1 EVENING HERALD i:sTAiif,i.sm:ii 1870. l'uhllshed every KvciiIiik, KxceptHuridny, at 6 Bourn Jauiiin Htui:i.T, Nkau Ci:ntiik. the Ilirul.l Is dciie-cicd liiSliciianilonn nnd Iho surrounding towns for six cent a week, pay ble to tlm carrier. Hy mnll 81.00 n year, or conts a month, payable In ndeanco. Advertise mcnts chanced according to sinie'e mid position. Tlio publishers reserve the right to change the msltlun of advertisement! whenever the pul Icatlon ol newn demand (t. The right Is reserved to reject nny advertisement, xvlietlicr fiald (or or not, that the publisher may deom mprojier. Advertising rates mode known ution application. Uutcrcd nt the postofllee at Shenandoah, Pa., as seoond class mall matter. THMCPHON'i: CONNKITION. Evening Herald SATCHDAY. JULY 28, 181KJ. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL TICKET. 11111 I'llKPIIIKliT, M'IM.IAM M'KINIXY, 01 Ohio. 1UH VICE lHWMUKNT, C1AK1U.T A. II01IAHT, Of New Jersey. REPUBLICAN BTATE TICKET. mttlcOMJIiniMMAK.AT.LAatlE, OAI.USHA A. UU0W, Of Husquclmtino, HAMUIX A. DAVnNl'OHT, Of Erie The Kopublioan county couvtiitiou fair to bo a lively gathering. HiiYAN is young yet, nnd lias lriuch to learn. Ho will know better after N'ovombcr nx-PiKTHKT Attoiinky Hyan is a candl late for (impress. His hticccas depends upon Hie whim of .Tamos II. Kcllly. Cn.s-mtiJWjAN llui'MM dci'lares it is "baby politics" to declare his position on the cur lincy question. As the majority of tlio lead .ug HepubllcniH of the party aro opposed to lin- reuoinlnatiuu unless he unequivocally iinnouncos his tlrm adhesion to tlio Kcpub hciiii position on the currency question, wo presume thero bi a big lot of "baby" polltl cuius in the county. 1 1 is evident that the free silver vote is to ) united. They aro only iltfTorltiK at St 1, i. ii in as to whether they shall unite on the .indidatos now, or with difl'eicnt candidates !iideuptho clocturd by suites. In cither i.i the vote will be united on election day I , should bo opposed by u solid anil united .mi ud money vote. The isaucs of tlio past .lioiild lio bnriod until tin- country has Ken ii M iiul by patriotic action from its prusui in til. William t'. Whitney. in it Democratic friends in this county aro miii Ii distiiihod over tlio lliia.uci.il plank to be mlyptcil nt tlio county eouventiun. They iini.t repudiate either tl.o national or state platform, and many aro of tlio belief that the declaration of the convention will be in lino villi the latter or a atraildlo. The Evening ( hioniclo, recognized as the irty organ, has i nine out flat-footed against free silver, while llu other Democratic papurb are lukewarm on Unit qiiuttion. However, there is trouble i In ad for tho Democracy, no matter what the i latl'unu contains. HOW WOULD IT AJTECT YOU ? tine of tho ttauncliest Democratic jiapers in the country, the Now York Hun, has re pudiated the Democratic platfurm nnd nomi-- . and favors tli election of McKinlcy and Jlolurt. fyoukiuic on tho financial question n Mys the l'opulintli' silvcritos talk generally 'i I lie groat prullt there would bo to this "in, try in tho adoption of their policy. But b t i cry man stop to think of what tho eon-.-tqiicuco would lie to him individually, hither ho would loo or gain by tho sub--ntution uf the silver btnndniil for tho gold d.iudaril. That is the practical way to pnt t In ir talk to a tost. A ie you living on a salary or on wages? Ili.u'isit going to holp you todecroaso the Milue of tho dollar by nearly one-half? " mi will have to pay double for everything Mm buy. Tho same amount of money will go only half as far as now. Ilenco you will be i heated out of half your iucouio, unless tbe silverltes can double your salary or it ages. IXi you really expect any such in sna.se? Has there Ism any precedent for a Midden advanco in wages so enormous, and w here and when was it ? Do you imagine for a moment that if your Hilary is now $500 a -c,ir, or your daily wages glvo you that Yearly income, your employer is going to put t heni up to l,0OU if llryau is elected and his ,il or policy established? In tho ceiurso of years you might look forward to tho proba bility of some increase, but at best, as all expirieme) shows, it would belong delayed, and it would bo much less than tlio advance, in the pries) of livlug, which would be immediate. Your case is tho euro of all those who aro in receipt of salaries or are paid wngos, and tliey iucludo the grout majority of tho popu lation. Aro those million of citizens going