The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 01, 1896, Image 1

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    I XL-NO. 166.
Children's Carriages $3.75
and upwards.
All Styles of
j. p.
Williams 8c Son,
South Main St.
dquarters For Shirt Waists, Silks, Etc.
i demand for laundered shirt waists isdaily increasing and wo arcs now fully prepared
the wants of tlio trade. Wo handlo only well niado garments, but you will And our
i low as others ask for common goods, 50c, 6oc, 75c, 7!ic to $1 .25.
silk stock is Immense You nro euro to find here the material you want for cither
Ittcrns, dress trimmings, waists, etc We receivo new invoices almost daily and get
r mere is now in tlio market.
i'E DRESDEN SILKS, 1st quality, f 1.00 to ?1.25 per yard.
VCK SATIN DUCHESS, extra heavy, ?1.00 poryard.
INTED JAPAN SILKS, 25 cents to 45 cents.
KIN JAPAN SILKS, 50 cents to 75 cents.
irgo variety of Fancy Silks from 35 cents to 00 cents per yard.
Carpet 6tock is" complete. Look through our lino and 6eo the pretty designs in
i, Tapestry, eivet, uouy urussets ana ingrain, also nag carpet lrom 20 cents
jVo Handle Butterlcks' Paper Patterns.
IJ. GAUGHAN, 27 N. Main St.
Special Drive in Ladies' Footwear!
ring Line of Ladies' Shoes is being increased every day. Takes
in everything good and attractive in the market. .
kVe are making a drive in the Waverly ladies' shoe. 300 pair
Ivill be sold at $2 a pair. Regular price is 52.50. Tins may be
llns last of this line this season. We have them 111 J, D, EX
l,E widths. No better shoe is made for the money.
i o ra 1 Agent for the Snag Proof Duck Boot.
A Full and Complete Line
From 50c to $1.25.
Gloves, Ribbons and Fans. Everything suitable for
a fine graduating dress.
. I pOSpp'Q North Main St.,
a shoe tale: I
Only the happy wearers of Morgan's Shoes
can appreciato their real poodness of quality,
fit and durability. Tho prices aro right a trial
will tell a long story. Seo our special in ladies'
Alfred F. Morgan,
No. 11 W. Oak Street.
It Adds to the IDrror of the Plttston
Mine Fatality.
They Had Started on a Danserous Mission
In Response to Reports of Rapping
From tho Doomed Miners Relief
For the Destitute Families.
WlMCKSliAliRK, Ph., July 1. It Is now
stated that thero nro flfty-ninoinon, living
r dead, Imprisoned In tho depths of tho
doomed Twin mlno. This is tho official
number, and thero is norenson to think it
Incorrect. Tho company has completed o
careful canvass of all tho men who wer!
nt -work on Saturday night, and tho sun!
total of tho inon lost In tho disaster, En
glish speaking and foreigners, aggregate
this flguro. Tho relatlvos of flvo other
Hungarians declaro that thoso men, too,
ore among tho victims, but this is dis
puted by tho timekeeper, who says that
tho Huns drow their pay last week and
went to Pittsburg to work in tho soft coal
mlnos. Thoy simply deserted their fam
ilies, but their women will not bollovo it.
At midnight tho situation was moro en
couraging than It has boon at any time
slnco tho cavcln. Tho rescuers had reached
tho odgo of tho fallen rock and had begun
to load It In cars, which aro hoisted to tho
head of tho slopo by u stationary cnglno.
Tho point whoro tho men nro supposed to
bo is still 600 foot boyond. Tho gas is not
so bad as it has been, and thero Is no sign
of tho river water flowing Into tho mlno.
