The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 12, 1896, Image 3

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    & !ll Lb li ft L
"It la bo because It strikes at tho came of
thv Vtogutd, Irritated, ltflamtdt Sluggith, or
Prfruorked lORK.
hold ftrouRhoutthewortd. FnTTRTt I)RPCt xvh CntM
ict. ConfOBATlox. Pole I'ntr-rletnrt. Uoaton
aJT How to l'rtveat 1'lmplei," 64 pagei, Ulna,, tit.
ONCB MORE In harmony
with tho world. !non
completely cured men aro
tho greatest, grand
est nnd most suc
cessful cure for sex
tial weakness and
lost vigor known to
medical science. An
J nccountof this icon
' ilcrful discovery, la
book form, with rcf
orenccs and proofs,
will ha sent to suf
fering men (sealed) free. Full manly vigor
permanently rostorod. Falluro Impossible
Chlelittcr' i;nirllh Diamond UrAna.
Original and Only urnnlne.
safe, always rt liable, ladies aik
tnnnA RrnnA In Mr-A and Cold metaUiO
I twin, waled with blue ribbon. Tako
,mt ntkn. Rttiii ilnnnrrouM tubtfllu
(ion ami imitation. At PragKlati, or acod 4.
la at&rara for Particular!, tttitimo&tkls And
ltM.r r.ic Ladli-n." in tetter, br return
Mall. 10.O0O Tt. a.inoD.ale. A'amt J'aptr.
txk' .IriUJUItA. I'tll-.. al'SW
Docs This Mean Anything to You ?
If your truss don't hold you or Is causing
pain, seo us at onco. It may save you years of
sunering. o navo cureu nunurcus 01 peopio
In rennsylvanla, andean refer you to patients
cured in your own town. Our treatment is
harmless and will not keep you from your
tlallv labor. Call and havo a talk with nnr
doctor. It will cost you nothing. Wo guaran
tee reuei auur mu iirsc treatment, aim our
prices aro rcasonauio.
The Dr. Miller Co., Philadelphia.
Sco Our Doctor Every Tuesday at
UNION HOUSE. Ashland,-Pa.
. That's why they enjoy their COFFIJE.
' Any grocer can tell you why customers
keep coming back for SHELIG'B.
i Onlr la. 4 pac.f ..
To nil eurrerers c! EltltOltS OK VOlITIt.
LOVl' VUJOIl and Dl.sBASKS Ol' IHliN
AMI 11 O.UE.N. 28 nazes: ctoiti txjunri; ss-
curely sailed .md mall, drw. Trewtment by maU
strictly oaouenrlal, and ft rosing quick cur
suarane.d. No matter how Ung standing, 1
wuipo ivHy core you.
M flRR 329 N. I5th St. Ph!la.Pa.
Ofllce ! 30 West Centre street.
Can bc'cousulted at all hours.
p F. UUltKE, M. D.
80 E. Lloyd street, Shenandoah,
OIHce hours ; 7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 3 aud 7 to (
p. m.
Bbeliandoali, Pa.
Office Kgan building, corner of Main and
Centre streets, Bhenamluah.
Lock Dox 03, Mahanoy City, Fa.
Having etudied under some of the best
masters In London and Paris, will give lessons
on tho violin, guitar and vocal culture. Terms
teasonable. Address in caro ot Htrouse, the
eweler, Shenandoah.
604 North Sixth St.
Side entrance on Ureen St.
fXZ. 'H.lll.M 111 rit.M'l'It'K (8a ji'nralnilfl
f Tt Vtar Ilo.iiltul Kiii-i-lt'nfe In tleriimnj.
Pcrinauenll cured alter cry una el.o liu fblltd.
NotatUwbat.i)lf-tvid jreat aq1 f.inou.1 Doclon nj ijn-cUl.
hu culm, vrile. prlet or &J. oM iir. Thci-t know. uor.
U)Ut tb' uulbow lauvilliitB.ucceflfulo tbwi U
oiberi ocimbimtl, r 4 the ll know U c-o. to tbdr .ttrrutr
l'ottr aad Itlch, Ufou were roblnd tbl lctlulied, tu& juu
viih to (ftt lluun and aVlUrul treatnunt, try one. tuora old
Dr. Thvcl. and b. IU cur. ron ioaiaLlr If our. Il powlble.
o Drcptlon, na False Kcproaentutloii. Frmh caw.
urud la i to 10 P.j. Head bve t.A a(aui. tor Troth.
