f. is EVENING HERALD 1WTAI1I,IS1II:I) 1KTU. I'ubllslieil every Evening, Hicopt HunJnv.ot a Houm jAnum Struct, Nnxn Cekthk. he Ilernlil 1 ilclleinl liiHIicnawtonn (ind tho .urrounillng towns for nix cent ft week, pay blo to tliu carriers. Jly mnll 83.00 ft yenr, or 2.1 nntn n iiiontli. jinyntilc In advance. Ailvertino Tneata charged ittcorilttig to ppncp And position. The tiubl libers reserve tlio rlijht to cimngo tlio fiosttion of ndvcrtlftcmciiti whenever tho puli IcAtlon of news ilminiiiN It. Tho right la reserved to reject nny advertisement, whether fatd for or not. that the publishers may deem mproper. Advertising rates tnodo known upon nppltcntlon. Ualered at tho powtofllce at Hhcrinnilonh, Tu., as second class mall matter. TlSI.Ul'JIONU CONNKOTION. Evening Herald WEDNESDAY, AVCH'ST 5, 16W1. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL TICKET, ion 'iiimcnt, AVI 1,1,1AM M'KIM.KY, Of Ohio. lull VICE l'IIIlliKKT, OAUHHT A. HOIIAltT, Of New Jersey. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. KOU CONHUSMAX'ATLAUlE, (lAI.U.HHA A. C1HOW, Of .Suviuchalina. HAMUl.'I, A. DAVKNI'OIIT, Of ICrlo "Fatty" Hiiuh, of l'ottsvlllo, isa roaring success ns an adjunct to a traveling museum, hut a grand failure in the position ho assumed in Monday's convention. S. Hum) 'lhiwAiilis, of l'nttsvlllo, perma nent chairman of the Itepublican county con vention, is tlio recipient of many explosions of congratulation upon the able maimer in which ho presided over that hotly, all of which is well deserved. Mil. Woi.eorr is not tho elder, but the better Senator from Colorado, ami his manly nnd forcible statement of the reasons why ho proposes to stay in tho Itvpuljlionn party will read mneli more creditably in futuie history than Teller's walk-out hpoteh tit St Louis. Majok Finni:y was an attentive ou-looker it the Republican convention, lie remaiuid in a comatoso state while the warring forces were battling for supremacy withoutdrawing ins sword once. When tlio contei-t was over his Napoleonic faco burnt tl wit'la smilo that was pleasant to look upon. Tin: eontoition act is of easy pcrformantc to some politicians and political writers Tliey can turn their Kills to most any wind, and (schuylkill county is not without a few of them. Tlio Kepublican convention has brought ono or two of tlicso anything-iit-any-time political economist!, to tho fiout. Tub result of today's Legislative con vention, in tho First district, is gratifying to the Republicans of Shenandoah especially. The re-iHimiuatitin of Hon. ,To.sepli Wyatt, who faithfully lcproscnttd this distiict at Jlnriislmrg, will lie endorsed by tho voteis in November. Tho Democratic Humiliation mil prove an empty honor. Tin: wonder is liow advertisement leader manage to liud what they aio seeking for among the mtny hundied announcement: in some of tho blanket sheets. In a paper like the IIi:i:vi.i, which is neat, compact and readily handled, they have nosiidi dilliculty. J'he pages aio readily scnmiul, and tlio atl MTtiseincntx sought for easily found. Adver tisers of experience have long since found that out. It is said that Major McKinley will not send out his letter of acceptance until after liryau makes hi.selocutionary ell'oit at .Madi son Squtuo (.iai'dth, New Yolk, on tlio oc casion of his notlflcation. And when Major .McKinley does cut loose tho fur will fly. liryan lias been cutting a wide swath in tho West witli his llowery speeches, but ho must get down to earth when he comes East, and William McKinley will be heie with died ammunition tu meet him in battle array. It is true, as McKinley says, that "l,'o publlcan principles are such that they can be submitted witli safety and confidence to i he intelligence of tho educated men of tho country." That has always bem ono of tho party' sources of stiength and success, hi other words, it ' Is a party that has always hud logic and wisdom on its side, and that lus never catered to ignorant o and fully for the prouiotiou of its interests. Tho man who belongs to it is not obliged to resort to any bind of sophistry to justify his position. Ho lus sound reasons to give for tlio faith that lie prufesse.s, and his vote is cast on tlio basis tit tho boat facts in American politics. Till: candidates upon the county ticket ure an sooner elected than responsibilities present themselves. Tho question of euuiity chair man is already being agitated in and out of the iuuerciicles of the party. The nominees of the convention, who have the appoint meat of a county chairman and seeietarles, Arc perfectly able to make the selections and we have sullieient confidence in tlieia to lw iiere that the appointments will bemado in the party's interests, rutlier than to satisfy tlie demands of a faction. They fully realize the qualifications nocossiuy for a successful leader, being themselves old cauipaignorf, ami wo await tho selection w(tli little appro heusiou. - - . Tin; ro-organiziitlon of the floard of Health viu Moutlay evening npirs to give general satisfaction. Tlio political coinplexluu of the Hoard remains Democratic four of that party and ouo Uepublicaii. Mr. 1'. D, Hulman, of tho Fourth ward, is the now member and ho will no doubt provo the wisdom of his selection by strict atteutlon to tho duties. Tho ro-clectlou of the old ofllcors tf tho Hoard is a deserved compliment The indications aio that tho lloaid will act in perfect harmony, at least it is to 10 hoped so. There is an ahundaucl of work to be performed. 'Tho sanitary condltlou of Shcn audouli cau ho greatly improved upon, and tho people naturally look to the Hoard o: Healtli for tho removal of nuisance of this nature. i:ploloii lit ii 1'mtilcr Mill. The small preis- house of the Welily l'owilcr Works, at Motz's station, one milo above Tatnaqua, blow up yesterday morning. Tho explosion was caused by a srk flying from au iron hoop through which an employe was driving a nail, Tho workmen escaped injury by jumping into tho creek that was running clow by. Tho damage was nominal. flrlp-Cnld-lliaitnrlie. . Why Buffer with Coughs, Colds and La Orlppo when Laxatlvo Ilromo Quinlno will euro you In ono day. l'ut mi III tablets con venient lor taking. Utiarantceu to euro, or money refunded. Price. 23 ccnt6. For salo by Klrliu's Pliarraaoy. fJriintf-d Marriage License.. Frank Hallo, of Lnnifuril, nnd Cluiseppa Malfattl, of Malianoy City ; Frank Kuplts and Sophia Martzsack, both of Kclayrcs Herbert ('. Hooks, of Shenandoah, and M. Klllc lleaton, of Lost Creek ; John Krupa and l'aniska Ilrosko, both of Mahanuy l'lano; l'eter Kayccki and Annie Matsko-' wski, both of Shenandoah ; Yv in. Cooper and Annlo (iarawicz, both of Shenandoah : Harry A. Hale, of Malianoy City, and Miss Kirah llrutighali, of Malianoy township. Of Course You Do. Of course you want to avoid all deaths by diphtheria. There Is otilj- onoiemedy known that Mill positively and in every instance cure this fatal disease. It la Thompson's Diphtheria Cure, which has saved thousands of lives by being usedjiccordlng to Instruc tions. Not a single easo of failure ever known. What is good for others Is equally as useful to you. Also" cures all cases of croup, quinsy, soro throat, etc. Sold by druggists everywhere at 50 cents a bottlo. No family can aflord to bo without it handy in tho houso all tho time, and if once tried you never will bo without it. When yon want good roofing, plumbing gas fitting, or general tinsmlthlng dopo call on E. F. (Jallaghor 18 West Centre street Dealer ir stn-cs. l-tf Talk of I'lision In Knnsns. HUTClliN'oo.v, I&m., Aug. 4. The Demo cratic state convention opens this nfter iioon. Tliere has lieon absolutely no talk regarding tho personnel of tho