1 I J. BABIES WITH SKIMS ON FIRE from Itching and burning 10:.. mas nod other sain and scalp tortures. Njiii but parent reiil. Its how these little one Miller. To l.now that a wnrm hath with CuTicuru Bolt, and a single application of Cnncuiu (ointment), the crest skin cure, will In the majority of cojcs afford Instant relief, permit rest and steep, and point to a speedy euro, and not to uso them without a moment's delay U to fall In our duty. Sold throushout the world. Pric., Ccticuea. Bftc i Soir, 2Se. Hisoi.TKrT, Vic ind 11. roil Unto AMD Chxm. Corp.. Hole Wen, . Hoernn. CQr-Mll0W to Cure Skin Tortured btbieV'malled free. (iuIclily.Thoronalily, unrever uuroiu Fou r out of flvo who Baffor nervousness, mental worry, attacks of " tho bines," ore but paying the penalty of early excesses. Vlo. Urns, reclaim your manhood, regain your vigor. Don't despair. Bend for book with, explanation and proofs. Mailed (sealed) f roe. ERTWREDICAL CO., Buffalo, H.Y. DE TtgiSESI 604 North Sixth St. Hi 1 SatSEaHaSlilocnlrancO On Green SL PHILADELPHIA. CURE GUARANTEED. tilti K L in I'liAvi itu ioo y rorvi nou o Ycara Honpltul Kxterteoce In ilermnny. , STRICTURE, BLOOO POISON t General Debility. Lost Vigor, x .excesses and all other EFFECTS OF YOUTHFUL it Folly of both Sexes I'cgmuaocntly cured oiler ctw; coo euo aa iuiu-a. LOST HAXK0OD AND S!l?m:i OBQANS BCSTORED. Sud five . 'lit -5tnmpi fnr Iwk Truth. The ool fChlehefttcr'A EnlUh IMomcntl llran ENNYROYAL PILLS Ortfftnal nail Ouly OrnnIn. A orr, alwKjfl trLlaMe. umcv tk Dmjelrt fcr ChU-hetcrt JtoytUk W-jfoTVX mcyrvdJWmd In ItXl d, GvU nwlallloyUW looxwi, b-muou vita bio a nDoooe imo w inoothor. Erfus dangrwi rbstitw V tiitiman.il imitatlanx. At DnmdBti. Of BCtd4fl. Ik lUmin fbr jwrtloolftit, tcsttiocxilals tal ' Keller for 110.111, I WiW. by return MaiL 1O.00O Tnot.l. flam ttpr. CTilelictMChemltmlOUiiilnSqaar CURED TO STAY CURED. Dots This Mean Anything loYou? If your truss don't hold you or Is causing pain, seo us at onco. It may save you years of suil ring. Wo have cured hundreds ol people In l'ennsylvanla, andean refer you to patients ured In your own town. Our treatment Is harmless and will not keep you from your dally labor. Call and have a talk with our doetor. It will cost you nothing. Wo guaran tee relief aftur the first treatment, and our prices are r asonablo. The Dr. Miller Co., Philadelphia. Seo Our Doctor ETCry Tuesday nt UNION HOUSE, Ashland,-Pa. DR. LOBB'S BOOK FREE ys.U iW!Ie.r? of Eitnons op vouTn, WTWA';,! 4 uisKAsiis op nmtl A nil IJ.II1. 208 panea; cloth ooundi CUrelr 6f aled and mallfd free. TrdHtmitnrh.nicn strictly nlldentlal, ao.1 p. potltlve, qalci euro enaran d. No u-utier how len' smndtng, 1 t-uruyou. wrueorcau. nDn 329N.i5thst.Pliiia.Pa. U SlyaiTi'cvnttnuoviprazttm PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Q S. I'HILLira, M. D. Ofllce: SO Went Centre street. Can be'cousultod at all huura. P F BUHKE, 11. D. " 80 E. Lloyd afreet, Shenandoah. Office hours : 7 to '9 a. m., 1 to 8 and 7 tod H. POMEKOY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Hhenandouh. Pa. JJ- II. burke; ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ornce-Fian building, corner of Main and Centre streets, Shenandoah. pBOF JOHN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Loek Box 03, Mahanoy City, Pa. HarlnK ft 'id led under some of the ben) masters 1 L-ondon and Paris, will give leaaoun on the viol n, cultar and vocal culture. Terms reasonable Address In care of Slrouse, the eweler, Shenandoah. Teams to Hire. If you want to hire a safe and reliable team for driving or for working purposes pay shields' livery stable a visit. Teams constantly on hand at reasonable rates. JAMES SHIELDS, No, 410 Kast Centre street. nnnn1te Reading tallrrwd tlon 'AMSY PILLS! CailS WSlFE IHO SURE. SCNO 4c. f flit "WOMAN S SAFE YTCRESK GUAf""' Viil-i Specific CohPkiuuPv For sale at I'ovlnsky's drug store, 28 Hast Centre street. A genuine welcome walU you at JOE WYATT'S SALOON, Cor. flaln and Coal Sts, Finest vrhlakeva. beers. Dorter and ale constantly on tap. Choice temperance drinks and cigars. V If i " we can " yu I $f k8 w ""who one t c package of Ml ffi as ''S5 Kafl w6"1' ffsw used be satisfied. We I fir SEELIQ'S know you'll buy KAFFEE. more. Twill touch knows a grand the