The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 23, 1896, Image 2

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lTAItUSIII;l 1870.
l'ubllshed every livening, Kiccpt SutiiUy, at
8 Bourn Jardik Hthect, Nhaii Ckktrk.
Ths llnnilil Is ilolirncil InSbennndoan and the
aurroundliiK towns for six cents a WMk, my
nblo tu tltu carriers, lly mall $8.00 n your, or 3A
ront a montli, payable In advanca. Advertise
Tlio publishers reserve the right to change the
OoUioii of ndvertlsrineiite wnerivver the pub
lchtioti of time deniAiids It. Tlio fight Is
moiitfl cnarir(Hjao(muiiKtOfiac)nna poitinn.
reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
Said for.or not. that the publishers tuny deem
nproiter. Advertising ratun made known
iiimhi ntHiHoatlon.
Uoterod at the jMwitofllce at Bhonandoah, l'a., an
second clang mall matter.
Evening Herald
THUJISDAY. Jfl-Y 83, 1800.
lull I'lirxniLNT,
Of Ohio.
(lAitiiirr a. noiiAUT,
Of New Jersey.
Of .Susquehanna.
Of Krlo
It Is estimated that the stockholders of
silver mining companion number about 50,01)0
persons, considerably loss tban ono lliird of
the population of Schuylkill county. To in
i ream llio already enormous wealth of this
class of producers tlio country Is asked to
tako a step that will add mountains of weight
tu tlio burdens of the toiling millions, burdens
now too grievous to be borne.
'Tin: money of the United Status, und
every kind or form of it, whether of papor,
silver or gold, must be as flood as tlio bust in
the world. It must not only bo Currout at its
full face value at home, but it must be
counted at par in any and ovcry commercial
center of the ((lobe. The dollar paid to the
farmer, the wagcearnur and the pensioner
must continue forever equal in purchasing
and dohtpnyiiig power to the dollar )id to
any Koverimiout creditor." MoKluley in
His Speech of Acceptance.
Amiino hundreds, perhaps thousands, of
the people of this country, the phrai.o "free
and unlimited coinage of silver" moans nei
ther inoro nor loss than that if the, flee bil-
vr-r men come into control of the Govern
ment, it will at once proceed to coin an un
limited amount of silver, "the poor man's
money," which ill bo l'rto to any one who
want It. Jt is well enough to explain that
by tho woid "free" is meant only that the
Government will bear tho expense of manu
facturing bullion mt,o coins, and by "un
limited" that it will coin all that may be
offered by tho owners of silver mined. Any
mo wlio expects the Government to give
him the dollars after they aio coined Ss dos
tinsl to soro disappointment. Even if sil
ver coinage wore made fue and unlimited
to-morrow, there would lie no way of get
ting the dollar without working for them
or giving something in exchange. To what
extend the silver leaden are responsible fur
this false idea is uncurtain, hut they have, as
yut, done nothing to correct it, '
In a letter to a brother war veteran, General
D.iuiol E. Sickles, one of the must prominent
Democrats of New York, says: "I know
Major McKinley very wtll. JIo is a man of
rectitude and lienor. Upon tho.pnicticul and
iiru8ing issues of tlio day he stands fur all
that Americana must uphold. While 1 do
not ugrie with sonic of his political views, I
am far mine widely separated from the ruin
ous platform of his adversaries. As l'losidcnt,
chosen as he will be by the votes of men of
all parties, his election will not be a partisan
triumph. His administration will guaranttu
public credit aud public decorum and order,
now thioatonod by a conspiracy of Amirchiits,
Populists and Socialists. You and I and our
comrades aro not accustomed to u-m) blank
cartridges In presence of an enemy; therefore,
I don't propose to throw away my vote on
any third candidate. Nor are we ill tlm
habit of withholding our llio when assailed;
therefore, I don't mean to stay homo and not
vote at all. I shall glvon luitriolie vote for
my comrade, Major McKinley, believing that
in so doing I aln repeating what I did in '111,
when, as a war Democrat, I voted fur Lincoln,
and the Union."
Tub loaders of the Populist and Silver
parties ulioftdy realize, because of thu large
number of dosertioiis daily minuuuied from
thu ranks of the Democracy, that theie Is no
hope for the cUcllon of llryau and Sewall,
and they are thorefuru laying their plans to
socuru the nomination and election of as
many Congressmen favorable to their views
as possible. It therefore behooves the Re
publicans to seo to it that no ono who is not
in line witli tho platform is named for Ciin
gross. Thu Republican lirty, witli Major
McKinley as the standard-bearer, is posi
tively committed against the "flee and un
limited coinago of silver," and no ono who Is
tainted with that idea should bu nomluatod.
