The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 15, 1896, Image 2

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I'ubllabcd c cry Kerning, Except 8unday, at
8 Houth Jarkin Street, Niuh Centbb.
Tim llornlil ladpilvripd IntienatictoanRndthe
durroiuutiiig townn for nix cents ft Mroek, pay
ttblo to the ciftrrii'in. lly inftll 13.00 a yoar.or 215
cent a month, imynhlf lit ndvnrico. Advertise
ments charged according to spaec ttnd itosttlon.
The piitilmltera reserve tlio right to change the
Iiosltlon of atlvertUemcntn whenever tlie put
leatton of news demand it. The right Is
rcwerved to reject ntiy advertisement, whether
paid for or not, that the publishers may deem
improper Advertising rates made known
upon nppHuatton.
Kitered ut tlio jHtstoUlce at Bhenandoah, Va.t as
socond clan mall uiattor.
Evening Herald
fok rHKfinr.KT,
Of Ohio.
l-'OK VICE l'llKftlpKNT,
(iahhet a. itoii.MiT,
Of New Jersey.
Foil CO.VonwwMAX.AT-I.AUm5,
0AI.US1IA A. nitow,
Of HtK'iuehaiinn,
Of Erie
The Illinois gold standard l;cuioerats have
issued si call for unothor Democratic Con
vention. Hotter not, tlu last no turuod out
very badly.
To Koom his wounded feelings the
Democ rats oC Missouri havo offered to run
island for Governor hut ho declines and
wants to no back to Collarets install.
Hah our old friend, Jack McCarthy, moved
lus headquarters to ShamokinV The tele
tmius fium that region to tlio city papers
rmil .luck's best efforts from Hiizleton in the
ane line
ISHyas's fellow citizens in tho grasshopper
-Ute lnivo entered n vigorous protest ngnlnst
) contemplated arrangement of having lib
formal notification take place in New York.
T'icy appear to fear that contact with thexo
liouibk' ,;old bugs of Wall street, will cou
t,i!otn,iti' the Hoy Orator and want hlui to
it.iy aw iy. .
Sf.NA ioit M. S. Quay lis locu selected iif
oik of tlio Kepublioaii National Executive
Committee and has been asked to Cleveland
to assist Mark Haniia iu laying out the work
oi the campaign and is acknowledged to be
tli' virtual head of tho committee, although
n lit figuring publicly in that capacity. There
will liufh) intakes in this cauipaiBU for
1 rotci lion and honest money.
Tukui: is nothing American about this new
!uiioiT..',y, and although Americanism may
1( a si coud.iry political consideration, not to
lii invoked iu any spirit of bigotry or pro-
nptiuu, -till oven an Amorican Democrat or
an Imericau gentleman doos nut welcome
ostracism. The decree of ostracism was
p.i-cd at the Chicago convention signed by
Altgehl, the Ituhuepicrrp, aud countersigned
by Tillman, the Marat of the new revolution.
Tin: report will be industriously circu
ited tho iiep.iblicaiH will desert their
own ticket and support tho Democratic caudi-
d -ic loi 1'renidcut They will do uotliiug of
tb No Republican ever deserted his
party t i vote against u fairly Humiliated
uididato without at last regiettiug tho act.
Let the Republican who doubts tho success of
t ,i iicpuhlicnii ticket this fall sit down and
count i no few disalloctul Republicans and
cjiupare them with the numerous Democrats
who rei'11-.e to support the Altgeld aud Till
man ticket. It will open his eyes.
.si- UN appear to bo in a bad way as far
us Iili army in Cuba is concerned. The
yellow fever is decimating it. I'ully forty
per cent, has been ttricken by that terrible
just, which is reported on tlio increase.
Toudd to tlio horrors of tho situation, the
' liolora has made its appearance, thioaleuing
to become epidemic, at least such is the
opinion of experienced physicians. At the
present rite of fatalities from diseaso, it is
estimated that Spain will bo compelled to
hend almost an eutiro now army to Cuba iu
the fall, which in her present dilapidated
condition will tax her roBOiireos to the
It has been a question of doubt as to the
control of the Senate in tlio 53th Cuugress,
but the tablo picpared by tho American
Protective Tariff League shows that a He
publican majority is assuicd. In Ohio and
M.irylaud Republicans havo already been
elected. Now York, Wisconsin, Indiana and
Illinois are also counted upon as sure, while
Kansas, South Dukotu and Missouri aro
counted as probablo. Counting tho four first
mentioned us suro and letting the vaoancios
in Kentucky and Delaware balance oach
other, the new Senate would staud, Repub
licans f0, combined opposition -10. This com
putation takes no account of tho Silver
Senators who are counted with the opposition
t-o that tho Republicans are suro of a
majority of 7 and possibly 10 votes.