Beit of all fir glbltlo or Married, rouof or old. Oalr Hook x
INMlitc quacks. Huurs: V S. Lreolofi) 6 S. Hours for exam
losllou and trratmrut In seeming boneless and dangerous cases,
dsllr.gioS. Vd. and Ssu ergs., 6 to 10. 8un.,9toll. Treat
meul by wall. Htrleiest acrooy UuuranUfd. Positively
U. lowest eLarire. In this city ur tha best treatment.
Wanted-An idea &
Who cut think
of some simple
thlDz to latent?
Protect yonr ldeasi they may trio? you wealth.
nej., Waibtngton. D. u.,for tbelr tl,6M prlie otter
ana llit of to hundred Inventions wanted.
Two Hundred More Doatlis in Nov? 1
York and Brooklyn Alono,
Tho Weather Clerk Ht WuMilncton Pnyi
Thnt n Cool Wnvu Is Now Trnelltig
Itapttlly Toward Un -Soma lteiiiiirUable
Ho co ret 4 for the Thermometer
Nkw Yoiik, Auk. 13. Anothor tiny of
tho fearful hent which Is oppressing this
section hn.4 added a pngo of fntalltloM nnd
sutlcrliif? moro romnrknule than Its prode
cos)rs. In Now York city, In llrooklyn
nnd nil tho ndjacout towni find through
out tho stntos of Now York nnd Now Jer
sey tho day's results overshadow tho re
sult of tiny other tiny. In this city nlono
thd tlonth list for twonty-fourhours, footed
Hp nt midnight, contitlus moro thnn 100
nninoa: Urooklyn adds about 20 to tho list,
nnd tho hent's vlotlmi lu suburban towns
brings tho total to 150.
Mon nnd women walking nlong tho
Btrocts have droppod In their tracks nnd
dlod before physicians could ba summoned,
nnd horsos havo died us though Btriokon
by a plnguo. Many hnvo ueon
closed, nnd outdoor workers hnvo been
compelled to drop tholr tools nnd find
shelter during tho hours when tho sun
wns nt Its height. Particularly nmong
pollcetnon nnd lotter curriers hns tho suf
fering been intense, nnd mnny hnvo been
compelled to stop work from both forces.
Along tho business streets men have
wnlkod with umbrellas over tholr hends,
with coats on tholr arms nud fans lu tholr
hands. Tho hospitals of this city aro
crowded to their full capacity, while tho
doctors and nurses havo boon kopt nt work
night nnd tiny until tunny of them hnvo
succumbed to tho strain.
Tho department of publlo works hns
como to the relief of tho touomont houso
districts, nnd forces of men with hoso carts
nro patrolling the stroots of thoso sections
nnu llootllug them with water from the
corner hydrants, fllon, women anil chll
dren rush in groups under the streams
from tho hoso, nud tho night scenes nmong
tho tenements as tho rellof parties mnko
their rounds nro unprecedented. Unless
tonight brings rellof many prostrations
nro looked for In tho Madison Square
Garden mooting, and preparations nro Do
ing, mndo for n special force of medical
men nnd for sieclnl ambulancos.
Tho thermometer has for tho past six
nights fallen but a few degrees from tho
limits registered during tho hottest part
of tho day. Tho heat on Monday night
held almost stationary nt 81 degreos until
4 o'clock yostorday morning, and as soon
os tho sun began to ascend tho thermom
eter d likewise, until nil previous records
for Aug. 11 wero broken. Tho highest
previous record for Aug. 11 was 03 degrees
in 1891 and 93 degreos in 1892, while yes
terday It registered upon tho top of tho
Manhattan Llfo Insurance building, whoro
tho woather bureau Is situated, 93.5 de
greos, and tho humidity, which Is far
worso than tho boiling sun.stood nt T0,nnd
down on tho stroots it wns not loss than
flvo degrees warmer.
In this city and Urooklyn yesterday the
deaths from heat aro estimated at 2l0. In
other places, as reported by telegraph, they
wero: Trenton, N. .1., 3; Jereey City, 12;
Stttton Inland, 14; Newark, 9; I.onglslnnd
City.b; Patterson, 4 : Hackensack, 2 ; Pos
Fale, 3; Hoboken, 7; Baltimore, 10; Wash
ington, 3; Chicago, 30; St. Louis, 0: Bos
ton, 0; Springfield, Mass., 2; Nashua, N.
H., 2; Hartford, 1; Now Haven, 3; Provi
dence, 4; Pnwtucket, It. I., 1; Sullivan,
Intl., 7.
The Government Weather Sharp Promises
to Do .letter.