to oto fur llryunnt w great a cost to their pockets? It would be an expousivo voto for i ery man who gave it. llavo you laid by something in u havings bank ' If so, you aro one of about flvo mil lion such depositors ill the Uuitod States, hast year their number was exactly 4,873, Mil, and tlio total of their deposits was $l,M0,507,OW, or an average to each depositor d $371.38. That is great number of lioople, anil tho iiggregato of their deposits is enor mous. If Mr. Ilryan's plan of paying ou" in silver standard money is adopted, thoy will all lose nearly one-half of tho present value of their deposits. Tho money la tho savings banks w ill go only about ono half ub far as now. It will bo pretty costly for it savings bank depositor to voto for llryau you see. It will be a big contribution of money in order lo gratify his iiiuhltlou of becoming rrosident We might go on thus through all businoss, all trade, und every profession Wo might make tho wuno inquiries of everybody whoso life is insured or who is in a building or benellt association, every man who has money accumulated, and overy man who is working for money In niiy occupation. Tho iuestlou9 wo have askod could bo chuuxed In detail su us to apply to tlicm all, and tlio unsw'ore wotlld always toll tho samo story of Joss. Tho actual money cent of tho olectiou of Jirjun wuulil he heavy for every otic of them It Ii not ailuiinding, then, that Hrynn lms the assurance hi ask the people to limkun iicrillce so ureal Individually, und so enor- inoiifi in Its aggrcgato to enable him to net possession of the White House for the four years from the Itli of noxt March ? Think, then, of the ull'ect tlio sller policy would have on yourself personally, and don't wasto your time in listening to the general promises and pretensions of Its advocates. The true way to tost it is to dissipate the cloud of boastful anil decultful rhetoric with which llryau and hid fellow political speculators seek to surround it. It offers a very simple iiiestion for overy man to settle for himself hy tlio application of common xcii') merely. A profound knowledge nf finance is not necessary to solve that proMem. If yuu know enough to know tlio worth of a dullar you are competent to decido the question for yourself. ltcllgbills Notices, Service in tho Trinity Itcformed church to-morrow at 10:00 , m., and 11:30 p. m .Sunday school at 1:30 p. in. ltov. Hubert O lloyle pastor. JIliw M. h. Taylor, from tho lkiptist Train lng School, of Philadelphia, will preach in the Olivary Baptist church to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. in. Ilegtllar services will be held in the Unites! Lvangolical church, (Dougherty's: Hall,) to morrow at 10 a, in. and (1.30 p. m. Preaching by tlio pastor, IIov. I. J. Heitz. Sunday school nt 1.30 p. In. dod's American oluntecrs aro going to hold meetings nil day Sunday in ltobbius' building, 33 West Centre street. Meetings at 10 a. in., 3 and 7:1.) . in. Kvery ono is welcomo. Charles husk, Captain. Kbnnezcr nvangcllcal church, corner of fsoiitli West nnd Cherry streets, II. Horace Itomlg, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m Kugllsh preaching, tl.W) p. m. A cordial in vitation to all Welsh Baptist church, corner of Went and Oak streets, Uev. D. I. Kvanspantor. Services at 10 n. m and 0 p. m. Sunday school nt 2 p. m. Prayer meeting Monday evenings. Young People's uuHiting Wednesday even ings. Class meeting Thursday evenings. Services in All Saint' Protectant Kpiscopal church on liist Oak stiwl to-morrow nt 10:30 a. in. and 7 p. m. Tho rector will olliciato. Sunday school at 2 p. in. Services ill tho PresbyU'rian church to morrow at 10:30 n. m. and 0:30 p. in. Sunday school at 2 p. in, lie v. 'f . Maxwell Morrison, pastor. Services! will be held in the Methodist Episcopal church to-moirow at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. l'leaching by the pastor, Uev. Alfred Ilee'bucr. Sunday school at 2 p. m. All aro invited. Ilev. W. C. Hofnor, of Pinegrove, will punch in tho English Lutheran church to morrow morning and oveuing. Primitive Methodist church, James Moure, pastor. Pleaching at 10:30 a. in., subject, "Staud In tlio ways and see ami ask for tho old paths." Sunday school at 2 p. m. Preach ing at 0:30 p. m., subject, "i man in tho Valley of Decision." Stmts free. Everybody welcome. Sated His Daughter. Another lustanco where Thompson's Diphtheria Cure was tho means of saving life comos from Charles Karicher, of South Willianisport, Pa., who