The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 14, 1896, Image 2

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llSTAlll.lsm:!) 1H70.
Published every HvcntiiK, ISxccpt
South Jahhis Kiuket. Neah Cuntub.
Tho llemlil I dMlvcit'il InHhcnondonn mill tlie
surrounding towns for six cent a week, pay
able to tlie curriers. Ily mnll $1.00 year, or 25
cent ft month, payable In advance. Advertise
ments charged tiecorillng to ppaoo and position.
The pulili-lnTs rtwerve the right to change the
fiOflttlon ot advertlm-menta wlionever tlie pal
Icatton of news demands It. Tho rtalit Is
reserved to reject nny ntlvcrtlement, whether
paid lor or not. thnt the publishers may doom
improper. Advertising rates mono known
upon iippllcntlon.
lioterei! at tho potttofllec nt Shenandoah, l'n., us
econd clais mall matter.
ng Herald
Tt'lMlUY, JULY it, 1800.
Of Ohio,
rou vice rno-innsT,
(lAltllirr A. IIOUAItT,
Of New Jersey.
Of Husiinehntinn.
Of Krlo
Kl;WAl.l. may be n Bhlp builder, but ho will
never bo nblo to llx up tho rotten hulk of tlio
Chicago ship of state EUlllcU ntly to mako her oxpeuso
Tho Tout's to tlio North till l'l'lin-J h illllil
It is tedious to mnp out a lour for one's
elf, fur iiivarinbly expense doubles, and sonic
petty traveling annoyances bioiight about by
an oversight inars what should hiuobecna
pleasant trip. It is a ple'sure to have every
thing arranged systeinatleally before depart
inn, tlun obviating uimeeessary expenses as
Well as liicomciilence. To this end the
Pennsylvania linilioad ComiMiiy first In
augurated personally-conducted tours, main
tained tlicni at the highest possible standard
of excellence, and gave tlieln at opportune
seasons, after careful study as to desirable
dates and ovcry necessary detail.
l or the convenience of thoie who seok the
most attractive way of spending a Sunimor
holiday, tlie I'ennsylvaiiia itailrnad Company
lias arranged two delightful tours to the North
under the personally-conducted tourist
system, July 21 and August 18, The points
included in the itinerary and tlie country
traversed abound in nature's beauties.
Magnificent scenery begins with the journey,
and ends only with its completion, Tho
names of tho places to bo visited aie familiar to
all. No matter how much may lie oxpecten,
one cannot bo disappointed In Watkins (Hen,
Magara Falls, Ihousand Islands, tluehec,
Montreal, Au Sablo Chasm, Lakes Champlain
and (ieorge, Saratoga, or the Highlands of
the Hudson.
Each tour will bo in chargo of one of tho
company's tourist agents, assisted by an
experienced lady as chaperon, whoso especial
chargo will bo unescorted ladles.
Tho rate of flOO from Now York,
Itrooklyn, Newark, Ttcnton, I'lilladolphla,
Harrisburg, Baltimore, and Washington
covers railway and boat faro for tho entlro
round trip, parlor-car seats, meals en route,
hotel entertainment, transfer charges, car
riago hiie in fact, every item of necessary
IWIlt Imlnric lirynn.
llui: S 1) , Julv 14. Tho Populist
State ronventiim convenr-l here today to
nominate n state ticket and nmno ih le
gates to tho national convention. Ihc
convention will Indorse lirynn. senator
Pcttlgrow nlso Is here to form a slher
jiarty nml oloct dolomites to tho national
convention, of whom he will be onu,
hail to the White House.
Pennsylvania cut a very poor figure at
Chicago, and all because l'attison would not
jclievo the delegates of the obligation im
posed upon them by tho couentiou.
The Itepnblican party in Schuylkill comity
tntinot atlbid to put fne silver men on
guard this year, and if, as eUiinod by somo
of those Infected with such ideas; there is a
secret organization of such men professing to
b' liepublicaiu, the sooner it is oxposedtho
bitter for tho party. Tho oiganlaitlon of
the party must bo in the hands of Its friends,
liut its cneniios.
