V 1 EVENING HERALD KMTAllf.ftllKU 1T0. l'ubllnheil every Kvcnlni;, KxceptHunclny.nt 8 Mouth JAnnijr SruKirr. Khar Oksiiib. The Ilnritlil li iltiHcicd tuHhrnnridonn itnd tho nurrouutliiiK tinvim for plx emits n wook, pay able to tlio I'lirrlorn. lty ninll 83.00 n year, or 25 conti tnuntlK payable Iti nth-nnoc. Ailvcrtlo menta cliarK'laccurfliiiK tfinpacoani! jioHltloii. Tho publittliorA roservo tbo rlulit to cliniifto tho rionttiuu of tMlrorttfK'lilctitq whenever tbo pulv IcMIon of news liunaiHlt it. Ttio rli?ht la rtwervoil to reject nny ntlvcrtlscmrnt, whither iiatil for or not, that tho publhhorA may deem Improper. AihvrtlnliiK ratea mailo known upon appllenttou. Kntcrcil at tho ptolllcr at Hhonamloali, Pa., aa eocond cIush mall litntter. TKI.lU'HONl! CONDUCTION. Evening Herald MUX DAY, Al(U'ST 3. 16U0. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL TICKET. ltlt I'lllXIDr.ST, , WILLIAM M'KINLKY, Of Ohio, ion vtct rnB'iiinsT, UA1IUHT A. HOllAltT, Of New Jersey. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. C1AI.USIIA A. anow, Of Pusqiicliniiiiu. SAMUI.T, A. IJAViatl'OHT. Of Kric Dtll.t, timo advertising sometimes juiys Ijetlur than Kood time ailrcrtUtiig, licuiuso wnno jieoiilo are liuj-ing all tlio time, mid tliey iiru more likely to lmy of tho mnii who siilvcrtibos Until of tlie man who iluucli't. Olin Democratic friends will have their troubles next Saturday, when tho primaries -will Ijo hold. A spirited eontest in each of tlie flvo wards will oatiso u largo vote to lie polled. There (ire five candidates from town who will present their ehiims before the ' omity cotivuutioti next Mumliiy. Tun withdrawal of William V. Harrity Iromnctlvo partlriiotiun in politics is con-i-eiled hy all a gieat loss to the Democracy of (his state. His complete control of tho party organization showed him to lie a lender of no moan ability, and few there aio in tl c Democratic ranks that can take hid place anil in- rowardoil with the same degree of success. In olio of Ills speeches in Congress Mr. l.yananld that "A tariff of 10 per cent k vied imrioscly for protection is, as lar as t lie principle is concerned, just as mdefoii--ililo as a tariff of a thousand per cent." Iliyan will not deny that he h an absolute Iree trader, but he prefers to say nothing ihoutit in this campaign. A Mexican dollar U worth only flllc in this i "iintry because, nobody being obliged to le- i ivo it in payment of an obligation, it pas-es urrent only at its bullion value. If molted down the silver it contains is worth about the sum lueutioued. Our own silver dollar, though intrinsically worth about the same, parses current at a valuatiun of 100c bc- auso tho Government stands ready to ex- liungo gold for it or paper that is as good as ''ld. If free and unlimited coluago wcie to 1 revall, neither the tlovennneiit nor the l inl;s would furnish gold or full value paper money in exchange for the silver dollar and i' would instantly sink to its bullion value. AconKUHWsmiKT, signing himself "(iold ling," asks the question why tho licpublicati papers aro discussing the financial question to tho exclusion of the tariff, lie is of tlio opinion that the latter should bo given "the right of way in the present campaign by the lljpublicau Howepapers and oniloin." It is true the l!epuhllean party is committed to a reviclun of the tariff on lir.os as laid down m the St. Louis platl'oiui, and with liepub liciui success that will eoioo in duo time. Hut t he party ami its candidates are also pledged to tho maintenance of tho present stand ard of currency, and inasmuch us as tho Democratic party and its live side partners, tho Populists and Silverites, aio making tlio issue en the flee and umllmited coinage of silver at a ratio of 111 to 1, and Hooding tho country with literature, the liepublicniis must meet them. The flee silver horosy has been agitated for several yours, apd the question must bo settled now. Tho Itepiiblican piitty has nothing to loose in making the money question tho issue. There are hundreds of patriotic and honest Deiuu i rats