The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 23, 1896, Image 3

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ed by
To cleanse, purify, ami Wm.fv tho k1d,
saln. nod liair, to nil w itch.u QudlrrUatlon, to
Ileal chaflngi, cxcortaUon, ftou ulocrnUve weait
ncfpci, to pcedlly euro tho firet ejmptom of
torturing, aisngnnug nun uuu bihmu nunwin,
nothing bo paro, fo sweet, wboiMornO, io
speedily cflecthe as worm baths with Coticuha
fioAr, and gentle applications of Cuticuiu
(ointment) , the groat skta cure.
Bold throuffhout the world. rtce, Crrrcrm. Btle.i
6or, 25c t llKSOLTivr, mo. sad 1. I'oitbr Data
5D Coim. Cobp., Bole rroni..Uoton.
' How to Care Skin DUcaict," mailed frw.
: Headache Cured.
A quick cure, a certain (rare,
the beet core la -
Wo nevtr.hea'rtl-of j
n cose w.Upte they (
t nlled. Wo never ex- !
pect to hear of one: j
Don't bo afraid to (
take them. They aro j
harmless. Thoy do
not contain one tdnglo !
ntom of any danger- j
nna drns. For this
reason It Is well to
ehnn nil other head-
ntihn modlolneR.!
Avoid risk by Insist !
Ins on getting TAY-i
LOR'S. Onr powders )
can easily bo distln-'
tnitslied hv tho do I
Iitful odor and pleasant tastes, and !
iv look like cround coffee Best of !
they care almost Instantly. j
NCB MORE In harmony
' with tho world. 9000
completely cured men aro
ujing nappy praises ior
lue greatest, grana-
est and most sue-
cessful enro for sex
nnt weakness nnd
lost vigor known to
uitxllcal science. An
Jaccountof this won
1 iltrful discovery. In
lKk form, with ref
erences and proofs,
will lirtfinnt. Ti nf.
tering men (sealed) free. Knit manly vigor
permanently restored. Talluro impossible.
Does This Mean Anything to You 7
If your truss don't hold you or Js causing
In. seo us at once. It may 6avo vou vears of
sulIerliiR. Wo havo cured hundreds ol people
In 1'ennsvlvanla. ntnl can refer von to natlonta
tured In your own town. Our treatment Is
harmless and will not keep you from your
daily labor. Call and havo a talk with our
doctor. It will cost you nothing. Wo guaran
tee relief after the first treatment, and our
prices are reasonable.
The Dr. Miller Co., Philadelphia.
Seo Our Doctor Every Tuesday at
UNION HOUSE, Ashland,-Pa.
Clileliefttf r'a KnjxUi Diamond llrnnd.
Urllnal end Only Genuine
e-AFCt always rvlittblrj. laoicb ik
Drngiflat tor CMcheatert Enqtltk Dta-.
mond IJran.1 in ltrt &nJ d'au nieUUlo'
oies, ac&iea vim diua rtooon. 'i ftko
(lorn and imUatuin. At I)rng?it, or eonij 4
Ib etarDpi Jbr jxirtlculari, tviUmoDlkl tui
' Helief for Eadlns" ' Utter, by rfturn
ChlohcKter Chemical CaJtndlson Square
Taken inter- ,
ually cures
-y cramps ,
,..;t!4A plaints, i
rfl a ,1 rl d T ?l
. . "
colds, cliills
OV and La Grippe.
J Used externally it is the best lini-
meht in the world. Beware of
imitations, buy only the ccnnlne
tnn IXt-, Oniric oll
L.f ttllf k4 A) fla&t. ..cK.
Q B. rillLUI1!), M. D,
Olnce: 80 Weet Centre street.
Can be'consultcd at nil hours.
p F. BUKKE, Jl. D.
30 K Lloyd street, Shenandoah.
Office hours : 7 to 9 o..m., 1 to '3 and 7 ton
P m
Shenuudoah, l'a.
jJJ- M. BUUKK, , .
Offlce Eroii building, corner of Main and
Centre street, Shenandoah.
Lock Box C3, Mahanoy City, Pa.
IlavbiR studied under soma of the bel
toasters lp Loudon and ParU, will give lesson
on the violin, guitar and vocal culture. Terms
reasonable. Addreaa in care of Strouae,- the
evreler, Shenandoah.
Teams to Hire.
If you wank to hire a safe and reliable
team for driving or for worklnit purposes
pay Shields' livery stable a visit. Teama
conatautly on baud at reasonable rates.
No. 410 Fast Centre street,
ppoilto Reading railroad station.
51- 1' V.
Princess Maud of Walos Woda
Princo Oharlos of Denmark,
So l'nr ns the flencrnl Public of London
Wn, Concerned tlm Wedding lld Not
Attract ns Much Attention us Other
Itnyitl Mnrrlnges.
