The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 07, 1896, Image 2

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    V-4.' .
v y .v.
TfcTt, K.A. It '
i:yi'.i!i.iMin:i iK7o.
Published every livening, Except Sunday, b
B South Jaiidis Stiikkt, Near Ckntrk.
The Humid Is dellveicd IllHhciintiilonti nmllho
.urroiitidlug towns fornix e-ents ft week, pay
able to the carrier, lly mull (8.00 n yenr, or 'Hi
cent a mouth, nyahlc lit advance. Aelvertlse
meiit charged nccordlug to ppnee nnd position.
Tho publisher reserve tlin right to change tlio
position of Advertisements whenever the pul
ilcstlon ol news demnnds It. Tlio right Is
reserved to reject any Advertisement, wlietlier
paid lor or not, that the publishers may deem
Improper. Advertising rates made known
upon appIlcAtion.
Bntered At the postofllco At Shcnnudouh, Pa., as
second class mull matter.
Evening Herald
01 Oliio. '
lint VICJ3 l'HIWlllBST,
.(UltllHT A. llOIIAKT,
01 New Jersey.
Von ejOXOltKSHMAN.AT.I.AIirin,
(lALJJhlt.V A. (IHOW,
Of Susquehanna.
Of Erie .
Tliw will apparently prove a your of repu
diation, unit tlio people of tlio county won't
do a thing to tliu Democratic ticket this fall.
TllElti: is:i inpid oozing of wind' from tho
flrconhiLck tin, iilri.nlv' l-'or everv free sil-
vnrdnsnrtor from the lfcnllhlie-nll ranks, tlicrl
' u
will bo two sold standard Democrats in ljj,
THE muiioy plank ol tlio l(ciiuiHjy,u j,ut.
lurm serves nutiru on tlio worn''tliat Ulidor it
tliis country proposes to jiy uUlJ bundled
cents on tlio Hollar touVl.ry uUU ol- il6
reditors. f
1'ATltloTic lWMlRlt, iecognl.o nono of
their party's J'f5n,.iple or of their party's
Joauors in uu. (hieairo platform or ticket
They aro ygaK(UT0 deserting tho Crazy (Juilt
party uvjtfry ,jay mu uru (nllsting for Mc
i'ni: circular letter of tlio majority luein-
rs of tho School Hoard, giving tlioir version
j . tho Hogart case accompanied with alhda-
vits, appeals on tlio loiirtli page ot to-uay's
paper. Our readers will scan tho article with
much interest. It is a plain statement of
facts, without any coloring one way or tho
Sam.Iwh spent all day of Monday, when
The licptihlicuu convention was held, in the
olllets of his friend's library, in a dark loom,
V. John Wliitchouso was nearhy in close
"oiisnltation with his biother-ln-law. Tho
luild-headcd statesman from Schuylkill llavcil
was elected Senator the following day without
$ n itmositiou. These two oceiirreueies sub-
,l,iuttutn nil tliat has been said ill leferenco
u tho combination
nominate Hi mum.
that was formed to
( ii i' IImiihic mtic friends have tho choice of
ii iihitfurins that ailonled by tho state
convention held at Allentown and tlio ono
promulgated by the' Mi-enllcd Democratic
gathering at (,'hicago. (Ino is for tho gold
standard while tlie other favurs five silver lit
111 to 1. Surely our Democratic friends are in
a dilemma asmuchsnastho Kveiiing Chron
icle m its efforts to oppose the national ticket
and at the same time swallow tlio county
I'JKMoi'n.vnc picsideiitial electors hao resigning over since tlio Chicago tun
vention adjourned, lutididatcs for Coiigiess
are refusing to stand, JIarrity has withdmwii
from politics, too slnowd to come out openly
against his party and penult bis eneniius to
iread him out of it, mid now comes tlio
jinuoiiiiccmciit that Chairman Wiight will
bhortly resign the chaiiiiiaiiship. Yet the
hungry seekers uftir loaves nud lUlios in
ScliuylUill swallow everything, and every
Democrat who holds the honorof hiscountry
nhuvo all else Is to ho loud out of the pally.
M'liat ii ciowd of patriotic citizens tlieyaie!
