The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 06, 1896, Image 2

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i:staiii,isiii:i) 1870.
l'libllslicl every KvcnlnKjCitcpt Sunday, nt
8 Bourn Jaiiiiis Street, Near Cestub.
Tile II csrutil Is ilcllvcicrt lliHliciintiilonn nnd llio
(urruumlliiK town for six rents n week, pay
Able to the carriers, lly mall SS.oOn year, or a5
cent4 a month. iaylilu in mlinnco. AilvertlKo
mcnta cliarKeil uccorriltitf taMiaee nml position.
TLo publisher reicrvo tlio riitlit to cIuiisko tlio
fiosltlon of nilvertlsemeiit whenever the pul
Icatlon of news dcniniiil It. The right Is
reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
paid for or not. that the publishers may deem
improper. AdrcrllsliiK rates undo known
upon appltentton.
ttotered at tlio pontofllco at Shenandoah, Pa., ns
ocond class mall matter.
Evening Herald
THUIiSDAY. AUflFST (I, 1600.
IW l'HIJ'lllF.NT,
Of Ohio,
l'oavici: WiEIW:iiT,
UAliltlST A. HOIIAltT,
Of New Jersey.
Of Hiisiiiehninia.
samudi. a. luvisNi'oirr,
Of Krlc
The outcome of tlio regular meeting of the
.School Hoard has dceu anticipated by the
people of Shenandoah with a great ileal uf
interest. In fact, the pruKililo action of the
Hoard has been almost the sole topic of con
versation for thu past week or two, over binco
the minority members of the Hoard and
their supporters held the meeting in 1'ergu
.son's theatre and selected a committeo of ten
to appear before the Hoard und request'that
the Hogart cum' be again opened anil another
investigation be held.
Tho committee, beaded by .lamos Smith,
hairman, appeared before thu llourd last
Jiight and made the leiiuest, as will bo been
by our roport of tho proceedings in another
column. Tlio action of tho Hoard in refin
ing to again open tlio ease was exactly what
was anticipated. It could tako no other course,
in view of all the circumstances boaring
upon tho subject. Tlio warfare being waged
against the Superintendent has already gone
; iu far, and it is time to call a halt. No suno
i..,iu for n moment believes that a single
member of the majority f tlio Hoard do
sires nor would tolerate an "immoral or in
fompetent" man to prosido oer the
fichools of this town. That charge, repeatedly
made in public print und upon the streets, is
done forcH'cct. Furthermore, if the evidence
was sullicleiit to prove 1'rof. Iiogart guilty of
the charge made, the people, irrespective of
politics or other distinction, would not allow
linn to remain hero twenty-four hours.
We have carefully considered tho evidence
of both sides, with n vioiv to arriving at an
impartial opinion, and we again reiterate
that there is no occasion for the School Hoard
to again investigate the case. It would only
lutersify the feeling that now exists, and no
friend of tlio public schools desires that.
At tho meeting at which 1'iof. Hugart was
exonerated, the Hoard was iu possesion of
...1 the cvidc inc. The afliihvvlts of the
Vates people ami those picsented on behalf
if l'rnf. Hogart and tile leport of the com
mittee tent to Kuoxville to investigate the
a-e were hcfoic the Hoard, and after a thor
ough discussion the Supenutcndent-elect was
exonerated. Tlio public meeting called by
the miuoiily members of the Hoaid, at which
John J. Toole, sent to Kuoxville ns a special
detective, ias present and made a ftatcmcnt,
in ought out no additional evidence, neither
did tho committee of ten present further
testimony last night. For this reason tho
Hoard was Justified iu lofusingto entertain
the motion from the minority.
We have mi desire, nor does the ociiedon
ii iuiiro it, to resoit to blackguardism and
'lilllncsgate, as has licon done by certain
'public prints." Such a cuursu is an ovideniu
of weakness, and shows an absence of
evidence. It would have been fur better for
tho minority iiiomliers could they have
nulled such of their supporters.
Tho public lias been furnished witli n state
ment from thu minority members, and I
to-morrow tho majority members of the
Hoard will issue it plain statement of facts
Xiom their point of vlow through the columns
of tlio llwt.Vf.K and iu pamphlet form, which
will throw considerable light upon tlio iiie
tion. Can you name the next county chairman?
Wo thiuls lilt.