in this comity who will not support llryau and his two running mates, Kuwnll and Watson, bcoiuni of tho fico silver plank in tho Democratic platform. Their number will bo greatly increased before tho cum jiaign closes, when the masi-es become more familiar with the question. Already there aro indications of less confidence on the part of tho flee silveritea. Tho Kcpublicnii luHiiagerH. maliiing the justice of their cutlso, will continue to meet the issue squarely and fairly. REED TO DEMOCRATS. Mr. Heed's speech was in excellent temper and In no putt mure so than whole he dis criminated between Democratic organiza tiuus and individual Democrats. On tlie sulijuct of Democrats who were severing party lien in behalf of national lienor he said: Now it U within the memory of a third, unit perhnp, nun oi mis vvry iiiiuiciice wmeii llttten to me. that when tho terrible war of till1 ieljll!ou burst forth tuns of thotiuantW of Democrats. liolitlLfiius. htniiuf iHirty men. sprung to their feit, representing hundreds of thoilsaiidM, aye, iiilllious, unil thenceforth and always weie pait mill imrcclottho lH,ne unit -.1IMJW oi tlie VKlorious itepillille. Wlml inuller f the pnitv lml none wrong? They weie right. One man among them, one nuin alone, by u whiffle seliU'iiei' gave aid and succor to this fjovcriimcnt w hleh outweigbisl a whole army urMoX veterans, musket on boubler. When Htuphwi A. Douglas deelured, after Stiiutei was llrnl on, thut "tbenwforth there could be but Uvu imrties, imtrlots uud tiuitoru," he won the renpuit vun of fins and an iuipcrlnluthlc pluee n littory. We slmll tstrtninly w,lui,iiiealt suuh men to-duy, not that they are to be Hepubllcans, for thiiy will not be, but because they are patriota, for tlut they must be. Thin was a gracious thing fur Mr. Kiwi to my. Kvery noid of it li true. As Major McKlnloy had' said iu offit tho samo thing on Satiinlay evculug last.lt would seem tu lie tho Itepublloau policy fur tho eiiuipaign oroturn. aud It certaluly Isa ood one. It is a time for patriots to stand together and jwrtuians to drop to the rear. PERSONAL. Miss IMitli Minors, of Hast Cool stiut, is seriously 111. Charles N'elce, of 1'otHvlUo, spent yester day in town. Leon Waslcy has gone to lllootnsburg to visit friends. Max Dorfllnger, of 1'otUvllle, was a Sunday visitor to town. John Willlaim, of South ilowers street, Is on the sick list. Charles Parrish spent yoslol-day with Mt. Carmel friends. Misses Sadie Davis ami Annie Itobeits are sojourning in CatawissH, Harry llnwllgaii was a business visitor to Mt Cariuel on Saturday, Miss Lena Laucr, of Ashland, visited Mrs. Samuel Small yesterday. Miss Mary D.ivls, of Girardville, visited friends in town yesterday. I'rauk Ifoin, of Uilbeitou, was a business visitor to town on Saturday. David Kcnuio, of Mt. Caiuiel, shook hands with friends hero yesterday. Charles Urueks, of Ashland, visited tho fair sex in town last evening. John Uich and Miss l'arinloy, of St. Clair, were town visitors yesterday. Miss Sadie 1, Ingham, of South Jardin stieet, Wcrii an Ashland visitor yesterday. Mrs. Connelly, of K.ist I.loyd street, is convalescent after a serious illness. Harry Gather, of Heading, formerly of town, is visiting acquaintances hero. John Davidson, of East Coal street, spent yesterday at St. Clair visiting friends. Mrs. William l'rilchaid, of North White stieet, gave bhth to daughter yesterday. Messrs. Matt. Ilhizis and John CJiiiun, wcro the guests of Mt. Caimel friends yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Acker enjoyed a drive through tho CatawRsa valley yesterday. Miss Annie Kelly, one of 1'oltsvillo post office employes, was a town visitor to-day. Miss Deena liosencraiis, of l'ittstim, in visiting Miss Ida Williams, of West Oak stieet. l'hlllp Ducliant, one of Catnwissa's lending jewelers, was tho guest of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Van Val.ali, yesteiday. II. A. Itacon, clerk at the Kalcr House, Mahanoy City, was tho guest of his cousin, W. J. l'ortz, yesteiday. Misses Bridget Loftus, Maine Gerhard and Cora