T 1 rrs- rf is EVENING HERALD liTAlll.ISIIl:i) 1870. 1'ubllnhod overs Kventng, Kxccpt Sunday, at 8 Boiith Jahdis KiKLfrr, Nf.au Centhb. The Herald la tloilvcicd liiShenitiidoiin and tho surrounding town fur nix cents a week, li able to tlio carriers, lly nmll 93.00 a cur. or JS cents a month, pnyuhlu In adtitlicc. Advertise meats charged according to space and position. The publisher-! reserve tliu right to c1i.ii.kc the 1oHlon of advertisements whenever the pulf Icotlon of neu demands It. The right Is reserved to reject ony advertisement, whether pold for or not, that the publishers may deem Improper. Advertising rated made- known upon application. Entered Bt the po.tofflco at Shenandoah, l'o., an second class mull matter. TKI.KI'IIONH CONNKCTION. Evening Herald SATUKIUY, Jl'IA' in. 181KJ. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL TICKET. 1'IIK rilKSIOEST, WILLIAM M'KINLKY, Of Ohio, pon vice inttinnsT, ClAltltKT A. IlOHAltT, Of Now Jersey. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. 10 li COSUH'WSl'AN-AT-L.UtdL;, tlAI.USIIA A. ClltOW, Of Susquehanna. SAMUIIb A. DAVlINl'OItT, Of Krlo William C. Whitxiw places himself on n eonl bcyimil uny doubt as to lilt opposition 1 1 the Chicago ticket. Anil Whllney was uaniul for the l'reHidoncj- by many Dcmo- i ats boino months ago. Tin: decision on tho constitutionality of the ait creating tho oilko of County Con troller liaa given universal satisfaction, as it j I iu limed that ollkial can nave u grout ileal of money to the county. Tin. Democratic ticket nominated at t'liiuign will Ijo utterly icpudiattd by President Cleveland, and all tho Federal ollico-hohlors whom he can influence This is abundantly proven by tccont utterances of the President's olliclal family. Ami still Major Finney is silent. Ho li ' Hires his neighbors becauso they mako no mention of candidates for ulllco who do not advertise the fact, and then fail-) to do it himself in a ptomiuent case, l'ie, Major, V, o thought better than that of you. Tin; largo crowd of people that thronged Jl.iin sticet last evening to listen totho sweet music discouiscd, by tho Grant Hand indicates t hat Slienaiiiliiahl.su music loving community The close attention paid to each number was iiattcriug to the hand as it showed tl appreciation of their dibit to please. Ijki'Itv Attiiiinkv Gi:ni:k.u. Llkin has Iii'lh chosen to succeed Senator ' ijuay as chairman of tho Republican statu lomtnitttc Mr. Elkiu is well spoken of by those who kium him, although he is not very well known to the voters of Schuylkill, and will doubtless handle tlio party allairs satisfactorily. Tin: clauses in Altgeld's lenses which bind the lessees to pay their rent In "standaid gold coin," which the IIkuai.1) was one of tho first papers to call attention to, are attracting a great deal of audition thioughout tho country and the arrant dcinajugucry of this hyporritieal advocate of free silver is retciv lug the luiidemuatiou of all honest men it so ru hly deserves. Tun Presidential electors on the Demo cralic Male ticket have withdrawn fiom the ticket assigning as their reason thclriiihblllty to support tho Chicago platform. Tho revolt already large, Is constantly growing and by the time election day comes round what is n i iv called the Demociatic party will dwinble 1 1 the si.o of the Greeley Contingent in 1S7: Ui:.l.. 1!kaI)I.i:y T. JojinmiN who has just returned from Cuba confirms all that has bum said by correspondents who preceded linn us to the ferocious brutality of the Spaniards in their dealing with tho Cubans, Their brutality is only exceeded by the! incapacity to govern and it Is a disgrace to humanity that theyaro permitted to go on uninterrupted in their barlmruus misdoing. All America wishes a speedy termination their misrule. to An anxious constituency is patiently wait in m hear from Congressman ISruiimi on tho lilies of tho day. His hamlng toivurd fiat money in the past makes them a little more anxious at present than they would other wise he, and it is their right to know how he stands upon the question which is upper must In tlio public mind, if, as intimated, he will again ask to