The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 20, 1896, Image 3

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    m !. m r r "r
My hand were completely covered with Ec
scms, and between ray fingers lha skin v,as
perfectly raw. 1 had to elt with both hands held
up, and nway from the flro, My husband had to
dress and undress mo llko a baby, I tried tlio
best physicians, but their medicines gao mo no
relief, and drove mo almost crazy. I was ad.
vised to try CUTicunA Kkhevies, and did so,
although my husband had to go twenty miles i to
get thorn. As soon ns ho got back, 1 used the
OuTicuru, and in Jite minult after the Jtnt
application. I tea prrficUu ""V ""1 ','7'f
soumllu all that night. Before 1 eo nmenced
twlng the CUTicunA HEMBi'iff CU'J no
easo nleht or day. I could not bear to get warm,
It would put ma In a two Itching. I always
keen the OumurtA Kt Jir.Dit In my house now,
and recommend them toMcrybody, becauso ot
their wonderful effect. Yours gratefully,
AQNK8 M. IIAKUIS, Tush, Mecklenburg Co. Va
o,,... Crl!. TB'TUKT TOR ToUTmiHO, DlV
nnaVaDDllcsboni of COTICCKA (ointment), the rreet
Un tm. " ld dose, of CuncCBA llllOLVisi,
Ereateit of humor cure.
Bold throujhtrot the world. Prl, Crricrit, ffle.
inn fcnrM. Cop , Sole rrops., Bton.
OT-" Mow to Cms Torturing Sln Dlieuei," free.
Headache Cured.
A quick care, a certain euro, J
the best euro la
Wo never heard of
a case where they
failed. Wo never ex.
pect to hear of one.
Don't bo afraid to fT
take them. They nro
harmless. T hoy do?
not contain one Dingle S
atom of nny danger- S,
ous drug. For this
reason It Is well to j
shun all other head- (
noho mod lolnos. jo
Avoid risk by Insist- g"
ing on getting TAY-L
LOR'S. Our powders p
can easily bo dlstln-
gutsheil by tho do- R
llgntiui ouor ana pieasans msie, uuu ji
j they look like ground coffeo. Best of r
a nil, they cure almost Instantly. q
For Weak and Run-Down People from
Childhood to Old Age.
WHAT IT IS! Tho rlcheetof nil reetorathe
Foods, because it replaces the eiirao subbtaucea
to the blood aud nerves that are exhausted In
these two Ufe-Rivinp iluhlsbv disease, IndlKestJon,
cigU living, overwork, worry, excesses, abuae,etc.
WHAT ST DOES ! By uinkinp tho Wood
pnreand rich, and thedhzPBtfon perfect, it creirtes
solid lleob, musclo and strength. The nerves be
inR tuade t-tronp.the brain becomes active and
clear. 1 r rebtoniiK lost vitality and stopping all
wafctinc drains and weakness in either Bex, it has
no equal ; and hp n, female regulator it la worth its
weinht In oold. Oiw bor laets a week. Prico 5 c, or
fiboicssriJU. DruKKiBtsorbymail, llimk l'rve.
1513 Chestnut Et.. miladelihla.
JQ 8. PHILLIPS, 51. D.
Ofllco : 30 West Centre street.
Can be consulted at all hours.
p F. BURKE, SI. D.
SO E. Lloyd street, Shenandoah.
Office hours s 7 to 9 n. m., 1 to 3 and 7 toll
4. w.
Office Euan building, corner ot Slain and
centre eireeis, Slienanuoah.
Lock Boi 63, Mahnnoy City, Pa.
Ilaving studied under some ot the best
masters lv London and Paris, will give lessons
n the violin, e-llitnr ond vocal culture. Tprnw
reasonable. Address in caro of Strouse, the
to ail sufferers of KUIlOIt.H OP A'miTiT
strictly onadential, and ft positive, quick cum
will pot lvpl cure you. Write or call.
DR flKR 329H.I5t!iSt.Phl!a.Pa,
VIUU SO Heart' CvMtnuouipTaclic
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, Agt.,
West Coal Street.
Barber Shop !
12 Wo at Centre Street.
Our Hot Towel Shave
becoming popular. You wll ike It. We
make u specialty of lialr cuttns.
She MuBt Make Separation for In
dignities to Anioricans.
As J'rc.onlod to tlie Slate Ileimrtinont tilt
Clrriimstiinci'4 llrliif,- Out Important
riiams Not SlioKiiiti tlio Itcpnrts from
IIih nun OIli'iisetoAiiiFrlcniiCitlzcii'ililr
Wasiiinoto.v, Juno 20. Instructions ol
a direct mul positive character have been
rent to tlio United States minister at Mini-
rid, Mr. Hannls Taylor, to mako strong
representations to tho Spanish govern
ment with a vlow to securing reparation
for lmllgiiltlos to Dr. Joso Uelgado ami
other American citizens In Cuba. The
Instructions wont by mall somo dnys ago,
and should reach Madrid about tho pres
ent timo. A cablegram has been sent to
Mr. Taylor, at Paris, asking that hero
turn to Madrid as soon ns ho Is able to
travel, In order to attend to tho matter.