Loxdon. July 83. Princess SInud, third
daughter of tho Princo anil l'rlncoss of
ales, was mnrrlod at 12.80 o clock yos
tonlny to I'rlnco Charles, second eon of
Crown Princo Frederick of Denmark. Tho
enremony took plnco in tho private chapel
at Uucklngham palnco.
Crowds bogun to nssomblo in tho streets
nt nn cnyly hour In tho day, and all points
of vnntngo along tno routo from Marlbor
ough Hfmso to Uucklngham palnco wore
quickly filled. Tho streets, howover, wcro
kept clear for tho royal procession by the
Cold Stream and Scots Guards, whllo par
ties of tho First Llfo Guards woro sta
tioned at Intervals all along tho routo.
So far as tho general publlo of London
was concerned tho wedding did not at
tract as much attention as had been bo
stowod upon other royal marriages of re
cent years. With tho oxceptlon of St
James street anda fow houses In Pall Mall
and Piccadilly tho decorations wero poor.
Tho queen's procession was tho first to
cuter tho chnpol. It was composed of
horalds, ushers, women of tho bed chain-
ler, boarers of tho gold sticks and other
officials of tho nuocn s housohold. 1th
tho queen walked her sou, tho Duke of
Connnught, and Princo Chrlstlun of Den
mark. Then came another Imposing pro
cession, composed of all tho other royal
porsonnges, the Princess of Walos and tho
crown princo of Donmnrk, horbrothorond
fnthor of tho bridegroom bringing up thu
roar. When these had lieon seated tho
bridegroom's procosslon entered. Finally
tho brldo and her attendants arrived.
Princess Maud was escorted by her father,
tho Princo of Walos. As each procosslon
proceeded up tho alslo tho chapel baud
played a march.
Tho mnrringo ceremony was performod
by tho archbishop of Canterbury.
When tho royal bridal couplo arrived at
Wolverton, after leaving Uucklngham
palnco, there woro thousands of people
there to moot them at tho station and as
thoy drovo to Appleton House, where they
aro to spend tho honeymoon, tho peoplo
gnvo many euthuslnstio expressions of
loyalty and Interest.
Tli Venerable Ooorgo W. JnneH l'rnyed
That the i:nd Might Come.
Dubuqce, la., July 23. General Georgo
W. Jonos, tho oldost surviving ox-Unltcd
States senator, died last night, agod li2,
Ho represented as a delegate to congress
that territory now Included In Wisconsin,
Michigan, Iowa and tho wost, except the
Puoluo coast. Ho was Iowa 8 llrst senator,
nnd In oarly duys was prominent In na
tlonal nualrs.
General Jones died at the homo of hi
daughter, Mrs. L. Dcuss, at 8 o'clock. HI
final Illness was tho result of a cold con'
tracted In Chicago somo tlmo ago. At
times ho rallied sufficiently to be about
tho city, but his great ago was against
him, and ho novcr fully recovered, ho had
boon confined tq his room for the last throo
weeks, nnd recognizing that ha could not
recover prnyod that ho might bo taken
away, and askod others to pray with him
In his petition for reloaso.
Single Tuiers Sent to JnlL
Doveh, Del., July 23. William H. Koo
vnn and Samuel Molvlllo w'uro last night
sentenced to thirty duys In jail for obstruct
ing sidowalks. Thoy uro slnglo tax advo
cates, and tho organization hug resolved to
Insist upon tho right of froo speech. Tho
Stephenson brothers woro sontencod to a
similar term on Saturday night. Tho sln
glo taxers say th6y will send aiiostles hero
overy night, and All tho Jail until their
rights uro conceded.
Tortured by Hpuululi I'ollce.
Key West, Fla., July 23. Advices from
Havana stato that Iilosand Montaner, tho
two men who wero Imprisonod on account
pf tho discovery of arms and dyniimlto In
San Ilafuol street, Havana, on Tuesday,
havo boon lmrbarously whlppod Iby tho
Spanish police. Tho first ono was tortured.
A lady who Vra3 arrested has boon con
fined for three days n n coll yvith no furni
ture oxcept a chair.
New York's rtrknir Tnllors.
New Youk, July 23. Tho striking tailors
rocclvod 8,000 nccesslqns tQ thplr rnnkslast
night, when that piauy tollqrs quit work.
At present 420 of tho 000 shops In this city
are practically tied up, and ,nbouf ,0,000
men oro Idle. In'Brooklyn- and .'Browns
vlllo similar conditions exist, and 0,000 uro
IdloJhtTOi Perfect ordor has, been thus
far maintained. .
035 YMPKB G04 North Sixth St.
ilt B K i lUialU Side entrance on Given Si.