state ticket. Interest Is completely iilisorbed In the probnblo actltm of tho joint committee tvhlch will be appointed by tho Demo cratic nndl'opullst conventions to nrrango for fusion. All of tho Democratic leaders lielievo that fusion on some basis will re Milt, lmt us to jnst what that linsls will bo no one Is willing to venture u riioss. It Is strongly asserted by several of tho most Influential party managers that under no cliciinistancoH would nny fusion arrange ment bo agreed, to unless tho Populist in tlor.seinent of tho Chicago plntforni with llryuti nnd Pown.ll should bo matlo first. To Nurse tlio Cuban Wounded.4 Ni:vv Yomc, Aug:. Having nsitsiiim the care of tho sick nntl wounded In tho Cuban vv.ir, tho "Oscar l'rinielles" club has boeii organized in this city. Conoirn ing tho club mill Its objects tho statement given out at tho Cuban headquarters says in part: "As the Spanish government, against nil principles of humanity, has forbidden tho Hod Cross to penetrate into the Cuban camps, this club will endeavor to take its placo ami euro for tlio suffering and dying In the Cuban ranks." An ap peal Is tnado for medicines of nil kinds, surgical liistrumentsintl physicians' sup plies. Altgi'lil Don't Won I u Ciliim-t Oilier. ClUCAtio, Aug. 4. Governor Altgeld us- hei ted yesterday when ho reached Chicago that ho would positively accept nothing. Ho said that ho had no dosiro to bo attor ney general In Mr. liryan's cabinet, anil declared there was no truth whatsoever in the story that ho had inado a bargain with Mr. Hryan to receive the portfolio In re turn for tho support of tho Illinois delega tion in the convention. Ho added' "There is not a slnglo thing In tho gift of tho pres ident that I want, or would consider for a nioiiiunt." liny Keystono Hour. I! sure that tho namo Lessio & Hark, Ashland, Fa., is printed on overy sack. Held on ii Charge ol jVllll-iler LA 1'I.ATA, Mil., Aug. fl. George Mut- thovv'h, mi oystenmin, is held hero charged with tho murder of James ,1. Irwin on Saturday night last. Kvlduiu-u brought out at tho Inquest held shows that Mat thews has been on inMniiitu terms with Mrs. Irwin and that, tho murdered nilin was cognizant of tho fact. Matthews de nies nil knowledge of the crime. Hlllelde of u Wire Murderer, Heattli:, Wash., Aug. 0. Lavvroncft Cumiiiings, who murdered his vvifo, Eliz abeth dimming., ami tried to lnurderhis daughter u tho night of June 12, 18!l, committed sulcldt) In the comity jail at 13 :45 o'clock In the morning by shooting himself through tho head with a ruvolver, which ho had concealed In his cell. lllalid Nominated by Al'cliiliiutlon. Jf.kfuhson City. Mo., Aitg. 6. Richard 1. Dlalitl was nominated for congress by tho Democrats of tho Eighth district yes terday afternoon by acelamntieli. Heso lutious indorsing the Chicago plntforni ml nominees ami renewing allegiance to Mr. Uluud wero adopted, . The Weather. For eastern Pennsylvania nnd Jsew Jer sey Probably fair, continued warm, nmthwestiirly wind;. 1 l!"gSfcC "Cures talk "in favor MB n oi Hood's Barsaparllla, I 3 R r as for no other medi- cine. Its great cures recorded in truthful, convincing language ot grateful men and women, constitute its most effective ad vertising. Many of these cures are mar velous. They havo won the confldenco oi tho iwople; have given Hood's Sarsapa rilla tho largest sales in tho world, and have made necessary for its manufacture tho greatest laboratory on earth. Hood's Sarsaparllla is known by the cures it has made cures of scrofula, salt rheum and eczema, cures oi rheumatism, neuralgia and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver troubles, catarrh euros which prove Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the bestIn fact the One True Wood Purifier. , , r-.