The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 01, 1896, Image 2

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15STAllI.ISlll;l) 18T0.
l'ubllslieil every Kvcnlnn, Kicept Sunday, nt
8 South Jaiuhs htiielt, Keau Centkis.
Tlio Hunilil Is dtiivciptl InSlicimndoiih nndUie
aurroumlitiK tmnu rlx rents n week, nj
blo to the i arricrs. Hy mall S3.00 a year, or 25
cents h mouth, imynblc in mlviince. Advertise
ments churned mcurdliiK to pprtev und ponltlon.
The imblHliurfl rmcrvc the rljsht to elmiiKo the
position of ndvertlscnicuts whenever tho put)
ltcatlon ot news dcmniids It. Tho right Is
reserved to rt ji'ct nny ndvertisetifcnt, whether
fiatd or or nut, that the publishers may deem
mprojicr. Advertising rates mndo known
upon application.
Entered at the postofllco at Hbcnnndonli, Pa., as
second class mall matter.
Evening Herald
rim pmiKNT,
Of Ohio.
ito via: piiii1)1:xt,
tiAHUl.T A. IIOliAltT,
Of New Jersey.
Of Husquehanua.
Of Krlc
PnLsinr.JiT C'li:vi.i.ani lias kuuu 1 Gray
Gables for tlic suininur. After tlio unusually
large linnilur of vetoes lie fired at Congress
last hcsbinn lie deserves a long vacation. It
will .liu longer nftei Mareli 1th. next.
TlllJnrirnt of a legalized funin ngent Iiy
ii Sliiunolvin piilieeuian in mistaking him for
an importer for wIiomi arrest ii rewind had
been ollered in t ideiiti' of the necofisity for
selecting men of somu brains as well as
muscle Ii- n making up a police force.
Till event-, ol the pant few days forces the
eoiielusnm Hint the borough will soon be
obliged to iiieicasi' its regular police forco
und tin miiiIs ie,uired to deal mole t-evcrely
Willi tin law les-, anil bloodthirsty class that
l- n -.poii- ibh for tlie htate of affairs. Fines
and li'ln mipi .-iiinineiitH have no ctlcct upon
Ibeiu and t hi do not exhibit the slightest
ht-it.nny iibniit iitti inviting murder. No
timidnj "ii then paitpicveiitedllioslaugliter
of two pnlii-miiu last Saturday and olio of
tlitir o imtrj men on Monday.
Tin piilitnal pot in Luzerne is boiling
iiway at a lively r.ite. The Congressional and
Senatorial nominations have caused the
hottest lights, knnwh there fur years. Tlio
luiders agreed that no "boodle" was to bo
used in paying delegates "expenses" but we
doubt whether they were alilo to hold out, as
u t,u nt clamor was raised by tho self-snerillc
my leilnws elei ted as , delegatus, who stem to
g into it the same as somu delegatos not a
t leu--. in.) milt - I'ioiii Shenandoah have done,
f..i tin
U w p.
.nit of
iltry dollars they
aro ablo to
. is. Reciprocity and Sound
Hie keynotes of the campaign
nitireil li tin standard bearer of the Ilcpub-
l.i mi niity in bis speech accepting the uotui
u.iiiiiii. lie -I mils siiuarely on the platform
adopted ! y his party at St. Louis; in which
tin ii i-no i '(iiiMiciiiion on any of the issues
ol th. iljy .mil 1 lie candidate's is in
iiiliamil tliiHwith. tmthese issues and
its I,, , . mill . ut n coid for thirty years ill ad
.!:i:-!.m'il tl.i nll'.iirs of tho government,
Ii. i, 1 1 1 got s In tore the country. Thero is
in in . .1 in ,ipoliigi.e for an increase of J'-Mlo,
n in. i mil in the public debt, nor for idle mills
and ui tons, us these arc achievements not
a. i iiinplislied in Uipulilicaii times.
Kind Words for tlio American Oarsmen
In :uglis1i Newspapers,
London-, July 1. Tho Henley tiorro
Fpoiuleiit tif The Dally Mntl mtys: "Tho
Ynlc men nre very much In earnest, ntul
moan not tu loavu n .stono uiiturnoil in
their mulonvors to tnko tho clusslo cup
uci'osH the Atlitntle. Much ns overy Kit-
glishinnii wants nn Kligllsli crew tn win,
uo ono would iKiftrmiKo it victory to such
it sportsmanlike lot of yiiutiK fellows ns is
at this nioinont reiirosentlng Yalo nt
Die Dally Graphic gars: "Althouoh
thero is snino doubt anil also many opin
ions nlxiut the merits of the crew from
Ynlc, thero oan bo no ilenyiiiK that their
preicnee is tu the outside world tho most
cimsulcuous feature of the ropnttn. Their
best porfurmaiKc up to date was tho row
ing over tho course in 7.111. This tiino has
boon hontcu both by Loamler mid Now
ColleRu, who may be regarded lis Yalo's
f.tronget rivals. Ijoaniler has a splendid
eight, with a grout juice anil power, anil If
Yale can bout them we will hnvo to rovlKO
our notions of rowing New Collego will
also want a lot of beating. Yalo's other
Important rival Is Trinity Hall. A good
many people will look forwaril to a flno
struggle between them and Yalo, should
tho two happen to inert. "
Hellef In Six Honrs.
Distressing kidney and bladder dlseasos
relieved in six hours hy tho "New Great
South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great stirpnso on account of its
exceeding prntnptuess in relieving pain in
tho bladder, kidneys, back nnd overy nart
of tho urinary passagos in malo or female.
it relieves retention ol water and pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you want
quick relief and euro this Is your remedy.