' r in r'tiii J il t. uo i uiiii i.
ear Hu.p1'al Laiurlcnee In finnnj .
stricture. Blood poison,
h effects of Youthful
I'ermnncnurtort'd nvlcrTrj finecuo nrt iftllcil.
tfil fti'2-conl pi tintfrt' kTrnlli Tlic only
OT a singl6 case ever re
ported where tins medi
cine did not effect nu ab
solute cure, when directions are
followed in its use. What is the
use of having thousands of jco
pie die annually when Thomp
son's Diphtheria Cure will pre
vent it? Costs but 50 cents a
bottle. Sold by Druggists every
where, and guaranteed. Cures
not only Diphtheria, but Croup,
Sore Throat, Quinsy, Etc.
Here's n sample of tho thousands of
unsolicited ullmonla1st
liollefonto, Pa., April 10,1895.
Thompson Diphtheria Cure Co.
Gentlemen: Unfortunately vo lost
two little elrls with that dreail disease,
diphtheria. Later on two more became
111 with throat affection which 8u!.rc.
quently turned Into diphtheria, Wo
naturally became greatly alarmed. A
neighbor kindly advised us to nso
Thompson's Diphtheria Cure which wo
did, and In exactly three days the phlegm
In their throats had disappeared and
the little ones wore soon ful recovered
Never In the preparation vl any
clno was there a prenter lioon 10 human-
lty than by this medicine.
I beseech
every family
In this country totrj't1'''
remedy when members of their family
nutter frnm nnv thrrmt nr rtlnMhi'ritfc
troublea, iw It will poBltlvelr c fleet the
uenireucuro. wrs i. rutiifr,
East High Btrva.
For Hftte at Kirlin'H drug stor-.
For Weak und Hun-Down People from
Childhood to Old Aqq.
WHAT iV !3 ! Ths r!chptnf M rwttoratlve
roo'iu, lieaa'iBO it replaces the bnmv iturtjtano3
tri the Mood nnd nervpu that ara exhausted In
h.ti 1U tiiff, overwork, worry, cxcchhw, aQasu.eto,
WHAT ,ST DOSS ! Rr maUu the blood
inre tttnlrtch,nml thoUipettlnn crentea
fto.ld Ue-ti,niuxileAnd Btrpnpth. The nerves b
intt lUfuio Rtru'ifjr.the- htain hwcm-i actue and
clear, lrrprinicloet vitality a-M utopplcpall
vpgtiudr'imi ptut neuknc In either bi-x, It has
noHutvi' ; anitatiafeinalerflculatnraifi worth its
woiht in go!d. One box la eta a 'week. Irtcp &c., or
6bu.;jN,. Drufclotsorbyiaail. JlunklVeu.
112 CLtBtoct Et.. rhlladeUhle,
To all sollerers of nitltdltS OF VOUTIf,
AN'I WO.MIIS, 208 panes; e:otli txnnd; Be
curtly seized nnd rrallrdree. Treatment by roaU
strictly onlldeiitti.l.iini a positive, quick cors
(ruaran'''"!. oiaatler how unu standings 1
wUI no lv,4y euro you. Write or cai.
nnn iciiiQt dhiiP
I 'jWofarf 3?2eara'Cvnrtnutu.tpra:tta
N'firriiin 1 tMiss T-'fttlltiu
Mrim rv, JiupoU'iicy, Pltijilt
in rs. eir., cau td 1 y Ahiw and
other IeHteti nnd 'nltscro
tlouu. Tliey nnleUly uml
purely rflfitro tjoal Vitality In
olu or young, aud lit ft ram for
study, buslnoB or mnrr ffe.
I'revent Insanity mid t'onsuinn
tlmiK taken in 1 1 me. Their una
BitnwsluimedlAto Impruvriueut
nml sifnrfs n f'fTIrl, ie
havlne the cenulno .Ajkx Tidlfta Thev tiavn mreti
thounaudsaud will cure you. 'a clve pohltlve written
(cuarautee ti effect a euro lu each case or rt fund tha
money. PrlcoSd cent ior pacUiefe or li packwtsa
(lull treatment) for$3.Ra Uy mall. In plain wrapper,
upou Wwlpt of price. Circular iree, Adilrues
For sillo In Shennndonh, J'n-i by A. Wnsley,
Nothing has ever been produced to
equal or compare with Humphreys'
Witch Hasol Oil as a curative and
Iieau.vo application. It has been
used 40 years and always affords relief
and always gives satisfaction.
It Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, External
or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and
Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fiitulas.
Relief immediate cure certain.
It Ciues Burns, Scalds and Ulceratlonand
Contraction from Burns. Relief instant
It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated
Wounds and Bruises.
It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old
Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald
Head. It is Infallible.