Gmatr Will pleascher husbandA Unable to Got Down to the Busi ness of Their Oongrosa. WEAHQLIUQ ABOUT DELEGATES. As the ConRnA In tn Adjourn un Hatur day fttnrnlna; It I.MUrt n Though tht. Clnelni; Wnuld Cnrnn Wit limit lluvlng Hunched Any ltvnl IIiiaIiichh. IjOXDON, July 30. Tho sessions of t,ho International Socialist and Trados Union congress wore resumed yesterdny after noon In St. Martin's town hall, with Cbnlrtnan Ilyndrann presiding. In his opening nddrosa tho chairman 1 nigged tho dolcgntos to maintain order, pointing out that their enonilos were dorlvlng cousld crablo satisfaction from tho apparent In ability of tho congross to conduct ltafyusl noss. Discussion was then resumed upon tho question of admitting tho French Social ist mombers of tho chamber of deputlos, MM.Jauros.MIUcniudand'v'lvlant.ltbelnp; clalmod by tho delegates who objected to tholr presence that thoy did not represout tho French peasantry, and that they woro not proporly accredited. The congress, nfter a great deal of wrangling, roforrod tho credentials of M. Jaures and his companions to tho French delegates. Tho discussion of tho creden tials of other delegates who had been ob jected to was thon commenced, and con tinued amid much interruption. Many delegates from secret societies of Russia and Poland were admitted. It required tho whole of tho remainder of tho sitting to docldo tho claims of tho French delegates to scats, thoso delegates having In tho inoantlmo developed a dlf feronco In their ranks. Thoy were finally admitted, only on terms of division and disagreement amongst themselves. The proposal mado by M. Milloraud on lx'half of tho French dologatos was to alfy.v them to divide Into two sections, as thoy dis agreed upon Important questions. This immediately precipitated a tumultous dls cusslon, and great oxcltomont and loud shouting ensued amongst tho delegates. Chairman Hyndman finally suggested that one delegate should, speak for, and another against tho proposal, lie then nskod SI. Milloraud to spoak, but It was fully another half hour before tho French socialist deputy could obtain a hearing, When ho flnully succeeded In making him self hoard ho denounced tho anarchists and declared that his soctlo'n would with draw from tho congress If tho anarchists woro allowed to toko part in Its procoou lugs. Another tremendous uproar of the floor immediately followed, and mutual recrim inations were hurled back and forth bo tweon tho different French sections. Tho chairman was utterly powerless to control tho situation or to put a stop to tho nolso. and tho delegates went on yelling and waving their arms' and denouncing each othor, whilo no ouo could iwsslbly hoar what auyono else was saying, and the tenor of tho remarks could bo judged only by the fierce gestures and threatening do luoauor of the sbouters. It was only when tho delegates were en tirely exhausted with shouting at tho top of their voices that u voto was taken by nationalities on M. Milloraud s proposl tlon. It was docldod by a voto of 14 to 5 to allow tho Frenchmen to divide. Tho congross then adjourned after tho sitting hud lasted for sovon hours, amid constant turbulence and disorder and lit tle comprehension amongst tho tiartlci pants of what was being said or of the course of business. Throe days of tho congress have now already been wasted on tho consideration of tho credentials of delegates, and this buslnoss has not yet boon finished. As the congress Is to adjourn on Saturday morn ing It looks as though tho closing would como without Its having reached any real business at all. There is considerable comment among tho dclogntes ut tho action of the Ameri can section In objecting to the presence of u delegate from tho Now York Hack Own ers' union on tho ground that tho latter belonged to tho middle class. Mr. Mattbow Mngulro, dologutu from tho United States and candidate of that party for the olllco of vlco president, said : "I heard tho delegation of lnybelf and four other socialists from tho United States. Wo found here two mon, who, owing to tho English managers' Ignorance of their character, obtained dolegatos tlok ots. They are memlwrs of the Now York Hack Owners' association, u co-oporatlvo socloty owning hacks. Their men uro not laborers. Hence, our objection