The nomination of a Congressman in this
ili trintis most iiniwrtKiit mutter ut thu
tunc aud "personal likes and dislikes"
- Itould he cast aside for tho higher duty of
pitnciplc Major MoKluley stands com
luittid tu the St. Louis plutfunn, and It would
be suicidal, from a party standpoint, to
tiumimiU: and elect any one to Congress who
would oppose ami refuse to carry out the
pruicipb s of the Repuliliean iwrty ou the
silvir question.
Amonu the large number of candidates
whose nanio will ho presented to tho Repub
lican county convention one week from next
Monday, thuro are nouo that meet with the
popular approval that is accorded Hon. Ellas
Davis, of llroipl Mouutaln, who is seeking
the nomination, for, County Truasiirer. Mr.
Davis name is familiar to tho voters of this
county, and JpYory, wofklugiuanIu Schuyl
kill lias it-wjrm rHBiU for tljp father or, tho
two-wcekaipay. hLTltroiiBh,hia untiring
efforts when a meuihar of tho legislature )io
accuted tho passage of that hill, the benefits
I tli V. .ll.l) . ' . - of 1 1 oUtl
t"-d,iy Alih. u-ii ! u .itttl .jr the
Miricwlty liuiuiiuuuii two yt us ayo Ii u
tin iron ii mi k Mr Daws gave the iioininei
In arty support, stumping the county in his
interests. Mr. liavis' loyalty to party lias
never U'en questioned, and Ills voice I
raised In ovory campaign In defense of Re
publican principles, lie wllllio a tower of
strength to the ticket. The laboring classes,
as well as the liusinem men, in conj unction
ultli tlio Jiarty workers, denmnil his nomilin-
Hon, and they will see to it that Ills liaine
appears upon tlio ticket.
High above the angry clouds which 1111 the
political sky with flashing portent of chaos
and disaster the character of William
McKlnlby rises calm and majestic, the pledge
of honesty and order to the people of this
.Serene amid the alarms' of demagogues,
steadfast as a staragainst the aimless currents
ol passion, und sustained by tho unfaltering
trust of his fellow jiutrlots in the cause of
truth and right, this modest, sincere, manly
statesman of Ohio presents an inspiring ex
ample of tho sturdy, loyal and heroic citizen
ship which stands like an invincible liarrier
to guard this government from the Incendiar
ies and anarchists who have banded for its
With a personal career which sublimely
Illustrates tho might of honest manhood,
with a public record which tostilles to tho
conquering force of patriotic purposes fear
lessly pursued and as the standard boarer in
a canto which seeks no meaner object than
tho vindication of American honor beforo all
the world, William McKinley at this hour
towers above the furies of faction, above tho
rivalries of sections and tho contentions of
individuals like u beacon of hope lighting
the wuy to the safo harbor of national
honesty, unity and peace. New York Mail
and Express, i
rum-rat of the l.ulo (icnci-nl ,1. K.
Mgfricd Largely Attended.
iViTTHVILLi;, July 23.
At a o'clock yesterday afternoon the mortal
lcmaiiisof the late General Joshua K. Big
fried wore borne to the gniVe followed by a
largo concourse of fori owing comrade and
friends. Services were held at tho houso at
tho comer of lilth and Norwegian streets by
Itev. J. I), Fo.x, pastor of the Methodist
.Episcopal church, of which the General had
been an active member. He was assisted by
l!ev. tioorge Gaul, 1). D. of Heading, Rev.
Thomas 11. Neely, D. .,E.E. D.,of Philadel
phia, and alio Iiov. Andrew Cathors, of Phila
delphia. Tlio services wero of a simplo and
touching character in which words of praise
were spoken of tlio deceased.
The bier was draped in the National colore
and at tho request of the bite General there
were no (lowers. This showed the unassum
ing and simple desiro of the man, which had
always characterized his llcnicanor.
The escort was composed of old com
rades of tho lmttleflcld und camp and a squad
of the l'ottsvillo Cadetu. They weie Jed by
the Minersvillo Comet Hand, at the head of
which was Col. Thomas II. Rickert, Major).
C. Homing and Major James May.
After all tho comiades had taken a last
view of their old General the funeral cortege
took up its solemn march to the cemetery,
which was hut two squares distant from the
house., and tlio funeral procession passed
between the uncovered ranks of the com
rades. After the ceremony of the Methodist
church was concluded at the grave, a firing
squad from Guwcn Guaul gave the salute
and the bugler sounded "Taps." The pall
bearers, who walked on cither side of the
funeral carriage, as it pioetcdcd to the
cemetery, were Col, O. (J. Hosbyshell, cx
suporinlundeiit of the U. S. mint, Philadel
phia; Hon. John. W. Morgan, of Shenandoah;
R. C. Luther, llvj., General Superintendent
of the P. A R. ('. & I. Co.; 11. 1. Shoafer, Ksq.,
agent of the P. & R. C. & I. Co.; Jacob P.