HniiTllKil lWtTY ami his five other side
partners arc in it dilemma, as to securing a
hall largo enough for their convention to
morrow. However, the crowd went be so
dig but that Wlllielin'b silvery tongue can be
heard by them all.
TllK ranks are daily swelling. Two inure
Democratic iwudldutes iu this state have
withdrawn fruin the ticket and denounce the
Chicago platform. Hy tho time November
arrives tlio loaders will hardly know that
there is a Democratic irty.
ItKi'Uiil.lL'A.v harmony iu tills county, to be
etlectlvo, must Iw genuine. All utensils of
warfare must be deposited with Daniel Dully,
erstwhile Secretary of the Hepublican county
l ouveu'lon, foruso at to-morrow's convention.
They may bo lieodod.
Thkms was n low, still murmur heard in
tho direction of Mnhatiuy City yesterday
when the roult of tho convention wus made
known. Hoodie and fraudulent votes ure not
ulivny oll'ectivo.
Suill'ltlBi: is being expressed by some uf the
papers over tho fact that tho owners ofgold
mines in California uud Colorado aro in fuvur
of l'reo silver ; but this teeming anomaly is
not dllllault tu oxplaiu. Tho pricu and pur
chasing power of gold would Ihj greatly en.
hancod by tho depreciation of tho currency
that would follow tho triumph of freo
coinage, and tho owners of gold mines would
profit accordingly, "f course just as tho pro
ducers of anything else profit w'hon its
iuurkct value is luireasul.
1'oTTSvlt.l.K, Aug. 0.
'fho now steam roller Is doing put to prac
tical usu, nftur serving its tlnio ns an nriia
lncnt, anil Market street is being rolled ami
mnilo into h rcnl city rjmd. Cracked lime
stono Is the material used, which makes nn
excellent road.
Mr. Daniel Shepp, of,Tiiniiio,iia, nnd .1. M.
KaulfniHii, of Auburn, were business visitors
here to-ilay.
MAltlllAOK I.lellNSKK.
Marriage lieeiii wero iMuetl to Jacob
Felty anil Sallie I,. Miller, both of rind
(irove .fowusliip.
Harry A. Hale, of Mabanoy City, anil
St. In 1 1 llmiighall, of Mabanoy township.
William C Samuel, of (lllbcrton, nml Jen
nle Ueiso. of ritmnii 1'. ().. l'.ldrcd township.
Ueortio Cliarlton, and Klin Harris, both of
st. Liaii.
m;tt1;h ciiiantkh.
Letters testamentary were granted to I)r,
I'rancis W. Iloyer, on tlio estate of (lortrudo
Sebum, lato of the borough of Yorkville,
Also to Thomas Dowinuyor and Daniel
l'dWHid HoverHckor, on the estate of Daniel
lIuvoracKcr, late of the township of Ilmncli,
Letters of adminlstrutlim wore Kmntod to
Arthur J. nigrum on the estate tit lliii.nali
M. Jjirklii, lute of l'ottavillo, deceased, to
(limit Thomas on the estate of Mary A.
Thomas, lato of Frackville, del eased.
Alio to Anna C. D.miell on the estate of
Charles M. D.miell, late of Mabanoy City,
Kxtrelliely Low ltate Kcursloll lll 101111
slaiihi ltuilroiid, 1
No other placo can compare with Southern
New Jersey in seaside resorts, cither iu point
of number or of excellence. Atlantic City
Is tho most popular resort in America, ,nnd
Cape May, Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Avalou,
Auglosca, Wjldwood mid Holly Heach do not
fall fa,r short of Atlantic City's high standard.
The l'eiinsylvaiiia ltallroad Company,
whose object always is to give its patrons tho
cheapest nitcs compatible with good service,
has arranged for an excursion to tho seashore
on Thursday, August 13.
r.xriirxiou tickets will be sold at the follow.
lug rates, good going only on train named
below to I'ottsville, thence to Philadelphia on
train leaving I'uttsvillo at 11:00 a. in. From
Philadelphia passengeis may uso any train on
August Hi to any one of tlio seashore points
named above.
Trnln heaves.
... r,.os a. m.
... n.'JO "
.... tics "
$U 50
3 25
is not
I-Wkville. ..