represent them in Cougroes. ( jiaklks Hliikk t'l.AWK tho loading bi mclahst of Pennsylvania, who has dune more for the cause of bi-mcUilisin than any any man in the state comes out nmv with tho statement that he will not run for Congress this your, that he is not in favor of an attempt to restore bl-metulliaiii by tho inde pendent action of the I'niteil States Govern ment, and that he expects to vote for Mc Kinley and the whole ItepublicHti ticket. In this he is perfectly in accoid with tho Kcpubliciin platform which advocates bi metallism by agreement between the leading tiiinmercial nations uf tho world. Tin: prints news contain a dUiutch from the sou of the Democratic candidate fur vice President, giving to tlio public tho informa tion that lie will not vote for his father. Of course young Mr. Sewall has n right to re fuse to vote for old Mr. Sewall, but his haste to advertise that fct is not crodltablo to his liead or his heart. Wo make thoso strictiircti upon his unseemly public utterance, not In the interest of the Democratic iwrty, but of common docency, and in protest of the grow ing disregard of the sentiment of tho com juauil. "Honor thy father and thy mothor that thy duys may bo long in tho laud which the Lord thy God glveth thee." There aie enough ICepubllmiii outside of tho Sewall family to lay outuM Arthur so cold and stllf that young Harold will he sorry ho didn't lotc fur him. PITHY POINTS. Happening TliroiiKlioilt tliu Iteslon Clilon- leleil for lliisly Perusal. ' Ytilerday was yday at the Vulcan and Duck Mountain collieries. William A. Snyder, a former Tatnaq;uan, died at lMchland Centre, Wisconsin, of con sumption. Tho Heading Iiallroad company has com menced building 100 new coal cars at Its lioniling shops. The Maliauoy City borough Council wants to borrow Ashland's steam load roller to list) on tho streets there. Peter liahbit, an iumato of tho county prison, has liven removed to the insane department of the almshouse. l'rof. 11. 8. Slinonds and Miss Marlon Quick, both prominent tcrchers of Pottsvillo, woro married in Massachusetts the other day. Tho tax rale of Kline township has been fixed by the auditors and supervisors at 0 mills for road tax and 1 mill for funded debt. l'rof. (1. W. Weiss was appointed a member of the Legislative committee of the Suite Teachers Association at the recent convention in Itloomsburg. John Casey, of Ashland, was injured seriously by a fall of rock at Potts colliery on Thursday. He was removed to tho Miners' hospital for treatment. Harry James' Ashland Local comes out witli a story of a double-headed snako killed near llocktown. It should be preserved for exhibition at the Itvcllo fair. Frank Kchres, of Gordon, had his arm ldly squeezed whilo coupling ears at Mahanoy Plane, Thursday afternoon. Ho was taken to the Minors' Hospital. J ho drilling for water at tho Ashland esurvelr is progressing rapidly. Tho holo is now drilled into tho mountain about 300 feet ml water is flowing at tho rate of 100 gallons per hour. George r.iehman, aged 11 years, a son of etor Kichniau, of Mahanoy City, whilo ractlcing witli a revolver shot himself In the great toe of his right foot. Abeduego Kcesc, who was the first Con troller elected in Luzerne county, will iccoine a resident of Schuylkill county, aviug been appointed insido foreman of Marion colliery, formerly tho Chamberlain, at St. Clair. ltcv. I). I. Kvans, pastor of tho Welsh llapist church of town married John IM wards and Miss Annie Hray nt Centralla on Wednesday last. In somo unaccountable manner tho report got out that Kov. O. O. Hack, of Centralia performed tho ceremony. Mine Inspector Stem, president of tho commission appointed by tho Governor to investigate tho Twit shaft disaster, is quoted as expressing tho opinion that tho work of ocovoriug the bodies of the victims is hope less. Lehigh Valley Hailroad shops which have icon running live and a half days a week lavo been reduced to flvo days. Mis. llahr, of lowauda, who was injured n the 1'ond Creek Junction wreck has rought suit against tho company for $o000 damages. The Lehigh it Wilkesharre company's col icrii s around Hazletou suspended