The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 19, 1896, Image 2

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lTAllI.ISIIi:i) 1870.
l'ubllshed every livening, Kxecpt Hunday, ot
Bourn Jariiin Hrur-ET, Ni-jm Ceniiie.
The Herald is dellvcied liiHIicnanitoati mid tho
surrounding towns fornix cents a week, pay
able to tho carriers, lly ninll 83.00 n year, or 23
cents n month, payable in advance. Advertise
ments charged according to space and position.
The publishers reserve the right to ciiange the
fiosltlon of ailvcrtiscmcnts whenever the pu1
Icntloii of news demands it. Tito right is
reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
fiatd for or not, that tho publishers mny deem
mproper. Advertising rates mado known
upon application.
Entered at the postofllco at Shenandoah, l'o., as
seconu class mall matter.
Evening Herald
FRIDAY. JL'SK 111. 18DU.
yun riihsuiENT,
Of Ohio.
Toll VKI. I'llllflllllNT,
Of New Jersey.
Of Susquehanna.
Of liric
platform will bo found to lontaln no sliulT
ling, misrepresentation or evasion. Tlio
nominees mid tho voters of tho party can find
no cause fur complaint, If wo oxcept tlioso
who favor tlio unlimited colnago of silver.
The grand old party never entered n
Presidential canipalgiuiuilcrbriglitcrcircum
stancos, and with greater certainty of success.
"McKinley anil Jlobart" is tho slogan I
Tho delegates at the republican national
convention, at St. Louis, liavo placed in
nomination William MeKlnloy, of Ohio, and
(larret A. llohart, of Now Jersey, as candi
dates for 1'itsident and Vice Resident
respectively. Tho result is no surprise to tho
leaders of tho HKit.U.D, so far as tho first
place upon the ticket is concerned. Tlio
nomination of tho Xapoleou of Protection
has been conceded by all Republicans, with
very few exceptions, over since Connecticut
broke away from the Kced managers and
Illinois refused to endorse the candidacy of
Cullom. Tlio only doubt that existed at tho
time of the St. Louis oonveutiou was the
shwyif tlio nnjority McKinley would uteive.
HK nominalon whs practically unanimous,
ha loaders accepting the will of the gnat
majority of Republic-am tluoughout the
William McKinley, whoso name and
personality jutt now dominates all things
Republican, stands out in hold relief as the
ch million of Protection to American inilus
tr.oj, and the embodiment of tho piiud.ilo
enunciated by tlio immaculate James (i.
Jilaino, tint of reciprocity. '.William Mc
Kinley, tho next Piesidcnt of tho Unllcd
States, stands upon a platform that meets
every leading ijuotiou of the day wmaicly
and fairly no subterfuges or straddle.
Under the full glare of publicity ho stands
before the American people au ideal candi
dato 0110 who lias been called to lead tho
It-'puhlican hosts to victory witli almost
Ills rccoid is his pioudist monument.
From on ancestry of honest, sturdy people,
poor and in humble circumstances; a boy
hood spent in industry and with the one
dosiro to ri-.e, an ambition that is worthy
every Anieiican youth; with tho years of
manhood his military record is olio of mucli
prido, followed, as it is, with his services in
tho halls of Congress and as Governor of tho
stato of Ohio loiindlng out a most brilliant
record as a statesman that will stand the test
of time. His patriotisiii is the strongest
point in his character, and his honesty is of
the sturdy kind. Such a man is tho Repub
lican iiiiiuimu for President, before whom all
other favorite sous had to go down. It was a
popular uprising, and when the people speak
the result is never uncertain.
Tho IIkiiai.ii faoicd another caudidato
a right vouchsafed to every Republican but
from to-day until thu battlo closes in Novem
ber next wo will bo found battling for Iho
party nominees.
The nominie for Vice President, Garret
A. Hobart, Now Jersey's favorite son, will
add strength to the ticket. All doubt as to
how Now Jersey would cast her electoral
ote lias been removed by tho nomination of
llohart. His prominence in national politics
led to his becoming New Jersey's choice for
Vlco President. The boom grow amazingly
and tho New Jersey pcoplo woro sincere in
demanding that lecoguitiou because of tho
hard light that had been made to ovcitlirow
tbe Democratic machine which was u quarter
of a century in construction, and to place
New Jersey In the column with tho Northern
industrial states.
There is nothing tho matter with tlio
Republican party ; its nominees are all right,
ami McKinley will be elected by tho largest
majority given to a candidate since tho war.
Tho tlirco l"s prosperity, protection, patriot
ism will bo the battlo cry.