to tholr presence In tho hall as delegates. Thoy wish tho congress to adopt a resolution calling upon tho Astor House and other Now York hotels not to employ their owd hacks, all of which Is absurd. But they will not obtain a hearing." Nearly Ninety-live allies uu Hour. Cape May, July SO. A tost of tho Hol rairo speeding trucks was mado on the South Jersey rallroud between this city und 'Wlnslow Junction yosterday aftor noon. The train to which tho locomotive was uttachod dovelopod a spood of ninety four and clovon-twulfths mllos un hour In a run of twelve and oue-olght miles. Tho time consumed In making the distance was eight and o quarter minutes. This wos occompllshcd on n flfty-slx iouud rail, with sand ballusted track. Thoro were three curves and a railroad crossing In tho stretch of truck over which the loco motive was speeded. Killed on tho CyclliiK Track. LIMA, O., July SO. Joseph Orelbler, of Mlnnenol!s, one of tho crock hlcyclo cir cuit nicors, was killed horo yesterday. Grelhlor was probably overcome by the heat, for ho left tho truck, run straight Into tho crowd and was thrown upon u fence, receiving Injuries which resulted in his death a half hour later. Qrolblor was In tho lead In tho half mile upon race at tho tlmo tho accident occurred," lteleased from a Spanish Prlsou. Wasuikoto.v, July SO. Tho department ot state has been advised by Consul Gen eral Loo, at Havana, that Mr Goorgo Cal var, un American citizen arrested In Man- Eanlllo In April last, and Manuel Kama gosa, also 911 American citizen, residing In tho province of Santiago do Cuba, have been olflclally notified of their uncondi tional releaso from prison. Two Drowned at Amsterdam. N. Y. Amsterdam, N. Y., July 80. Andrew Freeman, aged 11, wag drowned in tho Erie canjl yosterday afternoon while bath lug, Uymond Gray, aged 17, of Valla Mills, ."as drowned In tho Sacucdaga rlvorut Bacandaga Park while bathing. Both bodies were recovered. 0 ALWAYS "ancy X In the House, y THOMPSON'S W DIPHTHERIA f I CURE. H --The Only Infallible Remedy for Diphtheria, Croup, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Etc. 4 THERE isn't another medi cine known in the world that produces the desired result so speedily and so surely. In fact there is no such word ns fail when Thompson's Diphtheria Cure is applied to tho patient iu strict accordance with printed directions furnish ed. Those who have given this Medicine a fair trial are the most outspoken iu their praises of what it accomplishes in so Y short a time. v Sold by Druggists everywhere at so cents a bottle. MANUFACTURED t. THK Thompson Diphtheria Core Co. vv WILLIAMSPORT, PA. For Hale t Kirlln' drug store. Blood; Serve Food jcsh Yourself .rd. Fnr Weal; end Run-Down Peaplo from Chi!rl!iuoii to Old Ag4. WHAT .T IS ! Thi rioliwrtof all ro.tnrtlT Ifoudx, hri.iauBe ft replaces the enmn snbRtaunes Ui tin) tilood a.id n-rres tliat an- exhanetpdln rari two 1 if i' irivHr tlnidst.rdiseaso.ladii.stlou, nlltc laing, ovetHork, worry, eJcooBtfoa, abuse, etc. WHAT IT QOHS! Iir niokl-i tho Wood p tre iii.d r!ph, and tnedipepUon lrft'tt, it ctcKms so. Id l.oh, iiuniln s:id etn ectL. Thn nerM's l frK niH'le srrotip.thq lrn!n ln'ConwH ertlve and "": i''"f" irinnlostTlalitsnd rtopuInK all vastinz drains -nl waltni In either s-i, It hh8 noe'i! id ; aiid f - fpinulnrectilator It Isrrorth lt cri'tal.fc'n sold. OnnboxlAFtttaweli. Price 5i ,er abujceSiiiu. 0rua:l or by mail. Ilixik fre. . THE DR. CHASE COMPANY, IU2 Chestnut St.. riifladaU'hls. CHARLES DERRS Barber Shop 1 12 West Centre Street, Our Hot Towel Sliavc s becoming popular. Ycm will like It. niakeu specialty of hair cutting. M. C. WATS Wholesale and Retail L-icquor Dealer. ClfrurH, Tobacco, Ac. Aent for Heading Hrcwing Co.' Iteer Hiid Porter. 11 and 113 S. Main St MADE ME A MAN A J AX TABLETS iromVELY CUI E AXjT Mi iiion. IjifJh toncj. SImplcw un elf , PsiiiAd l.yAlmacarnl ntLer Errciwa aiid ilihcit" Hons. 'Clwj nnlckly and nin ly n-btr.