says: "Several months ago my ilaughtor was taken with a severe case of diphtheria. Our physician did all ho could until sho be'cniue so weuk that ho had to givo her up. I Used Thompson's Diphtheria Cure and she recovered. I credit her recovery to this excellent remeely, and words fail to express my appreciation of the medicine." li'orsaloat Kirliu'sdrug store at 50 cents a bottle. I'roui Hospital to .lull. William Oladkotski, who was admitted to the Miners' hospital on the Kith of May, for injuries rteeicd nt the hands of Joseph llodski, by being shot in the back and being scaldwl about tho body was re leased from the Miners' hospital yesterday. The cause of tho shooting was tho closo relations of (lladkotski to llodski' wife, who found him in his wife's company the night the shouting took place, (lladkotski upon leaving tho hospital, returneel to town last evening, nnd was immediately taken into custody by Chiot Hurgess Hums on a charge of adultry preferred by Jo-.eph llodski. He had a hearing and in default of f."i00 bail ho was committed to jail this morning. DlsiiNtrous llri In himiunttli. Savanxah, July 2.I. Fire early yester day morning destroyed over ?100,ui0 worth of property on tho river front In this city. Tho flro, which rvneheel alarming propor tions by 1 o'clock, was not under control until nftcr II o'clock. By that tlmo It hnd destroyed the Plantors' Ulec mill, He gralnery and the largo I)uekwor.th waro houso, together with nearly 15,000 bushels of rough rice und about tho same quantity of clounesl rlco. Single Tttxcrs Mill DrlKint. DoVKlt, Del., July 2ft. The crusado against tho single tiixers continues un nbate'd. Ijast night Frederick W. Mooro and Alexander Storllth were urrostod und sent to jail for thirty days on tlio charge of obstructing tho stroots. There nro now nlno In Jail, and tho udvoeintos of tho theory, far from being dlsmajeel, ussort that they will keep at tho work If It (ills tho jail. Is essentia) to health. I3vory nook and corner of tho system Is reached by tho blood, nnd on its quality thecondltion of every organ do pondB. Good blood menus strong nerves, good digestion, robust health. Impuro blood moans scrofula, dyspepsia, rheuma tism, catarrh or other diseases. Tho'surest way to have good blood Is to tako Hood's Sarsaparilln. This inedlcino purifies, vi talizes, and enriches tho blood, and sends, the elements o! health and strength to every nerve, organ nnd tissue. It creates n good appetite, gives rotreshlng sleep and cures that tired feeling. Remember, Hoods Sarsaparilla Is tho boat In fuc tho Ono True Mood 1'urlner. u ii rim euro I.lrer Ills; easy to rlOOCl S PlIIS lake, easy to operate, aw.' Blood DAMAGE BY FLOODS. Utilise Wnslied Away nnd Many nail. roads WhsIicmI Out. Cikcivkati, July 25. Hemirts show tlnmtiBOS nil over West Vlrglnln, enstorn Koutunky nnd wititliern Ohio from Hoods. At I'urkoTsliurK, W Viu, where the Llttlo luinuwlm einptios Into tho Ohio, tho lumbermen sufferoel groat diuniiKo. Hall ways, foltvrnph und tedephulio linos nro dininuwl. Tho Ohio river rood is wnshod enit lietwocn Wnverly nnd Moundsville, nlso noiirSlstorsvlllo mid Woodluud. Tho loss In Tygnrts vulloy nlono Is said to bei f50O,OOO. At Muriuttn, O., where) the Mtiskiiiunun empties Into tho Ohio, tho merchants nro moved from Front streiot All tho railroads ente-riiiK tho city uro wnshod out, lielng nnnhlo to frx;t tnilns Into tho city. At Ashlntid, Ky., tho Hood did much imrmiKo to bridges and proiiorty. At l'ortsini-utli, O , over four luclios of wntor has fallen in this portion of tho hcioto valley in tho Inst three) days, nnd hlmllur ruins uro reportd from tho upper Sdots). Tho Ohio rlvor hero Is twonty seven foot, and rising. Hack wutcr from tho Ohio, together with floods front above In tho Scioto, will ruin most of tho com In this frroutwst corn Browing valley In tho world. It is raining heavily At Flndhiy, O., continuous heavy rains hvo destroyed the greater part of tho crops In northwestern Ohio, and nt New ark, O., tho south fork of tho Licking wont out of Kinks nnd dolugod farms. All trntnfl nro detourod to the 1'oiinsylvnnla raid on account of wushouts. Thara are sorenil big washouts on tho Strnltsvllle division, mid all trains ou that division nro abandoned. At Athens, ()., all trains ou tho Ilocktug Valley and Ohio Central railroads nro from throo to four hours Into on iicoount of high water. Sunday crook and Hock ing jivor tiro rising rapidly, causing much dnmitgu. Hrldges on tho Ohio Central