Sold by Shapira's pharmacy, lu7 South Main
liobbeil of Ills Little I'm lime.
Ni;w Yoiik, July 1. .Tuliii Bell, of Phila
delphia, arrived in this city yesterday in
tending to take a steamship today for
Ultenos Ayros. where he intended to go
into business. Hell went into mi Italian
restaurant, nt 15'J 'Worth street, which Is
kept by Giovanni Ollnri. He told tho pro
prietor his pliuii, and added that he hnd
8220 in gold mi his person. Ollari Is said
to have told him that two of his friends
wore also going, and wanted Hell to meet
them. Later the two men escorted Hell,
as ho thought, to meet tho wife of ono of
thorn. When he reached a dingy room
ono of the men drew a pistol and iniiilo
lilm give up his gold. Tire men escaped.
Ollari was arrested as an accomplice
Somo time ago tho one-year-old child of
Mr. M. K. Lindsley, of Franklin Forks, Pa,
had a very severe attack of colic. She sul-
feied groat pain. Mr. Lindsley gave her
dose of Chainbetlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Iicinedy and in ten minutes her
distress was gone. This is the best medicine
in the world for children when troublid with
colic or diarrhoea. It never fails to chect a
prompt cure. When leduicd with water and
sweetened it is pleasant for them to take. It
should bo kept in every home, especially
during the summer months. For sale by
Gruhlor llios., Druggists.
Tin distiisi-ing example sot by yotiu
Mi I loiiiiiigh, w I in was kilkd on the Lehigh
Yullty lailniail at liaven Hun last week while
jumping from an engine to eseapo a i lest for
illegal car riding, has had a marked ell'cct.
The authorities say the practice is almost
entirt ly broken up and several boys anil
young men who indulged in it havo made
confessions which lead to tho conclusion that
they now fully realize tho gleat risk to which
they subjected themselves. It is hoped the
change will be a permaiiient one. There
have been many equally ellective examples
in tin- past, but time brought forgetfuluess to
the teckless and the list of maimed and
killed haj bein increasid despite the
vigilante of the authorities.
Almost eery town in tho legion except
Shenandoah displays marked evidences of
Fourth of July. Our people, aside fioin the
display of bunches of Chinese crackers, tor
pedoes, wheels, chasers, etc. in tho windows
of shops, are practically iudill'erent to tho
approach of Independence Day, which is n
luarkahle for a town having tho latgest popu
lation of any other in the county. Of course
times are dill'eicnt from what they were when
weeks were spent in piepa-iitlon for observ
ance oY tho day. The workintiine at theeol
1' tries and wages have been much cuilailed,
I ho social conditions have changed and theie
is not the unanimity and spirit that existed
ears ago; still thero should beeulllcicnt of
l lie geuuino '711 spirit left to bring about an
observance of the day, though it may only
ho tho parade of a few societies behind a
brass baud.
Nosi; can sympathize with the beieaved
families of tlKi luen who lost their lives in
the mines at 1'ittstou Sunday morning as the
people of the coal legion and it goes out
from none mine heartily than it does irom
the iieople of Shenandoah. They rati fully
i appreciate' the harrowing details and tlio
n fill shock brought upon those whose loed
nu s an- now entombed, or crushed beneath
Tlie rii'sldeut's Vigorous Kcii4otis for Ite-
fusllig Pardons in Tlu-ee Cases,.
YVAhliixiiTON, July 1. Tho president has
always shown a disposition to deal so
veroly with jmiiis who defraud pension
era and otherwise violate tho pension laws
and this tendency Is well exhibited in his
nction upon three iipplioutionsforpardoiis
in such cases, taken lust, before his depart
ure from tho capital yesterday. These
woro tho cases of Andrew J. Hooks of
Georgia, PaulvA. Marcelllno of Now Mex
ico and hlephen O. V. Hraudou of Ten
nessee. In the ease of Mareellino the president,
writes: "This convict was guilty appar
ently of nearly all tho crimes and frauds
denounced by our pension laws.sHo sooms
In every way possiblo to havo cheated and
swindled Ignorant pensioners und imposed
on tlio government. The punishment
meted out to him was well deserved and I
cannot yield to tho unthinking und irre
sponsible appeal for his pardon "
As to the Hooks caso the president
writes: "This convict personated u dead
soldier, and through that means procured
a pension and robbed tho government Ho
was justly dealt with by tho court, and
should suffer all the punishment awarded
to lilm."
Tho indorsement upon tho application
for Hriindon s pardon reads: "Denied.
am unwilling to pardon those who, In
violation of our pension laws, overcharge
applicants for pensions for the services
they render them In substantiating their
Minnesota's Itepiililieiin Convention.
St. Paul, July 1. Minnesota Repub
licans will meet this afternoon to place in
nomination a full state ticket. A large
portion of the ticket Is conceded as settled,
but there Is still a lively light on attorney
general, with a smaller contest on the
lieutenant governorship. Governor David
M. Clough will havo no troublo In secur
ing a reiiomlnation, having nearly three
fourths of the delogates instructed for
him. For lieutenant governor John L.
t 1 libs, of tho rirst congressional district
and Andrew Grindclnnil, of the Soventh
district, aro tlio only roal candidates, with
tho chances in favon of Ulbbs. Treasurer
August Koerner and Secretary of .State
Alliert llerg will Iki renominated by uo-clainatiun.
rought Ten Hounds to a Draw.