Tickets purchased and not used will be ie.
deemed at full amount paid if presented per
sonally or by letter at tho General Ollice,
lSioad stteet station, l'hiladclphia, not later
than two days before the respective dales of
For detailed itinerary, tickets, or any ad
ditional information address Tourist Agent,
Pennsylvania liallroad Company, 1100 liroad
way, New York : 11(10 Fulton street, Brooklyn;
ltootu 411, street, station, Philadelphia.
Oonernl Dins', was re-elooted president of
Mexico nt Sunday' h election by an over
whelming majority.
It Is rumored on tho Pnrli Uourso thnt
tho Hotiischllds will issue thoro n Kussl.iu
loan for 1,000,000,000 f ratios (eoo,000,00o)
The American Flint Olass workors uon
vention nt Alton., Ills., rejected nil propo
sitions for tho establishment of eo-opcrn-tivo
Tho London Post announces that Mrs.
John W. Muckay has lieen sunimonod to
Homo on account of tho dangerous Illness
of lier father.
Major General Miles Is on n tour of in
spection of the army posts throughout tho
northeastern section of tho country. Ho
Is In Huffalo today.
A conspiracy organized by General On-
cores against tho Peruvian government
has boon discovered, and many officers
and civilians have been arrested.
Colonel D. H. Henderson was renom
inated by acclamation at Waterloo, la.,
yesterday for tho eighth term as Itepnbli
can representative In congress from tho
Third Iowa district.
Mnrtlri-oi trillion! Sentenced to Death,
JeksKY CITY, July H. Edward Clifford,
the AVost Shore railroad dolertlvo who wns
convicted of the murder of William G.
Vntson, superintendent of tho AVost Shore
rondlii Wownukcn, was arraigned yester
day In tho Hudson county court for ran
tenco. Jtidgo Llpplncott thon sentenced
Clifford to lio hanged on Thursday, Pept.
17. Kx-Jttdgo William O. Hoffman gave
notice that ho would carry tho case to tho
chancery court on an application of it writ
of error.
lturglnrs Alakn a Ooo.l Haul.
NuTLr.Y, N. J., July 14. Mr. and Mrs.
ICdwnrd Morgan, Jr., left their homo, in
Grant nvcnuo, to go on a bicycle trip.
There was nobody loft In tho huuwoxecpt
two servant girls, and nt 1 :!!0 o'clock thoy
went out for a walk. They returned at
II ;80 o'clock. When Mr. and Mrs. Morgan
returned In theevonlng It was then fund
that jewelry worth In all ubout $2,500 had
Imuiii stolen
Knllbnnt CnpsUed, lliree Drowned.
Uut'FALO, N. Y, July 13. Hy the over
turning of a small sailboat lu tho harbor
yesterday afternoon John Gobbert, aged
!i ; John Deckoff, aged 21, nnd John Kliers,
HgedK5, werodrownwl. The-accident hap
pened whllo the men were changing seats.
Inutt l'arty.
The first lawn party of the season was held
at Die residence of tho Misses Higgius, on
West Cherry street, last evening. Tlio allair
was attended by a largo number ol young
folks who indulged in various games and
vocal nnd instrumental music. A root beer
Vr Urafeuau, Bavaria, a test was iccontly sip was the most prominent feature of tlio
nude to determine how quickly paper could evening. Those in attendance were : Misses
The ltclghm Klctttnn.
HnussULS, July 14. Complete returns
from tlio election for members of tho
chamber of representatives show that 103
Clericals, eighteen Liberals and twenty
nine Socialists were chosen. This gives
tho Clericals In the ehumber a majority of
llfty-elght votes.
Tho Tenant Trust DIsHfilvpd,
Kokfolk, Va., July 14. Tho combina
tion known as tho Virginia Peanut as
sociation has dissolved, tho companies
composing It being dissatisfied with tho
hcnlo of prices obtained by the association.
Upon having justwhat you call for when
yon go to buy Hood's Ssrsaparilla. Thoro
Is no substitute for Hood's. It Is an In
sult to your Intelligence to try to sell you
something else. Remember that all
efforts to Induce you to buy an article
you do not want, are based simply
be made ready for the printer's use. It took
just two hours and thirty-live minutes from
the time tlio tree was cut down in the forest
until itcaino oil' tho pressesof tho Grafcnau
Advertiser, a complete newspaper. To pass
through the mill the tiino was ono liour and
ltfty-Mino minutes from the timo of felling
t5urco until the perfect sheets of imper
cauiO out of the machine.