havo buou washed uwny nour Corning. Tho Commercial Trllmno special from Wheeling, W. Vu., statejs that tho tlauidgo from llooel und washouts in Wost Virginia and southwestern Ohio is almost boyond ostlrimtion. Chirkslmrg, Unions, Har rlotsvillo, Carlisle and other towns ulong tho Slusklnghain rivor uro completely sub moTgisl. The dnmago iu tho oil Holds will amount to hundreds of thousands of dol lars. A h-AIAL LLOUUBURST. It Ciiiows ttie Ixtss of Klftis-n ot Twenty Lives In Colorildo. lloumsox. Col , July 23. A cloudburst In Hcsir Crook ennon, just alxno hero, ut 8 o'clock last nlfrht brought down u solid wall of water ten foot high which not only did grout dniiingn to proiiorty, but caused tho lews of fifteen to twenty lives. Tho lmown dead aro Mrs. Miller and throo children and u party of campers, lif ts -em in? eighteen in numlxr, who wore liv ing In a small houso just bolow town. Vloln Foster, a llttlo Denver girl who was with this party, was saved by peoplo who hoard her cries This much has been learned on this side of tho creed;, but ns all bridges uro gono and tho water is still high und swift, nothing can lie learned from tho other sldo. iscarchlng parties are out on ljoth sides of tho strewn looking for Indies nf dead and Injured. It is frarod there hns boon more loss of Ufo, us there there were scores of people camping along both sides of tho creek, both ulxivo and below town. Wlros aro all down. Princely (lift to the Columbian Museum. Chicago, July 23. The Field Colum bian MtiFouin, of this dty, is to receive S2,u00,0)0 as nil endowment fund. Tho donation is to como from Marshal Field. Ho allowed Harlow N. Hlgglnbothnm to Informally tender it upon conditions which nro to govern tho museum's futuro location. Ho Insists that twenty iicres shall Ixi sut nsldo on tho Lako I rout park, which Ifgclnso to tho business center, und dedicated to tho institution. Beniitorliil Candidates Come to Dloivs. Columiiia, S. C, July 23 At tho cam- pnign meeting ut Florence yostordny Judge Joseph II. Karlo, cnndldato for tho United States sonnto to siiccood J. L. M. Irby, and Govornnr John Gary Evans, who Is a can dldnto for tho same ofllce, came to blows. Karlo struck Kvans llrst, and Kvuns i-e-sponelcd with a blow under tho i-yo. They worn quickly surroumloil and separntexlby reformers and eonsorvntlvos. Several men hnd their hands on their pistols, but com parative quiet was restored, and Governor Evans attempted to continue his spe-ocn amid much disorder. Ars'ldfiitlilly Killed Ills l'ricml. CAMD11N N. J., July 33. William Hen rxry, aged 17 years, of this city, died In tho Cooper hospital Thursday night from a bullet wound iu tho head, Inflicted by William Slmonton, aged HI years, of Uer lln, this connty. Slmonton Is In jail hero. Tlio shooting is believed to havo been acci dentally diine. Tho boys had been prac ticing with n rlllo, which Sinionton nnd his 13-your-old sister declare went off acci dentally. Tho boys wuro great filends, and Slmonton Is prostrated with grief. STOCK' AND PRODUCE MARKETS. Closing Quotations of the New York und Philadelphia Kxcluuigfs, New Youk, July 24. Tho volume of bnslnem j In stocles toelay was only one-halt an lurgo oson Tliursday, and the courso of prices was ells nppolutfng to the bulls. Closing bills: Baltimore & Ohio 10 Lehigh Valley SOJ Oheso. & Ohio 13 .Now Jersey Cor 02 Del. & Hudson 119 N..Y. antral IK D L. & W 151 Pu'nivjylvaala 01 Erin 13M Heading. . .. 105$ Lako Eriofi: Wost. 15H fit. Paul 70 Lf hlghNnv 40 W. N. Y. 6s P. . lji 2d asa't paid. (Icneral Markets. Puiuliici.i'iiiA, July 24. Flour weak; win ter suiier, .W3.1S; do. extras, tJ.13(9a.80i Pninsylvanla roller, clear, 3.7MsW; do. do. straight. f3(3.33; wwtorn winter, cleor, J3.7aa). wnont ami; July, uygjuKo, Uora qulut; July, miHr- Oats (Inn ; Jnly, BH?, Hay weak, choice timothy, H0.ax.vl7 for lnrgo"buli. Uf quiet ; city fumlly, ll).5010. Fork quiet; family, iu.ii9iu.ai. Lard qmet; wvatrn steam, J3.563.t!0. liutter firm for choice ; western creaniery, 15Jc. ; fancy state and wostra prluts, wholosula, lso, ; prints Job bing at J0iiaae, Cheese quiet ; New York fac tory, choice, 7CS74C. ; urt skiius, Kija JJgga steady; nearby und wostera choloo, 12c; do. fair, Uc. Mm Ntuek Dlilrkrls. N?w YogK, July 24. Beoves slow and steady J nallvu stMirs, piHirtoprinui,t3.,uiijl.aj; luxims, 40(33.00 : stags and oxen, t?.003 41 : dry cows, tl.8(KS.2.5; no balls- Culves aetlvu uudllrmi poor to prim? waH, tftoo; urttu rmlJK olves, &K$u.;ja. Hhoop lower ; gooa iambs steady pool toprimo sheep, 42.75 J J. T5; cominouto prlnu Iambs, 43.7M5.0i. Hogs stdr t't3.e0rti'r EiST Libkqty, Pa., Julyvl!4.wCttlo slnw common, $33.Mt roughs, 48.8S; bulls, stars and cows, I2uU.60: haifar. irSlV-Hogs lower mime Ught.i,W.70335:. medium. i4JK3-T0; hn,vy. WIJ; roughs, MM, Bbnep slow;, prime, IQ.OM8.75; fair, 93s; fommpn, 6.7J;ichole Wli tito&i.n; Teal calvos, M OKI. (Continued from llrst l'ogo ) message about tho nomination of Uryan und Sowall by It The reading was ro lioatodly lnteirrupted by delegates In vari ous parts of tho hull, who raised tho point of ordor that tho regular order was tho nominations for v! :o president Senator Allen overruled these points of order. Muny of tho planks of the silver party's platform wcro enthusiastically received, but when tho notion of tho silver conven tion In uomltvitlng Drynn nnd Sownll was roud It was Jeered by tho "middle of tho road" contlngont, and oil tho motion of u Texas dolegato tho proceedings of tho sil ver convention were referred to tho corn mlttoo on resolutions. Nominations for vice president wore then oallod for, und Colonel llowinan, who wns taken off tho floor by tho ad journment of tho convention In tho nftor noein, again took the stage nnd placed In nomination Congressman Harry Skinner, of North Carolina. Congressman How ard, of Alabama, placed Hon. Thomns E. Watson In nomination. Ho said that In ull respects Mr. Watson was the poor of Mr. Hryan. Mr. Watson's nnmo was re ceived with loud applause. Watson's nom ination was seconded hy several other dele gates. Colorado yleldod to Now York, and tho Hon. Iinfe I'onco ascended tho platform. Ho lost no tlmo In coming to tho point. Immodlntoly ho t montlonod Mr. Sowoll's namoltwiis greeted with loud npplnuso, mingled with a liberal supply of hisses. His speech took tho shnpoof an argument, but his tono was defiant from tho begin ning. Ho asserted thut ho had no personal Interest in Sow-all's success. "Thovlco presidency," ho said, "doosn't nmount to much unloss tho prosldont Is a consump tive, and Dllly Bryan is not a consump tive." Personally ho would prefer Skinner or Watson, but ho wanted to succeed In defeating McKlnlcy. The Domocrntlo managers consultod after It became evident thut Sownll could nut lio nominated, and Mr. Ilryan was communicated with by tologrnph. Thoy decided that Mr. Hrynn could not bo dis loyal to his running mate, and wortl was sent to tho loading JJrynn manngors In tho convention that tho silver knight of tlio wost would not accept a nomination un loss Sowall was nlso nominated. Kor live hours last night tho convention listened to nominating speeches in pro found Ignorance of this fne. Hosldes Watson, Skinner and Sownll, Minims of Tennessee, Uurkltt of Mississippi and Mnnn l'ogo of Virginia woro nominated. About 11 o'clock tho Hrynn men decided to spring tho sousatlon. Sonator Stewart, of Nevada, was fclectesl to mnko tho an nouncement, coupfed with n plea for unit- lug tho silver forces. Hut tho nntl-Sewnll crowd wcro In tho saddlo. They howled down tho vonorablo senator, and after a hurried consultation tho loaders decided not to permit tho announcement to bo mudo at that time. At midnight many delegates still wanted to talk, but tho majority wanted a ballot, and It was proceeded with amid intense excitement While tho ballot was being taken It was privately nnnouncoil that Senator Jones hael received nn important telogrnm from William J. Bryan. Tho substanco of tho telegram from Sonator Jones to Mr. Bryan stated that tho con vention hnd determined to namo tho vice prosldont llrst, aud asking whut ho would elo In case Sowall was not iinmeil. Tho re ply stated that under no circumstancos could ho accept a nomination If Sowall was not nlso named. As tho balloting for vlco president pro ceeded It was si'on that Watson wnsn pro nounced favorite, nnd Minims und Skin ner soon withdraw in his favor. It was noarly 2 o'clock this morning when tho vote was finally announced and Watson declared tho choice of tho convention for vice jirosldont Somo of tho delegates wanted io remain In session until a presi dential cnndldato was named, but at 12:4!) n. m., ou motion of a "mlddloof tho road" man, tho convention adjourned until to day. HKirrcii ok tho.ii.vh n. watson. Tlio MoiulncM of tho lVopIc's I'arty for Vlco I're-sldellt. Thomsox, Gn., July 25. Thomas K. Watson, of this plaesj, was born In Colum bia county, Gn., Sept 5, 163ft. Ho rocolvod n common school education und was then