EVENING HERALD I)TA!I.IHHKI 1B70. Published I'mr Kvpnlnn, Kicept8iimly,nt II Sotrrn Jxumit Htbekt. Nbar Ckhtbb. Xlie llernltl is tlellveifd In Bhennndtinn and the urruuiiillni; twn for six enH week, iy able to the carriers, Hy mall W 00 a )'r, or rants month, nynlle In advance. Atlvertls tnentn oharuil arconliiiK to itniwe ami position. Tlie tmlilijlipin roserve the rUtlit to olmtifre the Kitltlon o( mlvrrtlsciiH-ntii whenever Die puu cation of iifwii dttnanti It. Tho rlfilit In renervod to reject any wlvrttlwment, whether paid for or not, tlit the publishers may deem improper Advertising rt mode known upon application Kotered t tlie pmtoil)w at Hhountiilonli, 1 , second class mall matter. TBLKl'IIONR CONNIXTION. Evening Hers Id THUHSDAY, .Il.'I.Y 30, IBM. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL TICKET. TOB l'RKWinF.KT, WII.MAM M'KIN'I.I'.Y, Of Olilo. ro vict rnwniRKT, tlAlillUT A. IlOll.UtT, Of New Jersey. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. vo'.eo.i k moat A X-AT-M UIIK, UAt.UHIIA A (SHOW, Of Siniuchatiiia. 8AMU1!I. A. DAVKNTOltT, Of Krle Tin: ureat drawback of tho Populist is i lie fact that they do bo much talking that they never have any time to think. It ii a nail commentary upon Justice when nutn id accused and then aiked to proo liia innocence. In act, it isblind justice. It i said tlmt if the Congressional tight ho 'oniM much warmer, Hrtimin will withdraw and allow his friend (Joyle to take his place. Jloitio. - - - - Thk Hepubllcau party is iu favor of the Miteltlng of more iron, instead of the coining if more silver, as a means of restoring jnosperity. TiiBRR are already indications that point i-tiongly to a big row in tho Democratic muity convention over the currency plank al the platform. Tint Itcpuhlicans of Schuylkill county will ' clara for tlto picMtnt gold standard. Thoy will not tolerate a straddlo to suit the view of certain candidates TlIKKRtsti Kilkenny light in thib county between the iHwiofratii' adu.iiiistration tiutl iiiiti-aduiiniHtnitloii lories fur control of the "Uiity eonti:tiun It t- wild by tho well n. tunned t. ;it the latter arc n tho majority j art not hi, ni4 their - uitlT tl - ullTy ic nioilt i jilts the i-eiii Watch then ntctaitv m Schuylkill ' an t.ikcn place, and n will not know ho i party at his back. Nnw that the Kvcning Chronicle lias dc ncrted the five-silver Democratic ship, there is mi other paper of the iiocesary standing and ability to represent and defend tho cause. Therefore, nut friends tho enemy are about to ("ttabllali u daily ou thoho lines. Tun eplstnlary pll'ortu of the Senator from thcHOth district, in behalf of his friend, CongretMinau Jirumm, are Inuring fruit. If Jlr. Dengler could only induce him to write it few more it would insure the latter all the ilelcgatea from .Shenandoah and vicinity. SilK-SASUOAll lias four candidates whoso names will go before the lieptiblican county convention, and each one has a strong following. Their friends are making the can vu sn an active one too much so, in fact, lor tho comfort if their opponents for the iosinctiYe ullict. Tiihbk will be several state elections within the next two months, and as they occur in widely si'immted states tho renilts will bo awaited with more than usual inter est. Tho d.iteu are as follows: Vermont, August 1; Alabama, Auguitt 3; Arkansas, ScptentlHW 7; Maine, September 14. If all tho savings banks in the country Hhould suspend to-morrow and give notice that they wereableto pay only 50 cents on the dbllar, it would certainly be considered a great calamity ; and yet that is what would practically happen, so far as tho iuteroots of their depositors are concerned, In tint event of the adoption of the free silver coinage polluy. 