Jones Esq., Paymaster of the P. & R. C. & I.
Co.; Major Hcbcr S. Thompson, Resident
Engineer of thoGiruro Estate; J. W. Iteecher
Esq., and Col. George L. Urown, Ex-Deputy
Department Commander, 0. A. R., Miners
villo. The procession returned to Malum
tongo street to Centre, countermarched aud
then dismissed. Many people from all parts
of the statu and county were in attendance
and repiesentutives of several lodges and
Posts from other towns were in thu line of
A marriage license was issued to l'inccuzo
Lota aud JuscphiuuU!rurd,botliof Kelayros.
Also to James K. O'Dounell, of Silver
llrouk.and Sarah Ferry, of Hazleton.
A deed was filed at the Recorder's ollico
from Elizabeth Schwartz, widow, to Jacob
Schwartz, lot in MiuoraviHo.
diflip I'otllturh,
Potatoes will be cheap again this yoar if
tlm growing crop does not take n notion to
rot in tho ground. Theie is a largo acreage
out and tho prospects of an immense yield
are good. New potatoes aro plentiful ou tho
Thrown from Her (urrlage (o Deatli.
MavviU-E, N. Y , July 33. JIls.1 Aug!
Ivllbourn nnd Mrs, Hull, nt Krle, Pa., sis
ters of A. M, TmiVKi's), of this pluco, whllo
driving on Tuesday were thrown from
their rig. Miss KJlliuurn wns so seriously
Injured tlmt (Oio died yesterday aftoruoou.
Mr Hull will recover.
Of severest trial and test prove
In regard to Hood's Sarsaparllla
st, Greatest i.erit
a Secured by a peculiar Combina
tion, Proportion and Process
unknown to others v. hlch
naturally and actually produces ,
4)d, Greatest Cures
Sa Shown by thousands ol honest,
voluntary testimonials which
naturally aud actually produce
3d, greatest Sales
According to tho statements of
druggists all over tho country.
In these three points Hood'n
Sarsaparllla la peculiar to Itself,
la, the best - It )s Hip Que True Hlontl 'Purifier,,
xi. rs..( ure the onl
I"fOOC. 5 PlllS with Hood
aro the only pills to take
I's sarsaparllla.
The lull ill Comity Chairman 1'iniie.
Delegate Representation.
Tu Tiir l.i i t uili s iihta of Scui vi.
KILL tuv Nil. I
In ftcciirdancc with the rule of the party,
and by and with the advice anil consent of
the Executive Committee, I have the honor
to notify you that 'the County Convention for
the purpose of nominating candidates for tho
following otllcoa, to wit : Member of Con
gress, Treasurer, Prothoiiolnry, Clerk of the
Court, Recorder, Register, two Commissioners.
Director of tlio Poor, and two Auditors, and
for the transaction of any other limine) Unit
may lie presented, will be hold 111 Union
Hall, Pottovllic, Pa Monday, August 3d,
lSlnl, at 1(1 o'clock a. m.
The Senatorial Convention for the pttrpce
of nominating a candidate for State Seuatur
for the Twenty-ninth Senatorial District, will
be held in Union Hall, Puttavllle, Pa., Tues
day, August 4, lfrDfl, at 10 o'clock a. in.
The Legislative Conventions will be hold as
follows :
First District, in Robblna Opera Houso,
Shenandoah, l"ft., Wednesday, August 5, 1800,
at 10 o'clock a. m.
Sooond District in Washington Hall, Ash
land, Pa., Wednesday, August 5, 1600, nt 2
o'clock p. m.
Thinl District at the U. S. Hotel, Tamaqua,
Pa., Thursday, August 0, 1800, at 10 o'clock
a. m.
Fourth District, in Centennial Hall, Potta
vlllo, Pa., Tuesday, August 4, 1B!W, im
mediately upon tho adjournment of tho
Senatorial convention.
Tho Itepubllcau voters of tho county will
assemble In their respective electloil districts
on Saturday, August 1, 1800, between the
hours of 3 and 7 p. in., and vote for one mem
ber of the Standing j Committee and ono
alternate, and fur as many dclegatos and
alternates to the County, Senatorial and
Legislative convention as said respective
diarists are-entitled to under the rules, ono
delegate for less than thirty-five votes cast for
the highest ollico at the hist Stato election,
ami two delegates for thirty-live votes or
over 03 cast.