Tim: commencement oxcicisos of tlio
Shenandoah public schools, which closed hist
night, reflect much credit upon our ex
cellent corps of teachers, and tho members of
tho School Hoard. The largo attendance at
both the Grammar aud High school cuter
taiumeuts fully attest tho Interest of tho
public, and tho graduates can congratulate
themselves upon the manner in which they
played well their lrt.
ltcllcf In six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by tho "New Great
South American Kidney Curo." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain iu
tlio bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of tho urinary passages in male or female
It relievos retention of water and pain in
passing it almost Immediately. If you want
quick relief and curo this is your remedy.
Sold by Shapira's pharmacy, 107 South Main
The Llghtcentli Annual (Intonating llxor
elses Held Ilst K cuing.
Ferguson's theatre was crowded to tho
doors last night by tho friends and relatives
of the graduates to witness tho eighteenth
annual commencement of tho Shenandoah
High school. It was an auspicious event and
will long bo remembered with pleasure by
many beside the members of tlio class. Tho
stage and immediate vicinity wero elabor
ately decorated for tho occasion with large,
beautiful and fragrant plants and flowers and
many handsomo crayons, tho work of the
graduates, rested in tlio folds of American
flags on tlio sides of tlio stago or upon attrac
tive easels, The back centre of tho stago
was especially attractive and formed a strik
ing background tothosemicircloof elegantly
attired graduates. Of tho largo audienco
ladles formed by far tho greater part and
their hats and bonnets made tho orchestra,
parquet and gallery look like immenso flower
gaidcns. Tho Schoppo orchestra was iu
attendance and contributed materially to tlio
enjoyment ot the evening. The selections
they rendered, with Prof. Jonos ns a member
were heartily applauded. Tho latter gavoa
Violin solo by special request, and was
To the right of tho stago tho members of
the School Hoard occupied seats and Super
visor Cooper occupied a seat to tho left.
Misses hue, Dengler and Wasley and Mr.
Lewis, four of tho teachers, were at one of
the upper entrances to tho stage.
The program was as follows:
Class march, orchestra ; modern life, over
tuie, Sclilepegrell, urchestra ; chorus, High
school march, class ; salutatory essay, "At
the Threshold," Miss Agnes Canton ; oration,
"Materials for War," Michael Kcogh ; liari
tone solo, "Answer," James Stack; essay.
"Hands,'' Miss Nora Stanton ; class oration,
"Intellectual Pioneers," John Adamson;
trio, "Tho Merry Makers," Misses James,
Straub and Youngo; essay, "Tho Little
Leaf." Miss Katlo Mangani ; oration, "Tlio
Secrets of Success," James Stack ; solo and
chorus, "Sweet Hells of Memory," Miss
Stanton and class ; classessay, "Virtus Millia
Scuta," Miss Mary Lochloitncr ; quartette,
4'hiiiR-n-Ling," High school quartette;
essay, "The Golden Mean," Miss Gertio
Lcvine; class recitation, llossie Lano's
Muiriage," Miss Annie Kane; fantasia,
"Gems of Steven Foster," Tohiua, orchestra;
essay, "The Hour Flies," Miss Sophia Heck ;
class oration, "Now," Miss Mabel Straub;
duet, "Only tho Stare Could Tell,'' Misses
Mangam and Stanton ; essay, "Step by Step,"
Miss Cella Younge ; essay, "Whispeis From
the Pines," MIm F.llaCreary ; chorus, "Morn
ing Invitation," class ; history and prophecy,
John Conry ; solo, "Genevieve," Miss Huttio
James; class essay, "Dust and Inirels,"
Miss Agnes Dodson ; oration, "No Palms
Without Labor," John Coughlin ; quaitctte,
"Yachting Glee," High school quartette ;
valedictory essay, "A Study iu PiejMdice,"
Miss Maud Helper; presentation of diplomas,
by John J. Price, President of the School
Hoard ; waltz, "Sweet Dreams," Eilenberg,
oicliestra; chorus, "Class Ode," class; "Star
Spangled Rainier," orchestra.
A star placed in front of some names of
graduates on tlio program was an enigma
to many ami nn explanation is iu urdcr. Tho
stars indicated those who were awarded tho
class honors, Tho honors wero given in tlio
following order: Miss Kciper, Miss Cantliu,
Miss Lechleitner ; Miss Straub, Miss Dodson,
Miss Kane, Mr. Adamson.