'If there aro gold Democrats who, in order to play their mrt in preserving tlto national credit, think that they must havou ticket to support which boars the Democratic lubel, they can hold their convention, and uaku up their ticket, but the candidates must bo the sound money candidates already nominated; McKinley and llobart. There is tnc silver candidate, Ilrysn. To noiniuaten aocoinl gold candidate in the fin e of tho union ;f the silver force would Ik) a blow at tho national welfare second only to tho Chicago platform. N. Y. Kun, Dem. C Ni hit free itolnage tho purchasing Milue jf our money would lie rislucetl ono-hulf; but' there Is no reason to believe that the wages of labor would be doubled for tho pur pose of making them equal to those now received. On tho contrary, we have tho ttmtlmoiiy of experience to show that in no country thut hiut gnno from the gold to the silver ttautlanl lias labor ever gained at toji as u fiO per cent, lncrewbo in the rate of ;''imUon, wiiiie cue oosi oi an oi me yf, -trie of life lias Increused from 100 to vt Hrt'ent. Tills Is the kiud of n fact that Jiv v'vera lite kopkUtrie of tho free vvJxTA fur as the workingmau is cou ' UUWflMrWr:TW,irm,m- ..-l'dlar might run ; , II I I III WHII I I I I MB I ' ft MM ...All U I .. ' ' W 4nacUldftiCU.UiftMMtlk Tut iv rn . rly THE BEAR RIDOE EXPLOSION. Itt estliratloli Hlltm it Was Due lo I'll llloldnble Accident. The fatal explosion of gas at the West Itenr Hidge colliery,' Jlahanoy Plane, on Monday morning whereby William tjuinn, a fire Um, and Michael llrazlll, a miner, met their deaths, was the subject of inquiry at (tirard vllle last evening by Deputy Coroner 1". O. llleileraiid a Jury (omprlting Mom. Alfred Kitto, foreman. John Green, Michael Gil lespie, Thomas Green, Janios tavelle and Thomas f. lloran, alt prominent reaiilenta of tlirardville and men of considerable experi ence In mine work. Mlno Inspector Stein was in attentlanco and upon reiiuest of the Deputy Coroner anil jury coudiicted the examination of the wit nesses and he made It an exhaustive one. Tlie Inutiest was conducted upon the theory that there had licen neglect somewhere, but it waa clear that the position could not be maintained. John Kline, the inside foreman, was under examination for threo-iiuartera of an hour. He was not In the part of the mine where the explosion occurred anil could only give hearsay evidonce of the accident. His theory was that the explosion was occasioned by two slicks of dynamite that were stale and had softened. Mr. Kline explained that thase sticks were taken' into the initio, on the I'riday before the accident. They were put into one of two holes that had been drilled In it breast and fresh sticks wcro put in with them. His theory of the explosion was that tho fresh sticks exploded iu accordance with the arrangements, but the other dynamite simply caught fire from the exploded dynamite and burned liko tabalcnu lights. This burned, Mr. Klino thought, until gas which had been displaced by the explosion came down and ignited. After tho gas exploded tho chargo in tho sicond holo exploded. Quite a discussion took place between Mino ln-pector Skin and Klino as to the duty of file bosses to keep daily records of their examinations. Kline snitl his fire bosses re ported their examinations daily to him and ho kept a record of them. Inspector Stein said that was not sullicient and read from article XII, page 40, section r, of the mine laws, which reads as follows : "Every report shall bo recorded without delay in a hook which shall be kept at the colliory for tho purpose and shall be signed by tho person making the examination. Mr. Kline said tliat had not been tho interpretation of the law at tho colliory, but he would see that each lire lioss keeps a book of his own hereafter. InsiHjctor Stein said it was not contended that the omission had anything to do with the accident ; ho only wanted to call attention to tlie law in that respect, since the omissimi nan uecn iitscovernt. Joseph Koss, a minor, who was at work breast No. 41, was tho next witness. The ex plosion occurred in bieasts No. 42 and 13, which are of a peculiar joint formation. lie sain iiimscll ana His butty, lirazill, one o,f the victims, were working in headings. l.ach in a different one. lirazill got a nip from tho fire boss to go down and told Poss to ome down if tho fire boss should rap for him. Foss' story from this point was of an interesting and thiilling character. Ho said, "I heard a shot and then I thought to i ij'self it was all right; then I heard a heavy fall. I became uneasy, fearing that through. I didn't n, or what to do ; trted at the face :s I ditt, about two ivas fired, a strong, see any llauie. I folt tho hreezn. T IwaiUdtlBmtetTO then I went down the breast When I breathed I thought waluiug water was going down my throat. I throw uiy lamp down and let myself fall and when I got to the inanway I thought ne water was thrown over mo it was so colli. 