It Cures Iivlamed or Caked Breasts
and Sore Nipples. It is Invaluable.
It Cures Salt. Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy
Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters,
Sore Lfps or Nostrils, Corn3 and Bunions,
Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of .Insects.
Three Sues, 25c, 50c. and $1.00.
Sold by Draegists,or sent poit-pild on recelptcf prtoe.
lUJiriniEIb' BED. CO.,-1 11 1 1 minus St., St York.
For snle at Povlnaky's
Centre street
drug store, 28 Last
UAVPVnil tioro Tnront, I'uoplM.t Copper l
HD1I.JWV viMunu PVIMAUUV,, miu
eujcors in-uontn, uajptauingi nnu, wnins
D JfcJb.alKi a tJU.. UU7 axuaonic Tempier
ilchlaavn. til ff.r nnu.r, .f .una. CudI-i
Ktiil, SOO.ODO, Wrnt,eae)imnkt to tC&
RLq ax. dys 100-pK book frae.
Sut sun UURC.SCMD Aa.l-aHi'ViiauAM S OAFC
For sale at Povlnaky's drug store, 28 Kast
Centre street,
A genuine welcome wsta you at
Cpr. flaln and Coal ts.
Finest whiskeys, beers, porter and ale
constantly- ou tap. Choice temperance drinks
and cigars.
Speedy and g
y Complete!
ntcoRO or q?l
18 g
Steady Exports of Gold the Oaaeo
of tho Stringonoy,
They Hold n Meeting nnd Appoint n Com
mittee tn l'nrnitllnte I'btll for the I'rn
tr(lonof tboTrensnry Iteserteby Avert
ing Imports of the l'rcrlnu Metal. Yokk, July 38. The strain upon
tho ljsources nnd temper of the llnnnclftl
comijuinlty for somo time, onir to tho
stonily shrlnkngo of tho prlcos of tho Stock
hxclyinge seeurltlos, has recently lieen ln
teiisijli'd by political and other causes. Iu
consjiuenco, values havo steadily melted
away on a panic soalo, though without vis
ible incitement or open disaster. Tho mar
ket has appeared to bo entirely unsup
ported, and Its only malhstny during tho
past lew weoks has been spasmodic buy
ing of our securities, nt tlmos on n largo
scnlo, for foreign account The fact that
the commercial balance of trndo Is In our
favor, and that but fdr tho result of tho
prevailing gloomy sentiment tho movo
mont of gold Rhould bo toward, Instead of
against tho United Statas, aggravates tho
The dominant depressing influence hnvo
been the steady exports of tho motal and
tho oonsoquont rapid process of depletion
of tho government's gold reserve. On July
11 tho freo gold hold amounted to $100,
293,083. Hy July 18 tho resorvo had fallen
to (00,703,031, nnd at tho closo of buslhoss
on Tuosday It stood at ?S0,780,1S0. Thcso
figures wero further reduced yesterday by
withdrawals of gold amounting to 63,373,
000, Including (2,000,000 for export today,
bringing tho total down to (87,405,180. Tho
decreaso In tho cloven days amounted to
nearly (13,000,000. Tho continued strength
of tho foreign oxchnngo market clearly In
dicates a stoady outflow' of gold and tho
transfer of credits from this country to
Tresldont Frederick P. Toppen, of tho
Gallatin National bank, who is also tho
chairman of tho clearing house commit
too of tho Now York associated luinks,
began missionary work a few days ago
among his brother bankers, with a view
to securing pledges to protect tho rapidly
dwindling gold reserve by placing at tho
disposal of tho government a substantial
part of their holdings of gold In exchange
for legal tender notes, nnd succeodod In
obtaining offers aggregating about ?13,-
000.0U0. Conditional offers of about 85,
000,000 havo boon received from other Now
York , Boston and Philadelphia banks
Tno sueeessivo reports of tbo progress
that was being made helped to rally tho
stock market to a partial oxtent.ulthough,
In the opinion of many financiers, tho
romody was not likely to bo of more than
temporary effect.
Yosturdny, howover, a complcto ehnngo
In tho financial temper took place when It
became known that J. PlOrpont Morgan
had culled a conference of tho great foreign
banking houses with a view to concerted
notion to prevent exports of gold within
tho next sixty days. Tho mooting was at
tended by representatives of nil of tho
landing International banking houses.
Mr. Morgan presided.
Tho conference lasted about an hour,
and after adjournment, it wasannnounced
that on agreement had boon outlined nnd
u committee appointed to elaborate tho
dotoils of a plan for tho protection of tho
treasury gold reserve. Tho committee Is
headed by J. Plerpont Morgan. No do-
tails of tho proposed plan woro obtainable
but tho popular Impression In tho street Is
that a pool for tho salo of sixty day bills
will 1)0 formed. 1 his is a mero conjecture.
however. At oil events tho practically
joint action of tho Now York banks and
of the gold oxporttng housos Is regarded
as of tho flrst Importance and Is oxpeoted
to cause a decided change for tho better in
tho situntlom
Another Victim of the Flood.