It is understood the purposo Is not so
much to press; a pecuniary claim at n time
when Spain is embarrassed ns It is to insist
in tho rights of full protection to tho per
sons of American clttzons in Cuba. Mr.
Oluoy's Instructions were sent before meet
ing Dr. Dolgado and his father, who are
now In tho city, but their, presence here
affords an opportunity to secure such full
detail of tho indignity as may become de-
slrablo whon Mr. Taylor acts on his return
to Madrid.
Tho clrcumstnncos of tho caso as pre
sented to tho dopartment bring out somo
Important phasos not shown in tho reports
from Havana which precoded tho nr ival
of tho Delgados. Tho customary criticism
against General AVoylor Is varied In this
lnstanco by full approval of tho energetic
steps taken by him to afford tho Delgado's
ovcry aid toward reparation.
At tho suggestion of Consul General Leo
nnd on tho advlco of Dr. Kodcyguoz, tho(r
counsel hero, thoy camo to Washing
ton to mako a personal statement to tho
secretary. Thoy havo shown to Mr. Olney
tho machcto which was broken In tho
blow across Delgado's fnco, tho bullet
which ho received on tho first volley, and
a photograph of Dr. Dolgado on a stretcher
af tor being takon from tho place of shoot
ing. Those havo lent a graphic interest to
their recital of tho ovents.
Tho action of Mr. Olnoy In Instructing
Minister Taylor places tho caso abovo one
of a pecuniary character, such ns a claim.
Under tho rules of tho department a claim
for pecuniary damagos must stato a fixed
sum, with tho circumstances of tho claim.
It is belloved,howovor, that In tho Delgado
caso tho pecuniary claim for damago to
tho Delgado plantation, etc., will bo sub
ordinate to tho personal Indignity Involved,
which Is construod as serious mainly
through Its offonso to American citizen
ship. After that Is settled tho pocunlnry
loss of tho Delgados doubtless will bo the
subjoct of a claim for indemnity.
A Trio of Forgers.
Lock Havex, Pa., Juno 20. David
Frazier, arrested hero yesterday for at
tempting to pass a forged check for ?13S
nnd another for S15'2 on merchants. He
nftorwards made n confession in which he
stated that ho and a swindler named
Georgo Irwin, nnd a woman, havo passed
checks on different persons In Potter
county, obtaining over $700. Ho said they
also operated at Klmlra, Willlamsport and
other places, undor various allasos. Tho
woman registered at hotels as Irwin s sls
tor. Sho forged tho cheeks, while the two
men passed them. Irwin and tho woman
went to Baltimore, nndmcanwhilo Frazier
was to operato In tho towns wost of Will
lamsport. All were to meet in Baltimore
iu a few days to swindlo on a larger scale,
Hay Fever and Catarrh Relieved in 10 to
60 Minutes.
One short puff of tlio breath through tho
Blower, supplied with eadh bottle of Dr.
Agnew's Catarrhal PowJfer, dilluses this
1'owdor over tho surface of tlio nasal Mass
ages, Painless aud delightful to use. It
relieves instantly, aud permanently cures
dtajh, Hay Fever, Colds, Headache, Soro
inroat, lonsiiitis ana Deatuoss. 50 cts.
Sold at Kirlin's drug store.
Your Hoy Wont Live a Month.
So Mr. Gilmau Brown, of 31 51111 St., South
Gardner, Mass., was told by tho doctors.
His son had Lunc trouble follnwinoTvnhnid
.Malaria, aud ho spent tlireo hundred aud
seventy-five dollars with doctors, who flnnllv
gave him up, saying: "Your boy wont llvo
a month." He tried Dr. King's Now Dis
covery nnd a few bottles restored him to
Jiealtu and enabled him to go to work a per
fectly well man. Ho savs bo owes Ids nro.
sent good health to tho uso of Dr. King's
Aew Discovery, and knows it to bo tho best
In tho world for Lung trouble. Trial Bottles
tree at A. Wasley's Drug Store.
A JCnllronci to be mn.
CniCAao, Juno 20. In tho United Statos
circuit court hero yesterday, before Judgo
j onKlns, tuoro was entered a dooroo for tiro
salo of tho Chicago nnd Northorn Paclllo
terminal systom on Oct. 1. An upsqt price
of ?10,000,000 has boon ilxed by tho com
pany for tho property. Tho reorganization
commltteo of ho bondholders now hold
03 per cent, of mo securities, and it will un
doubtedly bo the purchaser of tho road.
