The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 14, 1896, Image 3

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An Infallible remedy for Soro
Throat. Croun nnd Ou tiay. That
3 much dreaded dlscnso Diphtheria,
Is cured every tlino Thompson's
Diphtheria Curo la applied accord,
lng to primed Instructions given
with every bottle. Perfectly harm
less and positive to euro. Not a
tlnglo cuso on record wheto It
Tho only Remedy in the
World that positively cures
Thousands of unsolicited testi
monials on band which speak for
themselves. Sold by druggists and
dealers at 60 CTS. A BOTTLE. If
your dealer happens not to bavo
any on hand write to tho manu
facturers, enclosing a two-cent
stamp nnd tho goods will bo
shipped C.O.D. By all means don't
fall to bavo this Mcdlclno bandy in
thobouso, at all times, 03 its uso
will save all fear of death by Diph
Thompson Diphtheria Care Co.
For sale at Klrlin'a druir store.
Nrrionn i rn'--Falling
Mi nior. In potency. Steeplers
U' Ft etc., catiFt il 1 y Abure and
t t!irr Erc-'-cn ami . dlncre
lli'Tiii. 1 lie quickly nnd
hurt-ly tet to Lout Vitality !ti
ol 1 or yo-mir mid nt n man lor
study, nuslnca or nnm-nre.
iTi'vrai im-uiiiy ami i tninuinp
tlmi If takoti In tttui-. Hv-irun)
b lowblinmedlatolmpru.cmeiil
. nnil eiUct a CUIEI2 where
1 till nthni-ii full, tnslst mum
Jiavlnz tlio (fcnulno Ai Taulkts. 'ihey have oupM
thounaiidsatiil will euro rnu. Wp irlve imitlv written
truaranteo ti ctrect a cum In each case, or refund tho
money, l'rlcofio cens ct ia:,kaTe. nr Blx lucfcatses
(lull treatment) fnr$2.:i i. hy nml , in p'ain wrapper,
upunri'CclHof prlco. Clrcuanrj. AJJr ba
For Bale in Shenandoah, Pa., by A. Waaley,
TAT. hOV. 11. 1890. JUNE23. 1691. TRADE MAHK JAN. 2t, '91,
lie ware of fraudulent end worthless Imitations.
NONE Genuintf fflsSSkDTWIH"
TUey neer ureaici inej nemcuu B?:v "i"1
jlAde In Cotton nnd Silt Casings and Nlckell'lUd.
sSend 23 ctB. (Stamps! for samples "Genuine Twin.1
Those who once
keep couiingback
ior it. xms uu
mixture makes
tlie flavor of cof
fee delicious.
All Grocers.
Dots This Mean Anything to You 7
If your truss don't hold you or Is causing
pain, seo us at onco. It may savo you years of
sutierlng. Wo havo cured hundreds of people
In Pennsylvania, andean refer you to patients
cured In your own town. Our treatment is
liarmlcss and will not keep you from your
dally labor. Call and have a talk with our
doctor. It will cost you nothing. WeRuaran
teo relief after tho first treatment, and our
prices are reasonable.
The Dr. Miller Co., Philadelphia.
See Our Doctor Every Tuesday at
UNION HOUSE, Ashland,-Pa.
t'htcbe.te ra Kng-U.h Diamond llraa!,'.
Original and Only Genulue.
Arc, ftlTi n-lHMe. LAOiia ik
Proifsiit for Ckickvtert PnalUh
.mowui Brand in lied Rod OUd netalllo'
iboiM. mum wlin bin ribbon. TaLo
nn nlhrp. RttuA ilnitnTcniA mhttitxu
tiQHi and imitation. At TttugM, or lend 4w
1 ituapl tot rtlouUn, teiUmonUJ o4
Itellef for Ladle." n Utter, lj rrtarn
SlalL 10.000 Ti'tiQJODlli. A'amt iMprr.
To all sctrcrers of UIMtOHS OV VOUTn,
urn- vuioit ui.t mi:.i:s op jiui
AM) U D.ilKN. 28 iiccs; c oth bound l a
curviyaeahii.inili d ar.:e. Tre loieutbyroall
trict y o'atideuli I. ai jsl.lvu, quicli cur.
euarau""i1, No matter how l.n Handing, I
wUlpo IvHy cureyoa, Write or ca.L
DR flRR 329.l5tli St.Phlla.Pa.
PID YUCCI 604 "North Sixth St.