Thursday evening until further notice. Tho suspension may continue until August 1st. o ltespeelor of l'ersons. That much dreaded disoa.se diphtberia, is no respector of person, ago or condition in life. It attracts the rich and tho poor, tho young and tho old. Hut it has met its in ill l ncl 1 1 li H foe in Thompson's Diphtheria Cure, which is just what its namo indicates, No case of diphtheria was ever known whero this medicine was Usui according to directions and failed to cure. Croup, hoarseness, quinsy, sore throat, etc , aro equally removed by it hold by druggists everywhere at 50 cents a bottle. IlellgloiiH Notices. Services in the Trinity Itoformcd church to-morrow at 10:03 a. in., and 0:30 p. in, Sunday school at 1:30 p. in. Ilev. Itobort O'lioylo pastor. Children s Day will ho observed in tlio United Kvaneelical ehuich (Dougherty's Hall) to-morrow. 10 a. in. sermon in tho English language to the young people by tho pastor, llev. I. J. lieitz. Sunday school at 1:30 p. tu. 0:30 p. m.. Children's Day uxcr- clses. God's American Volunteers are guing to hold meetings all day Sunday m Itohbins' building, 311 West Ceutro street. Meetings at 10 a. in., 3 and 7:15 p. m. Lvcry onu is welcome Charles Lusk, Captain. Kbenezer Kvangellcal church, corner of South West and Cherry streets, II. Horace noting, pasior. nuiiiiay scuuoi ai 10 a. Ill Knglish preaching, U.30 p. in. A cordial in vitatiou to all Welsh IS.iptist church, corner of West and O.ik streets, Kov. D. I. Kvans pastor. Services at 10 a. m. and II p. m, Sunday school at 2 p. in. Prayer meeting Monday evenings, i oung People a meeting ednesday even lugs. Class meeting Thursday evenings. Services in All Saints' Protestant Episcopal church on liist Oak street to-morruw at 10:30 a. ui. and 7 p. m. Thu lector will olllciate Sunday school at 2 p. in. Services in tho Presbyterian church to morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 11:30 p. in. Sunday school at a p. in. itev. T. Maxwell Morrison pastor. Services will bo held ill tho Slethodlst Lplscopal church to-utoirow at 10:30 a. in and 0:30 p. in. Preaching by tho pastor, Itev Alfred Jleehner. Sunday school at 2 p. m All are invited. Primitive Methodist church, Jainos Mouie pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a. m., subject, "The Poor Man's Prayer." Suuday school at 2 p. in. Preaching at (1:30 p. in., subject, "Tlio Straugor at tho Door." Boats free, Everybody wolcomo. Calvary Il.iptltcliui'ch,South Jardin street Services will bo held to-morrow at 10:30 a m. and 0:30 p. in., when Mr. Jackson While will olllciate. Sunday schoul at 2 p. in. Welsh f'ungregatloual church, South West street. Preaching to-morrow at 10 a. in. am a p. in. in Welsh by Kov. William T. Holmes, of Parsons, Luzeruo county. Sunday school at 2 p. in. lltlcklen's Arnleu Suite. Tho host salvo in tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapiml hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures puos, or no nav rcuulred. It is miaiiintceil to givi perfect satisfaction or ninny rofunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Kilo bv A. Wasley. Coiiunlsalou Ailjourued Tho commission of Mine Inspectors appointed by Governor Hastings to iuqui into tho cause of thu accident at tho Tw Shaft, at l'ittstiin, hasadjouriiedsiuodio. Tho commission had no power to summon wit misses, so that all tho testimony offered was voluntary and very fow witnesses cuine for ward. After hearing all who chose to testify Attorney General MeCormlck stated that he ill plural tho lack of witnesses and addeil that tho commission would remain on tho ground until to-day and would bo pleased to nccep any authentic ovldenco ollored to them. Iluy Keystone flour. He sure that the namo Lkhsio & Hakq, Ashland, Pa., is printed on every sack. You're ltlglit, Neighbor. II. J. Yost, of Shenandoah, Is to-day an nounced as a candidate for Clerk of tho Courts, subject to Itepuhlican rules. Mr, Yost was doputy tindor tho present incum bent of that olllco for u time, and wis ro lloved without tho assignment of any cnuso. Ho is a thorough Republican, and eminently qualified for tho fulfillment Jif tho