The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 24, 1896, Image 1

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VOL. XL-NO. 185.
L K have been successful in getting hold of a large lot of shirt
waists at a bitr reduction from earlvr season's nrices and while
last will be sold at the following
:ie Lot 35 cents, actual
' so "
SS "
SO " "
lash goods were never so cheap
111y further decline.
Dimities, not the give-away poor
"season's production that were sold
per yard Two cases Lancaster rnnpjhanis, 5 cents per yard. One case
fine lawns, 4 cents.
A Full and Complete Line
From 50c to $1.25.
Laces, Gloves, Ribbons and
a fine graduating dress.
.J ! DDiriT'e North Main St.,
ii i mwl- w, Shenandoah, Pa.
Special Drive in
Our Spring Line of X,adies' Shoes is
in everything good and attractive in the market.
We are making a drive in
will be sold at 52 a pair. Kegular price is P2.50. Tins may be
this last of this line this season. We have them in C, D, EX
EE widths. No better shoeis made for the money.
General Agent for the
If you want GOOD BREAD
High Grade mended Mour : (
Daisy, Moss Rose, Lexington, Our Lilly.
They are the product of a combination of the Best Winter and
Northern Spring Wheat.
Our "Old Time" Family Flour is a complete Roller Flour
at $4 a barrel and is guaranteed to please you.
Good Pies and Cakes use our "Brookside Pastry" Brand.
It is made of wheat selected for the purpose and made
especially for Pastry use.
Our "Whole Wheat Graham" Flour is made of selected
hard wheat, carefully prepared and ground by the Buhr
Process, retaining all the properties of the whole wheat
Our Rye Flour is Old'Process Stone Ground Rye Flour.
If you want Minnesota Patent Flour we .have the Best' Brands in
WasHburn St Crosby Gold Medal. Our Special
Brand '18 k."
I ii
Children's Carriages $3.75
and upwards.
All Styles of
j. p.
Williams 8c Son,
sSouth Main St.
figures :
value SO .to SO cents.
" OS cents.
" $1.15 to $1.2B.
" 75 cents.
as now. Our prices leave 110 room
flimsy kind, but the best of the
at 12 to 15 cents, now 10 cents
- 2X N. Main St.
Fans. Everything suitable for
Ladies' Footwear!
being increased every day. Takes
tne waveny lames snoe. 300 pair
Snag Proof Duck Boot.
Only tho hnppy wearers of Morgan's Shoes
can appreciate their real goodness of quality,
fit and durability. The pricesnro right a trial
will tell a long story. See our Ereciol in ladlos'
Alfred F. Morgan,
No. 11 W. Oal Street.
use either of the following brands of
They Show a Decisive Majority in the
Populist Convention.
The Nebraska Senator Chosen Despite the
Opposition of the "Middle of the Boad"
Men A Committee to Confer With
the Silver Convention.
St. Lotus. July SI. Tho Dryon eumiort-
crs. nra, Jubilant this morning. They
demonstrated y'pdcrday,. niter n stormy
liny la tho Pppullst convention, that thoy
hud n.mujorlty of W. Thoy perfected tholr
permanent organisation, installed their
candidate, Senator Allen, of Nebraska,,
as pbnuu.ncnt ehulrinun, and took charge
of tho mnchincry of tlic convention and
tho committees. The silver convention at
Music Hall simply, dawdlod along, listen
ing to tho snoochiw and transacting trivial
business, In pursuim. ; of their prearranged
program, rquuilnlng In session In tho hopo
of influencing tho action of tho other con
vention in tho direction of Indorsing suver
and tho Chicago Democratic ticket
Thcro woro two sessions of tho Populist
convention, u morning session of two
hours and rm afternoon session of six
hours. Tho lattur carried tho convention
into-the night Both wero turbulent and
noisy, but tho tumult was confined to the
delegates on tho floor, tho gallorlcs licitig
practically empty. A bitter fooling mani
fested Itself among tho "middlo of tho
road" faction which found vout In several
wild demonstrations and counter demon
strations. Tho morning session was a
virtual blank so far us buslno9 was con
cerned. Tho roport of tho committee on
credentials was not ready, and tho conven
tion listened to a barltono from Oklahoma
and a sweet singer from Arkansas render
somo campaign pnrodlcs on popular bal
lads. Thoro was also u dramatically nrrangod
"middlo of tho road" dcmonstratlon.whlch
failed to arousejjiiiFh onthuslasni dosplto
Its theatrical accessories. Delogato Wash
burn, of Massachusetts, attempted to
spring a resolution on tho convention to
bind tho delegates toabido by tho result,
whatovor it might bo, but ho was howled
down, and his resolution was laid Twace
fully away on the hack shelf.