When tho 11 o'clock shift enmo out of
tho mlno last night somo of tho men re
ported having heurd what they thought
were rappings in that part of tho mlno
whoro tho victims aro supposed to bo Im
prisoned. This Immediately revived tho
hopo that the men might bo alive, al
though tho officials place little rellanco on
this story. Flvo bravo fellows, bonded by
Daniel Lehr, volunteered to crawl ovcrtho
wall and seo what could bo seen. They
were told that they mado tho journey at
their own risk, and replied that thoy wero
satisfied. Thoy ore Daniel Lehr, David
Conncll, James Million, James O'Hrlcn
and Jnmos Lynott, all slnglo men.
Another oxtcnslvo envein occurred In
the workings of tho Twin shaft shortly
after midnight. Tho cavcln was In that
portion of tho mino where tho victims are
thought to bo. It made a tcrrlflo report,
and was heard all over tho town. Tho fall
must havo boon a vury heavy one. It had
tho effect of driving tho rescuers out of tho
slope, for tho tlmbers.nround them Imme
diately began to sway and crack. A fall
in tho slopo mny occur at any moment.
Tho news of tho second cavei n has had a
most discouraging efToct on everybody, as
it Is conceded, oven by tho famlllos of tho
victims that thero Is now nuhopoottholr
over escaping alive. Tho livo men who
had volunteered to climb the- walls were
not caught in tho last fall. Thoy escaped
safely to tho head of tho slopo.
Tho bore hole which was started In tho
Cloar Spring mino, which adjoins tho
Twin shaft, to pierce tho pillar of 100 feet
of solid coal between tho workings of tho
two mines has not proved as successful as
was hoped. 'When tho drill was in about
thlrty-llvo feet It struck rook and had to
bo abandoned. At noon yesterday n now
holo was started.
Tho mass meeting of citizens hold In tho
Plttston Opera IIouso last night for tho
purpose of taking steps to provide relief
for tho famlllos of tho victims was largely
attended. Committees wero appointed to
solicit subscriptions and provide for tho
immediate relief of thoso lit want.
hu want GOOD BREAD use either of the following brands of
lide Blended Flour :
sy, Moss Rose, Lexington, Our Lilly.
the product of a combination of the Best Winter and
fhern Spring Wheat.
'Old Time" Family Flour is a complete Roller Flour
barrel and is guaranteed to please you. ,
Good Pies and Cakes use our "Brookside Pastry" Brand.
It is made of wheat selected for the purpose and made
especially for Pastry use.
Whole Wheat Graham" Flour is made of selected
Iieat, carefully prepared and ground by the Buhr
retaining all the properties of the whole wheat
; Rye Flour is Old Process Stone Ground Rye Flour,
u want Minnesota Patent Flour we have the Best Brands in
jihourn 8c Crosby Gold Medal. Our Special
I-1S Vz."
Door to Coffee House
Maryland Will Support tlio Nominees.
BALTIMOUE, July 1. Chairman Talbott,
of the Democratic statu central commit
tee, says that "tho Maryland delegation to
Chicago will stand by tho nominees of tho
convention oven though a silver plank bo
adopted." In tho delegation are thrco
avowed silver men, and all tho district
delegates report a growth of tho silver
sentiment throughout tho state.
Dashed to Pieces nit tho lEorkn.
WAsmsoTox.July 1. Tho United States
consul nt Port Stanley, Frlondly Islands,
in a report to tho state department, says
that on tho night of thollth inst. a ship
under full sail struck tho Hilly nicks
wltblu 200 yurds of tho lighthouse and
went to pieces.
Xow Yorlt Liquor Tax Itecclpts.
ALliAXV, July 1. During tho week end
ing Juno 23, thero was collected under tho
now liquor tax law ?9.'!ij,27fcl. This brings
tho total amount colloctod to date to $8,
735,019. Tho stated share of this is ?i,018,
330. ' Thirty I'm Cent. ICeductioti.
Our big reductions on shirt waists are as
follows: 50 cent shirt waists havo been re
duced to 33 cents, 05 cents to 50 tents,, anil
$1,00 to 75 cents. Now Is your tiniO to pur
chaso them. it. F. Gill's.
lie Is In II.
