The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 14, 1896, Image 2

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Published every livening, Kiccpt Sunday, nt
Boom Jardis Htbket, Keaii Ciixtiiii.
Vila Herald Is dcllveird ItiHtieuntidnnuitnd Hie
.urrouudlng towns for six cents n week, wiy-
bio to the, carriers, lly mnll SI.00 n yenr.orM
cents a month, payable In advance. Advertise
ments charged according to space and position.
The publishers reserve the right to change the
position of advertisements whenever the pub
lication of news demands It. Tho right Is
reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
isld for or not. that the publishers may deem
mpropcr. Advertising rates tnado known
tupoa application.
Batered at tho postofllcc nt Hhcnandoali, ra., as
second clnss mall matter.
Evening Herald
kou rniwnr.sT,
Of Ohio,
roit vin: ninsinnxT,
Of New Jersey,
(1ALUS1IA A. 0110W,
Of Susquehanna.
Of Erie.
On March 17, lbbfl, tlio Hon. William
-Icnnings Hryan declared at Mount Vernon,
111.: "I am not a Democrat."
What havo Democrats to do with a man
who has proclaimed that ho is not a. Demo
crat; who repeatedly boasted of hisintentlon
not to support a gold candidate or a gold
platform ; and who is now, after two years or
more of intrigning with tlio Populists, tho
l'opullst candidate on a Populist platform?
Wo aro in receipt of a communication from
u prominent business man of town, asking
ixtUIu questions bearing upon the currency,
and taking exceptions to a six-lino editorial
that appeared in Wednesday's IIuiiald. Wo
S .c tho communication in full :
Kiiitor In an editorial yesterday
I your paper you say that the silver mine
owner would be a fool to sell bis bullion In the
market for .13 cents, under free coinage, when he
ould take it to tho mints niul receh o in return
silver dollars worth KM) cunts. Now how tlo
vou account for It that the sIKer dollar under
o coinage would be nothing but a 53-ceiit
bIlar, as tlm people would receive it, while ae
. filing to this the silver mine owner would
receive a lUO-ecnt dollar? Vho is going to
niukv up the tlllTcrcncc iKtween the people'H
M-ceut dollar ami the 100-cent dollar of the
mine owner? Also where tlo you get the idea
that the government Is going to coin the tin
ineuse output of the silver mines into dollar
whi.'h gives tho mine owner a prollt of 17 cent-'.'
tVould not this idea ha en tendency to induce
every one to melt up ail their household silvrr
v, are Into these Kimo dollars, and when that was
j;one would thev not create a demnnd from
wnie other country for silver bullion to melt up
Into tlitsc same silti rdnllnrs'.' And would not
this great scramble for sIKit bullion soon run
the price up to n higher flxtiru than gold is now
An answer to ahf.vo rptcrlig would oblige
a Keptibllcun of twenty years standing, who
now believer that tho grand old party is fast
drifting away from its moorings, w hen they de
clare for the gold idea.
Kn.vmt Itwi'iiucA.v.
-Hlicnuitdoiih, Pa., Aug. 1:1, ll.
Our correspondent should llrst undeibtand
that history fails to show an instance of tlio
creation of value by legislation, while on tlio
other hand eery attempt of this nature litis
been a failure. Mr. liryan said in New York
tbat "free coinage would raUo tho bullion
price of siher to tl.o face value of tl.u
dollar," defying all natural laws and eon
tiary to all precedents. This proposition of
the man who said ''I am no Democrat," is
the same as that proclaimed by our corre
spondent whp no doubt has been captivated
by tho sophhtry and catch phrases of the
Hoy Orator.
i'he intrinsic value of a silver dollar to
day is 03 cents, anil our correspondent
could, witli $830 in gold, buy enough silver
to maku 1,000 sllcr dollars. Tho govern
ment ciedit represents the other 17 cents In
tuc silver dollar.
Mexico is on a silver liasis hut tho Intrinsic
value of tho white medal has not advanced,
and tho Mexican dollar is worth about fifty
1 1 nts In this country.
Tho adoption of free coinage uf silver
luld drive gold out of circulation, and ac
cording to the Chicago nominee for Presi
dent IX panic would certainly follow. The
.price of gold would not change, but it would
comniAud a premium, which would bu about
the samo thing. From 1WK) to lbOH the
I utted States government bought 1,000,000
ounces of silver eaeli mouth to help tho silver
prodticcis, but in splto of tlioso heavy
imichasea tho p' icc. after a short Bpurt in
IH'JO, steadily declined.