Oswald, of Mahanoy City, were seen on our streets last evening. Messrs. T. T. Hyde, I). J. Ilrooks, Max Schmidt, George Pointer and George Keiper, were county seat visitors tn-elay. Misses Maud liichards and Maine Getz, of Hazloton, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. It. Bcddall, on Xorth .laidin street. Frank Delcamp, of Philadelphia, who was. the guest of his parents on South White street, returned to his home this morning. Henry Waters and Wnlter Itumplc, ac companied by lady friends, spent several pleasant hours in Mahanoy City yesterday. Messrs. Paul Dunn, Guy Winter, .Tames McGinty and Iiichard Cleary, of Mahanoy City, weio swen on our streets last evening. John K. Hughos, tho clerk at the Win. I'enn colliory olllco who suffered a sovero at tack of kidney trouble, is now considerably improved. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hainmct and daugh ter, Lizzie, who were guests of C. G. Palmer, returned to their home in Philadelphia yesterday. .Misses .Mary and Lizzie Michael, of New York, who were sojourning with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph llickcrt, returned to their homes this morning. Messrs Samuel Small, William Itumble, Geoige Portz, Grant Lessig, William Morrisou Arthur Parrish and William Harnian, were Mahanoy City visitors last evening. Iiev. W. D. Kerswill, I!. D., Professor of Hebrew and history in the Lincoln Univers ity, assisted in the communion service ut the Piosbytorian church yesterday murium:. Misses Kate Mcliiuty, Hannah Salmon, Sarah liyan unci Miss Foley, of Schuylkill Haven, spent batuiday in town as the guest of tho Misses Gallagher on East Lloyd street. George Gee, of the Salem, O., Daily Herald who, in company with his wife, lias been visiting town i datives for the just few weeks, made us a friendly cull to-day. He leaves for his western homo to-morrow morning. Miss .Maine Xeirth, who has been visiting her parents on Last Lino strcet.Mho past two weeks, to-day returned to her homo in Baltimore, Mil., where she holds a lucrative position in the ollico of tho Home Friendly Society. Miss Maggie Kavauaugh, accompanied by her guest, Miss Walsh, of Troy, X. Y., left for Atlantic City, this morning. Mr. Walsh, also of Troy, X. Y., was tlie guest of tho latter yesteiday, and left for Frceland this morning. Uxpi lleiM'H Tells it All. The well known adage, "experience is a dear teacher" was never mure forcibly ex emplified that in the case of diphtheria, nxperienco has taught those who survive it that it is tlio most dreaded disease known. Lxpeiieuco has taught us that not a single diphtheria patient ever died whero Thomp son's Diphtheria Cuin was used accoiding to directions. This valuable mcdiciuo is sold bv leading druggists everywhere ut !io cents a bottle. The reader can well afford to bo guided by tho fortunate experience uf others and kiep Thompson's Diphtheria Cure handy iu tlie house all the timu. Sold at Ktrlin 'a Irug stoio. .Sellout Directors Arrested. Tho Philadelphia and Hearting Coal and Iron Company, through their district laud agent, on hatuiduy brought suit against last year's School lioard of lilytlio township for misdemeanor in office. The arrests, six in number Michael llicunan, Jauies Keuna, Michael Whaleu, Michael Conroy, Martin Dclaney and Joseph Clemens who were in ollico during tlie year ending Junu, 180.1, were made by Constable J. C. MeGuigau and the hearin.' was in Pottsvillo. Tlie direct charge is that thu defendants ut various times during the period they were in ollico issued oiders on the school district, which are believed to bo fraudulent uud In excess of the piupcr cuiiiidorutlon. Pich enteied lull iu tlie sum uf $800 for appearance ut the September term of court. Stueeesslul Vleute The last picnic of tho season under tho aimpiios uf tlie St. Mary Mugdaleno Cadets, uf Lost Creek, was held on Saturday after noon und ovouing, and pi oved a great success. There was a largo attendance from this town. Watkiu Wuters Post, G. A. 1!., headed by the Patriotic drum corps, wus in attendance All speak