Maizo Connors. Annio Flaherty, Julia Milos,
Annio Hennessey, Kate Mangani, Nellio
dreary, Maggio Bell, Cecelia Young, and
Kate Broogan, and Messrs. James Crcary,
l'.itiick Burke, Patrick Murphy, James Mc
(iraw, Thomas Grady, Win. James, Ldward
Miles, John Howling Michael Durkin. Thos.
Schecley, Joseph Dovitt, Peter Monaglmn,
John Cox, P. H. Conry. and Daniel Mc
.IN order to save the country from what is
MiuOfSt certain to lie a panic and worse, it be
hooves the Republicans and sound money
jflh mocrats to join forces and make a vigorous
I i!bt again -t the sihcrilcs from tlio word go.
July and ugust are usually dull months fur
polit.irul campaigning, but it would seem as
though expediency, if not necessity, de-
""TKuided immediate and energetic action, for
there is evory assurance that the silverites
w ill take the field at once, and by an aggros-
ive campaign inculcate the impression that
they are niiniuririlly much stronger than
tncy really are. It will not do to take any
thing for granted, but to look the coining
contest fairly and suuarcly in the face.
wiiich, if done, will eonvinco every thought
ful voter that the best elloits of tho friends
of sound money should bo made, and that
the sooner such ell'orts are inaugurated tho
Tin; distressing accident on tho Lehigh
A alley railroad near White Haven yesterday
aftornuon appears to have been ono of those
mishaps that no rules or carefulness can
guard against. It is a question whotho? tho
owner of tlio cows is not responsible for the
damage caused in permitting his animals to
roam at large imperilling the lives of pooplo
aind endangering property. Tho general
public lias no idea of tlie trouldo caused by
cuttle roaming at largo and straying upon
tlie railway tracks, until somo occurrence
like this brings it to notice, and very fow
railwav enulneers are tliero who have not
had many narrow escapes from death or dis
aster similar to this, or cannot lecall many
thrilling adventures of a similar nature. The
company is to bo commended for tho prompt
lies with which it hurried relief to the
sutl'erors, and the euro it is giving to them
under tlio it appears to havo
lift untiling undone which would minister
to their comfort.
The Weather.
For eastern Pennsylvania and Now Jer-
fey : Fair ;wosterly to southwesterly winds ;
ooler tonight and tomorrow.
Cillinda'rt New Cabinet.
Ottawa, July 14. The following Is Co
new cabinet of Canada : President of coun
cil, Hon. Wilfred Laurlcr; trndo and com
merce, Sir Klehartl Cartwrlght, justice,
Sir Oliver Mownt; finance, Premier Field
ing, militia, Dr. Harden, marine and fi-h-erios,
L. II. D.ivius; public works, J I.
Tnrto; railways and canals, G. II. Hlalr;
agriculture, Sydney Fisher; postmaster
general, W. Muloek, customs, r. Pater
son ; inland rcA-cmio, Sir Henri Jolly ; htnto,
H. W. Scott; solicitor general, C. Fitz
patrick ; without portfolio, C. A. Geoilrhm
und H. It. Doliell.
the desire to secure moro profit. The
dealer or clerk who does this cares noth
ing for your welfare. Ho simply wants
your money. Do not permit yourself to
be deceived. Insist upon having
And only Hood's. It la the Ono Trno Blood' lurlB!r.
i-i u r:ffr- easy to buy, easy to take,
nOOCl S flHS easy to operate. 25c.
llrjan Will rrolmlily he Notlllrd the See-
ond Week In August.
Chicago, Julv 14. Senator Junos of
Arkansus. chairman of tho Democratic
national oxecutivo committee, left for,
Washington yesterday, and will announce
from there the oxecutivo committee of tho
national committee, which will havo
chamo of tho ciiiniialifn. Tho timo and
'ilaco for tho formal notification ot the
xJemocratlc presidential and vhje presi
dential candidates has not yet been deter
mined, but will bo In a few days. It is
stated that porsonully Mr. llryau prefers
Now York city, and It is probable that;
this place will bo scluctod, ho timo prob
ably lu tho second week in August.