Tho contention that tho silver mine owner
wffiM reap tho bonellt derived from the free
remain) of silver has never been denied. It
1 also acknowledged that a depreciated
currency which the Chicago platform favors
all'ects the worklngniau to a greater extent
than any othur class. The uiouejed men can
stand it, while tho man who works for days
wages bear" the burden. If wages were In
vreasod in proportion to the depreciation of
the money, the Jlryan theory migm meet
with some approval at the bauds of tho wurk
tugmen. Hut such is not the oaso.
rVdcrJhaJreoculnago of silver thu govern.
oieiit would bo compelled to coin all the
bullion presented at tho miuta at tho present
vatlo of 10 to 1. The intrinsic value of tho
ulrer contained' 111 a dollar, as wo have
iirutrlously' stated, Is 33 touts, thus the
luiuo owners would reap a clear profit of 17
cent S'ldxfreo slTverites aro eudeavoriug to
raise tho price of silver by law a clear case
of steal under tho cover of tin act of Lot
cress. The market valuo of ft silver dollar,
under free euintiRo, Inay lo low than it is to.
lay; there is no roasou to suppose that It will
be greater, "d therefore our correspondent
is Jumping nt concluslbns. It is rouiwry,
pure and .simple,, to legislate tho market
valtlu'oflaliy coiiimoUlty, ami it is surprising
that men of the intelligence our friend has
should bo j lid astray by tho Western mine
owners Tind tkelV Iiisteru'clifpos.
The chairman' of thp fleiibllcau county
cominlttco will bo selected to-morrow, thus
inuuimratlnfftthu carhpalku In this county
Iroin th'aitltnS tlutU tho. polls claso in
November tho battlp .wlU bo waged with all
t!e-iiorgy ami iihility at the command of
be leaders of both partus. Th contest will
likely proo memorable one, nnd tlic voters
of both putties will be cogor for news bear
ing upon tlio contest, lioth the licpubHoau
and Democratic Iiondiiunrtcrs will bo located
at PottsTlllo, and It la from tlio suit of war
that tho information duelrcd is sought for.
We have, therefore, engaged the services of
ono of tho ablest and best posted political
writers at tho county seat to furnish us with
a weekly letter, confining himself entirely
to tho political contest. Our correspondent
has tlio confidence of both the Republican
and Democratic leaders, and is in a position
to obtain news of this naturo that few enjoy,
and which will glvo his letters a standing
among the renders of tho 1Ikiia1.ii, both
Democrats and Republicans, tho first of
which may appear to-morrow.
Tin: notification meeting In Now York was
conspicuous for tho absence of leading Demo
crats of that Mnto. As an attraction for tho
curious it was a howling success.
Hryan and his misguided llastcrn followers
my the press is sulaldizcd. Yet they all gave
his speech In full for tho roasou that it
makes good' Republican campaign literature.
Tin: silver crazo reached high water mark
Wednesday night, when tho Hoy Orator
appeared before an audience of curiosity seek
ers in "tho enemy's country," From now
on the American people will study the
Chicago platform carefully and well, nnd
interest in liryan and his theories will sub
side. Free silver has captured about all 'the
converts that will veto as Bryan thinks, and
before November thousands of those who
havo been fooled by sophestry and oratorical
llights will desert tho Populistlc standard.
Why sulTcr with Coughs, Colds and La
Qrippo when Laxative llnuno Quinine wdll
euro you in ono day. Put up In tablets con
venient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or
money refunded. Prico, 25 cents. For salo
by Klrlin s Pharmacy.
National League.
At Urooklyn First kuiiio: Urooklyn,
5; Ilnltlmore. 2. Second gamo: Bnltl
inoro, 10; Urooklyn, 3. At Philadelphia,
(12 innings) Philadelphia, 7; Washing
ton, 5. At Chicago Cincinnati, 7; Chi
cago, 0. At IJoston Now York, 10;
Boston, (1.
Hasten League.
At Wllkosbnrro Wilkesbarro, 5: Uuf
falo, 2. At Springfield Springfield, 11;
Itnchostor, 0. At bcranton Toronto, 0;
Scranton, .1. At Providonco Providence,
ia; Syracuse-, u.
Atlnntle League.