Tho outstanding bonds amount to fJ9,833,
000. Killed by a railing Tree.
Williamsi'Okt, Pa., Juno 20. In tho
Woods near Cataract Alljort Michaels was
instantly killed and Georgo Itupe, Jnmos
Lnsas, Easra Colo and John Hodgers were
badly injured by it treo falling on them.
Thoy wero bark peelers, nnd were at work
whon tho accident occurred.
KheuimitfHm Cured la a Duy.
"Mystio Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically euros in 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon the systom is reraarkablo and
mysterious. It removes at ouco tho causo
and tho disease Immediately disappears. The
first doso greatly benefits j 7B cents. Sold by
C. II. Hagcnbucb, Druggist, Shenandoah.
Coming Ktent,
June 22. Ninth anniversary celebration of
Genl. Harrison Lodge, No. 251, K. of P., iu
Bobbins' opera house.
Juno 23. lawn party at tho residence or
A. R. Broome, at llrowusvillo.
July 8. Strawborry and ice cream festival,
under tho auspices of tho Y. 1'. A., in tho
basement of tlio P. M. church.
Heart Disease Relieved in 30 Minutes.
Dr. Agnew's Curo for tho Heart givoa
perfect relief in all casos of Organlo or
sympathetic lioart Disease In 30 minutes,
nnd speedily ell'ecU a curo. It Is a peerless
romedy for Palpitation, Shortness of Breath.
Smntheriug Spells, i'aiu in Loft Side aud all
symptonsof a Diseased Heart. Ouo doso
convinces. Sold at Klrllu's drug store.
With Munyon's Improved Homeopathic Rem
edies You Can Doctor and
Guess Work No Experimenting No Big
Doctors' Bills Each Remedy Has
Plain Directions, So There
Can be No Mistake.
A Separate Cure for Each Disease
They Relieve Almost Immediately Are Ab
solutely Harmless and Should
Be in Every House.
Your Druggist Will Give You the Names of
Hundreds of His Costumers Who Have
Been Cured by These Wonderful Little
Munyon's Rheumatism f'uro seldom fails
to relievo in one to tlireo hours, and cures in
a few days. I'rico 23c.
Munyon's Dyspepsia Curo positively cures
nil forms of Indigestion and btomach troubles.
I'rico 23c.
Munyon's Cold Curo prevents pneumonia
and breaks up u cold in few hours. 1'ricc,
Munyon's Cough Curo stops coughs, night
sweats, allays soreness and fipcedily lioals
tlio lungs. I'rieo 23c.
Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures pains
in the buck, loins or groins and all forms of
kidney diseases. Price 25c.
Munyon's Nervo Curo stops nervousuess
nnd builds up tlio system. Pike, 23c.
Munyon's Catarrh Remedies nover fall.
Tlie Catarrh Curt, price 23c. eradicates the
disease from tlio system, and tho Catarrh
Tablets prico 25c. cleanso and heal the
Munyon's Asthma Cure and Herbs relievo
asthma in three minutes and cuio in live
days. I'rico 50 cents each.
Munyon's Headacbo Cure stops headaches In
three minutes. Price, 25 cents.
Munyon's Pile Ointment positively cures
all forms of piles. Price, 25c.
Munyon's Wood Curo eradicates all impuri
ties of the blood. Prico 25c.
Munyon's Vitalizer restores lost powers to
weak men. Price, $1.00.
A sepamto euro fur eacli disease. At all
druggists, mostly 23 cents a vial.
Personal letters to Prof. Muuyon, 1505
Arch street, Philadelphia, I'.i., answered
with free medical advico for auv disease.
Frnnk S. 1'owern Bays: "I bad tho mlsfor.
tune to wreck mv life : bad Mood volutin : Tnr
icoeele mul HiriciurPM; lvenk lincU and !osb
or iKiwrrnml Hlreiuttnt loWMplrlts,
loss aflmlr and facefullor plnipleN;
had iilleH and .lyHiicpHia ; loxj ot vltnl
flilbitnnco In urine; bad doctored wltll
three traveling doctors, two Philadelphia
and three New York advertising quacks;
used patent medicines of alt kinds, and
was '.vimllf .1 bv museum concern".
etc., etc., besides sullertna iinlol.1 misery : and
having taken all theso poisfins nu.l worthiest
medicines I was left nothing but Hkin nud bone;
dui loriuaaiaiv i cnanoea iu near or
liilildflliliin. whom i consulted, and h nurmn.
uvuii vuitru. x uuvisv un vuuttrcrs co consult Dim
63 ho can find will cure van if your caso l curable"
Bend five stamps for took Truth. Bestcf
nu wr Diacio or iuarneu, i ocne or uiu. uniy dooic
exposing quacks. Hours 9 to 3. Kv'es, 8 to 8.30.