Ulli I fsCCLsideentrancoonGrecnSL
iL.ii:vriiiruiurii:uoB rear.) ana u
Ycur. Ilu.pltul ICxpi-rlence In A'riuuiiy.
i stricture, blood Poison,
gincrl debility. Lost Vigor,
Folly of both Sexes
t'erniancnlljr curca Bllcr ever ono cwo ua.
tfi-ml llva a-i'fnt MniuiiHfor Ixwk Trill li. Hie only
expi'- r ofiMrk. uniliT wir'i It'-Timonlalw.
Wanted An Idea
Who can think
of aome almple
thing to patent?
Protect your ldeaai ther may bring you wealth.
Write JOHN WKUUKltUUIlN X LU., rwm Altur-
eyi, WahlnKUm, D. 0., for tbelr tl.KX) prlio otter
and llit or two bunilrea InTentlona wanted.
ToamQ to Hire.
If you want to hire a safe and reliable
team for driving or for working purpoaej
pay Bhlelda' livery .table a vtalt. Team!
constantly on baud at reasonable rater.
1 .- ' CUH-a.i
; TfV4WKo
ria. iVO Hail venire eireei.
K Desi uy
adding a lit-
tie of Seellg's
tn nrdinnrv
oad station.
Tho Eooublican Candidate Again
Honored by Follow Soldiers.
"SertlonBllnm Una Oh en Plncc to Nnllnunt
Spirit nnd I'ntrloll.m Una Smoothed tho
Aaprrltlpa of Piirtylmn Pri'aervatlnn of
National Honor tlie Aim of l'ntrlota."
OANToy, O., Aug. 14. Tho survlvora of
tho Ono Hundred and Fourth regiment,
Ohio volunteer Infantry, who havo bcon
holillnp; tholr annual reunion at SInsslllon,.
nrrlvcil in Canton yoatcrday afternoon to
greet Coiuratlo MoKtnloy, bringing their
wives and children with them. Mrs.
Mnjor JIcK inley Tent No. 1, Daughters of
Veterans, of Mnsslllon.nccompnnlod thorn.
Tho visitors nltogothor numbered nearly
400. Thoy nwnltod tho npiioarnnco of Gov
ernor Mclvlnley on the front porch of his
roslilonco, and when ho stopped out thrco
cheers woro given with lioarty will.
Colonel William Slouohan, of Youngs
town, thon enmef forward nnd mado n
striking address. When Governor Mc-
Kluloy startoil to respond tho chcorlng wns
renowed. His address wns in part ns
follows :
"I nssuro you that It nffords mo much
ploasuro to meet nnd greet my old nsso
clntes of tho civil war hero at homo. It Is
Indeed a most gracious act on your part to
mnko this call following your reunion in
tho neighboring city of Masslllon. I nm
glad to know that you contlnuo annually
to hold your reunion. Thcro Is, however,
ulwnys a sad sido to those mcotings of old
soldiers, for at ovory recurring meeting
you havo and ovory roll that Is had dis
closes that ono nnd another of your incut'
bcrs who met you tho precodlng yoar is
not present to nnswor whon his namo is
called; and every year reminds us that
death Is marched through our jrnnks.
Tho survivors of tho war now number
less thnn a million, nnd yet thero wero
enrollod 2,800,000 men who woro willing
to dedicate their llvos to tho country. Wo
aro now thirty-flvo years from the begin
ning of tho war and thirty-ono or moro
from its closo. Tho bitterness of tho war
has long sinco disappeared. Tho resent
monts havo gono out of tho hearts of tho
old soldiers nnd tho pcoplo who supported
them in that groat conflict on both sides.
Incldonts occurred last yoar throughout
the country, incldonts of great signlucnncc,
which brought to every pntrlotic citizen
special gratification. I refer to tho meet
ing of tho Urnnd Army of tho Hepuullc In
tho city of Loulsvlllo, whoro, with bound
loss anil prodigal hospitality, tho citizens
of that city In tho south invited you to
their homos. You could not havo been
moro goncrously treated In any city of tho
north than you woro In tho city of Ixiuls'
vlllo on tho othor sido of tho river.
"Then nt Chickamauga, whero tho gov
ernment of tho United States has dedi
cated that sacred field as a national park,
tho ox-Union soldiers and ox-Confcdorato
soldiers, who years before had fought in
deadly conflict, tho ono against tho other,
mot and with fraternal feelings marked
tho places whoro their respective eom
iimtuls fought and fell and consocn te 1
that historic battlefield ns a memorial to
tho Union forever nnd forever moro. And
then a few days later in tho city of At-
lantn, Ga., tho boys in bluo nnd tho boys
in gray met and talked over tholr bnttlo
onco moro, all pledging tho united loynlty
In tho future of tho government of tho
United States and tho preservation of tho
honor of our ling.