-1-i cure liver Hist easy to llOOCl S FlllS take, easy to operate. c. COTTOLENE. ymTT-ta.TiT!tflT.gtflTlT; Yes If shortened with Cottolenc. made with Cottolenc. It can then fear, Biscuit made with 0 ore light, flaky, digestible. a inn WHOLESOME ? lH 1 N. K. FAIR1IANK COMPANY, V3 CHICAGO. rl LV YORtV. I.I Visits Lord Salisbury. London-, Aug. (". LI Hung Chnug, tho Chlneso envoy, dressed in a yellow robo and nccoinpanletl by n number of attend ants, wns present In tho houso of commons yesterday. Ho was escorted to n scat be neath tho gallery, and listened to the de bate on tlto Scotch 'igrlcultural rates bill. Later the distinguished (yhitiamnn hud nn oudlcneo with tho Marquis of Salisbury at tho foreign olllco. Tho Chlnoso statesman wns borno Into tho audience room on u chair, In order to avoid tho futlguo of mounting tho stairs. Ho wore u yellow jacket, tho poacock fonthcr nntl a claret colored skirt. Turkey's liiianclal Dllllcnltlcs. CoNSTAN'Tixoi-LK, Aug. B. Tho iluau clal dllllcnltlcs of tho government aro acuto. Tho olllrlals on tho civil list havo not received their salnrlos for the past seven months, and when some of them complained they were arrested. The sul tan Is paying nome of the olllcials out of his private; purse, and negotiations In pro gress with London bunkers to cupitalizo the Cyprus tribute have been broken oil, owing to the excessive demands of tho Turkish government, which counted on getting from this sourco thosumof $2,2o0, OUJ with which to replenish Its coffers. llrutnl l'lrelitigs In Ohio. Hf.iiea, O., Aug. 5. Early in tho morn ing the houso of lilchard Dodd, on Pros pect strsot. was set on fire and burned to the ground, nothing being saved. A wire screen had lieon torn from tho window, oil poured on au unoccupied bod near It and lighted. Two children wero over come by smoke. Tho house of James Woodcock, n neighbor, was nlso saturated with oil, but It was not sot on flro. Dodd and Woodcock aro contractors nt tho quarries, mid both employ non-union men. There Is talk of lynching If the culprits uio apprehended immigrant Swindlers l:tradtted. Tiskxto.v, Aug. 5. Governor Griggs yostcrduy granted papers for the extradi tion of Charles Wlntlslch, Lewis Hecho and Kmll Slickllch, confined In tho Hud son county jnll. They ure wanted in Now York on a' charge of having Impersonated United States customs officials and swind ling two Immigrant s in forty-second street out of 1,000 in money and 81,100 worth of jowelry. Most of tho jewelry and SfiOO of tho money was recovered when the mou wero urrontotl in Hobokon some time ago. Kite miiutlsiu Cured In ii Day "Mystic Curo" for Rheumatism and Neu ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at onco the cause ami tho discaso immediately disappears. Tho first doso greatly licncfits; 75 cents. Sold by C. II. Hagenbuch, Druggist, Shenandoah. Igitonturp Debarred from Citizenship. Washi.voto.v, Aug. 5. In refusing to grant naturalization papers tu two young Italians Judge Cole, of the district su preme court, held that no ono who is In ignoranceof the constitution of thoUnftcd States is competent or is entitled to bo como admitted to citizenship. Tho young men explained that they had como to this country beforu reaching their majority, und that they have over sinco roslded hero, but when questioned by the judge they confesscd that they do not understand tho constitution and wero oven doubtful as to tho form of this government, Cuban Women's Iit. JACKsON-VII.LK, Flu., Aug. 5. Advices from Havana stutp that Senoni do Tru jlllo and Scnoni de Sololoiigo, wives of in surgent enters, and tho latter also sister to tho rebel leader, Jjizo, were arrested In "Pinar del Hlo. They have since bupn sent to tho houso of refngw In Hnvatui for women of ill repaid tinder closo watch. In Havana social circles tho lack of consider ation shown by tho Spanish military au thorities toward tho women mentioned is