At Hartford Hartford, 5; Wilmington,
4. At Lancaster Lancaster, 7; Xewnrk,
o. ai i-aterson I'atcrson, 7; Athletic, 2.
Harrison to be Active In the Campaign.
Indianapolis, Aug. 14. General Iloiija.
mln llnrrlann will bo ut tho dlsposjil of
tlio Itctmbllcnn statu coimnlttco during
this campaign, nnd tho latter will attend
to arranging his dales for speeches. In
formation is conveyed in a letter written
liy tho general to his old friend Daniel
The Ilritnuntc's Speedy Voyage.
New Youk, Aug. 14. Tho White Star
liner Brltaniilo arrived last night from
Liverpool via Queonstown in seven days,
ten hours and llfty-threo minutes out,
thus breaking her best rocord, made
fifteen years ago, by throo hours nnd
twenty-three minutes. Among her dis
tinguished passengers wore Mgr. Fagan,
of Port Klejibetli, South Africa, who has
been In that country thirty-ono years of
his ministerial life.
Tun 1'all ll Hundred IVet to Dentil.
Wilki:.shaiu:k, Aug. 14. While Poter
Mtulosky and Andrew Poslcet, Hungar
nia, woro dtscendlng in a car from tho
head of tho breaker nt tho Kxeter mlno to
the surface, the carbroku loose from its
fastenings and foil 120 fect. Doth were
iusuiitly killed.
l'l-ofi'Ssor Newton Dead.
New H.wr.N, Conn., Aug 14. Professor
Hubor A. Nowton, of Yulo University,
whoso lllnois has buon rejiortcd, died luto
Wednesday night, ugod GO,
Tlio truth, the wholo truth and nothing
but the truth. That's our motto; and wo
add leather, solid leather and untiling but
leather. That's the way our shoes arc built.
7-18-tf Factouv Siton Stouk.
The Coal Trade.
Thero is absolutely no change to report in
thu coal trade. It was thought a week ago
that the end of tho dull season had been
reached, hut tho summer solstice was only
just upon us then, and is now continuing
with its scorching hot weather. The coal
mined Is nut great, and nil of it is being
moved with caso and taken in homeopathic
loses as requited, i No largo contracts for the
future ate reported, most buyers now holding
oil witli tho purpose to purchase later on in
lots to suit their needs. At tidewater tho
dealers are reported to be well stocked up
sitl'icient to meet ull demands uf the trade
for some days. PrIceB continue as quoted in
preceding reports, and doubts are expressed
of the proposed Sine, advance next mouth.
The trade this moutli will take about 1,000,000
tons m all.
Induced by tho use of coca, opiate or nar
cotic compounds is bad, decidedly bad.
They undcrmino health and shatter tho
constitution and the patient is Btoadily
growing Into a worso condition often
resulting in tho terrlblo slavery and
misery of the cocaine and opium habit
Bleep Induced by the use of Hood's Sarsa-
parllla docs not perhaps come as quickly,
but It cornea more surely and more per
manently through nature's great restor
ing and rejuvenating channel purified,
vitalized and enriched blood. This feeds
tho nerves with llfo-glvtng energy and
builds up the system and constitution
from tho very foundation ot all health
nnd Hie tho blood pure, rich, red blood.
Is tlio One True Wood lltrlfler, Alldrugglsts. (1.
ui.i r:il curellverllls.easytotako,
rlOOtl S I-MIlS easy to operate. 24cuts,
She Makes a Strong Plea for
(feorgo' to
Manager Major,
Me. J. AiiTiiun Moyer.
Dn.Au Smt I hopo you'll pardon my
boldness In writing to you, but I havo traded
at your store over slnto you took charge of
It, and I feel that I know yon woll enough to
toll you what Is on my mind. I'm In lovo
witli a young man down in Ashland, and I
think ho loves mo, hut the troublo Is just
hero ho Is out of a Job and ho (ain't spend
the money to come up and see me, In fatt I
think ho would propose to mo If ho only had
a Job. I'vo noticed what a big business you
are doing and I write to ask if you dou't
want some inoro help.
