EUREKA! 7i This is the name of a SWING CHAIR for children and infants we have taken the agency for. It ran be adjusted to any position desired, .making either chair, swing or crib, with no possi bility of the child falling out. Regular price, S2.00. Our price, HOOKS & BROWN X North Main St. FOR TEN DAYS ONLY. In order to make room for the carpenters we offer the following selected stock which is displayed in our large show windows at greatly reduced prices. A big lot of Men's Good Grade at a reduction of 30 per cent, on the original price. a nio STOCK MEN'S SUITS of every description at a reduction of 50 per cent. These goods are going at sacrificing prices. Also a big lot of Children's Suits :-: :-: and Novelties. 1 Gold in, Prop. 9 and 11 South Main Street. EVENING HERALD TIintSDAY, JULY 30, 181W. MIII11 1'iilkH J'nrty. Tho resiilcnco of .Mr. nwl Mrs. Jolin Dobbin, on North Main street, was the scene of n merry gathering of little folks last oven ins, who were present to celelimto the seventh v birthday anniversary of their daughter, WiJr. Music, refreshments and names ' Tprineil tho program for the evening's enjoy ment. Tho little folks present were : Flor- V..J5 r..i.1-!..l.. 1..I. 1 If-.:.. 11, nilncho and Isabella Bobbin, Willio and 1 fciiina Zimmerman, Annie. Ida and IHhel . Kobinson, Katie Quinn, Yirgota Flynn, Marv and Annio Mitchell. Allert. Clare. X' Clayton and Adolph liobbin, Korinnu ,;, Andy Stank, Jerome tind Russell 'Miller, Martin and Charles (Jufnu, Hoy Xcw liouser, James Ilobinson, Daniel and Edward Uingtou, Joseph Hall and Hoy Scliceler. Pay (inly your own bills. In dealing hero the cash customer is not taxed to help sup IKirt the credit customer who do not pay. Here all are 0110 level. All aro cash. 7-ls-tf Factory Sum: Stohc. lurors Drawn. The next term of criminal court begins on Monday, September 7, and among tho grand jurorsdrawn aro the following from Shtnan ilonh : Martin I'urcull and Thomas O'Con nell. I'etit jurors, for Scptemlier 7 : Jolin Dunn, John Uarritt, Thomas Hellis, Thomas Higgins, Stino Shultz, Abraham Yost, Alex. Morris, Jr.; September 11' Frank Wilcom and Marshall Ilugluw. HOOD'S PILIiS cure Liver 11!b, Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache. A pleas'-nt laxative. All Druggists. I.ost Money, Mrs. William Acker is the mother of .Mrs. William Kreigor, whose house on Kmorick street was struck by lightning last night. While running to her daughter's house after the bolt struck Mrs. Acker lost two dollars. Tho truth, tho whole truth and nothing but tho truth. That's our motto; and we add leather, solid leather and nothing but leather. That s tho way our shoos aro built 7-lb-tf Factouy Siioi: Stohe. Hun Over ly a freight Train, Last evening about 0:30 Harry Iturunski, a Polish boy about 14 years old, started for his home at Boston Iiuu . lie had been on a visit to Mahanoy Plane, and when he reached tho signal tower a short distance from the latter place ho attempted to board a moving freight truiu, and fell uudor tho wheels. Iloth legs wero crushod in a horrible manner, and he died shortly after lieing removed to tho hospital. Tho unfortuuate boy had no )areuts anil resided with his brother at Bos ton linn. HAVE ItimntN'ED FUOM PHILA- DELI'HIA WITH A . . . . Complete Dental Outfit CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK DR. J. W. VAN VALZAH, Ferguson's Theatre Block, Corner Main and Oak streets. Take the Iron stairway on Ouk street. Ofllce Hours : 8 n. ni, to 8 p. m. WE HAVE THE ... 