Wasiiixoton-, Aug. 12. Tho weather
bureau holds out modcruto relief for tho
east and central stntos. It was with sumo
prldo that Major Duuwoody Inst night re
ferred to tho area of high barometer which
ho sighted off tho Ilocklos, In uortliorn
Montnun, Monday night. With it came
tho fall of tomperatttro which pnntlng
humanity has boon waiting for so impa
tiently for ten'days past. Montana, Colo
rado, Iowa, Kansas and Nobraska felt its
cool breath and enjoyed n fall of tempera
ture of from 10 to 15 degrees. It trnvoled
nbout 500 miles lu tho twenty-four hours.
Major Duuwoody says It will bo central
over tho Ohio valley nud tho lower hike
region tonight and rench tho Atlnntlo
coast by tomorrow morning. Tho govern
ment weather sharp wants its understood
thnt this Is not n cold wavo, but merely a
relief from tho oxecs.-ivo and almost un
precedented hot spell.
While ho nuikos no definite predictions,
ho ventures tho statement that n storm
from tho West Indies usually comos sweep
ing up the const nt this time, nnd it Is be
traying no conlldonco to say thnt ho would
not bo surprised to see one como rushing
nlong within the noxt four or five days.
If such a storm should como it would cool
things east of tho Alleghonlos mid effect
tho ntmosphero genorally 000 or 700 milos
into tho interior. There has not been a
revolution of tho wind east of tho moun
tains in ten days.
Altogether this protructod hot spoil can
bo class-id as remarkable. Tho high tem
perature in tho prairio country has lasted
twenty days, in the western gulf states a
fortnight, nnd on tho Atlnntlo sonboard a
weok. Tho highest temporaturos yostor
day wore: Philadelphia, 93; New York
and Albany, 90 ; Washington, 01 ; Norfolk,
Vu,,03; Montgomory, Ala., 03; Abilene,
Tex., 00; St. Louis, IK1; Chlcago,',94. Along
tho PaclDo coast tho morcury ranged from
OOto 70, but at some points, like Itose
berry, thirty miles back from San Fran
clsoo, tho thurmomoter registered 100.
U'ect of Heat in Chicago,
CHICAGO, Aug, 12. A good brcezo tem
pered tho heat to tho suffering people of
this city yostorday although tho ther
mometer registered 92. Tho deadly effects
of the high temperature, however, con
tinued, nnd thirty fatal cases of sunstroke
wero reported at midnight with tho list
still Incomplete. Tho number of porsons
drlvon Insane by tho heat probably will
never be known, but Its offocf lu that di
rection may bo ostlmnted from tho fact
that during the wookSS porsons have been
locked up in tho dotontlon hospital, all of
whom had been driven crazy by thq hunt.
There aro oboul 600 dead horses still unre
moved on tho stroots, tho city being un
ablo to secure sufficient assistance to curt
as many away as dally succumb to tho
To Succeed Congressman IllacU.
SANUEltsviXLE, Ga., Aug. 12. The Dem
ocratic congressional convention of tho
Tenth district lu sosslou horo yostorday
nominated William II. Flomlug to suc
ceed J. C. C. Block In congress.
4b ALWAYS Keep " Hlndy A,
Y J In the House. T
CURE. p$
-Tlie Only Infallible
&. Remedy for Diphtheria,
Croup, Quinsy, Sore
Throat, Etc. 4
THERE Isn't another mcdi- jfv
cine known in the world jT tirrMlnnrQ llio drsiro,!
rrciilr en CMr.,w1ll ntwl cr
surely. Ill fact there is no such
word as fail when Thompson's
Diphtheria Cure is applied to
the patient in strict accordance
with printed directions furnish
ed. Those who liavc given this
Medicine n fair trial are Uie
most outspoken in their praises
of what it accomplishes in so
short a time.
Sold bv Drmrirists everywhere
4fr at 50 cents a bottle.
Thompson Diphtheria Cure Co.
For nt KirHiVs drug store.
For Weak und Run-Down People from
Chiliihood to Old Arc.
WHAT iT Ifi ! Tir richestof Ml rcntorfitiTe
Foods, i.t ni tie it repine the Bnine nnlinUnces
to tii" .''imiJ nut fcprvrs that nro etbrniBtod in
theac t u hlV.fdvt'Kr fluids l.y dtaoane, iDdlirestion,
hiti iivip. urunrork, wurrf( exctMts8, abuse, etc.