much discussed. Tho first named is tho wife of u former lending Pinar del Hlo physician and highly connected. A Cripple Creek Magistrate nu Trial. CuriTLU Cheek, Oolo., Aug. 5. The trial of Roliert Mullen, police magistrate of this city, has begun before tho town board. Ho is charged' with malfeasance, oppression and Incompetency. It was shown by witnesses that ho threatened to kill George J. Hontloy, an nttornoy, nnd anyone else who should aid In tho prosecu tion of tho charges against him. Mullen is accused of saying that he had an organi zation behind him that would blow oil tho earth any ono who opposed him. Setback' for KiilUliurs'ii Uovermiient. London, Aug. 0. Lfi tho houso of lords last night Unit body, by a vote of 25 to 10, inserted u clause in tnu irisn laborers mil which the government resisted, us It would endanger tlio passage of the bill In tho hoiisoof commons. Tho defeat of tho gov eminent etiusod a stir In the lobby. It has disconcerted tho government, which fears that the lrlsli land bill will sutler considerably at tho hands of the Irish land lord poors. Another Massttcro In Crete. CONSTANTIXOPI.H, Aug. 5. Olllchil nd vices received hero stuto that tho Cretan insurgents havo attacked tho Mussulman families living In the Kcuourht district. and that l,o00 of tho Mussulmans havo lieon killed. Tho unto upon which the massacre occurred Is not given. IVU Drud from Ills lllcycle, CAl'E MaV, Aug. 5. S. T. Nell!, n law ycr, of Vrron, Pa., who had lieon staying at tho Lafayette hotel with his family, fell from his bicycle yesterday. When ho was picked up he was found to lie dead. Heart failure was tho cnuso of death. COTTOLENE. Don't give up your pie but have it be eaten generously without Look for the trttdfrntrkl in cflttos-ptunl vreaf A od em? tin. rHILAUuLrfllHi TO "FARM OUT" SINGLE TAXERS. Iilior nf Imprisoned Agitators to be Ad vertised for Sale. Dovun, Del., Aug. B. At a meeting of tho levy court of Kent county, hold yester day, tho following resolution wus unani mously adopted i "Hosolvod, That William M. Dickson, clerk of tho peace in and for Kent county, bo and is hereby authorized and directed to advertlso In two newspapers for pro posals for tho scrvlcos of tho tramps nnd Slnglo Taxcrs who persist In violating tho laws of this state, and that ho bo directed to recclvo and uvvnrd to tho highest nnd best bidder for tho services of theso law breakers to work on tho streets or roads of tho county, said bids to bo under seal and security for tho money to lie inclosed with tho bid. All bids for tho services of theso men must? bo in the hands of said clerk of the peaco on or before 12 o'clock on Tues day next." Arthur II. Stephenson nnd other Slnglo Taxcrs conllncd in jail hero inado applica tion last night through their counsel, Jackson H. Hnlston of Washington and James L. Wolcott of Dover, under habeas corpus proceedings, for admission to ball pending final disposition of tho case. Chancellor Nicholson continued tho hear ing until Saturday next, but denied tho upplicatjon for admission to ball. Halnos I). Albright of Philadelphia oud Charles W. Kuuo of Wilmington joined the Im prisoned Slnglo Taxers last night, having been arrested for obstrnctlng highways. Your Hoy AVont I.lvo a Month. So Mr. Oilman Brown, of 3t Mill St., South fiardner, Mass., was told by tho doctors. His son had Lung trouble, followingTyphoid Malaria, and ho siKjnt three hundred and seventy-five dollars with doctors, who finally cave him up. sayinc: "Your boy wont livo a month." Ho tried Dr. King's New Dis covery and a few bottles restored him to health and enabled him to go to work a per fectly well man. He saj's ho owes his pre sent good health to the use of Dr. King's New Discovery, and knows it to bo the best in tho world for Lung trouble. Trial Ilottlos Free at A. Wasloy's Drug Store. KcnUy