"Sectionalism has given plnco to na'
tional spirit nnd patriotism has smoothed
tho asperities of partylsm, whllo tho pros'
orvatlon of national honor constitutes tho
great aim and purposo of all patrlotlo
American citizens. It is not, my follow
comrade, what t may sayof you, as Mr.
Ijincolu put It at Gettysburg. It is what
you did whllo you llvod. You havo given
to yourselves a groat namo and to your
children a rich logacy, uecauso you served
In tho holiest cause in which mankind
over engagod tho eauso of tho Union, of
freedom and of civilization, a cause which
has dono so much for mankind every
where. What wo want to do now Is to
.take care of tho future. You cannot up
braid yoursolvos for any lack of patriot'
ism in tho past Tho future is now our
trust and In our hooping, and lot us seo to
It that the government which was pre
served through your valor and saorlflco
nnd tho millions of your comrades shall bo
preserved forever. Preserved not only to
tho prosont, but to thoso who are to come
"Ithankyou, lnycomrndos, for tho warm
and eloquont expressions of good will
spoken by your chairman. Ills tribute
movos mo dooply. I know somothlng of
tho services of tho old Uno Hundred and
Fourth Ohio In war, and I know somo
thlng of your service, as citizens In peace,
for I boliovu thatthlsoiitlrereglmentcame
from tho countlos which for years constl
tuted tho congressional district which, by
your partiality, I hnd tho honor so long
to ropresont.
At tho conclusion of tho governor's
speoeh Miss Uertha Martin, of Masslllon,
In behalf of Sirs. Major MoKlnloy Tont
No. 1, spoke briefly. Major MoKlnloy re
sponded by welcoming tho young women
and Invltod them, as well as tho other
ladlos In tho party, to visit Mrs. Mclvlnloy,
who was seated within the house
Major McKlnloy addressed a reunion of
tho Third Ohio Independent battery later
In tho day. ,
! York's Oreat Heat Death Lint,
New Yoiik, Aug. 14. Tho dead from
hoat in New York city yesterday nuin
liercd 04 and prostrations 123. Thcro wero'
1174 doath certificates Issued by tho health
board for tho twenty-four hours ending nt
noon yesterday. Of theso 158 woro for poo
plo who died from tho effects of heat. Tho
hoalth dopartiuont carts could not work
fast ouough to dlsposo of all thoenrcasssos
of horses klllod by heat, anil many woro
left where thoy had fallen for hours. Ico
is to bo distributed to tho pooplo by tho
city. There wero 8 deaths from heat In
.lersoy City yosterday, 6 In Ilohoken, 14
In Newark, 4 at Kllzaboth, 7 in Patorson
and 21 In Brooklyn.
Saved from Spaniard, by Knellth.
Hostok, Aug. 14. CnptJtln Ij. Prodo, a
Cuban ofllcor, arrived yesterday from Ja
maica on tho fruit steamer Kthelretl, on
his way to Now York with documonts for
tho Cuban Junta, Captain Prado and a
companion report being chnsed by o gun
boat whllo going from Cuba to Jamaica In
a small boat, Into Dry harbor, near Fal
mouth. Tho British ofllcials held them
for violation of the quarantine rules, and
refused to surrender thorn to tho Spanish
ofllcers who domanded them. On belug
released Captain Prado loft for tho United
States. Ho will soon lead a big expedition
to Cuba.
With Eczema
I Wft h flufferer fnr clsht vent from Fcirtnn, hut
liowiim entirely ciiiril. Tlic y .un of my tiutnU
were coeretl ami bully liiilumiU, IttiiV wblle
Uletera appeared, then would )vt iff, l-ultfc
n red, mtmoth PurfMce, which would Lura llko
tiro nnd Itch. On the lnftlJ of the upper part of
my limbs (treat red MoU-hf ould tippear, and
ns noon ns 1 beenmo waini, the burnltu ntid Itcli
Inn would beitlu. lS'lght aft r rilght I would lie
ntvnko and fforatch, and almost eo w lid. I got n
tor of CuTicunA, and n bottle of CfTicunA Kf
Boltent, and after a few application I n tlced
the red nc and Inflammation dUappear; before I
hnd wed one box there tra not a ipn off.ctemn
ttft. I can truthfully ns-ertthat 2.00 worth cf
CuTicuitA ItEMtEnu s curcl me.
joiin i). roitTi:, nusburg.ra.
PritPT Crai TaiTinT W'trm bathi with Cr
TirriiA 8oaf. eentlfl appllutlAii ot Cciici h (oint
ment), and mllddoiei of CimcvRA HiSuLTt!fT,eTf iteet
of humor curfi.