Wed. ndbat. Kvrs. 0 tolO. Bun. 0 to 12. Treat
ment by mall. BtrlctCBt secrecy ttunrnnteeil. Wo
name or address will be published without patient's
consent. Write or call and ba saved.
Uiulertlionuaplceaof J5J";?n8
S, F. E. Co., No, 1, of Shenandoah.
July 4th, 1896,
At Columbia l'nrk.
Music will be furnished by tho famous flchoppe
orchestra of ten pieces. Tlio iiavllllon is one of
tlio ilncet in the county, and affords lovers of
the amusement much enjoyment.
One of the special attractions of tho day will
be a bicyclo race, a valuable prlzo to the winner.
Assist tho tiro laddies by purchasing a ticket
nnd havo a gpod day out.
A rock drilling contest will take
place at 2 o'clock In the afternoon. A
good prize to the winner.
Admission to Dancing Pavllllon, 35 cts.
sncnnnDonn college
Eight Principal Teachers . . .
. . . Ten Assistant Teachers.
Business, Shorthand,
. . . Penmanship,
English, Typewriting.
Combined Scholarship .... $150
One Dopartment . 50
, cQ -7-- igt
The Banker Eofore tho Bond In
vestigating Committee
No Oilier Object lit View Tlmli to l'rrvent
n 1'anlo nnd Save tlin Cri'dlt or the Coun
try DocllncH to Tell What 1IU I-rolltn
New YoitK, Juno 54 J. Plcrpont Mor
gan appeared ycsterSay beforo tho soiinto
bond investigation committee. When the
inquisition renehod tho period of tho bond
lsnio of last year Jlr. Morgan told of hlU
consultation with Assistant Secretary
Curtis on tho occasion of that oillclal's
first visit to Now York. Mr. Curtis, Raid
Mr. Morgan, soonied to rcallzo the lmmi
nonco of a financial crisis, and asked him
if ho would undertake to float a loan. Mr.
Morgan continued:
"I told Mr. Curtis that I felt bound to
do so. I had prepared a memorandum of
a prlvnto contract to bo submitted to tho
prosident nnd Secretary Cnrlislo for ap
proval. Mr. Curtis rotunicd to Washing
ton, nnd In tho meantime affairs horo wero
culminating rapidly. Nearly $0,000,000 in
gold was shipped to Kuropo the day fol
lowing Mr. Curtis' return to Washington,
leaving loss than $10,000,000 of tho gold re
serve available A day or two later, when
it bocamo whispered about that Mr. Bel
mont nnd my firm wore about to take up
n, loan, tho outward flow of gold stopped
almost Immediately, and it is only fair to
say that eonfldenco was largely restored."
In thoo preliminary negotiations tho
understanding was that tho symllcato
should pay 3)4 per cent, premium for tho
bonds, but a fow days late.- a letter was
received from Secretary Carlisle, saying
that it had boon decided to abandon
negotiations. This necessitated Mr. Hel
mont's visit to Washington, and at tlio
samo tlmo Mr. Morgan wrote to Secretary
Carlisle, saying "that In view of what wo
had already done, wo wero entitled to somo
consideration ut his hands. Our request
for delay wifi) granted, and tho next week
Mr. IlelmoTlt, Mr. Stetson and I went to
Washington and saw tho president, Secre
tary Cnrlislo and Attorney General Olney."
Sir. Morgan then stated tho conditions
of tho contract under which tho syndicate
took tho bonds,uo facts not already known
bolng given.
Mr. Morgan declined to say what the
profits of tho transaction wero, on the
ground that after tho bonds came Into tho
possession of tho syndicate tho public in
terest in them ceased. No ono connected
with tho government, ho added, was inter
ested with tho syndicate, directly or Indi
rectly. To Senntor Platt Mr. Morgan reiterated
that ho had no object in doing what ho
did In tho matter of tho bond loan except
to prevent a panic and savo tho credit of
tho country. Ho thought that the govern
ment could not havo made better terms
than thoo mado with his syndicate.
Conrad N. Jordan, assistant United
Stntes treasurer In this city, was asked
about tho alleged tender mado by William
Gravos. Tho tender, he said, was Irreg
ular. "Mr. Graves camo to mo ond said,
'If you do so and so I will do so and so.'
It was all talk, and I declined to deal with
"Did anybody elso sco you about Mr.
Graves' bid?"