duties of tho olllco. He is well and favorably known throughout Hie county, and will mako a formidable candidate before tho convention, and If nominated, will he elected. I'ottsvlllo Republican. riislclitti Itcslgupd. Dr. II. F. l'ollak, who was appointed resident physician of tho I'oUbvIHo hospital a few mouths ago, has resigned his position to practice his profession hi I'ottsvlllo. Ask your grocer for tho "Itoyal Pateut" flour, anil take no other brand. It Is tho host Hour mado. Olllcor's or tlio llaptlst riilon. Milwavkku, July 18. Denver was se lected yuHturdny us tbo place for holding tho Hnptlst Young People's union emu ou trun In 1803, nnd the following officers' Were elected: President, John II. Chap-, man if Chicago; first vice president, Kev. C. L. SuhrIioiiIh of lliilliis, Tox. ; second vice president, F. L. Fonke of Oshawn, (Jut. ; tlilril vlco prosiuont, u. l. Tlngley of Lincoln, Xcb. i reeordlntr seerotnry.Hov.' II. W. Heed of Wnttkeunn, Ills. ; treasurer, Flunk Moody of Milwaukee. Moniborsof the bimrilof manapers worn nlso nlunte.1. Jlrs. rarnel! GoIhk to Ireland. liolllJEN-TOWN, N. J. ,.1 uly IB Mrs. Del'n . ri. Pnrnell will mil forlrehiml on board tho steamer Wiioshvnd, which leavos Phil- delnlilu, on July i.i. Mrs. Purnell's phv- tslclnn considers his patient sufficiently strong to bear tho voyngo across tho ocean. I'UATIJRXAIi OltGAM.mtS WAXTUIJ W'f m'InIi iirKimlsorH tlinrmiitli- v filiiillliir Willi l rut cm ll l l.oilue Mork, ivlut lilt's ts ortfiinixeil for the old lioni'llfllll nsNiM'llitloliN. AY( (lit not nsk n ititut to ilevofi- IiIh en- lr tlnti-. tint only to woric tiurintx Ills Himrc Iiouth mill oVflilnH. bueli ri iiilin liiiist In- writ luiil lns-ornniy ovi'ii mill luiiNt irtvo reeoitiiuclMill- Ioiih of lllifillestfoiii-tl oliiirncter. Siiclt n mil can mill very iniicli to lit) lilf-oini liv ortriiiily.liip: IjOiiui for tin- Order of (lie World mill its iiMintiirc tleiiiirtliieitt. l.llicriil lernlN will In- ulven All -rcirnitttlim run In- olitlifniMl liy rlllnu I (II.IMl .V: Itl'I'KMIlIllI'.ll, It.MiniM r.ns.noii I'vmnif iiiiiiiiimr llroiiil Ntreet. riirncr Clterri. I'lillll-' lelpliln. Til. elIlsllllllS, 3Undly Mcs-HSfp to McKinley. Canto v, O , July 18. Governor Mi Kln- lcy yosturdny received tho following from 'lattsmouth, r.ett. : "Tlio jlcKlnluy club nf Plnttsmouth, Neb., sends (rreetlnft to tho standard bearer of tho Hepubllcun arty, niul bogs to assure him th.it, al though tho Democratic nominee) for presi dent hulls from our state, thin circum stance will In no wise ulTcct thu enthusi asm nnd loyalty .of the llepublicans of lattsmouth anil Cass county for MeKln- loy und Ilobart." NUGGETS OF NEWS. George Alexandor and John A lbort were drowned by the upsottlugijC their sailboat near Lorain, O. Germans who wished tnostnbllsh it lwnk In Pokin have been denied tho privllogo by tho Chinese authorities. Secretary Carlisle and family left nh- ngton yesterday on tho lighthouse tender Violet for several days outing. At Southampton, L. I., yesterday It. J. Wighiun, of Chicago, won the amateur golf championship of the Cnlteil States. During the fiscal year endoil Jui.e B0 there was 3l3,2tW Immigrants arrhisl In this count-y, as compared with iSh.ouii In the previous year. A dispatch from Algiers nnnuuncot tho death of Prince Itainlhilarlvony, formerly prime minister of Mndaguncur ulider Quceu Uuuuvulnuii III Grip-Cnlds-IIeadaelio. Wliv Biill'er with Coughs. Colds and La Grippe when Laxative Urotuo Quinine will euro you in one day. Put up In tablets con venient tor taking, uiiarantecu to cute, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents. For salo by Kirliu's Pharmacy. Tim Stricken aillllomilrc. Nr.w YoilK, July 18. Dj -pilot he nl.irm ng reports sent out yesterday r.rar.lii.r tho condition of Coniullm Vamlonat, who was strb-ken with paraly-ls list Monday, his physicians feel ene niri a. At 1 o'clock this morning It w.t.s staled t hat tho stricken million lire was lining unite lis well as could Is) oxpeolod, and at ib.t hour It was believed that thorn was nu im mediate dangor of u fatal termination ittiu Down by it Steamer. Louisvil-LK, July