highly of tho treatment they re reived at tho hands of the Cadets. Itetler ltouils. Many of the teamsters and farmers through out the region aro talkiug of funning an organization to adopt resolutions and also collect ulcriptlons which are to boused iu compelling tho various supervisors to furnish bettor roads, It Js stated that many of tho roads are In a lulsenujleToudition. You need Hood's Sarsaparilla to enrich and purify your blond, create uu appetite and give sweet, rifieshlug sleep. Strikers Said to be Arming, Cl.nvi:i,AM), O , Aug. 3. A startling ploco of news in connection with the Hrown strike, which conies from on np parontly reliable source, Is to tho effoct thnt the strikers nre arming themsolves unrl drilling ,It vn said yostonlay that forty of the strikers had organized u com pany last Saturday, elected u enptuin and ptirchamHl revolvers The company drilled Saturday evi'iiltiB. and it was mitiouiicod that tho purpose of the men was tonvoligo the death of tho two men who wcro shot nt different times In contllcts between union and lioii-unlon men. Four com piitilos of milithi titv on dutynt tho works. Trainmen's rutut Neirleet, CUMON, Ills., A n . 3. Through the cnrplewuos"! of trainmen n ii.r.i,,u wreck occurred on tho curve just oast of Hlrklieek, a small station on the Illinois Central five miles northemst of Clinton. I'ntwmgcr train No. DOt, going south, and passenger train No. Ml, going north, col lided whilo Ruing at full spee-d. Engineer Charles Uurchiiiiugh mid Mull Agent William Haker were killed and eight others severely injured. Tho trains were scheduled to puss at I'alncll, but tho north bound train was late, unil orders were given to sidetrack at Blrkbeck. The name of the station was overlooked. M. StmnliulotrH Tomb Desecrated Sofia, liulgnrlu, Aug. 8. Tho tomb of M. StanibiilolT, tho ex-premier of 13ul garia, who was iissasslnatcd In tho streets in Sofia In July of last year, has been seriously injured with a dynanilta bomb. A riot was caused nt the jjrnvo of tho dead statosinan whilo tho funeral ceremony was going on in July of last year by his en emies and by thu friends of Major 1'auitza, who had been executed by an order of M. Stambulotf while he was premier. For somo time after his burial Ills grave had to bo kept guarded by military. Arrested for Kidnaping Her Own Child. PlTTSUUKii, Aug. i) Mrs. Whltaker, wlfo of Frank Whltaker, of No. 71 Stem ton avenue, Now York, was arrested here yostcrday in company with Herman Krloger on a charge of kidnaping Ida Whltaker, aged 10 years. Tho child was found In a lmuo on I'enu avenue, where sho had been left by Mrs. Whltaker. She says she is undecided whether to go to her father or remain with her mother. Krloger claims to bo a well known business lnun of Now York. Sudden Death of Consul Sparlcs. Kaui.k VAbs, Tex., Aug. :). Major ,Ieso W. Sparks, United States consul nt Ple elras Negras, Mexico, ellod suddenly on Saturday at his room nt the International hotel of heart failure. Major Sparks was a prominent oandldalo for governor of i ennesse.-wneuuppo.uRu cousin i)j-rrasi- j dent C iw;dnnd.Hewasvie.opro,ideiitof he United VeU-raiis, an association of Union . and Conlederato soldiers, and was widely i known throughout, the south. Trofessor Amtree's Are! ic Itnlloon. Stockholm, Aug. 3 News has boon re ceived from Spitzliergen that Professor S A. Andreo's balloon had boon tilled and was ready to start on July 27. Tho Virgo with Professor Andrea, his two compan ions mid his appir.itus on board, sailed from Tromsoo one Juno 15. Sinco Juno -J tho expedition has been established in Pikes House, In the northern half of West Spltzborgen, uppoilo Danos Island. National Amateur Oarsmen Itegatta. Sakatoua, N. Y., Aug. 3. Tho annual regatta of the National Association of Amateur Oarsmen will be rowed on tho lnko noar tho village on the 12th and 13th of this month, and at prosent promises to bo ono of the best legattas over held by tho national nssciolutioii. The list of en tries for the various events is very largo, uud many of thorn aro crows that havo participated in early spring events. (Minimum Hauna's IUotiueuts. NKW YoHK, Aug. 3. Mark A. Hanna, chairman of tho Keptibllenn national com mittee, spout Saturday night and yester day at the homo of his sister, Mrs. Walton Jones, in Knglewood, N. J. He returnotl to New York last evening. Oyelone" D.ivls for Congress. Tf.xaiikaxa, Ark., Aug. 3. 