"Yes, tho Messrs. Laldlaw, also a repre
sentative of tho firm of Laidenburg, Thai
man & Co. Tho representative of tho lat
ter firm offered tv proper tender, provided
thoy could havo tho bonds indorsed di
rectly to them. Graves' bid was signed
'Gravos and Associates.' It Poems ho hail
no associates. It was all talk nnd no
money was tendered."
Mr. Graves, who was again present nnd
pat directly back of Mr. Jordan, asked
lenvo to Interrogate Mr. Jordan. Permis
sion was granted. Graves then nskod Mr.
Jordan whothor It was not true that ho
had asked to mako his order for tho bonds
a "special" ono, ns had lieen dono In other
casos. Mr. Jordan admitted that this
might be so, but that his (Graves') tender
was not regular.
Cashier II, O. Chapin, of tho Third No
tional bank Of this city, against which
bank Mr. Graves fnadothoaccusati6n that
bonds had been awarded 011 11 temporary
rocoipt, mado plain that Mr. Gravos1
charges wero unfounded, and de'ttlod tho
conspiracy in toto. James T. Woodward,
president of tho Hanover National bank
of this city, against which Institution
Gravos had also mado charges of conspir
acy, rlddlod tho charges.
Gravos was rocallod and Sonator Harris
interrogated him rather sharply. Ho
evaded direct answers for a tlmo nnd
Anally admitted that thero wero certain
lrregularltlos to his tender.
Soverul othor witnesses denied Graves'
charges, and tho general opinion expressed
is that ho was "talking through hishat."
ltellef in Sir Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
rclioved in six hours by tho "New Groat
South American Kidnoy Cure." This new
remedy is a great surpriso on account of its
exceeding promptness In relieving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of tlio urinary passagos in malo or female.
It relievos letention of water and pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you want
outok relief aud earn this is vnnr renipdv.
Sold by Shapiro's pharmacy, 107 South Main
rn-o I'llls.
Send your address to II. II. Bueklen & Co.,
ChicHKO, and jtct a free sample box of Dr.
Kind's Xew Lifo Pills. A trial will eonvineo
you of their merits. Thnso nills am iuv hi
action and aro particularly effective in tho
cure of Constipation and Sickiloadaeho. For
Jlalarla and Liver trouble they liavo been
proved invahiablo. Thoy are guaranteed to
bo purely voKetablo. Thoy do not weaken
by their action, but by giving tone to stomach
and lmwels greatly invigorate tlio system.
ItoKiilar size 2iiu nor box. Sold by A. Waslav.
Holes' Presidential Ilooin,
CniOAGO, Juno 80. Ex-Governor Holes,
of Iowa, candidate for tho Deniooratio
presidential nomination on a free silver
ticket, arrived in Chlotniovodterdav morn
ing nnd returned to his homo on an ovou
ingtiniii. C.A.Walsh.Mxirotnryof thotown
state central committee; Judgo Davis, of
Crtwton, nnd Deletjnto-nt-Largo Van Wu
gonen are hero iu tho interostof tho boom,
and they refuse to bellevo that nny combi
nation of events can prevent tho nomina
tion nndeleetion of the ex-governor. From
now on tho Doles boom will bo pushed by
1111 enthusiastic delegation of Iowa Demo
crats, wlfo will mako Chicago the beoo of
their operations.
When you want good roofing, plumbing,
gus fitting, or general tiimnithing doue call
o K: F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street.
Dealer li etc-es. 1-tf
rv i uur Munuvsr j.
. if 1 HP
Docs Your Hack Ache?
Make tlie kid
neys strong
lnVTmir ana ncaitny.
filter oil uric
acid and other
the blood. Healthy Kidneys make
pure blood.
Dr. Mobbs Eparagiis Kidney Pills
cure Rheumatism. Gout, I:c7ema,
Anrcmla, Pimples, Unit l)lood,UrlRht's
Disease, Malaria, Uackache, Kidney
Pains, Dropsy, I'aln In the AbJoinen,
Frequent Urination, Inflammation of
Kidneys, etc. Endorsed by Physi
cians nnd Drugpists. 50 cents a box.
Sampte Pills and Valuable Hook free.
Hohtw ItVmrdr Co., Chleaco nna Sun Frnneiteo.
For Salo In SlirNANPOAi: PA , bv
S P Kirlln. I miggist. 6 South Main Sr
No. 1 Cures Fever.
No. 2 " Worms.
No. 3 " Infants' Diseases.
No. 4 " Diarrhea.
No. 8 " Neuralgia.
No. 9 Cures Headache.
No. IO " Dyspepsia.
No. 11 " Delayed Periods.
No. 12 " Leuchorrea.
No. 14 " Skin Diseases.
No. IB Cures Rheumatism.
No. 16 " Malaria.
No, 20 " Whooping Cough
No. 27 " Kidney Diseases.
No. 30 " Urinary Diseases
No. 77 " Colds and Grip.
Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on
receipt of price, 25o., or 5 for SI.
Dn. IIuMpimEvs' Homeopathic Mantjai.
or Diseases Mailed Fuee.
Humphreys' Med. Co., Ill William. St., N. Y.
For salo at Povinslcy's driiK vtore, 2S Ka.t
Centre street.
iffl Chlrheitrr's Encttah Diamond 1 Irons'.
rareoYAi FILLS
Original ana Only Genuine.
SAFE) always rdl&bls. ladies k
Dmgglflt Tor Chtchcstrr .'nflfMft Dla-A
mond Bran I la e! at"! (foll bietAlliaV
Sboxps. ictlod wild bluo ribbon. Tnko
tniinlhot. Refute danarrouM tubstitu
rfioftt an J imitation At nrucjrlsts, or send -In
In (tamps or particuHrs, tiatiraonUli xal
'lEelU-f for I,o!Jck,'i Utter, by return
Mull. lll.OOO Tt-timonlnli. Xante J 'aver.
Chtcti jMtr('npiiilculi.'u..Alu4l1nn Siuur
Uld b all t, 'riuKiua. I'lillft.' Utk,
S k&TWirt Taken intcr-
n-K" , '"K-& nully cures
JRSfr'fn .cramps
iSaafS;-.::'.-''.' ami nil
WA i'I"" cokls, cliilW
ond I,a Grippe.
Used externally it is the best liui
mcnt in t!ie world. Beware of
imitations, buv oni the jfituioc
made by 1'erry D..v i --.
Ltsf In. 1 . . ' ui '
iHAyEYQU Colored Spots,
HUIcers In Mouth, UalM-alllngl Write COOKg
QltfiHUDY CO.. UOT Maconlc Templet
qChlcntro III., for proofs ot cures. Cuply
tfkl. 500,000. Worst casei cured la l&g
wlo IIJ duyi. 100'imeo book, free
ferotH l)l-enscs l'niihiR
Men r. Iinrriiteney, Sleet iet-s
iif f e " . '.tuned ty Ale'" mul
rttier Ktcesses ami irdlseie.
lions. Tliey oulckly and
surely rrst, rolost vitality In
olu er )uui g ond lit a man for
study, hulne.s r.r marriage,
rreveut Insaalt aiull'.inHUmii
tldll K taken In nine llielr um)
5Sy3j elects a film; wliero
havinB the trenulno Anx I'iDM'.Ta. 'lhey luo curnl
tliciuiaiidd and lll cure 1011. Wo ulvo p.,ltHe n rltten
Buaranlee In eirect a euro In each caso or lefiuid tlio
money. Price 60 cents i'er package, or sit packagea
(lull treatment) for2.5n. lly mall, lu plain nrapiwr.
upon receipt otiirlco. circular tree. Address
AJAX REMEDY CO., "aSfili?"1
For salo in Slicnamloali, Pa., by J.JM. lUIIian,
THE . . .
And your inevitable
wind up point will be the place
where you can buy
Made in a proper manner, fit and
style by the most reliable manufac
turers, all sold at the lowest prices
ever known for well made Men's,
Boys' and Children's wear.
We are oflering some great
values in
Blue, Grey anil Black Serges,
Fancy Cheviots anil Worsted.
Light suits of every description
with low cut vests.
We have a large stock to select
lrom. The place is at .
MUG USafe Ann eunr. stNn ae. fdrwdmaijs. smi
VMtsHGUAP-" Wi.-nx Specific c.o.,Pwui..Pfr
For sale nt Povtnaky'g drug store, 28 East
Centre street.
I'lmplea.-i Copper-uH
m 1
Sometlnea'a reliable, monthly, regulating medicine. Only harmln and
the purest drugs should
Dp- Peal's
They me prompt, silo and certain In result. The genuine (Dr. Peal's) neyerdbaps
wtat, Sentsoywhei-e, Jl.OO. Address PjiALMEDicmu Co,, ClereUnd, O.
For salo VfF. 1". D. KIRUN, Shcuaudoah, Pa,
May 2i, 119(1.
Trntim will lenvi Hlietmttilfmli niter l,o
I tlnte (or Wluiiiia, (lllhortnn. l'mckvllte, Dark
Water, St flair, l'uttivllle. llaniliurK, Iit-ndlnR,
1'ottKtown l'hoenlxrlllc, Xorrltort n anil IM1IU
I ndclphln (l)rniMUtreit rtatlon) at 6 09 nnd 11
a. 111. nnd 1 15 i. in. on week dnv. For I'oll.
t vllle and intermediate stations 9 10 n. in.