SnELiivviLLK, Ky., July 23. Nows has
just reached here from tho southern part
of the county, stating that tho loss of ono
llfo occurred there, Mrs. Jiimos Peyton,
wifo of a well to do farmer living In Plum
Crcok. Mr. Poyton was awakened by the
rushing waters, and rescued his two chit
drcn. Before ho could return to his wife
tho house had overturned und tho woman
was drowned. Mr. Peyton was compelled
to rcma n In a troo during tho long hours
of the night.
ithcuniutlKui Cured In n Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Eheumatlsm aud Neu
ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action upou tho system is romarkafilo and
mysterious. It removes at once tho causo
and the dlseaso Immediately disappears. Tho
urst uoso groauy uonciits: 73 cents. Bold by
U. II. Uagcubucli, Druggist, Shenandoah.
Kan Down by it Steilmer aud DrowneiL
BUULINOTON, N. J., July 33. A drown
ing accident occurred on tho Dolnware
river here Tuesday night, which resulted
In the death of Kntlo Kane, of Beverly
and Loo Hornor, of this elty. The young
couple woro returning from a moonlight
row down tho rlvor, aud when In mlib
stream were struck by tho steamer Flor
ence, cutting tho battoau In two. Miss
Ivano sank immediately, but Horner, whe
was thrown a considerable distance from
tho boat, made a gallant fight for life, but
gave up tho strugglo before aid reached
him. Tho bodies wero reeovored.
Drank u Quart nf Whisky and Died.
York, Pa., July 33. Augustus Wlt
tlckon, 38 years old, whoso parents live at
Laerosso, Wis., was ono of a party of five
who drank a gallon of whisky Tuesday
night Yesterday he was found dead lu a
barn near Logansvlllo, this county. One
of his companions lay btsldo him, and the
doctors only managed to save his Ufa aftei
working upon him all day. Wlttlckou't
share of fho liquor was more than a quart,
The whisky was glvon to the trumps by
two men who are thought to have stolon It.
Minister Hansom OU' for Moilco.
SALISHUitY, N. O., July 23. Ex-Sonatot
Matt W . Ilunsom, now minister to Mex
lco.who has been rocu porn ting at Blowing
Itock for tho past month, loft Salisbury
for Moxlco'Clty Tuosday night to resume
his olllolal dutlos. The general's health U
much improved. Speaking of tho ilnun
clal question General Knnsifm said
"Though I have always boon an advocaU
of tho gold standard, I cannot bolt the
Democratlo party on tho silver question,
4J0iuoerucy is too dear to me. "
Why suffer with Coughsi Colds and La
Grippe when Laxative Uroruri Quinine will
cure you In one day, Put'up" In - tablets con.
venlentfor taking. Guaranteed to cure, or
money reiuuucu. rrice, aa'centa. ror-sale
by Kiruu's rnrmacy,
How is Your Livor?!
Of.HobbillliliilhefPilltDon'iGrlpt. J (if
Dr. llohbn IMllr T.trrr Vilt net cmllv
retproiniitlj oiitim hiri.ii, srojif.K 11,
mid ilOfr;W,cl!.IU,,ii Ilssd'Bi'lim.I't-v.
"nt iwius. cit'ruiniiitf in f ntm tlior.
nunlilr.nnd thor euro habitual conn 1 1 atlon.
Ther are Mianr-cofiteii, ven tmnll.ntid lire
each containing 'to
" ui. ip in icrew-cfti nam.
ltfttrttrh,nnd ara recommended bjrhr-
llolib. It-mx) j C, , rtlnno and Sin I'rtnrlm.
" 1 Drumt, 6 ftovth Main St.
residential Cnnilldale MrUlnloy Dcllicr
1111 Address at the Armory.
Cleveland, July S3. Ymtonloy wn
founder's day and tho banner day of tho
L lei-clnnd centennial celebration. It was
ushered in with lioomlng cannon, clang
ing bells and shrieking whistles. The city
was founded a hundred yenrs ago by Gen
eral Moses Cleveland. All tho business
housos wcro closed and tho day devoted
entirely to tho commemoration of thocvent.