to Attack the Troolin. HAVANA, Aug. 5. There nro indications that un attack is Imminent upon the trocha. Bandera is encamped near Manga, in Plnardel Illo, and Lacret is malntain iiigti watch upon tho trocha near Canns, prepared to second Handera's attack. From Arfcinlsa answering signals of rod lights are seen at night in tho Insurgent camps. Pedro O'Fmrill and Fulgenclo Sanchez were executed at Matauzas today. No I'lisUm In Iml'miit. iNMAyAltvUS, Aug. 5. It can lio an nounced atithoritntivi'ly that tho present Democratic state commlcteo will not con sider any proposition from tho Populist state committee-to divide electors in this state. Inquiry at both PopulIstandDeni ocratlc headquarters show that there Is no probability of tho two. parties coming together in state- or natlonal nlTalrs. DlJastrmi Flood la Nicaragua San Juan del Sun, Aug. 5. Tho cap ttiln of tho steamer Costa Itlca, which has arrived here from KI Itniuui reports that heavy floods orenrred at that place, de stroying house-, und plantntlons, nnd caus ing great loss of life. The Nlcnragunn government is trying to reopen communi cation So as to confirm tho report. The people have long sinco learned that tho most disagreeablo medicines aro not ncc ossarlly the-best. In fact, as a rulo, they aro not. What is wanted is something mild and suro, such as Cliamborlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kcmedy, That is really pleasant to tako when reduced with water and sweetened. Then It is acknowledged everywhere to be tho most successful remedy n tho wurld for bowel complaints. Ask any number of druggists for tho best remedy they have for diarrhoea and fully nine out of ten will recommend Chamberlain's. In speaking of this medicine, Mr. 11. II. llulfum of Fricndsville, Susquehanna Co., Pa., says: Wo have used it iu our family for pain in tho stomachy colic and diarrlioei and found it to be a most cfloetlvo remedy." For salo by (irulilcr Bros., druggists. To lest h ISw Jers'ey Law. Thf.NTON, Aug. 5. Tho constllutlonatltv of tho Atluutlc county court of common pleas, also tho constitutionality of thellsh anil gunio law or fllarch 23, 1893. uro nuns Honou in certiorari proceedings brought in the supremo court on behalf of David juorlucui. Morlnelll was uncd 20 for gunning on buuduy near Hammonton by a justlco of tho peace, und the flno was sustained on un uppoal by tho Atluntlo county court of common ploas. Forged itev. Dr. 1'aitouV Name. Nf.w Yokk, Aug. 5. Juntos Phlllius. 27 yours old, well dressed and good look ing, whoso futhor is said to be Samuel J, Phillips, of North Carolina, -now a rosl dont lawyer of Washington, and who was solicitor genonil'under several Itepubllcan administrations, was nrrosted yesterday and later wus Indicted for forgery. He is charged with having forged to n check for &)7 tho nnmo of Hov. Dr. John 11. Puxton A little daughter of Mr. Lewis Dayton, au old and much respected citizen of llarnltz. Pa occasionally has trouble with her stomach which gives her considerable dis tress. In speaking of it Mr. Dayton said "As soon as she has au attack wo glvo her a doso of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea liemcdy, and it has never failed to relieve her promptly, Wo all use it in our family with tho samo good results." For salo by Gruhler Ilro3., druggists, Cottolen" ml fr'. kt4 E trtxj Uo, PITTSBURGH. B THE CANTONSILVER CLUB. In n Communication to It llrjn Lauds Ills l'nlltlcal Opponent. Lincoln, Nob., Aug. B. Iu response to tho recant telogmm from Canton, O., tell ing of tho organization of silver forces In tho homo city of Govornor MoKlnloy, Mr. Hryan yesterday sent tho following to Mr. John C." Harmony, secretary of theJJryan Silver club, nt that place: "I am lh receipt of your mossngo con veying greetings from tho members of your club, and bog to assuro them of