1 For WlKjtan-, (lllherton, Frnekvllle, Dark
Water St l lalr l'ottivllle, at 6 tw, B 40 n. in. and
3 10p in. For llainlmrir, Itendlne, l'ottstown,
I'boenlxvllle, NorrUtown, l'lillndelnhla nt6 00,
I 9 40 n. In , 3 10 p. 111.
Trnlm leave Finckvlllo lor Hliennndoali at
1 10 10 a. in. and 12 11, BOI, 7 12 nnd 10 27 p. m.
Sunday, 11 13 a. in. nnd 5 10 p. 111.
Unvi. 1.,ttB,-Uln r,.p u.nnn...lnnl. .tlnlt 11 AO
a. 111. nmU 10. 7 13 and 10 00 p.' in. Sunday at
10 40 a. in , 5 13 p. 111.
Leave Philadelphia, (Hrond Ktreet atntlon), for
Shennndnah nt 5 57 and 8ai n. m., 110 nnd 711
p. 111. week days. Sundaj a lea e nt 8 50 n. in.
Lcnve llrontf street Btatlnn, 1'hlladelphln, lor
Sen (llrt, Aliury Park, Ocean Cirnve, IflnK
Ilrnneli, and Intermediate Mh1Ioii, 0.50, 8.25,
II. 39 n. 111., 3.30, 1.00 p. 111. week-day. Sundnyi
(dtop nt Interlaken forAshurv Park), 8.23 a.m.
Icnve liroad Street Stntlon, Phllndelidiln,
Eipre, week davs, 3 20, 1 03, 1 50, 5 13, 6 50,
7 33, 8 20,9 20,9 50. 10 21 (I)lniuKC'ar), 11 00, 11 Un.
III. , 12 noun, 12 33 O.lmlted 100 nnd 4 23
p. m. UlnliiK Car?) 1 10, 2 30 (Dlnlne
Car), 3 20, 3 50 1 00, 5 00, 5 5o (UlnlnK Car),
0 00, 6 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. m., 12 01 nlcht. Sundays,
3 20, 4 03, 150, 5 15, 8 20,8 30,9 50,10 21 (Dining
Cnr), 110! a. in., 12a3. 2 30 (DinlnK Car)
4 00 (Limited 4 22, Dining Cnr) 5 20, 5 59
(l)llllllBCnr),0 33, 6 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. m., 1201
Kxprcaa (or l!oton, without chnnge, 11 00 a.
ui. week dnys, and 6 50 p. 111. dallv.
For llaltltnore and Washington, 3 50, 7 20, 8 31.
9 12,10 20,1123 n. m 12 09 (12 31 Limited Din
I111; Car), 112. 3 IS, 4 41 (5 19 ConKresflonal
Limited. Dlnlnu Car), 9 17, 6 53 (Dining Car),
7 3s (Dining Cnr) p. in., and 12 03 nlghl
week day. Sunilnyn, 3 60, 7 20, 9 12, 1123 a.
111., 12 09 1 12, 4 II, ( 5 15 Uongrettlonni Limited,
Dining Carl, 0 53 (Dining Carl, 7M v. n.
(Dining Car) nnd 12 03 night.
Leave liroad Ktreet Mntinn, Philadelphia (via
Delaware river bridge), express, 9 03 n. m. and
7 00 p 111. dally.
Lenve Market street Ferry, express, 5 00,8 50 n.
in., (100 Saturdays only), 2 10. 3.33, 4 20 and f.00
p. m. week days. Sundnys, 8 00, 8 15 and 9 45
a. m. (t 00. 4 13 ti. 111. ueeomniodatiou).
For Cape May, Anglessea, Witdwood and
Holly llcneh. Express, 9 00 a. m., nnd 4 03 p. m.
week days. Sundays, 9 00 a. 111. Car e May
only, 1 30 p In Saturdays.
For Sea Isle city, Ocean City and Avalon.
Express, 9 00 a. in., and 4 20 p. m. week days.
Sundays, 9 00 a. in.
For Somers Point. Express, 5 CO a. m., 2 10,
3 53 any 1 20 p in. week days. Sundays, 8 45
a. in.
H. M. l'Rnvo-T, J. It. Wood,
tien'l Malinger. (ien'l l'ass'g'r Agll
IX EFFECT MAY 17. 1800.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows :
For New York via Philadelphia, week days.
210, 515, 7 20 n. 111., 12 IS, 3 00 nnd 5 53 p. in
Sundays, 2 10 a. 111.
For New York via Maueh Chunk, week days,
5 21, 7 20l. 111., 12 Hand 3 00 p. 111.
For Keudinp; and 1'hlhtdelphin, week dayp.