-o It YltaMtym ilj or jouiis. and lit n mail lor ttady, t'Tj-lnewH or tuarrLiae. Prevent Iiifiaulty audCinisuaiit tion It ta'-cn tutlairt. T'n'iruw) shows iir.inodlatolmrroTeintut and P'Tt cn ti CUUi: itIiito nil nMu.ra tt Ittf n liiti havlns tho eenn'no M Taulkt- 'limy have cured thousands aud will euro rou. Vo t:ivo n-rtltlvu writti'u iruarfinUf t e'tcct a mm Vi vacU casr or refund tho money rrtcn 5 cents tier nactiv'1. or etx packaiva (full troatinent) for $2.M. Br inal , la p'rin wraijt,r, upou receipt t-fprloo. Circular ired. AUdr'83 AJAX REMEDY CO.SWX" For sale in Slienandnah, I'a., by A. Wasley, I)rui;i;lst. tVETERlNARYSPECIFICS Tor Hoises, CatUo, Sheep, Cogs, E&p, AUD POULTKT. COO rage Book on Treatment of Animals and Chart Stent l'rec. ctJKESj Fevers, Congestions, Inllammntlo A.A.irSplnal Alenlnsltls, Siilk 1'ovor. lt.ll.eitralna, Lameness, Ithenmatlaio. O.O.Ilisteniprr. Nasal DIscharKei. ll.Ii.IIots or (.rubs. Worms, li..-t'onshs. Heaves, l'neumonla. F.F. Oolio or Gripes, IScllracbe. n.(3.IIIUcarrlaiie. Ilemorrhncen. 11. II. Urinary nnd Kidney IJIscasos .1. Eruptive Jllsraaes, Mango. .It. I)iseuseof Diifbstlon, raralysls. Single Dottle (over to uoseeX - .00 Stable Caio, with Specific, ManaaL Veterinary Cure Oil and ModlcatorT 87.00 Jnr Veterinary Cure Oil, . 1.00 Sold byDrotfrl.t.1 ce Mat prepaid aoyshiies aad la any jiiAntllj an rMlpt of Irk. ncarnnin8'nEn.co., tti a nt trrmtn st.,SoTk. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No. la use 30 ears. The cut? raocesflfal remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, itid PrOBtratlon, from oTer-worfe or other causes, fl per Tl&L or 6?iaU and lorso vial powder, fox t3 Sold ty iTngrliM, or net poatptiaoQ reoulpi ot pric. UCarUttLtS'SlCll. CO.,lH A 1 IS HtUiata bU. Rw gotU For sale at I'vliuiky'ti druff store, 28 l.an Centre street JUlcer In' Mouth, lialr-Kalllnel Write COOK utJUUfK COH uu? Alusonia XempleJ GCalcairo. 111m for r roofs of cart. Cup 1-9 cat, &uo,uuu. wont c&set carod in 1&M 10 ua uay iiMpuir book rree. PAT. NOV. II, IStO. VUStJl, Mil. TRADE MARS JAM. ', . Beware of fraudulent and worthless (nutation- NONE Genuind'SM.W.TWIN': i ns most peauuruii most pu Dieinwisiv new suji . They never break! The7 never cut! They never rustil Made In Cotton and Bilk Casings and Nickel Plated, 1 Bend 25 cts. IStamps) for samples "Oenulne Twin." fas . 0.1U8TllVl-f,K. OH BUUI, rati .ll.SU, t- , DEn ROBERT GARRETT DEAD. ! The Sufferings of Baltimore and Ohio's Ex-President Ended. A PHYSICAL AND MENTAL WREOE Slf. (inrrett Was In CntisnltKtliiu with Wlllhita II. Vniiderlillt When the N.-it York Illllotinlrn nrntiped letul lll Contrlhutloiis to Cliurlty. Vr.EH Vmxk, Md., July an. Uolwrt Our rett, former president of the llaltlmore and Ohio railroad, died at his cottage here yesterday morning. Although Mr. Gar rett has liocn a hojioless mental Invalid for many years, It was not thought that his physical Infirmities were such as to causo any immediate 'uneasiness upon the part of his Montis. About two weeks ago, however, ho began to fall, and It was thought best to remove him from "Up lands," his country homo noar Baltimore, to Door Pork, In tho hopo that tho chongo of air and scenery would benefit him. Mr, Garrett dlod ot tho cottage of Mrs. T. Har rlson Garrett, which ho had boon occupy ing this suminor whilo Mrs. Garrott wai abroad Tho Improvement was not as great at his physicians had hoped for, and within tho past week tho patient had suffered much from mental depression and melon cholla. On Monday his physical condition showed a marked chango for tho worse, and on Tuosday his condition becomo crit ical. Ills devoted wifo was with hint when tho etid camo, which was peaceful and nit jmrontly polnlosa. Tho Immediate cause of death Is understood to bo chronic nephritis, with which had gulTered fot many voars. Itobort Garrott was tho oldest son of the late John Y. Garrott, founder of tho pres ent Baltimore and Ohio ndlway system. Ho was born In Baltimore April 0, 1&I7, and received a collegiate education at Princeton. On leaving collcgo Mr. Garrett entered his father s tonkins house in ml tlmore, which ho loft In IS" 1 to sucoeed the late General Itolwrt K. Lee us president of tho Valley railwuy, of Virginia. In 18711 ho was made third vice president of the Ul tlmore und Ohio, and upon tho death ol his futher, which occurred In 188-1, he be came presldont of tho system. Ills first step of lmportancoaftor osmm lng control of tho grout system was to on- doavor to secure control of the Philadel phia, Wilmington and Baltimore railroad. In which ho wivs thwarted by