1 crawled down the heavy pitch to the gangway. I felt for tho gangway tloor in the dark t sec if there wero any lights in title, but the doors were blown open, so I went luick towards the bottom of the slopo and saw shadows of lights. I called out and men came running in past wagons through the ditch. I asked them where tho rest of the people wcro. Just as they jumped on a wagon to go up and see where the other men were the other shut went oil'. Henry Krapp ami lieoige Ilrainer worked in breast No. 43, but they camo down to tho gangway beforo the first shot was fired." Henry krapp was called as a witness bo. fore tho jury, but was not under examina tiou long before it bocamo apparent that ho was under the iulluouco of drink and ho was ordered to leave the room. Krapp made such an unfavorable impression upon tho jury that it was decided to strike out his evidence. hater in tho oveuiug Krapp made application for le-admission to tlie room iu order that ho might make a statement) hut tho jury rC' fused to comply with the renuest. Krapp then got into an argument at tho door with the Deputy Coroner, claiming that that olll cial had no authority to exclude him; that the Mine Inspector was conducting tho in quest. The Deputy Coi oner ended the con troversy by tho otllcial clo.-ing tho door and Krapp went uway indignant. George Itrauier, Krapp's butty, niatlo a statement iu whit It lie flatly contradicted Krapp and said ou the morning of tho accident William Quiun, tlie fire boss, locked the safety lamps and told tho men tho places wire all right. The ovidenco showed that tho places wero I'rto from gas and gas that ignited must have Isieu circulated by the first shot; that if all the ilualiu in that shot had exploded and part of it hatl not burned there would have lieen no explosion. The shots wcro exploded hy ftinos from 10 to 12 feet long. It was admitted that had (Jiiinu and llrazlll descended to the gangway they would not have met death, but this action tliu witnesses said was only matter of Judgment. Somecxieripiiced miners might consider it unnecessary to descend to the gangway and had not some of the ilualiu held fire tu explode the gas (Jiiinn and Kmiill might have remained in tlie heading they went into to escape the debris from tho shot with safety. This opinion was con en r toil in by Edward Davis, a former fire how of the colliery, who has been mining for fifty years. Ho was a witness lieforo the jury The jury retidorod a verdict, finding that (Jtiinn and lirazill met their deaths by ac- iilent. Tho fiiueralsof the victims took plate at Glrardville to-day. AVlnit Do You l'refer. . In a large majority of cases of diphtheria whether amuug children or gruwn jiooplo death is suro to follow. Absolutely stating tlie facts as they are, there is no reason under the sun for a sluglo individual to die from diphtheria, croup, quinsy, or auy known throat aUoction. Thompson's Diphtheria Cure has uover failed to euro every caso whero tlie directions for use were strictly carried out. Now do you prefer to die or huvo your friends die when 50 cents expended iu time will save life ? This is tho uxact fact iu tho case. Sold at Kirlln's drug store at SO cents a bottle If you want a fine wedding cake, let Otto make it fur you. YESTERDAY'S BASE BALL GAMES. National League. At ClnoiuUHtl Cleveland, 0; Olneln. nnti, 1 0. At At IJoaton Baltimore, 7; Boston, Urooklyn Hrooklyn, Bj Wushlng At I'lttBlmre Chloniro. 0: Plif. ton, 0, liuru, f. At Philadelphia Philadelphia. 