CLI;vkLan1), July 1. Ihe ton round
fight for points lietween Sully Smith, of
ban r rauclsco, and Johnny Lavnck. of this
city, nt Hetl Cross rink Inst night, was de
clared a draw. The men woro ovotily
uiaiciieu, nun me contest was n spirited
ono. A large crowd witnessed tho exhibi
Killed Ills Infant nnd Himself.
FALL Hiv'eu, July 1. John Cnnnnllv n.
mulosplnner, cut the throat of his S-vimr-
old son and then cut his own throat last
night. A razor was used, nnd tho neck
was severed to the spinal column. Death
was Instantaneous In both cases. Despon
dency was the cause of the act
Several Killed by mi Ilvplostoii,
Mktz, July 1. Flro In the arsenal near
Fort Moselle caused u partial explosion
which killed soveral jiersotis and seriously
injured many
The Weather.
For eastern Pennsylvania and New Jcr-
loy: Fain increasing cloudlnoss; easterly
Flro in the lumber yard district of Hrook-
lyn last night caused losses aggregating
According to tho school census the pop
ulation of Chicago Is 1,010,221, a gain of
51,419 over the school census of 1801.
A Helena, Mont., dispatch says that tho
Cheyenne Indians havo donned their war
paint and nre holding powwows, prepara
tory to a general uprising.
Owing to failure to agreo on n scale of
wages tho tin plate mills throughout tho
country havo closed. In the neighborhood
of l'iltsliurg alone 23,001) men aro out.
Olllclnls of tho Chicago nnd Alton rail
road at Chicago havo discovered that a
gang of employes, among whom aro pas
senger train conductors and station
agents, working with Pullman car por
ters, havo roobod tho railway company of
i.M-.ind ,
i 'lui-; a-
.1 te out
of tons of lock unit coal
i -"Hi' of the uewspaptrs may
up .Hi of the iirnbli ,i . id. nt
dc the eual a 'iun cm neM-r fully
. alii nd tht awful terror:, nr. cutcd to
nut jrtunat" uuu should they now bu
r, ,i lug, and the hiaiittruudln;
f iiiinh1o uwaiUug.,ui(T'ri
jouii nt-i Work fiy the tiravi
,t-tv tijj tatcwilf t)jo death eutv
i nie adfrn,ut)tel describe.
Ji ion liJUheraiJiojV'My:
r;-- " ry u to bo pti
.1 even though r.
bodlu skill i
i.3--st-. t.
New Jersey's Itepiililieiin Comiuitteui
Nr.w.MlK, N. J., July 1. The Republican
stato committee met yesterday and organ
lied by electing tho following olllcers:
Franklin Murphy, chairman; 15. .1. Ander
son, vlco chairman , John Ktvin, treasurer
John y. Foster, soeretnry , W. S. Snyder,
iwnUtaut suerotury ; executive committee,
Franklin Murphy, Colonel William Har
bour, Yv. h. llaucoek, J. J. Anderson,
John Koan, Clarence 15. Hrockonrldge,
Kdwnrd Yv'. Wooloy, William Hettlo,
David Halrd, Darker Gununere, Coluni l
Henry A. Potter, George Itlcharils ami
Klehard Heading. Garrett A. Hobart, the
llepubllean canilldato for vice president,
tondered his roslgnatlun as n mcniboruf
tho coniinltteo The resignation was laid
on tho table
A Valuable Prescription.
IMitor Morrison of Worthlngtou, Ind..
"Sun." writes: "You have a valuable pre
scription in Kloctric Hitters, and I can cheer-
tully recominenu it lor Constipation and
sick Headache, and as a general system tonic
it has no equal." Mrs. Annio Stehle, 2i!23
Cottago Grove Avo., Chiraigo, was all run
down, could not eat or digest food, hail a
backache which never left her and felt
tired and weary, but six bottles of Dlcctric
Hitters restored hoi health and renewoU nor
strength. Prices 50 cents and $1.00. Get a
bottle at A. Wasley s Drug Store.
Coining Kicnt.
July 8. Strawberry and ice cream festival,
under the auspices of tho P. A., in the
basement of the P. M. church.
July 28. Ice cream festival under the
auspices of tho Black Diamonds, In Iiolibins'
opera house.
Aug. 14. Ice cream festnal in Itobbins'
opera house, under the auspices of the East
Dud Toung Americans.
Aug. 22. lee cioani festival under tho
auspices of .Shenandoah Yalley Council No.
030, Jr. O. U. A. M., lit I'.obbins' opera house.
Will Not PerformMiracles
But It Will Cure,
Hhhirt Thomas,
sidil lot. n tttentv
JIert nnd nlo lot of estate of It nisi
ii erased, to Uonl street tin pine, nf Uf
euros norvo prostration. Not mi
raculously, hut scientifically, by first
removing the germs of disease, and then
supplying healthy norvo food, increasing
tho appetite, helping digestion and strength
ening tho cntlro system. Desperato cases
rcqulro prolonged treatment as shown by
that of Mrs. M. 1J. Ilccd, of Delta, Iowa, who
writes: "As tho result of allghtnlngstroke,
tho physicians said I had a light otroko ol
paralysis, my llinb3 would all draw up. I
Dr MUSS' woul(1 uavo throbblngs
miii muesli kuai. beeiuuu
unendurable. Forthroo
months I could not sleep
aud for thrco weeks did
not closo my eyes. I
prayed for sleep, and
felt that If relief did not como I would bo
doad or insane. I took Dr. Miles' ltestora
tlvo Nervino and tho second night slept two
hours aud from that time on my health Im
proved; slowly at first, but steadily and
surely. I took In all 40 bottles, and I cannot
express how grateful I am, for I am now
perfectly well, and navo taken no medicine
for over four months." Dr. Miles' Ncrvlno
Is sold by druggists on guarantee that first
bottlo benefits or money refunded.