WHAT !T DOES! Rf imkiva tho bMod
pnre ui J r.c'i.nnil tho lilirc'tion perfpt.t, it creeps
ci M t. 1-1., riur-clo (iiiii stroiii'tli. Tlio ncrrestie
in win -Mnjr.t'io train Wom sctire am!
clrflr. V 7 r stt-nng lostvitAllty nn.I tvtoJn(r all
WftHtnff tlrv,u M'l wf-nknoB- in eithpr oex, ft has
00 , B-i-t p-i fcmalprpjrulatoTlt is worth Its
Wfijrt.t 'i ftuht. OisObaxlartAWfek. PrlcoScor
ftbon!.iKi. Iru:c!st9orby nnll. Htink fruu,
ILii VL(Mtnil flu. lkbi!adfltbla.
w Rfir-her- Shnn !
12 West Centre Street.
Our Hot Towel Shave
s liecomlnjr popular. You will like it.
tjmKGnspi'euiny ot imir ciittlli?.
lit n mi . Ii' SlePi'lPrM
in in Nt, cui'wd y A bum and
Mlrr iC u'-f. nid i d'hiT"'
tU'n- They diilil ly nnd
tsurcly r.'etire Lost Vitality In
tiM or jum-B ftiKitUnmaii lor
tua , I mlne or ivirr'n?'.
'n v nt Iii-an.ty ni'd i ..uuini
lloiilrinkfMi Intlm-. Thclrufl
b nwahi'Laodutu.mbrBinei.L
anl ii'CH n CUltU where
t.ll It'tipru full, ttiutitt nn.u.
havtnff tlio (r.-'nn'nn Anx Taiilkts. 'lhey have cur l
tbounaiHls and v-Wl cum yiu. W" rtvo p.i-tva written
puarantei t eiTcct mm l't 'ncti cnsoDrnfitirttii8
inone'-. Price &i cents P1 rsairo, nr nix luchftiiPa
tluUtroatnint) f.r4AS ) J; n nu.iu p'sinwrapiitr,
uiwa ivcelpt bl rri. Clrcu..irrL'e. AJdr us
AJAX REA1EDY CO., "chcwmli!1"'
Tor sale In Slienanthmlj, l'a., by A. Wasloy,
Nothing has ever been produced to
equal or compare with Kuiaplarcys'
Witch. Hazel Oil as a curative and
used 40 years and always affords relief
and always gives satisfaction.
It Cures Tiles or Hemorrhoids, External
or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and
Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas.
Relief immediate cure certain.
It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and
Contraction frcm Burns. Relief instant.
It Cure? Torn, Cut and Lacerated
Wounds and Bruises.
It Cure3 Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old
Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald
Head. It is Infallible.
It Cures lit? lamed or Caked Breasts
nnd Sore Ninpits. It is invaluable.
It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy
Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters,
Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions,
Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects.
Three Sties, 25c, 50c. and $1.00.
Bold by Drugglsts,or sent post-paid on recelptof price.
ItrrilUElS' SED. CO., Ill 111 nilllaia St., Ss York.
For B'tle at I'ovinv.ys drug stoic. .'3 Kast
Uuntre street.
J.lMir vnll Bore Tbroat. fliiiDles.s Comer-
"111 ML lUU Cplored Spots, Aches, Old Korea
Utira in aiooiu, uair-tauuigi wrue cuua
Lmi:i:.ux sjsj.. uot aiaaonic -xeronte
nClilcuirn. III., for Droofa of cures. I'unl-
3tul. 9SOO.OUO. Wont caacs cured la IC
:ll lit inn.nno-M hiuib SVa.
PAT. hOV 1l 1BS0. JUhE2l, laftl, TRADE MARK JAN 2tf
Beware of f randult-nt and worthless Imitations.
NONE Genuine&nWIN''
Tht most beautiful I most pliable! monWrfoct stayl
Ther never breakl Tiiey never cutl Ttiey never ruU
Mawf. In nnttin nnd Silk Caiinni and Nickel Plated.
Bead 2J eta. (Stamps) for samples 'OenulnftTwln," w
, Celol)ratel jTemalo
I'owuers never ioiu
uh aol iur (after faUlos
V. with Ttney ("id Fejnjrortl lllli and other Ukr
. Always buy tb, best and avoid dlsap.
itecd supwWT to all otasra fosttlrtlT
ei.ANo.L rarliculua,tct.r UI.S.T.
pointment. Guaranteed
Ih h4t lu thBimrket. A
SILX, Husk Btyf Hoitoa, Mut.
For sale at
Centre street.
Porlns 'a drug store, 28 Ea4
MliT iiEiTiniy flu.