St. flair
included in tlio rate, but convenient connec
tion may du made by electric curs at a fare of
live cents. Return coupons will bo valid by
tegular trains until Augustl? inclusive.
Happenings Throughout tho Iteglon Chron
icled for llusty I'erusiil
Tho engagement of Mi'ss Millio Krebs, of
Tiimaiiua, to Mr. Frank Yooreas,of'I!.tltimorc,
Md., has lieeu announced.
Hurglars enteied the Suiihury post olllco
and M.curcd $1.50.
The Ccntralia School Hoard will meet on
Monday evening, August Kith, for the pur
pose of electing tho touchers for tlio coming
The school directors of Kline township
paid SjB for Superintendent Weiss' dinner tho
day he held the teachers examination at
McAdoo, and there is a kick about it.
The District Attorney has 120 eases ready
for trial when the September tension opens.
No returns for murder or homicide loses have
thus far, been made.
(Jtiitc a number of .Indies and gentlemen
from Shenandoah held a picnio at Coney
Island yesteiday.
T.ditor Joyce's young daughter won a
Waverly bicycle iu u contest .at Mabanoy
The bieaker boys at the Sprlngdale colliery
near Mabanoy City, struck yesterday uhout
a dlnerence ill time. 'Tho colliery is work
ing short handed.
I'lchard Murphy, who hails fiom Mnhanoy
City and who has been on a spree for some
weeks, was anested as a vagrant in I'ottsville
and is now iu jail. -
Mrs. J. II. Poineroy, thoNotory Public, has
executed b.3 pension pipers during thu past
two days.
A now thrcc-storyS warehouse is being
elected oppoto the Lehigh Valley depot.
Part of it will be used liy Kcitcr, tho North
Main stteet merchant.
A picnic party composed of lesidents of
South Jardin street und vicinity, are pic
nicking at High Point park"to day.
An advertisement fur, Neiswenter's public
sale of Western nurses appears iu our
columns to-day.
StiatitoUIo's Toot lt.lll Team.
The SlinmoMli foot ball enthusiasts met at
ic Lyndhurst, and ell'ected i preliminary
organijition. Win. P. Mnrr was elected
manager of the team, and John Welsh
captain. They expect to put up a very strong
With Hood's Sarsapa
rllla,"Sale3 Talk," and
show that this medi
cine hns enjoyed publio confidence nnd
pntronngo to a greater extent than accord
ed nnv other nroprietnry medicine. This
la simply because it possesses grenter
merit and produces greater cures than
any other. It Is not what wo say, but
what Hood's Barsapnrilla does, that tells
the story. All advertisements) of Hood's
Rnrsannrilln. like Hood's Barsnparllla It
nelf. aro honest. Wo have never deceived
the tiuhllc. nnd' this with Ub superlative
niedlcinnl merit, is why tho people have
abiding confidence m it, ana uuy
Almost to the exclusion of all others. Try It.
Prepared only by O. I. Hood & Co.. Low ell, Mass.
milv nllls tn tafrn
Hood's PUIS with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Cured by thU granular effervescent and fctlmu
laut. An Instant cure for tour Bfomueliflund
lirAilaclies, hkli often a 'cumulate from having
n night out.
7 and IV I'each Alley, Shenandoah
Hood s
(Continued from First l'ngo.)
The committee leconiincnded Miss Jnno T.
Lambert. Mr. Tiezlse nominated Miss St.
Alice Lehe. The ballot resulted : Inibert,
0; Loho, 5.
It was decided that other promotions re
quired be left Iu tho hands of the Superin
tendent. On motion of Mr. llaniia the Hoard pio-
fceded to elect a truant olllccr. Mr. Kdwards
nominated David llrowti, Mr. Iieo'namcd 0.
II. Ilagcnbuch, Mr. Williams named John H,
Iteeso and Mr. Trezlse presented the name of
David Hrooks. Mr. Hanna said Jacob Ham
lierger, H. O. Hess and Thomas Hellls wore
also applicants. Mr. Hrown was elected, the
liallot resulting as follows : Hrown, I) ; Iagci
buch, 1 : Iteesc, 1 j Hrooks, 1 j Hess, 1 ; Hellls
1 ; Ilanidergor, 0.
