The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 03, 1896, Image 1

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VOL. XI.-NO. 198.
Wlilill ISS&& 1W
WK have been successful in getting hold of a large lot of shirt
waists at a big reduction from early season's prices and while
they last will be sold at the following figures :
One Lot 35 cents, actual value SO to SO cento,
" SO ss cents.
" " SS .. $1.15 to $1.25.
.. so " -75 cents.
Wash goods were never so cheap as now. Our prices leave no room
for any further decline.
Dimities, not the give-away poor flimsy kind, but the best of the
season's production that were sold at i2j4 to 15 cents, now 10 cents
per yard. Two cases Lancaster ginghams, 5 cents per yard. One case
fine lawns, 4 cents.
P. J. GAUGHAN, - 2X N. Main St.
A Full and Complete Line
From 50c to $1.25.
Laces, Gloves, Ribbons and Fans. Everything suitable for
a fine graduating dress.
, , I DDJOCT'C North Main St.,
J. v-J- I r!Vco, staioali, Pa.
WHAT 1 6 to l MEAN
We have not the
means on the Money
'flpM Lively iuai j.,uu
the chances are 50 to
Light, White Bread by
, Our popular' brands, all of our own make, are
Our Minnesota
, Hold fledal, 18 K.,
Every one guaranteed equal to anything made and sold
any brand or at any price. Our prices range from
under any brS
$3.8 up.
1 'lar Fancy Old White Oats Extra heavy and clean
O L D O tfar 01d Michigan
One Cai
One Cat
r llDOAH.
Children's Carriages
and upwards.
All Styles of
j. p.
vA i 1 1 i a m s 8c Son,
" South Main St.
Only tho happy wearers of Morgan's Shoes
cari, appreciate their real goodness of quality,
fit and durability. Tho prices are right a trial
will tell a long story. Soo our special in ladies'
Alfred F. Morgan,
No. 11 W. Oat Street.
space to explain what 16 to i
question, but we can say posi-
uic 1LUU1 ouujui.t niuana nidi
1 that you will get Good,
buying your Flour
Patents are
Belle of flinnesota.
White "Oats to arrive in a few days.
Proceedings at the Republican County
Convention To-day.
The Platform Adopted at Chicago Con
demned In Unmistakable Terms Hon.
Charles It. Brumm Re-Nominated for
Congress and Hon. Ellas Davis
Nominated for County
Special to Rvnxixn IIkuai.d.
ri)TT!VII.LK, August S.
The most important, as well as enthusiastic
and uncertain, licpublicun convention as
sembled hero this morning shortly after 10
o'clock, in Union hall. From tho timoof tho
arrival of tho early morning trains until tho
hour of tho convention tho various candi
dates and their respective adhcrants were
busily engaged in marshaling their forces
and trying to counteract tho ell'ect of com
binations against them that had been formed
tho night before.
Sunday night was a busy one for tho candi
dates. Tho fight in tho local Senatorial and
Legislative districts entered into tho Con
gressional contest. At least tho friends of
liruinm made It so. Itumurs of deals on tho
part of tho latter were early circulated. One
was to tho ell'ect that Samuel A. Losch, candi
date for Senator In this district, and "Jack"
Whltehouso had formed u combination with
llrumm, by which tho latter was to throw
his Btrength in tho Scnatarial Convention to
tho support of Losch and Whltehouso in to
day's battlo. This deal, however, was denied,
llrumm realized long ago that tho opposition
to him was formidable, and ho was early on
tho scene yesterday. This morning ho was
on tho streets making personal appeals to the
delegates. Tho deal with Losch, et. al. is a
lukewarm ono "if you don't opposonie, I'm
not against you" kind. In plain words, Mr.
Drninm was badly frightened.
Every candidate, had headquarters. Tho
Dangler men held forth in tho olliccs of
William D. Soltzcr, Esq., In tho Keitz build
ing, and tho rooms wcro crowded with
delegates and prominent party workers. On
the outside wero largo placards bearing tho
words: "Dcnglcr Headquarters. Gold
Standard, McKiuley and I'rotectlon !" in
gold letters.
It was an unusual spectacle something
never beforo known in his political career to
sen tho present Congressman resorting to
curbstone politics to secure a nomination.
Heretofore Mr. Ilrumin lias stood upon his
dignity and allowed tho nomination to heck
him. Not so to-day. llo realized last night
that ho was in danger, henco tho dials re
ferred to above to counteract the sentiment
against him.