Terrible Conflagration in a Now
York Business Building,
Their l:.cnpe Cut OITIiy tlio ltnplil Spread
nf tin, l-'lrr, mill Their Charred nnd
XilLnl Unities Afturwnril l-'ountl ,111 a
l'lre KHftipe.
Nkw Your, Aug. 13. At least throe per
son, nnd possibly others, wore buriu-d tc
doatli In u flro tlint dostroyed n sU-storj
brick building nt No. 405 Greenwich streel
yostorday afternoon. Sovoral persons wert
injured by the smoke and heat and bj
jumping, nnd two of them are expected ti
Tho dead nre William Gray, foreman ot
electrical repair shops, and two unknown
men, nil of whom were caught on a lire
oenpo nnd burned to death In view of the
crowd. The injured who are expected tr
dlo are Foils Hass and an unknown man.
The ground floor of the building was oc
cupied by A. IC Warren & Co., who oper
ated the New York Klectrlcol repair
shops. The firm nlso occupied tho fourth,
fifth and sixth floors. The second Hoot
was occupied by Julius Cohen as a distil
lery, and tho third floor was occupied by
Plant & Bros., manufacturing jowelors.
Tho building was completely burned out,
and so wns the ono adjoining, nt No. 167
The first two floors of tho latter building
were occupieu by Alexanucr Kllnkow
stein, a wlno refiner. The third floor was
vacant, the fourth floor was occupied by
Jolin lsnncr ns tno Xew York l'an com
pany, und Kcllsal its Co., cano manufac
turers, occupied tho fifth flour. Tho top
floor was vacant. How tho fire started Is
not known, but its origin Is attributed to
an explosion. Tho total loss is 8150,000.
Fifty persons wero at work In the ma
chine shops ot Waareu & Co., on the fifth
floor of tho building. Thoso who were
first to reach the flro escapos succeeded In
making their way down to the lirst Hoot
landing, and from there jumped to the
sidewalk. Thoso who followed found that
thoy wero cut olT by flames nud dense
smoko which poured out of the windows
below, nnd escaped ovor tho roof.
O110 of the first men to mnko for the fire
ecnpo on tho fifth Hoof was William Gray.
Ho was seen on the landing for a moment,
and was followed by another man, who
wns not rccognlzod. Men on tho roof
shouted for him to tako hold of a wire
which they had let down, but they either
did not hear them or wore too frightened
to do anything. Flames suddenly shot up
and drovo tlio man on the roof back, nud
they then lost sight of tho mou below
When It shlftod tho chnrred nnd naked
bodies of tho two men woro scon on the
flro escape.
Another unknown nppeorcd on the
samo lire escape above Gray's body. For
an Instant ho gazed distractedly on the
crowd below. A shoot of Uaiiio swept
from tho windows again, and when thoy
fell back tho dead body of tho man was
lying on the grating.
Alleged Absconder Arretted.
Nashville, Aug. 13. Albort Wado, for
merly assistant cashier of tho rlrst Na
tlonal bank, of Mount Vernon, Ind., who
absconded eighteen months ago with 10,
000, was arrested horo Monday night at tho
Dunci-n hotel on a telegram from Mount
Vernon. Wado camo here Saturday with
two Indiana lawyers, aud ho claims ho
mot tho lawyers to consult about going
back. Ho will return without requisition
Tho peoplo havo long since learned that
the most disaRrooablo medicines ate not nec
essarily tho best. In fact, as a rule, they aro
uot. What is wanted is something mild and
sine, such as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
anil Diarrhoea Ketncdy. That is really
pleasant to tako when reduced with watc
and sweetened. Then it is acknowledge!:
everywhere to bo tho most successful remedy
in the world for bowel complaints. Ask any
number of druggists for tho best remedy
thoy havo for diarrhoea and fully nine out of
ten will recommend Chamljcrlain's. In
speaking of tills medicine, Mr. I). 11. ilumuu
of 1'rieudsvillo, Susquehanna Co., l'a., sitys:
"Wo havo used it in our family for pain lu
tlio stomach, colic and diarrhoea nnd found
it to lo a most effective remedy." For sale
by Gruhler Bros., druggists.
DisiiKtrnu Tire- nt Norfolk.
NoilKOLK, Ya., Aug. 11. A terrlblo con
flagration broke out hero last night, de
stroying tho Atlantic mills, tho Old Do
minion Guiana factory mid tho Morritt
Wrecking warehouse and docks. Tho
fires covered hovcral blocks on tho water
front. Twenty-five flromon were stricken
down nt tholr post of duty nud removed to
tho hospital and their homos. Tho loss
will reach nearly f 100,000.
l'nllnre of n I)tiuth llanlt.