'ft E. B. FOLEY, -k f, NO 27 WEST CENTRE STREET. jx Ladies' Fine Russet Ox ford Ties, retrular price $1.50 and $1.75, cut price 9SC. Closing out entire lot less than cost to make room at . . . WHITELOCK'S CHEAP SHOE STORE. LAST NIGHT'S ELECTRICAL STORM. A Iltmni Struck and Two l'limlUc Stunned by the hlioelc. The eloctricnl and thunder etorm of last night is said hy oxnortu to have been the most sovore that has visited this region in many years. Such storms have never been so frequent and sovore as during the imst three days and tho one of last Monday night was a snorter, but last night's storm eclipsed it. The rain also did considerable damage along tho valley by creating washouts and the electric railwavs wero considerably damaged, The storm in town whs a very severe one. Lightning struck in several places, but only in few Instances with damage worth speaking of. The most sevcro cae was tho striking of n house on North Kmerick street owned by tho P. it K. C. & I. Co. and occupied by the family of William Krciger. The bolt struck at ten o'clock and demolished tho chimney nnd then slashed tho weather boards from tho south sido of tho house from roof to foundation nnd about three feet in breadth. Tho weather boards foil In a heap in tho yard, tho bricks of the chimney were forced through tho roof and the Uoorof a bedroom on the second lloor and the sitting room lie neatb wero covered with plaster from the ceilings. Tho bolt also ripped considerable planter from tho south walls of the rooms. Picture frames hanging on the south wall of the bedroom were thiown to the lloor nnd a bedstead was displaced ami wicnchnl. A picture frame in the sitting room was ignited, but It was made of an enamel preparation and, after sizzing a few moments, burned it self out. Mr. Kreiger, his wife and 2-year-old son, Ijcroy, occupied a bed in a room adjoining and to tho rear of tho bedroom In which the bolt struck. All were stunned by the shock and rendered unconscious for two or three minutes. Tho members of tho Townsend family in the adjoining hou suirercd in a similar manner, but all quickly recovered and uono have complained of ill elfects since. Mr. Kreiger says that when he recovered his senses his liedroom was filled with dust from tho plaster in tho adjoining room, s Tho Townsend house was not damaged. Neighbors who witnessed tho striking of the Kreiger houso sounded a tire alarm and all the companies promptly responded, but their services wero not required. Almost immediately after this alarm was sounded lightning stiuck tho wires of tho firo alarm system and rendered it useless. Tho telegraph wires in tho ticket olllco of the Lehigh Valley depot wcru struck nnd burned out. Quito a blazo was created, but it was promptly extinguished by Night Watchman Sullivan with a little water. Tho wires wero repaired in time for early morn ing service. A wiro of tho street electric light system was also struck and all the lights were ex tinguished, but tho damage was so slight that tho system was in condition again within fifteen minutes. Tniilic on the Schuylkill Traction line was delayed from 8 until 10:30 on account of tho storm. When the clouds gathered and the lightning commenced to Hash Cieheral Elec trician Davis disconnected tho cars all along the Hue. Wherever ears lmpcned to bo when the storm started they were obliged to remain until tho connections wero made again, with one exception. In this case a car was stopped ut the Lost Creek baso ball grounds and between spuits of tho storm soveral young men who wero passengers ex ercised themselves in rushing the car to the turnout near the Hammond colliery. After tho current was turned on this car ran to tho oast cud of tho Hammond colliery dirt bank and was obliged to stop there on account of coal dirt having been washed uinm tho track. About 200 yards west was a air held by another washing of coal dirt upon the track. Tho latter car was sheltered in tho power house during the stoim nnd succeeded in running to tho dirt bank after tho current was turned on, Tho passengers wero transferred and those who started from (llrardvillo at 8 o'clock reached here at 11:35. The roads between town and Malzeville aro reported as being in very bad condition. Deep ruts nnd washouts were formed last night on many of tho roads. A largo window pauo in tho saloon at tho corner of CVutro street and Pear alloy was destroyed by the winds. Muss Meeting of CitUeut. A mass meeting of tho citizens of tho borough of Shenandoah will be held in Ferguson's theatre on Thursday evening, July 30th, 1811(1, at 8 o'clock, for tho purpose of giving expression to tho sentiment that is manifesting iteelf uihoug tho people who believe that a grievous mistake was made by tho School Board in electing Mr. C. I). Bogart superintendent of the public schools of the Iwrough, and committing thorn to his care without requiring that gentleman to vindi cate himself from tho serious charge of Immorality preferred against him at tho last place ut which he was omployed in tho capacity of an instructor. Evory citizen who feels an interest in the public schools of the towu is urgently requested to be present. 