Till: South boat tho North at Chicago, If
thev didn't boat it at Appomattox. The
leadors of tho rebel states rodo rough shod
over tlio Northern Democratic states, aud
showed no quarter. Whether the "rebel
yell" went up lias not beou stated, but that
it was ready to go is not to bo doubted. The
cheering notes of that doggorol colled Dixie
was the standard music and brought out mole
applause than the "Star Spangled lJannor."
Iu the excitement of tho moment lue Demo
crats are likely to hurrah for llryau and
Sewell. but after a fow days pass by, aud
they not only hoar from tho conservative
men of their party, and what is still hotter.
sit dowu and think the matter over, thoy
will bo very apt to como to tho conclusion
that a mlstako lias been made. If thoy con
sider caiefully they will bo very apt to di
cover that tlio best way to follow tho load of
JelTcrsou and Jackson Is to start right away
in u directly opposite course to that iu which
Tillman and Altgcld aro leading tho Demo
Happening Throughout the Kegton Liirou
lelutl for Hittity Veniml.
The (Irant Wnd Is engaged in rehearsing
for another open air concert.
The I'resbytorlan Snudtty school will hold
their annual picnic at Ijikosidc, on Augtut
The city of Wilkes-ltarre is inviting pro
posals for the furnishing and erection of a
first class garlingc cermatory.
Henry Long, the bane lmll pitcher, formerly
of Mt. Crmcl, died from the injuries he
sustained on a railroad at Uagerstowu, Md.
Tho contract for iiaintiUB the roofs of the
various properties owned by the O'llani
estate was completed yesterday by James
Howling and Joseph Tem)joet.
The most interesting hand-to-hand po
litical engagement iu lecont years, is
promised tor July SCSth, the dato set by tho
l'otUiville court for a special election for
borough officers at MeAdoo.
Miss Katie Cumminglium is visiting at
Miss Com Williams has gone to St. Clair to
visit her sister.
Miss Annie Tucker, of l'ottsvillo, is visiting
friends in town.
Miss Maud O'llricn, of Olrardville, spent
last evening in town.
John Delauey transacted business at the
county seat yoeleiday.
Miss Maggio Higgins, of 1'otUvillo, is tho
guust of town relatives,
Miss bailie Coury is visiting friends at
llolley, Wayno county.
Mrs. Jos- YVyatt, of l'ark Place, visited
town relatives yesterday.
Miss Annie M. Brown wont to St. Clair
this morning to visit friends.
Miss I.ottio Kelley, of Ceutralia, was tho
guest of her brother yesterday.
William Merrick, of North Jlain street, is
confined to his homo by Illness.
W. M. llrewer has returned from a busiuesH
ami plcasuro trip to New York city.
Mrs. John hpcnru and son, Frank, of
Philadelphia, are visiting relatives iu town.
Misses Mutt i i) llaugh and Mary Koberts are
spending a few days among l'ottsvillo friends.
Missos Mary and Annie Stack and Katie
Maley, were visitors to Gimrdvillo last even
ing. Miss Marj- Moiiagban has gone to Sugar
Notch to tpeml a couple of weeks witli
Miss Maggie Adams, of W'illiamstowu,
circulated among town acquaintances
Miss Klsie Davenport, of South Jardin
struct, is sojourning among friends in
Jockey John Kreck, of Hailetou, was in
town to-day disposing of a fine pair of
blooded hoises.
Misses Annie and llridgct Gibbons, of
Miuorsville, are tlio guost of Mr. aud Mrs.
l'atrlck Dougherty.
1 Jr. L. J. Creasy, of Hock Glen, )'a., was a
legal business attendant at the ullice of
Justice Shoemaker yesterday.
G. H. Graobcr, D. I). S., a graduate of the
University of PonnsylvanU, associated with
liis fellow brethren iu town last evening.
Miss Joatictto Ilatnage, formerly of town
ami now u school tcache' at I'lovidcnce, It.