Tun licpiibllcans have had their innings,
and nuw tho Democrats will occupy the
"boards" for the next few days. Here in
Shenandoah tlio contending fonos are waging
an active waifaro for tho contiol of tho dele
gate to tho county convention on Monday,
and as a lesiilt tho piimarios to-morrow will
prove interesting. There aro four candidates
so far announced, with the fifth toady to
present his name shuuld the location and the
will of tho convention manifest itself
in that diicclion. From a party stand
point Shenandoah is entitled to more than
one nominee on tlio county ticket, but the
"slittos" so far made give tho town but one
oilico. If such proves to be the ca-e on Mou
lay tlieio will be some fun hole on election
lny. Tho Democratic ticket, after the slush
ing it will receive, will nover bo recognized
on tho morning of November Ith, unless the
lies of the untorriui'd of Shenandoah are
.acceded to. Let tho Isiud play.
iVr. are in receipt of a lengthy communica
tion signed "True DjiuocraU," ljonring tlio
post mark of oho place anil dated
another, asking us tu give space to a half
sjolumii article lauding the gmsl qualities of a
certain candidate for olllcc. Wo arc always
willing and anxious to please our friends,
especially those of Democratic faith, hut in
tho piuscnt cuso ami similar ones we are com
pelled to withhold tlie article until the
""wJierewltli" Is forthcoming. We appreciate
the fact that our Democratic friends realize j
that the eolumnt of the Hkku.h aie the
lust mentis uf reai hiug tho great inajoiity ol
the rwiling public, of both jsjlitiinl partis
hut the stock in trade of every iicwspuprr j-.
itatrweo. It is hardly the proper thiiiK to
ask that til" name be given away, evi n if it
is to plea 'the many imtrons or yo .r
valuable paper MiUtas wull nk a mi r
. hunt to furnish you with a bariel of Hour
lor the same reivsan. Our spaei is lor vie
.ml as we are 111 I in the buins lor ,
'. in , the ' ttliie w th ' I. .list I i loillo i
(Continued from First Page.)
superintendent all tlio backing he requires.
Upon motion of I). It. .Tnmes tho olllcers of
( ouncil were instructed to negotiate a loan of
M.5U0 for JKI days.
Upon motion of Mr. lieeso tlio finance com
mittee whs Instructed to get tlio exoneration
lists for IHIHfrotn the tax collector, and upon
motion of I). I!. .1 nines, Council will meet
lioxtfl'litireday evening to settle the duplicate
D. 1!. James sail) the lockup was in n bad
sanitary condition again and the secretary
read the following coinmiinlention :
"At a reginiir nice ting of the Hoard of Health,
held I'rldjy, July Slst, the siinltnry inudltlon of
the lockup being under discussion, the follow
ing motion was unanimously adopted : It is
tlie sense of the Hoard of Health that some plan
should lc adopted by the Horough t'oumilto
ktep the lockup In afanltary condition, anil to
that end a Janitor for tlie purposi should be
It was decided upon motion of Mcfiufie,
that tho Supervisor send a man to the lock
up every morning during tlio summer
weather to clean out the place with u hoio.
Mr. Conk ley said ceitiiln special police who
bad assisted in making arrests complained
that they had received no fees. A elis
ciission brought Chief Jlurgens Hums to his,
feet and he said thutlll men wore arrcd
ltcontly in tlio First ward and, aucordjftg to
the claims, abaut SO police assisted' j the
ease. Only $15 was collectut'' frm tho
prisoners and there were several spcedal
ollieers who complained beciUjs0 tt.y djd not
get a share. y
Mr. McOiiiro said : i3 n(J0Ut tln0 we
should have an olllcc fur tlw chlcf Burgcss
and bo should loiiw tin- ollico only when ho
Is compelled tn,0 out. Ho should also have
a fullstatcjjunt 0f ,.,t lllonuy i, received by
the Iinpss and the police. Tlio matter has
'"!l''far enough to adopt that kiud of a
Y Attention was culled to the fact that the
Iluigossund Chief of Polico make monthly
reports to Council, but it was argued that the
lUirgess should keep a docket and it should
bo open tu Inspection by Council at all tlini.
A grade was adopted to l'eacli alleyand tlio
street committee was authorized to change
tho sewerage system at Catherine and Centre
streets and put in two traps.
The Survey committie was instructed to
give a grade lor I.auiel street, from Fear
alley to Main stieet, and also to purchase
grade stones.
The ollieers of Council wero instructed to
sign tlie lwife for the public dumping grounds
prepaied by the 1'. & II. C. & I. Co., at a rental
of jA) a year. Tlio grounds are to bo fenced
and the Chlcf Hurgoss will have charge.
Water lnclrrs bavo been placed in the
Shenandoah Steam laundry, tho Ferguson
House, William Neiswcnder's stable and a
saloon in the First Ward, with good lesults
thus far.
An application fiom the Shenandoah Flee
tiic Illuminating Company for permission to
extend its lines on Llo.vd stieet fiom Jardiu
to Chestnut, and on Laurel stieet from Fear
alley to Jardin street, was leferred to the
street committee with power to act.
An invitation from the Defender Iloe
Company, of Turkey linn, asking Council to
puiticipate in itiaradc and picnic on August
loth, was lead. Mr. moved that tho
communication bo accepted and tiled and Mr.