Book on hoart and nerves free. Dr. Miles
Modlcal Co., Elkhart, Ind.
The Ideal l'anaee.l.
James I,. Francis, Alderman, Chicago, says:
"I regard Dr. King's New Discovery as an
Ideal Panacea for Coughs, Colds und Lung
Complaints, having used it in my family for
tho last five years, to the exclusion of
physician's prescriptions or other piepam
tions." l!cv. John Hurgus, Keokuk, Iowa, writes:
"I havo been a Minister of tho Methodist
Episcopal church for 50 years or more, and
have never found anything so beneficial, or
that gave mo such speedy lelief as Dr. King's
New Discovery." Tiy this Ideal Cough
I'emedy now. Trial bottles free at A.
Wasley's drug stoic.
Shot by ll isurgiar.
Piioviiiknce, July 1. Mrs. Elizabeth
Taylor was serlntt sly wounded by an un
known burglar just after noon yesterday.
She was asleep In her chamber when she
was awakened by tho sound of amanrum
ngiug In her bureau. Sh. asked him what
ho wanted, and he pointed n revolver at
her, saying "Keep quirt or I'll shoot."
In spite of the rhrent Mi". Tavlur scream
ed for help tin- Li, Hot cnteiirg her face
just below the right nostril. Tho burglar
Ninth, editor of Tho Argus,
lecouiuioijils a remedy for
with magical
he says, "I
inbcrlaln's (.bile,
'niedy, and after
the contents the
'eetliig an entire
tun l lit Jrtny ami ciiecnuiiy rccommcuu
the lemcdy to all Millcring from diarrhoea,"
This remedy is for sale hy Gruhler Bros.,
Druggists. i
Mr. W. 11
Henton, Pa ,
ruiriyn Pveror3agil
lly virtue of sundry writs of fieri fuclns.
veiiilltlonl cxpoiitis nnd levari fnclns, Issued
out ot the Court of Common Plens of Schuyl
kill County, nnd to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale or outcry, on
At 10 o'clock in tlio forenoon, nt the Court
IIouso, in tlio llorotixli of I'ottsvlllc, Scliuylkill
'ounty, I'ennylvnnia, the following dcHcrlla'd
roal Chtato, to wit-
NO. 1.
No. 1. All t lint ccitiiin lot or purccl of rouml
sltuatu in North Union township, Schuylkill
county, bounded ami described as follows, to
wit: lleKimdntf at ii jKjst and stono corner, a
southeast eorucr of D.uitel and Company, Into
Samuel llelTncr hi rlht of (leoro Keavcr, anil
by the same nouth 73 decrees vt"4 ISa-iOpcrcIn-s
to a Mono near the Cntawiosa Kallrond, thence
alontr the said railroad by tho land lant inen-
tiont-d nortli deKrces ca;t '22 ucrchot to stoncM
ind norm bl oeiirerM east 2d s-iu ncichcston
larc mountain stone, thence by land of Jacob
UiidemutU noith lliJ deiirces et 37ieichen
ttttlie place of bcKiunliiK, containing 1(1 acit'H
nnd J)" peiches Itii the appurtenances con-int-
tnir'l a iwo-sK)ry irame uwelllnu houo with
htmio baemcnt ami frame summer kitchen
attached, a log fetable and frame out building.
No. 2 All that ceitaln lot or nlooo of (rround
Bltuato in North Union township, Schuylkill
county, bouudctl nnd destiibcd tin f4)llows, to
wit: Jietfinninjr at xnc emvert on Miimy i:un
('reek on the Philadelphia and Heading Kail
road, formcily the CatawNna Kallioad, thenco
north decrees cast 71 perches to a post,
thence north 10J decrees east tl perches to a
HtOnc, thence south vs detrrecMcavt Y2 1-10 perches
to a jMut, thenco north (lcreeH 9 jicrches to
a powt, thenco 12! terccH cast 122 perches to
an oak Htump, thence north Vx depreen east IS
neicncH to a post, tlicncc nortli .11 2-10 deirrees
east 10 3-10 ncicliCH to a post, thence north 13
degieci west I 7-JO pcichcs n ii stone, on line
r rauroao, ttience soutn tleirrees west
'2V perches to a cliectnul saplliiK, thenco south
KlH decries west '2T 1-10 iierches to a Avhlteninc
tree, menee Bouin 4 octrees went iiyjpeicuci
to the place of hccinnliiK, containing 10 acres
and iri peicnes Mnct measure wltn the anniirt
cnanccs consitinc of a two-and-a-half-story
frame lclllnu with u one-htory frame kitchen
attached, a frame barn and stable, a frame
dynamite mill with tubs, and machinery, n
water heel, a frame chicken pen, franio smoke
house, a frame out-bulldin, a frame uilxinc
buildlnc, with tubs, etc., a frame tamplnc
house, a frame More house, a two-story loc
house, a fiame shell factory, a frame box
factory, a frame feoda house, frame boiler nnd
engine house with upright boiler nnd enciuo
ami a one-story frainc building, nnd a railroad the property of WILLIAM J. SMITH,
trading as the. NATIONAL DYNAM1TK vVNI
NO. 2.