Stinoy Wilehock, who was ldly beaten in
a saloon on fiwt Centra street Monday after
noon has been in tho town but fuur days and
figures in three law suits, in two of which he
Is defendant, being charged with nwwtilt and
battery and larceny. K. C. IJiidurkn, became
his bondsman, but withdrew last night and
this morning Justice Toomcy bent Wilehock
down to jail.
inn mtivi:
In Negligee shirts, unlaundried, at 39 cents.
a1 o, in f-asi ucniro sircci.
A Peddler Assaulted
Abraham Gross, a peddler residing on South
Itowera street, went Into a house on West
Coal street yesterday to sell his ware. John
Mnozmor and threo others threw water over
and boat Mm. Maezinor fumUhod bail fur
trial before Justice Shoemaker.
Another Case of Classic (Jliigliains.
Wo havo received another ease of 10 cent
Classic Ginghams which wo will olfer at 5
cents, Our store is the place to reap harvest
in bargains. It. 1- (iiLts.
National League.
At Brooklvn HrnokK-n fi!
Tlhia. -1. At H.llt.ltnrire TljllHtnnm R-Vr.f
York, 4. At Washington Boston, 8;
iv asningion, a. At Lwulsvlllo Cincin
nati, 9; Loulsvlllo, 2. At St. Louis 1'ltts
bum. 5: St. Louis. 2. At nhtenifn rlnvn.
land, 17; Chicago, 5.
Kastcrn I.cnguo.
At KvrnCUKn M1 Intilm 3ii, T .
Scranton, H. At Hochestcr Wllkcsbarrej
i ; iiocnostcr, a. At Toronto Toronto, 17 ;
Stirlncficld. 3. At IllllTnln IllllTiih,. 17;
I'rovldonco, 4.
Atlantic League.
At ITartfnril Vnfmrwiiltun -u TTn.
ford, 4. At Newurk Newark. 7; Wi'lmlng-
um, K. At iNcw llnvon Kow Haven, 11;
I'aterson, 8.
1'ennsylrantn Stato League.
At Knadlnir Hnmllnr 1ft- T.utinnatti. o
At Philadelphia Pottsvlllo, 10;Athlotlc, 1.
l'emi.ylviinln Will fot Holt.
PlTTSmntO, July 1. National Chairman
Ilnrrlty, on route to Chicago for the Dem
ocratic convention, last night said tho out
look for a gold standard plank Is not ns
favorablo as heretofore, and that tho sil
ver men would probnbly dominate tho
convention and put tholr man in nomina
tion for president. Ho added that such a
result would mean a hard fight inNovoin
bcr. Whatever tho outcoino tho Pennsyl
vania delegation will not bolt, but will
nbldo by tho decision of tho convention.
Ho would not say whether Itobert E. Pat
tlson's namo would bo placed before tho
convention ns a candidnto for tho presi
dency, but said tho ex-governor was cer
tainly tho unanimous cholco of Pennsyl
vania. tilnss raetnrics Close Down.
PrrrsiiuiiO, July 1. All tho union green
glass bottlo factories and somo depart
ments of tho union Hint glass factories
shut down last night for tho annual sixty
duys' vacation. Tho suspension in tho
green glass branch Is with tho perfunctory
consent of tho manufacturers, but in tho
flint glass trade tho manufacturers uro as
willing to stop ns tho workers. In south
ern New Jersey 5,000 glnss workers are
taking n two month's vacation.
"Ifennnyer for l'reslilent.
Portland, Ore., July 1. "Pennoyer for
president" will bo tho slogan of tho Ore
gon Democratic delegation to tho Chicago
convention. It cannot bo established that
Pennoyer hns expressed any desire to havo
It so, but there is little doubt that his
namo and fame will bo exploited long and
loudly among tho delegates. Tho stnto
Democracy is in favor of tho free colnago
of silver.
increasing tho Honrs of Labor.