Slraughu amended that Council attend in a
body. Tlie motion was carried as amended.
'. Mr. Fuglcrt protested ngaint tho burial of
dead animals in tlie dirt bank at Kohinoor
eulliery, as public nuisances ale created by
tho coverings washing away. ThcUIigh Con
stablo and dliectesl to look after the matter.
The leport of liornugh Tieasurcr Darius
for July showed: lieccipts, j9,0UI.7U; dis
bursements, ",721. Ml ; balance, $;i(i!).Wi. To
dato Jlll.bOO worth of old bonds have been
redeemed and $1R,:IOO new ones sold.
The Chief of Polico icport far July showed
35 arrests. Of the-se 25 paid lines and 10
served time. Tlie lines collected amounted
to 31. The Chief Ilurgras collected flit)
during the month.
The icport of Fire Marshal Adam Kantuer
showed that thoio were tlileo slight- tiles
dining the mouth.
On motion of Mr. Cemkley it was decided
to-plaeo another incandescent light in the
Itoscuo company's apparatus room.
Untuned Near Ashland.
A sad drow ning all'air occuried at a pleasure
resort near Ashland, known as Coney Island,
yesterday afternoon. While a party of young
people of Girardville wero enjoying a swim
in tlio puud at tho above place Thomas
Hoian, sou of Michael Ilorun, one of Glrard
villo's pioiulncnt merchants, ami Miss Sarah
Kinney ventured out in tho water too fur.
Miss Kinney was rescin d by John Mcllri arty,
of Ashland, but young Homn sank before ho
could ho reached. Dr. Marshall held an in
ipiest last evening, and tlio jury found a
verdict in accordance with tho abovo facts.
Young lloran was nineteen years of ago and'
was a medical student at ono of tho colleges
in Philadelphia and expected to graduate
next yesir. Ho was a bright young man, and
bis untimely death has caused much sorrow
at airardville.
When you want good roofing, plumbing
gas fitting, or genera! tinsmitliing dono call
on E. F. Gallagher 1 West Ceutro street
Dealor 1p stn-os. 1-tf
Of severest trial ainMest prove
In regard to Hood's Sarsaiiarilla
flst, Greatest LVSerit
H Secured by a peculiar Combina
tion, I'roiKirtioii and Process
unknow n to others - vvlilctr
naturally and actually produces
d, Greatest Cures
1 Shown by thousands of honest,
voluntary testimonials winch
naturally and actually produco
d, Greatest Sales
According to the statements ol
druggists all over the country.
In these three points Hood's
Sarsaparllla Is peculiar to Itself.
Is the brst - It I the One Truo Mood Purifier.
. itr? r"if aie mu oiuy inns eu uau
HOOtiJifi"ls with Hood's Sarsaparllla.
(SMb4c.rUS"W0VjlSS GslC
s -.ttl-' Co.,l'lijePA
s d ol -t... -IS I.a-t
1 1
nooo s
I or' sjUlaikSPSTl sK
The-y Held Tlielr Conference This .Horning
at I'oltsellle.
Special to llr.HALli.
Ponsvii.l.E, Aug. 7. A small but enthus
iastic gathering of free silver liepublleniis,
who had issued a call for a meeting at tho
Fxehange Hotel, at this place, for this morn
ing, the 7 hist., at 10 a. in., met at the above
phuo and perfected an organization by ' elect
ing John W. Parker, ol the Mahanoy City
llecord, as chairman, and M. J.linior, of
Shenandoah, secretary.
The Chairman called for expressions of
opinion us tu their standing on tlio issue and
of their former leader's action in Monday's
J. It. l'onierny, ., of Shenandoah, 11 ret
addressed tho gathering. Ho dellueel his
position us a bimetallist and said he would
not support the ltcnuhliciiii nominee. Charles
N. Ilrunim, for Congress fiom this district.
That ho was llrst, last and always. n Green
liacker, ami could not consistently support
Mr.'llttimui after his action on Monday.
William Willielin, of Pattsville, fo.'iowcd
Mr. Poineroy and told the convrsiion to take
encouragement for he sulilWaat be lmd re.
ceiveel many letters frutt'supporters all over
the county regrettb, their, inability to be
resent, but
butprojujsiug support. It
f bi'ailelnhia was a i?rmit c
said that I
centre for
tho advoci
l(3Its of .bimetallism, one paper in
" ii?' n'lvl"K "Imost trebled its circulation
"''sHtcoiiiliig a free silver organ ; that out
'"lortv-tlireo larm nancrs in tba l.niteil
'-tates tliero arc forty of theni free silver
aiivoi'atcs. lie struck the key note ol tho
convention when lie remarked that tho light
was not one for gold or for silver, but for the
coinage of silver at $10 Jut capita. Ho sug
gested that all those present sign tho cull to
ascertain who vveie the friends of bimetallism
present, and concluded with tho remark:
".My party limy change, but I am not tied to
party; 1 am tied to principle."