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate
in the borough of Schuylkill lbuen, Schuylkill
county, Pennsylvania, bounded in float by
Peter street, in the lear by a ten feet wide alley,
southwardly by a ten feet wide alley,
and northwardly by lot number 20; containing
in width 20 feet, and In length from said Peter
Btrcct to the 10 feet wide alley nbout 110 feet;
being the lot marked on llubley's division of
lots with number 25; with tho appurtenances
consisting of a 2-story frame dwelling house;
as the property of ST PiCTHU'S KVANOKLI
NO. 3.
All those two certain contiguous lots or pieces
of laud In the Morris and Fisher addition to the
borough of Tremont, Schuylkill county, num
ber 31 and 33, Lot number 31, bounded on tho
north by Main street, on the enst by lot pumber
20,on tho south by Poplar stieet and on the
west by lot number 33; tlio eatd lot being 10 feet
In front on Main stiect aud extending that
width In depth to Poplar street; and lot number
3.1 1s bounded on tho north by Main street, on
tho cai-t by lot number 31, on the south by Pop
lar street, on tho west by lot number 35, the said
lot number 35 being tho property of (Jcorge
Klclbeustein; the mild lot being 10 feet in fiont
on Main street and extending that width in
depth to Poplar street; with the appurtenances
consisting of a two nnd onc-half-story frame
dwelling house with a one-story frame kitchen
attached and a ono-story frame out-kitchen, a
two-story frame tannery and bark bouse nnd
l two frame out-houses; as tho property of MAUY
I NO. 4.
f All that ctitaln lot or niece of ground situate
I in the borough of Ashland, Schuylkill county,
I bounded iioithwardly by Itace street, east
wiirdlv bv Kiuhtrentli stret't. hontbu imlK liv
Arch stiect and westunrdly by land of Phlla-
delphi.t and lCeadlnir Coal and Iron Company,
containing In width tnenty-flvo fcit aud in
depth one hundred feet ; with the appurtenances
1UBI. TRADE MABK JAN. 24, '99, , ... fmmt, l.iilltllnt'iittnnhcil.
1 a frame stable, a frame coal bouse ami frame
i out-buildincs: uh the property of WILLIAM
LOVLLL and ANN his wife, in right of hald
; wile,
NO. 5.
1 All that certain lot or nleoe of c round situate
1 in the borniiKli of AshUiud, Schuylkill county,
'hounded nortnwuruiy uy vtaiuut siroet, east
ward ly by lot of ChriM. itudwash, Houthwardly
by Spruce street nud wetwardly by lot of Mary
Metger. and being lot marked on the litho
graphic map or plan of said borough with tho
number 27, section 72, containing lit width
twenty-fHe feet and In ilcfth one hundred and
twenty-live feet; with the nppurtonanee con
sisting of a block of two twit-story frnmu
dwelling houses with stone Imminent with two
one-story frame hack buildings attached, a house ami frame out-bulldlugs ; as
the property of SEIUbTIAN BELLA1E.
decent (T,- mv mlffUiftf
icrtwidin' lotollifthtd
tof estate of J ftloJt(fiirl
containing in front on Conl street twftiitniwr
left four III clips, inolc nr nuA mifZAtt7
back In length or depth one hundredlfflll forty
two feet, mote or less; with the nppuitenatieei
consWIiig of n two-story frame storp and
dwelling houe, n frnme baker chop nnd n framo
stable ; ns the property of UEOIKtE T.
No. 7.
All thoMirfnce or right of poll of all that
ceitnlnlot of laud ltuate, lying and being In
the township of Kline, Schuylkill county,
bounded nud described ns follows: Beginning
at a stake nt the northrnsterii Interttettlou of
C entre and Fust directs, thence nlomrsnld FIrt.
street nortli four and three-fourths degreen went
fifty feet to a stake, thence northeighty-flvenud
ime-foirrth degiees ent one hundred nnd fifty
ict-Eion smkc on an niley twenty leet wide,
thence along said alley south four and three
fourths degrees oast fifty feet to a stake at tho
Intersection with Centre street, thence nloinr
anid Centre street rsouth cighty-lUe and one-
iovmn ucgrcea west ono Hundred and nity icet
to the place of beginning; louniled on the
north bv lot numbered five, on the oast bv nn
alley twenty feet wide, on the south by Centre
street and on the west by First street, contain
ing seven mounuu live Hundred square icet or
land, nnd being lot numbered six in block "A"
on the plot of lots laid out tn the said township
bv the Lehlfih nnd Wllkcalmrre Coal Company
with the mmurtonnnccB consisting of a two-
story frame dwelling house; ns the property
NO. 8.
All those certain lots or pieces ot ground
situate on Peacock street in tho borough of
Fottsvillo, Schuylkill county, bounded and
di scribed ns follows: On tho east by a twenty
two feet wide street, on tho south by Pcncock
street, on tho west by lot marked 111 onthemap
or plan of the Norwegian addition to tho
borough of Potts vlllo and on the north by
Norwegian creek; being lots or parts of lots
marked with the numbers 110 and H7 on tho
aforesaid plan or drafts; containing in front on
said Peacock street ono hundred nnd sixteen
feet and in depth nbout one hundred and nine
feet; with tho appurtenances consisting of a
two-story brick and franio slaughter house and
ice manufacturing building with upright cuglnCf
boiler and connections, pulleys, shafting, belts,
&c., two boiler pumps, two Ice machine pumps,
distilling cylinder, ment cutter, meat mixer,
sausage stuffer, vats, lard cooler, elevator,
Diamond drill pump, and all other machinery
and fixtures erected thereon or connected there
with, a frnme rattle shed, a frame wagon shed
nnd storeroom, a framo smoke house, a double
brick smoke house and frame coal shed; as tho
property of G. A. DOEHFLINGEH.