Hoodie also played an important part in
the contest, so far as tho opposition to Shen
andoah's favorito was concerned.
Chairman Payne called tho convention to
order at 10:15, with Secretary Daniel Dully at
his desk. At this hour only about ono half
of tho delegates wero present and It was
sometime beforo tho full representation was
Secretary read tho call for tho convention,
nftcr which tho list of delegates was read.
Tho election of a permanent chairman was
then in order and tho name of S. Durd
Edward", Esq., was presented by IE. Jf.
Koch, Esq., and Mr. Edwards was chosen by
Tho chairman-elect was escorted to tho
chair. Ilo extended to tho convention his
gratitude and picdictcd tho election of tho
nominees of tho convention, Important
questions confronted tho people of this
country, ho said, and nono moro important
than that wo keep In accord with tho plat'
forms of tho national and state conventions,
and this convention will declare in no un
certain terms in favor of sound money as
against free silver. Sound money means tho
malntcnanco of tho present gold standard
Wo will march to victory with tho comity
and etato ticket. Tho Republican party will
always stand for protection and that with
sound money, will bo tho battlo cry of this
Tho chairman's address was frequently
punctured by enthusiastic applause
In tho appointment of Vico Presidents
William A. Zimmerman, of Shenandoah, was
Included In tho list. Thomas Iicdclift, of
Shenandoah, was placed on tho committco on
resolutions and Moses Ilogcrs, of tho sumo
place, was named as ono of tho credential
Tho convention adjourned at 11:30 to al
low tho committees tu prepare their reports.
Tho hour for ro-convoning was Uxcd at 1:30.
Tho following aro tho cloven Vico Presi
dents of tho convention : II. I), (iraeir, Ta
maqua j Fred. Cooper, Illythe ; Levi Miller,
I'inegrovo ; William I'utteu, Harry ; William
Moore, Tromont ; Joseph II. Fife, Girardville;
William Brandon, Shcppton; William II.
Zimmerman, Shenandoah; William Lohr,
Now 1'hlladolphla; John W. Stlucr and
Charles W. Snyder, Mahanoy City.
At 1:13 o'clock Chairman Edwards again
called tho convention to order and tho com
mittco on credentials submitted Its report,
which was followed by tho submission of
tho report of tho committee on resolutions by
tho chairman, IE. II. Koch. Tho report was
as follows :
WllEUlUi, Thoiltrpuhllcan party ot Schuyl
kill county has ever shared the glory of the
grand old national Republican party since Its
organization In 1850 ; and
Wiieukas, It has ever followed Its teachings
and doctrines as laid down in its orlginul
foundation and as still further expounded in its
national platforms ever since, as the publto
interest required; therefore bo It
Ucsolrtd, That we hereby endorse the princi
ples of the Republican arty as formulated in
their platform at tho convention held In tft
LouU on the 16th day of June, lait.
Resolved, That we unqualifiedly and specially
condemn as anarchistic and socialistic the ut
tcrant'is of certain portion of the platform
itdoptetl by the mruilU-d Denim-ralle national
convention held at Chicago In July. 1W5; and
that we al.o condemn the platform In general a-,
dcs-ldi-dly opposed to good Rn eminent.
ltesolvcd, That we endorse William McKlnlcy
and (larrett A. Ilnhart, the candidate for Presi
dent and Vice President of tin- Republican
party of the t'nlted Mates.
RcHolveil, That we endorse and alllrm the
courc of I1N ICxc-cllcncy, 1). I. lta-ting.,
(lovernor of Pennsylvania.
Resolved, That we endorse lion. Oaluslm A.
flrow and Samuel A. Davenport, the candidates
for Congressinen-at-Iirge of the Republican
party t.f Pennsylvania.
Resolved, That we endorse the course of our
Cnngrosstimn, Stoto Senators and our Repre
sentatives In the State Legislature.
W. D. Seltzer, Esq., offered a substitution
to the report of the committee, hut it was
laid on tho table.
Mr. Seltzer addressed tho convention In
1-clmlf of his substitution and asked that tho
motion to lay on tho table bo rc-eonsidered.
A standing vote was taken, resulting in tho
defeat of tho motion to re-consldcr and tho
report of tho committee on resolutions was
Chairman Edwards then declared the nom
ination of candidates in order.