It was at tho afternoon session that tho
tun of war caiuo which ended In tho dis
astrous defeat of tho strnlghtoiits. Byn
narrow majority they boat tho lirynn
forces early In tho. session of tho Ueterinl
nation of tho Cook county contest. Some
of tho Bryan men woro alarmed and could
with dllllculty bo convinced that tho bat
tlo was not lost. Tills preliminary defeat
of the Bryan forces wus duo pcrhups to
ovoroonlldonco In their strengtn. mey
undortookto seat tho majority of their
own commltteo in tho Chicago contest
Onlv seven actual voles hung in tho bal
onco. Tho fourteen Taylor delegates who
hold scats wero Bryan mon. Tho com
mittee docidod to allay bitter feelings If
posslblo by souttng both sots of dclegatos
nnd dividing tho vote. Tho oontostlug
dologatos were understood to no tor jjcus.
At tho last moment tho Bryan man'
nnors concluded to risk tho dangerous ox-
" . . . -l i .1 -3t....l....'
perimont; or trying h) iurvu mu ivjvvuuu
of tho majority report. Somo of their
followers refused to stand uy tnem, ana
tho result was defeat by a voto of 005 to
012. It wus then 0 o clock, and tno "mid'
dlo of tho road" loaders attempted to se
cure an adjournment, hoping that tho or
feet of tho victory could lio turned to iu
count before tho dologutos reassembled,
but tho effort failed.
At exactly 8:80 Temporary Chalrmon
Butlor rapped tho convention to order and
announced that tho committee on orodon
tints would ubmlt a roport, and Delegate
W'ardoll, of California, chairman of the
committee, road tho report Tho portion
relative to delegations where there woro no
contosts was acreod to, and then tho trou
bla boiran. Mr. Patterson, of Colorado,
moved that tho convention tnke up tho
contosts in alphabetical order or suites.
Aftor many objootlons tho motion pre
vailed. Tho Colorado oontost was then taken up
and n motion mado to ndopt tho roport of
tho commltteo rooommondlng tho seating
of what Is known as tho Puttorson dele
gation. SV. J. Carter, of Georgia, do
mando'd o voto by statos, and during tho
roll call thoro were froquont outbursts of
npplouso from tho contending fiictlons.
Tho roport of tho commltteo wan finally
Tho Illinois case was tnkon up then.
Tho majority reportod thntho two delo
gatlons from Cook county bo seated nnd
tho voto dlvidod. Tho minority, signed
byfourtocn niombors of tho oommittoo,
recoinnionded tbut Dr. Taylor's delega
tion seated. A Virginia dolegato moved
tho adoption of tho majority roport, and
Dologato Monui, of Nebraska, moved to
substitute tho minority for tho majority
roport. After somo wrangling it was
ugrood that there should bo liftoon mln
nliw for doliato on oar-h side. Again thn
Tlipy I'm or n Cull fur an Independent
Party Comcntlmi.
CllICAOd' July Tin- mootlngof gold
stnlidard Democrat called to consldor the
ndvisnbilltyof Issiiltigu call fitr a national
convention was hold lnt night fit tho
Auditorium nnnox. The mooting con
vened shortly after 8 o'clock nnd Was hold
in secret, tho public and press tieing ex
cluded. Tho chief cause for the secrecy
was mat Ujmptrollcr Eckels, who wns
oxpoctod from Washington, win gen
erally understood to carry in his vest
poonot tho .wishes of the present adminis
tration regarding 11 conventlonand a
third ticket, nnd it was desired to give
him oil posslblo opportunity to say .what
Mr Cleveland desired without ltlelng trio
extensively advertised.
It was genarally admitted that the
Wishes of tho administration would go Jar
toward determining whether or not there
should lie another ticket in the field, but
many of the visiting Democrats had. no
hosjtntlon In saying that a tlckot would lie
put up in spite of everything.
Telegrams were received nnd read at tho
conference from prominent Dcitiocrnto'all
over tho country, strongly Indorsing tho
movement for another ticket.
Comptroller Eckels did not appear, and
tho incetlng, after waiting somo time far
him, went Into session. General B. .
Bragg', of Wisconsin, was eloctcd cluiir
man and C. A. Kwing, of Illinois, pecre-
Tho conference definitely decided that
n convention should lie called, tho only
question Jielug whether the meeting
should issue tho call, and on this u lively
debate ensued.