Tlio call was then read and all thoso favor-'
ing tho positson taken stepped forward anil
signed the document.
Cliairiniiu Parker then said that as tho
gathering was mole in tho nature of an
Infounal assemblage, rather than a public
gathering, all tlio-c who had not signed
should letiru from llie room. Harry II. Fos
ter, of Pottsville, was appointed Sergent-at-iirins
and the roonf was cloared of all lint
supporters. Tlie convention then went into
executive session.
Tho lusiilt of the executivo confcreiice iiin
not be learned, other than that a committee
of eleven vveio appointed, for what purpose is
not divulged. Those who participated in tho
meeting will not talk.
Iluy Keystone Hour. Ho suro that tho nnmo
Lisisiei & Bai;u, Ashland, Pa., is printed on
every sack.
Visitors Jliiterlaiueit.
The home of Mr. and Miw. James Coogan,
of West Coal street, was the scene of a happy
gathering of our local musicul and theatrical
talent lust evening, who tendered Masses
Annie and Lizzie Hiophy, of Xevv York, a
n i option. Singing, dancing, instrumental
music, and a luncheon was enjoyed by
many of tho people present. Tlio gathering
vias such a merry one, that it was at a late
hour w hen the guests departed. Those pies
cut wcie : Misses Kate Convillc, Mary Lavvlor,
Ashland ; Julia Durne, Annie Iaiibach, Maine
Murphy, and Messrs. P. J. Scanlan, Thomas
Tempest, Michael Durkin, Harry Tempest,
Charles Smith, Jolin Shore, Charles 1 Leitzel
and Fdward Tobin. '
laist ol the Season. t
Tho last exeiirs'ion of the seassu In, Atlan
tic City, via Philadelphia & Heading Hail
road, will leave Shenandoah at 11:30 a. in.
August 13th. Fare fli.SO. Tickets good for
ten days, good also on train leav.iug Shenan
doah at IS: IS p. in.. August 13th, ami from
Philadelphia to Atlantic City August ,13th
and 14th. A Piillinaii parlor ear will bo at
tached to special train in which seuts tun bo
reserved. S-ll-tlt
Joshua Weinier, an aged resident of Ash
land, died there on Wednesday night. His
dentil veils duo ton complication of internal
disorders, lie leaves three sons, oueof tliem,
J. Frank Weinjer, is teller in the Citizens'
National Hank tit that place. The funeral
will take place to-morrow afternoon. t
Uliver ISoner, ao years, a native ot Asliland
and son of Henry S. Holier, the well known
lu lunger" of the Lutheran Publication House,
in Philadelphia, died at bis home in that city.
A little daughter of .Mr. Lewis Dayton, an !
old and much respected citizen of Harnitz,
Pa., occasionally has trouble with her
stomach which gives her considerable dis
tress. In speaking of it -Mr. Dayton said :
As soon as sho has an attack wo give her a
doso of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ami
Diarrhoea Hcmcdy, and it has nover failed
to relieve her pioinptly. We all uso it In
our family with the same) good results' For
sale by (inihlcr llros., druggists.
Tliu siial Trade.
The anthracite coal market is reported as
lull by all tho reports which come to hand
from the ports and places at which tlio cual Is
sold, and yet at tlie same timo tlieie aro re
ports from the districts in which it is mined
that tho production is to be increased, so that
luring tho mouth of August 4,000,000 tons
will be shipped. The Coal Trade Journal
says it must lo evident to anyone who will
view tho mutter from a conservative stand
point that the business is not in vory health
ful condition, nnd it would Ijave been' just as
well, if tliu producers wished to maintain
the price which they have put upon this coal
ami to secure still further advaucos, if the
product during August had been cut in half.
Tho Holing to Continue.
The Ilorough Council of Ashland held an
Impurtaut meeting Wednesday evening. It
was decided to continue the boring at tlio
reservoir for another mouth, the present sin
ply from the well being about 1,000 gallons
per day. Ivow water rates, where the sumo
Is used by metre, were adopted to take ellect
Scptciulior 1st. For a quantity less than
10,000 gallons per month, lOcts. per thousand
from 10,000 to SO.000 gallons permoutb, Sets,
per thousand gallons; fiom 50,000 to 100,000
gallons per month, u cts. ier thousand
gallons ; for ISO, 000 gallons or more jier
month, 5 cts per thousand gallons. The
council authorized a loan of $2,000 to meet
cunent cxeusei.