my noarty appreciation of their support. Tho fuct that thoso of your citizens who bo llcvo that tho United States Is strong enough to havo financial policy of Its own nro willing to array themselves against a townsman of high character and great personal worth Indicates tho depth of their convictions. Whenovor a great Issuo arises tho Amcrlcnn peoplo always provo their Indopondenco and moral cour ugo, without which self government is Im possible. It gratifies mo to know thnt tho silver sentiment In its growth la disre garding pnrty lines." In regard to tho Invitation oxtendod to him to speak in Cnnton, Mr. Hryan snld that ho did not know that ho would do so, but that If ho did It would bo an Informal talk from tho car platform. Hon. C. W. Thompson, a delegate to the convention of tho Nntlonnl Silver party at St Louis and a member of tho platform committee, was In Lincoln yesterday to confer with Mr. Brynn. Mr. Thompson says that tho statoof Washington Is being rapidly organized by lato Republicans, and ho bcllovos thnt tho state will cost her vote for Bryan and Sowoll. Mr. Thompson is a member of tho noti fication com inltteo of thoSllvor conven tion, and when asked when the cominlttco would probably meet Mr. Bryan he replied that tho meeting would probably occur in Baltimore as soon after tho New York no tification as Mr. Bryan's contemplated visit to' Mulno will permit. , NUGGETS OF NEWS. Minnesota Democrats and Populists havo perfected n plan uf fusion, dividing tho sttito and electoral candidates. A severe rain storm, with some disas trous results, has offi'ctually broken tho two months drought In Arkansas". W. H. Hurst, of tho San Francisco Ex aminer and New York Journal, contom-, plates starting a froo silver dally paper In Chicago. , Near Natchez, Miss., six negroes were drowned by tho upsetting of a skiff In which they wero attempting to cross Tensas river. 1 Tho match bicycle raco between Harley Davidson and Cecil Elliott, for the Cana dian championship, was won last night at Toronto by Davidson. Vree lills. Send your address to H. E. Iiucklen it Co., Chicago, and get a free satnplo box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince yim of their merits. These pills are easy in action and aro particularly effective in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they havo been proved invaluable. They aro guaranteed to be purely vegetable They do not weaken by, their action, but by giving tono to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate tho system, licgular size 25c per box. Sold by A. Wasloy, druggist. The Kansas linn of Fusion. HtTTCHl&ON, Aug. 5. The Democratic state convention yesterday named presi dential electors and appointed a commit tee to attend the Populist convention nt Abileno today and ofloct a fusion of tho two parties In Kansas. Tho Democrats ugrco to surrender overythiug but the electors to the Populists, and to lndorso unequivocally tho state ticket nominated by tho Populists, including n cougress-mun-ut-lurgo, in return for nil Indorse ment by tho Populists of tho Brynn and Sowull electors. The convention practi cally adopted tho plun by ncclamatlon. Somo years ago when sunerliig with an uncommonly severe attack of diarrhoea, Mr. W. 11. Quinnip, of Atco, Pa., received through the mall a samplo bottlo of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Heuiody. He says; "I found it to bo ono of the most effective remodies I ever used. It gave me almost immediate relief. It has no superior and I thiuk no equal. vNo bad eifects follow the uso of this remedy. It is pleasant to take when reduced with water and sweetened, Children like it. It never fails. It is .tlio most perfect remedy ever produced, for bowel complaints." For salo at 25 and 50 cents per bottlo by Gruhler. Eros., druggists. Johnston's Dig Majority. Birmingham, Ala., Aug. 