sent to Morcer unlvcsity at Macon. At tho end of tho sophomore yvnr ho loft col logo for lack of funds ami taught school two years. IIo roul law for u few weeks under .Tndgo W. It. Mcljaws, of Augusta, Go., and. was nelmltted to tho bar, com mencing tho practice of tho profession hero in Novoinlwr, 1870. Mr. Wntson wns a member of tho Gesirgia legislature In ISXJ and 18S): was a Democratic doctor for tlio state ot largo In 1HS3, and lxwldes tho practice of law has bevn nnd.stlll Is largely-interesting In entiling. Ho was elected to tho Fifty socond congress as a Demoe-nit Mr. Watson servixl but ono term In con gress, being succeeded In tho Fifty-third by .Tamos C. C. Black, who was olooted as a Domocrat, receiving 17(772 ngnlnst 12,333 votes rccelveel by Mr. Watson, who ran ns tho candldato of tho Fooplo s party. Mr. Watson also ran as a Populist candhhito for tho Flftyrfourth congress from tho snino district, but was again dofeatoel by mr. uiac i;. Till: VDL'ULIST W.,VTFOIlJt. For Tre Bllver, a Oraduated Income Tax und l'ostul pfylng llauks. Tho platform of principles, ndontexl by tho People's party convention Is In sub stanco as follows Tlio People's party, asaornblod la national convention, roamrms tts allenlapce to tho prtn. dnlos eleclnred by the founders of the rcnubllo, and also to tho fundamental principles of Just cuvernmini. as enunciaiea in ne piatrorm of tho party In IBM. Wo ns.'ogul2e that through tho oonnlvano of tho money power oar liber- ties have beon bosoly 8urrrndcrl by our pub- lio servants to corporate monopouo.1. The Ins Uuonco of European money oliaugurs has boon more potent In shaping legislation than the voice of tho American people Executive power and patronage! havo boon usod to corrupt our loirislatures und defeat tho will of tho pootilo. and plutocracy lias boon enthroned upon tho ruins or ueinocrae-y. iu refcuro xno govern, ment lntocded by thu fathers, and tor tho web faro und prosperity of this aud futuro genera tions, wo demand the establishment of an imonomlo financial system whlqh shall make us masters of our own ufTalrs nad Independent of European control ny tue aaoption or tho rol lawinu declaration) Wo demand a national money ,safo and sound, iaauod by tho (general government only, with out tho Intervention of banks, of lssuo, to bo full legal tender for all debts, publlo and pri vate, 0 that, lujjt, esiultablo and offlaient mpiiu of distribution illrs;t to th noonlo and through tho lawful disbursing officers of tho government mny r proviuisi. We demand inn f rre. snd unrfsstrlotwl coin. um if Ulvcr And tnid Hi tlm nrwsnt tninl rutin I oflOtol without waiting r..r tm consent ot foreign nations Transportation being a imans of exchange nndapublie iiecessitjr, th, goemme-iit should envn and operate the railroads in the interest ot the people and on non jiartiian basis, to the i-nd that nil may be accorded the same treat ment la transiiortntlon, and that the tyranny Ind political jiower now exercised by the great railroad eoiroratlons which rmmlt In thn Im pairment, If not tliBilestruetlou.of thejiolltloal rights and personal Uberth of the cltlxon may bo destroyed. Such ownership Is to lie aooom Iillshisl graelnnlly In a manner consistent with sound public policy. The Interest of the Unlbsl Stab) in tho pub lic highways, built with publlo moneys and the proeissls cJ xtinslH grants of land to tlio 1'oolflo railroads, should never bo alienated, mortgaged, or sold, but guarded and Jirotectesl for the general welfare, as providod by the laws orgautzlng such railroads. The foreclosure of existing Hens eif the United Btntn on thueo roods should at onesi follow default In the pay ment thereof. All binds now held by railroads and other corporations in iixcess of their actual needs, should, by lawful means, lie reclaimed by the government fend held for actual settlers only, and prlrae Uuxl monopoly, as well as alien ownership, should bo prohibited. Wo demttid that bona fldo settlors on nil pub lic lands bo granted f roo homos, as providod In the national homestead law, and that no ex ception bo tnado In tlio caeo of Indian reserva tions when opened for settlement, nnd that all lands not now patented como under this do roand. Wo fnvor a system of direct legislation through tho initiative and referendum, under proper constitutional safeguards. Wo demand the election of president, vtco prosldont nnd United States senators by a di rect voto of tlio people. Wo denounce tho snlo of bonds nnd tho In crcaso of