(J. A. Walsh, of Iowa, wno so amy
handled tlio campaign of Horaco Holes in
tho national convention just closed, wus
yesterday selected temporary secretary of
the national Democratic committee, ami
tho understanding is that his appointment
will bo confirmed and mado permanent
when tho commlttco meets again. Mr.
Walsh's appointment was somewhat of a
surprise to him, as ho had not boon an ac
tive candidate for tho position, no was
selected Saturday evening and wus notified
that ho could have tho position If ho
wanted it. Mr. Walsh yesterday met Sena
tor Jonos, tho now chairman ot tho na
tional committee, und told him ho would
accent. The two repaired to tho oilico of
S. O. Shoorln, of Indiana, tno outgoing
secretary, who turned over tho Hooks,
documents and pajiora of tho committee
to his successor.
"Thoro Is nobody whom I would rather
soo succeed mo," sulil ox-becretary taliecrin,
utter tho transfer, had been mado. "Mr.
Walsh Is a man for whom I havo tho
highest respect. Ho is a shrewil politician
und a man who has boon remarkable nil
his Ufa for his loyalty to his friends.
Though his management of Mr. Holes'
affairs did not vviud up successfully, yet
It was as good as nny man could havo
done under tho circumstances. His me
thodical und bupliKwslIko conduct of hi
affairs won tho approval of tho majority
Delaware's Addlcks Jtepuhllcnu.
Dovi;n, Del , July 11. Tho Addicks
wing of tho Republican party In this state
will hold a convention here today, and
nominate John H. Holleckcr for govorunr,
Jonathan S. Willis for congress, and D.
Mlfllin Wilson of Kent and Danlol J.
Fooks of Sussex for electors. Tho third
elector is not yet selected. Tho Higglns
men will moot at Georgetown on Thurs
day. Mr. Addlcks last night anuouuqpd
that in view of the fact that tho United
States constitution prohibits u man from
being an elector nnd also a United States
senator, ha Is not u candidate for tho for
mer olllco.
Tho bherlir j:oiirated.
Rockville, Mil., July 14. The coroner's
jury investigating tho lynching of Sydnoy
ltandolph rendered a verdict that tho man
cumo to his death by strangulation at tho
hands of unknown parties. In justice to
Sheriff J. W. Colllor the jury says that on
account of tho unjust uttacks mado upon
him by thoso high in authority it takes oc
casion to state Its belief that ho performed
his entire duty in tho matter. This ends
tho investigation unless tho reward offered
by tho governor Maryland will lutluenco
parties outside of tho county to work on
tho case
KepuhUcim National Kxevutive Committee
Cleveland, July 14. Hon. M. A.
Hanna last night unuouncod tho national
exocutlvecommltteo as follows: Chairman,
M.A.Hauna of Cleveland, secretary, Will
iam M. Osboruo of Huston, General Pow
ell Clayton of Arkansas, Charles G. Dawos
of Illinois, W. T. Durblng of Indianu,
Cyras Leland of Kansas, Joseph H. Man-
loy of Maine, Hon. M, S. Quay of Poun-
svlvaula. li. u. I'ayne of w isconsui ami
N. H. Scott of West Virginia. Tho ninth
member lias not yet boon chosen. '
f pis'' you why those
I YSwiS' u who buy Seelig's
IhP wnen tccpcomingback
Caused as an for it. Strange
i . . . . though how long
admixture to jt takes people to
1 ordinary cof- try a mew tiling.
fee makes a L...,u.,1...i.u'"
delicious drink. p!.i,A
The 1'lfWeiitii Annual CumeiitloOa Highly
Mii'ccHiml One.
Washington, Jtrty 14. After one of the
most successful nnd onthuslastic rtalher
lugs known In tho history of the orgnnfm
Hon the fifteenth International Christian
Ktidoavor convention, which began last
Thursday, cumo to a olose last night, 'i he
local committee of ') have every reason
to feci satisfied vrftlr tho result of their
work, and are congratulating themselves
on their splendid achievements. A groat
deal of hard work was nocossary In mak
ing preparations for tho gatliering, nnd It
Is safe to say that In tin convention of the
organization havo these- labors Iwen more
thoroughly and conscientiously perform
ed. Tho citizens of WnsMngt'ni entered
Into tho spirit of tho affair with zral, nnd
contributed Imth by motmy nnd In other
ways to tho success of tho convention.