On motion of Mr. Hanna the Hoard pro
ceeded to elect a Janitor for tho new White
street building with tho. understanding that
tho salary coniincnco to run from the timo
the building is ready. There wero seven ap
plicants and IMwaid C. Davis, of North Jar-
din street, was elected on tho following bal
lot : lMward C. Davis. (I: K. D. Heddall. S:
Peter Smith, 2; Fdwnrd 13. D.ivlos, 0; J. I).
Hughes, 0; William Greener, 1; Stephen Tre
gembo, o.
Upon motion of Mr. Edwards an order for
two months salary for Superintendent Hogart
was authorized. Mr. Haniia raised a poiut
that tlio motion was unnecessary, us tho
order could be tlrawii without it, but Presi
dent Price ovcriuled the poiut and enter
tained tho motion.
M. 11. Master wus awarded the contract for
laying tho flagstone pavement at the Lloyd
street school building. An amendment by
Mr. TrezUo that tho contract bo awarded to
W. J.Hrittwas defeated after considerable
Reverting to the tlogart case Mr.
Hanna moved as follows! "That a committee
of two, one from the supporters of Mr.
Hogart and one from those who oppose him,
bo appointed to co-operate with the citizens'
committee to Investigate tho charges against
Mr Ilogart's character at Kuoxville." Mr.
O'Hricn seconded the motion.
"What's thatV" oxchlnied President Price;
I.epeat that, I want to understand it.
Secictary-Hanna said lie would put it In
writing and, after doing so, repeated his
President Price said, "Tlio Hoard has taken
action upoit that mutter and we, as a llourd,
have nothing more to do with it. I consider
it is all out of order."
Mr. Hanna: "The highest authority in the
State Department "
President Pi ice : Now, we may as well
have this right out here, uud if you intend to
stir this matter up again wo will all tako a
hand Iu it. I hgvo made my decision as a
point ol order in tins case and you may ai
peal if you like. It is upon tlio minutes of
tins iloaid that Mr. Hogart has been exoner
ated after an investigation, and I consider wu
have nothing mon to do with if,"
Mr. Hanna: "We aro not 'satisfied with
tlio exoneration."
I'lesiiient 1'rlce said ho had been to Kuox
ville as one of a committee to investigate the
charges for the Hoard, had uinuo his leport
and tho Hoard bud taken action, and ho
didn't propose to hae Mr. llaniia stir it up
Mr. Hanna appealed from tjio decision and
put tho question, "Shall the chair be sus
tained, or not v" The ehajrwa's sustained by
a vote of 8 to 0. ,
Mr. Hanna then said he would like to have
Mr. Hogart answer the question contained in
the statement left with .the Hoard by the
citizens' committee, hut President Price said,
"You have nu right to ask that here. Take
it' somewhere else."
Mr. Hanna seemed disposed to aigueun tlio
matter and Mr. Ldwards raised a point of
order, which was sustained by President
Price saying, "I have ruled ou everything
connected with, this case hefoie tho Hoard."
As a last lesort Mr. Hanna moved that the
statement of the citizens committee bo ac
cepted. Mr. Devitt seconded the motion. -
"What for'" asked President Price; "to
have it thrown iu the waste baskjt?"
Mr. Hanna: "No, to have it spread upon
tlio minutes."
President Prico: "Oh, well, then I will
put your motion."
Tho motion wus put und defeated by u vote
of 8 to (1 und tho mutter ended. '
On motion of Mr. D.uigh, Suiieiintcndcut
Hogart wns nskeil to appoint uu early day for
an examination uf High School graduates
who are applicants for positions as evening
school teachers.
On motion of Mr, Hanna it was decided
that the evening school committeo lu iif-
structcd to report at the next regular meeting
as to the length of tho night school term and
wbfji it will begin.
On motion of Mr. Treziso tlio eoniinltteo on
heating and fuel was authorized to advertise
for bids for coal,
On motion of. Mr. Ld wards the committee
ou building uud repairs wus uuthorized to
advertise fur fill nit lire, etc., for the new
school building.
The ollicers of the Hoard were authorized
to negotiate a loan to cover current expenses.
if a loan should become, necessary.
Mr. iiezise, of tlio tinunco committee, re
ported that $10,000 had been received on ac
count of'tlic state appropriation and thu
treasury had a balance of $5,0'.Hi.