'Cyclone" D.ivls, the People's party loader, was on Saturday nominated tor congress Dy I'opu listsof tho Fourth Texas district to suo cooel Hon. D. IJ. Culberson. NUGGETS OF NEWS. Sir William drove, tho eminent Kn gllsh electrical scientist, died In London, aged 85. By the capsizing of a sailboat at Picton, N. S., three sons of John Brown wero drowned. Tho Independence (dub, of Canada, is arranging to hold n dominion convention to urge the independence of C .nada. Abner Doollttlo and his wilo, of Cdum bus, O, wore fatally burned by an uxptos lon of gasoline while cleanliig luriiiture. Gold Democrats in Chicago havo lieen officially notified that at least thirty-live statos will bo represented In thanppronch ing eonferoneo to call a new convention. Little Sarah Lufalks, U years old, 111 an attempt to escape from SiuiUo Hill (N. J.) almshouse, jumped on" a precipice thirty foot high without injury, and it took torty boys to cutch her. eesmg Makes you seem " all broken up," with out life, ambition, energy or appetite. It Is often the foreruuner oj serious ill ness, or tho accompaniment oi nervous troubles. It is a positive proof of thin, weak, impure blood; for, if the blood la rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, it im parts life and energy to every nerve, organ and tissue of tho body. The necessity ot taking Hood's Sarsaparilla for that tired feeling is therefore apparent to every one, and tho good lt will do you 13 equally beyond question, Itemember Sarsaparilla Is tho best In fact the One True Wood I'urlftcr. r-t,i r!ll cure nver ins, easy to uiKe, nOOCl S flllS easy to operate. Mceuts. mmxa a i nrnai n Tired r Hoods COTTOLUNU. The Cottoler.i trade murks are "Oottolm" anil ti'rr't hrail u cotton-plant wreath on evory Un. THE N, K. FAIRBAUX COMPANY, Chlrnito. Nn York. Phllrnldplils, Plttstnir" SIX IMMIGRANTS SMOTHERED. Tlie Strlitlieu ltelntlves llrlng Stilt A gat ml i Btenmslilp Coiupnny New YoiiK, Aug. a. David Mlloel and Joseph Lorncr, tho fathers of two of a party of six emigrants, who aro said to have been suffocated In tho hold of the German steamship Herman whilo tho lat ter was lying tu tlio Kusslan port of Llbau, on Jan. 2 last, have brought suit for dam agos against tho owner of tho vessel, H. Schuldt, a resident of Flomsbnrg, Ger many. Tho facts became known on Saturday through a letter of the lawyers retained by the unfortunate young men's fathers, which has been forwarded to tho United Stntos consul at Flemsburg. It Is stated that the six men who per lshid wore among a party of fifteen young emigrants, who had engaged passage by tho Herman from Llbau for Hull, Eng land, anil that they met their deaths from suffocation on ono of tho airtight com partments of tho steamer In which the Uf teen emigrants had boon directed to con- i real theihselvos by tho ofllecrs of tho ves- i sol, to evade tho vigilance of Hussian in- 1 spectors. I It Is not stated why tho young men f(mm, lt ut.cos3arj. to hldo from tho Kusslan olU(.lul ,)Ut uccm.alllK to tho statements ,,,,. t,, i,lft , ,,.,, i u ,.-. thut thu stcainshlll officlalg had lnforllled tho em,Brimt9 thut tho Hl,sslan olllclnls would not tako more than twenty mln- utos to inspect the ship, whereas three hours had elapsed beforo tho vessel sailed. When a sailor of tho vessel, tho letter re cites, went to release tho six men they were all unconscious. Thoy wero hoisted out of tho hold, und after hours of hard work tho lives of nlno wero saved. The six others nevor regained consciousness. Their bodies wero consigncil to the sen. The people havo long sinco learned that tho most disagreeable medicines aro not nec essarily the bust. In fact, as a rule, thoy aro not. What is wanted is something