NO. 9.
All that certain lot or piece of ground situnto
tn the borough of Pottsvllle, Schuylkill county,
bounded westwardly or front by Centie street,
northwntilly by property belonging to Frank
Carter and Joseph DeFrehn, eastward ly by
South Coal stteet ami southwardly by lot of
Mary C. Wynkoop, containing in width twenty
feet and In depth one hundred and twenty feet
five inches; with the appurtenances consisting
of a three-story brick dwelling houe with a
three-stoiy brick back building attached ; nsthc
property of JOHN A. SULLIVAN with notice
terre tenants.
NO. 10,
AH that certain lot or piece of ground situate
on the southeast corner of Eighth and Nor
wegian sticets In the borough of Pottsvllle,
Schuylkill county, bounded and described ns
follows, to wit: Northwardly or In front by
said Norwegian street, easlwardly by property
of Abner S. Keiser. southwardly by a three feet
pasp,age way or alley and westwardly by said
Eighth street ; being part of lot number fifteen
in Pott and Patterson's addition to Pottsvllle
and being the same premises now marked and
known as No. 725 West Norwegian street, in
said borough; containing fifteen feet In front or
w idth on add Norwegian street nnd extending
of that width In length or depth sixty-seven
feet; with the appurtenances consisting of a
three-story bilck dwelling house with a two
story brick back building and a ono-story frame
kitchen attached ; as tho property of GEOItGK
NO. 11.
Alt that certain tract of land, situate on the
Is essential to
health. Every nook
nnd corner of tho
system is readied by the blood, and on
its quality thecondition ot every organ de
pends. Good blood means strong nerves,
good digestion, robust health. Impure
blood means scrotula, dyspepsia, rheuma
tism, catarrh or other diseases. Tho surest
way to havo good blood is to tako Hood's
Sarsaparllla. This medicine purifies, vi
talizes, and enriches tho blood, and sends
the elements ol health and strength to
overy nerve, organ and tissue. It creates
a good appetite, gives refreshing sleep
and cures that tired feeling. Remember,
Is tho best In fact tlio Ono True Iilood I'urifler.
u ii r--ii euro Liver Ills; easy to
nOOU S HlllS tako, easy to oiierate. 250.
PAT. NOV. 11. 1S90. JUNE 23
TlAivnrA nf f rAiiriiilclit And wnrthlpfl imitations.
NONE GenuiiiB,sif''TWIN"
The most beautiful I most pliable mast prrfect start
They nover break! Tliey nuver cut! They never rustl
Made tn Uottnn anil Bilk Caitngs and Klekel VI itL
Bcud 25 cts. (Stamps! for samples "Genuine Twin," to
0. BtSTUUU-N, 18 .1. tih Bvrctl, VUUJilHli, rt.
CCC 05 00000 5-5 0OOOC05COS00C0
d&kk 9v x$J! Ess& !
Does This Mean Anjthlng to You 1
If your truss don't hold you orlscauslnc
pain, kco us at once. It may savo you years (if
suiferliiB. Wo liavo cured hundred of jieojilo
ill l'ennsylvanla, andean refer you to patients
cured in your own town. Our treatment Is
harmless and Mill nut keep you from your
dally labor. Call ami have a talk with our
doctor. It will cost you nothing, Wot'uaran.
teo relief afti-r tho first treatment, and our
prices aro reasonable.
The Dr. Miller Co., Philadelphia.
Sco Our lloetor Lvery Tuesday at
UNION HOUSE, Ashland,-Pa.
east side of a jamlle road leading from J amatiua
to Hazleton, in Hush township, Schuylkill
county, hounded and described at follows, to
wit: Iteirlnnimr nt n stone corner on the cast
wide of s;Ud public nmd and at the distance of
one hundred (100) feet, north from the centre of
tnctrai-xoi the iNCHquenonlUK valley itailroao;
thence houth along paid railroad track, Kovith
eltrhtv-one (fil) dotrrees, east one hundred and
filty-hevcn ( 107) perches, to a point in line of
land ol AU;ut Kaane 8 t nonce along said
IfmilxVu In ml ,,(,rt1. el vtv.llirco tKU
cast one hundred and fifteen (115) peiehesto
htones ; thence south twenty-two and one-half
(22va- devices eas-t eleven (11) perches, to htones;
thence along lands of John Krhc, noith llftcen
(15) deirrccM. cast one hundred and two (102)
peiehesto a chestnut oak; thence along other
ands of tlio said Jamcri lairtrart. deceased, and
Including in that part, described in the order
and rcoucfrt of hale, as number live, Houth
ciuhtv-nine (hO) decrees west onu hundred and
eighty-seven (187) perches to Ftons; thence
north eiphty-one degrees wei-t foity perches to
htones; inence norm eignty-iour (ol) degrees,
west eighty-four (HI) peithe1, to a stone corner
In the mihfic road leadlmr from Tamanua to
Hazleton ; thence in a southerly direction along
said puolio road, tinny-two and one-nan ii-;,
perches to stones, corner of land of Jovian
Kracbel. llience noun eiuiitv-emut degrees,
east tweive and one-half (I'J)) perches, thence
houth flcven (7) detrrees weht fifteen perches.
thence pouth eighty-eight degrees west twehe
and one-half perches to a btone corner on the
public road leaning irom lamiupm to iiazievon,
thenco In a Boutherly ilirectlou ntontr said
nuoiio road, cieiity-two tsj) percnes to tne piaco
oi neginning, coniaiuing two mumrcd aim
twenty-thrco (22:1) ivcres and forty-nino (-19)
nercues. sine measure.