Q, M. Davis, of Kentucky, proscntedUho
principal reasons calling for a convention
to bo held on Sent 1. In Detroit 1L H.
KobMns, of Illinois, did not fns'or tho issue
of 11 call by this meeting, and It K. Ivnatt,
of Kentucky, spqko strongly In favor of
calling tho convention ut once.
Senator Vilas, of Wisconsin, violently
opposed tho issuing of a call by tho con
ference. HisMieoch wns frequently cheered.
although tho general sentiment of tho
meeting seemed to lncliuo tho other vsny.
no laid:
"If wo aro to havoun organization which
shnll represent tho Democratic imrty; wo
must recruit it from ovory. state In .the
Union. Wo must not issue it call from a
body too narrow to bo potential. Latji
mills nieotlng Ira held in each state,. nnd
let them nominate dologates to n national
convontlon. Wo want all tho states rep
resented when tho cull goes forth for tho
convention. Then wo are sure of our
ground and of our strength."
Aftor a long dobnte a resolution was
adopted to tho effect that it was tho sense
of tho meeting that a Democratic conven
tion should lie hold, u Democratic plat
form, enunciated and candidates forjiruo
dent and vice president rhoscn, and that
said convention should be hold not later
than Sept 2.
A committee of 0110 from each state rep
resented was appointed by tho chairman
to draft a call for tho convention, with
ordurs to report to tho general mooting
General Bragg said after the adjourn
incut of the conference, at 1 o'clock this
morning "There is no longer liny doubt
that tho -gold standard Democrats mean
business '
Tin: Nr.wjiST thincs
In Neckwear just received selling at popular
prices. At MAX I.EVIT'S.
l'rlinllho Camp Mi'l'tlnK-
The congregation of tho Primitive Metho
dist church, of town, will conduct camp
meeting on Biiuday on huperintenilont
Thomas Ilium's lawn, bervicos win Do coil'
ducted in the morning, afternoon and cven-
ine. under the cliaruo of Itev. .lames Jloore
pastor of thochuieh. A cordial Invitation is
extended to all to attend.
Tho truth, the wholo truth and nothing
but the truth. That's our motto laud we
add leather, solid leather and nettling but
leather. That's tho way our shoes are built
7-15-tf Factohy Shoe Stoiik.
lteetio David Ketdiriia
Iteoso Davjs, who lias been connected with
the clerical department ol tho wnimua coi
Herics for the last sixteen years, has ten
dored his resignation to tho Lehigh Valley
Coal Co., and It has already gone into cucct.
Declining health lias caused him to give up
his pusitiun.
Ni:vi:n im oviutvi.ts.
Improved nine ouuco overalls now 13 rents.
At MAX I.EVIT'S, 15 East Centra street.
Hurled Yesterday.
Tho funeral of Anna, the tcn-iiionths-old
child of ex-C'ouucilman Edwnril and Bridget
Devon, of Wort Coal street, took place at
o'clock yostenlay afternoon, and was at'
tendod by a largo number of people. Tho re
mains wero interred .in tho Annunciation
cemctory. '
At Ki'iicldimlil' Aruado Cafe.
Clam soup for free luueh to-nlglit.
Meals served at all hours.
Cuiup l'lre
John S. Meredith Port No. 485, . (1. A. It.
will hold a camp flro at Kraokvllle, beginning
this evening und continuing until tomorrow
evening. Quito a number of the old vet
onms from this town will bo in attendance.
Closing Out rialo.
Of an entire stock of glassware, tinware.
crockery, gent's furnishing goods, by August
1st, as wo aro'golng to change our quarters.
At tho PiTTSuuita Novelty Stouk, 25 West
Ccntro street. 7-Sl-lw
Wo S111II0
Because, in suite of all tho hard times, our
business lias already surpassed any of former
years, which is shgwn by our constantly
iucreasiuB output of our favorito boverugo.
Our brows are all good sellers because tbey
are made of tho bostof hops and malt.
Suniluy School l'lcnlc.
Tho Primitive Mcthodjst Sunday school
will picnic at Lakesldo to-morrow morning,
leaving here on the Philadelphia & Heading
road at a:(X) 0 clock, Tho attendance is ex
pected to bo largo, as miito a largo number
will no doubt attend who aro not members ot
tho school.
If you want a fine wedding cako, let Otto
Sheriff Shollenberger ArrlvcJ In Town
This Morning.
Those lu Shenandoah Will Probably Comply
With tho Injunction While in Hoh
anoy City the 'Squires May Con
tinue DuslnesB.