Keadtxg, Pa., July 1. Tho Heading
RallK id mmpniiy machine ?hops hero,
which isiivo been working but flvo days a
week tho past year, will work' lifty-nlno
hours a wivk, commencing Monday next.
Tho order, it is said, will iffect all tho
company's machine hups.
An Army (if Witnesses lleforo the Court
This Afternoon.
Special to Kvesixo llKUAI.l).
PoTTsviLLi:, July 1. Tho Lyon-Dunn
contest was continued in courtroom No. 1
at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Thero wero in
attendance 00 witnesses from Holioybrook,
Klino township, subpoenaed for to-day's
session and in tlio next two days there will
bo 200 witnesses subpoenaed from Cass Town
Considerable' tlmo was taken up in argu
ment and it was 2: 13 before tho first witness,
I'rotlionotary Dccgan, was sworn. Ho said,
on examination by Mr. ilreckons, that tho
returns from Kline township were not at
pieseut In their placo in tlio vault of his
ollico. Ho was present when tlio returns
canio in and opened tho envelope in court
when tho votes wero counted. Ho could not
say who had taken the returns. Ho told
Mr. Lyon to allow Mr. Ilerger to
look over tho papers on tho night
that has been termed the midnight session.'
I'rotlionotary Deegan was still on tho stand
at 3 o'clock, being examined by Mr. Sehiilck,
Havo n few moro of our 81.00 hats which wo
aro closinir out at $1.50. in brown and black
They aro bargains. At MAX LIMIT'S
original up-to-date hat store, 15 Iiist Centre
Tappeil a Till.
Mrs. Anuio Herman, a widow, keeps a
small produco and candy store at tlio corner
of Centre street and Tear alley, Whilo sho
was absent from tho placo thieves entered a
side window of tlio building which sho had
inadvorteiitly left open and tapped tho till lu
the store to tho amount of f 13. liio money
takou was in bills. A quantity of silver in
tlio drawer was either overlooked, or ills-caided.
lit,seil rminterfeit Colli
Policeman Foltz and Stanton yootoiday
attornoou arrested Anthony Jlurolsky on a
charge of having lunged a counterfeit 35-ceut
coin on Kaphacl l'etetu, an umbrella mender.
Morofsky claimed that ho received tho coin
in ehaiigo at a store. He was put under $500
bail for trial at court.
Look at the big stock of high priced music
now sold a5 and 10 cent at Ilrunim s.
Ulaso Hall Challenge.
The Wamf4 IUto Hall Club challenges the
Cherry strjBclub to play ono game for $!J5 a
side, or boif two out of tluce games for the
same amount, tho challenged club to havo tho
privilege of specifying date and place for the
Mr. Mime, Dead.
Special to Uvemno llEnAUi.
Hahtkord Conn., July 1. Mrs. Harriet
lieecher Stowe, sinter of the lato Henry
Ward lieecher and authoress of "Uncle
Tom's Cabin," died hero at noon to-day. Mrs.
Stowe was in her eighty-fifth year.
I'lllilM and Vocaliiit.
An attraction which in proving a great
dmwing curd has been engaged at Anthony
Kflimlpl-Di-'it Knlnmi. In tlio tmrson of Geortro .1.
Kneeht, of l'ottsvillc, renowned pianist and
vocalist. Mr Knr flit has been engaged, for
the summer to fcive tiis popular perform
Renewed Life Given to the Glrard
Mammoth Colliery.
As Soon as the Old Chambers Are Drained
of the Storage an Immense Quantity
of Excellent Coal Will be Free
to be Mined.
FOR . . .
A very important and dangerous pieco of
work has just been completed at the, Girard
Mammoth colliery, operated by tlio Philadel
phia and Heading Coal and Iron Company at
Haven Itun. It comprised tlio tapping of au
enormous body of water which rested in an
aliandoncd portion of tlio mine since tlio timo
several men wero closed in there, about
clcveu years ago.