I., is spending a vacation in town with
(ieorgo Lynn, of Illuelield, West Virginia,
waaguust of town friends yesterday. He
i spondiug a vacution iu diirerent jmrts of
the region.
Patrick SulUvnn, ut one time High Cou
stablo of this borough aud now an inmate at
the Soldiers' Home iu Erie, is enjoying a
fuilough in town.
Messrs Jeff. Yost and Thomas Lee yester
day made a canvass throagU Union
Township. Jeff bays, "Things uro comiug
my way."
Mrs. V. J. Gritliths, who was recently
boruaved by the death of her husband, has
takon uji a losldeuce with the family of
Charles Haskin, at 133 East Coal street.
Timothy Driseoll, of Girardvillc, and ills
twelve-yiar-old daughter yesterday started
on a pleasure tlip to Europe and expect to
'pond tin eo months ill visiting England, Ire
land Siotland aud Wales.
Ilucklori'N Arnica Salve.
The host salvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, soros, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, coins, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
S3 cents per box. For sale by A. Wasley.
1'OTTSvir.i.K, July 13.
Deeds wero recorded from Hyman Rubin
sky et. al. to Adam Kohat, for parts of two
lots iu Shenandoah ; Alexander Dubbs and
wifo to Samuel E. Schucker, fur lot iu Pino
Grove township ; Adam Andreas to Thomas
N. Reese, lot in West l'enn.
Marriagelicetises weru granted to George
l'ftyacsiu auu auuiu iwiurus, oiaii oi wiieuiu ;
John Tobiu, of East Norwegian township,
and Mary McCarty, of St. CUIr; Joseph
Sender and Lizzio Ivearnoy, both of Park
Letters Testamentary were granted to
Chiistian Schcitliaur on the estate of Oithcr-
uo Wingcnder Schcitliaur, late of l'ottsvillo.
Letters of Administration wore granted to
Louis Weber on tho estate of Clara Elviua
Weber, late of l'ottsvillo, deceased.
Tho lust will aud testament of llebccca
Thompson, lato of St. Clair, was proliatcd in
the Register's olllco to-day.
Tax Collector Evan J. Evans, of New
Qistlo township, paid on his '01 duplicate,
and Collector Shocncr, of Mahanoy City,
made jayment on his 'til and '05 duplicates.
While a man named raust, was drlviugu
team uf horses down North 3rd street this
morning, thoy became uumaujgoublo aud,
breaking away from the driver, dashed into
the irun fence surrounding tho court house
yard. One of tho linues was severely iu-
jured. -..
W. L. Adams, or Audeurleu, and rred.
Stoinho!scr of Hazlcton, who havo been
visiting D. L- Thomas, returned home to-day.
A session iu tho lllytlio towuship contest
will bo held to-morruw, at tho otlico of tho
How is your Liver? Habitual constipation
leads to dangerous diseases. Dr. Hobbs
Little Liver Pills euro it absolutely. 10 cents
a vial For sale by S. P. Klrliu druggist.
Lost with All on Hoard.
MoniLK, Ala., July 15. A report reached
horu this morning of tho drowning of Caii
taln Jett Howard, of thin city, and Percy
Jtalloy, fonnorly of Mobile, during tho re
cent storm on tho Florida coust. Howard
was In command of tho stenmlxiut Charlos
I). Shaw, recently purchased ut Natchez,
Miss., and which was on her wuy to cuter
tho Chattahoochee rlvor trudo whon lost
with all on board.
Whon you want good roofing, plumbing,
gas fitting, or general tinsnilthiug dono call
on E. F. aallaghor 18 West Centre etroet.
Dealer lr 6to-os. 1-tf
Attein-ii to r iii i. -I'l'.si'.icnt i:p(i.
Ban I'V.av i in, .li.ivli An utteiipt
WAsmuih'to kill C' ISreiai, ei-prwl-dent
of Him Salvador, ycstonUy. A 8 Kioto
wis slttlngHt lunch In the dining rooii of
his liou-l Pedro Jinnies, a yalvntlqftan,
WnlUetl up to tho tublo at which Ifaelatml
n purty of friends wore seated and gw; in
the fftow of the ox-president. Ezutn apn.ntr
at Jlmnos, who Aww u plhtnl unci polled
the trlKKer- .The weapon did nut discharge
readily, and Ix'foro the iiBsiiilaufc cotllilao
oompllsh his purpose ho won seized Mid
hold until the arrlviil of kjIIoo nsslstntoo.