Tho oxcrelses of tho day wero held In tho
Central armory, beginning at 8:30 a.m.,
where a vast audlenco assembled. After
nuislo by tho Cleveland Vocal society,
Mayor Koburt B. Mcklsson delivered on
nddrossof welcome on behalf of tho Cleve
landcontcnnlal commission. United States
Senator Hnwley, of Connecticut, gave an
historical address, which was full of In
terest to tho peoplo of tho wostcrn reserve
Hollowing tho roadtug of u centennial
odo, composed by Colonel John J. Piatt, a
numl)erof distinguished guests wore In
troduced and lnndo brief addresses. Among
them wero Governor O. Vlhf ent Collin of
Connecticut, Governor Asa S. Hushnell of
Ohio, ex-Govcrnor William MoKlnley and
At 3-30 n. in. tho grand military nnd
uniformed civic organizations took place,
and nt 8 o'clock last night President
Cleveland touched a button at Buzzard's
Bay which Illuminated tho lmmonso white
arch standing In tho center of tho public
Just as tho arch was illuminated tho
great historical pageant "The Passing of
tho Century," began moving. It consisted
of twenty-four floats, nnd was tho most
elalwrate thing of the kind ever seen In
this city. Tho pageant moved over a routo
about four miles long. The exercises of
tuo day concluded with a conteiinlul Ixtll.
Death of Chester's First Major,
CnESTKR, Pa., July 28. John J. Larkln.
ex-mayor of this elty, died yesterday after
an Illness of about two months. He would
havo been 02 yenrs of ago had ho Uvod un
til Octobor next. Two months ago he was
seized with an attack of jaundice, but pre
vious to that had boon well and hearty,
transacting his dally business nnd being
occasionally called on to spent: at public
meetings. lie was tho flrst mayor of Ches
ter, being elected tin tho Incorporation of
tho city In W), nnd serving six consecu
tive terms. Ho refused to receive a salary.
KlnlM'ir7llng lllnper Arrested.
New Y'or.u, July 23. Joseph P. Myers,
formerly cashier of tho Seaboard Air Hue
ot Charlotte, N. C, who Is alleged to Is) a
defaulter to tho extent of $3,200, was ar
rested In this city yesterday. With him
was Mrs. Ella Blsonotte aud her two chil
dren, for whom ho had doserted his wife
and eloped to this city. Myers took his
urret re 'Wnedbr, sor'o .v-fully admitting
his Identity and yielding to his captors
without a strugglo or protest. Ho con
fessed his guilt.
Harrison OIT for the AdlrouilncUs,
Cleveland, July 33. Ex-Presldont
Hurrlson and Mrs. Hurrlsim, accomiiaulcd
by Secretary E. F, Tibbott, pnssod through
this city yesterday uftornoon In their pri
vate car, en routo for tho Adlriindacks.
The party was met by Major Charles F.
W. Dick, tho secretary of tho western na
tional Republican oxccutlve committee,
representing Chairman Hnuna, who held
a half hour conference wlthGcnorul Harri
son upon political matters.
Barber Shop !
12 West Centre Street.
Our Hot Towel Shave
s becoming popular. You will lke It.
make a specialty oi nair cutting.
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, a.,
West Coal Street.
Esjilno JPiS. ViklAt
truublctrcult bully.
Hesnlt ju 4 .weeks.
everv .aa ocdatr
For salo by P. P, T)t
.'1 M II. 1SS
Trains will leave Mhenanilcinli after the aboro
date fur A Urirah. (tilberton, Frackrille, Darsr
Water. St. Clair, I'nttsllle. Hamburg. Heading,
l'otUtown, lMMHMilxvillp, Xorristonu and Phil
adelphia ( Itrnnd street station) at 0 08 and 1145
a. m. Hinl 4 20 p, in on week days. For Potts
vlllc and Intermediate stations & io a. in.
For WiRRan, (tllhcrtnti, 1'mckvlllo. Darlc
Water, St. Clair, l'ott.vllle, at S OS, 9 10 a. m. and
3 10 p. m. For IlamburK, llendlnn. Pott-town,
Phoenlsvllle, NorrMmvn, Philadelphia ntOCO,
9 10 11. in., 8 10 p. in.
Traliin leave Frackvllle for fdienamloali nt
10 40n. m. nnd IS II, S04, 7 42 And 10 77 p. m.
Sunday, 11 13 n. lu. and .1 40 p. tn.
Iwive Puttarllle for Shenandoah nt 10 IS 11 4S
o. tn. nnd I 40, 7 IS ami 10 ou p. in. Sunday nt
10 40 n. 111., S 1.1 p. in.
Leave Philadelphia, (llrood street station), for
Shenandoah nt 8 ST and 8 85 n. m., 4 10 ami 7 11
p. in. week days. Sundays leave at 6 SO a, m.
Lent e llrond street station, Philadelphia, lor
Sea (llrt, Anbury Park, Ocean drove. Ixjns;
branch, nnd Intermediate stations, t OS. S.SO, 8,2s.