Thoboardof trustees at a moetlngpassnl
resolutions extending their hturttcst!
thanks to tho city for its hospitality and7
and to Individuals participating fn tlie
work thnt has been brought t'such suc
cessful conclusion. Of tlio great chnlr of
nearly t,000 voices tho trustees my, "'(ever
was there a choir so largo, better triuned,
readier In various sorvico." Hefbrrlr.g to
tlio vong sendee on the Capltoi steps the
trustees sayy "Who thnt hcjiruT can i er
forgot the wvnderful sound and wenof "
Notwithstanding tho multitudinous ser
vices which havo been held, taxing tho
time of tho Emleavorors, tho nttonlanco at
all of them has been of a most gratifying
character. A spiritual focllng hns torradoil
tho city throughout the mooting of th
convention, und tho greatest gooI is an -tlcipatcd
as a nsult. Although thi regis
tration of delegates and visitors feots up
only 20,002, yet 'there wjiw a great many
In this city wh did not notify the regis
tration committee of their prosen-Te, so
that tho actual attendance was consider
ably ljoyonil that? number.
Tho prosldent"of tho varicras stn Vand
provincial unloiiS havo, after a conforsfneo
with the trustem, Issued a public state
ment expressing-tho conviction that, (n
erally speaking, the conduct of thu CIkIf
tlan Kndeavor movement has boonmjst
wise and In obcdloncc to manifest proci
dentia! leadings ; that the latter havo tart
constituted a lKsty assuming loglslat.Ii c
functions or tho control of the mnvemet
other than by directing it into chunuols i
largo development una usetijlnoss us Ui5
opened tho way.
The statement expresses' the oplnlot
that tho recent council of tho trustees of
the united society and presidents of state
and provincial unions, in Its wisdom,
lathered from n wide outlook, and know
ledge gleaned from uu Immediate contact
ith tho problems of tho different states
and provinces, was a wlso step in the pro
gress of tho movement and that such
council might prolltably be a permanent
feature In connection with succowliug lu
ternatlonal conventions.
" tJ&&&fttW Takcn intcr" J
J rti!.5'-'1 '-'.VT?. cramps
? JfcV ::'SJL and all S
tflvBn 45 J Ht,'ti com- i
&frt& plainS
S?iiam cold9-chil1
VwlB'V and La Gnppc-. i
J Used externally it is the best ltui- ;
J incut in tlie world. Beware of
imitations, buy only tho genuine Z
made by Perry Davis. j"JL. S
m Lftrita Untoi M n.i W cewu koli,
..o. ,.,..,......i....2
Vlcttiry for thb Canadian- Vaclit.
NEW Yohk, July 14. Tho breezes and
heavy winds, sunshine and rain, and a
lctorv of 47 minutes 11' seconds for tno
plucky llttlo Canadian Glcncalrn wero tho
features of tlio first race, in tho series 1w-
tween Glcncalrn and El Home, for tho
possession of tho trophy which the Sownn-ahaka-Corluthlan
Yacht club offers to tho
winner of tho best three out of llvo rncos
to bo sailed on tho Long Island sound.
Tlio Glcncalrn Is tho retn-escntattvo of tho
Royal St. Lawrenco Yacht club, of Mon
treal, and was sailed by G. H. Duggau, as
sisted by G. P. Shcarwood. C. H. Crano
was tho sklppor of tho El Holrio, and his
brother, II. M. Crano, handled hor sheets
und acted lu tho capacity ot crew.
Two Questions
Are you Awake
to the fact that
men all around
there are
you who
IUiIj's Cabinet Crisis.
Home. July 11. Two cabinet councils
vecro held yesterday at which wero present
all of tho membors of tlio cabinet oxcept
General Hlcotti, whoso resignation us.
minister of war has precipitated the crisis,
and Slgnor Perazzl, minister of public
works. According to some of the news
papers hero tho negotiations of tho Mivr-
Custom Made Clothing?