(M throuehfjiit the worlil. Trite, CmcrtA, Snc.i
Soap, Vie i Hboltr!it. e. in J 91. 1'ottiu Duva
Atv CtiKH Cork, Ro t'ropii., It4Htn,
ar How to l'emnneutl Cure Kezemi, niRllcd tt
Forever Cured.
Four out of 11 vo who
Buffer nervousness,
montal worry, attacks
ot" tho blues," are but
paying tho penalty of
early excesses. Vlo.
tlms, reclaim yonr
manhood, regain yonr
vigor. Don't despair. Bend for book with
explanation and proofs. Mailed (sealed) f reo.
For Weak untl Run-Down Pcorle from
Childhood to Old Ae.
WHAT iT IS! The r!she.tof allnrttimtlM
rood., l..' it replaiSM the aaiun il uncej
to tlia blood aid tmrn that rr. ph.niti-dln
Lv't".1;0 bl'-llnirlluldabf dlaea., lu.ilnpstioii.
nigh lltins, ovctKork, worry, eicu(,,-a,ui,ue. etc.
WHAT !T OOES! By inaainu tha blcjd
Parandrlcli,an71 the dlirMtlon per'", t.ltcieaii-i
fo.ul tb-hh, muscleand strruRth. Tho urrTeabs
Irig made t ronrr, the hralnlororn-a aitlvo aDd
clear. I" all
waatiniidralna aid wpakncln.lthprBox,lt h
no -anal , and a .a pinalare irulatur It la worth Its
wiMiriit In gold. Oi, boa l.i.t, a w ek. Trie w or
I boiM nruynltta or by mall. I(lnu trie.
Ui3 tlbobtlmt tt. Philadelphia.
rr itit..
.Mter-.,4V nallv cures
-nil all
3J.5E''fl'i(lf - '. "c.
L'sWiiJfitJxxtvi s u d d -11
TMWTKUj 1 colds, chilH
v'H5Vs' a'"l Ia Grippe.
J Used externally it is tha best tni
J mcnt in tho world. l!;wn'-? of
J imitation, buy onlv the f-i-miiue
; made by Perry Davis ' ,;,.
Nothing has ever been produced to
equal or compare with Humphreys'
Witch Hazel Oil as a curative and
healing application. Jt has been
used 40 years and always affords relief
and always gives satisfaction.
It Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, External
or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and
Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas.
Relief immediate cure certain.
It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and
Contraction from Burns. Relief Instant
It Cure? Torn, Cut and Lacerated
Wounds and Bruises.
It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old
Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald
Head. It is Infallible.
It Cures Iiiflamed or Caked Breasts
and Sore Nipplts. It is invaluable.
It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy
Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters,
Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions,
Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects.
Three Sljes, 25c., joc. and $1.00.
6old by Drnggists.or sent post-paid on reclptof price.
urariiitErs' atu. Co., 111 111 1u11.m su, ic. Tori.
For unto at Povlnsky'tt drug atoro, 33 Knat
centre street.
HUAVh Villi VlrtlJ
Elm 3 ha WW WiUriJU DWM, AHWif W(U ovinii
Ulceri In Vouth. UAir-tftUlnef Write COOKQ
HC'iiicnrot tor prooii or cures, cupi-t
Blui, r)500,0U0, wont cases cured in in
310 US day. lOO-pase book free
Q S. 1'IIH.UI'S, M. D.
OOIca : DO West Centra atrecL
Cut bo'consulted at nil houra. v
p P. HUrtKE, M. D.
80 1C Lloyd street, Bbenaiidoab,
Ofllce houra i 7 to 0 a. m., 1 to 3 and 7 to V
p. m.
II w
Shenandoah. Pa.
Ofllce-EKon bulIdlnKr corner of Main and
0ntre etreeta, Shenandoah.
Lock Box GS, Mahanoy City, I'a.
Having studied under some of the beat
tnaaterofo London and Parta, will give lesson
on the violin, guitar and vocal culture. Term,
aeaaonable. Address In care of Htrouse, the
eweler, Shenandoah,
or sale at l'ovlnskj'a drug store, iS East
Centre street.
Tho Iutropid Arotio Exploror Safo
in Norway,
Hut He Tntleheil a Point Pour DeKrrr.
Nearer Thau Any Other Ilxplurrr lla.
Done Ho la Acctmiimnled by Lieutenant
Malmo, Sweden, Aug. II. The news
pajier I)a(ronsnyhotOT hns recelrnl com
mnuicatloua from Dr. N'ansen and I.Iou
tenant Schotthnusen from thcCIslnnd of
Vardo. Theso communications stnto that
thej- abandoned the- From in tho autumn
of 181)5, nndrosorteittotholco. Tho steamer
Windward, carrying supplies to the ,Tnek-son-Harmsworth
expedition, plokinl them
up noar Franz Josellanil They expected
that tho Fram would oventunlly drift to
tho oast coast of Greenland. Dr. Nnnsen
failed to reach tho North Polo, but he
touched a point four degrees nearer than
any other oxplorcr has done.