15; Now York. 0. At St. Loul St. hernia 6; Louisville, 4. Knstern League. At Alliuny AllKlliy. 7 : Wllke-sbnrm. 1. At Syracuse Springfield, 0; Syracuse, IS. At IJUllnlo UtUTulo, 4; Scrmitioii, 3. At Providence ItocliesUir, 5: Providence'. S. Atlantic Iivtigtio. At Hartford Hartford, 11 ; Lancaster. 0. At Wilmington Wllinlimton. 8: Put, ersoti, i. A Warning to I till I way .Hull Clerks. VA8IIl.TlTOX, July 80. PostmnsUir Gen eral Wilson low issued nn ortler to nil rail way until clerkf.tllroctliiH them not. to take mi uotlvo lntorest In the political ouni ptiign, such as would Ito Involved In their nttemlluii political conventions ns dclo gtitos, milking polltlonl cpoochos or nssist lug In tho management of political cum ptilgns. The postmaster general's circular expressly BtntoH that ho dootj not desire to control tnelr opinions on political maucrs, Tho formal order was brought about by coinplnlntBiigiiltist porno of tho clerks. A guiieral order MU bo lssueu to an iostn employes lutxtr on. To Tunnel the Qtuiqualte Mountain HAil.IiTOS, Pn., July 30. Coxo IlrotLwrr & Co. huvo completed arruiigument.s for driving a tunnel through the Quiuuakc mountain to their mines nt Ilouvcr Mea dow. The tunnel will lxj it mllo and? half In length, find will give n natural drainage to all lnlnos In tho lxisln. It wll? tnko two yours to complete tho worn, una from au engineering standpoint will eon paro with tho famous Jcddo tunnel. Will Vote on l'rolilbltlon. Pibrkk, S. 1).. July 30. Tho supreme court yesterday handed down nil opinion In tho cuso of the state of South Dakota vs. Thonius Thersou, Kioretnry of stut. This Is the cuso involving tho validity of tho net resubmitting the prohibition clause of tho constitution. Tho court refused the application to restrain the tho secretary of Htnt! from providing that tho question ehoultl bo placed upon the ballots, on the ground that nt the present timo the court had no Jurisdiction to review tho case and pass upon tho questions Involved. MnrtleroiiH Striker Must Hang. Sav Kkancisoo, July 30. S. I). Wor- den, tho railroad striker, charged with wrecking the railway bridgo near Sacra mento two years ugo and thereby causing tliu deaths of hnglneer Clark and three United ritntos soldiers, must hang. The supreme court yesterday handed down a doclsloti In which It alllrmed the judg ment of the superior court. Ntftl Italian Hanker Dead. Home, July .'). Slgnor Iiornurd Tan- longo, formerly governor of tho Han cm. Homnim, Is dead. Slgnor Tnnlongo was tho control figure In the lliiuca Homunn scandals, which was to Italy what the Panama canal scandal was to France uud which caused tho overthrow of ono mln- i lstry, Mirnisnou tno la mo ot many men in ; public llfo and sowed wldospread suspi cion of corruption and dishonesty through-, out Italian publio llfo. Governor Tan-; lougo was accused of having fraudulently upproprlntrtl 33,0tX),U(i0 francs from tho banks. Ho, with other liank officials, was ttlod In 1801, uud ull wero acquitted. Death of l--K-Cotirress!iiHU Wheeler. DETltoiT, July 30. Judge Harrison H. Whoeler, UnlU'd Statc3 pension agent nt Detroit, died Tuesday night at runners Civek, where he had lieon for several weeks past. About t-on weeks ago he was stricken with paralysis and had to give up work. Jtitlgo Wheeler was born at Lud Ington, Mich , March S3, 1H30. Ho was a memlxT of tho Fifty-second congress, nnd has served ns a circuit court Judge In De troit. A New Two-Year Old ltccord. POKTLAND, Mo., July 30. The fastest four heat trotting' race of tlie season In tho United States was made by Pago over tho Hlgby park yesteidny. Pago also took from Arlon tho 3-yoar-old record of 2.10K by making 2.00X- Tho raco was In the 2.14 class, for a purso of iSOO. Pago won tho second, third aim lourtti neats lua.uyj, 3.11 uud 2.11M- Colorado's Btralghtout Itopubllcans. Denveh, July 80. Dy a vuto of 48 to 38 the Kopubllcnn 6tute central commlttco yosterdny adopted resolutions providing for o straight KepuiiilcunticKct noaaou ny ltenubllcan electors, who will enst their vote, If opportunity offers, for MoKinloy and llobart. STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS. Closing IJuiitatlons of the New York mill l'bllmlelplilu lixcltanges. Nnw YoitK. July 211. The Btoek imarket to day wus fulrly active and tho trading wuj com paratively well axstriouieu. uosing oias IliiHImoro&OlilQ 15H Lehigh Valley 80! 