7-o-2t Committee. The ltcport Continued. Supt. 11. F. Bertolette, of tho Williamsport division of tho Philadelphia & Heading rail road, unon being interviewed yesterday, con firmed tho report published in tho Ilmuuia few days ago to tho oUect that the company had decided to use the Catawissa branch hotoaltor for tho transportation of bitumi nous ooal, beginning August 1st. Between eight and ten crows who havo been stationed at Shamokln and Gordon willmove to Cata wissa. This will be a groat loom for that place. Wilkinson's Now Store, The new and commodious dry goods store of L. J. Wilkinson, will be open to tho nun lie Saturday afternoon. In tho evening a concert will be given by Prof, Zcitz's band. ClorkB aro now busy prejiaring for the open ing, which will le on an clalmrate scale. A Hot Chase. James Elliott, with revolver in hand, chased his wife this morning and threatened to kill her. Constablo Phillips arrested him and ho Is to bo kept in tho lockup until to morrow, by which tlmo it is expected his sanguinary sriirit will havo changed ana he will be inxondltion for a hearing. DR. BROWN -IN- HENANDOAH. Kor 7 tiny nt ihv FEf?GUS0j : HOUSE Comntencirii Mohday, August 3d, '6. OR. P. II. BROWN, Chiropodist. J:ilhirget Jtnniona tnmlcsmnlh The Corns or ItunUniH tlon't return. Corn, Bunions, Ingrowing Toe NnlK Kn lnrged Toe Joint,Cliiltmins nnd Hwenty Feet cured by Dr. Brown here in Slicnnmlonli ten years ago have not come back, nnd the feet are to-day free from nehes nnd pntnn. Itcml the proofs, (lo nnd see. the people. The following home testimonials should convince the luot skepticnl : "We take pleasure in recommending Dr. Brown to all milTcrcr from corns, hnnfons, iliKrowingtoennlls, etc. He hn permanently cured our feet without pnin, blood or sore ness. llii treatment is atmolutcly painless nnd hip cures stny cured." I. M. Hmlth, Kroccr, 310 Wet Centre Street; Isaac Itefowich, elothler, 131 Iiit Centre Street; John Smith, grfpcernnd ment market, 410 Ve-t Centre Htreet ; lon Kckcrt, mctit ninrket, 800 Pino Street, Mnhnnoy Citv Thomas H. l'nrrell, chief clerk P. is It. freight olllee . Levi liefowleh, clothing, 10 South Main Street , Wm nnd Mrs. Woomer, green (troocr, 121 North Wain Street ; K. .1. Mc (Jlniiet, cxprestmnn, 221 Centre Street ; Mrs. Kllcn 1). Ferguson, Mis Mnggie Frnney, Shenandoah. Hon. II. M. Kulp, Congress man , Kev Oeo. V. OroKs, Pastor United Kvnngelienl Church. Shnmnkln, Pa.: Mrs. Mary Itclnhold and Miss Minnie I). Kaier. l'ino Strert,nl(o Mrs. (Jertrudo Sillimnn and Miss K.D.Dillon, Centre Street, Mahanoy City, nml hundreds of others. cry hlKhly recommended by several of Shcnnndonh, Ashland, Olrardvllle, Fruck vllle, Mnhnnoy Plane, (lllbcrton, llelnno nnd Tnmnqua's lending citizens, both Indies nnd gentlemen, whose feet Dr. Brown eotn- Jtlctely cured several ytnrs ngtt. Hon. H, M. iulp, CongrertsmnnSlinmokin; If. D. Bright, of Bright Bros., lumber, also proprietor of Ashland Stemn Laundry, Ashlnnd ; C. Serr, merchant tailor and gents furnishing goods, GJrnrdvHlej Miss Barbara Wagner nnd Miss Kllen J. (JtniiKcr, filrnrdvllie ; Miss Annie 1). Buck and Mary ltussell, Walnut Street, Ashland, Mies Lizzie Price and Julia L. Barnard, Market Street, Ashlnnd ; Miss AmcIlaSnnner, BelleHnupt nnd Mrs. J. 1). Wagner. Fraekvllle ; Miss Hannah Itej noid-, Mahnnoy Plane; Mrs. Kllen Henry and daughter, Gilhcrtou, and severnl hundred others. OIHce Ferguson House, Shenandoah, Pa., from Monday, August 3rd to the tth, lsort; hours, Ha. in. to H p. m., Sundays, 10 a, m. to i