Dr. Nanson loft tho Fram on March t-t,
1893, In 81 dcirrces north latitude. Ho
traversed tho Polar sea tonpolntSodegroos
11 minutes north latltudo, situated north
of tho Now Siberia Islands. No land was
sighted north of 83 degrees north latltudo
or thonco to Fram Josolland, whoro ho
passod tho winter, subsisting on bears'
llosh nnd whnlo blubber.
Dr. Nanson nnd his compnnlon aro In
tho ljest of hoalth. Tho Fram Is ospectcd
at Vardo or llergon shortly. Sho stood
tho Ico well. Thcro were no sick persons
aboard when. Nanson left her.
Tho steamer Windward took lottora for
Nnnsen when It started to tho relief of tho
Jackson-Hannsworth expedition, as Mr.
Jackson oxpoctcd to find Nnnsen and was
convinced that his Idea of drifting across
tho polo In tho Ico was Impracticable Ho
was also convinced that Nanson would re
turn In tho direction of Fran 71 .Tusolllnnd.
Dr. Fridtjof Nanson, tho Norwcginn
scientist, now about 38 years old, sailed
from Christiana on Juno SI, 1S0:1, on a
royago of discovery to tho Arctic regions,
anil with tho Intention of reaching tho
North Polo If possible. Ho embarked on
board tho three masted schooner Tho
From, which was provided with a 100 horso
liower steam engine Sho was of bOO tons,
and her sides woro so constructed as to
forcuall Ico meeting the vessel to pass un
der It, thus preventing nil "pinching" and
"screwing. " Tho From was launched at
Laurwlk, near Christiana, on Oct. 20, 1803,
and tho Nonveglnn parliament gavo Dr.
Nanson about ii'2,000 In aid of Ills expedi
tion. Additional funds wero forthcoming
by private subscription, Including ono of
over $3,000 from King Oscar.
Tho Fram was in overy way admirably
equipped and hnd a crew of twelve mou,
all of whom occupied tho oabln, which
measured only thirteen feet squnro and
which was heated by means of an Kngllsh
petroleum stove, which consumed three
litres of petroleum a day. Tho Fram had
enough fuel aboard to last eight or niuo
years and sho also had a library consisting
of nbout 1,000 books.
Dr. Nttnsou s plan wns to mnko for tho
New Siberian lslaudsand thonco sail di
rectly north until the From should lie Im
bedded In tho Ico. Ho then proposed to
drift nlong with tho Ico, following tho west
coast of nny land that might bo met. A
dispatch was received from tho doctor at
Vardo on Aug. 23, 18U3, written in tho
Yugorskl straits on the 2d of that month,
lunouncing that tho oxieditlon was
about to sail Into tho Kara sea.
Dr. Nanson entered tho University at
Chrlstinna In 1880, and In 1882 went as n
passenger on tho sealing steamer Viking
to Denmark straits and tho east coast of
Greenland. It Is believed that this voyago
laid the foundation for tho ambition of
his llfo, namely, that of discovering tho
North Polo. On his return from Green
land ho was appointed curator of tho
Muzcnmnt Ilorgun, and hold that position
until lS88,;whou he led a small expedition
to Greenland and crossed tho southern
portion of that country from the east coast
to Godhaven, on tho wost coast, whorutho
party wintered, and returned to Norway
in Juno, ltn).
The pcoplo havo long since learned that
tho most disagreeable medicines aro not nee
ossarily tlio host. In fact, as a rulo, they arc
not. What is wunted is something mild and
sure, such as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
nnd Diarrhooa Remedy. That is really
pleasant to tako when reduced with water
and sweetened. Then It is acknowledged
overywhero to bo tho most successful remedy
in tl.o world for bowel complaints. Ask any
number of druggists for tlio beat remedy
they havo for diarrhoea and fully niuo out of
ton will irccommend Chamberlain's. In
spcakluRof this medicine, Mr. II. 11. Iluflum
of Fricndsvillc, Susquehanna Co., Pa., says:
"Wo havo used it In our family for pain In
tho stomach, colic and diarrhoea and fouud
it to lo a most clleetivo remedy." For sale
by Gruhler Bios., druggists.
huliuttoulata Mobbed.
Uellevili.e, Ills., Aug. 14. Violent de
monstrations by tho turbulent elements of
Uellovlllo ngalnst tho Salvation Army,
tvnicn navo tauen piaco at iroquont intor
viKs on tho public squnro for a year past,
JUlmtnnted Wednosilny night In a riot.