I would so llko to get George a placohcro
In town, so I could sec him often and I'm
almost suro If ho had work ho would proposo
tome. Ho knows I caro a lot for him and
now if I should got him a Job, ho couldn't
fall to seo that I tako a groat doal of interest
in him. You remember when you advertised
thoe white slippers and said in tho paper
that a white dicss and whito stockings and
whito slippers looked so nice nnd tlio girl
who wore tlicni would catch a beau. Well I
bought a pair of your slippers, I had tho
whito dress and I borrowed a pairof mother's
white stockings (I always wear black ones
oxecpting when I wear tho whito slippers).
Well I went down to Ashland dressed that
way and suro enough it was just as you said
In tho paper. I saw Georgo and ho liked It,
and as ho put mo on tho car to como home, ho
squeezed my hand and said I looked just
sweet. I got right off tlio car and stayed a
while longer with him for I thought ho
would proposo maybo If ho was given a
chauco while ho was In tho humor, and I
think ho would have dono it If ho had had a
job. Now If I can only get him a job every
thing will bo all right; can t you tako Georgo
on and help us out. I bollovo ho would draw
a lot of trade to, as ho is very popular down in
Ashland ; everybody likes Georgo, especially
the girls, in fact they mako mo sick tho way
they tag around after him. I just told ono
of them last week that sho ought to ho
ashamed of tho way she was letting George
seo that sho was in lovo with him, Sho
didn't say anything, that is anything fit to
1 am telling you tlio whole story so j'ou will
understand just bow It all is. I am sure
Georgo would make a good hand in your
store because ho is a perfect gentleman and
talks so easy and nice that people would buy
of him becauso they liked him and it would
he easy for him to, because your shoes are su
cheap and nico and 1 wouldn't like Georgo to
work hard. I don't like a man to look all
fagged out, in fact if you give him a place I
will come around and wash your wiudowsand
it wont cost you a lent. I would rather do it
than have George do it, and than it wouldn't
do any harm to have Georgo seo how I can
work .
I notice you have a machine for putting
buttons on shoes. Now Georgo could work
that splendidly. I ran now seo his manly
form in front of that machine, and ho makes
a picture wortli looking at, Oh, Mr, Mover,
George would suit you, lie suits mo and it
is'nt every young man that I would take an
interest in as I have in George.
I am dreadfully in earnest over this tiling.
I hardly slept last night for thinking about it.
When 1 passed yourstoralastSatiirda.vnlglit,
and saw it full of customers, how I did vfish
Georgo was in there waiting on thorn, Now
pleaso give Geotge a chance and you will
complete my happiness, becauso I am sure
he will prorosc if hu only gets a job.
Yours very respectfully,
M. E. 0.
Hhcnandoali, Aug. I), 1600.
Pay only your own bills. In dealing hero
the cash customer is not taxed to help sup
lort tho credit customers who do not pay.
Hero'all aic ono level. All are cash.
7-lS-tf Factory Shoe Stork.
Happenings Tliruughout the lteglou Chron
icled for Hasty Perusal.
Workmen were hist night engaged in re
pairing a broken water pipe that passes under
tho Lehigh Valley tracks on South Main
All tlio collieries in this district will closo
down this evening, nnd rcsuuio again Mon
day. I he Ashland School Iloard will not elect a
truant ullicer.
John liecse, a victim of tho Park Place
cxplusion. is reported to bo very much im
proved and the surgeons at tho state hospital
expect to get him around agaiu lu tlio next
few weeks.
A valuable, horso belonging to Henry Hros.,
merchants of Gilberton, was overcome by tho
excessive heat anil dropped dead in his tracks.
Michael Murray, br.,living at John's Patch
near St. C'lalr, died early yesterday morning
at an advanced ago.
John Matthews, Sr., father of the inside
foreman at Draper colliery, died at bis homo
in fiilhcrton yesterday.
Lighty-two persons are receiving treatment
nt tho Miners' hospital, with no less than SO
outside patients. Tlio doctors havo their
hands full at present as patieuts are coming
in daily.
T he St. I idelus German Catholic Society,
of Mahauuy City, was to havo held a picnic
at that place yesterday. Hut through a con
fllct of authority among the members as to
the purchase of refreshments It was abruptly
A 12-iuch steam plpoburstod at St. Nicholas
colliery early yesterday morning, wrecking
part of tho plant and dazing the cneinter.
David Kleckner. Tho pipe was about 0 feet
long, of cast iron, and weighed about 000
Another session of tho Lyon-Dunn contest
court will be held on Monday.
Do You Know of Any One?