Some years ago when suffering with an
tiucemuieuly seveie attack uf diarrhoea, Mr.
W. II. Guiunlp, of Atco, Pa., received
through the mail a sample laittle of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Kcniody. He says: "I found it to be ono
of the most ell'ective rwnedies 1 ever used. It
gave mo almost Immoiliate relief. It Jim no
superior and I think no eijiial. No bad
etlbcts follow the use of this reniuly. It I
pleasunf to taku.vvheu reduced with water
aim swoeioneu. e uuuruu like it. It never
fails. It is the most lerfert remedy ever
produced for lnArul complaints " For wile at
2S and 60 cents per bottle by Ii rubier 1 1 rem
1'a 1 1 ot Coal.
Hunch Kuvalcwskl, Mi jm. of age and
residing in Tohins' row in tin First ward,
was seriously injured afoul tlu; be-ail this
morning win n cngsfed In dressing tie face
' of a breast in tlie Hllaimowau mites. A
lump of coal ti ll upou h.iu He na-n-nt to
llie Mine i l.oipiul
The Ileiuocrntlo Candidate for Commis
sioner Arraigned.
HniTon IlKiiAi.n: llelleviug that loynlty to
tho principle! of tho Democratic imrty and tho
faithful support of Its candidates regularly
nominates!, constitute the supreme test of the
Democracy of the Individual, ami believing
that treason to the party and Its candidates
should never lie rewarded by political prefer
ment, we deem it Just and proper at this time to
illrnt your attention to the past treachery of a
man who is now seeking a noinlnatiAii at tliu
hands of the Democratic party of Schuylkill
It is only ucce'ssary to go Imek three years in
tlie hUtory of tlio llcmocrallo ii.ii ty to show
that the gentleman to whom we refer shoul'JJie,
ashamed, if be possesses! any sens-,? bAtue,
toeveraliuounee himself as O'fnudidate for
any office, or pretend to linvr rfny claims what
ever In the Democratic parly. Inlsoa Mr. !'..!,
crimson, of Lost (.'rorr' wm n nntl,iiiifiini.,.r-,'.
tlie Iie-inocratlc county convention for the oflies'
of County Ce.Tt.lilssioner. After n long anil
bitter strangle in tlie convention he vvns dc
'.Viitesl and James Li-ahy was nominated. It
was not even clalme-d tiiat Air. Ia?aliy was not
honestly and honorably chosen for tho place on
the' licket to which Mr. Ferguson asnire-d.
Neither was it eontendesl that any undue ad vant
age had been taken by Mr. KerKUson in tlie
I'nder these circumstances, if Mr. Ferguson
was a Democrat, be would have gone home,
from tlie convention and tfxertesl his Influence
to see'iire the election of the ticket.
Did he doit?
Tlie oU'ttion returns from bis district, the day
nfter cies tlon showed the extent of the obliga
tion be felt himself under to tlie party. The
Delnoe-ratle vote of the district in which Mr.
Pergiison reigns as a sort of supreme ruler, is
about liiT).
The stale ticket, In lsDl received 200 votes,
and Jil'lgo Weidman rceeive'd 200 votes. Mr.
Ferguson was not fighting tlie state ticket or
Judge Weidman, lint ho openly fought most of
the county candidates. The result of his open
treachery to tlie ticket is shown In the vote cast
for some of the other candidates. Hero are the
figures :
sir. S. C. Kirk, tlie Demoeratlo candidate for
Protholiotary, re-ceived nt tlie Lost Creek poll,
40 vote's: Air. Scheiirinan, t lib eandidate for
lleeordcr, received OS voteis; Mr. Ciirran, esndi
date for Iteglster, received 101 votes; Mr. Mill
holiaud, candidate for Controller, received IH
votes, and Me-ssrs. Martin and Leahy,eiiiiflidates
for Commissioner W and 00 votes respectively.
That this slaughter of the Democratic ticket
In tills particular di.tlict was the result of tlio
tre-uclicry of Mr. Ferguson unit bis friends and
henchmen, was their open Imnst at the time, atiel
we are not aware that they deny it now.
Air. I'crgiison is a again a candidate for the
nrtk'c of commissioner.. )n you, as n Demo
crat, believe lilm entitled to re-cognition ? Do
you think tre-nehery should bo rewareled with
a nomination and election' Do you think the
voters ol llie couiuy e-tulorse me seiusiiness ntiei
treasonable Impulses that te-d lilm tu slaughter
the ticket iK-cause he failed of a nomination?
Do yei think a man with a rccorel of this kind
should lie or could be clcetesl, if nominated ?