Jlmnos was formerly district nltoruej- of
Salvador and incurred the dislike of Eretn
In tho prosecution of u criminal, lie ins
nnnounced his intontlon of killing fizjtn
liecnuso ho hud lieen Imprisoned uud tor
tured. Three iMipposvil Horse Tliloves Lj nclil.
Aisiuiohk, I. T., July lo Nonh MeC-111,
shoriffof Tishomingo county, ciunolu res
terdny from TlshomlnBo, tho cnpltni of
the Chlcknsnw nation, and report that
thrcio whlto men have lieen hanging ti u
limb near Itognn postoillce, a fow niilos
from Tishomingo TliBinen wore stran led
In tho neighborhood, mid tho crlmo is n
mystery. It is ponernlly lielloved thnt they
wero horno thieves, mid wcro followed md
oitpturt'd by a party of Toxnus aud awting
up on the spot. Thoy woro still hauring
when tlio sherlll left thu sccno. Tho nat
ter will Ixi Investigated by officers of tho
l'nrle federal court.
Commemoration Monument Umcilel.
PltoviNCETOw.v, M(is...Tuly 15. A nirm
orlnl of gruulto and bronzo, pro'ted
In commemoration of tho slpulng of tlio
constitution for tho iiovorument of tho
now colony by tho Wlgrlm Father, wus
unveiled wltlinpiroprluto cerumoniejhoro
yestcrdr.y. Tho site of tho memorial was
selected by n commls-slou appointed bV tho
4U1H- eniue in ibh to inspect ana ntpro
prbitely mark historic spots in Miiss.Lhu
sets. Tho net commcmuratodby tho tion
ument took place In tho oublu of tho l!n -
llower us f,ho lay In this harbor befofo tho
Pilgrims had decided upon Plyiaoiith as
u iwrniiiuent landing place. 'i '
Miitiibeln Ilelirls Active. I
DnLfWAYO, July 15. Grave mjivs has
nviclii'd this place from tho MangW and
Tuti districts It Is to tho cITccAthHt a
relxd liupl or regiment has takeil up a
position on the Tatl road, uliout tveiity
llve mlKn south west of Uuluwuyo.
oae of the most noted of tho native cli!. fs,
hus Joined the mlicls with reinforcoi lents
and ordered the construction of foi sou
tho Tatl road. The llakalakus uro 1 ody
In groat force in tho uorthwostorn ). rt of
tho Tatl concession. Fighting is erp -N-d
yecen Clllnese I'robubly Crpinati 1.
8ast Fuavcisco, Jnly 15. Thoexpl ulon
of uu oil lump shortly In-fore mldnlgl t pet
fire to the shoo shop of Wo Lung CI ting.
tso. 781 Jackson street, mid liofori tho
flumofl were controlled u batcher shofi aud
gouerul btore udjotnlng were coiuifetoly
guiieu. ino upper stories of tho build
lugs wero occupied us tenements, indti
family of soven Chlnoso llring abo tho
shoo shop are missing, mid it islx levod
thoy havo perished In tho flamos.
Tho Cunndtun Vacbt Again Wi
New Yoke, July 15. Tho result
f tho
second clay's nice in tho serios betwoiuthe
aioueaim, of tho Royal St. Luweuco
Yacht club, and El Helrie for thefeflver
challenge cup offered by the
Corinthian club for half raters, wu? un
othor victory for tho Canadian boat, land a
demonstration thnt sho Is superior a her
rival on every point of sailing. Glencnlru
was ahead at every leg of tho course, and
won by 0 mlus., 23 sws.
Great Damage by Cloudburst.
Lima, O., July 15. A terrific rain storm
und cloudburst, did an Immense amount
of daniugo In this city und vicinity vector-
day. In tho country corn and oats Holds
wero leveled, small streams wero swollen
Into rivers, and many brunches und cul
verts wore washed away. In this city tho
sewers wero not largo enough to carry
uway tho water, and the streets and tv'"
lars wore flooded and much dumugu wus
Turkish Itenervfs ('illicit Out.
Salonica, July 15. Twenty battailous
of redifs, or reservos, have been called out
und orderod to join tho Third army corps.