tho public Interest bearing bond debt mndo by the present administration as unneces sary and without authority of law, and that no moro bonds bo issued except by specific not of con gross. Wo demand such legal legislation ns will pro vent tho demonetization of tho lawful money of tho United States by private contract Wo domand n graduated incomo tax to tho ond that aggregated wewlth shall boar its Just proportion of taxation nnd wo denounce tho supremo conrt, relatlvo to tho inoonio tax law, as n misinterpretation of tho constitution and nn invnslon of the rightful powers of congress over tho subject of taxation. Wo demand that postal savings banks be es tablished by tho government for tho safe de posit of tho savings of tho people and to facili tate exchange. Wo tender to tho patriotic peoplo of Cuba erur divpest symimthy In their heroic strugglo for iKilitlcal freodom and independence, nnd wo U Uevo the tlmo has como when the United Mates!, tho gvnt republio of the world, should recognize t.Cubn Is and of right ought to bo n f reo aud Independent state. All public salaries should bo mode te corre spond with the prico of labor and itw products. In times of great Industrial depression idle lnlior Bhould lo employed on public works as for practicable Tho arbitrary courso of the courts In assum ing te imprison citizens for Indirect contempt and that ruling by injunction should lw pre vented by proper legislation. Wo favor Just pensions for our disabled Union soldiers. The telegraph, like the postelHco system, be ing a uecislty for tho transmission of news, should bo owned and opcrabsl by the govern ment In tho interest of tho people. The Peoples party condemns the wholesale system of disfranchisement adopted in some states ns unrepnbllcnn aud undemocratic, and wo declare it to bo the duty of the several stnto legislatures to tako such notion as wTll secure a full, f res) and fair ballot aud an honest count ' Whilo tho foregoing propositions constitute tho platform upon which our party stunds,and for tho vindication of which its organization will lw maintalntsl, wo rocogulzu that tho great and pressing issuo of tho ponding campaign upon which the present presidential election will turn is tlio financial question, and upon this great aud Bpocino lssuo between tho par ties wo cordially Invito tho aid aud co-operation of all organizations nnd citizens agreeing with us upon this vital question. TIIH SILVKIt CONVENTION. Tho Nomination of Itrjati mid Sownll Slado liy Acclamation. St. Louis, July 23. Tho real business of tho silver convention, which has hereto fore licon occupied In killing tlmo by spoochniaklng, wns brought to an lssuo ut ostorday afternoon s session, tho Una! ono. At 8:03 p. m. unairmnn nt jonn nipped for ordor nnd Introduced tho ltuv. Mr. Hngorty, who miulo tlio opening prayer. At tho conclusion of tho Invoca tion G. W Baker was callod upon for a report from tho committee nppoluted to confer with Populists. Ho said thut-tho tlmo was too short to reach a satisfactory conclusion. Thoro woro not moro than onO hundred men in the conforonco und only two hours In which to discuss tho methods to lw pursued. Ho read tho. resolution which was adopted at tho conference, as follows : "Kcsolvod, That It Is tho honso of this conference ceimmltteo that a union of all tho forces, Including tho Pooplo's party, silver men and rrco silver Democrats, Is expcdlout and should bo effected at onco for tho purposo of nchlovlng victory for tho ndvancomont of froo silver In Isovem ber." A motion to adopt tho platform was mado. Mr. Hess, of Illinois, objected, und n worely wrangle followed. It ended in tho adoption ot tho platform. Mr. Pago, of, Nobraskiu movod that tbo convention proceed to tbo nomination of presidential cundlduto. It prevailed. Goueral Warner said It would lw nocos Fary to nominate a candidate, rather than Indorse), In ordor to avoid 60ino of tho po- milturitlos of state ballot laws. E. B. Little, erf Kansas, nominated Wil liam J. urynn, of Nobraska. There were it number of othor speeches seconding the nomlnntlon, and thon Uryau was namod by acclamation, there lielng a pcenu of In tenso enthusiasm following tho vote Tho same program was gono through In tho nomlnntlon of Sownll for vice presi dent. The tfiino ontnulasin was manl fosted when tho" prearranged program had mien announced, and thon.tno silver con vention adjourned sine die. Ilolte Smith for llryun. WASniNUTOS, July 85. Secretary of tho Interior Hoko Smith romnlns