Do vou know of unv ouo in vour neiiihhor.
hood who bus diphtheria, croup, quinsy.
sore throat, or is in any way troubled with
throat atlectlons? If so by all means advise
them to uso Thompson's Diphtheria Cure.
Your friends will thank you all through lfo(
ir they uso this medicine according to
Instructions and learn that it positively euros
all diseases It claims, and especially (11 nil
thoria, which is tho most dreaded uf all
diseases. Sold at Klrlln's drug store at 50
cents a bottle.
The Dangers of Mining,
Michael l.undy, ii inhicr living In St. Clair.
and employed at Pino Forest colliery, was
Instantly killed at that placo yostorday.
air. i.unuy was wonting m a jvueu
about four tons of coal and j'AV upon
him, causing instant cleat'1 ,ody was
badly mutilated. Mr. Lilt., ''"is about 50
years of ago aud leaves a family, ono of his
sons being a conductor on the Schuylkill
Llectric icallway. no was rorinerjy j-
Hotel uustuoss. tie was a nrothorvln
Gerald McKcruau, formerly ot tills to,
now of Pottsvlllo.
jiuw are your uiuiieys r i nave' I
Jlobbs hparagus Kidney rim with
results in a caso nt hlaildor trouble.
iniiammaiiou ot mo mauuor and a
matlsm. F H. H.MITH. M. fl). Duui
Ohio. For salo at Ktrl'i
u i u.'.ug etQ-
n . ,1... I
It Will Cure u Snake or Mail Dog Illto
If Applied.
E. L, Slmmors, who Is woll known to tho
coplo of Shenandoah as agent for tho Atlan
tic Tea Company, tolls n reporter of tho
Herald of tho valuo of a' mad stono. Mr.
Simmers has traveled extensively, and
through him E. J. Hauck, of Lcwisburg, who
shot a whito deer soveral years ago In Kansas,
and whllo dressing it discovered In tho
stomach a hard substance, about the sire of a
gooso egg, oval in shape and having a felt or
velvety surface, tho great value and the
wonderful medicinal vlrtuos it possessed.
Mr, Hauck had kept it as n curiosity, but
since learning of Its virtues has cured soveral
arties after being bitten by a snake.
Mr. Simmers says tlio stone is prized very
liglily by tho Indians, and is known as a
niad-stono. Its virtue, as a healer of poison-
bus bitos, is well known. There is ono of tho
stones in Kansas City, Mo., and another in
I ort Worth, Toxas. The latter has boon ap
plied moro than ono thousand times In snako
and skunk bites, tho latter bite, it is said,
being very poisonous at certain times of the
year and produces hydrophobia. Tho stono
is porous, and on being applied to a wound
adheres until it is full of tho poisonous matter.
when it drops ofr. On being snaked In milk
it purifies itself, and Is ready for another ap-
Tho philosophy of tho operation, says Mr.
Simmers, and tho reason tho stono is only
louml lu tlio stomach of tho whito deer, is
explained by tho Indians. Tho whito door Is
very susceptible to vcgetablo poisons taken
into tho stomrch. To prosorvo tho animal's
lifo naturo has placed this porous stono,
Which nt onco absorbs tho poison and
neutralizes it, thus saving tho deer's llfo. He
says Mr. Houck will ho glad to rollovo free
any ono who suffers with a snako or mad dog
Notice tu Applicants.
Tltn nrnthtnnltmi ..r cnllnn A. .f.ottt..nD
as teachers in tho night schools of Shetian-
iioan, ra., wilt no held m tlio lllgli school
room on Tuesday. Aucust ISth. lfiOil. be.
ginning at 0 a. lu.
C. D. lloo.VRT,
8-12-5t Superintendent.
WI85 Pikes Ollered.
Tlio Tourists Drafts, of tho United States
Express Co., tho issuing of which was re
cently commenced by that company, and
noted at tho time in those columns, havo
jumped quickly into popularity owing to tho
convenience and safety allordcd travelers in
carrying money, available only for their own
uso, when away from homo. To still further
add to their popularity tho company oilers
four prizes to the purchasers of every order
of $1.00 or upwards. Tlio first prize is f 100
and will ho given to tho purchaser sending in
the greatest numlier of correct guesses as to
tho vote lu the electoral college of each state
n the comiuc Presidential election, foO to
tho second, $25. to the third and $10 to tho
fourth highest, lich draft purchased en
titles tho purchaser to ono vote, and as tho
contest is upon a subject which is attracting
tho attention of every voter, moro or less, it
is quite, likely nil immense number of votes
will boscutin to the company's headquarters.
rilin-riam Game.