11.89 n. in., 2 3'. 3.80, 4.0S p. in. week-days, MX
Saturdays only. Sunday, (stop at lnterlakcti
for Anbury Park), 1 01, 8.38 a. .
Leave broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Impress, week tlnys, 3 20, 4 01, 4 SO, 815, 8 50,
7 38, H 20, 9 20, 9 50, 10 21 (Inning Car). 11 00, U 14 Sv
in., 12 noon, 12 38 (Limited 100 and 4 22
p. in. DlnlliK Cars) 1 40, 230 (Dlnlnit
Car), 020,350 4 00, 5 00, 5 50 (DlnlliK Car),
6 00, 0 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. In., 12 01 nlKht. Similars,
320, 4 05, 4 50, SIS, 8 20. 950, 1021 iDlnlnr
Car), 1108 n. in.. 12 85. 2 30 (Dining Car)
4 00 (Limited 4 22, Dining Car) 5 20, 5 50
(DlnlngCnr), 0 85, 0 50, 8 12, 10 00 y. m., 12 01
Kxpre-s for llostnn, tvlthout chniiRe, 11 00 a.
tn. week days, and 6 50 p. in. ilallv.
For Haiti more nnd Washington, 3 50. 7 20, S 81
912,10 20,1128 ll. m., 12 09 (12 81 Limited Din
ing Car), 112. 318. 4 41 (5 19 Coinrrrnslotial
Limited, Dlnlne far), 0 17, 6 55 (Dlnlnc Car),
7 5S (OlnbiK Car) p. in., nnd 12 0,1 lilfrht
week days. Sundays, 8 50, 7 20. '12, 1123 a.
tn., 12 09 1 12, 4 4l,(519(oiiKrealonalUlulted
Dining Our), 055 (Dlnlnir Car), 75s r. m.
(Dining Car) and 12 05 night.
Ionve Itroait street station, I'lillailelphta (via
Delaware river bridge), express, 9 07 a m. 3 3H
nnri 7 05E p in. week da. Suiulays H 05 a. tn.
ami 700 p. m. Kcturuing leave Atlantic t in .
7 50 it. m. week days, 10 05 n. m, t 45 p. in dailv
favo Market street Ferry, eipress. 5 00, 8 20
9 ion. m (1 Oi) Saturdays only), 1 50 2 50, 8 4n,
4 CO, 1 20, t. 00 and 5 30 p. m 81.00 exciirslnn. 7 00
a. m. Sundays, 0b, 7 30, 8 00, 8 30, '.Mm, 9 45 n.
tn., nml 4 30 p. in. 81.l excursion 7 00 a. tn.
Ilctiirnitifr lcaxe Atlantic City, 0 15 (Alonihivs
only), 7 00, 7 10, n 00, 9 05, 1105 n. m 3(X) 100,
5 30, 7 50 and 9 15 p. in.. Weekdays. Sundays,
3 40, 1 10, ,100. 5 80, CO), 7 01), H06, UOSaniltttf
For Cape May, AnfflesneA, Wlldwond and
Holly Ileacll. Bxpross, 9 00 n. m., 2 30, 4 05 00
p ro. week days. Sundays, 8 20 n. in. Lenr
sion, 7 to a. in. ifnlly. Cnpe May only, express,
1 30 p. m. Saturdays.
Fur Sea Isle City, Ocean City and Avaloru
FJxpreos, 9 10 o. in., anil 2 80, 4 20, 500 p. m.
w-k tlav. Sundays, 8 50 n. in. Kveurslon
7 00 n. in. iJnlly.
For Homers Point. Kxpress, 5 00, 7ni), 7 40,
IMOa. tn., 1 Oil Saturdays only). 2 50. I no ana
5 30 p. in. weekdays. Sundays, 7 00, s DO, 9 00,
9 45 a. in.
S. M. PnEVOT, ,T. II. Wool),
Cleu'l Manager. Geu'l Pusa'g'r ArII
Trains lonve Shenandoah aH follows :
For Now York via Phllndeluliia. eek darn.
210, 5 25, 7 20 a. 111., 12 IS, 8 00 and 5 55 p. m
Sundays, 2 10 n. in.
For New lork via Mnuch Chunk, week dars.
5 35, 7 20a. in., 12 1 and 3 00 p. ro.
For Heading oud Ptitlnih-Iphia, week days,
2 10, S 2.1, 7 20 a. m , 12 IS, 8 oo and 5 55 p. m. Sun
days, 2 10 a. in.
for I'ottnvine, week nays, z ju; 7 20 n. m., ana
12 18, 3 (X) nnd 5 55 p. in. Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For Tnninqtm nnd Mahunoy City, week days,
2 10,5 25, 7 20 n ill., 12 IS, 3 00 und 5 55 p. tn.
Sunday. 'J 10 n, m.