Tho election of committeemen aud dole
gates, and their alternates, from the several
districts, will be held at the same place at
which delegates wuie chosen last year, except
in the following districts, where changes are
ordoicd: Northwest Ilutler, (divided), the
delegate for the Lavello district shall bo
voted fur at the same place whole the dele
gate election of WI was held; for the Locust
Dale division, tho delegatus shall. bo vuted for
at the public house of Charles Neiiuuu;
Cnwma, South ward, tho primary election
shall be held at tlio public houso of John
Pottsvillo, Fifth ward (divhlcdK tho
primary election for the First Divlsiuu shall
bo held at the same place whore the primary
election was held in 1805; for the Second
district, at tho public house of Chas. J.
liUliP. W. l'AVNO,
Pottavillc, Pa July 18, 1800.
One Thousand Dollars Ottered.
Thompson's Diphtheria Cure Co., ucrs
1,000 for use of the Williaiiisport, Pa
Hospital, for first case of diphtheria which
its medicine does not euro. Conditions are
that patient must he alive, und not of the
verge of death by the use of auti-toxice or
soino other so-called remedy ; the company
must be notified when its medicine is lwgun
to bo used so that a representative can- lie
present and s-to that the instructions are
carried out. Any registered physiciau- is
invited to apply the medicine according to
directions and see for himself. Sold at
Ivirllu's drug store at 50 cents a bottle.
When you want good roofing, plumbing
gas fitting, or general tlusmlthing done tail
on E. F. Gallagher 18 Wost Centre street
Uoalcr ir Jto'es. 1-tf
Dr. J. S. Callen and family returned home
from Ocean Gruvc.
H. C. Hoyer, of Reading, is griding old
acquaintances in town.
Isadoro Sell' has gono to Now York to eped
his vacation with relatives.
Hon. Charles N. llrumni, of Pottsvllle, was
discussing politics in town to-day.
Mrs, Kvau J. Davios, uf North Jardin
street, is visiting relatives in Pottsvillo.
Mr. aud Mrs. Clnistoplier Coxe, ofMahanoy
City, were visitors to town last evening.
Tobias llickel aud K, E. White, of Mt.
Curmel, were town visitors last evening.
Mrs. Roliert O'lloyle has gone to Steelton,
Pa to visit her sister, Mrs. Harry lleyrant.
Frank lllack is again greeting his many
acquaintances behind thu bar nt Hreen's
Rialto cafe.
Miss Alice Seager left for Atlantic City to
day, to visit her sister, Miss Annie, who is
located there.
Mrs. A. A. Davis and sons, Claude and.
Pert, left for Scranton to-day to spend somo
time with fiicnds.
Mrs. It A. Doherty returned homo last
ovei'lug after a visit of several weeks with
her mother at Latrobc, Pa.
Tally Morgan and son, Arthur, of Phlla-
delphla.whu weru the guests uf town relatives,
returned Inane this liiorniug.
Miss Agnes Andrinkuitis, returned from
I'reelaud last evening, where she was the
guest of Miss Annie Motskaitis.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Reilly left down th.
morning lor lledford Springs. Mr. Reilly
will visit the National Guard camp enruutu.
Mrs. Neory, of West Oak street, returned
home last evening from a western trip to St.
Clair, Wiscousiu, whero sho was the guest of
her brother.
Major Jainea May, of Sliauiokiu ; W. 11.
Low is, of Wm. Ponn, aud Commissioner
Frank Itentz, of Ashland, stopped mTin town
ou their way home from the Slgfriod funeral.
Mrs. Harry Huntzluger thismorulng pre
sented her huslmud witli a bouncing Imby
lioy. Harry is wearing an asveedinuly btoad
smile to-day, and is receiving tho congratula
tions of his many friends.
Coming Kvent,
July 28. Ico cream festival under tho
aiisplcos of tho lllack Diamonds, in Robblna'
uneru house.
August 1. Ice cieam leetlval under tne
auspice of the Salvation Army in Rohhius'
opera house.
August -t.-lce croam festival In the Calvary
llaptiftt church, uudor tho auspices of the
Indies Aid society.
August 13. Ice cream festival uuder thu
auspices of thu Welsh liaptist Sunday school
In Robbins opera houso.
Aug. II, Ico croam festival In Rohhius'
opera houso, under tho auspices of the East
Lnil Toung Americana.
August 15. First annual picuio of tlio
Defender Hoo Company No. 3, at Columbia
Aug. 24. Ico croam festival under tho
auspices of Shenandoah Valloy Council No.