Tho Hoard adjourned to incut lit tho call uf
tho elialr",
When you want good roofing, plumbing'
gas fitting, or general tinsmithing dono call
on E. F. Gallagher 8 West Centre 6trcet
Dealer ir sto-cg. . l-tf
j:ueliro l'aily.
A progressivo euchre lurty was given by
Miss ltyun, nt her homo uu Wost Oak street,
last vveiiiug, which proved a delightful
alhiir. After a series of gamus, refreshments
were served, which wore liartaken of by the
following. Misses Winifred lieilly, Kate
til I... If.i ... I . f T , . 1.
jngunia, .nuiMi minors, jiauie J.yucil, Alllliu
Flaherty, Kate Conville, Sillietirillltli, Sadlo
(Iriiliu, Mugglo Hell, Miss lirophy and Miss
Kelly j aim .Messrs. .tnciiacf Ilurklu, James
Howling, Martin Tobiii, Michael Hums,
James Creary, Martin uud Joo Dovitt, John
Egau, Mlchuel Stack, Joseph .and Patrick
Murphy, Patrick und Tliomus Couvillo,
Patrick Devcrs, T. J.Shceliy, Thomas Grady,
P. J. Coury und Joe McUraw.
Last ot tlio Season,
Tho last excursion uf the season to Atlan
tic City, via Philadelphia & Heading Kail
road, will leave Shenandoah at U:3U a, m
August 13thJ Faro $3.50. Tickets good for
tcu days, goodjilso ou train leaving Shenan
doah at 12:1 p. iu., August l?th, and from
Philadelphia to Atlantic City August 13th
and 11th. A Pullman parlor ear will bo at
tached to sicclal train in whicji seats can bo
reserved, , i 8-0-0t
Buy Keystone Hour. Ho sure that tho naino
Lkssio & IlAcis, Ashlund, pa. is printed ou
every sack. (
Dallas Sander, of Philadelphia, was in
town yesterday looking aftor Schuylkill
Traction Interests. ,
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Malonn and Juntos J.
Franey and son, Martin, havo couo to
Atlantic City to enjoy tho cool sea breezes.
Miss Auiilo Higlor, of Miuorsvillc, and a
nleee of Judge I. M. Dunn, is a guest of the
family of F. J. King, of lint Centre street.
Mrs. John Spenco nml son, Frank, of
Philadelphia, who has been visiting friends
in town the wt few weeks, returned homo
this morning. ,
Frederick Hart, bookkeeper lit the Colum
bia Hrewlng Company, was culled to New
York to-dny, on nccount of the illness of his
MissMartbn llunleu, oi Pottsvlllo, spent
the past few days the guest of. bur nunt, Mrs.
William Fricke.
Miss Annie McCarthy, who was visiting
friends iu town, has returned to her homo In
Misses Llllie nnd Maudo Hannan, of
Lelmnuu, aro the guests of Mrs. Harmati, on
North Jardin street.
Mr iliid Mrs. Juines Patterson nnd family,
Mrs. Itobort Patterson, of town, and Miss
Katie Senmoii, of lrackvllle, left fur
Mountain drove this morning to attend the
camp meeting.
Clyde Glover left this morning for Last
Orange, N. J., to visit relatives.
Mrs. Daniel llrcnnau nnd hor guost, Mrs.
llurr, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. J. J. Cardiu
aro picnicking nt High Point park to-dny.
William Mswcntcr has cono West to pur-
chase another carload of Western horses.
Mrs. John Hobblu returned homo last
evening from n visit among Shainoklu re
latives. ,
Miss Mary Wlialeh, of Wost Cherry street,
has gone to Scrantou and Wilkcsbarrc to
visit friends.
Mrs. Hnianucl Frcldman nnd daughter,
Lottie, are visiting friends in Philadelphia.
Misses Mary J. Edwards and Hannah
Orilllthsaroat Atlantic City.
Daniel Dully, of St. Clair, was a town
visitor to-ihy.
Third District Convention.
Special to KVESINO
TamAiiL'a, Aug. 0. Tlio Republican con
vention of tho Third Legislative district con
vened in the united States hotel nt 10 o clock
this morning uud John D. Kersclmer was
unanimously nominated for the Legislature,
there being nu opposition to his candidacy.
Attending n Dedication.
It. A,. Davenport went to Sunbury this
afternoon to attend tho dedication of the
Odd Fellows' Orphans' Home, as a represen
tative of Shenandoah Lodge No. GUI, I. O.