5. Further re turns received from Monday's election lu this stnto confirm the llrst reports ofa complete iJomocrntlo victory, with sur prisingly large gains iu many cotintios. It Is boliovod that tho complete returns will show a majority of not loss that 45,000 for Johnston, nnd possibly 60,000. The; Democrats havo carried certainly fifteen comities that gave a Populist mnjorlty two years ago. Tho Democrats will havo twenty-four out of thirty-flvo members of the legislature. Ducklen's Arnica Salve. Tho host salve in tho world for cnts. bruises, sores,' ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, coins, aud all Bkin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. Wasley. Coining Event. August 13. Ice cream festival under tho auspices of tho Welsh Baptist Sunday school in Iiobbln8 opera house, Aug. 11. Ico cream fostlval in ltobbins1 opera house, uuder the auspices of tho East End young Amoricans. August 15. First annual picnic of the Deferlder Hoso Company No. 3, at Columbia park. Aug. 22, Ico cream festival under the auspices of Shenandoah Valley Council No, 530, Jr. O, U. A. M.i in Bobbins' opera house. August 20. Lawn party at rpsidenco of Dr. C. M. Ilordnor, 81 East Oak 6trcet, benefit of All Saints church. ltellcf In Six Hours. Distressing kldnoy and bladder diseases rclloved in six hours by the "New threat South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on account of Its oxceoillngi promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of tho urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and rain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy, Sold by Shapiro's pharmacy, 107 South Main street. Full Details Gladly Given. A Railroad Official's Experience, B. EDWARD EDMONDS, long con nected with railroad construction in Nebraska,wrltcs: "My heart troubled and pained mo for 19 years. Shortness of breath was tho constant and most common symptom. Intense, excruciating pain, gener ally followed any severe exertion. Falntness, hunger withoutany nppotttoi fluttering that mado mo clutch my breast, arid palpitation that of ton staggered mo as if Lwould fall, wero frequent attacks. Again, everything would turn black if larosofrom aatooplng posturo quickly. Sleepless nights with their Dr MU6S' prostrating unrest wero Heart Cure Restores Health get no rest day or night, I consulted leading phy sicians and tried adver tised remedies. They gave mo no relief . Ono of Dr. Miles' circulars described my case so exactly that I took Dr. Miles' Now Heart Curo and I am now a well man. I hope overy one troubled with heart discaso will try Dr. Miles' romefiies. If they wlllwrlto mo personally, I will gladly glvo them full details of my experience." Edw. Edmonds. P. O. Box Co, David City, Nebraska. Dr. Miles' Heart Curo is sold on guarantee that first bottle benefits or money refunded. Taken inter- ! nally cures , U cramps and all , bow e 1 ! com-! "plaints, 1 s u d d n 1 colds, chills and La Grippe. ! Used externally it is- the best lini- ; mcnt in the world. Beware of ! iriiitations, buy only Uis genuine ' made by Perry Davis. t;Xt. ', Larfl botllei "ii tod M Cf nil en li. ' Lauer's Lager and Pilsner Beers, Finest, Purest and Healthiest. Chris. Schmidt, Agw 207 West Coal Street. POLITICAL CARDS. JIOK CHIEF DUItGESS, , PIERCE WALKER, Of tlio Fburth ward. Subject to Citizens party rules, pOK CLERK OF THE COURTS, . PHIL. X C0NNELL, Of Girardvillc. Subject to Democratic fules. A SVJ-riVIIE-Tl II Y i. ry L v.tTi" P. J. CANFIELD, 4 Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity --For BARBEY'S Beer and Porter Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer. .A genuine welcome waits you at JOE WYATT'S SALOON, , . Cor. Main and Coal Sts, Finest whiskeys, beers, porter and ale constantly on tap. Choice temperance drinks anil cigars. . A