81 m 'ion 1H China. te Ohio. 18 New Jersey Con Del. & Hudson .. 110 N. Y. Central D.,L. &W . 145 Pennsylvania.. Erie 13 H'udlug. LakeErio&W Uii St. Paul Lehigh Nav. HI W. N. Y. AS Pa.. 3d asa t paid. General Markets. Pim.AliKI.vmA, July SI. Flour weak ; win tr super, J1.H038.15; do. extras, 2.152.30; Peim- pylvaulu roller, cioar,4.i.T"ifro ; uo. no. struiKtu, tiSB-25 ; witrn winter, clear, t2.7.VSa. Wlioat dull ; July, MWQMXf- Com steady ; July. 2UJ,0 Via. Outsnrm; -miy, zotwaijit!. jiuy -weaa; chotoe timothy, 15.50(!Slu for largo bales. Beet quiet ; city family, t.5010. Pork rteody ; family,lot$iu.oo. ljorti steatiy ; western sieain, 13.45. lluttfr steady; vrintora dairy, (l'$12. ; do. creamery, , do. factory, DeJUo. ; Elgins, 15o.; imitation creamery, 10!ijiJ12n. ; New YorK tiairy, luaiHe. ;uo creamerj', iij (jlSo. ; fauoy Pennsylvania prints, wlwilosalo, 10o. ; prints Jobbing at 20(SSle. Cheoso firm: largu, 6j(ioV. ; Hinall, fyiigflc ; part sklmn, 2 jue. ; fun skims, itie. js.ggH quiet; nvr York and Pennsylvania, ll&!4c. ; wosteru fresh, U13c. Live Kloch Markets, Nnw YoiiK, July 211, Steers active; bulls weak; dry cows Bteaily; native bttsTs, poor to good, (V94.DO; slags aim oxen, utgui.tsu; nuns, 1.05uta.l2K;dry iws, 1.15at2.10. tialvesqulet; pcor to choitM-veals, $;Z$4.C5 ; buttermilk calves, (.'li3.oQ. Sheep and Iambi firmer , poor to good sheep, 2.6uaia.WJ, oommon to enoieo lamlw, ti'ijo. Hogs weak at KiST hluKHTY, pa., July at. Uattln steady prime, H.'S4J; gtxxl, 14.11X94.20; commo- IsKita.Eio; nuns, siags uati cows, taau.uj; neuure, (331. Hogs lower, prime, 13 MisS.fiO; best me dium, rj.45C4U.ii0 , common to fair Yorkers, M.40 SJSilttiavy hogs, W.IK3.20; rough, l3VWl.ro. Sherp steady; prime, 3l&Jj.75. ft-ir, tJiJJ.SO; oommoii,l'J.WV'i3.73; cholo rmbs, liaUS; MclVBA. SHt-SI Vu. Buy Keystone flour. Ilo sure tlmt tliu name Lessio & II A Kit, Ashland, Vu., Is printed on every back. GORMAN IN THE CAMPAIGN. Ito Will Olvo CauiiM-1 Hlitl Advice to Democratic Chulritmti .Time. WahhLvotox, July 80. Tho location of tho national Domocratlc headquarters will l)e dorldod In a fow days. Senator Jones, chairman of tho committee, Is ox pectetl here today or tomorrow. Thcro Is u strong disposition at present to locate the headquarters here, nnd unloss Senator Jones' trip to the west lins changed his Ideas ou the subject It seams re isounhly certain that Washington will tin selected. Although the location of heatJquartors nt Washington would bo n entirely new de parture, there nre many roasons, with tho conditions which htsjgo ubout tilt) cum palgn, whloh potnt to this city as the most available from which to conduct tho coming campaign. ComiMiratlvcly little aid IsBtpectcd from Now York or Chicago. Besides, the ooro inltteo of the Silver tnrty has already se lected Washington an headquarters, tnJ nil tho Indications uro that the Populltt committee, with Senator Dutler at Its head, will also locate here. If tfco Demo cratic headquarters were located In this city the throo committees could ton cer tain extent work In conjanctlon for tho union of tho silver forces and the- mass ing of their strength. Such fusion of electoral tickets as may bo necessary to accomplish this result could also moro easily bo directed If tho sovBral commit tees wero working sldo by sldo. Hut more Important than nil Is tht'fact that Senator Gorman, whose long ex jwrlcnco as a campaign muDfigor would mako his services almost Invaluable, to the now comtnltteo, has agreed tc givo Sena tor Jones tho benefit of his ctmnscl aatl advice. Ho does not, however, It Is under stood, deslro uny official conni-ctlon with tho committee, hut If tho headquarters arc located hero ho will bo constantly In close touch with tho work