mild and sure, such as Chamborlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. That is really pleasant to take when reduced with water and sweetened. Then it is acknowledged everywhere to bo tho most successful remedy in tlie world for bowel complaints. Ask any number of druggists for the host remedy they have for diarrhoea aud fully nine out of ten will recommend Chamberlain's. In speaking of this medicine, Mr. 11. B. Huffum of Friendsville, Susquehanna Co., Ph., says: "Wo have Usui it in our family for pain in the stomach, colic and, diarrhoea and found it to he a most effective remedy." For salo by Grulder llios.flruggists. Their 1'erilous Voyage lilnled. LONDON", Aug. 3. A dispatch from tho Scllly Islands states that tho rowboat Fox passed there on Saturday, utter a voyngo of fifty-live days from New York. Tho two occupants of tho bout, Georgo Herbo aud Frank Samuelson, wero well, but somewhat exhausted from the effects of their long row. The masters of tho Nor wegian lurks Sito and Kugott, both of whom spoke tho Fox at mm, oxainlucd the boat when they spoke her, and gave certif icates th'it oars wero thu only propelling power used. Somo years ago when suffering with an uncommonly severe attack of dlarrhuca, Mr. W. lt. Guinuip, of Atco, Pa., received through tho mail a sample bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Je says: "1 found it tube ono of tlie most effective remedies I over used. It gave mo almost immediate relief. It has no superior and I think no equal. No bad effects follow the uso of this remedy. It is pleasant to tako when reduced with water und swecteued. Children like it. It never fails. It is tho- most perfect remedy ever produced fur bowel complaints." For sale at 25 aud 50 cents per bottle by Gruhler Bros., druggists. Thieves llurgltirlKo it Church. ItAZUlTOX, Pa., Aug. 3. Thu Greek Catholic church and tho Delawaro, Sus- nuehannaand Schuylkill railroad station here were entered uy tniovos anil roblieil Saturday night. Two ctuillcos valued at 500 wcro token from tho church and the priest's vestments woro torn und trampled unon. Tlie ticket case In the railroad sta tion was smashed and the tickets torn and spread ubout tho promises. There Is no clew to tho perpetrators. To Demand Senator Wolcott's IleKlguatloti DnsvEK, Aug. 3. An evening papor publishes in mi oxtru tho statement that a meeting of loading Republicans wus hold yesterday, which decided to demand the resignation of Senator Woloott on uo count of his support of the Uopubllcun national ticket. A little daughter of Mr. Lewis Dayton, au old and much respected citizen of liiirultz. Pa., occasionally has trouble with her stomach which gives her considerable dis tress. Iu speaking of it Mr. Dayton ald "As soon as sho has an attack' wo give her a doso of Chauiborlain'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and it has novcr failed to relievo her promptly; Wo all use, it in our family with tho same good results." For sale by Gruhler Bros., druggists. BOURKE COCKRAN'S ATTITUDE. Kuiorn Indorsement or McKlnlcj Klectors by Htrnlglitimt Democrats. New YoltK,Aug. 8. Hourko Cochran re turned last Saturday from Kurope by tho steamer Paris. Mr. Cochran did not for got American polltlos during his trip, nnil ho has evolved a plan by which ho thinks the defeat of tho Chicago candidates may bo cncompnssoel, Speaking of tho situa tion ho said: "1 regard lt as tho gravest In tho history of the country, oxceodlng in Importance tho crisis of lHfiO. This is a qttostlon of morals ns well as of polltlos. I decline to follow Mr. Hryau In a crusado against honesty and tho rights of lnbor." "Do you mean that you will actively oppose tho Democratic party, or abstain from nctlvo support of ttf" "In a contest for tho oxlstcnco of civil ization no man can remain neutral. Who ever does not support tho forces of order aids tho forces of disorder. If I can do anything to thwart a movement tho suc cess of which I should regard ns an Irre parable calamity, not only to'thls country, but to civilized socloty every where, I shall