A well dressed young man, about 23 years
of age, bought two bottles of blue at It.
Stockcr's store on South Main street yester
day and tried to fllm-flatn Mrs. Stocker, who
was iu attendance, out of $5. Hu gave a $10
bill in payment of tho purchaso and nftcr
receiving his change asked for tho return of
tho hill. The chango ho ollered to return
was $5 short. Mrs. Stocker had her wits
about her and did not loso by the transac
tion. Tho same young man tried tlio gamo
at Frank Luto's saloon, on South Main street,
but failed.
Hon. l'ollwellcr III.
Hon. Warren F. Follneiler, tho successful
Democratic nominee for the Legislature in
Third distict, is confined to his homo iu
Tumaqua, with an attack of nervous pros
Helief In Six Hours.
Distressing kidney aud bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by the "New Great
South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great surprise ou account, of its
exceeding promptness iu relieving pain in
tho madder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary passages in male or female.
it relieves retention ot water ami pain m
nassiug it almost immediately. If you want
quick relief and cure this is your remedy.
Sold by Shapira's pharmacy, 107 South Main
Coming Kvent,
ugust 13. Ice cream festival under the
auspices of tho Welsh liaptist Sunday school
iu liobbins' opera house.
Aug. 11. Ico croatn. festival in liobbins'
oicra house, under tho auspices of the East
Lnd Touug Americans.
August 15, First annual picnic of tho
Defender lloso Couipauy No, 3, at Columbia
Aug. 22. Ico cream festival under tho
auspices of Shenandoah Valley Council No.
530, Jr. O. U. A. M in liobbins' opera house,
Angut 20. Lawn party at residence of
Dr, C. M. Ilordncr, 3-t East Oak street, benefit
of All Saints church.
llueklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho best salvo in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, cortiB, and
all skin eruptions, aud positively cures plloa,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For salo bv A. Wasloy.
Notice t
PftTTSVIM.K- Aim. 11th. IhOlt
A mei.tini fiT the e'lmltdntrta tt,.,.,ltiiiti..l .1
the recent Uepublican County, Senatorial aud
l.cgisiauvo conventions, win no hem ut tho
Merchants' Hotel Pnttivtlfn i C.t.i.,1.,.
August 15th, at 10 a. m., for the purpose of
electing a uiiaimuiu ui mo county com
mittco. lly order of
S. B. Euwaiuw,
12-3t Chairman Itcp. Co. Convention.
A little daughter of Mr, Lewis Dayton, an
old and much respected citizen of llarnitr.,
Pa., occasionally has troublo with her
stomach which gives her considerable dis
tress. In speaking of it Mr. Dayton said :
"As soon as sho has an ultack wo give her
doso of Chamlierlaiu's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Itcmody, and it has never failed
to relievo her promptly. We all use It in
our family with tho samo good resulU." For
salo by Gruhler Bros., druggists.
A Letter or Postal Card
Will bring our solicitor, with samples and
ll yuu uceirc. or me iicaicst nor
a by any printing office Iu tlio Interior
state. Tho constant running of our
presses, aud the hustle aud bustlo in
rooms, attest tho popularity of this
of tho Herald establishment. If
lint good work a, fair prices, send your
here, and not to amateurs. A postal
ddressed to this cilice is all that Is
Tcnoyck, of Worcester, Hrenks the Ileoord
for Amateur Single Sculls.
SaiiatoOA, N. Y., Aug. 14,-Tho closing
day of tho twenty-fourth annual regatta
of tho Nntlonnl Association of Amateur
Oarsmoii witnessed tho breaking of ono
record, nnd sevornl were nearly reached.
Tho first raco was decidedly surprising
In its results. Aa tho first nnd second mou
In Wodnosdny's eonlor singlos, "Hush"
Thompson, "Joo" Whitehead, J. U. Ju
venal nnd Frod Crossor enmo to tho start
ing lino. Whitehead rounded his stako
first, with Thompson n close second, Ju
venal third nnd Crcsscr a slow fourth. At
tho mllo and n quarter Grosser stopped
rowing. Whitehond crossed tho lluo half
tt length ahead of Thompson with Juvenal
third. Winner's time, 10.11.