IS. A skiff contain ing Miss Fannie Howes, of llticn, lud , and Thomas Jarvis, of Louisville, was run down by tho slomner Telegraph onh.r way to Cincinnati, llio uoat was npi t in two, and Miss Howes was struck bj tho l.iieknts of tho ieiegranns wnoei ami killed. Jarvls hold oil to a part o( tho wrecki'd boat and savod himself. l'robaljly Twenty Were Drowned. Cli'.vklaxi). July 18. More ltodie.s have boon recovered from tho river nt tho hceuo of Thursday night's capsUlng of ft Hat bottomed ferryboat oontulnlng wor:mon returning to their homos, making tUo to-. tnl number ol ileuil reiuovou to me niurguo ilxtoon. It Is lwllevod that fully ty.cuty woro drowned. lllieumatlsui Cured In n Day, Mtraltn f!nrn" for Ilheiimatlsln and Neu ralijlu radloally cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon tho system is remarkably aud mysterious. It removes at onco tho causo and the disease Immediately disappears. Tho first doso greatly benefits: 75 cents. Sold by C, 11. Hagenbuch, Druggist, &iienanaoau, Coining i:ient. Julv 28. Ico cream festival under tho auspices of tlio Mack Diamonds, In Itoliblns' onora house. August 1. Ico cioam festival under tho auspices of tho balvatlon Anny lu itotiotus' onora house. August 4. Ico croam festival in tlio Calvary liaptist church, under tho auspices of tho Ladles' Aid Society. Aug, U. Ico oroam festival In Itoltbins opera house, uudor tho auspices of tho Hist l;nd Touiig Americans. August 15. First annual picnic of the Defender Hoso Company No. 3, at Columbia park. Aug. 22. Ico cream festival under tho auspices of Shenandoah Valley Council No, 530, Jr. O, U. A. M., in Itohbins' opera house, When you want good roofing, plumbing gas fitting, or general tinsmlthlng dono call on E. i . Gallagher 18 West Centra street Dealer lr atones. 1-tf iluttlrc 1'lelif iscrioimy III. Has FitANctsco, July is. Justin- Ste phen J. Field, of the United States su premo court, is oorlously 111 at l'nso Hoblos, whero ho wont two weeks hro hoping to tlurlvo benefit from tho springs Ho has grown xi much worse ilurinfr tho last few days that It wits dooniod necessary to brltiR him to this city for treatment. A special train with several physicians nntl nurses was sent to Pnso Hoblas, nnd If Justice Field's condition will permit his removal he will lie brought hero nt once Ills con dition Is said to bo prornrIott. A .lenlous Woman's Awful Itevenge. Hum:, Mont., July IS. Huoiuse she thought her huslxind hail lwon too atten tive to another womnn, Mts. F.dwnrd Helnclmch, wife of tho manager of the Huston nnd Montana Mining compnny, throw ii pint of vitriol In thofnre of Mrs. ThomasSnelllng. Thu lluld burned almost overy shroil of clothing off tho woman's body; her face and body woro burned In n most frightful mnnner, nntl tho sight' of both eyes probably destroyed. It Is wild thoro was no ground for jonlousy. LouUlllle's Municipal right. LouisviLi.rc, July 18. Kver since JIayor Todd was ehoeli to 1111 tho unexpired term of tho lntu Mayor Tyler thoro has been a conflict of authority between that olTlclnl, who Is u Hopubllciin, und tho Democratic bonrd of public safety In tho management of tho city's affairs'. At u meeting of tho city council last night charges having for their objoct the Im peachment of tho board of safety wore pro Botitod nnd thu aldermen decided to push tho Ught ngnltibt the board. l'tislon In North Carolina. llALr.toi;, July 18. Last night Senator Marlon Uutlor, who Is slatod for tempor ary chairman of tho St. Louis convention, was in conference with Sonator Jotter C. I'rltchnril.and other la ullng liepul.llcans. It is reported that n deal was made wheroby there will be fusion IsHwccn the Hepubll cans anil Populists on tho state ticket and Iltttler will bo allowed to name the eleven electors In oaso ho secures tho nomination of nn Independent Populist ticket nt St. Louis. Attacked Ills WITo with a Ilntehet. Kenton, O., July 18. Emanuel Wing- field, traveling -In a wagon with a woman supposed to 1)0 his wife, attempted to brain his coinpMilon with a hatehot whilo onu peddling tour near J-ui Hue. Ho cut her In a dozen places, and taking f lOD of her money lied. Ofilcers