The operation took placo in the fifth lift of
tho Duck Mountain vein and tho total dis
tance driven to inako tlio tap was about 200
feet. Tho released part of tho mino is on
the south dip of tho vein.
Tho ollicials wero jubilant over tho suc
cessful termination of the undertaking as
when the water is fully drawn oir an Im
menso body of excellent coal that will give
tho colliery renewed life for several years
will bo ready for mining. Among tho offi
cials present when the tapping was made
wero District Superintendent Monroe T.
Schrcfiler, District .Superintendent John
Carl, Inside Foreman Charles Hurler and
Iiesidcut Engineer Frank Weiser.
Extraordinary precautions wero taken In
prosecuting tlio work and the laws requiring
that advance holes bo kept constantly in
play was rigidly adhered to. Tho work con
sumed about two months and thero was no
accident from beginning to cud. Fivo men
worked on a shift. For tlio first one hundred
feet an opening 12 feet wide and 10 feet high
was driven. For tlio next seventy-five feet
the opening was 5 feet square, and the balance
of tlio distance was drilled, the hole being
about "1 inches in diameter.
The body of water released is estimated at
several thousand gallons and as the drill hole
is tho only means of cscapo it is believed
that several weeks will bo consumed before
tho workings aro drained. Tlio water flows
into the sum) of the old slopo that was re
opened about n year ago with the work now
in hand in view. The water is pumped to
tho surface by two new pumps stationed for
the purpose. The pumps aro 11x31 of t ho
I. & 11. improved pattern. Tho work re
quired to release tho body of water is among
tlio most dangerous in milling operations. It
was whilo pursuing tho same kind of work
that several man wero drowned, in tho Ltlo
colliery about two years ago.
incctloa of Ollleers.
At a regular meeting of Washington
Camp No. 112, P. I). S. of A., held last even
ing, the following officers wero elected :
Past President, W. K. Kcislako; Presi
dent, David Diddow; Vice President,
John dale; Master of Forms, 12. A. Puberty;
Secretary, J. S. Williams; Treasurer, George
H. Krick; Conductor, John Major; Inspector,
Harry Arogood, Jr.; Outer Guard, George
Seibcrt; Trustee, 11. 12. Dcngler; Charter
Trustee, P. H. Gable; Delegates to State
Camp, Gcorgo W. Davis, John Cale, F. W.
Hooks; Alternates, S. L. Ilrown, 12. A.
Duhcrty and Jolni liock.
At Ilreen's Cafe, 7 Xorth Main Street.
Our freo lunch to-morrow morning will
consist of lioyal liostou oyster stew.
Meals served nt all hours. '
Fruit Jars, Stone Preserve
Jars and all kinds of stone
8 S. Main Street.
Lottio Daubcrt, aged 11 years, died at the
homo of her parents on Wet Coal street this
morning fiom consumption, following pneu
monia. Miss I.lziie Miller, formerly of Lost Creek
and later of Pottsvllle, died at the Pottsville
hospital yesterday. Tho deceased was 23
years of ago and a daughter of Samuel
Miller, a former resident of tills town. She
was also a nicco of Mrs, John Daddow, of
North Jardiu street. 'Tlio funeral will take
placo at Pott-villo to-morrow afternoon.
Prepare Your l'eet Tor the i-iilirth
Hy fitting them up witli a pair of sporting
slioes. We havo a big assortment fur from
61,25 to J2.50.
Fackiuy Suoi; Stokk,
0-25-tf J. A. MoVKit, Mor.
Kerry Shipments.
During tho idle days at tlio collieries the
hills swarm with mine employes engaged in
picking hucleberries. Yesterday Patterson
llros. shipped 500 quarts of berries.
Kiitmw ay.