tho Pennsyl vania company wheti apparently upon the ove of success. Thon followed tho build ing of a parallel lino to Philadelphia In the face of legal and physlool obstacles which seemed Insurmountable. S!oon nfter this he sold the Baltimore and Ohio telegraph system to tho Western Union company. It was whilo thoso negotiations and others of like magnitude woro lu progress that Mr. Garrett was closeted In conference with the bito William II. Vundorbilt iu tho latter's mansion lu Now York when tho latter fell dead almost In Mr. Garrett's arms. . This shock, together with tho great ner vous strain under which ho had lieen for so long a time, completely unhinged Mr. Garrett's mind, und It becamo cecosiary to place him In some private retreat The country homo of ox-Mftyor Abram S. Hew itt, of New York, at Itldgwood, N. J., was selected for this purpose, and there Mr. Garrett lived for nearly a year, having In tho oarly part of 1S87 retired from the presidency of tho Baltimore and Ohio railway. Since that tlmo ho has given np ull business cares und has invent his time in travel In most of his travels tho de ceased was accompanied by his wife. Ha spent his timewhen not traveling at New jiort and Bar Harbor, at ills country seat, Upbiuds, on tho Frederick turnpike, three and a half miles from Baltimore, or at his elegant Baltimore residence. The privato charities of Mr. and Mrs Garrett havo boon numerous and wide spread. Tho most noteworthy of their ptlbllo charity Is tho Garrett sanitarium nt Mount Airy, Md., and tho Garrett dis pensary lu North Charles street, Baltl more. Condensed TcMtinumy. Clms. B. Hood, liroker and Manufacturer's Agent. Columbus, Ohio, certllles that Br, King's New Discovery has no equal its a tJoiigh remedy. J, I), llrown, Prop. St. James Hotel, l't. Wayne, Iml., testifies that ho as cured of a Cough of two years stand ing, caused by la Grippe, by Dr. King's New Discovery. H. F. Merril, llaldwiusvitle, Mass., hays that ho has used and recommend ed it and never knew it to fail and would rather have it than any doctor, because it always cures. Mrs. Hominiug, 222 K. 25th St., Chicago, always keeps it at hand and has no fear of Croup, bocauso it instantly relieves Free Trial Hetties at A. Wasley's Drug Store. Towed Up for the Governorship. Faugo, N D., July SO. Tho joint con vention of Populists and Democrats to nominate u state ticket wero In session all day yosterday and far Into the night. A conference commltteo was appointed to nominate, but could not agree over who should hood ticket. Both sldos wanted tho governor. Tho commltteo was sent back for another conference, and author ized to toss for first cholco. Thoy suc ceeded In nominating governor, bocretnry of state, auditor, commissioner of agri culture, judge of the supremo court, threo prosldontlal doctors and two of tho throo railroad commissioners. Tho Democrats wore allotted congressman, lieutenant governor, attorney geueral, commissioner of Insurance, superintendent of publlo In struction and ono railroad commissioner. Grlp-Colds-lleuduelie. Why Buffer with Couchs. Colds and La Gripio when Laxative llromo Quinine will cure you m one day. Put up lu tablets con venient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or money refunded. Price 25 cents. For sale by Kirliu'sPJmrinaoy Ilrldgo ave Wuy and Three Killed. CiiAwvonnaviixi:, Ind., July 110. About midnight u locomottvo wutit through th Vaudalla railroad bridge, over Walnut Fork, killing thnsj men. Tho run win tiolng made to seo if the track was safe of tor tho heavy rain. Flvo men weroaboard tho engluo when It went down. Englneot Frank Bowman, of Torru Huuto, escaiwd with u few bruises, but Itixul Suiwrvlsos J S. Brothers wus severely Injured. Ths killed aro: Flroman Hlbbor, Brakemor Charles McICenzlo und Conductor N. B Fowler. Hcllof la Six Hours. Distressiug kidney and bladder diseases relloved in six hours by the "New Great Bouth American Kiduey Cure." This new remedy ii o great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain iu tho bladder, kidneys, back and every part of tho urinary passages In male or femalo, It relieves retention of water and palu in passing it almost Immediately. If you want Jiuick relief nd euro this Is your remedy, bold by Bhaplra's phatmacy, 107 South Main trc-At, ooooooocxxcoooor I How Is Your L.ivor? TAKEAPli ! 