O. F. j
MS.:t() Worth or Tine. Old AVIno lor ISI.OO.
Tho Speer N. J. Wluo Co., of Passaic,. N. J.,
is otfenng a case of 13 bottles choico and old
assortment of wino for $3.00, tins offer, be
low costs, only to stand two or three months,
uud but one case to a family, ns it is a loss
nnd is only done to prove to the finest cou
nuisscur the high character and richness of
these choico wiues, produced nt Pnssaic, N. J.
Wo have one of the circulars and list of the
wines offered with nil particulars. Every
person who sends a postal card to Tiji: Spekb
N. J. Wine Co., Passaic, N. J., may' procure
one. These Wines aro Superb. -l-uw
How It KU'eets (iordmi.
From Ashland Local.
As unly two crews were taken from
Oordou to rim on the Catawissa road tho
injury to that town's prosperity is only
slightly felt. Cordon has been hurt more m
imagination than in reality hy tho changes
thus far Hindu. While it is a sad fact that
the stoppage of the planes has thrown a few
of tho older men out of employment, yet
nine tenths of the plane hands are at work
ou tho road there or at Muhauoy Plane.
The Search DlneoHtiniiedi
The search for tie two young men who met
their death at tho old air shalt, near Tama-
qua, while gathering blackberries, has been
discontinued. Nothing will be done until
the ground settles.
l'lciiio To-iuurrow
Tho Sunday school connected with the
Trinity licformcd church, of town, will hold
tlieir annual picnic at Lakeside to-morrow.
Quito a large number of friends will accom
pany the school.
Death of Presiding Khler Weand.
liey. W, K. Weand, presiding elder of tho
Reading district of tho Evangelical Associa
tion, died at Fredericksburg, Lebanon
county, Tuesday of a complication of dis
eases. Ho was about !i0 years uf ago and
well known in this section.
KheiiiiiHtlsiii Cured In it Day,
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon tlio system is reinarkablo and
mysterious. - It removes at nuco the causa
nnd tlio disease immediately disappears. Tho
first doso greatly henents; 75 cents. Sold by
C. H. Hagenbuch, Druggist, Shenandoah. llclcut 111 Crete.
Cai:a, Crete, Aug. (1. A body of Mo-
hamutuns, which dniko through tho cor
don of Turkish troops at tho third attempt,
advanced to attack the Insurgents near
tjoHVinn, but wore met by tho latter and
repulsed with hoavy loss. Tho Cretans'
captured tho arms audauiinuuitiou of tho
Mohanietans and pursued thorn Imok to
tho cordon. Thu Turkish troops passively
waicneu ino ugniing.
Labor Jleu studying Military Tactics.'
Cluvklaxp, Aug il Tho Knights of
Labor at n mooting Tuesday night' took
hui'. luiuiiu uiu uiKiuiiAiiiiuii iu u mili
tary company. Letters wore ordered sent
to all the local assemblies asking ench'to
furnish certain number of able bodied
men. The intention is to organize u rogb
ineut of about 700 members nnd drill them
In military tnctlos.
Doollll Kills Two .Hiiro .lien.
auTHMK, O. T, Atlg. 0. Hill Doolin.
tho outlaw, who osiuipwl from tho United
Status jail In this city four wcokiiugo, wus
surrounded by deputy ninrshids nt Wo
woku Tuosday night. A dospurato light
took place, and during tho fusillado of
shots Doolin escaped. Deputies T. M.
Gregor and Horace Reynolds wero killed.
Alluiiln Swauger Taken to Ik lte-form School
Awuoxa, Vn., Aug. 0. Minnie Swan-
ger, who polsonod tho McGregor family in
Junuury last In this ylty, was yesterday
removed from tho county Jail, where sho
hns liccn eontlneil since Jan. 22, and taken
to the Mnrgunzn Hcfurin school, ueur
Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and La
UrlniK! when jjixative uromo wuiuino win
cure you In ono day. Put up in tablets con-
voulcnt for takiug. Guaranteed to cure, or
money refunded. Price, SS cents. For sale
hy Kirlln's Pharmacy.
tlio Jury Hns Some Knowledge Which Is
Kept Secret Temporarily.