530, Jr. O. U. A. M in Robblup' opera houso.
Ilucklen's Arnica Halve,
The best salve in tho world for cuts,
brulsqs, sorus, uicprs, sau mouni! tqyqr sorps.
tetter chapiiedjiaiids, clilblains, cops, au.ijj
rfectiatisTactloii or ihbny'refu'uded. I'rlce
'ii cents' per box
t-or saio by a. wasiey,
(f.intlnued rrom First Page i
tmcKcr, wno ns vvrltton several work on
finance. After n night's meditation, how
evor, their lenders ilocldetl that It would
not be the part of wlntloln to liuika the
fight ufrnliist Hittler. N
Hut they wore gomewhnt compensated
forthelnss of tho temporary nhnlrnmn
shlplnthe spoooh of Isnatlns Donnelly,
who replied to Governor Stme' mltlrsss
of weloomo. Ho nmdo n "middle of the
roml" speech that stlrruil the nidlntiln to
their depths, llo uiqienlod to thorn to
stand linn, so thut nil the "dynmnlUi in'
God's laboratory" could not toar tho pnrty
asunder, nnd predicted that If tho Peoplo's
Iirty fulled tho cnuso of humanity would,
fro down with it.
The speech of the dark lirowotl Senator
Ilutler, of North Carolina, as tomporarj
chnlrman, was listened to with eager In
terest. Ho liellovos eventually nil tho fac
tions can be harmonized on his plan, to
adopt a Populist plntform and nominate
upon It Hryon, with n nouthern Populist
for vlco president. Ills speech RtrotiRly
upheld the domuud for tho iieqioUintlon of
tho Populist organization, which ho do
pcrllied as having driven tho Republicans
to gold nnd tho Democrats to silver. To
bo swallowod up by the Democrats, ho
Fold, was u danger only equalled, by
that of being mado tho Indirect allies
of tlio Republicans In tho present cam
paign. Ho gavo both factions n chance to
rend the air with their shonts, but when
In conclusion ho suggested a middle
courso, tho purport of which nil under
stood, both Rides were irresponsive. Tho
Iirynn men, on tho whole, however, con
sidered that tho victory, bo far as there
was ono, lay with thorn.
There wore no demonstrations" at tho
day session. Tho dclegatos, save those
from Toxas, wcro unusually cpuict, al
though, after they hail boon onco aroused
by tho display of Lincoln's plctuu, thoy
iipphmdod with cntliuslasiu everything
which milted their fancies.
Although tho couvontlon adjourned ut
2:1(5 to meet at 8 p. m., thero was no night
session owing to an accident whloh de
stroyed the oloctrlc light connections. A
severe storm had passed over the city
about 3 o'clock, anil tho wlroa were
blown down. Despite this fact tho dclu
ttatos assembled In the hall, and wulfed
for ovor an hour in total darkness for tho
lights to ha turned on.
About a dozen on miles wero brought In
for tho use of tlio newspaper men. One
wns placed on the chairman's tablo and
another stuck in tho top of a guidon In the
middle of the hall. Tho effect was weirdly
plcturosqim Ghastly faces fluttered In
and out of the ring of fooblo light which
tho tallow dips cast Tho band plnyod and
the crowds sang. Spooohos wero made In
tho dark, nnd thodolegutesnppoared ready
to stay all night If there was any prospect
of light later on. Thero was naturally
considerable apprehension that a panic
might seize tho crowd and a dlro calamity
result In the rush for the entrances.
Tho "middle of tho rood'' people became
possessed of tho idea tluit tho Hryan men
had put up ti job on them, and that tho
hall was not lighted licrnuo they faired
that the stralghtouts would run nwny
with tho convention. Thoy douounoed It
all as a trick, and vowed vengeance long
und doop. The Incident recalled n similar
ono at tlio Cineiamatl Republican conven
tion of 1S70, when tho lights wcro shut oft
at a critical stage, just us lilulno's nomi
nation scorned assured.
At 8:15 Chairman Hutler declared tho
convention ndjournod until this morning.
Within a half hour uftel' tho last dolegato
hud loft tho hull all the electric lights wero
turned on, much to tho astonishment of
thu fow nowspuiior men and policemen
who lingered In tho building. Quito a
nuinlier of delugntoshudstopped on neigh
boring street corners to discuss the all ab
sorbing questions, and It was suggested
that they return, but they did not, as It
was pointed out that tho doors 'weru
guarded and admission would bo denied,
Besides, tho olllcuru having gono, nothing
that might bo dona would recolvo their
sanction, and would therefore bo lnolleo
tual. Tho "mlddlo of tho road" men held an
Informal meeting after they left the con
vention linll last night, and there wero
many expressions of suspicion regarding,
uio iniuuii Lo iiuiu ii iiguiuu. J-Jiuy
polhtod out that they had arranged for an
ndjournod meeting an hour and n half
previous to the time) set for tho couvontlon
to reconvene, and that they would not
have Interfered with the couvontlon, as
tho Imslne-s!) they had to transact could
have been disposed of very easily.