1M IrIfothnTAUl TA Vltt,nr .i. and 'OU7;fS,d:finu litftdacheii,Fev' uunui),uuu uiuy uaroficnuaaiooDnipallon ihfV nrn Itntrnt-W-riairAl. tnrr mull r, yA purely vetrntnblo, l'ut up In crenoap tIrIh, toilowi their me. Tliey ntumlut-ftly ctire Sirk ONLY 10 CENTS A VIAL Uoll Urmnt)- Cck, . CMnsii sod San l'rai4m. Q For S. I. ill SHENANDOAH. I'A . by S -i. urugj'm, e eomn aism at BRUTAL MURDERER CAPTURED. Kmltli Adm-lti. the. Itllllrii; (r Miss Mur gnerlte Dri.wn. WAsntxOTO.v, July RO. A coroner's jury yesterday found Jumes Smith, tho negro waiter, guilty of the murder Tuesday night of Marguerite Drown at i?oat Pleas ant, a lftfro country boarding house about eight lniTos from Washington, In Prince GeorgcH county, Md., and Into develop ments In tho cuvso havo added so much horror to tho crime that thcro arc numor ous throats of another Maryland lynching ns soon ns a convenient opportunity oc curs. Smith was arrested by tho Wohhlng ton police yesterday In tho northoostcrn part of tho city, and In view of tho oxclted condition of tho people of Princo Goorgo's county will probably lie held until formal requisition is mado, In order to permit tho excitement to lxi partly ollayod. Tho tiogro mado two confessions, partly conkrodlctory, hut each admitting tho murder. In his first confosslon ho said tliat h had boon Intimate with tho mur dered girl, for whoso foster mother ho hivd worked several years ; tliat Mrs. Drown had discovered tho foctond had discharged him, but had re-employed him on his nnd tho girl's promise to coaso such relations, and that he cut Miss Drown's throat with a knlfo Iiocoum) sho rejected advances ho had mado to her again. iu uiimmeii iu uw.-u.rwi inai, he hod not told the truth when he on- in his second confosslon ho declared that sorted that ho hod had relations with tho girl, and denlod that ho had outraged as well as murdered her, but also stated int ho hnd gone to hor room for tho puroso of making advances to her, had been re pulsed and choked her Into unconscious ness, und then had procured a knlfo from the kitchen and killed her. Tho developments at tho coroner's in quest tended to discredit the more revolv ing part of tho negro's llrst confession. Did You liter Try Electric Hitters as a remedj for your troubles? If not, get a bottle" now and get relief. This medicine has been fouud to bo peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all Femalo Complaints, exerting a wonderful direct inlltienco in giving strength and tone to the organs. If yon have Loss of Appetite, Constipation, Headache. Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Molanolioly or troubled witli Dizzy Spells, Electric Hitters Is tho medicine you need. Health and strength aiu guarantied by its use. Largo bottles only fifty cents at A. Wasley's drug store. Addlelis 1'nrcbascs flu Works, WlLMINQTOX, Del., July 110. .1. Kdwsrd Addlcks has purchased the plant of tkt Now Costlo Gas company. Tho terms of tho solo ore private It Is tho intention ai Mr. Addlcks to at oneo Improve and en large tho works, and manufacture water gas, for which purpose the Oxy-Hydrc-pon company's plant in this city was erected Killed In a Frire Plfilit. Salt Lake City, July 30. Thomas Car ter, of Tucson, A. T. , who was knocked out In a twelve round contest with Bob Thompson, of this city, Tuesday night by n torriflo blow on the chin, uover re covered consciousness, and dlod yostenlny Thompson Is under arrest. There is talk tf taking action against tho athletic club The Weather. For eastern Pennsylvania and New .lei fcvj : Showers, high leiytsirature; south tvo.'ejly winds. Ilneklen's Arnica, Suite. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, aud positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or niony refiindod. Price 25 cents por Ikix. For sale bv A. Wasley. Cuming IZveut, August 1. Ico cream festival under the auspices of tho Salvation Army in Bobbins' opera hour. August 1. Ico cream festival in the Calvary ltaptist church, under the auspices of the Ladles' Aid Society. Augnst 13. Ico cream festival under tho auspices of tho Welsh Haptist Sunday school lu fobbing' oiwni house. Aug. 1 1. loo cnaim festival in Hobbitis' opera house, under tho auspices of tho East Fnd Toung Americans, August 15. First annual picnic of the Defender Hobo Coni'iutiy No. 3, at Columbia park. Aug. 22. Ii-o cruam festival under tho auspices of Shenandoah Valluy Council No. 530, Jr. O. U. A. M., in Itobbins' opera house. A Stricken Single Taxcr. Dovbu. Dol., July liO.