For two hours tho mob surged around tho
Salvationists, cursing, shouting, pushing,
striking and creating a perfect bedlam.
Oue of tho Army flags, In which tho stars
and strlios wero sewed, was torn from Its
toff)tniVb-a)ui)leil upon. One of tho
foreamfifea'tho melee try driving tho
Bivivaiigmsrstointo their hall
Bngliieer anil rireiiinti Killed.
tlhiu, Aug, H. A wreck occurred
' ruuu t u uiucK in mo
monrWffnf'.Waf mllo cast of this point.
Therca8tLojmd special mall train from
Chrcago? ddfisisMng of nn onglno, two
postal caw, ba'mriiKo car. ono dav coach
and n Wagner sloepor.Tatl- Into a washout
seventy feet long nrtjB?ty,'feot deep. Tho
iMiuro HWUr,wiiepipn of tho day
roueh-ajid isiMjiaaiM Wlinto tho bli?
livWilHaHsfsBiel'.'Grlllln. nnd
kflTOv.n., ..1... .
angers escaped
in a Dny,
llmthlntlam ami VTr.ti .
allp?feurea In t t, 9 Ttn
RVfitem I. rpmavVnlilA aiwt
mvawrlous. It removes nt minn tlm i-nnu
" .-.1 kV'-iA t ' , . . V -.
nuu hid uiaeaao nuiuuuiaiojy UlaAoreaj
flrae Ano reAtl4r luAHta KtJiji. I
i. 11, itageuouco, uruggi
Bay Keystone flour Bo slrb tli
Lessio & Baeb, Ashland, l.1
jitf WK in t ,u ri.Taar pr
"The North Pole made use of at last" c
Lfe ti id IS M
a rm ! Pn w?t r-3
saav. .si an ii tat rnuii r'Uum f x mk
1 Always at the front and wherever 1
"BATTLE AX" goes it is the
biggest thing in sight It is as re-
markable for its fine flavor and quality
1 as for its low price. A 5 cent piece
of "BATTLE AX" is almost as
large as a 10 cent piece of any other M
g equally good tobacco.
'S.N Sometimes neelso reliable, monthly, rcuul.tloi? medicine, fliiiy harmless and
lrv3 J thoiiuteatdrugsehould be csoj. If jou want tha beat, get
$5 ct, PaSpiS PenGUB-SBaiB PfiSSs
ss. They are prompt, sale arl certain In result. The sesnlno (Dr. Teal's) neYerdlsap
nolnt. Sout anywhere. 81.00. Address Pbal Meuicisb Co,, Cleieland, O.
For sale by P. P. D. KIBLIN. Shcnamloah. Pa.
Trains lenvo Shrnaii Joiih n follows;
Kor New York via l'lillailelphla, week dart,
210, 5 23, 7 20 ft. iu., 12 IS. ii DO nnd 5 35 p. w
Sundavs, 2 10 n. in.
Kor New York via Mniieh Chunk, week day
5 25, 7 20 . iu., 12 -IS nnil 3 00 p. m.
Kor IEcmlliiK nnd IMtlladt Iphia, week day
2 10, 5 25, 7 20 p.m., 12 IS, U OJ and 5 55 p. ua, Suir
dnyfl, 2 10 u. in,
Kor l'ott!iille, week dnyn, 2 10; 7 20 a, m,, ftnr
13 H, 3 00 nnd 5 55 p. in, Hundnys, 2 10 a. m.
KorTamnquft and Mnhnnoy Olty, week day
210,5 25, 7 20 a. m., 124. 3 00 and 8 55 p. m
Sunday b, 2 10 n. m.
Kor UliaiiiHport, 5nnlmry and Lcwlsburs
week days, 3 25, 11 30 a. m 150 and 7 25 p. m
Sindayii,3 25i,, in.
For JIulianoy IMnne, weekdays, 2 10. 3 25, D 25
7 20, 1130 a. niM 12 18,150,3 00,5 55, 7 25 und 9tt
p. in. Sunday, 2 10, 3 25 a. in.
Kor Ashland and Shamokin, week days, 8 25
7 20,1130 a. m., 150,725 and 9 55 p.m. Bun
days, 3 25 n. in.
For llaltlmoro, Watlilncton nnd the West vii
II. AO. It. It., tliroiiLth trains It-o-1 lteadlnt
Terminal. Philadelphia, (1. A H. If K) at 3 20
7 55,1120 a. in., 3 10 and 7.27 p. Sundaye
3 20,7 00,1120 a.m., 3 10 and 7 27p.m. Add!