AUo: All that certain tract of land, situate on
thewcbt bide of a public road, leading from
Tauiaoua to Hazleton. In ltusli township.
Schujlkill county, hounded and described a-
follows, to wit : Jleginnlng at a post and stotio
corner on the west side of said public road and
at a distance of one hundred (100) feet north
from the centres of the track of the Xsesouehou-
ing Valley Hall road; thence north along tho
said railroad eighty-one (81) degrees west
seventv-two (72) nciches to stones, thenco south
nine (J) degrees, ea&t three (ii) perches to a
htone corner at a dihianee oi nnv icei irom
the centre of tlio Nesipiehonlng Valley Railroad
track: thenco alomr the said railroad north
Mgiity-one (Sij degrees west MMy-ono and one
half (fil) perches to stones, in line of lands of
Welsh and others; thence along said Welsh's
land north ten flOl degrees, cast twenty-five f2."5
perches to stones; thenco along the same not th
elghty-ono 81 degrees, west twcnty-slx '2h
perches to stones In lino of lands of II. A,
Weldy & Co., thence along the bald lands of
t cidy v i;o. norui ten (.iuj uegrees, east one
hundred ami flftv-flve nerches to stones: thenco
east slxty-hlx rrf perches to public road leading
irom lamaquaio Jiazictou; cueneo aiong saiu
imhlic roal In a southerly direction, two hun-
ired and twentvlour l percnes to tne place
of beginning, containing ono hundred and
forty-two u'2 acres und tmrty-turee
perehos, strict measure, together with tho
appurtenances consisting of ono two-story
inune owcuimr nousu. irame carriage nouse.
one frame lj-story dwelling house, frame
chicken house, nlir sty and corn crib. &.c. : as
the property of HANNAH HALSUY, with
notice to terre tenants.
NO. 12
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate
on the north hido of Pino street, in the village
of iSelbon (Jlty, in iast Uiuon Towusniu,
Schuvlkill countv: contalnlntr In front oiwsah
Pine street thirty-two feet and extendlncr back
of that width at right angles therewith ne
hundred and thirty feet to Cranberry alley
helmr lot No. 2 tn block 2ft tin tho man or piano
bald Nelson City as constructed by U.S. lloyer
in May, lhhUj bounded us follows; north hy
Cranberry alley, east by lot No, ii, south hy Pine
street and west by lot No. 1; with the appur
tenances consisting of a two aud one half story
framo dwelling house, a frame stable aud framo
out-building; as the ptoperty of AMANDA
U0. 13,
AH that certain lot or piece of ground situate
in rsorin union iownsitip, bcnuyiKlll county,
hounded tmd described as follows: northwnrd
ly hy light of way of the Philadelphia and
Heamng iiuiirowi, union siding, castwardiy y
laud of I.lndernuith. on the south bv
lands of Hartman, and on the wett by right of
wav or tho l'hlladelniila and Keautmr: contain.
ing one aero of land, more or less, and having
elected, thereon buildings necessary for tho
manufacture of powder, dynamite and nitro
glycerine; as tho property of WII.MAM J.
No, 15
1 1 I liar CP1 f ,i W nl or tm r nt ,.,.1
D..111C South fi lli Pmkcr tfP t in tl,
Ottghof (Jlrardvili Schuvlkill f
taiumbcrtwoiii idotk number rt mil
orjlan of the Preston Coal and Imprm
Cmnimny addition to the paid bt-roi
iiraruvnic; containing liftv feet in m
IIMlirill fir liniilli ill Id litltnlrrul nml 41 rt. t.
Or fM. bniliiilril fMlofii-nwlH- Iff
premia which the Preston Coal and Ii
meni iiiffljipany, uy deed tinted th. Mil
l-cnruaTr A. J.. fsi i.rnnfcil mid nrtl...
of a tuostorr frnmn itwolHiifv l,,,,, ir
story frame buck huildlnirand
No. 16.
All that certain Jot r nlnno nf r(,,i
ii inv iioruiiirii ni .!) n w . Mr-nn v l-ill r
Wliril V IV Ot (tr l'rtni- rriaa
"i'BirctiiHnii westwamiy uy lot oft
onu in depth one hundred and forty feet
fiuvn. ui iwoiwoanua naif Ptory frame
tUlU lnCTS attnchcft n. frnnin cfnl.l
inimra nml frumo i.. .ii.k. .
oi llll.ODOUlE WEWIilt, or WKAVEll.
NO. 17.
Ml tlint CCrtatll lot Cir nlnpo nt inti,..l
on the nortli Blilp of Hno ttreet in the vill
kill County; contnlnlnir In front on (.nlil
tlintwldtlint riKht niiKlcs therewith one
ilred nnd thirty feet to Cranberry nlley.
lilm. Ill l.lfWlb. .,'r.,.t,T..n.n .1.
in .uiiy, looy; imunucu ns ioiion! liortlnrn
by Cranberry nlley, rajtbyhnlf of lot nui
nine, south by lino etrcetmul west by lot i
ber seven: with tho niiimit!nnnra nn.latl.
ft two story fmnio lUvelliiiK houic with n
Blory nniuo uaeK Iniikllii); nttncheil, n fr
.stable, frame chicken pen, anil frame out ij
iiik; ns mo iiroperty ol jusisril KAl'KOI
No. 18.