2 10. 5 21, 7 20 a.m., 12 IS, 3 00 nnd 5 55 J), m. Sun
daws, 2 10 n. 111.
r or I'ottsviue, week nays, 2 10; 7 20 n. m., and
12 H, 3 01 and 5 55 p. 111. Sundays, 2 10 o. m.
For Tiniinqua and Mahannv Citv, week days,
2 10. 3 25. 7 20 n. 111.. 12 li. 3 00 and 5 55 n m.
Sundays, 2 10 a. 111.
l-nr uiianispoir, Mimniry nntl I.ewlsburg.
week days, 3 20, 11 30 a. 111., 150 nnd 7 23 p.m.
Sundays, 3 25 a. 111.
For Mahanoy llnne, v, eekdnys, 2 10. 3 23, 5 25,
7 20, 11 30 a. 111., 12 Is, 1 .V), 3 00,5 55, 7 25 nnd 9 15
p. 111. Sundays, 2 10, 3 23 a. 111.
For Ashland nnd Shaniokln, week days, 8 25,
7 20,1130 a. 111., 150,723 and 9 55 p.m. Sun.
days, 3 23 a. in.
For IUItlmore, WnshtnRton nnd the M'est via
n. & O. It. li., thrnuKh trains leave Heading
Terminal. Philadelphia, (I", .t It. It. It.) at 8 20,
7 53, 11 20 a. 111., 3 10 anil 7.27 p. 111. Sundays,
3 20, 7 00, 11 20 11. in., 3 1(1 and 7 27 p. m. Addl
tionill trains from Twentv-fourtll and Chest.
nut streets fetation, weik dnvs, 10 ?0 a. m. 12 20,
12 16 8 10 p 111. Sundays, 1 33, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 130, 8 00 a. in., 130, 130, 9 00 p. m, nnd
night. Sundays, 6 00 p. m.
Leave New York via Maueh Chunk, week
days, 1 30. 9 10 n. 111.. 1 SO nntl 1 13 p. 111.
Leave Philadelphia, Headlne Terminal, week
dnys, I 20, 8 33, 10 05 n. 111. and 1 03, 6 30, 11 80
p.m. Sundays, 1130 p. 111.
Leave Rending, week days, 1 35, 710, 10 08,
1155n. m., 000 nnd 8 20 p. in. Sundays, 135n. m.
Leave rofisllle, weekdays, 2a5. 710 a.m.,
12 30 and 6 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 35 a, m.
Len've Tnninqua, week days, 3 18, 8 50, 1123 a
in., 1 27. 7 20 and 9 13 ti. m. Sundays, 3 18 a. m,
Lenve Mahanoy City, wek days, 3 15, 9 21,
11 47 11. 111., 2 03, 7 11 nnd 10 OS p. 111. Sundays, 8 41.
n. 111.
Leave Mnlianoy Wane, lelc days, i 40, 4 O0
530,9 37, 1159 n. in., 1 12, 2 19, 5 20, 6 20, 7 67 anj
10 2.1 p. m. Sundnys, 2 10, I 00 a. 111.
Leave Wllllaniport, week dnys, 7 42, 1010 a.
rn 3 33 nnd 11 41 p. 111. Sundays, II 15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wnrf and
South street whaif for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Express, 9 00 a. ni., Saturday
only, 130, 200, 100, 130, 5 00 p. 111. Aceora
modatlon, 8 00 a. m 1 30, 6 30 p. m.
Sunilny Express, 8 00, 9 00, 1000 a. m. Accom
modation 8 00 n. 111., 1 45 11. iu.
RetumliiK lenvo Atlantic City depot, corner
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Weekday,cxpress,7 00, 7 15, 9 00 a. 111. ,8 30, 5 SO
p. m. Accommodation, tl 23, 8 15 a. m., 4 82 p. m.
Sundays Express, 4 00, 5 30 h 00 11. in. Accom
modation, 7 13 a. 111., 1 15 p. m.
Parlor Cars on nil express trains.
I. A. SWEKJAltl), (). U. HANCOCK,
Cion'l Siiperliitendeiit. Uen'l Pass. Ag
A cure for headache uud
stoinneh troubles,
OF . . .
17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah.
nillions of Dollars
Go tin In Binoko every year. Take, no
risks but get your liousoy Block, fur
niture etc., insured in first-class re
liable companies as represented by
FiAViri FATKT Insrance Agent,
UAV1JJ rAUil, laosjiatli Main SI.
Also Life ami Aeeldenvn Companies,
geuumo wcloorao awaits you nt
Cor. flain and Coal
ritieei wblskovs. hcern Dorter nnd ale con
etantly on tup, Cliolce temjicrance drinks and
Wholesale and Retail
Liquor Dealer,
Cigars, Tobncco, Ax Agent for Reading
llrewing Co.'s Jleer and Iorter.
11S and 11Q S. Main St
be used. If you want ths besl, get
'FsauBHreaa F5BB