Tho information was given in thexe columns
on TupmI.iv .10 the elfect that tho Daunhln
county court bad granted injunctions against
the ward Justices, of this town and Maliunoy
City, restraining them from further deing
lusiness and that the papers would bo served
by Sheriir 11. II. Shollenberger, of that
Tho latter ollicial arrived heiij to-day and
immediately proceeded Ut carry out tho in
structions of the court. Be visited tho
olllecs of 'Squires T. T. Williams, Piene
alker, Jeremiah Tootney, . II. Shoemaker,
M. W. Ityukiewicz and Daniel Bailey and
furnisheil oach with a notice similar to tho
following 1
lluuphln County, e: The Commonwealth of
1'emioylvnnlfttoT '1'. w mining.
Ikeetiso Wliereai lieretiifure. unon the
eleventli day of May, IKtul, nt tlie ult of the
dtntinonw ealtli ex relatione, II. C. McCormlck,
Attorney (lenernl, s. T.T. W llllnniB, ilcfenilant,
to No. ir.ll C'omnloinf enltli DiK-ket, in our said
Court nf Coinmoil I'leiw, tho wilt! T. T. WllltnnH
Vfi9 udhidi-iil irutltv of unlawfully lioldlnif and
eercitlnir the olllce, irlilrKC and power of
jiiHUccfii me I'e.u'e in inc itornugn 01 rneium
ilonh. Anil It M-as further nilJuilKed liy thU
Comt that he lie exdudeil fioui hiicIi pretended
ofllce. pri ik'Ke nnd power.
Anil. Wherea. It has lioen represented to ui
that the nnld T. T. Wllllllllli, defendant, notwlth-
stanillni; the pnlil lutlKinent, doth still enutltiuo
,itl,tvr,,ll- In lirJ.l u,wl u.,t.i m....
pnvueKc una linger 01 justice 01 the I'eaeeor
tno Half 1 isorouirii;
We. therefore, lu eoiiHiderution of the nrenv
ines aforealil do herehv eonnnaud and strictly
enjoin yon, the paid T. T. Willl.nni, ilcfenilant
aforesaid, that you do uliHiilute and entirely
milium ironi eserciinn me ouiee. irancnicc,
privilege or IHiwer of Justice of the Pence.
lliuetisinu iionnrn 1 e Join w. Mtnoiitnn.
I'rejililent of our wild Court, this LlOth ilriv of
juij-, a. li., isvn.
joitx i . Jini.icK.
A similar notice was served on tho 'Kuuires
at Mahanoy City by SlierilT Shollcnberger
previous to his apicaram'o here. Messrs.
Augustus Weber, James O'Jlrien, Isaac
Morgan, M. M. Ketncr, John P. James, W
F. Dochncy and John Kemcrj-, tho Mahanoy
City 'Squires effected by the injunction, 1110
said to lie inclined to iguorc tho notice
and continue to dispense justice until
the Supreme Court passes finally upon tho
legality of the question. That court will not
meet again until October, when thcy;infi
ilcntly e.ieet a favorable decision.
'Squire I oomey was the last 0110 to receive
tho notice uud bo immediately closed his
olllce. After leaving the oflhial document
With! oomey, Slienfl Sliolienberger boarded
tuo 1:10 train for Sunbury.
'Squire Williams will also olwy the man
dates of the court so far as all business coin
nectcd with duties of a Justice of tho Peace,
but will continue his insurance business. In
fact all tho 'Squires ctfectcd will obey the
injunction. They will, however, runtiuue to
transact business in their lino that docs not
require the administering of an oath, such as
drawing up agreements, mortgages, deeds
and similar legal documents.
fractured Ills Spine.
John Williams, aged 3S years, a miner em
ployed in it breast at Bear ltuu colliery, had
his spino fractured in two places by n fall of
coal this morning. . lie was taken to tho
Miners' hospital. His condition is such that
he is not expected to recover. Ho resides in
(lirardvillo, where ho has a wife and eight
Muy Die From Ills Injuries.
Harry Phillips, Jr. of Glrardville, while
helping to unharness a team of horses be
longing to John Crosby, was kicked on tho
head, receiving a coiimnimd fracture of tho
skull, and crushing tho forehead into
splinters. lie was taken to tho Minors
Hospital in a critical condition and is not
expected to live.
Kendrlclc House Opening
After a thorough remodeling and renovat
lug of this popular hotel, the proprietor,
Charlus iiadzlewicz, will hold 11 grand oiicii'
ing to-rnorrow ovening, in which ho will
servo an excellent freo lunch of gcmiiuo
snapper soup. Ho will also servo free beer
between tho hours of 8 and U o clock. An
invitation Is extended to tho public to be
Ann llrnken.