-Dr. K. S. Andor son, prison physician, yesterday pro nounced Frederick Moore.ouo of the Single Toxors arrostHl and incarcerated last Frl iloy night, In danger of typhoid fever. Govornor Wntson sanctioned Mr. Moore's ImmudluU) romovul to Wilmington, and ho was taken to that city on an afternoon train. Tho prison Is very much over crowded, und Its sanitary condition Is said to lie poor. Itheumutlsm Cured lu a Day. "Mystic Cum" for Rheumatikiu and Neu ralgia, radically cures In 1 to 3 days. Iu action upon tho system Is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the causo anil tho dlseaso immediately disappears. Tho first dose greatly benefits', 75 ?ents. Sold by C, II. Hacoubucb, Druggist, Shenandoah. 'HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH ItosuJ it la 4 weeks. For sale by P. P. D. READING R R SYSTEM IN BFFKtrr MAY 17. 1398 Train leave Shcnnndnnh M follows For New York via PhllftrtelphlM, week days. 2 10, SUB, 7 30 n. in., 12 , 8 TO and IS. M p. m Humlnvs, 2 10 a. in For Jfew York vln Mauch Chunk, week days. 5 29, 7 20 a. in., 12 H ami 3 00 p. m. For Ifeftdlntt A''! rhllmlelphln, week days, 2 10, 5 2, 7 20 n.m , IZ is, a On und S M p m. Sun days, 2 10 a. m. For l'ottsvllle, week days, 2 10; 7 20 n m., and 12 4K, H 111 anil 5 5R p in hiiiiilnrs, 2 10 ii in. For Tamnqua and Mnlmtioy VAty, trd-k days, 2 10, S 26. 7 20 a in , 12 IS, 3 00 and Hl m. Hiimlnys, 210n. m For llllnmspii -t, Hunbury and In-wlsburK, week days, 8 2ti, 1 1 30 u m , I SO and 7 2.1 p. m. Sundavs, 3 25 n. m. Kor Iatlanoy l'lane, weekdays, 2 10 8 25, 6 23, 7 20. II 30 a. in., 12 IS, 1 .10, II H0,S 5.1, 7 25 and 9 65 p. m. Hundnys, 2 10, 8 25 a m. For Ashland and Shnmokin, w eek days, R 25, 7 '.'0,1180 n. in., 1 50,7 25 and ." p.m. Sun days, 3 25 a m. For Italtlmore, Wiwlilnirtoti and the West via II. AO It It., tlironith trains ln- lt.-jdln Terminal. Philadelphia, (P. is It. P V.) at 8 20, 7 51, 11 26 a. m., 8 10 nnd 7 27 p i. Sunilaya, 3 20, 7 00, 11 2 n.m, 316 and 7 27 p.m. Addl ttotinl trains from Twenty-fnurf h nnd Chest nut streets station, week days, 1080 a. m. 1220, 12 18 8 40 p tn. S"undays, 1 85, 8 2H p. m. TKAIN8 FOll SHENANDOAH. Ixvive New York via l'hllndelphla, week days. 4 .10, 8 00 a. In , 1 30, 4 DO, U 00 p m. and nlt-lil. Bilndays, 0 00 p. tn. Leave New York via Mnuch Chunk, week days, 4 30, D 10 n. in., 1 30 and I Hji. in. I-nve Philadelphia, Hendlnir Terinlnal, week days, 4 20, 8 85, 1005 a. m. anil 105, 6 30, U 80 p. in. Saudnys, 11 30 p.m. IMlve Heading, week days, 1 35, 7 10, 10 08, 11 55 it. m., 0 00 mill 8 20 p. m. Hundays, 1 ai ii. m, I-nvo l'ottsvllle, weekdays. 2 35, 7 40 a. nx, 12 30 and B 12 p. in Hundays, 2 35 n. m. Ienvo Tamarua, week days, 3 18, 8 50, 11 38 s m., 1 27, 7 20 mid 8 IS p. m. Hundays. 3 is . m. Iave Mnhanny City, week davs, 8 15. 9 21, II 47 a. tn , 2 Ol, 7 4 1 nnd 10 08 p. in. Sundavs, 8 43 n. m. Leave Mahanoy l'lane, week days, 2 1(1, 4 00, 080.987, 115'Jn. ni , 1 12,219,5 20,0 26, 7 57 Bud 10 23 p. m. Hundnys, 2 40, 400 a. in. L-ae Willlamsport, week das, 742, do 10 K. m., 3 35 nnd 11 41 p. m. Hundnys, H15 p tn. ATUNT1C CITY DIVISION. Inve I'hiladeluhta Cliestnut street warf and . gonth ,tKct wl,ntf for Aliantlo c)ty. Wci-kdays-Knire., htio. ooo. 10 I.-., a. m., innturaa) only, 180J, 2 0IJ, 8 00, 8 40, I 00, 4 30, ft IX 5 30 p. ni. Accommodation. 8 00 a. m 4 80, 6 80 p.-m. 81.00 excursion train. 7 00 a. in. Sunday Hxnress. 7 80. s 00. 8 no.9 00. locn a. m. 4 43 p. Ill, Accomni dattoti 8 00 ft. m., 4 45 p m ReturnliiK leave Atlantic City depot, comer Atlantic and Arkansas avenues. Weekdays express, Mnmluvtt inh, ' 451, 7 00, 7 45, 8 15, 9 00, 10 1.1 a. m., 8 80. 