Six battalions, it is stated, will procixxl ut
once to thu Greek frontier, aud the re
mainder of tho levy will be distributed
ahiug tho Macedonian frontier. Therallfs
In tho othur provinces of Turkey have
been ordorod to bo In readiness for mobili
zation. iiheuiiiutisin Cured Iu u liny.
"Mystic Curo" for Uhoumatism aud Neu
ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action upou the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It romoves at onco tho causa
and tho diseaso immediately disappears. The
11 ret dose groatly benefits ; 73 cents. Sold by
cj. H. Hageuhucii, Druggist, Shenandoah.
Closing ynotutloni of ttu Now York timl
New Vouk, July 14. Tho Htock liihrltet dla-
playwl iucre-a.'(l activity tcxlay, and thotoiio
was diid(lly weak throughout, material do
clinea iK'ing tacortu iu many mutant!, Ulcwlu
liultlmoro & Ohio
Lehigh Valley
Now Jersey Cell
N. Y. Ontnil
Pennsylvania .
St. Paul
W. N. Y. & Pu .,
Chesa. 43 Ohio .
Del. & HucUon .
1)., L. Aj W
Lnlw Erie & W
Lelilgh Nav
fleiierul Markets.
Pnn,AUEi4'lHA, July U Flour weak; Win
ter suiierflno, 3i3i3.35i do. extras, t2.25rijc.l0;
Permsylvauia roller, clear, t2.MXcp3.10; do. do.
stnUulit, ta.20t:i.ll5: wostern winter, clear,
2.tKyi3.10. Wheat dull.but firm ; July, 0oM6J$o. ;
Confflrmer ; July, 83!jf!i3o. Oats dull , July,
21K(g'22!i;o. Hay stctady , choieo timothy, I7 for
large lialoH. lits f steiuly; city family, tll.SOf
10. I"ork steady; family, 10.2510.W. Lard
stcdy ; western utenm, 11.03; city, 3.ttX4B.o0.
Butter steady ; western creanwry, lf,ic. ; Job
bing selections, 17o. ; Pennsylvania and west
ern creamery prints, strictly fancy, 17p. ; do.
choice, lfio. j do. fair to gooil, llKslfw. , prints
Jobbing at 16Qi2Io. CIkhmo quiet; Now York
factory, choice, fi?iftt)7Ho. ; iwrt slclms, KiStiHo.
Eggs steady ; nearby choice, 12c. ; western do.,
T.lve Stock markets.
New Youk, July 11. European cables quote
American steers at 7li!iH'Ae., dressed welKht ;
refrigerator bef, 6U90K' Calvwi slow and
weak: poor to primo veals, CS&5.23; butter
milk calves, 2.2532.50. Sheep and lamba quiet
and steady ; poor to prime sheep, tSKSl.50 , com
mon to choice lamlw, Hogs weak
ot W.40(a!1.00.
East Liiikuty, I'n., July 14. Cattle market
fair: prime, good ).l.Vit.I.'J0; com'
mon, $U3.50; bulls, stags and cows, 2i3.fi0;
heifers, tiK$4. Hogs closed wuaK ; prime light,
I1.703.7a; best medium, 13.65(93.75, heavy
hogs, t3.20dW.80; roughB, $2)3. Shcvp firm,
prime t4.lO4.25; fair, I3.40S3.75; common, 2.50
3; common to good yearlings, t2.5og,3.50j
choieo lambs, veal caivea, wau.a.
lie Attm lis and Stabs Two l'rlson Keepers
with u Knife.
Trbnton, July 15. John Monahan, a
convict In the New Jorey state prlMin,
jnadon desperate attack on his koejiera
vlth a knlfo yesterday. Cnptuln Wllllttin
II. Housing, uetlng ceiitor kociier, was
gushed in the throat, and Clerk Thomas
11. Madden was cut severely on both hands.
Thulr wounds will not rosnlt seriously.