Dri-UTlt, Minn., Aug. 12. Tho Security
bank, of Duluth, capital $100,000, 0110 of
tho leading banks of tho city, closed its
doors yesterday. Heavy withdrawals of
depositors and Impossibility of making
speedy collections was given out as tlio
cause. M. I). Ivonyon, stato liank uxiiml
ner, Is in charge. The bank's deposits tire
In tho neighborhood ot $300,1X30.
Two Live Suicd.
Mrs. l'hoebo Thomas, of Junction City,
HI., was told by her doctors sho had Con
sumption and that there was 110 hopo for her,
but two bottles Dr. King's New Discover'
completely cured her and slio says it saved
her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 130 Florida St.,
Sin Francisco, sull'ered frum a dreadful cold,
approaching Consumption, tried without
result everything else theu bought 0110 bottle
of Dr, King's New Discovery and in two
weeks was cured. He Is naturally thankful.
It Is such results, of which these nre samples,
that prove tlio wonderful cllieacy of this
medicine in Coughs and Colds. Free trial
bottles at A, Waslcy'a drug store. Regular
size S0o and $1.00.
Last ot the Heason.
Tho last excursion of tho season to Atlan
tic City, via Phllaaolphla & Heading Rail
road, will leave Shenandoah at 0:30 a. in.
August lath. Fare $3.50. Tickets good for
ten days, good also on train leaving Shenan
doah at 13:18 p. in., August 13th, and from
Philadelphia to Atlantic City August 13th
and 11th. A I'ullmau parlor car will bo at
tached to special train in which scats can bo
reserved. " 8-0-0t
ItheumulUm Cured In Day.
"Mystic Curo" for Itheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon tho system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once tho cause
and the disoaso immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by
C. II. Haxcnbucb, Druggist, Shenandoah.
STOP I Have run
EE The best reason in the world why
some things sell so well is because they
are good. That is one reason for the jj
I great sales of "BATTLE AX'
But good quality is only half the story. j
j The other half is the size of a 5 cent piece,
S It is as big almo2t as a 10 cent piece of s
s other and poorer kinds.
E Facts are facts. You can buy and see for
1 yourself. Five cents isn't much to invest, j
Some times nee a reliable,
the ) urcatdrugs
Wri SSir
They are prompt, nafoard certain In result. ThertcuJnc(Dr. reQ's)DeTrdUap
nolut, geut kuywbtre, gt.tO, Addreu Tkax. Mkdiciki: Vq., Clcrtland, U.
For salo by 1. P. D. Kill LIN. Shenandoah. Ph.
Penn sylvan in Ra ilroa d .
Jl'LYSS, 1890.
Trains will leave Shenandoah alter tho abut,
date for Wli;i;ans, Cllllierton, Krackville, Darl
Water, St. Clnlr, l'ottsville. Hamburg, Heading,
Pottstown, l'hoenixville, Xorritown and Phi
adeiphla (llroad street station) nt 6 0S and II If
a. m. nud 1 20 ji. in. on week days. For Potto
viile nud intermediate stations 9 10 a, m.
For Wlmraiirt, GUberttm, Kmckville, Dart
Water, St. Clair, l'ottsville, at 0 OS, 9 10 n. m. auo
310 p.m. For Hnmhurif, Heading, lVittatown
Pliucnixvilie, Norristown, Pliiladelplila at 6 00
9 40 n. m.,3 10 p. m.
Trains leave Frackville for Slienandoah ai
10 40 u. in. mid 1211, SOI, 7 4'.' and 10 27 p. in
Sunday, U Pi n. in. and 5 40 p, m,
lavo l'ottsville for Slienandoah at 10 15. 11 it
a. m. and 140, 713 and 10 CO p. m. Sunday at
10 10 a. in., 5 15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, (Ilroad street station), lot
Stiennndoah at 5 57 and 8 85 a. in., 4 10 and 71)
p. m. week days. Sundays lenve at 6 50 a. m.
Lenve Ilroad street station, Philadelphia, toi
Sea (lirt, Asbury Park, Ocean tlrove, lAini
Itranch, and intermediate stations,! 05, 6.50, 8.21
11.39 a. in., 2 as,, 4.05 p. in, week-days, 5 00
Saturdays only. Sunday- (stop at luterlaken
(or Asbury Park), 4 01, 8.25 a.
Leavo Uroad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Express, v-eek-days, 3 20, 4 05, 4 50, 5 15, G50,
733, 8 20, 9 20,950, 10 21 (Dining Car), 11 00 a. m.