traced him to tho Cessna woods. Turning upon his pur suers he fired s vcral shots, ono taking effect In Meekln Wilson's hand. Ho then Hod. Thu woman's recovery is doubtful. Makes you seem "all broken np," with out life, ambition, energy or appetite. It Is often tho forerunner of serious Ill ness, or the accompaniment ol nervous troubles. It Is a positive proof of thin, weak, impure blood; for, it tho blood is rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, it im parts Hie and energy to every nerve, organ and tissue of the body. Tho necessity of taking Hood's Sarsaparilla for that tired feeling Is therefore apparent to every one, nnd tho good it will do you Is equally beyond question. Ecmember Sarsaparilla Is the best In fact tho Ono True Blood Purifier. Hnnlc Dillc curollverllls.casytotakc, llOOCl S flllS easy tooperate. Mcents. WHENEVER FAILS 604N,6tliSt. PHILADELPHIA JOHN A. KI.r.JIKNTS sworo bo. fore U. F. KhrenpforL BuQered from rrostatodlscaso, Klilncr and Illiu: ilcr trouble; became deHuonilent, unlit lor work: doctored wltlt a Kew York Medical Instltuto nnd with tlio Clticl lhlHlrlmiofn Srut.MnuM 1 1 ...!... I Nu cure, no relief, but int. Til i:i:ii cured mo anduavomo buck liunltli and huie liiesst and X now feci llko a new man. it. i. si:in:oim4 Nworii before CU. W. MUk-r, f 1. I Buttered from tlio worbt ensoof JMoml-it-olftoii imcltJcrofiilaknowii, Alter all others (ailed iilt. TIIEljKcui'riliiiOa I tul lNf all NiillfrLTM co unit ptcureilby J)lt TIll.lJlj no muttur bowbopo-K-B8 tho ease. Jlo nlll curo you. V. t ff'lll.l-MI Miinin hflnrit IN' . r..Ch. I. l.Iirtunfort. Dir. T1IKK1.. ciirt'tl iiinufur tlotjtorlntf with IIoh- iniiii una Mimiir i'ii)HiciiiiiMi'ro- ii'Sfjora ami t-jcUiUst3 for year: wosa tntnHvrocU; xtn lU'cliiri'il Iticur nlilo: II to hint tin chumiM i or mo. II If .TlirlM.nllvfxl uniihiltYinilnma Ptrnnir ntul luoruiiH. Ycara have V peioro u. i i.iirtnprort. hulicrea from y case or iiiooti-poiHout consuuea a etuoiiiB jjutwio vmimiiiti; uiy yearn' f xperleuce,theynearly rulucd ine.tben I went to tt well known IlnniiUitl but n riiroiim ri'llcf I ButTcrtU horribly, lilt. Q'lli:!:! cava me liutnut n Hcfandcuri'tl iiioitermciiipntly, i'onisult btni. CIl.ll.UUN.NOCIi. HwirnUfore Aug. bermua. N. 1. fculltri'tl tic lit ) iminiiti uii i sun i niiij biiuurru j iiutnltlml4'ry consulted moat ev- Na pnro. nu relief. Consulted ' DU, TllCI.Ii; bo fcuvo mo tlio enattof bu man cmw pt-ricci ju'unii mm uninuneKn. fllUS. IDA VANI)IN(JUir'P ewore: Pltaso elvO my numo and ad. dres to my Buffering Bisters. For 13 ji'iirN I buttered from Sltood iiolnoti; bud ftO IHcersj wan a comiilutii w reels, not fit to live, com ul ted "nV; 111 Tlll'.i:i. curpi! mu. Ain ' now a bealtby woman ociiln. NO NAIHI". NO ADIK1S putllhbed with out tho iattent' consent, hirlcleitt ttcrrvcy Kuartuitccil in till, bend five 2-cntBtaiutia for Kook, TUDTII.tboonty book U'lilui? tho truth and xiolim nil Irtcku nml ilcvlcM if (tuncUrry. llcwurn uf IiiiiiunIoi-m, Ilounjt V to 8 ; livening, 6 to 8.80 ; W'vtX. und bat evngs., fltolO. i-un.,0toli Trrnliiu'iit by mnll. Kcnuinu welcoiuo awulta you at JOE WYATT'S SALOON, Cor. flaln and Coal Sts. Finest whlnkeyii, heera porter and ale con Btuntly nu tap. Choice temperance drinks and clBm. Toamo to Hlro. If you want to hire a safe and reliable team for driving or for working purnose pay Shields' livery ntubla a visit, Team constantly on hand at reasonable rates. JAMES SHIELDS, No, 410 East Centre street., Opposite Reading railroad station. Tired FeeSirsg ANGRY VISCONSIN DEMOCRATS. Vilas unit lining l'rrpnre AiblriNicn to the Party In tho Mute. MlLWABKIlK, July 18. Senator William V. Vilas and General Tidwurd Hr.igg have each prepan-d an nddross to tholh'iiiucrntlc jmrty In Wisconsin which will bo sul lnlttod to tho othor two delegntos-nt-litrsre at a oonferenco to be held In Milwaukee this iifiornoon. One address will be ndoptod by the four delegates nnd Issued to explain the cntrse pursiiod by the gold delegates from Wisconsin to tho national Democratic convention. Hrngg's rnhV-om Is short nniVharges the Populists with overtlirowlng the long es tnbllshed rulos