Monahnti lias served throe unci n half
yours of a llvo yours' sentence for assault
and liattory. Ho had for some time Iwun
susiH-cted of carrying a knife, aud while
ho was exercising In tho Jail yard yester
day his coll wim searched. Tho weapon
was not found, and when lonnhun wns
brought, back to hid cell Captain Henslng
ordered him to stand In tlio "center," with
his face to tho wall. Then ho wild : "You
have something I want." Monahan turned
quickly und miswerod that he had a knife
and that ho was going to uso It to cut out
Housing's heart. With that he lungod at
tho keeper, who Is a much smaller man
thun the convict, and cut a deep gash In
his throat. Madden nm to the roscuo.and
Kilzing Monuhan from liolilnd throw him
to the Iloor. Tlio convict wildly swung
his knife and inflicted tho wounds ujkiu
Other deputies camo to tho assistance of
tho keepers, and Monahan was secured
and locked In a dungeon. To get the knlfo
from him It was necessary to pry open his
huud with a stick. Tho convict has been
acting strangely of late, und nn inquost
into his sanity will bo held. If ho is proved
sauo complaint will bo nmdo to tho Mer
cer county grand jury, and ho will be In
dicted for atrocious ussault and battery
with intent to kill.
Marvelous ltestilts.
From ft letter written by Rev. J. Gander
man, of Dimimdale, Mich., we are permitted
to make this oxtract : "I have no hesitation
in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery,
as the ref lilts were almost marvelous in the
case of my wife. While I was pastor of the
Iiaptist clmrch at Rives Junction she was
brought down with Pneumonia succeeding
Li Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing
would last hours with little interruption and
it seemed as if she could not survive them.
A friend rcoinmended Dr. King's New
Discovery; it was quick in Its work and
highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles
free at A. Wesley's drug store. Regular size
50c and $1 .l)0.
Lleber'a brewery at Indianapolis wns
damaged by lire last night to the extent
of $185,000.
A Uerlln dispatch says that Professor
Frledrleh August Kekule, of the Uulvor
Fity of Ilonno, is dead.
Garret A. Hobnrt, tho Republican nom-lni-o
for vlcp president, will spend the en
suing four weeks at Hotel Chainpluln,
Pluttbburg, N. Y.
Kiniioror Francis Joseph has granted nn
audience to Prince Hohenlohe, the Ger
man chancellor, at Ischl. The Gorman
chancellor afterwards dined with tho em
peror. Word received from Costa lJlca Is to the
effect that the.oougross there, by an over
whelming vote, disapproved the resolution
to recognize tho belligerency of the Cuban
It was nunouncod at the A. O. H. con
vention in D.irolt yesterday that fiS.OOO
of the Hl,rnjO has been raised with which
to endow a chair of Irish literature In tho
new Catholic university at Washington.
A Purls newspaper reports that the
Due D'Orleuus has been betrothed to the
Archduchess Dorothy Amelia, daughter
if Archduke Joseph, commander of the
Austrian lundwehr.
Induced by the use of coca, opiate or nar
cotic compounds is bad, decidedly bad.
They undermine health and shatter the
constitution and the patient is steadily
growing into a worse condition often
resulting in the terrible slavery and
misery of tho eocalno and opium habit.
Bleep induced by the uso of Hood's Barsa-
parilla docs not perhaps come as quickly,
but it comes more surely and more per
manently through natnre's great restor
ing and rejuvenating channel purified,
vitalized and enriched blood. This foods
the nerves with life-giving energy and
builds up the system and constitution
from the very foundation ot all health
and life tho blood pure,,rlch, red blood.
Is the One True Wood 1'urifier. All druggists. SI.
n r:il cure liver Ills, easy to take,
nOOU S FlllS oasytooiierate. sscouts.
Everv man's!
wife who has
EX frltnds
can tell you
about Seol-
knows a yood
li''s. This aam'
drink. Try iton
your husband
f coilit and msxc
ycu i ile'.kii'Undriok
i ,r lit'lr ra miy.
'la a pack-
re growers.
lioware of trauduleut and worthleM imitations, t
NONE GenuineTWIN';
Th most Uiautlful I most pliaWe! moxtimfoct stay!
They never break! Tiier never cutl Tli.y npycr rustl
Maife tu Cotton and suit Casings and NlekeU'latod.
Bead 25 cts. (Stamps) tor sample "Uonulne Twin." to
o. 8abjbu!ui,im. en euMC muatii"i. r-
iWlMt YOU ,V..YSi!"6ir.fl
sulcers in sionin, uair-viuiuiBi rw, vuw.g
JttUMEIlx uij., QUT aiusonio lempieji
itnl. HuOO.OOO. Wont cases eared in 15
lo ut ilisys. uu-pnffo UOOU. 1FCW
cuai''"' v,k-oK 'ifttema Co,Pmh...Pa
ra!o ot I'ovinsky'a drug store, S8 Ens
C'ciUro street.