12UOnoou, 123.) (Limited 1 00 nud I 22 p. m.
Dining Can), 140, 2 30 (Dining Car) 3 20,3 50,
I 00, 5 Oil. 5 50 (Dlnlns Car), 0 110, 0 50, S 12, 10 00,
p. m.. 12 01, night. Sundays, 3 20, I 05, I 50, 5 15,
M20, 8 33, 9 50, 1021, Dining Car), 1103 n. In.,
12 3-i, 2 3J Dining Curl, 4 00 Limited I 22 Dining
Car, 5 20, 5 .W, Dining Car, 0 35, 15 50, 8 12, 10 00
Ji. lu 12 01 night.
Express (ur llostnn without change, 11 00 a.
in., week-days, nud 0 50 p. m., daily,
For iliiltlmre and Washington, 3 50, 7 20, 8 91
10 20, 1123 a. m., 13 09 (12 31 Limited Din
ing Car), 1 12, 3 18, 4 41 (5 19 Congressional
Limited, Dining Car), C 17, 6 55 (Dining Car),
7 58 (Dining Car) p. m.. aud 12 01 nlghl
week days. Sundays, 3 50, 7 20, 912, 1123 a.
m., 12 09 1 12, 4 41, ( 5 IS Congressional Limited.
Dining Car), 055 (Dining Carl, 758 p. m
(Dining Car) and 12 05 night.
Leavo Broad street station, Philadelphia (via
Delan nro river bridge), express, 9 07 a. in, 3 38
and 7 02 p. in. week days, bundaya 9 07 a. rn.
nnd 7 02 p. m. ltetiirulng leave Atlantic City,
7 50 a. in. week days, 10 05 a. m. I 4-5 p. in. daily.
I.caYe Market street Ferry, express, 5 00, 8 an
9 10a. m., (I 00 Saturdays only), 1 50 2 50. 8 40.
4 00, 4 20, r- 00 and 5 80 p. m S1.00 excursion, 7 00
a.m. Sundnys, 6 00, 7 30, 8 00, 8 30,9 00,9 45a
ni and 1 30 p, in. il.OO excursion 7 00 a. in.
Kunming have Atlantic City, 6 15 (MondnYt
only), 7 00,7 40, 8 00, 9 05, 1105 n. Ill,, 3 00, 4 0U,
5 30, 7 50 and 94-5 p. in., weekday.. Sundays,
3 40, I 10, 5 00, 5 30, 0 00, 7 00, 8 03, 9 05 and 9 33
p. Ill,
For Capo May, Anglessen, Wildwood amo
Holly lleach. Express, 9 00 a. in., 2 TO, 4 05. 8 CP
p m. week dara. Sundays. 8 20 a. in. Excur
sion, 7 00 n. m, daily. Caio Ma only, uxpreas,
1 30 p. in, Saturdays.
ForSeolslo City, Ocean City nnd Avaloru
Exprcss, 9 10 a. in., and 2 30, 4 20, 500 p. m.
wrek days Sundays, 8 30 a. in. Excursion
7 00 a. m. dully.
For Soincr. Point. Express. 5 CO, 7 00, 7 40,
910 a. m., 100 Saturdajs only), 2 50. 100 ano
5 30 p. ra. week days. Sundays, 7 00, 8 00, 9 00,
9 45 a. in.
8. SI. I'uevost, J. It. Wood,
Oen'l Matiager, Oen'l Pass'g'r Art
Jons IIowaud lUnuis, LU D., I'rest,
College with four courses of study loading to
degree: Academy (or boy. and yound men i
Ladles' Institute, and Jiehool of Muslo. Thirty
aero campus ; ten buildings Including gym.
nasluni, laboratory add observatory. For
catalogue and other Information address,
Iteglstrnr, I.ewisburg, Pa,
..&.,M5$i-C HI
up against a Good Thing.
monthly, re
should be a.
iDPd.elne, Only Tmmless QCd
it yoairanttheLuut, fet
IN EFFECT .MAY 17, 1896.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows :
For New York via Philadelphia, week day..
2 10, 5 25, 7 20 II. m., 12 18, 3 00 and 3 55 p. m
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For New York via Mnuch Chunk, week day.,
5 2-5, 7 20n. in., 12 4S nnd 3 00 p. m.
For Heading and Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a.m., 12 18, 3 OJ and 5 53 p. m. Sun'
days, 2 10 n. in.