p, m. Hen's Russett,hand made plain or needle toe, cut price $2.29, reduced from $3.50. Buy a pair if you have. to lay them away for next summer, cheapest and best shoe ever sold. Some customers buy 2 and 3 pairs at one time. Sold only at WHITELOCK'S CHEAP SHOE STORE. PITHY POINTS. Happenings Throughout the lteglou Chron icled for Hasty Perusal. Tho heavy upholstering work heretofore dono in tho Delano shops, will in tho futuro be taken to Gaston, but the light work will still bo dono there. The corner stono of St. Paul's Keformcd church, at Chorryvillo, near Pinogrove, was laid on Tuesday. Hess. Bros, havo changed their paper from a weekly publication to a semi-weekly, which will appear ovory Wednesdays and Sun days. John Kowland, of Olrardvllle, was horribly mangled about tho bauds, face and liody by a premature explosion at tho Hammoud colllory. Thoivos entered tho houso of Mrs. Colli han, at Girardville, and secured $S0. No captures made. The Ashland Local says Mrs. Esther Leam, who has been a teacher In tho public schools of that place for a number of years, has resigned. Additional arrests are being tnadeatHazle ton for violation of the Honor law. Tho M. K. Sunday school will hold their annual picuio ut Lakeside to-morrow. William Faust, employed as carpenter about Klrnwood colliery, and proprietor of a barber shop at Mahanoy City, had his nacKinjurou ny a log roiling upon him yes terday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pierman have re moved from Mahanoy City to Philadelphia. The recent heavy rains havo given tho col liories an abundant supply of watorand np to tho present time the collieries in this valley have not boon compelled to purify mine water as has been customary at this season Of tho year in tho past. The commissioners have decided to' adver tise for bids for tho excavating necessary at the almabonso for the proposed no build ings, I PERSONAL. SI. L. Shoemakor lias gone to Baltimore, Mil., to visit Ms son, Dr. C. R. Shoemaker, who Is located In that city. lira. M. S. and J. S. Klstlor, D. W. Straub and John Price wero attending the regular meeting of tho Schuylkill Homeopathic society, nt Pottsvlllo, to-day. Mrs, a. W. Kciter, of ninomslmrg, is the guest of Mrs. J. 11. Jones, on North Jardin street. Messrs. O. W. Kciter, M. O'Harn, William Noiswenter, II. J. Hess nnd W. Noiswcntor, wore in attendanco at WnM run's horse sale, at Pottsvlllo, to-day. Mrs. M. J. Scanlan and children, left to day for Audenried to visit friends. Missos Nellie Connors, of East Centre street, and Nellie Scaulan, of South Main street, returned homo last night from n prolonged visit among rolativos in Washington, D. C. Mrs. D. C. Hughes, of East Coal street, left town to-day for Shnmnkln to attend the wedding of Miss Libbio Iteed, of tho latter place. Joseph Boyer visited Heading to-day. Aic.1. miner, me obliging Lehigh Valley passenger conductor, lost a bright yoilug child by death to-day. Hon. Ellas Davis, of Wndesvlllc, was a visitor to town this nfteruoon and met with hearty greetings.. liard Halbcrstadt, of Pottsvlllc, spent yesterday afternoon in town on business con noctcd with the anthracite edition of tho Colliery Engineer. POTTSVILtE LETTER. Pottsville, July 30. Marriage licenses wero granted to tho following : Andrew Shomcr nnd Katlo Kosulus, both of Mahanoy City; Jerry licagan, of Mlnersville, nnd Mary Dutry, ol Shamo kitii William i Hrown, of Kougli nnd Beady, nnd Louisa Bohner, of Klingerstown. DEKD3 niX'ORDEU. Deed from L. W. Weisinger to David Nuosor, interest in two lots in l'ottsville. X From' Bridget Scanlan to Ludwig Gibbus, premises in Shenandoah. From S. A. Bcddall, extr. of Thomas Bed dall, to E. A. Bcddall ct al., lot in Shenan doah. From S. A. Bcddall to Georgo W. Beildnll, premises in Shenandoah. From S. A. Bcddall to George W. Bcddall, for premises in Port Carlwn. From Georgo W. Bcddall to E. A. Bcddall ct. al., interest m lot in Shenandoah. From Max Utibinsky u Samuel Colin, promises in Pottsvillo. From Wm. 11. Hoffman to Gonlon Building and Loan Association, for lot in