Tlio I'rtibablllt)- That They Will Support
Uryaii for l'rosUlpnt.
HTLorm, ,Tlv j;, - The rush of tH
tlrluustooHimd thePnpulist and National
Silver conventions has not yet sot in, al
though ft few of tho leadors havp arrived.
Chulrninu Tmtbcueck and Sergoant-at-anus
McDowell, of the Populist national
committee, predict one of the largest
crowds that svnr attended a convention.
Chnlrman Tnubeneck says thorn vrt lie.
1,860 dolflgutc, representlni over 2,0U),(XI0
As the Populists liogln to gather It U
evident thnt there will lie two proposi
tions made which will form tho chief con
tention of the convention. One is that the
Populists shall nbandon any ldoa of a pep
arato und distinct national ticket aud In
dorse outright tho candidates and tho plat
form of tho Chicago convention. This
propositlou will bo supported by tho
frlonds of Senator Henry M. Toller, nearly
all tho Populist member of tho Unltod
Istates senate, and the People's party
loaders in many of tho wostern states.
From tho south come delegutos and
Pooplo's party loaders who are not dele
gates to tho convention, urging anothor
proposition to put up a presidential
ticket, adopt a platform, run presidential
electors in all tho states where the People's
party has oil organization, and then, when
tho tlmo comes to cast tho vote in tho
electoral collogo, let tho Populists and
Democrats combine on the strongest mini,
whether that lie 13ryun or tho Populist
Vigorous objection isnrgod against this
on the ground that It would lio dangerous
to the common cause of free sllvor. It
would dlvldo tho strength of Its adherents,
mid In somo of tho close states, where one
or tho other holds tho balance of power, a
division of their strength might glvo tho
state to MoKtnley.
Tho convention of tho National Silver
party, which conveno.s In this city July 22
at tho Exposition building, will vio In
uumlxTH with that of tho Popullsts,whlch
meets tho sumo day. Tho National Silver
convention will havo 1,200 dolegates and
as many alternates, coming from ovcry
state In the union.
Uellef in Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by tiro ."New Great
South American Kidney Curo." This now
remedy is a great surpriso on account of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of tho urinary passages in male or female.
It rolioves retention of water and pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you want
quick relief and curo this is your remedy.
Sold by Shapira's pharmacy, 107 South Main
Tho Addlcks Itcptlbllenn Convention.
Dovkh, Del.. July 15. John It. Hoff
eoker, of Smyrna, was uamod for gover
nor, and Jonathan & Willis, of Mllford,
for congross, by tho Addlcks faction of the
Republican party, in convontlon, yestor
duy. Doth nominations woro by acclama
tion. Tho plutform reaffirms loyalty to
ltopnbllcan principles as enunciated by
tho St. Louis convention, denounces the
action of the St. IjOhIs convention In un
seating tho Addlcks delogatlon, nnd do
clures tho Hlgglus state committee to bo
"a mere pretense." James G. Shaw, D.
MIfllln Wilson und Duniol J. Fooks woro
selected us presidential doctors. It is ox
poctcd that tho convention, heudod by tho
Illgglns delegates, which will bo held at
Georgetown tomorrow, will lndorso tho
nomination of Mr. Iloffecker for governor.
Electric Hitters.
Klcctric Bitters is n racdiciue suited for auy
season, but perhaps moro generally needod In
the. spring, when tho languid exhausted
feeling prevails, when tho liver is torpid and
sluggbh and the need of a tonic and ultera
tivo "dt. A prompt uso of this mediciuo
has often averted long and ncrhais fatal
bilious fevers. No mediciuo will act moro
surely in counteracting und freeing tho sys
tem from the malarial poison. Hcadaclio,
Jinllgestion, uoustipatlon, uizzincss yieiu to
Electric Hitters. Only fifty cents per bottle
at A. Wasloy's drug store.
Foreigners In Cuba Must Jlcgliter.
HAVANA, July 15. Captnln General
vvoylcrliiw Issued n decree that all foreign
ers In tho Island aro to register In u special
book In tho govorninent's chiirgo proviouB
to their liclng justified In npiioallug to
Artlclo VIII of thodecreo rclatlvo to for
eign cltizeuHhli) of Novcmlwr, 18sl. Those
not registering within thirty days, Cni-
tuin General Woylor Buys, will loso their
irrtvlleaos unci rights as foreigners. AH
consuls havo lioon notified of this net The
reason given for Issuing this decree lsithnt
native Cubans are taking advnnfciM) of
tlio rights ticcorded to foreign cltbeui to
escape penalties which thoy lay themselves
llalilo to.