certainly dolt." "Will you support Major McKlnloy out right, or do you favor tho nomination of another Democratic ticket?" "I believo that all Democrats who ore so thoroughly In favor of sound money that they placo tho defeat of Bryan above the interests of any organization or lmrty should meet In convention for tho purposo of considering tho form anil method by which they can glvotho greatost efficiency to their opposition. For my part, I do not bollevo that tho nomination of other can didates for president or vico president would servo any useful purpose Tho best thing to do is to ludorso tho McKlnloy eloctors." I. A. II. Wiilcncr Ilereft. BAlt HAltlion, Me., Aug. 3. All the guests ut tho hotels mid cottages hero wcro painfully surprised by tho announcement on Saturday of tho sudden death on board tho steam yacht Josephlno, of Mrs. Joseph ino Wldener, wife of P. A. B.Wldoner, tho widely known railway magnate of Phila delphia. Mrs. Wldener was found lifeless In her stateroom by her husband, and tho Indications aro thnt sho had been deadsov eral hours beforo tho startling discovery was made. Her tlenth was peaceful and probably painless, resulting from heart failure. Mrs. Wldener had long been an Invalid, and a voyago along the coast had be'en rocoinnienileil by her physician. I'reo I'lHs. Send your address to H. E. Bueklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and aie particularly ellective in tho cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria aud Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to lie purely vegetable. They do nut weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels gieatly invigorate the system. Regular size 35c ier box. Sold by A. Waslcy, druggist. A murderous Peacemaker, Baltimohh, Aug. 3. Juiiies D. Deets, of 1716 Ramsay street, camo homo drunk Saturday night iintl nbused his wlfo, Annlo, who, becoming frlghtcneil, rau into tho street and called for assistance. J. Hanson Andrews, an engineer, aged 29, volunteered protection and wont with Mrs. Deets to the eloor of her house. Deots opened tho door, and soolng Androws bo gun striking him. Without a word An drews whlppotl out a knifo and stabbed Deets to tho heart, killing him instantly. Andrews was arrested. One Nlglit That Curfew Did Not Hlng. Nantucket, Mass., Aug. 3. Curfew has been rung hero with scarcely au Interrup tion for over a century, but lt elldnotrlng on Thursday night. When tho town crier, Hull, climbed tho tower to perform his nightly task ho found that tho immense iron tongue had broken and dropped to tho church roof below. Tho break will bo repaired us speedily as possible, for with' out Its customary rising and retiring bell tho old town Is considerably out ot joint. A Condemned Murderer's Statement. Unioniown, Pa.,- Aug. 3. Frank Mor ris, tho boy .nurdcror of Barnard Loker, who Is sentenced to lie hanged on Sopt. 1, has made a statement which, If provod to bo truo, may havo an Important bearing on his caso. Ho claims tho crlmo was committed by another man ivho lived near Dawson. Two weeks after Morris1 conviction this mau committed suicide, aud it is alleged he mado a full confession of the crime. llucUlen's Arnica Salve. , Tho host salvo in tho world for cuts, braisos, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores! tettor, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, aud all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles. or no pay required. It is guaranteed to glvo erfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Prico 15 cents per box. For sale bv A. Wasley. Double Lynching In Alaliiiinit. Selma, Ala., Aug. 3. Tho two negroes who attempted to assasslnaro Colonel C. D. Hunter, of this county, two weoks ugo, woro lyuchcel iionr tho sceuo of their crlmo lust Friday night. Tho bodies woro found swinging from a brldgo on Satur day, pierced with ninny bullets. Tho crlmo for which they suffered death was a dastardly one. Mr, Itrockway'd House ltotibetU Lono Branch, Aug. 3. Tho opldomlo of burglurlos on this portion of tho Now Jersey coast continues to