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, week days, 10 SO a. in. 12 20
12 lb 8 10 p m. Hunduys, 1 35, 8 23 p. m.
Ivenve New York via Philadelphia, weei
days, i 30, 8 00 a. mM 1 30, 4 30, 9 00 p. tu. and
nljcht. Kundays, 6 00 p. m.
jjeave New York via Mnueh Chunk, week
days, 4 30, 9 10 a. in., 1 30 nnd 4 15 ji. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
days, 4 20, 8 35, 10 05 a. in. and 4 0 6 30, 11 8C
p. m. Sundays, 11 30 p. in.
Leave Heading, week days, 1 35, 7 10, 10 08
11 55 a. m., GOO and 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 1 a. JQ,
Leave FotUvtlte, weekdays, 2 31, 7 40 a.m.
12 30 and 6 12 p.m. Sundays, 2 35 a. m.
Leave Tamaqiia, week day, 3 18, 850, 1123 a
m., 1 27, 7 20 and 9 13 p. m. Sundays, 3 18 a. m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 3 45, 9 01
11 47 a. iu., 2 03, 7 41 and 10 OS p. in. Sundays, 8 V
a. m.
Ixvwe Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00.
030,9 37, 1159 ft. m., 1 12,219,5 20,6 26, 7 57ftiw)
10 23 p. tn. Sundays, 2 40, 400 a. in.
Leave WUlIauiMport, week days, 7 42, 10 10 a,
in., 3 35 nnd 11 41 p. m, Sundays, 11 15 p. m,
Jeave Philadelphia Client nut street wax I and
South street what t for Atlantic City.
WeekdaysKxpre4, 8 01,9 00, 10 15, , in.,
(Saturday only, 130, 2 00, 3 00,3 40,4 00,4 30,
5 00 5 30 p. in. Accommodation. 8 00 a. m.. 4 80,
630 p. m, 81. 00 uxcurhlon tiain, 7 00 a, m,
Sunday Kxpress, 7 30. 8 00, 8 30,9 00, 10 00 a, m.
4 15 p. in. Accommodation 8 00 a. in., 4 45 p. in.
f 1.(10 excursion train 7 00 a, in.
lteturning Jeae Atlantic City depot, ooruet
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays express, (Monda3 only, 6 451,
7 (O, 7 45, 8 15, 9 00, 10 15 a. m.( 8 80. 4 30, A 30, 7 30,
9 30p m Accommodation, 6 20. 7 55, a. m., 4 8
p. m. 81.00 excursion tmliilfiomfootMlAhdppl
avenue only! 000 p. in.
Sundays Kxpress, 3 30, 4 00, 5 00, 6 00, 6 80,
700,730,800, 980 p.m. Accod modatlon, 715
a, m., 5 05 ii, nt, 81-00 excursion train from foot
Mississippi avenue only 6 10 p. in,
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
(ien'l Superintendent, Ocu'l Pass. A
Hillions of Dollars
fln nn In a mnko nverv vear. Take n
lv0yisfcs but got your houses, stock, fur,
Htr'TSfttiture, etc., fusured iu flrst-claas ro-
if. PATKT. !!??"5.AKi
aud Accidental Couipaulw,
wtt-t -
Pennsylvan in Railroad.
JfLV 29, 189H.
Trains will leave Sbcnamloab after tbe aboT.
date for WlBirans. (JUberton, Pnickville, Dark
Water, ft. Clnlr, rottavllle. HninburK, Heading,
1'ottstown, I'lioenlxvllle, KurrUtown and lhn
adelphla (Uroad atreit station) nt 6 as and 11 15
a. in. anil 20 p. in. on u eek tlava. Tor Potta
ville and lutettucdluto stations 9 10 a. m.
For WIK-an,, flllbcrton, Frnckvllle, Dark
Wnter, bt. flair, I'ottaville, nt 6 0S, 9 10 a. in. and
3 10 p. in. Kor llninburt;, Keadlin;, 1'ottstown,
I'lioenlxvllle. Norrletown, rbllaUelliblu attCO.
9 40 a. in., 3 10 p. m.
T.alnt liavo 1'rnckvllle for Sbennudoab at
10 io a. in. and 12 II, 5 01, 7 tt and 10 27 p. m.
Hunday, 11 13 a. in. and A to p. tn.
Leave l'ottsvllle for Slienandonli nt 10 15, 11 48
a. in. and I 40, 7 15 nnd 1000 n. in. buntlar at
10 10 a. in., 5 15 p. ni.
Lenvo lMilbidelplila, (liroad ttrcet station), lor
Hbennndonb nt 557 nnd 8 35 n. in., -110 and 7 11
p. in. week days. .Sundays leave at 6 50 a. m.