Ono explanation mado by the "middle
of tho road' men indicating that Hryan
men did not want a meeting last night
was that a demonstration against Hryan
such as mlgnt liavo appeared when the OS
ocutlvo committee reported In favor of the
nomination of Donnelly for pormanont
chnlrman would lie disastrous to tho
Iiryuu interests. Mmnliers of tho contin
gent asserted that tho Bryan men wanted
delay In order to somiro men from the
anti-Hrynn ranks. 1 ho fact that tho hall
was lighted within twenty-live nilnutoa
after Cluuriuan uutler adjourned tho con
vention nnd afUr every delegate had loft
the building has created i great deal of
suspicion in the minds of tho "middle of
tho road men that they wero not gottlng
a "lair dual
Tho situation this morning points more
strongly to Ilryan's Indorsement or nomi
nation. Hi fAct, tho llryau iniiuagers de
clare that they are absolutely certain that,
so fur as. tne iieuu oi,U)h ticket Is con
cerned, thoy, uro out of the woods. But
with regard tu Sowull thoy admit nrl
vaUily that there is grave doubt, and that
there is now proiiauly a -majority of the
couvontlon ngaiust tne uatn siitp builder.
Thoy aro using all their onorglos to pre
vent the ooinplloatlons that would follow
an Indorsement of Bryan, and tho nomina
tion of a. Populist, for vlco prosldont.
The "middle of tho road" men cannot
ovon got together on a -candidate for presi
dent Dobs (s thglr favorite, but the Bryan
manager say thoy havo word that ho will
decline tlm further use of his mime. If a
Populist is not named for vlco president
thijro Is sure to lie a bolt of some of tho
southern delegations. But tho Bryau
managers, it Is said, would wojcqnio such'
a bolt if it came with victory for tho whole
Chicago ticket. Thoy claim that thoy will
undoubtedly control tho, copimittoo on
TMjrmnuer.i orgaulzatlou and resolutions,
and jtjs their purpose it thoy control, to
frame u platform along tno linos or tho
CJilcago platform, with as fow concessions
to tho radicals as poss.iuio.
Fprtieriiiiinont ehutrmun there Is, a good
diuil of talk of linth Sonutor Allen and
Goiier"!' myvr. i tji (Hrmirros.ta
roiiiaii! ontlip llpor, nnj) Goiieralyeayer
has lieon soieeteu to noiiunato tne si
knight of the, wost, It teoaiH. proliablo,
V-"fn-t hir W tftnUW. rlll lul Wllnnl-wl
pi i h.' i - i x r, ,, rnnrLb wi-uuwur. x-t . .n
gc. ssiuan Davis, uf Kansas Tin middle
of tho road ' contingent d.-slre IguaHus
After the additional committees are an
nounced today nnd the report of tho com
mittee on credentials Is disposed of Mrs.
Lease will rogato tho coin .mtlon with her
oratory. A recess yfltl then be taken un
til night, when the permanent chairman
will lie Installed and the fight on the plat
form bo begun. Tho nomination of can
didates cannot be made, therefore, until
tomorrow at tho earliest.
Talk or a General Strike In Cleveland.
Cleveland, July 33. The CeiitralLnbor
union met last night to discuss the Brown
strlko. After a sooro of radical speoohes
had boon made It was docitled by n unani
mous vote to boycott every firm In Clove
land which furnishes employment to mem
bers of tho state mllltla. A committee was
also appointed to consider tho advisability
of calling out all the union mon in the
city In sympathy with tho Brown strikers.
Closing Quotations of the New York and
l'hlhtdctphla 1-jxchnugos.
NewYouk, July 25. Tho Block market to
day, although at times characterized by asllght
lrregnlarlty, displayed cumulative strength
ending In positive buoyancy. Tho volumv ot
buslnem decreased by nlmut one-third as com
pared with Tneeday's total, but tho dealings
were betjer dUtrllnrted. Closing bids :
Baltlmory&'qWo. It) Liilgh Valley . S0H
Chosa. &OhIo . 14 NewJprsoy Cea . 1J
Del. & Hudson . 110 N. Y. Central . (13
D.rU&W .. . WHS Pennsylvania. ... SIM
Erie. ........ . H Reading...., 11
LakcEriOWto. HH St. Paul Tlj
Lehigh Nirr- .. 8&H W- N. Y. & Pa. ... Hi
'2A ass' t paid
Genqml, Markets.