3:15 p. m. The result of tho first ballot for
tho nomination of Congressman shows that
llrumm receicd 211 votes and Dcnglcr All.
This makes llrumm tho nominee.
1:30 v. M. On the ballot for County
Treasurer Hon. Ellas Davis, of Wadesvillo,
received S71 votes and Charles N. M'Clinncs,
of Pottsville, 13.
Itltten liy u Hug.
Edward Pooler, of West Centro street,
is suffering from a badly swollen foot. Tho
Ho is employed at ono of the collieries
and Upon returning homo last Wednosday
and removing his I wot he found a small
mark on tho foot. When ho arose the noxt
morning tho foot was swollen to twice its
sizo. It lx-camo very sore and tl is morning
when his mother examined it she found a
black spot on tho skin. Upon removing it,
sho found a black bug tho sizo of a II-, which
caused tho swelling. The boy's foot is now
beginning to improve
Wood's .Shcnuitdooli College.
Ono school in nine cities, with an attend-
anco (if over four thousand students. Every
finished student now regularly employed at a
good salary speaks volumes for tho great
A diploma from W'ood's College is worth
1,000.00 to any ono as It means high moral
character and excellent scholarship.
Tho collego will rc-open August 21th, in
both day and night sessions, with a largo and
experienced faculty, all collego graduates.
Rev. .Mltnlek lie-elected.
TJw troublo whioh was recently chums!
by tho disputu of thu term of I'cv. Mltnlek
as rabbi of tho Kchelelh-Israel congregation
was brought to a closo at a meeting held
last evening. Ilev. Mitnick who has always
been a faithful worker for tho congregation,
was ro-elected for a term of two years instead
of ono year, as somo of tho members had
proposed. Tho congregation under Ilev
Mitnick's caro has nmdo many strides in pros
Kcndrlck House l-'reo Lunch.
Sour krout and bacon to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
To Courer ii Degree.
Tho degrco team of Shenandoah Lodgo5!U,
I. O. O. F., in full paraphernalia, will confer
tho second degrco this evening and It Is
expected that n largo audienco, as usual, will
bo on hand to witness tho work of this
excellent team.
Ever known in fetid' and crush hats. At
MAX LEVIT'S, 15 East Centre street.
llyo Muy Ito Destroyed.
On Saturday John Martin, a miner aged 35
u-ou cImiz-I- It, tl, rv liv n. llvinir
piece of coal while ho was in tho act of
tamping a blast at tho fehenandoah City col
liery. It is feared tho sight of tho eyo is dc-
btroyea. ur. 1). j. i-mgiou is in nucuiiuuco
Driver Injured.
Alex. Maze, ago Id years, a driver at tho
Shenandoah City colliery, received severe
injuries about tho leg and kneo by being
caught between his trip and n door on
Saturday. Dr. S. M. Fetzer is nttendiug
.Successful Festival.
Tho Salvation Army corps held an ice
cream festival In Bobbins' opera house Satur
day night and it was ii most successful affair.
Over 500 tickets wcro sold for it.
1'olUh Republican Club.
A meeting of tho Polish I'epubllcan Club
will bo held at 7:30 o'clock to-night in Frank
Luto's parlors, on South Main street.
Wood's College.
The summer class closes to-day. 'tho
college will bo open both day and evening
for students, who want private instructions
and for visitors. Tho college will ro-open in
both day and evening sessions August 21th.
Eight oxccllent teachors, all college gradu
ates, havo been engaged, aud tho best of
everything will ho used,
Approaching Wedding.
Tho betrothal of Miss Annie,
to II. F. James, both of town, has been
announced. Tho wedding will take place on
Wednesday, August 12th.
Clone Into llusluess.
Ex-High Constablo Patrick Sullivan lias
npplied for his discharge from tho Soldiers'
Homo at Erie and will again locate here,
having purchased John Sneddon's fruit stand.
Tor Sale.
Four second.hand pool tables and one side
table, almost as good us new add onu water
motor, suitablo for running fans or making
Ico cream. Apply to IE. 1). or A. J. Scliotnr's
eating houso, 10 East Centre street, Shen
andoah, Pa.
For Sale Cheap. -A
dcsirablo rcsideuco on East Coal Mrwt.
Apply to M. M. Burke, attoniey-at-law. tf
Buy Keystone flour. Bo sure that the ne
IiEssia & Baeh, Ashland, Pa., is printed on
every sack.