Tho exercises were of an exceedingly pleas
ing character. Tho selections wero bright
and diversified and there was a total absence
ol the monotonous manner which frequently
marks such occasions. There was also an
abseiico of tho flutter and timidity of spirit
which is tho common failing of appearance
in public. Tho graduates to whom essays
aud oratlous wero assigned had evidently
acquired a proper degreo of assuranco and
self-command to master their subjects, us well
as a conviction that they wero delivering to
tho audienco nothing but what was well worth
hearing. Tlio musical parts of tho program
wero equally commendable.
Itticklen's Arnica Salvo.
Tlio best salvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, solos, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, anil positively cures piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to givo
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded, Prico
85 ceuts per box. For sale hv A. Wasloy.
If you want a Alio wedding cako, let Otto
make It for you.
Coming Kiciir,
Juno 25. Lawn party at tho residence of
A. R. Hrootnc, at liroivnsville.
July 8. Strawberry anil Ico cream festival, J
miller tho auspices of the . P. A., In tlio
basement of tho P. M. church.
Tho platform adopted by tho Republicans
is a model one. It is devoid of ambiguities
on the leading 'questions of tho day, and tho
absence of generalities is a notable aud
pleasing feature. F.vory pledge contained
therein can aud will be redeemed with tho
inauguration of a Republican President on
March ltli, next.
Upon tho adoption of tho platform, and tho
rejection of the silver substitute, a weno of
pathos was witnessed in the convention,
Senator Toller yvbb the enter of the
situation, and as lie stood on the convention
platform with stem sot face and auiiouuced
that ho could not sacrifioo tlio principles ho
believed in, aud was forced, therefore, to
sever hlmwlf from tho grand old party, tears
rolled down his cheeks, aud his broken voice
was drowned only by tho cheers that greeted.
hLi words ; cheers, though, of sympathy with
the man's emotion, and not with tho theory
he advocated frco silver. Other silver men
followed his lead out of tho convention, but
this did not alioct MeKlulcy. The people
wore thore to nominate him and they did it
upon a sound money platform.
Froina pciusal of our news columns, tho
Happenings Throughout the Itrglon Chron
icled tor Hasty l'erusnl.
Tho highway committeo of tho Pottsvlllo
Horough Council recommended tho purchaso
of n 13J ton steam road roller.
Seargant-Major of tho Eighth Roglment,
Georgo Urltz, and n crack Mahanoy City
sharpshooter, mado a gloat qualification re
cord at the Primrose target. At tho two.flvo
and six hundred yards rango ho scoied
soventy-fivo bulls-eyos out of a possiblo 73.
A tclcphono will be placed in tho county
Mrs. Phllp Mctlar, of Rush township, lias
given birth to perfectly formed triplets and
her husband is very happy in consequence.
There are two hoys and n girl.
William Wllhelm yesterday received a
tolegram from West Point saying that ids
nephew had passed tho oxamiuatlon and
will soon bo a full fledged cadet.
Tho Rt. Rov. Hishop Rulison, of tlio P. K.
church, will visit St. James church at Delano
this evening.
At a meeting of tlio Schuylkill Electric
Railway Company at Pottsvillo it was re
solved to complete tlio extensions to Schuyl
kill Haven and through tho Hcckschcrvillo
valley beforo Fall.
A hall storm swept over Hcdford county,
doing groat damage on farms and smashing
hundreds of windows.
Tho regular meeting of the llorough Coun
cil was called for last evening, but no quorum
being present it was not hold. Most of tho
Councilmen wero iu attendance at tlio school
Dr. I). R. ltothrock, of Now Herlln, Pa
docs not hesitate to recommend Chamber
lain's medicines. Ho says: "1 have hand
led them for a year or moro in my pharmacy
and And them safo and reliable My cus
tomers praise them very highly." No one
who is troubled with rheumatism can uso
Chamberlain's Pain Halm without praising
itt Tlio quick relief from pain which It
affords is alono wortli many times its cost.
For sale by Gruliler Hros., druggists.
Last and all the time Hood's Sarsaparilla
lias been advertised as a blood purifier.
Its great cure have been accomplished
through irurilled blood - cures o t scrofula,
salt rheum, eczema, rheumatism, neural
gia, catarrh, nervousness, that tired feel
ing. It cures when others fail, because it
Strikes at tho root ot tho disease and
eliminates every germ of impurity.
Thousands testify to absolute cures of
blood diseases by Hood's Sarsaparilla,
although discouraged by the failure of
other medicines, Heinbmber that
Is the best in fact tlio One True Wood Purifier,
u .n rJti easy to buy, easy to take.
nOOll S FHlS easy to operate. S6c.