Edward II. Tenoyclc, of tho Wachusotts
Hoat club, Worcester, Mass., established
n rocord In tho Intermediate single sculls.
Ho made tho mllo and a half to tho turn
lu 0.59, orllH Ixjttcr than tho tlmo mndo
by Jury In IbOS. There were six starters
Lockwood, Tencyck I loch ma, Dr. Lnug
lols, Schultz nnd NnlL
Tho raco between tho Baltimore Ath
letic club eight nnd tho New York Athletic
club was hotly contested. Tho Bnltlmorcs
slowly crept nhoad, nnd nt tho hnlf were
In tho load. Tho Now York Athlotlcs re
sponded, bnt could not mako up tho lu
torvcnlug distance At tho mile tlib Bal
tlmoros dropped thotr stroke from 89 to 80,
but had forged nhoad, nnd nt tho mllo
nnd n quarter woro easily leading. Tho
Baltlmorcs won nraid a pandemonium of
chocrs, whistles and ringing of bolls.
Winner's tlmo, 7.48f; Athlotlcs, 7.C2H-
Tho fourth ovont of tho day, tho senior
doubles, had but throe 6tnrter9i Now York
Athletics, Pennsylvania Bnrgo Club, and
tho Toronto H. C. Tho Athletics crossed
tho lino f,-st in P.10K, with Toronto sec
ond in O.fcoK, and tho Bnrgo club n closo
Tho Winnlpegs will go to Englnnd for
tho Henloy regatta noxt summer, for thoy
woro tho onsy wlnnora In tho great ovont
of tho day, tho international four-onrcd.
Tho raco was u mllo nnd a half straight
nwny, and had flvo starters, tho Hivcr
sldos of Cambridgo, Winnlpegs, Stntcn
Island, Institute of Newark and tho
Detrolts. Tho Winnlpegs crossed easily
Kcvcral lengths ahead of tho Illversldes,
with Staten Island third Winner's time,
8.15. Tho Hiversidos woro disqualified
for fouling Staton Island.
Somo years ago when suffering witli an
uncommonly sevoro attack of diarrhoea, Mr.
W. B. Guinuip, of Atco, Pa., received
through tho mail a samplo bottlo of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Heincdy. Ho says: "I found it to lie ono
of tlio most effective remodies I over used. It
gavo mo almost immediate relief, It has no
superior and I think no equal. No bad
effects follow tho uso of this reiucdj;. It is
pleasant to tako when reduced with water
and sweetened. Children llko it. It never
fails. It is tho most perfect remedy ever
produced for bowel complaints." For sale at
23 and 50 cents per bottlo by Gruhler Bros.,
Trouble lu Ashunti.
Accra, Gold Coast Colony, Aug. 14. It
Is feared that serious troubles tiro impend
ing lu Ashunti. It Is reported that tho
Inkoranzas and other tribes have joined
Chief S.imory with tho object of eximlllng
tho British from Kumussi. Tho British
cruiser Phcebo nnd tho British gunboat
Magpie, with n largo forco of Haussas on
board, havogono to Elmlna, from whenco
those native troops will bo hurried to In
koranza and Kumassl.
Two of Candidate Sewnll's Ships Seized.
New York, Aug. 14. Two ships belong
ing to Arthur Sewnll & Co., of Bnth,
Mo., were seized on libels yestorday, but
were released on bonds. A ship repairing
Arm claimed $1,700 for repairs on the W.
E. Babcock and Iroquois and tho owner
of the barkentlno E. S. Powell claimed
$8,500 for damages to his boat lu collision
wttn tne iroquois on ljoug uruuen on
Juno 22.
A I'rolmbte ratallty Prevented.
Cape May. Aug. 14. Building Inspec
tor Stevens yesterday declared tho opera
house on Ocean. Pier to bo unsafe. Three
tbousaud persons woro expected to. have-
been there tomorrow night to attend u
N naflt to the local anti-cruelty to nnlmals
ociety,'whicii ns a consoqnccce was dc
ilnrea ou.
Two Liles Saved.
Mrs. Phoebo Thomas, of Junction Citr.
111., was told by her doctors sho had Con
sumption and that there was no hope for her,
but two bottles Dr. King's New Discovery
completely cured her and Bho says it saved
her life. Mr. Tlios. Eggers, 130 Florida St.,
Sao Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold,
approaching Consumption, tried without
result every tiling clso then bought ouo Dottle
of Dr. King's Now Discovery and in two
weeks was cured. Ho is naturally thankful.