Tills morning tho team of II. J. Mouaghau,
the liquor dealer, ran away from tho Heading
freight hutieo while tho driver was trau-act-Ing
business In tho ollico. The team came
down Main street anil was caught at the
Coll'eo Houso by Sam 12vaiu. Xodumage was
A UlrnnlvlMc Man Struck Near Mahalioy
1'lalie This .Morning,
Patrick McGruo, a resident of Girardvillo.
was struck by n south-bound passenger train
on the Philadelphia & 1'cadiiig railroad, be
tween Mahanoy Plane and Girardvillc, last
night and horribly mangled, although not
instantly killed. Hoth legs and ono of tho
arms wero cut oil' and the abdomen was so
badly cut that tho cntmils protruded The
man was taken to his homo and died there at
0: 15 tills morning. Itis believed that tho man
was struck by tho llufl'alo express that passed
south at about 2:20 a. in. He was not
found until nearly 1 o'clock this morning and
it is considered miraculous that lie did not
bleed to death.
McGruo was SlyParsof age and a minor by
occupation. 1ICT leaves a widow, but no
children. His thrco children died within
tlio past year from scarlet fever. Ho was a,
son of James McGrue, who was killed on the
Schuylkill Traction railroad at Mahanoy
Piano somo time apo, and a brother of James,
McGrue, who was killed at the Hear Ridge
colliery about a year ago.
Justly the I'tuorlto.
At homo and abroad with all patrons who
love puio hop and malt beverages, Columbia
beer. Nothing can tako tho place of its re
spective qualities as it is absolutely tho best
and purest.
lllooil l'lilsonlng Het In.
About a week ago William Klatt, of South
l'owcrs street, was engaged in repairing a
belt at the Lllangowan colliery when a fellow
workman drove tho punch into mie of Klatt
fingers. Ho piid but little attention lo tlio
injury at tlio timo and simply applied court
plaster, A day or two ago lie r u.l tin
plaster and the finger and band comim ueiO
to swull rapidly. Dr. J. CI. Chun li imihiiuhti
it a caso of blood poisonum, pif aoni Mv
cau-cd by some substance from tin In It tic i
forced into tho iluger by the pom li It
feared amputation will bo neees-.ii
Tho biggest lino of men's Itossi t Sh.jcs nr
factory prices, at tho Factory shoe store
0-23-tf J. A. Mm i n. Mi.rt
Itlg lithe ill Hosiery.
We havo just received one case of Mi-scj
Fast Mack Hoso, sizes 5 to U. which we will
sacrifico at 3 cents per pair. At It. F. Gili
JtipnileHO Tllliill.
A brilliant ltli of July attraction will be
the Japanese Titian in tlio storeroom next to
tho Ferguson hotel, from 3 to lo p. in- Ad
mission, including luncheon of deliciuus ham
Mindwieiies, coll'ee, chocolate or tea, pukhs
and cheese, only 10 cents. Lemonade, drawn
f i om (Ml artistic well, ice cream, cako, tuudy
mid flowers. All served by maidens from
Japan in native tostuiue. Don't fail to -ou
tho elaborate decorations. 7-l-3t
Arm rrnctiircd,
Mike Shokas, a Pole, sustained a compound
fracture of tlio right arm yonterday by being
squcosed between mine ears.
At Kepehlnlil' Arcade Cafe.
Xico sour krout and pork to-night.
Meals served at all hours.
Consultation Held.
F. J. Griffiths, the
iimbia Ill-owing Coin):
HU condition was tin
tlon last night betwe
stadt, of Pott-vil!
ltoberts. the regular
lllckert's Cat!'.'' W&5f'rt
Our free lull1 li to viorrjw D"- 'iiln wi 1
cou i t of me- fill' d bo i mi I 'r tig
B F. J. PORTZ & SON, 2
uTir.v v vim i il i v .
Rripe, 25c. .
?rrrt .1
6 Si