulties of a campaign that will
bo difficult enough to handle without adding
mora to them. Hex.
Car Load of 1'euclieM.
A thousand baskets of peaches will arrive
at Pennsylvania depot on Wednesday morn
ing at 0:00 o'clock. Prices to suit tho times.
This Year's Tax Hate.
The Hoard of County Commissioners met
iu their offices yesterday afternoon for the
purposo of flxiug tho tax rato for tho year
1600. It was made : County, 7 mills ; funded
debt, 1 mill.
To Weil.
Announcement Is tnado of tho approaching
wedding of James M. Mullahoy, 0110 of the
teachers at tho Turkey linn publio schools.
and Miss I.eo K. Czyiewskl, daughter of
William Czyzewski, tho East Centre street
hotclkcepcr. Tho marriage will tako placo
on Wednesday, September 2ud.
We will not carry
any Hammocks over
winter. So if you
want one cheap cal
this week. We have
a few in cotton, jute
and Mexican.
8 S. Main Street.
Wnldron's Itfg Canada llorso Sale at
O'llaru's Llicry Stable To-luorrow.
Waldron, tho great Canadian horso shipper,
arrived in Shenandoah last night with his
horses; they wcro taken to O'llara's livery
whoro they aro to bo sold at public auction
lor want tliey will bring. Tncy wero
admired by hundreds who pronounced
them to lo tho finest lot over shipped
hero for public auction, and they are certainly
a handsome, lot of horses as well as good.
workers and drivers. Waldron says every
horso must and shall be sold, as he never takes
a horso from tho ring when thoy once enter
They must find a new master; that is his
reputation in this stato as well as every other
state in tho Union. So if you want a horso
attend this sale and you will surely own one.
rlio Canada horso is put to work when young
and that is tho reason you find them so well
broke. Tho draught horses will draw any
thing you can put behind them. As for tho
drivers it will tako a good imitation of a
trotter to pass any ono iu this bunch. Don't
miss attending this sale, as you probably
never will have tho chance again. Don't
forget tho date and place, O'llara's livery,
to-morrow, at 1 o'clock promptly.
Waldron says tho weather will havo no
bearing on tills sale, as it will take place if it
rains pitchforks, points downwards. So come
witli tho crowd, as to-morrow will be a
liarnum day in Shenandoah.
Car load of peaches will arrivo Wednesday
morning nt Pennsylvania depot. Trices to
suit the times.
8-17-lt William Woojtfln
Itarhcr to be 1'rosccutcd.
A largely attended meeting of the
hers Protectivo Association was held
evening at Sclieler's barber shop. Thomee1
ing was called to order at 0:30 o'clock. Abo'
Ginski, who conducts a barber shop on South
.Main street, and Peter Simons, of East Centre
street, woro reported as violating the rules by
shaving on Sunday, and warrants will bo
issued in a day or two for their nrrest, under
the old Dine Laws of 1701, which provides
for a lino of $1.00 or imprisonment for six
Tho truth, the wholo truth and nothing
but the truth. That's our motto; and we
add leather, solid leather and nothing but
leather. That's the wiry our shoes aro built.
7-18-tf r.icTojtv Siiob Stoke.
Of all kinds, stylos and
prices. The largest and
most complete assortment
in town.
All the above bound in cloth,
sheep, leather corners and back, or
full bound.
A full line of butcher and grocer
pass books, wagon books, order
books, &c.
We can .get any special ruled
books in a few days.
F.J. Portz&Son,
Price, 25c.
6 South Alain Street.
j -
(Continued on Second I'sBclj