Are you Aware
ul the fact that you can
maUe plenty of money by
taktny Orders for the same?
Write for particulars.
When tho Independent and disappoint- ()f tho national committee, and ho was quls ill Hudiul with Lieutenant General iaCOrS Brothers,
cd Itcpublienns railed a national convention
in 1872, tlie emzo of (licelcyism was rising
like a cyclone. It swept both that and tho
Democratic Convention. It carried into its
path some of the inot brilliant Kepulillcans
of all tho States, and it sei ined irresistible
What caused its collapse? The attempt to
unite irrecoucilablo political eleinonts. The
f.iuatiiul Iteforinor would not sleep witli tho
Independent ltcpublican, who was under all
professions still a political); tho Democrat
would not sleep with either, and ho laid
awake of nights to m that neither slept witli
him. There was an abundance of leaders,
euthusi-asinatio fur (irecloy, mado so by
howling "peace and guod will" to all sao
those willing to stand by Grant aud the
government. Tho deception lasted close up to
the election, nnd it was not fully broken
until it was seen that Grant swept nearly
everv State lu the Union. And so will
McKiuloy, for tho silver craze, and tlio cmzo
of Populism, and Altacldlsm aud Horr
Mostlsm will soon draw secretly thelrduvilish
knives u iiou each other; jealousies, always
raukeot with fools, will tear them asunder,
and that which is now an awful howl will
prove oven loss dangerous than that of the
covoto. When tho uucago (jouvenuuu
liasscs. and tho Pupulist und Silver Conven
tions follow with their khow of cranks, wo
can count noses and with high confidence
show how easily MoKinloy, Jlolart, Pro-
wHnii and Sound Money will win in No
whnn vnu want Kood roofing, plumbing,
1,-as fitting, or general tlnsmithlng done call
iin K. H , uailllKUOr lo lltou Miuwtv p-.v..,
Dealer If sto-es. !
practically holocted unanimously."
A Determined Mar) laud Sherlir.
MAULEOlii), Mil., July 11. Sheriff Un
derwood, of Prince Goorgo's county, Is a
very angry man lx-causo his deputy, dur
ing the sheriff's absonco, took Hlcharil
King, accused of killing Jamos Crook, to
Haltlmoru to nrovent a tmsflblo lynching.
Tlio shorlff declares It to bo his Intention
to bring King back at onco, and says ho
will keep him here until his trial tukos
place. "This thing ot lynching must no
stopped," said ho, "ond tho sooner an ox-
amnio Is sut tho better for all communi
ties. If I can't got good reliable eiwons
to heln mo in protecting my prisoner I will
arm tho prisoner, and ho and I will go
down together.
l'elloux to secure tho hitter's ncceptanco
of tho position of minister- of war have
falouP owing to mo roiusiu oi aiguur w
lombo, minister of tho treasury, to consent
to tho Increase in tno army ostimaios uo
mauded by General Pelloux as tho condi
tion of Ills ncceptlng office.
15 to 21 Lafayette Place
Traill ltobber Ely Cnpturvd.
Ottumwa. Ia., July 14. Word has been
received from Lawson, Mo., of tho capture
of Ely, tho train robber, for whom tho
Hurlincton secret sorvico officers nnd
ID YOU EVER suffer from real ner
vousnow? Wheo every nerve seemed
to quivar with a pec-nllar. creepy
feeling, first in ono place, and tbn another
and all scorned finally to concentrate in a
writhing jumblo In tho bralu, and you be
cotno Irritablo, fretful and peerlsh; to bo
followed by ah topotent, weakened condi
tion of tho nerve- center?, ringing In the
cars, and sleepless? miserable nlghu?
1"I MilPC' llrs- Eugene Searles,
Ulv 1,Aufc; 110 Slmonton St., Elk-
Ncrvine hutt- Ind- says- "Nor-
vous troubles had mode
R6Sl0rCS rue nearly Insane and
TTpoltri physicians were nnablo
rlCitllllixii tohelpmo. Mymemory
was almost gono t-tid ovcry llttlo thing
worried inc until I was almost distracted.
I really feared I was becoming a maniac I
Imaglued all sorts of ovll tbingi and would
cry over nothing. I coutnenced taking Dr.