For Wllllan sport, Sunbury nnd Lewlshnrg,
weekdays, 8 25, 1130 a. in., 150 nod 7 25 p.m.
Sundavs, 3 25 a. m.
For Jlnhanoy Plane, weekdays, 2 10 8 25, 5 25,
7 SO, 11 30 a. in., 12 IS, 1 50, 3 (10,5 55, 7 25 and 9 C5
p.m. Sundnys, 2 10, 8 25 . m.
Ptir Ashland and Shainokln, week days, 8 25,
7 20,1130 n. m 150,725 nnd 9 55 p.m. Sun
dnys, 3 25 n. in.
For Ilaltimore, Washington and the West via
ft. ,t (. It. ll.. throuorh tntlns leave Headtne
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. A: P.. H. IL) at 820,
7 51, 1126 a. in., 3 10 and 7.27 p.m. Sundays,
3 20,7 00,1120 a in., 3 11 nml 7 27 p.m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth nnd Chest
nut streets htatlou, week days, 10 80 a, in. 12 20,
12 IS 8 10 p in. Sundays, 1 35, 8 23 p. in.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 130, 8 00a.m., 130, 130, 9 00 p. in. and
night. Sundays, 6 00 p. lu.
Icnvo New York via Mnuch Chunk, week
dnys, 1 30, 9 10 a. tn., 1 30 and 1 15 p. m.
Leave Phllndclnliln. Head lnr Terminal, week
days, 4 20, 8 35, 1005 a. m. and 4 05, 6 30, 11 80
p. in. oniiuiiya, nuui, in,
Leave Handing, week days, 135, 7 10, 10 08,
1155 a. in., 6 00 nnd S 20 p. m. Sundnys, I 35 a. m,
Ix'itve Pottsvllle, weekdays, 2 35, 7 40 a. ml,
12 30 and 0 12 p. in. Sundnys, 2 35 a. m.
Leave Tamniiun,.wcek dnys, 3 18, 8 50, U 23 a
ni., I 27, 7 20 and 9 a p. in. Sundays, 3 18 o. m.
1-envu Mnhanny City, week days, 8 45, 921.
11 47 a. in., 2 03, 7 4 1 and 10 08 p. in. Sundays, 8 43
a. in.
Leave Mnhnnoy Plane, weok dnys, 2 40, 4 00,
630, 9 37, 11 59 a. m 1 12, 2 19, 5 20, 6 26, 7 57 and
10 28 p. lit. Sundays, 2 10, 4 00 a. ill.
Leave Wlllinmaport, week days, 7 42, 1010 a.
m 3 85 nml 11 41 p. in. Sundays, ll 15 p. m,
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wart and
South street wbnif for Atlnntio City.
Weekdnys F.xprcss, 8 00. 9 CO, 10 15, a. m.,
Snturrtaj only, 130, 2 00, 3 00,3 10,4 00,4 80,
5 00 S 30 p. m. Accommodation. 8 00 a. lu.. 4 80,
6 30 p. in. 81.00 excursion train, 7 00 n. in,
Sunday Express, 7 30, 8 00, 8 30,9 00, 10 00 a. m.
I 15 p m. Accoaimrdation 8 00 a. in., 4 41 p. ni.
81.00 excursion train 7 no a. in.
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, oornea
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays express, Momlay3 only, 6 45),
7 01), 7 15, 8 15, 9 00, 10 15 n. ill., 8 30. I 30, 5 80, 7 30,
9 3()p m. Accommodation. 6 20, 7 55, a. m., 4 82
p. in. SLOO excursion train Iftont foot Mississippi
nvt'iiuo only ( 0O p. m.
Sundays Express. 3 30, 100, 5 00, 6 00, 0 80,
700,730.8 00, 9 30 p.m. Accommodation, 715
ii. in., ft 05 ii. tn. SI. 00 ujcturslon train .from foot
ittni-iimi nvcmmomyj t iu p. in,
I'arlor Cars ou till cxiruH tn.lim.
(len'l Superintendent. Gen't Ak
nillions of Dollars
Go up in suioko" every year. Take no
risks but get your houses, Btock, fur
niture, etc., insured In tlrst-class re
liable companies as represented by
Alo Llfo and Accidental Compaiilei.
When In doubt what to us ft-i Nenrwi DtNllly, Lq fviH) ?rJ, ciuer
ittu likuwtcacv. Atrutblr. Vaulcocxla &ml ether --1 - itw xul -ui
tfcsxkavi tod (all vigor quickly leMortd. It niglmcUii, t,uch
Ma11i4 anywhere, W4. for fiii 6kie fo fo. Witt
i"uantM to tuft cr rtfuAd ih uefMy. Addret
, Cltivcmisi, Obi?.
KIULIN, Shcuaudoau, Pa,