Atlantic City. Atic.ii. lnternat u r-
coptlbly waning In the story of tho recent
incnuow (itsastor, und there win n notnblo
decrenso In tho attendance when yester
day's soislon (if tho coroner's lnquost lio-
pun. iiio original thoory that Knginper
ldlwnril Furr, of tho Hauling 'flyer," was
responsible for tho deaths of forty-four
persons still holds good. There have Ircon
Indications of shifting of the blame cither
to tho Wost .Jersey engineer, John Orol
nor, or Night Towcrniitn llmisor, who Is
under bill, but nothing moro than infer
enco hns been directed ngainst them. Tho
fact remains undisputed, apart from other
considerations, that Fnrr disregarded his
signals unui too into ro nvcri; ino cuxns-
tropho, or else made no attempt whatever
to stop his train.
An effort wus mnilo last night to secure
n deposition from John S. Kelly, the West
Jersey conductor who is lying nt tho San
atorium. A stenographer, accompanied
by the lawyers and jurors, wont to tho
hospltnl, lint tho physicians there refused
to permit them to qllostion Kelly.
Tho testimony of tho witnesses prouticeil
no nuw facts, nnd a f tor tho first sossion tho
Jury wont out to thu tower to Inspect tho
working of tho lovers.
1 hero was n buzz of rovlveu interest nt
the opening of tho nftornoon session, con
sequent upon tho rumor that some now
evidence of Importance, had been discov
ered by tho jury on thblr trip to tho tower
houso (luring tho recess. What this con
sisted of could not he learned, as nobody
wns admitted to tho tower houso but tho
jury and tho coroner. Foreman Kvnns con
firmed tho rumor, nnd said tho "nows"
learned there would be niudo publio nt tho
proper time.
It wasi subsequently developed that thoro
was some conflict of opinion regarding tho
blut whistles of tho Heading and their
uso, nnd tho best cnglno man In tho Head
ing service has been subpoenaed to clear up
all doubt.
l'reo rills.
Solid your address to H. E. Bucklcn & Co.,
Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr.
King s Now Life Pills. A trial will convince
you of their merits. These pills are casyiu
action and aro particularly eil'ectlvo in tho
cure of Constipation and Sick Headache, For
Malaria and Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to
bo purely vegetable. They do not wenken
lis their action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorate tho system.
Regular sizo S5c per box. Sold by A. Wasley,
.Met Dentil In Mid-Air.
Wilmington-, DA., Aug. (). William II.
Shownril, nn employe; of tho W.llinington
City Electric company, whllo at work on
a polo nt Hlxtli and Orango streets touched
a llvo wire and wns fatally shocked. Hut
lor me nciwori; oi wires no would nuvo
dropped to tho ground. He was lowered
by u block nnd tacklu nnd taken to the
Delaware hospital, but died just ns tho
hospital was reached. .
Is Secretary Herbert to Marry?
WASllI.VOTOS, Aug. 0. It is reported
that Secretary Herbert has decided sud
denly tn rnr. slinrr. hl livnTwtcml t,n. nf
navy yarii inspection un the olllclal yacht
Dolnhln nml to sail fnr Kiimnn nnxr. wool;.
It hus been tho gossip hero for several
months that Mr. Herbert was engaged to
ho married, nml It Is rrinonsl now that ho
uuy bo accompanied by u 'jrldc on his
Eiiropeau trip.
Hueklen's Arulca Salve.
The best salvo In tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
H skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give
rerfect satisfaction or niouy refunded. Price
23 cents per box. For sale by A. Wasloy,
' Coining Kveltt.
August 13. Ico cream festival under the
auspices of tho Welsh Baptist Sunday school
iu liobbins opera house.
Aug. 11. Ico cream festival Iu. Hobblns'
opera house, tinder tho auspices of the East
Eud Young Americans.
August 15. First annual plcuic of tho
Defender IIoso Company No. 3, at Columbia
park. ,
Aug. 22. Ico cream festival under tho
auspices of Shenandoah Valley Council No.
530, Jr. O. U. A. M., in Itobbins' opera house.
August. 20. Lawn party at resideuco of
Dr. U. M. Hordner, 31 East Oat street, uenellt
of All Saints church.
Relief in Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by tho "New Great
South American Kidney Cure." This now
remedy is n great surprise on account of Its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain in
tno niaddor, Kidneys, bacK nna every part
of tho urinary passages in male or female.
it relloves retention or water and pain in
passing It almost immediately. If you want
qutcK reflet ana cure wis is your remedy.