spread. Tho latest victim is Horuco Drockwuy, proprie tor of tho Ashlanil Houso In Isow York, His oottngo In North Long Brunch wasetf terod during tho ulght una tiiorougluy ruusncked. Shipwrecked Setiineii Arrive, New Yohk, Aug. 3. On board the French Hue steamor Iiii Bourgogue, which arrived yesterday from Huvro, woro Cap tain Aureus ami cloven smpwrccKeci sea' men of tlio Gorman bark Krnst, of Itos took, who wero roscuod in midocean on July 28. Tlio Weather. For eustcrn Now York, oa'storn Pennsyl vunin and New Jersey: Gouerolly fulr northwostorly winds, shifting to south westerly; wanner. KtieuiiiutlHiu Cured In u Day, "Mystic Curo" for Rheumatism and Neu ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days, action upon tho system is rouiarkahle-and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and tho disease immediately disappears. Tie first doso greatly benefits'; 75 cents. Sold by u. It. Jlageuuucli, Druggist, sucnanuoaii. When you want good rooting, plumbing gas fitting, or general tlnsmlthlug done call on E. F. Gallaghor 18 West Centre street Dealer ir sto"es. 1-tf Let the Whole World Know The Good DrJIiles' Heart Cure Does EART DISEASE, has Its victim at a disadvantage. Always taught that heart disease Is Incurable, when tho symptoms becomo well defined, tho patient becomes alarmed aud a nervous panic takes place. But when a suro remedy Is .found and a curo effected, af lor years ot suffering, there Is great rejoicing and desire to "let tho wholo world know," Mrs. Laura Wlno inger, of Selkirk, Kansas, writes; "I desire to let tho whole world know what Dr. Miles' TY IYHIpq' Heart Cure has done for Ul. I'lllta mo For ten years I had Heart Cure paln ln my heart-sbort- Restores ness oi Dream, palpita tion, pain in my leftside, oppressed feeling in my chest, weak and hungry Health.... spells, bad dreams, could not Ho on either sldo, was numb and suffered terribly. I took Dr. Miles' Ueart Curo aud before I finished tho second bottlo I felt Its good oflects, I feel now that I am fully recovered, and that Dr. Miles' Heart Curo saved my life." Dr. Miles Heart Curo Is sold on cuarantoo that first bottlo benefits, o r money refunded. iL . a .. inter- C r .1 CI p S raw ail o bowel com - S. fl.,lU'S, e snditii c fiT CO! i. emus 4 r? and Ln Grippe. S Used externally it is the beit liui- g mcnt in tlie world, liiwira ot , imitations buy only the ; ,'.iine made by Psrry Davis. . ltn. t Large botlW J iil')-lC.t(ltCif, v Lauers ,ager Pilsner Beers, Finest, . Purest and Healthiest. Ihris. Schmidt, 207 West Coal Street. 604 North Sixth St. Side entrance cn Green EL PHILADELPHIA. CURE GUARANTEED. irf-jv OUlTliil'ltAUTIt'US yenmlunilO f n YcurA Uo.pltiil Ksporlciu'e In (lerniuns . kU stricture, blood poison, i&sj Aoencbal Debility, Lost Vigor, A53w EXCESSCS AND ALL OTHER e&1&yEFFECTS OF YOUTHFUL FOLLY OF BOTH SEXES l'ertunncnUy cared aflr? crcry one eUe tia. fulled. 10ST MANHOOD AND SHRUCKCN OROANS RESTOftfC. No matter what Belttjtil great and famous Doctor and ij-octal-lit claim, write jrlnt or ear, old Jtr. Tfaccl fc&owi more tUiout tbu0 dUca.-d and how to treat them moocuAiU; thu ail cthtn corublDuit, aud they all know it too, to their sorrow l'oor and Klclt If you wore rubbed and vlcttmlttd, and jnu lh to get Htmuet aud kUUftil treatment, try oaoe mora old Ir. Thccl, and ho will cure you jIiItc1.t If euro ii possible. So JH-ccplIuit, no l'ale Krprcacntatinn Frenh cm cured In ( to 10 Day. Heud Dvo 2-cent niuiupi for Truth. Bent of all for Slngta or Married, young or old. Only Ifewk -posing qnacii. noun t 9 3. Evening! 69. Hours ftr cjtam luatlon and treatment In aoemlng hopeleas and dangcroua caaei, daily, 8 to 3. Wed. and gat, evg.,6lol0. Sun.,U tola. Treat ment by mail. Ftrtctent n-crucy U uiirnntred. PotJtt tly tha lowt-Ht thurtftM lu thU city for the heat tit-aUnt-nt. POLITICAL CARDS. on chief iiunoixs, PIERCE WALKER, Of tlio Fourth word. Huliject to Citiruns party rules. P. J. CANFIELD, Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity -For BARBEY' Beer and Tr Barbey's Boh mmm MMSe jam fist.