4 mi i DC. 7 JO, 9 80 pm. AeeoniinodAtlon, 5 20, 7 55, a ui 182 p. in 81 OOHXeursbmtniiii from foot MwsUsfppI avenue only! ft 00 p m. SundnyiEipreM, 3 30, 4 00, 5 00, li OH ft 30, 7 00,7 30,8 00, 9 30 p.m. Arcoii modstlon, 715 n. m., 5 05 p. m. tl 00 excursion train from foot Mississippi avenue unly 5 10 p. m Parlor Cars on ell express trains I. A. &WK10ARD. (). O. HANCOCK, Clen'l Superintendent. Gen'l l'ass. Aft- Pennsylvania Railroad. . SCHUYKII.L DIVISION. .Il'Nr. II, 1890. Trains will leave Hhenatidonh nfter the above date for WlifKans, flllberton, FrackvlHe, Dark Wnter, St. t:ialr, l'ottsvllle. IlamburK. Reading, PoUwtown, l'lioenlxi-ille, Norrl-iloivn and Phil adelphia (flrnad street station) nt 6 08 and 1145 a. 111. ftml 1 IIOli. ni. nn irwlr ilnt-, Pnr Pntb vtlle anil liiternuMllate stations 9 10 n. ni. bL'.NDAY. For YWKKiins, Wllberton, Fiaekvllle, Dii Wnter, St. Clatr, l'ottsvllle. nt C a. '. r n m. n 8 10p.m. For HilmbiirK, HeadliiK. I'-dtstowfi; flioenl-tvllle, MirrlMtmrn, lhilidi-ip,i'a nt G CI J SUA. III., ii IU p 111. Trains leave F'rackvllle for Shenandoah 10 40 a. m. and 1211, 5 01, 7 12 und In -JT p Sunday, linn. m. nnd 5 10 p. tn Leave Pottsvltlo for Shenandoah at 10 15, 11 48 a. m. and 1 10, 7 13 nnd 10 00 p. m. Sunday at 10 10 u. m.. 5 1.1 n. in. Leave Philadelphia, (Broad street stat oul, lor Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 n. tn , ll'"1 and 711 p. in. week days. Sunilaya leave nt 6 50 a. m. lieave liroad street station, Philadelphia, tur Son Girt, Asbury Park, Oceun Orove, I-on Hrnnch, und Intermediate stations, 4 05. 0,50, 8.25 11.89 a. m., 2 3-'. 3.30, 1.05 p. in. week-days, OCX) Saturdays only. Sunday- (stop at luterlakeu for Asbury Park), 4 05, 8.25 a. u. Leave broad Street station, Philadelphia, FOlt NEW Y011K. Express, week days, 3 50, 4 05, 1 50, 5 15, 6 7 33, 8 20, 9 20, 9 50, 1U21 (Dining Car). II CO, 53. .,., in,,,,,, iMiiiHi-u iu; aim i -j . . . n,-,; j tj, -dU .J-llUIUir Car , 3 20, 3 50 1 00, 5 00, 5 56 (Dining Car), 1 iiiKuc. nunaayp, 9 50, 1021 (Dining 2 3d (Dililin? Carl i 00 (Limited 4 22. Dining Car) 5 20. 5 50 (DlnliigCarj.est, 6 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. m., 12 01 nittht. ICi-press for Boston, without change, 11 00 a. m. week days, and 6 50 p. in. dallv. WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH For Baltimore and Washington, 3 50, 7 20, 8 31 1020. 112) a. in., 12 09 (12 81 Limited Din. lng Car), 1 12, 3 18, 4 11 (5 19 Congressional Limited, Dining Car), 8 17, 65,5 (Dining Car), 758 (Dining Car) p. m., and 12 05 ulgtu week days. Sundays, 3 50, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23 a. in., 12 09 1 12, 4 41, ( 5 15 Congressional Limited, Dining Cnr), 055 (Dining Carl, 7 58 d. m. (Dining Car) aud 12 05 night. FOH ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Ilroad street station, Philadelphia (via Delaware river bridge, express, 9 0" a. in. 8 83 and 7 02 p in. week days. Sundays 9 07 u. m. mid 7 02 p. in. lietiirnlni: leave Atlantic City, 7 50 u. m. week days, 10 05 a. in. 1 45 p. m. dally, Iave Market street Ferry, express, 5 00, 8 20 9 40a. in., (1 00 Saturdays only). 1 50 250, 310 1 00, 1 20, 500 and 5 30 p. m 1.00 excursion, 7 00 o. in. Sundays, 6 00, 7 30, 8 a). 8 30,9 00,9 45 0. m., and 4 30 p. in. fl.Oil exclusion 7 oil a. m. Returning leave Atlantic City, 0 15 (Mondays only), 7 00,7 40, 8 00, 9 05, 1105 u ln 3 00.4 00, 5 30,7 50 and 915 p. in., weekdays. Sundays, 3 10,1 10, 5 00, 5 30, 6 00, 7 00, 8 0.1, 9 05 nnd 9 55 p. in. F'or Cape May, Anglessen, Wlldwood and Holly Iioach. Express, 9 00 o. m.. 2 30, 4 OB, 5 00 p m, week days. Sundays, K20 a. in. Excur sion, 7 00 h. m. dally. Capo May only, express, 1 30 p. in. Saturdays. For Sea Hie City, Ocean City and Avnlon. Express, 910 a.m., and 2 30, 4 20, 500 p. in. wok 'lavs Sundays, 8 50 n. m. Excursion 7 00n. in. dully. For Somers Point. Express, 5 00, 7 Oil, 7 10, 910a. m,, 100 (Saturdays only, 2 50. la) ana 5 30 p, m, week days. Sundays, 7 00, 8 00, 9 00, 9 45 a. in. S. M. IREVOST, Gen'l Manager. J. It. Wood, Oon'l l'ass'g'r Ajrtl riillions of Dollars Go up In smoke every year. Take no risks but got your houses, stock, fur niture, etc., insured in first-class re. lutblu oompame us represented by DAVID FAUST, !SCMaln, Also Life and Accidental Companies. RESTORE LOST VIGOR When la doubt -hat to ui , fr Kenou, rJcHlli,, u of Setaal poei do eioVr SoJne Will. Drlmt checked and full tiji.r quUkly rcsioiel. If nci lecttd iith trouble rcult faully. Mailed -,,. fl,d, ff Sit baits m ,?2 ' WtS KIKLIN, Shenandoah, Pa. jii I II 11 III I I I ,jil Jbji .itCttk,