Tlinmna. il Knti nf Wllliuln fillfillnn. mm fif
tho county almshouse omciau, sunerou a
compound fracture of the right arm yester-
.lnw W fblltittr .tut nf n ivfiulnw T1m uub
sitting on n window sill und lost Ids balance
At lin en's Ulalto Cafe.
Panned oysters on toast will lie served iw
free lunch to-morrow morning. Plenty for
Meals served at all hours.
Sent To Jail.
Charles (Vemaii who a prisoner in Justice
M. J. Ijiwlnr's otlice yesterday, where a
charge of aditltoy was preferred against him
by Anthony Tanjofsky. Oeeniau, who is a
single man, had been laying attention to
Taujofsky's wife for some tltuo, and was a
visitor at the house yesterday. Mrs. Tali'
jofsky became tired of Ills frequent visits and
appealed it to her husband who lutdhlinar
rested, lie pleaded guilty and in default of
$500 ball was committed to jail this morning
Be was taken down by Constable Uando.
Itlg Mid'Suuitiier llrho.
Wo bavo purchased another uase of Clasti
Ginghams which wo will contiuuo to sell at 5
cents per yaru.
York Ginghams equally as good as ijm
caster, at 14 cents per yam. ,
I.unia.ter (linghamt at 5 cents.
Light and dark calicoes ut i cents poryard
30-Inch unbleached muslin at 4 cents per
lied twilled flannel, 12c. a yard.
Toweling' at 1 and 5 cents pur yard.
A large stock of odtUand eitdsin lawnt and
dimities, wero 12 cents poij yard, but will
sacrifice tho lot ut S cents per yard.
1 It. F Giu.
Enameled Ware.
our quart preserving kettle, extra
deep, stop bail to hold cover 011,
heavy steel, 35c.
Sauce pans, extra deep, very de
sirable heavy steel. Capacity,
four quarts, 35c.
8 S. Main Street.
l'lrst Ward Itobbory.
Tho numeruus roblicries recently 1.0m
mittcd in tho central portion of town
have now drifted to tho First ward. The
victim is Matt Iluczinski, nf South Honors
street. No clue to tho robbers has lioen
found, but suspicion rests on 0110 of the
boarders, Karl Dzukas. who drew his pay 011
Saturday and skipped, leaving an unpaid
board hill of two months liehiml. The last
seen of him was on Saturday night, when he
entered a clothing store, and purchased an
entire new clothing outfit, for tho purpose if
disguising himself. Tho robbery was com
mitted at an early hour this morning, and
the victim was relieved of a silver watch, a
sum of money and a few other valuables,
which ho had concealed in a trunk, and which
was opened by a false key. Eutranco to tho
house was cither effected by climbing
through a window or using the hick door,
which was not locked. Dzukas' friends aro
under the impression that he is in hilling in
tho neighborhood until ho has wide liertli to
lilt kert'rt Cute.
Our frco lunch to-jnorrow morning will
consist of Boston Baked Beans and pork.
Ladle Were Spilled.
Yesteiday a large number of ladies en
joyed a private picnic at Maysville park.
1 hey retu moil homo by trolley to Central la
They lt-ioHrdd one of the stagea at Ccn
tralia, which broke down from overloading
and spilled them all in the street. Two
young billies received slight Injuries, whose
mimes could not be learned.
llrenuali's New ltestuiiniut.
Genuine snapper soup to-night.
Beau and vegetable soup to-morrow morn
ltruicd the Weather.
TV2,iit) flu. inelnmpiiev nf II, n w.iullins tin.
l!viniffi Irjil Slimlnv seltnol in linltliliL' flipir
annual picnic at Likosido to-day. Tho
ermvil wlilel, nefximrumiftii thotn nttmlmrfiil
about two hundred persons. Had the weather
heen favorable, tho Sunday school would
have held tho most successful picnic since its
Ilciulciit July lCalnfnll In Smell Years.
The rainfall so far this month is tho
the heaviest that has fallen in this section
for tho ist seven years. Over thtco Inches
fell this week and tho record for the month
Is nearly eight inches.
Just Opened at Our
store at cut prices.
ml 'mm
Plated knives and forks $1.00
per dozen, guaranteed to wear for
five years.
F.J. Portz 8c Son,
Price, 25c.
6 South Alain Street.
txt Door to Coffee House
Continued on Second page 1
mako ij for you.
1 . u