These facts and ipierb'S arc rcspestlully
submitted to the Democratic voteis ill the
belief that their sense of right and justice will
impel them to say to Air. Ferguson that the
Democratic party Is not dNposeel to reward
treason to its principles ami candidates with
election to office of honor and prollt. Air.
I-'enrllson should lie tullifht that treachery to the
parte Is not so hastily forgotten, and eithcrswho
w oidd emulate lilsCMimple shouhl be dctcrre-d,
fiom so doing by making treason odious. The
e-onveiitlon this year lias a chance to do this
Manv Dlmocuats.
Shenandoah, August Mil. It
itlieilinullsin Cured in n Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Hheumatlsm and Neu
r.ilgia radically cures In 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon tho system is rcmnrkablo and
mysteriuus. It lemuves at once tho cause
and tho disease immediately disappears. The
firstdoso greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by
C. 11. Jlagcubuch, Druggist, Shenanuoan.
Jt'.ltlnuul League.
At UrooUlvn lironklyn, 11; I'hlbielob
rihln, 10. At Iiiistuii Hoston, 1; Washing.
tun. 0. At Halt! inoro llaltlnioro, II; Xow
York, (1. - At Cincinnati Cincinnati, t
Pittsburg-. 2. At Chlcii-jo Chicago, "0
tit. Louis, ;!.
Hasten) I,CM;ne.
At Toronto Toronto, 111; Springfield, 8.
At HtilTiilo Providence, 10; lhtfliilo, 7.
At Syrticttsi' Wllkosbarro, 8: Syracuse, '!.
Atlantic League.
At Lancaster Lancaster, 12; Pnterson,
S. At Hnrtfnrd Xowark, 10; Hnrtfortl,2.
At Wilmington Athletic, 10; Wilming
ton, 4.
Tho people have long since learned that
tho most disagreeable medicines aro not nec
essarily the best. In fact, as a rule, they aie
not. What is wanted is something mild aud
sure, such as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Heinedy. That is really
pleasant to take when reduced with water
and .sweetened. Then it is acknowledged'
everywhere to bo the most successful remedy
in the world for bowel complaints. Ask any
uiimlicr of druggists for tho best remedy
they have for dial rhoea and fully nino out of
ten will recommend Chamlcrlaiu's. In
speaking of this medicine, Mr. Ii, 11. Htitl'uin
uf Friendsville, .Siisimebanna Co., l'a,, says:
"Wohavo used it in our family for pain in
the htbmach, colic and diarrhoea and found
it to be a most effective remedy." For salo
by Grubler Hros., druggists.
Tliu Orphans' Hume.
The representatives of the several Odd Fel
lows' Orphans' homes of Pennsylvania met at
Philadelphia Tuesday and re-districted the
state. Tho Orphanage to lie established near
Suubury will have Bli counties, 332 loducs and
32,000 members to draw ironi, S. 11. Hoyer
and J. O. .Miller, of Sunbury, attended the
meeting. A meeting uf this district will bo
held at Sunbury on J'riilay. Shamokiu Des
patch. Pay only your own bills, lu dealing hcio
the cash customer is not taxed to help sup-
Krt tho credit customers who do uot pay.
Here an aie ono level, All aro cash,
7-18-tf Factory Shoe Store.
lllltliilay Celebration.
jA birthday rarty was laid last evening at
Hinwnsvillo in honor of the 2'Jth aniiiversary
ol lliomas 1 laherty, and also his lady friend,
JIlw Flannory, of Lost Cieek. Amusements
and refreshments wero indulged in and the fol
lowing wore present: Misses Holln, Hfrsser,
l oeley, I aiitliu, Tracy, Cuughlin and Del-
einp, and Slessis. Ldward Tobin, Harvey
Jacohy, John Higgiim, Johu and' Edward
Monaghaii, Hugh Dougherty, Patrick
Hruderick, Charles Leitzcl ami Christ, l'oltz,
Music was furnished by Messrs. Sanford
Shoemaker and Hippolyto Ijiwson, on tlio
guitar and mandolin, which was groaIy cu
Joyeel by those present.
Tliesu Wrr Sent ti) .lull.
5,Th following commitments to the county
jail weie made to-day : Jacob IiHerty, ol
I'utUvllle, was committed to jail by 'Squire
McCool, in default uf 300 bail on oath uf
Anna l-avl , charged with non-support
ami drunkenness ; Harney White mi scut to
tall by 'Seiuire McCool. In default of MOO lsiil
ou oath uf II. S. Dvl, cliargeal with being a
drunken tramp; 'Squire M. J. LaMrlor, of
Shenandoah, committed Adam lUrkona to
jail In default of $800 ball charged will
laiccny .
I llucklen's Arnica. Halve.