Leave Hrnnd afreet station, l'lillmlelpbla, lor
Pea Girt, Asbnry l'nrk, Oeenn (irove, Lon
Ilrnncli, and Intermediate stations, I 05, 0.50, 8.25.
11.39 a. m., 2 3S 3.30, AM p. in. M eckMlays, 5 00
Saturdays only, tlundtti- (stop nt Interlaken
furAshury l'nrk), 1 0J, 8.25 a
Leave llrGad htreet station, l'hlladelpbla,
Eprraa, neek-daB. 3 20, 4 05, 4 50, 515, 050,
7 33, 20, 9 20, 9 50, 10 21 (DIiiIiik Car), 11 00 a. in.
12U0iuinn, 1235 (Llmltiil 1 1 ami 122 p. m.
l)i 111 njf Culti, 140, 2 311 (Dliilii); C'nr) 3 20,3 50,
i. 111.. 12 01 lilubt.
i:pres fur1 Dohtnn witlinut cbaiiKe, 1100 a.
in., week-ibis, anil 0 50 p. in., dully.
For Ilaltlmro nnd WaabliiKton, 8 50, 7 20, 8 81
1020, 1131 a. m. ,.12 00 (1131 Limited DlrA
Init Car), 112, 3 18, 4 41 (519 OonKrealonI
Limited, Diiiliur Cur), 6 17, 655 (Dining Car),
7 58 (Dlnlnir Car) p. in., and 12 00 nlchl
week daya. Hundaya, 3 50, 7 20, 9 12, 1123 a.
m., 12 09 1 12, 4 11, ( 5 18 Congressional Limited.
DinliiK Cur), 6 55 (DIiiIiik Car), 7 58 u. m.
(DlnliiK Car) and 12 05 nlKbt.
Lunve liroad atieet atiitinn, l'lillndelpbla (via
Delaware river brlilKo). eaprewi. OT a. m 8 88
and 7 02 p. in. week daya. .hundaya 9 07 a. in.
and 702 p. m. Itetimiliuj lene Atlantic City,
7 50 a. in. week days, 10 0 a. m, t 15 )). in. dally.
Iave 3Iarket street Forry, exprtiM, 5 no, em
9 10a m., (100S.iturdayH unlyi 1 50 2 50. 3 40
4 00, 4 20, Ii 00 and 5 30 ni tl.OO excurtlmi, 7 a)
n. ill. Munduys, 0 00, 7 30, 8 00, 8 30, 9 00, 9 43 a.
in., nnd 4 30 p. in. 81.00 eieuralon 7 00 a. in.
IteturnliiK leave Atlantic City, 0 45 Mnndaa
only), 700,7 10, 800, 905, 1105 n. Ill,, 3IU.4U0,
5 30, 7 50 and 9 45 p. in, week daya. Hundnya.
3 40, 4 10, 5 00, 5 30, 0 00, 7 00 8 05, 9 05 and 9 65
p. III.
For Cape May, Anirleasea, Wlblwood and
Holly Ilcacll. Uxpreas, 9 00 a. in., 2 30, 4 05, 5 00
p n.. week duva. Kundaya, 8 20 a. in,- Excur
sion, 7 00 a. in. dally. Capo May only, expreea.
1 30 p. in. .HaturilnyH.
For Hea Isle City, Ocean City and Avalon.
Hxpres'., 910 a, in., and 2 30, 4 20, 500 p. in.
w.ek dav. 8undaya, 8 50 n. in. Kxeiirslon
7 00 a. in. dally.
For Bomers Point. KipreM. 5t0, 701, 710,
9 40 a. tu., 1 1 aniirda,!. oiA , -1 "-0. 1 00 and
5 30 p. ni. week daya, Hunllaya, 7 00, 8 00,900.
9 45 a. in,
8. M. I'uitost, J. It. Wood,
Oen'l Manaiter, Gcti'l I'axa'K'r Aa;ll
Celebrated Vemalo
rowdors never fali.
' Mfd and Miir tkfltt tiilln
With Ttt7 rid 1'coDyrorsl 1Mb ntl Uir Uk
For aale at l'ovlna
Centre street.
' drua; store, 28 East
i w, o w, iXMiriiiui4 vnrj, o ou 0 -W, a U, 10 00,
p. 111., 1201, lltjrlit Hund.iys, 3 20, I 05, 150,515.
8211,8 33,9 50. 1021, l)lnllir Car), 1103 a. m !
12 35,2 31) IDinlllirCurJ, 4U)Tl.llllltiHll22I)inliiJ
Car), 5 20, 5 fin, UIiiIiik Cor), 0 35, 0 50, 8 12, 10 UJ