and customs of the party and being controlled by the splrltof Coxey and llerr Most. The address of Senator Vilas flooros the convention for refusing to Indorse the Cleveland administration, declares that free sliver luoatis ruin to the country and urges the party to nominate a straight gold tlekct. Tumped from a Itiiuiiliig Train to Dentil. Chawfowi Housi;, N. H., July 18. On tho Saco Valley railroad a train loaded with logs broke away and rushed down grade for a quarter of a mile like a shot. Kugluocr Georgo Woodward jumped, nnd was klllod outright. John Murray, a brnkoiiian, jumped and was Injured about the head so suverely that ho died. James Dunn, of Canada, was Injured about the head nnd face. Thomas "Walker, of Fryo burg. Jumped and received a compound fracture of the left log. Charles Hanson had his arm Injured. Charlos B. Hreeti, of St- John, nnd two others remained on the onglue, which was brought to a stand still safety, and woro uninjured. Tho Whlto Squadron Assembling. Xew York, July IS. Tho cruiser Cin cinnati arrived at Tompklusvlllo yester day afternoon. She is tho first vossel of tho north Atlantic squadron to arrive for tho mauouvros. During tho next weok tho following ships aro expected to arrive to join Admiral Httnco's iianouvres at soa: Flagship Now York, crulfers Mont gomery) Nowark, Italelgh, Columbia, bat tleships Indiana, Texas, Maine, monitor Terror and ram Kathardln. It will be the largest squndron of powerful ships Hying tho stars und stripes that has over been as sembled in Now York harbor. Is'tirsc Thompson Arrested In New York. Nr,w Yo::k, July 18. Alburt Ilower, 31 years old, known as William H. Thomp son, Albert It. Delmont and Albert Whit ney, tho trained nurse In St. Joseph's hos pital, Philadelphia, who is alleged to havo recently stolun a Inrgo quantity of jowelry and valuable pnpors from Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Moore, patients in that institution, was arrested in this city yesterday after noon. Some of tho jewelry said to havo been stolon was found In his possession when nrrested, nnd pawn tickets which aro said to bo for tho remainder havo been recovered. Itellef In Six Hours. Distressing kidney and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by tho "Now Great South American Kidney Curo." This now remedy is a great surpnso on account of its oxecediug promptness in relioviug pain In tho bladder, kidneys, back and overy part of tho urinary jassages in malo or femnlo. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief aud curo this is your remedy. Sold by Shaplra's pharmacy, 107 South Main street. For International College Oarsmen. Loxdox, July 18. Sporting Llfo an nounces that Mr. H. H. McLaue.an Ameri can, Intends to offer tho Henley regatta stownrds trophy of tho vnluo of 500 for a contest by college rowers lu.residcnco nt that time of tho race. Ho hopes that this will bring together tho best crews of Eng land and America. ltnlyM Calilnct Complete. London, July 18. A Homo dispatch to The Times says that SInrquIs Vlscontl Vcnosta has accepted tho foreign portfolio '.n tho Italian cabinet. This completes tho reorganization of tho cabinet. Cure for Ilenditclie. As a remedy for all forms of Ile.nlacho Electric Hitters has proved to bo the very best. It elTcets a permanent cure and tho most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its inllucnco. Wourgonll whoaroatlltctcd to procuro a bottlo, nnd give this remedy a fair trial. In case of habitual constipation Klectrlc Hitters cures by giving tho needed tono to tho bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Largo bottles only 50 cents at A. Wasley's Drug Store. Flvo Mexican ltrlgumU Killed. Duraxgo, Mex. July 18. Tho overland mnll courier brings tho news of nn assault mado by a band of brigands upon tho largo sugar haclonda of Enriquo ltodrlguez, n fow mllos south of Mazatlan. Tho out laws mado an attack on the rcsidenco of Ilodrlguoz for tho purpose of robbing tho placoof money and valuables. Thoiusault was vigorously resisted by an tinned force of workmen headed by Rodriguez, and live of tho bandits wero klllod. rntiilly Shot from Amlinnti. H