1 Tho best salvo in the worW for cuts,
, bruises, son s. ulcers, salt rtjenra, fever sores,
tetter, hajM d b mds, bilblaliii, corns, ami
all skill tiruptlons, and Hitlvely cures piles,
f,r no T,av i r. ! iniAm,,ti.Ml tit ilvr.
' " "
1 ...r....i,...,. . . ......... ...r.....i...l luf.
lIIO" WIHPW.ll"ll .11 IIJ.fMJ , I I, IHIIH I . I ICV
j5 m ills per hoi lursuii, b A Wasley
W.J. Dcch. of North .tnrdln street. Is
spending a week or two at Potter's Iike, to
roouporato from his recent illness.
jj. i-. nirrott, of the HnnALD, lanel 'Squire
f. T. Williams left this lnnrtilimlfnr several
days sojourn nt Atlantic City. I
jurs. i.izzio Humble, of West flial street, a
spending a few days at Atlaiitl'T'itv.
Miss Alary Lynch, of MiiTivilli.. TmniKUoe.
is visiting her aujit-Jfrs. James Hegloy, of
North I'nliimsfreot.
AIl9sJJn"h0 Dabb has returned from a two-
WlTlT visit In IVh.n.U nt fit Plot,.
lMiss Sadie (iilbort has gone to Philadelphia
to spend a couple of weeks with friends.
Howard Koltban, 21 year old sou of Fred,
Kcithan, of North Alain street, is suffering
from diphtheria.
Air. and Mrs. Milton Hillmau and Jin and
Mrs. William Pratt, will spend to-morrow
nud Sunday at the Mountain Qrefve camp
Miss Hannah Hefowlch, of Pottsville, is
the guest of Miss Hoso ltefowieh, on South
Main street.
tl. W. Neiman has returned to town after
a prolonged sojourn among tho cool sea
brcezus at Atlantic City.
lilchard llron n left town this morning on a
vacation trip to Atlantic City and points
along the Hudson.
Miss Gay, of Pottsvillo, Is sojourning with
Miss S.illio Stein, of Wost Oak street.
W. II. Waters, tlio grocoof town, and his
Uncle, William Waters, of St. Clair, will teavo
on next Tuesday for Wales. Thoy arc In
terested in an estate that is being settled in
that country. They will bo absent nbifut six
weeks anil comblno pleasure with business.
Miss Anulo Shappoll, of Wllkosbarro, who
has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. W.
Eisenhower, was called to the death bed of
hcraunt, Miss Simmon, at Frceland, She
was accompanied by Mrs. Elsenhower.
l ice Tills.
Send your address to II. H. Hucklen & Co.,
Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr.
King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince
you of their merits. These jillls aro easy in
action anil aro particularly effective in tho
cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For
Malaria and Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to
bo purely vegetable they elo not weaken
by their action, but by giving tone to stomach
nnd bowels greatly Invigorate tho system.
Kcgular size Soc per Imj.v. Solel by A. Waslcy,
fuller No Circumstances Will Ho Accept
Another Ternf. ,
FiTTSliumi, Aug. 7. Hoforo leaving; for
tho south Senator Quay stilted to n. re
porter that his pro.-ent term would bo his
last in tlio sonnto. Salel ho: "It has of tun
been said by others, but I hnvo never saiil
it myself until now. At tho expiration of
my term in the Unlboel jitntcs senato I
will refuse any lvnoinlntitiem nnd instead
will retlro from politics mill spend tho
ljiiliine-o of my timo Betting acquainted
with my family.
. "As to tlio truth of tho report that Don
Cameron is to bo n canillilato to succeeel
himself, 1 hiii not informed, and harelly
believe it, but so fur us I inn personally
concerned I will not ltmlcr any circum
stance be u candidate for re-election tit tho
expiration of my present term.
Itelief in Six Honrs.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by the "New Great
South American Kidney Curo." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back aud every part
of the urinary passages in male or female.
It relieves retention of water and pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you want
quick relict ana cure tins is your remedy.
Sold by Shapira's pharmacy, 107 South Main
Happenings Throughout the Itcgion Cliroli-
Icleel for Hasty l'erusal.
Schicdcr, tlie Vast Ceutro street baker, ap
peared iu the streets this moiulng with a
new delivery wagon. '
Herith Mela celebration was lipid at the
lomo of -Mr. and .Mrs. Hubeu Htrldson, on
South Janlin street, this morning.
Abraham Holland, tax collector of Auburn.
paid ou account of his '05 duplicate to-day.
iV marriage license was granted to Daniel
W. Dorr, of Harry township, and Kninia
Sfiadle, of Heglns township.
Proposals are out for the driving of a
tunnel from tho new lift. Holmes vtiu, to
tho Orchaid vein at Suffolk colliery.