Gonlon, Tho towers of tho First Presbyterian church, at the corner of Third nnd Mahan tongo streets, aro being renovated and substantial repairs will Iki made during tho nhsenco of tho pastor, Eev. J. H. Eastman. A new roof is to be placed on tho structure, tho celling is to bo newly frescoed nnd tho seating capacity will be re-arranged. Tho repairs will cost several thousand dollars and will be completed about tho 1st of October. A Cave-ln. A cave-in ocenrred during the storm last night on tho Lehigh Valley railroad between the Iost Creek store and Fackcr No. 2 breaker. The breach was about 10 feet in diameter and 30 feet deep. It affected the east-bound track of tho railroad, but repair work was promptly begun and the track was out of use only a couplo of houis this morning. Meantime trains ran over tho west-hound track. Allen Dure Is Fust. Ilefcrring to tho trotting race ut Portland, Mo., on Tuesday, in which Allen Dare, the horso owned by John A. Titman, of town, participated, yostcrday s Boston Herald savs: The 2:20 trot was a cinch for tho favorite. Allen Dare, tho little 5-year-old gray gelding owned by J. A. Titman, of Philadelphia. In view ol His two fast heats at Mystic, ono of them in 8:131, there was nothing in tho big field of starters that was regarded as worthy the namo of rival, Ho was never once headed, nor was he pushed to his record. Pay-Day on Saturday. Tho employes of tho Philadelphia & Read ing Coal & Iron Co., and tho Lehigh Vnlley Call Co., will be paid on Saturday. Tho employes of the Thomas Coal Company will bo paid to-morrow. The Moscr Heirs. Tho heirs of Borkard Moser. Peter Moser and Georgo Moser, to tho numbor of thirty, including tho family representatives of Mosers, Pyles, Nagles, Youcunis, Egolf and Kassamans, met at the home of Henry M. Pyle, at Pottstown, to formulate steps to se cure a vast fortune of tho ostato of their ancestors located in the vicinity of Tamaqua. Married Lust Kvonlng. ' Miss Kate Johnson, of Lost Creek, and Frank Schnltz, of Colorado, wero united in marrirgo last evening at tho M. E. church parsonage, Ashlaud. Miss Dora Schultz, sister of tho groom, nnd Joseph Itullin, of Shamokin, supported tho couplo. They will reside in Colorado after a short visit to Sha- mokiu. When you want good roofing, plumbing1 gas fitting, or general tinsmithing dono call on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street Dealer in stares. l-tf Settling n Largo Estate. Stamford, Conn., July 80. Tho J. B. Hoyt estnto, involving 81,000,000, after ho tng in the courts for soven years, is to bo sottlod. An agreement has boon renchod between the contondlng parties, nnd within ono month the en tiro ostato will bo disposed of. This is tho case in which Timothy H. Porter, one of tho executors, has figured proMilnontly. Drunk Carbolic Acid for Whisky. Trbniox, July 80. Fred Warner, agod C3 years, swallowed curbollo ncid yester day aftorooou in mistake for whisky, and died in ten mlnutos. Tho bottle contain ing tho acid was on a shelf in the stable where. Wnrnor worked. Physicians wore luinmontd, but could do nothing to re tiuvo him. and ho died in convulsions. 897 pairs Men's and Boys' Snag Duck Boots, we are closing them out at a low price. Come buy when you can save money. WHITELOCK'S CHEAP SHOE STORE. 5 8 -arm rnrmrnnim iumiuuuimiulluULUillUU!WUlimilUllllllJUllllE: Kr 8 That the Factory s Shoe Store has taken a contract to keep the feet of their custom- ers well dressed by IH shining their shoes J free ? K 55 lYesJt'saFactl And we do it Jj; because we sell good shoes and JE: we want tliern to be kept look- S; ing good, so we St shine them free Cf for all our cus- Jfc tomers. Ladies f as well as men. You get your free shine tickets!! when you buy S your shoes, and when you buy gjf your shoesayou ;buy them at the which is a saving of IE from 25c to $1.00 on every pair you buy. To customers who don't want free shine checks we give tickets for that beautiful 3 38 2 35 1 Gold- - I Aluminum IWare . . . 