AltltlM AK,Tenn.,.Tuly 18. Charlos Mnr gravo. postmaster at Emory Gap, was Bhot from ambusV. whilo going homo Thursday night ami fatally wounded. Eight buck shot entered his liack. William Lofcw Is undcrnrreht on suspicion. Lofow's brother was shot and killed lust Christmas In Mar grave's storo. Jlargravo was charged with tho crime, nnd his trial was to navo OC' currod In two weeks. Chlcncn's Ilnyllglit Itobbcr Held. Chicago, July 18. William, alias "Rod' Sullivan, was charged with robbing tho Now Yorklllreult company, and also with tho shooting of I'ollco tiorgeaut Saucr, Tho prisoner waived oxamlnatton and vns held for trial in tloluultof m.OUO ball, Sullivan was arrested on susplclou of !) lng Implloated In tho hold-up of the Ills cult company's olllco, In which ?2,000 wn3 tauon In broad daylight. Anarchy l'revitlU In Crete. London, July 18. Tho Standard prints it dispatch from Athens stating thnt tho situation In Creto is very alarming, and that massacre of tho Christians by tho Turkish troops aro feared. Tho Christiana havo appoalod to tho foreign warships for protection. Other reports occur in tho statement that anarchy provalls in tho Island. Tho Discovery Saved Ills I-lfn. Mr. Q. Caillouctto, Druggist, Ileavcrsvillo, 111., savs: "To I)r. Kiini's New Discovorv I owe liiv life. Was taken with Li Qrinno and tried all the physicians for miles about, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King s Now Discovery In my store I sent for a bottlo nnd bogan Its Ub and from tho first dose began to ect bottor. and after using three bottles was up nnd about ncrntn. Tr. is worth its weight in onhl. Wn I won't keep storo or house without It." (let a freo trial at A. waslov Drug Storo. "DR.MILES, Through His Nervine Is a Ben efactor to Thousands," V3& flV WIDELY known Wisconsin publisher, jHl who resides at Green Bay, WTites March Cth, 1805, as follows! "Flvo yoars ago I became so nervous that mental work was a burden. I could not rest at night on account of sleeplessness. My attention was called to Dr. Miles' Hcstora tlvo Nervine, nnd I commenced to use it with tho very best effect. SInco then I havo kept a bottlo In my houso and usoit whenover my nerves become unstrung, with always tho same good results. My son also Dr. Allies' Nervine Restores takes It for nervousness with llko never falling success. I havo recom mended It to many and it cures them. All who TTit suitor from norvtj ncdllll troubles should try It. It is freo from narcotics, perfectly harm less, aud yet soothes nnd strengthens. Dr. Miles, through his Nervino Is a benefactor to thousands." A.C LEHMAN. Editor and proprietor of Deb Landsman. Dr. Miles' Nervino Is sold on guarantee first bottlo will benefit or money refunded. bow el com- plaints, suddtn ' colds, chills 1 La Grippe. I Used externally it is the best lini- incut in the wprld. Beware ot ; imitations, buy only the genuine i made by Perry Davis. e,f;J,. I 0 Lrc bcttl.l US atid CO cent. noV ..... .... POLITICAL CARDS. COUNTY TKEASUUER, ELIAS DAVIS, Of Uroad mountain. Subject to Republican rules. JjtOIt CLERK OF THE COURTS, PHIL. J. C0NNELL, Of Girnrdvlllc. Subject to Democrnfio rules. JjlOR COUNTY COJtMlSSIONER, FRANK RENTZ, Of Ashland. Subject to Republican rules. jrjlOR RECORDER, EMANUEL JENKYN, Of Jollctt, Porter Township. Subject to Republican rules. TjlOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, CHAS. F. -ALLEN, Of Tamaqua. Subject to Republican Rules. TIOR CLERK OF THIS COURTS, JOHN T. SHOENER, Of Onvtes'mrff. Subject to Republican rules. T710R CONGRESS, HORACE E. DENGLER, Of Shenandoah. Subject to Republican rules. EUAVP Vm I Bore TOroat, iuiipll Copperfl Jl'lcen In Mouth, llalr-laUlngt Write COOKl ukuakkij x tu., hut Aiatontc 'xeropte IChlcnirn. III., far nroofs ot curei. Cutl4 Itill, S.'.OO.OOO. Worst cM cared In 1CI aio ua days. lOO.pnffe book free. P. J. CANFIELD, Agent (or Shenandoah and Vicinity --For-- BARBBY'S Beer and Porter Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer. 'AMSY PILLS! SUFI NO eUKC. SEND 0. FSS-'WOMUI 9 SMC QUA?"!' m.ca. PSCIFIB Co,PltFA. For sale at 1'ovlnsky's drug store, S3 as Centre street. CRUS , J