firm In his determination to. voto for Drynn and Sew all, and thoquostlon at onco nrlsos whether ho can thua become nn opon uerondor of tho jilutfonn of tho Domocrntlo party and remain n memlierof President Cleveland's cabluot. No answer to this question ,1s yet obtainable, but there Is tho highest authority lor Baying tnat air. hmitn's friends havo no Idea that his political course will load to his resignation. Hcllef In Six llmir. DistresaUie kidney and bladder diseases rellovcd iu six hours by tho "New Great Suuth Anierlcau Kidney Cure." This now remedy Is a great surnnso ou account of Its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the, bladder, ktdueys, back and every part of tho urinary passages In male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in putsiug it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by Shapiro's pharmacy, 107 South Main streot. y hen you want , good roofing,) plnmbng gas fitting, or general tlnsmlthlng dono call on E. i'. Gallagher 18 West Centre street Dealer lc etOTea. 1-t-f "DR.JVULES, Through Hla Nervine Is a Ben efactor to Thousands." m 1 m 4 WIDELY known Wisconsin publisher, who resides at Green Day, writes March Cth, 1S03, as follows: "Flvo years ago I became so nervous that mental work was a burden. I could not rest at night on account of sleeplessness. My attention was called to Dr. Miles' Kestora tlvo Nervine, and 1 commences! to use It with tho very best effect Slnco then I havo kept a bottlo In my houso and use it whenever my nerves become unstrung, with always tho samo good results. My son. also Dr. Miles' takes It for nervousness with like never failing success. I havo recom mended It to many and It cures them. All who suffer from nervo troubles should try It Nervine Restores Health It is f reo from narcotics, perfectly luirtn loss, and yet soothes aud strengthens. Dr. Miles, through his Norvtno Is a benefactor to thousands." A.O LEHMAN. Editor and proprietor of Dnn I.amismak. Dr. Miles' Nervino Is sold on guarantee first bottlo will benefit or money refunded. rtcrt Itnlphsars under oath, "t suffered Tears from 6. A. II., lllood l'olson, lllolclics, Ulcers and IIolls. My w I10I0 srstcin was a t otnl svreck : lost all strength aud power; Lecama low spirited; consulted over a tlozrn l'hyslcians and Ppeclatlats: tootc all kinds of patent and advertised medicines without elTert; I lnr. nil fnltH in m.vll. clno. In this Htate Hr. Alfred K. Rhntz, of Itilgh county, advised mo to read Old Dr. Tliccl's txk MTrutu.M On doing so I eaw how I tind been vlo tlmlzod. I then decided to place myself under old DR. THEEl'S personal euro at JO 604 N. 6th St' 1 0 1 1 a. I. EL u PHfD"p"' na? I examined OS ho exnmlncd mn. In 4 u-onlr ttiero was a decided clmnso and In 13 months X was a now man. frco from oil rnin, full of manly Btrcnth and Vlirnr. I n,lr-lan nil x hn uMfTo.. nutttblslenrrjed and extcrlenccd Physician who is ItiolVerof all 8iclallats. lio 13 nil he represents maiBeu 10 do. oiuco bonrs. ev'gri, 6-aS0; CtLandBaL CT'or Lft-0.a0l Hlin..ft.l2. Rpnrl flvn!7y Btnrap3forbook,'Trulli."t)e8tor all for young or Old. BlnirlOOrmfirriPrt. IVMtmfnf hvmnn In Butt. ablocaws. No nnmo oraddrospublUheri with out coiiHCnt. btrtcteat secrvcy guaranteed to alL POLITICAL CARDS. jrjiou ooxGRms, HORACE E. DENGLER, Ot Shenandoah. Bubjec t to HcjmbUcnn rules. JOU COUNTY TUSUIEKH, ELIAS DAVIS, Of 1 J rood Mountain. Subject to Republican rules. JjlOK CLERK OF THE COURTS, PHIL. J. C0NNELL, Of Glrnrdvlllc. Bubjoct to Democratic rules. JJlOIt COUNTY COMSIISSIOXKH, FRANK RENTZ, Of Ashland, Subject to Itepubllcan rules. JjlOU nivCOKOEH, EMANUEL JENKYN, Of Jollett, Porter Township. Subject to nepubllcau rules. JlOB COUNTY COMMISiSIONKlt, CHAS. F. ALLEN, Of Toinaqtift, Subject to Key ubl Icon Rules, JjH)U CLKRIC OK TItK COURTS, JOHN T. SH0ENER, Of Onvigsburff. Subject to Rejiublionn rules. P. J. CANFIELD, Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity For- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer. B :dix Celebmtctl Vmaio 1'owdera pcrcr fnlL afe ud mn (lAer filling with TifTT rid PennTroTftl 1111a inrl ether llr 'nanediMt. " AlwiTl buv the bt and vnlri riM pointmcnt. Guiruiteed fuperlor ta til otberi. yotitvaj (be Lett in th market, A No. L Xujc; UmV llrt fiOftoo. MMW , For sale nt Povina Centre etrttet. &W drugstore, 28 Eoat IAMCY Oil I CT MBS intMm Sift AHOBU)i:.OHO4cr.0-WOIJll JSAft QWl' Wit:o Upkcific Co,PriiuM For sale at I'ovlnsky's drue store, 23 Uast Centre street. Si? 1 1 I l