For l'ottsville, week davs, 2 10; 7 20 a. in., and
12 43, 3 00 and 6 55 p. in. Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For Tninaqiin nnd Mnhnnoy City, u eek days,
2 10,5 25, 7 20 a in., 12 48, 3 00 ami 5 55 p. m.
Sunday 210 n. lu.
For V lllfamsport, Sunbury nnd I.ewisburg,
week days, 3 25, U 30 n. in., 1 30 and 7 25 p. m.
Slllulavs, 3 25 a. lu.
For Mahnnoy Plane, weekdays, 2 10, 3 25, B 25,
7 20, 11 30 n. in.. 12 48, I 50, 3 00,5 50, 7 2-5 and 9 55
p. in. Sundays!! 10, 3 23 a. in.
For Ashland nnd biiamoktu, week days, 8 23,
7 20,1130 a. in., 150,725 and 9 55 p.m. Sun
days, 3 25 a. III.
For Italtimore. Wnshlnc-ton and the Went via
11. 4:0. it. Ii., through trains lea-1 Iteadlnr
Tt-rmlnni, Pliiladelplila, (P. & It. 1' ) at 3 20,
7 55,1126 a. in., 3 10 and 7.27 p. l. Sundays,
3 20,7 00,1126 n. in., 3 46 nnd 7 27 p. m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty(ourtll and Chest
nut streets station, week davs, 10 E0 n. 111. 12 20,
12 It 8 40 p in. Sundays, 1 35, 8 23 p. 111.
Lenve New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 430, 8 00 n. in., 130, 4 30, 9 00 p. in. and
night. Sundays, 6 CO p. in.
Leave New York la Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 30, 0 10 a. in., 1 30 nnd I 15 p. in.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, weok
days, 4 20, 8 35, 10 05 a. m. and 4 05, 6 30, 11 89
p. m. Snudnyp, 11 30 p. m.
Leave Heading, week days, 135, 7 10, 10 08,
11 55 n. in., 0 00 nud 8 20 p. 111. Sundays, 1 S3 a. Jn,
Leave l'ottsville, weekdays, 2 35, 7 40 a. m,,
12 30 and 6 12 p. in. Sundays, 2 3.1 n. in.
Leave Tamnqua, week day., 3 18, 8 50, 1123 a
in., 1 27, 7 20 nnd 9 43 p. in. Sundays, 8 18 a. m.
U'ave Mahanoy City, week days, 8 43, 9 21,
11 17 n. m., 2 03, 7 41 and 10 08 p. m. Sundays, a U
a. in.
Inve Mahanoy Plane, week dnya, 2 40, 4 00.
630,9 37, ll59l. 111., 1 12, 2 19, 3 20, 0 26, 7 37 and
1023 p.m. Sundays, 2 40. 400 a, ill.
Leave Wllliainsport, week days, 7 42, 1010 a.
ui., 3 33 and 1141 p. m. Sundays, li 15 p. ra,
Lenve Philadelphia Chestnut street warl and
South street wlmt( for Atlnntlo City.
Weekdays Exprea. 8 CM. 9 on, 10 45, a. in.,
IPatlirda) only, 180, 2 W, 3 (M, 3 40, t 00, 4 30,
6 on 5 31) p. in Accommodation. 8 O0 a. m., 4 30,
630 p. m. $1.00 excursion train, 7 00 n. m,
Sunday Express, 7 30, 8 00, 8 30,9 00, 1000 a. m.
4 43 p. lu. Accsinim. datlon 8 00 a. 111., 4 45 p. lu.
$1.00 excursion train 7 W) a. in.
Iteturiiing Ivave Atlantic City depot, corner
Atlantic nnd Arkansas n enues.
Weekdays express, Mondays only, G 45,
7I), 7 45, S13. 9C), 1015n. in., HIM. 4 30, 5 SO, 7 30,
9 30p in Accommodation. 6 20, 7 3fl, a. lutf, 4 82
p. m 81.00 OM'iirsli'ii train Iioin footMlMTsslppt
avenue inilj 000 p. in.
Sundays Express, 8 00, 4 00, BOO, 600. 680,
7 CO, 7 30, 8 00, (tan p. in. Aeoon niodatlon, 714
a. in., 5 05 p. in. Si oo excursion train from loot
M!-,i"ippi nrculie only 6 10 p. in.
Parlor Cars on all oxprnss trains.
Oen'l Superintendent. Uoh'1 l'asa. Ag
nillions of Dollars
Go up lu smoke every your. Take nu
risks but gut vour houses, stuck, fur.
ulture, etc., Insured in first-class re
liable companies as represented by
Alio Life and Accidental Compaulu.