PirrT.ADIii.HniA, Jnly SB. Flour weak: win
ter snperiuie, ISS2.I8; do. extras, 2.252.40:
Pennsylvania roller, clear, t2.803; do. do.
straight, ?B,10B.30; woitern winter clear, J3.80
3,05. Wheat weaker; July,. XX!ji(!0c. Corn
lower .July, 31X!81?ic. Oats firmer ;,TuIy 23
23c. Hay steady ; choice timothy, $17 for largo
lmlos. Beef steady ; city family, iO.Wlo. Pork
quiet; family, 10JK10.5Q. tordwoalc; western
steam, I3.87H : city, $1 .Butter stuody ; western
crcamery-rlDc; fancy western priats, whole
sale, 17c. Pennsylvania croniery printstrictly
fancy, 18c. ; do. choice, 17c. ; do. fair to good, 13t
15a; prints Jobbing at 1922c Cheese quiet;
New York factory choice, 0Ji"Hc ; part
skims, 4&c. Eggs steady . nearby and west
ern choice, 12124c
l,lvo Movie jlIarltetH.
New Yohk. July ti. Steers closed lower;
rough stock dull and lower ; native steers, poor
to prime, ;a.3Q1.55; 8tgs and oxen, tl.79
8.86; bull, n.Z.lj dry cows, :I1.152.85.
Calves aotivo and higher ; poor to prime Veals,
f 800.26; choice, (180X5)0.60; buttermilk calves,
f2.G0X.S6. Sheep and lambs very dull and
lownr ; poor to good sheep, ?2.ri03.75 ; common
to choice Iambs, t8.riX3A.75. Hogs higher at $8.50
East Liiidrtt, Pa., July 2S. Cattle slow;
prime, $1.3.VZ(4.80; good, $4.184.25: rough fat,
WM.K; bulls, stags aud cows, Q8sW; heifers,
$3(94. Hogs slow; prime light, S8.8K&8.D3; me
dium weighte, W.WAii.M; heavy, M.ijlr jg-JO;
roughs, as to weight Mid quality, 2.25!?
Sheep dull; prime, Si.058.75; common, $i80
2.76;culld, $12; cboiou lambe, $4,&05.75; com
mon to good lambs, (84. Veal calves, $tKj!A2J.
Condensed Testimony,
Chas. II. Hood, Ilrokeraud Manufacturer's
Agent. Columbus. Oliid certifies that Dr.
King's New Discovery has no equal as a
Cough remedy. .1. D. Brown, Prop. St.
James Hotel, Ft. Wayne, Ind., testifies that
be was cured ol a Cough ol two years stand
ing, caused by La Grippo, by Dr. King's New
Discovery, 11. F. Morril, Baldwlnsvillo,
Mass., says that he has used aud recommend
ed it and nevor knew it to fail and wodld
rather havo it than any doctor, he-cause it
always cures. Mrs. Hsmming, 83 II, STith
St., Chicago, always keeps it at hand and lias
no fear of Croup, because it instantly relieves
Free Trial Bottles at A. Wasley's Drugstore.
The Weather.
For eastern Pennsylvania and Now Jer
sey: fcalr and tignuy cooler tomorrow;
southwesterly winds, becoming north
westerly. NUGGETS OF NEWS.
In tho Unltwl Plates court nt SO. Pnnl,
Minn., the tintl-clgnrutta law of tk state
was declared unconstitutional.
Democrats of the Third. Gaorffla district
nominated K II. Lewis to succeed es
Spcakor Charles P. Crisp in, oonjfriiss.
A violent rainstorm, struck Hoilefcjiito,
Pa., yostorday afternoon. Fully two
inches fell In an-hour, nu much damage
was dona
All news received confirm the reports
that Antotllo Macoo is aiioamjied in tho
mountains of litibl. in Plimr del Uio. and
that ho intends soda to make un nttjick
Upou the hpnnlMi trocha.
Uellet In Sla Hours.
Distressing kidnoy and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by the "New Great
South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
exceeding; nromntiicss in lclievine nain in
the bladder, klyueys, back and every part;
of tho urinary passages in male or female.
ll relievos retention ot water ami pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you want
quick, relief and euro this is your remedy.