us It progrriwos. I'opullst Demands In Alitbninti. Hihmixoiiam, Alu., July 30. General' James 13. Wouver, of Iowa, wus lr confer ence yesterday with tho Populists with reference to tho state elections to bo held next Monday General Weaver telegraphed National Chairman Jones, of tho Demo cratic committee, to rotno hero M once and use his offorts for the Goodwin ticket, In order to hold the Alalnmn Populists In line for Ilryun. Populist leaders confi dently oxiwet that Senator Jones will come. Populists will demand the removal from the stnte Democratic electoral ticket of the several gold standard electors as the further price of Populist sup)ort of that ticket- The Pennsy Reducing: L'xpensos. PlillADULl'lllA, July 30. ISecuuso of the general depression iu buslnosa tho Penn sylvania Hnllroud compn ny yesterday de cided to stop nil work on its Hue wherover possible, tu order to reduce exiicnsos. At tho same time It wus ordered thut nil con templated Improvements should lo laid aside for tho present. For same time past tho oompauy hud lusjn retrenching, and only a fow wooks ugo orders wero issued restricting all now work, but yesterday's order Is moro drastic. Its effect liolng to stop nil work except at Mount Joy, Pa., lietween Lancaster and linrrislrarg, where o cut off Is being constructed. A Fruitless Conft-TDnct-. New YoK, July R0. After a five hours' conference yesterday afternoon between tho "ontractprs and tho tullors Ilenjumln Drlesen, leader of the Contractors' union, ritmonuccd that nothing hnd been nocom pllshod. Ho said thut tho question of the contractors settling and signing agree ments was discussed at tho conference. Tho strikers refused to listen to auy ar rangement whereby the contractors could settlo indivlduully, but thu Brotherhood of Tailors was willing to drail with tho contractors' association as a wholo. An othor meeting will bo held', wuiu the sub ject will be further discussod. Another riw Cycling H.itonl. Lima, O. July 80. Tho Hunaon twenty mile handicap road race drew out u laruo crowd yesterday. Tho first pLieo was won by C C Cowlos, of Lima, a limit man, In I huiir and .IS seconds. Tho time- prizo wus won by K. L. Ifever, uf Dayton, In C4 minutes una 45 seconds, breaking his-own nwird inado last year itid broiiklng tho world's record, m tho luilt mllo oixm nro- fesslonnl race Tom Cooper won, with Conn Boker second and Otto Zlcgler third; time, 1.07 Thu one mllo opera, profes sional, was won by B. C Unld, with Tom cooper second and Arthur Gurdnerthlrd, time, -.la i-o btrcl lSlllet Itllinufuctrarers to Sleet, New Yohk, July SU Tho Advertiser publishes tho following- Tho speclul meeting which lias lieen ctillotl by tho steel billet manufacturers at tho Holland Houso for tomorrow promlbus same Important developments. It Is stateil that threats of st(sslon from tho coinbuiatiou havo lnsjn miido, and tliat It Is to consider a more oqultnblo division of tho work that tiro meeting has been culled. Thosttuatlon of atfairs as tlescrlljed by a largo deoler is that tho stoel billet tnulo has boon umcli duller than wus oxpicted slneo tho orgun lzatitm wus muilo. Withdrawing Hold for Hoarding. Washington-, July SO. While the ex port of gold hoouis to havo been com pletely checked for tho tlmolielng at least, there nro Blgns that hoarding Is still going on to some oxtaut. Yestorduy's statement of withdrawals, fur lnstunco, shows that of tho $321,800 of gold tuken from tho treasury $305,400 was In coin and only $1U,2UJwiis In burs for uso In tho arts. During tho day y,0Q() in gold coin was received at tho treasury, making tho bal ance btaiid ut 810tl,300,7bl. NUGGETS OF NEWS. Tho Irish land bill passed Its third read ing In the British houso of commons yes terday. Wllliaiu Kllnk, nn ngod butcher, was run down and klllod by nn unknown woman oycllst In Chicago. Arrests of single tax advocates for ob structing thoroughfares contlnueut Dover, Dul. 1 1 lfteon aro uow In Jail. John Clark Hldputh, tho historian, has been nominated for congress by tno Dom ocruts of tho Fifth Indiana district. Tho Now