Miles' Restorative Nervine and four bottles
of this -wonderful remedy completely cured
mo, and' I am as well now as 1 over -was."
Dr. Milos" Nervine Is sold on guarantee
first bottle will benefit or money rofunded-
NervoiTrnlfeineB Falling
Mtimory, Jju potency, SIwpleN
iicbs. etc., caused by Aliuw and
other Kppm.'k and m discre
tions. TIWy ciulrkl)- nut!
uu ri'Iy retture Lost itauty tu
olii or jonnp. and tit a mau for
Ptudy, husluo4.1! or triarrlagft.
l'revent I fit anlty imdi'itiLsump
tlonlf takoulntlino.
Bhowa Imin'xtlato linpmveinent
and eUfcb a CUICI' wliero
nil ntlinra full. Insist limit)
havlntrtho frcmilno Ajax Tablhtb 'iliey have cured
thousands and w 111 euro you. WokUo p(ltlve written
truaraiitco to eilect a euro lu eacb case or refund tlio
money. ,l'rlco5() centa per packaao, or tli paakapes
(full treatmenll Tor by malt. In plain wrapper,
upon receipt ot prlco. circular trotv Addn-69
AJAX REMEDY CO., tocwcaoo.rill,t''
ForeaJe In STujiinndcnli. !.. to J M IHilion
QC BronJ Mountain.
Subject fa Republican rulci.
THE . . .
And vour inevitable
I'lnkortotishaveboonsear'hlnKforiiyear , nnint will be the nlace
ond a half. In company with Frank Hate- P nd UP P" l)e ule Place
" ... . t . . ti .i.i- I n.)iri irnn nnil hl)V
mnu Ely nclil Ui union i-aciuo imssounor ...v. j j
train No. 4 It) tho Miburbs of Ottumwa
about 0 o'clock lu the evonlnR of Fob. 20, READY TO WEAR CLOTHING
liarrium to Tutu. tin. stump. Made in a proper manner, fit and
indiasai-ous, July 14. Tho statomont style by the most reliable manufac-
ls made by friends of former Presldont turerS, all Sold at the lowest prices
rrT r II1 l!,: , , ever known for well made Men's,
llellef In Sue IJourH.
Distresainc kidney and bladder diseases
relioved in six hours by the "New Great
Soutli American Kidnoy Curo." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
RxcMullns nromntness in rcllovlne pain in
tho bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of tho urinary passages in male or female.
Itrelioves retention oi water ana pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you want
quick rolicf and cure this is your remedy.
Sold by Shapiro's pharmacy, lu7 South Main
International Haptlht tamvcntlon,
Milwaukee, July 14. Tho city of Mil
waukee is tho center toward which tho
BaptlstH of the United States nnd Canada
uro turning attention, as tne uaptist
Young Pooplo'B Union willholdltsyenrly
mooting In tho Exposition building, begin
ning Thursday next nnd lastingfour days.
It is expected thnt not loss tnan ls.uuo dele
gates und visitors from abroad will nttena.
Ills Life Trnunilucl: Oat.
Chicago, July 14. l'atrick Carnoy, CO
years old, was klckod to death by Jamos
Wilson. Tno Killing wus tno result oi u
family row. Tho murderer tried to escape
after killing his man, but wus cnufjht
after n hard ruu by rollco Oluccr Hyan.
Tho murder was a most brutal affair, Wil
son literally stumping tho Ufo out of tho
old mnu.
I.l IIlillK Chunl; Ordering Camion.
LONDON, Julv 14. The Brussels corro-
Etiondentof Tho Times-says that tho pa
pers thero state that Lil llung unaug
nlaced lariro orders for cannon nnd Cock-
erllls rlllos nt llerstat and Liege, and that
he ulso asked tlio Cockerllls to establish In
China u stool foundry uiunugod by Bel
Of Clrardvllle..
Sutoct ttIeroicrntlc rules.
Of Ashlanii.
Sabc4'tc.rtcpiibllcan rules.
Of Jolit-tt, Porter T6wnlili.
SubJevfrtoKepaliUean rules.
poit cotixt' txiMisstaSER,
chas. f. allek;.
Of Tain&tiua,
Subjtoi toKcrmblicnn Bales.