It is sucli results, of which thoso are samples,
that provu the wonderful ellleacy of this
medicine in Coughs and Colds. Freo trial
bottles at A. Wasley's drug store, lleaular
sizo 50c and $1.00, ,
Three Americans In Portland 1'rlson.
New Yohk, Aug. 14. Tho nows of tho
roloaso of Dr. Gnllnghor nnd other Irish.
political prisoners was received with do
light by Irishmen here, thooch thev de
clare it was dono only to nrovont tho men
dying lu prison. Tho Auiuosty association
will ooutlnuo to. work for tho other
prisoners' reloaso. Thero nra now In Port
land prison, serving llfo sontoncos, Honry
iiiiiiimoiiu wiison, Timotny tfenthor
stono, Hurry Burton, Henry Ualton
Patrick Flnnagnn nnd Toreueo MoDor-
mott, nil on churgos of treason folonv,
The first threo are Aiuorlcnn citizens.
John Duff Is serving n term of twenty
yours for tho snmo olTenso, which dates
from nis conviction lu 1833.
Old People.
Old neonle who reouiro medicine to reuulato
tho lwwels and kidneys will find tho true
remedy In Electric Hitters. This medicine
does not stimulate and contains no whiskey
nor otucr luioxioant, nut acts as a touio auu
alterative It acts mildly on the stomach
and bowels, adding strength and giving tone
to the organs, thereby aiding Naturo In tho
porfurmauco of tho functions. Electric
Hitters is an excellent appetizer and aids
digestion. Old pcoplo find it Just exactly
what they need. Price fifty ccuU per bottle
at A. Wasley's drug store.
To Ocean Grove.
Tho Philadelphia & Reading railroad will
run a ejieclal excursion to Ocean Orovo on
Aug. S3th, tickets good to return up to aud
including Sept. 1st. Fare $1.00, Special
train leaves Shenandoah at 0:05 a. m. Stop-
otl In Philadelphia allowed ou return trip
When yea want good roofing, plumbing'
gas fitting, or general tlnsmlthlug done call
on E, F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street
Dealer Ir sto-es 1-tf
muuaici o oiiuuiu use
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure.
labors sosoverely tax tho norvous sys
tem, as that of tho ministry. Thodo-
rangement of tho nervo centers of tho brain
by over work, frequently brings on attacks
of hoart troublo, and nervous prostration.
Rev. J, P. Kestcr, M. D., Pastor U. B.
church, London Mills, Ills., himself a physi
cian, writes Fob. 28, 1835: "Heart arfection
and nervous prostration had becomo so
serious lost fall that a lit tlo over work In
tho pulpit would so completely prostrate mo
Tit Milf' 'na' Bemod certain I
ui, iiinoo must relinquish Uio work
Heart Clire of th0 ministry entirely.
. Heart palpitation became
ReStOreS so bad that my auditors
Hf") lth would ask mo it I did not
IlCtiHll havo heart disease Last
November I commenced taking Dr. Miles
Now noart Curo alternately with Dr. Miles
Norvlno and derived tho greatest possible
benefit. I bavo Just closed revival work of
10 yfcoks, preaching noarly overy night aud
twico on tho Sabbath. I can speak for hours
without suffering as I formerly did. Hard,
working ministers should keep Dr. Miles
grand remodies on hand."
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Is sold on guarantee,
first bottlo will bonellt or money refunded.
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, asu
West Coal Street.
jj-oic chief nimoi9,
Of the Fourth ward.
Subject to Citizens party rules.
Of Girardville.
Subject to Democratic rules.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
A genuine welcome waits you at
Cor. lain and Coal SU.
Pineal whiskeys, beers, porter and ale
constantly on tap. Cboloe temperance drinks
and cigars.
Barber Shop I
12 West Centre Street.
Our Hot Towel Shave
becoming popular. You will Hke it.
make a specialty of hair cutting,
John Howaiid llluais, W I)., Irtt.
Collego witli: four courses of study leading to
Academy for boys and round men
Ladles' Institute, and Hiliool of Mii'lo. TnlrtV
acre campus i ten buildings including irym
liastum, laboratory and observatory For
catalogue and other Information addrt ,
ItegUlrsr, Uwliburg j'a.