No. 1. All thnfc oprt-Mii trno t rn- ulnnn n
situate in llrandonville. Kast t'nion tow
Hchuylkill County; adjoining lands of I
Miner, nelson ltrandon. HIJns HoiTnagl
others, containing niucttvo acres. m
less witn tne annuricnanccs consiitinir
two and a half story frainc dwelling honw1
ono ami one-uair story Pack huildfij
ached, a frame bank Jtarn a frnnw mwi
frame corn crib, frame pig stable, frame cb
jiouc, irame coai encu and frame out
No. 2. All that ceitaln lot or piece of g
situate In the Itorouirh of Mfih.nmv
5'huylkill County; bounded on the north 1
oi tary iiern, on tne east ny tatawi'-a
on the south by Maple street and on the v
icjvinicy nuey. containing in front
Catawlssa stieet twenty-live feet and exti
of that width In length or depth run hi
and five feet, more or less; with the 1 consisting of a block of two tv
a half story frame cottage dwelling j
with two two-story frame hack butldli
tat bed, a frame stable and shed frame t
nouse, irame coal nono and frann om
tmrs: as the pronertv of WILlJAfll r.I. 1
NO. 19.
Levied June 13th. 180 on all the rltrlJ
and Interest of Louisa Younctlclsch. of 1
to an mat certain lot or piece or groui
uate In the llorough of Mlnersvlllc Hchi
Countv. I'ennsvlvanla. bounded nnd ilcl
as follows : On the north by Carbon stnl
the east bv land of the estate of Tliomiu 9
deceased, on the south by land of Mrs. ,
Hntton, and on the west hy land of Cat hi
Shccder, containing in width sixty fett ino
less and In depth sixty feet more or les-,
i no appurtenances consisting oi a tuo-ani
nan story frame dwelling house, a framd
mer Kitcnen and irame out-imiidtngs , J
ropertyot ujlisa YUlNUr'Lr.lisCni
No. 20.
All those two certain lot or nieces of 1
described as follows: First, Vll that!
lot or piece of irrounu situate on the soil
corner of bunbury and Fifth streets in t fl
ougli of Jilncrsville, Schuvlkill Count!
taming in front on bunbury street itlty tl
In depth ono hundred and fifty feet to a I
feet wide street; with tho annurteaanc.J
sisungoi a turec story stone tavern. stfJ
iweinng nouse, a niocic oi jour twc-stora
iwemnir nouses witn stono naseinciiTs.
warehouse and frame out biilldinurs.
Also, Second All that certain lot or 1
ground situate on tho cast side of FJftlJ
in tho Borough of MInersvIlle, Hem
Countv. containing in front on Fifth strJ
feet and in width twenty-llvo feet, boun
inu tsii uy in Bireci, mi me norm
now cr late, oi LaarK. on tno
lot of Jacob Stelnhilhert. nud on the 6oul
twenty feet wide street; with the nnnurtt
consisting of a frame stable. The &aid I
two lots Mist nnd second formlmr toirctil
tavern propeuy Known as tne i-armers n
said Jtorougn oi ivuuersville, as now ul
Aretta Mohan; as tho nropeity of JOHN
mortgagor, ami TFJtliANCJ- M(l
terre tenants.
NO. 21.
All that western one-half lot or iJ
ground situate on tho nortli side of fl
street, In the borough of Ashland, ScfJ
county, being tho western nan of lot
lour, as iaui out ny ircston sillier.
bounded and described as fdllows r On tl
by lot number three, on the north b;i
Oideon W. Snyder, on tho east by thel
half of lot number four and on tho i
Centre street: contalnlntr In front
Centre street twelve nnd one-half feet I
tending of that width in length or deptfl
wariny uity-six icet, more or ies$ wi
npiurtcnanccH consisting of a two-atg
story frame hotel and dwelling housil
two-story framo back building and I
summer kitchen attached, a frame chiJ
and frame out-hulldings; as the prol
Taken in execution and to be sold byl
SiiEMpr's OrFicK, Pottsville, Pa.
June 10th., le'Jfi.
NO. 6. I
AH that ccTtnuuot ir piece ox ground situate j 14
in tne norougn oi ron uaroon, ncnuyiKiii - : -
county, bt.unded and debcribiMl as follows, to , All those certain two lots i or liieces of ground
wit : lieginniiiK on Coal street on a corner of a situate in tho Borough of Pottsyllle, hchuyjklU
lot of the estate of U-wis Hoebuer, deccabcd, i County, marked i numbers 30 and 31, on the ilan
thence north twenty-two feet four Inches, more of A. 8. Faust's addition to said borough,
or less, to Hue marked out on lot of estate of ' bounded on the north hy Main street, on the
Vriuh (Janes, deceased, thence east along said east by lot number 2i), n the south by reserved
lot one hundred and forty-two fett, more or land of A. S. Faust, and on the west by lot
lesi, to a post adjoining other ground of estate , number 32; containing In front 40 feet and in
of said Uriah (Jnne.thencesouthtwentv-tw property of
iwu inencH. muru iuaai iu iiuv ui iui ui isiuvo vi
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicl
Beer and Por
Barbey's Bohemian
genuine, welcome awaits you J
Cor. flaln and Coal Stsl
Finest whlekeya. bee'ra, porter ami
siantiy on tap. uuoico temperance ai