Of Orwifesburg.
8ubJt to Republican rules.
Teams to Mire.
It you want to Mro a sofa nnd reliable
team for drlvinjor for working purposes
pay Shields' llvsry stablo n visit. Teacca
constantly on Land nt reasonable raU.
No. 410 EajtCentre street.
Opposite Reading railroad station.
Agent tor
Shenandoah and Vicinity ji
Churned tlth I-lltlll Xf-Klect,
Ciiicauo, July 14. After an investiga
tion of the circumstances or huntlay oven
tnfs wreck of a Wisconsin Central nlcnlo
train on tho Chicago and Northern l'uclllc nml t)mt ho will enter upon his labors lis Boys' and Children's wear
u-uckh near rt-iienueiin, i iiumhk mo ueaiu Rnon us ho n-turns from ma eastern trip,
According to thoso statements ho will con-
flno his Bpoochos bolely to tno money ques
of llvo jicrsons and serious injuries to it
number of otnors, tno pouco urrostou
Jamos Oram, engineer of tlie oxcurslon
train ; William Dolan, fireman, on same
engine; Mike O'Donnell, onglneer of tho
switch engine drawing tho freight train;
Juntos Mochan, his fireman, and James
Kuiskorn, tho operator, charged with
causing tho disaster. Tho chief blame for
thu accident Is laid upon Knlskcru,
We are
values m
oflering some great
Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and La
Grippowhcn Laxative Urouio Quinino will
nnrn vnn In nnn dav. Put un iu tablets con
venient for taking. Ouarantecd to curo, or
monov refunded. I'rico, 23 cents. For sale
by Klrlin'a Pharmacy,
The Australian Oarsmim Wins.
LoNtios. Julv 14. Jamos Stnnbtiry, tho
Austnilinn, won tho sculling match with
"Wng" Ilnrdlng, uio nngusn cnumpiou,
on tho Thanios yesterday. Tho race at
tracted great crowds to Putney nnd Mort
lake, notwithstanding tho Intense hcut
Turiner Killed by Lightning.
SlIAMOKI.v, Pa., July 14.Jnmos Boa
mon, a Mahantongo farmer, was killed by
lightning whllo entering hlshouso. Ho had
jftst stabled his cattlo nnd started towards
ttio house to ucuionn approaching etoruu
Blue, Oroy and Black Serges,
Fancy Cheviots and Worsted
Light suits of every description
with low cut vests.
We have a large stock to select
irom. The place is at
i:iectrlo Hitters.
Electric Bittern is a medicine suited for any. I
but iinrlians more conemllv needed in I
tho snrltiB. when tho languid exhausted,
ft-ellinr urovails. when tho llvor is torpid and
Kliiir.risli nmL tho need of a tonic aud altera
tivo is felt. A prompt use of this medicine.
has often averted long and perhaps fatal
bilious fevers. No medicine will act more-1
surely in counteracting and freeing tho sys
tem ftYim thn malarial tiolson. Headaclio,
Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to
Klectrio Hitters. Only fifty cents per bottle
at A. Wasley's arug store.
Major Mordant! rieaiU Guilty.
PtTTSunHO, July 14. Tho second trial of
ex-City Attornoy W. C. Morolnnd und hla
assistant, W. 11. House, charged with mis
appropriating mouoy said to rightfully be
long to tno city ot I'lttsDurg, was cnueu
in quarter sessions court yesterday beforo
Judges Porter nml Kennoity. Mossrs.
Morcland und Houso hud been jointly In
dicted for embezzlement- Tho amount
Elioclllcnlly stated lu tho nine counts pre
sented was 12(3,053.74, and covers the last
four yonr9 of official nets of tho defendants.
Morolund's attorneys caused a sensation
by entering a plea of guilty for their
clients. Ilouse pleaded not guilty, and
his trial proceeded.
Beer and Sorter
llucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tim salve In the world for cuts.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tottor, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
nil kln oruntlons. and positively cures pllos,
or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
85 cents per bo or 10 T A Wasley.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Rnfher Shnn 1
12 West Centre Street.
Our Hot Towel Shove
becoming popular. You will like It. Wd
make a specialty of hair cuttlnz.