Number of Dead Now Placed
The Condition of Miss Lizzie Branln, Frank
Morelo and William Johnson Still Ex
tremely CriticalThe Other Twelve
Will Probably Recover.
Atlantic City, Auk- ii. No nddltlonnl
deaths hnvo yet occurred nut result of
Thursday night's collision, and the death
roll stands nt forty-four. There Is u pos
sibility that It may romuln nt that figure,
but lt ls only a remote one. At the Sana
torium Inst evening It was reported that
tho flf toon patients still there wero doing
as woll us could Iw oxiwctcd, and whilo
thero was a bare chance of pulling them
nil through safely tho odds wero against
nt least throe. They art) Frank Morelo of
East Orange, N. J. : William Johnson of
Hrldgctrm, and Lizzlo Hrnnln of Millvlllo.
Miss Ilrauln has nut roeovorod conscious
ness since tho collision, despite reports to
tho contrary. Sho is the pretty l'.i-ycar-old
girl who was engiiged to hi married
to Charles Horner, tho Hridgeton grocer,
who lies on tho cot noxt to her. Horner,
too, Is vory severely hurt, but the clmnces
nro now in favor of his ultimate- recovery.
At 8 o'clock In tho morning the patients'
request, mado Saturday night to Ilev J.
II. Townsend, recur of the Episcopal
Church of tho Ascension, was granted.
Tho sonorous chillies of tho little church,
which stnnds Just across tho way, ponleil
forth tho tonos of "Nearer my God to
Thee." Tho faces of tho patients made a
pitiful study as they barkened to tho
music. Somo simply gazed with longing;
eyes Into vacancy, others with rapt looks
and quivering Hps formed the words of
tho hymn in unison with tho chlmos, and
somo softly wept
A numlior of clergymen of various de
nominations have, at their own request,
been permitted access to tho sick ward,
mid white all tho patients havo welcomed
them and eagorly listened to their words
of eonsolntlon.thorohOH boon no ceremony
of a purely religious character.
Relatives and friends of somo of thodend
visited Coroner McLaughlin yesterday and
received tho money anil valuables which
had belonged to their dead. The son of
William Prlckett, Sr., of Hridgeton, took
a few articles of jewelry and !U.01 In
Alfred Sharp, a brother of Sirs. Lizzlo
Hateman, of Bridgoton, who was killed
with her husband, secured tho effects of
tho unfortuimto couple. Mrs. Feighan, of
Philadelphia, widow of Patrick Feighan,
tho liquor dealer who was killed, secured
tho money found on his body. Mrs.
Hrnnln, mother of Lizzlo Hranln, looked
for a watch which belonged to her daugh
ter, but It could not lo found.
Tho watch of Philip II. Goldsmith, tho
lirldgoton clothier, who died hand in hand
wdth his wife, bears on tho fnco tho picture
of his wlfo and two boys. It had stopped
The inquest this afternoon will bo hold
upon tho lxidles of Goldsmith and ono or
two ot ler.s by way of formality. Tho rail
road olllcials will bo willed first, including
Superintendents A. T. Dyeo. of the Head
ing, and E. O. Dayton, of tho Pennsyl
vania. Albert Plnkorton, conductor of tho
Heading train, will also bo called. There
will Ijo twenty-llvo or thirty wltnessos
in all.
Mrs. Hums, a Gorman woman from
Philadelphia, was hero yesterday trying;
to find her boy, William, who had been
reported as being badly Injured in tho
wreck. Ho was not nt tho hospital, and
there was no traco of him. Ho hud been
living at Shlloh, Pa., and may possibly Ijo
thero now.
While tho city Is gradually resuming Its
normal conditions, tho Sunday crowds
wcro considerably smaller yesterday.
Funeral of tliu Victims.
BnTDGlETON.N. J., Aug. 3. Thejfunernls
of cloven of tho victims of tho Atlantic
City railroad collision took placo yester
day. Every where could bo seen tho clothes
and badges of mourning, and many sad
scenes wero witnessed. Those burled wero
Mr. H. Frazlcr Hell and wlfo, Joshua Er
nest, Charles Sooy and sou, Mr. Itichartl
Tronchard and wlfo, Mr. Jamos Jf. Hato
mnn and wlfo nnd Joseph Peters and son.