York World says that tho mnrrlnuoof Cornelius Vunderbllt, Jr., nnd Miss Gruco Wilson will take placo uext Saturday. Tho Gorman cruiser litis wus lost on July 23 In a typhoon off tho Shantung promontory, In China. Sovonty-flvo men nro reported to havo been drowned. At Toxnrkuuo, Ark., Colonel John Hnl- lem, a well known Arkansas attorney, shot and futully woundod Ilov. W. A. Forbes, n prominent Unptlst minister. whom nullum charged with ulleuatlug hit wife's utlcctlons. Spccfal favors for Aristocratic Convicts, LoKDO.V, July 80. Dr. Jameson and his Mlow prisoners, Major Sir John Wlll oughtiy. Colonel Koglnald Grey, Colonel H. 1' White, Major White nnd Oaptnln Henry F. (mvotitry, who wore con vletwl and soiftenowl for violation the neu trality lfws In Iiivatling tho torrlUtry of tlie South African republlo In Itaoetnbor last, huvo lwoti made first olasg mlgdo iiienntints.whlehnllowsthem to hre their monls from outolde Ilollowny Jail, to dross In tliolr owii clothos, ti linve their menial work done by the other prisoners uud to have a sninll nllowanoe of boer or wine. Dentil of u Wwteil Southern Omiernl. HlCIIMOXD, Va., July R0. General It. K. Colston, who wo n offleer In the Con federate army.untl at one time commandod the Stonewall brigrulo, died nt tho Sol diers' Homo here yesterday He was In his 71st year. Genorul Colston served six years In the Kgyptlntr army, and received tho doeonitlon of tho knight coramondor of tho Turkish Order of Osbmanlsh for distinguished sorvlcos. General Colston was iKirn In Franco. Ills futhor was nn Amorlcmi, who married' u French lady. Tho family early camo to this country, and young Colston flnlshrd lils educntloii i,i tho Virginia Military Institute. He wns elietod a professor In that Institution, und sorvexl there for ten years prior to tho wr. StotMwall Jackson was a iiiombvr of tho fuouly all this tlmo. JItltlnonit Convicts OTerpinn-iTfll Litavknwoiitii, lan., July 191 While gong of thirty prisoners from tho United Stnteft iwiiltentlury'at Fort Leavenworth wcro icing worked on tho prison form n mutiny broke out among thom. At a sig nal from Georgo East, an Indian Terri tory dosiienido,. tho luon broko for a corn Hold. Tho guards began firing with shot guns and ull tho prisoners but three sur rendered. Fast was shot six tlns beforo ho gave up. He wns fatally wounded. Sam Mills and S. Dove wcro nlso badly, "but not fatally wounded. When tho pris oners wore run Into the penitentiary yard, -where 300 convicts wero breaking rock, there was nn ugly demonstration and. a second attempt ut mutiny, which was qirickly suppressed. X Nnvul Senlonre Disapproved, YrASUlNOTOK, July 80. The secretary of tho navy bus disapproved tho proceedings, findings find sentence of dismissal Im pose itl by court murtlal held ot Mare Islaiad, Cab, recently upon Passed Assists ant' Paymaster Edwin H. Webster, lately uttuHitd to tho Yorktown.on tho China station Tito olUccr was accused of having retained a bond exueted from his pay clerk, W. J. Tobin, after having dismissed theclork. The secretary finds that there wero grave informalities In the proceed ings c the oourt which convicted tho of lloer, and lncllnos to tho Iwllef that tho mono v iwis technically a loan and not a bond. llrynii to bn Xolllleil Aor. IS. UMlobN', Ncb.Jnly 30. ITpon receipt of lutelllftemie from Now York that tho hall ut MutllMU Square Garden eould be so cured fur that date, Mr. Bryan nunounced that lie will receive the notification com mittee of tho Dcmocratlo national con vention there Aug. 12. Ho expects to lay, In his New York speech, tho ground work for tho campaign, and It is liollovcd tliat up to tle duto of Its dolivery no man will loom from his Hps just what be may bo expectott to do In rotation to tho- I'opnllst nomination. Possibly ' He may not even then declare himself, Ihducod by the. nse of coca, opiate or nar cotlc compounds is bad, decidedly bad. They undarmlno health nnd shatter tho constitution and the pationt is Btendlly growlng Into a worse condition often resulting in the terrible slavery and misery of the