Knickerbocker colliery, which Is being
rebuilt, is expected to resume operations
about tho 17th inst. Tho machinery is
nearly all in position and the carjicaters arc
planking up the sides and placing in tho
The longest coal train that ever ran cast
over the Lehigh Valley liailruad passed
through llethlehcin yesterday morning. Tho
train was made up of S1U loaded four-wheeled
coal cars.
The Schuylkill canal is again open for
navigation, the" blockade of coal dirt near
Port Clinton having been cleared away.
l'lomlueut olhcials of the Delaware and
Hudson Canal Company huvo been engaged
tho past two days in making a tour of tho
Mahanoy Valley collieries. It is said that
this tour is for the purpose of gcttiug ae-
eiuaintod vi Ith the methods used in mining
pitched seams of coal.
Mrs. Margaret Joyce, who for a number of
years was a resident of Hlg Miuu Hun, has
removed her household effects to Hazletou.
The liiinersattbo Plttston'mliio lost in tools
over 2,000 by tho accident. This is k featuro
of tlio terrible accident that has been over
Your lloy Wont I.ivo ii Month.
So Mr. Oilman Hrown. of 34 Mill St.. South
i..l..... ...... ...1.1 1... 41... .1
His sou had Lung trouble, follow lug Typhoid
Malaria, and he spent threo hundred and
seventy-five dollars with doctors, who Anally
gave him up, saying: "Your boy wont Hvo
a month." Ho tried Dr. Klug's New Dis
ilt.l,U, .IKItTI., ,1UD IUIII l,V ll!l UUCIOI9.
covery and n few bottles restored him to
health and enabled lilm to go to work a per
loctiy wen man. tie says no owes his pre
sent good health to tho use of Dr. King's
New Discovery, and knows it to bo the best
in tho world for Lung trouble. Trial Dottles
Irceat A. Wasley s Drug Store.
Picnics To. Day,
The Sunday schools of Tilnlty Reformed
and Presbyterian churches are holding their
annum picincsai iiKesiuovo-uay, ineuum-
bor of picnickers was about 300.
Why suller with Coughs, Colde and La
arippuwhon, Laxative Hroino (Juluiue will
euro you In ono day. Put up In t.bjeta con
venient for taking, (luarauteeel to curo, or
money refunded. Price, 25 cents. For salo
by Klrlln's Pharmacy.
The Search Discontinue!!.
Tho search for tho. two young men who met
their ilnith at the old nlr slum, near Tumn
una, while gathering blackberries, has beon
discontinued Nothing will be done until
' (hi utouud settles
Ministers Should Use
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure.
labors so severely tax tho nervous sys
tem, as that of tho ministry. Thodo
rangomcntof the ncrvo centers of the brain
by over work, frequently brings on attacks
ot hoart trouble, and nervous prostration,
Itov, J. I. Hester, M. D Pastor U. B.
church, London Mills, Ills., himself a physi
cian, writes Fob. 26, 1895: "Heart affection
and nervous prostration had becomo so
Bcrlous lost fall that a llttlo over work In
tho pulpit would so completely prostrate mo
Ylf MilPQ' tnat ' soemod cortain I
VI . lilllM mus(. rclinquIsh tho work
Ht5tirt Clire o tno ministry entirely.
Heart palpitation becttmo
ReSIOreS so bad that my auditors
tt .xi. would ask mo if I did not bavo heart disoaso. Last
November I commenced taking Dr. Miles'
New Heart Curo alternately with Dr. Miles'
Nervine and derived tho greatest posslblo
benefit. I bavo just closed revival work of
10 weeks, preaching nourly every night and
twlco on tho Sabbath. I can speak for hours
without suffering as I formerly did. Hard
working ministers (should kocp Dr. Miles'
grand remedies on hand."
Dr. Miles' Heart Curo Is sold on guarantee,
first bottlo will benefit or money refunded.
' ' Aht lr 1 ll
J?it1w ?Y:-&L bowel
mi at I
STsuddn J
3vl3a colds, chills 2
?Js&tr"V und I.a Grippe. ;
v, iij .
Used externally it is the best lini- J
mciit in the world. Ilevvarc of
imitations, buy only the goiiuiue J
made by Perry Davis. , '.i.. I
v Lsr bottles 25 sod VI csoli (sell ft
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
West Coal Street.
Of the Fourth ward.
Subje-ct to Citizens liarty rules.
Of Girardville.
Subject to Democratic rules.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
beer ana rorter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
. A genuine welcome waits you at -
Cor. flaln and Coal Sts.
Fliienl whlikoyi, beers, vortirr and si"
constantly oa tup. Choice Icuiperaace drlniu
mm i ig.ii! -