Sir. W. II. Smith, editor of Tlio Argus
lieuton, Pa., recommends a remedy for
diarrhoea which he has used with magical
effect. "Several weeks ago," ho says
purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Keincdy, and after
using less tbau one-third of tho contents tho
results wero magical effecting an entire
curo. I heaitily and cheerfully recommend
tho remedy to all sulfcriug from diarrhooa.'
This remedy Is for sale by Gruhler Bros.
The Valkyrie On" for Knglniid.
New Youk, July IB. Lord Dunrnvon's
racing yacht, Valkyrio III, which com
potod In tho racos for the America's cup In
Soptcmbor Inst against Dofonder, with
full- winds and woathor provalllng, Bot sail
today for tho Clyde. Tlio yachc on roach
lug the other sldo will lio docked at onco
l nd placed In first class racing trim, but
whothor or not sho will take part In any
l thu regattas is not known.
Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and La
Grippe when Laxative Bromo Quinine will
cure you in one day, Fut up iu tablota con
venient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or
money refuuded. Trice, 25 cents, For sale
by Kirliu's Pharmacy,
Full Details Gladly Given.
A Railroad Official's Experience.
nected with railroad construction in
Nobraska.writcs: "My heart troubled
and pained mo for 13 years. Shortness of
breath was the constant and most common
symptom. Intense, excruciating paiu, gener
ally followed any severe exertion. Faintnoss,
hunger withoutany appotito) fluttering that
made mo clutch my breast, and palpitation
that often staggered mo as it I would fall,
were frequent attacks. Again, everything
would turn black if I arose from a stooping
posture quickly. Sleepless nights with their
Dr. Miles'
prostrating unrest wero
numerous and I could
get no rest day or night,
I consulted leading phy
sicians and tried adver
tised remedies. They
gavomo no relief. Ono of
Heart Cure
Dr. Miles' circulars described my case so
exactly that I took Dr. Miles' New Heart
Curo and I am now a well man. I hopo
every ono troubled with heart disease will
try Dr. Miles' remedies. If they will write
mo personally, I will gladly givo them full
details of my experience." Edw. Edmonds.
P. O. Box 05, David City, Nebraska.
Dr. Miles' Heart Curo is sold on guarantee
that, first buttle benefits or money refunded.
Jicrnn UiHt'npi Failtns
iVui.-rj, Iinpoterey, Sleepless
ncfcs, etc., caxiM d liy Abtum and
other KrpispH and Indiscre
tions. Tlniy quickly and
surely restore Lout Vitality in
old or younir. aud tit a man for
study, business or tnnrria?u,
Pmnnt Insanity and Coubuiud
tloalf taken Intlmc Thelrune
BlurwH Immodlate improvement
and eilecti a CUltti where
nil nlhaxii foil Inclct lirwi
havlnc tho (jenulno Ajkx Taw-i-ts, lliey havo cum!
thousands aud will euro you. Wo irlvo jmsillvo written
miaranteo to effect it curo lit each caeo or refund tho
money. Price 60 centa ir pr.cka.pTe. or six. packages
(IcII troitment for $a.5(J. Eyuiail, la plain wrapper,
upon receipt of prlco. Circular Iruo. Address
For baIo in Shenandoah Pn., y J. M. Hillian
. Of Broad Mountain.
Subject to Republican rules.
Ot Glrordville.
Subject to Iemocratlc rules.
Of Aatlmnl.
Subject to Itcpubllcnn rules.
jiuiv ir,ij iu win
Of Jollett, Torter Towuship.
Subject to ItepubHcan. rules.
Of Tamnqua.
Subject to He publican Rules.
Of OnvlKsburff.
Siitect to IfepubllCAn rules.
Tosms to Hire.
If you want to hire a 6ft fs aud reliable
team for driving orforworklnpfpurpoacc.
pay Hhtclds' livery stable a visit. Teama
constantly on hand at reasonable rates.
No. 410 Eaat Centre street.
Opposite Reading railroad station.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barney's Bohemian Beer.
Barber Shop I
12 West Centre Street.
Our Hot Towel Shave
becoming nonular. You will like It. W
make a specialty of hair cutting, J '
cratic party.