Sold by Shapiro's pharmacy, 107 South Maw
Pennsylvania's Football Challenge to Yale
New Haven, July 23. A formal chal
lenge lias been mado by tho University oi
Pennsylvania to Yalo for u football game
this fall. Dr. White, of l'ennsylvaula
uulvorslty, was hero on Tuesday and con
ferred with Walter Camp, Yalo's well
known adviser, regarding; tho gamo. No
definite arrangomonts wero mado, as Yuio
is still awaiting u dcnnlto answer from
Harvard for a contest In November.
She Ilepianded n million. .
Houohtos, Mich., July 33. Slrs-.Mory-Jacobs,
whoso husband was killed in an
accldont at tho Osceola mlnos several years
ago, created consternation in tho Hough
ton Kauonai oauic by uomanuina f,
000 from Cashier Itlco, threatening to do
some promiscuous shooting It her demand
was not compiled with forthwith. Sha
was disarmed beforo doing any damage,
and will bo sont to an asylum.
Killed Ills Family nnd Himself.
Atlanta, Ga., July 23. A special to
Tho Journal from Klpertpu suys: Thrco
mllos front Iloyston J)a vo Berryman klllod
his wife and throo children and then com
mitted sul.cldp. Tho particulars aro not
known. Berryman was crazed with drink,
und it is supposed ho killed his family in
a moment of frenzy.
DJd You liver
Try Electric Hitters as a remedy for your
troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get
, . . . .
all, Female
relief. This medicine has been found to bo
r adapted to the relief aud euro of
o Coiunlalnts. exertulg a wonderful
direct influence hi giving strength and touo
to tno organs, it you nave i.oss ot Appetite,
Constlnation. Headache Fainting Snells. or
ro Nervous, Sleepless, Kxcitablo, Melancholy
or .troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electrio Hitters
Is tho medicine you need, Health aud
strength are guaranteed by its use. Largo
bottles ouly fifty cents at A, Wasley's drug
Will Not PerformMiracles
But It Will Cure,
euros nervous prostration. Not mi
raculously, but scientifically, by first
removing tho germs of disease, and then
supplying healthy ncrvo food, increasing
tho appetite, hclplnu digestion nnd strength
ening, tho entire system. Dospcrato cases
requiro prolonged trcatmout as shown by
thatot Urs. M. It. Iiced, of Delta, Iowa, who
writes! "As tho result of a lightning stroke,
tho physicians said I had a light stroke of
paralysis, my limbs would all draw up. I
Dr. Miles'
would havo throbblngs
in Lay chest that seemed
unendurable. For throe
months I could not sleep
and for three wesks did
not close my eyes, t
prayed for sleep, and
felt that it relief did not como I would bo
dead or insane. I took Dr. Miles Restora
tive Nervine and tho second night slept two
hours and from that tlnio on my health Im
proved; slowly at first, bat steadily and
surely. I took la all 40 bottles, aud I cannot
express how grateful I am, for I am now
perfectly well, and have taken no medicine
xor over tour montns. ut. allies nervine
bottle benefits or money jofunded.
McUcal m.. lilliLart. ind.
rjiou coxaniiss.
Of Shennndoali.
,SuliJet to Republleuni rules.
piOU COUNTY TRlllifitrREH,
Of nrond Mountain.
SubJcctiso-jUepublican yules.
JjlOK Ct-BItK OF TUV! eouitTs,
Ol Glrnrdville.
Subject to Democratic ruleg.
or Ashland.
Subject tcvKepubltKin rules.
Of Joliett, I'ortorTownshhi.
Subject t Republican rules.
jpton cOuNTY'ComMissroNmt,
Of Tninnqua.
Subject taHepubllonn Kuk,
Of Orwlgisburi;.
Subject to Republican ruks.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
That's why they eajoy their COFFEE.
Anf grocer can tell you why customers
keep coming back for SU TRIG'S.
Ooirfcv.ptck&ffc I
Celebrated ITcmalo
vlth Tansy renuyroyil IU and other likr
rolntment. Ouarantee4 upettor to all other. I'oiSiTtfy
lh tjcitlu tha rotrkec, A No. L fartlcultw, i cU," Ur.8.'&
JJsMtK l7i XWHVtt win
rivln 'e JdruEr etore, 38 East
Centro street.
PAT. HOV. 11. IBM. 'jUNCII, IMi; tflUDt ujkxr n.'
Beware ot f rsuduleot and worthltw .Imitations.
NONE GenuinfffliTW'
Tb moat beautiful 1 most pliable! moBtfWfect ata?)
They pver trfk.' Thr never cutl They uever ruatl
Made lu Cottoo fui$ BUfc Culnije and Nickel Wated.
flenJ 25 eta, (Stampal for aamplea "Genuine Twin," to
iX aiBTRCW 1 1 V. Mb 8UKI, rkUaatltihta, fa