3 you see in our window. In a few weeks weC will give you a great fc surprise by offering g the finest premium you have ever seen. St: It pays to buy here. S: 3 3 E "4 I 2 v"J. A. MOYER, Z3S Manager. Shackamaxon Hotel Arkansas Ave., below Heading depot, Atlantic City, N. J. BERNARD CONWAY, YOU CAN SAVE TP- By Purchasing Your Groceries, Smoked Meats, Flour and' Feed at Meluskey & Son, 10S S. Main St. FOR FANCY Groceries, Flour, Feed, &c, At lowest cash prices, T. J. BRQUGHALL, 25 SOUTH MAIN STREET, SHENANDOAH, PA. MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TEItMH. P. W. BIERSTEIN, 2Oe S. Jardin St. 2? v 1 il. t i j lis lrS" i Possible MISCELLANEOUS. FOit HA1.B.-A McomMiftiid ",nnre pinno Apply At William A Son, i iriiltnr.nii.I limine store. 7 2"-tt VJ'-i 1 will py tor 11 term of tl ookn l,nnl V'JU nnd tiioroiiKh Inrtruitli'i In miwk , M. r.u i- , L. 1111 .n,p.iiniumr rnTinir((, 1 UCr eoUHT l'n Foil linn liOKins AliKUst S,t. Kor entn Iokiiid ndilrcNi, IIrrrv 11. Mover 7 2!i-2t TfANTKI) -,VW ngeiit for Itili IPs nuth,.r iteil "I.1VI5H ("if McKINUA nml III). IIAltT." WO paitra, elegantly llliitiateil. I'm . only tl 00. The tient mill tin) clien; tt, out nellK nil otliern W) per cent, t' tiKont nml freijtlit pniil. UItonksnow reftil Sne time by HcniliiiK 0 eeiitd in ntflinpa for an outllt nt onee. Aiuirrn A. I). WOHTJHM.TON .t CO.. Hnrtfonl, Conn. 7'8-lw-eoil TJtOlt SAMS. 3,000 worth of t! M.C00 flrvt I." inortimKe 10-year bomls to be Saintw' 1'roteptaiit ICpleopal Clum llOall. tn,lil rll! l,e In ileii.,,,,1 t,nt i$llnl by All ii, of Hhennn Hnsof and S50, benriliK Inlercft from July lt . 1MI, nt 5 per i-eiu. pernnniim, pnynme ipmrteri Auerewui n two year iids fqr sale Oak street, 0-211-tf , iriTiieKe 01 redemption witn Huherlptioti bonks now open. P nt I)r C. M. Honlner, il Has: Hhcntimloah, Pa. rlI,onTANTNOTICr..-Tl.o fti.ies, danciliu L pavilion nnd stands at Columbia Park nrc open only to such ndvertlsera w ho pay for spaces nnd all others will be considered a trespassers whether the slcns lie painted, or tncked, or Iiuiih upon the fenco. Terms for spaces may be secured from ALntF.n Hvaxs, Thomas J. Wiu.iam", iiiomas Uri.LlS, Ci'inmlttee i-tf ESTATE OF TIIOJ1AS SAVAOK Decen-ed -I-ettefK tcstnmentnry on the estate ol Thomas Hnrnge, late of Slienandoali. Shuylkill county, Pennsylvania, deeensed have been Krunted to Henry Iteese, of Slicnnmlonli. Pa., to whom all persons indebted to taid estate are rciiiiested to make payment, and those hating claims or demands will make known tho same without delay to Hr-snv ItEnsr Executor Or to his Attorney, K. W. HnoEMAKEH. Shenandoah, l'n., June 2.1th, 1SW 6-25-Ot-oaw OPEN EVERYDAY Go lo tho Shenandoah Dcnt.'l Rooms tot painless extraction of teeth. Gold and Silver fillinKS. If your nrtiflcal teeth do not suit yon call to see us. AH examinations free. Wo make all kinds of plates. C- ld Crowns, Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown and Bridgo work and all operations that per tain to Dental Surgery. No charges for extracting when plates nro ordered. Wo aro tho only users of vitalized air for tho painless extraction of teeth. SHENANDOAH Dental : Rooms, (Tltman's Block) Eaot Centre Street. OQleo Hours: 7 a. In. to 8 p.m. SPRING jind SUMMER SUIT'S; ALLISHADES AND WEIGHTS ALL PRICES. Made to fit by ex perienced tailors. Look one of our customers over and consider his-make-up. 3T PORTZ & BRO., 24 N. Main St. PAPER HANGING Done at short notice. Moderate prices. WM. J. SPADE, 35 W. Centre Street, Shenandoah. Fine Groceries, Butter and Eggs, Flour and Feed. Our delivery wagon awaits your order. Good delivered promptly, WILLIAM. H. flUSSER, 26 East Centre Street. BROMO-KOLA ALCOHOLIC, NERVOUS AND BILIOUS HEADACHES Cured by this granular eflcrvescu.t and ftimu lant. An instant cure fur boui stomachs .ui' headache, which often nccuniuliit, from havins n night out. JOHN F. CLEARY, BOTTLER OF CARBONATED DRINKS, 17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah CHARLES DERR, AGENT FOIt SHAWOKIN STEAM LAUNDRY Work guaranteed and unexcelled. REPAIRING DONE FREE. Evan J. Davies, LIVERY AND Undertaking ! 13 N. Jardin Street