cocaine and opium habit. Bleep Induced by the uso of Hood's Sarsa- parilla does not perhaps come as quickly, but It comes more surely and more per manently through nature's great restor ing and rejuvenating channel purified, vitalized and enriched blood. This feeds the nerves with life-giving energy and builds up the system and constitution from tho very foundation of 'all health and llfo thu blood pure,loh, rod blood. Sarsaparilla IStho One True lllood Purifier All druggiits. $1, u it t-mi curellverllls.easytotako, IIUUU St t Ills easy, to operate. cout3. Wanted-An Idea IS Protect your Ideaaj they may Lrlufct you we alt b. Write JOIltf WKDDEKlluRN & C0..7Patent Attor. Eeys. Wtistangton, D. c, for their ((Law prlxo offer and list ot cwo bantired tnyeatloa waut&d.a Layer's Lager and Pilsner Beers, Finest, Purest and Healthiest. Chris. Schmidt, Agi., 207 West Coal Street. BUtKNELL - UNIVERSITY Juhn IlowAltu lUuitis, LL. P., I'rcfit. College with lour course ot study lending ueurccN j AUMicmy lor iovb bhu younu men Hoods ijuUeH1 Instltuto, and Bc-bool of Mutlo. Thirty aero cauiiiuBi ten buildings Including Kym ruulum. laboratory and observatory. For catalogue and other information aUdrc-jts, AVM. C. OKETZINOF.lt, Will Not PerformMiracles But It Will Cure, . It. MILES' IJKSTORATIVE NERVINE" euros nervooa prostration. Not mi raculously, bat scientifically, by first removing tho germu of disease, and then supplying healthy ncrvo food, Increasing tho appetite, hclplngdtgbstlon and strength ening tho cntlro system. Desperate cases require prolonged treatment ai shown by that of Mrs. M. D. Boed, of Delta, Iowa, who writes : "As tho rosult ot a lightning stroke, tho physicians said I had a light, stroke of paralysis, my limbs would all draw up. I Tir HTHpq' would havo throbbings Ul. m in my chest that seemod NCrVIlie unendurable. For throo t, . monthsl could not sleep KcSlOlcS and for threo weeks did UpqlfTi not o'oso my eyes. I Juwailll prayed for sleep, and felt that If relief did not como I would bo dead or insane. I took Dr. Miles' Eestora ttvo Norvtno and tho second night slept two hours and from that tlmo on my health Im proved! slowly at first, but steadily and surely. I took In all 40 bottles, uud I cannot express ho1 grateful I am, for I am now perfectly well, and havo taken nomedlclno for over four months." Dr. Mllei' Nervlno Is sold by druggists on gaaranteo that first bottle benofltd or money refunded, Book on heart and nerves free, Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind, kM&i - T.',.. ! "uly cures cramps and all i bowel ! com plaints, i d d n 2 s, chills Ind L t Grippe. J I Used externally it iUn-' estlmi- i J nicnt in the world- T.?.vare of S imitations, buy only tlie genuine J mode by Perry Davte. ,ri, J 9 Lw0 bottl4 'Jtt m fiO iMDt e i. ( POLITICAL CARDS. jjior' i:oNGrtrss, HORACE E, DENGLER, Of Hhcifritidoal . Subjiwfr to Republican rule. JIOR COUNTY TREASUHEi:, s ELIAS DAVIS, Of Itrood riountaln. Subject fa Republican rales. pOtt'tSLEBK OF THE COURrS, PHIL. J. CONNELL, Of GlraraVlllc. Hulijvct. to Domocratlc rales. TJIOK.80.UNTY COMJIISIONl.K, FRANK RENTZ, Of Asblond. SubJf toKepuMloan rults. JIOK. 3FXXRDER, EMANUEL JENICYN, Of Joliett, Porter Townslilp. 8ubJtt to Republican rules. JjtOR.eolTJO'Y COMMISHIONEH, CHAS. F. ALLfcIN, Of Tamaipia. Subjtct to Republican Rules. pOlliCtERK OF THE COURTS, JOHN T. SH0ENEK Of Onrlgsliura Subject toRcpublloan rules. OR. CHIEF IlUllOlMSi, PIERCE WALKER, Of the Fourth ward. S-itbict to Citliens party, rules. gJOU RECORDER, P. W. BLERSTEIiX, Of Sliuaandonh. Subject to llepubllcaa rules. P. J. CANFIELD, Agent for mm- Shenandoah and Vicinity For-- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer. 0 :dixs Celebrated Fmnnlo I'nmlnrt never fail. to nSt and $an (fiW with TmnT 't4 I'amjmjll 11U nd otto Ukr TwiulUx). Alwtyiburthe belt .dJJKIJ dlf ik OuirmotMd luperior to all othin. I"'? rotntmctit OutrutMd superior to all otli the Let tn tht nurkrt, A No. 1, ruuetuth, ito: w.B-T. WW IM iXMWU, UHh For sale at Povlns Centre street. drug store, 2S Eoat