Tho bodies of Franklin Dubois, of York
town, and Mrs. Ellen May and son, of
Palatlno, wero burled In tho vlllago come
terlop nt Friendship and Olivet. Today Is
being generally observed as a day of
Another Atlantic City Fatality.
Atlantic City, Aug. 3. About So'elock
yesterday afternoon tho lloor of tho photo
graph gallery of It. Ilonshaw, on tho
board wulk, collapsed, prcclpltatlngtwelvo
persons u distance of twelve feet. Mr.
Williamson, of Johnstown, Pa., and Mrs.
E. Holdsworth, of Philadelphia, wero se
verely Injured about tho head and taken
to tho hospital, whilo Proprietor Henshaw
had his cheek cut open. Last night as tho
Heading excursion train was leaving tho
depot William O'Nell, of Philadelphia,
foil lienoath tho wheels and had both lugs
amputated. Ho died last night.
To the Hoys in lllue.
On Tuesday, August 1th, will bo pension
day, I have made arrangements with a
Notary Public, who will bo at my office. No.
127 North Main street, to authenticate your
pension vouchers. I don't want to lose your
trade, lly next pension day, November Ith, I
will bo ready to attend to your wants per
sonally as n full commissioned Justice of tho
Peace, Second ward, Tramp, Tramp, tho
Hoys (in blue) aro marching to tho cull of
Father Abraham, 300,000 more, I would like
If my friends would call and, seo mo.
C. W. Denoler,
Ex-J. P. by tho Powers that be, ,
8-l-2t No. 127 N. Main strut.
llreiiiuin'a New Restaurant.
Oyster soup to-night. '
Hot luuch to-morrow lnoruing.
Decorated Kruit Saucers from
Si. oo to ("oc per dozen.
Decorated Pie Plates from $t ,oo
to Coc per dozen.
Decorated Sugar Howls from 50c
to 35c.
Decorated Platters, 15, 20 and 25
8 S. Main Street.
A Singular Acc-lilnnt.
Whilo walking down South Main street
Saturday evening Jennie, tho four-year-old
daughter of John W. Weeks, the South Main
street saloonkcciwr, stepped upon the frauio
of a water stop located In front of the Fergu
son theatre building. Tho cover was looo
and slipped oil", the child's foot and leg
slipping down into tho opening. Tho child's
root turned iusido the stop frame and sho whs
hehl prisoner for almost half an hour. Sho
was ultimately released by men breaking tho
iron frame and surrounding ll.igstouo with,
Illckvrt'n Cute.
Our free lunch to-morrow morning will"
consist of nico vegetable soup.
A llasket lMt-nle.
Tho members of Shenandoah Valloy En
campment No. 2.Vs, I. O. (). F., of town-, will
hold a basket picnic at tho Iiiugtowii grovo
noxt Friday and all Odd Fellows and their
families are cordially invited to participate.
The faro to and from the grovo will bo fifty
cents. It will bo an old-fashioned gathering
of jolly friends and two baso ball teams
known as "Tho Old Fogies" and "lied Stock
ings" will help thu merriment nlong.
At Ki'jK-liIiiHkl' Art-ailo Cafe
Grand Army boan soup to-night.
Meals served at all hours.
Will Ua the Chemical i:ngl
Tho llcscue boys on Saturday placed their
Ilcrry swinging harness which is used on the
ladder truck in position to bo used for the
new chemical engine. Thu boys will uso tho
chemical engine in ca-o of fire until another
now hnnies is substituted fur tho truck.
At llreeu's Iiiulto Cafe.
lirccn's Boston Baked Beans will Is) served
as free lunch to-morrow morning. Plenty
for everybody.
Meals served at all hours.
Whoso Child Is It ."
A little Polish child that was lost was
taken in charge by some of tho good hearted
people living in the neighborhood of tho
Greek Catholic chinch on Saturday night. A
search was instituted for its intents, but up
to this afternoon they had not been found.
ltargiilns In New Ciirpets.
Wide unbleached sheeting, for 12Jo.; table
oil cloth, 121c; all wool cashmere, 25c.;
tickings, for 5 cts. per yard, and so on, at
8-1-1 w P.J. Monaoiun's.
Greatest assortment of umbrellas In Shen
andoah is at liruinin's. 7-2S-tf
at Our
store at cut prices
WinDQW MfflDB.
Plated knives and forks Si.oo
per dozen, guaranteed to wear for
five years.
F.J. Portz 8c Son,
Price, 25c.
6 South Main Street.