Sold hy Hhapira's pharmacy, 107 South Mam
Notorious ICobbers Kernptiirrd.
Wichita, Kim., Ang. a Tin two Chris
tlnn brothers, tho bandits who oscupod
from Jail at Oklahoma City nonrlv iv year
ago, where they wero confined on a ehurgo
of murder, and who murdered an olllcerH
In effecting their eseajio, were recaptured
nour Loco, in tho Indian Territory, by two
deputy United States marshals, who wero
.railing them as tho result of u recent
King- George May Abdicate.
HmtUN, Aug. (I. It Is stilted that tho
vnrlous European countries have received
lotters from members of tho royal family
of Qreeco saying that King Goorgo will
prormuiy aotucuteln rovor of Crown i'rlnee
Constantino, Duko of Sparta, If tho pow
ers compel Greece to doslstfrom hornspira-
iions to miiKo me isianu or ureto iv part of
rue urociuu domains.
Hoys Start a lllc Strike.
Chicago, Aug. 0. Fourteen hundred
of tho 3,600 employes of tho South Chicago
Shipbuilding company aro on strike, which
will necessitate, It Is said, the closlnc of
tho yards. Tho strlko originated with S00
boys omploycil to heat rivets, whoso wngoJ
wero cut from si.oo to IJI.25 a day. Tho
men riveters, 1,100 In nupiber, followed
mcir exumpio.
Your Hoy Wont Lire a Month
So Mr. Oilman Drown, of 31 Mill St.. South
Gardner, Mass., was told by tho doctors.
His son had Lung trouble, followlngTyphoId
Malaria, nnd ho sneut three hundred and
soveuty-fivo dollars with doctors, who flually
nA.- 1.1... .... II. .
IU, V ...11 UJ, OrtJ UU. UUV WUIJl JtU
a month." lie tried Dr. Klug's f ow Dls
cbvory and a few bottles restored hii to
,.-..,f. i i.(...i.i.i i.i. i.
health aniHtiabled him to go to worka per-
I tecti v well man. lie says ne owes his pro
scut good health to the uso of Dr. King's
Now Discovery, aud knows it to be tho best
In tho world for Luug trouble. Trial Bottles
I Frco at A. Wasley's Drug Store,
Will Not PerformMiracles
But It Will Cure.
curc3 nervous prostration. Not mi
raculously, but scientifically, by first
removing tho germs of disease, and then
supplying healthy ncrvo food, Increasing
the appetite, helping digestion and strength
ening tho entlro system. Dcspcrato cases
require prolonged treatment as shown by
thatot Mrs. M. U, Reed, of Delta, Iowa, who
writes: "As tho result ot a lightning stroke,
tho physicians said I had a light stroko of
paralysis, my limbs would all draw up. I
Tr MiIpq' would havo throbblngs
Ult 1UUS.3 lr,tr,onl,r.t l,f
unendurable. For three
months I could not sleep
and for three weeks did
not close my eyes. I
prayed for sleep, and
felt that lf'rellcf did nat come I would bo
dead or insane. I took Dr. Miles' Restora
tive Nervine aud tlio second night slept two
hours and from that time on my health im
proved; slowly at first, but steadily aud
surely, il took in all 10 bottles, and;I cannot
express now grateful I am, for t am now
perfectly well, and havo taken no medlcino
for over four months." Dr. Miles' Nervine
is sold by druggists on guaranteo that first
bottlo benefits or money refunded.
Book on heart and nerves free. Dr. Miles
Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
' cramps
bow c 1
plaints, t
sudden i
colds, chills S
nnd La Grippe, t
Used externally it is the best lim-
mcnt in the world. Beware of J
imitations, buy only the genuine
made by Perry Davis. J
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, azu
West Coal Street.
yjlOlt CHIEF BUItGKsiS, ,
Of tho Fourth ward,
Subject to Citizens party rules.
Of Glrardvlllo.
Subject to Democratic rules.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
A genuine welcome waits you at
Cor. naln and Coal Sts.
Finest whlskeyi, been, porter and ale
conitantly on tap. Choice temperance drlnkj
and cigars.
ill wW' li in'imjjiLmimlm