Councilman D. It. James this morning left
for Slutington to look after slato quarry
John H. Rceso and son, LIdrcd, to-day
left for Philadelphia, where tlio lattor will
undergo another operation at ono of the
surgical institutions of that city.
Misses Lditli and Clara Whitelock aro
spending a part of their summer vacation in
Ldward and Clara Dobbin, of North Main
street, aro sojourning with friends in Wilkcs-barrc.
Prof. Martin, who will bo remembered as
the .elllclcut organizer of Wood's Husiness
College, aud his ablo assistant. Miss Hums.
spent a few hours in town this morning. Mr.
Martin will Iocato in tlio stato of Illinois, and
engage in husiness of a similar capacity.
Mr. and Mrs. Reuncls, of Mahanoy Plane,
wero visiting tlio Stanton family, on South
Chestnut street, yesterday.
Mrs. Neary, of. West Oak street, left this
morning for Newcastlo, 111., to visit her
brother, John, who was formerly a resident
of town.
Mrs. Gallagher; or Hazleton, is tho guest of
Mr. and Mrs. John Conry, on East Lloyd
Joseph Wliitakc", a student for tlio priest
hood at Silver bruok Seminary, is visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Whitaker.on
on North Chestnut street. .
Mrs. Margaret Higgins und daughter,
Nellie, aro visiting in Shaniokin.
M. Moses, of tho Shenandoah Shirt Com
pany, returned from a business trip to New
York last evening, with a full lino of shirt
i i. o mi.
Send your address to II. E. Hucklcn & Co.,
Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr.
King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince
you of their merits. Theso pills aro easy in
action and aro particularly ell'ectlvo in tho
euro of Constipation and Sick Headache. Fir
Malaria and Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They aro guaranteed to
bo purely vegetable They do not weaken
by their action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigoruto tho system.
Regular slzo S5e per box. Sold by A. Wasley,
druggist. i
Sco A, Holdcrinan's display of jewelry, tf
Tho Logan Strike Kudeil.
Tho threo weeks old strike at tho Lehigh
Valley Coal Co's Logan colliery, at Centralia,
is now a thing of tlio past, and work was re
sumed to-day. A meeting between Supt. E.
T. Connor, and a committeo of tho employes
was held when tho dithculty was adjusted on
a givo and take basis. It will bo remembered
that tho company asked the forty odd men
working in tho No. 7 gaiigway to accept a
reduction of ten cents per wagon on tho coal
mined. Tho employes refused to submit to
tho reduction, and went out, and those who
wero not affected by tho cut in wages went
out iu sympathy with their follow workers,
and tho colliery has been idlo ever since.
Tho company has conceded tho compromise
offered by tho men, and make the reduction
five cents instead of ten.
ChumherluiirK Cough lteinedy tho lite
and Most Popular.
"Wo sell moro of Chamberlain's Cuugh
Remedy tliau of all others combined,"
writos Messrs, Korr & Son's, druggists, of
Mars, Pa. They also pay: "Thosalo of it is
something phenomenal. Wo havo sold two
gross this winter, selling as high as six bottles
iu ono morning to as many different cus
tomers. This remedy lias provod particularly
successful iu croupy affections. Our cus
tomers invariably prouounco it tho liost thoy
can find, and wb know of no case where It
lias failed to give satisfaction." For sale at
S3 and BO cents por bot,tlo by Gruliler Bros.,
Tho Stockton l ire.
Thero is practically nothing now con
cerning tho ftro that It now rogiug at No. 8
Stockton other than that the lire rages moro
fi ireely than over. Up to six o'clock last
evening tho men engaged iu fighting the
fire had not been ablo to get down tho slope
and no water has yet readied tho flro. Tho
firo is about 230 feet lielow tlio surface and
730 feet from the bottom lift, which is partly
filled up with water. Tlio Lehigh Valley
olllclals aro on tlio scene, and aro leaving
nothing undouo to aid iu extinguishing tho
Through His Nervine Is a Ben
efactor to Thousands."
tnto3 .-
Your-Hoy AVont l.lvo Month,
So Mr. Oilman Brown, of 31 Mill St., Soutii
Gardner, Mass., was told by tlio doctors.
His son had Lung trouble, followiiigTyphold
Malaria, und ho spent three hundred ami
seventy-fivo dollars with doctors, who finally
gave him up, saying: "Your boy wont live
a mouth." Ho tried Dr. King's Now Dis
covery and a few bottles lettered him to
health und enabled him to go to work a per
fectly well man. 'Ho say ho owes his pro-
sent good health to the uso of Dr. Kiug'g
New Discovery, and knows it to ho the host
iu tho world fur hung trouble Trial Hetties
Frco at A. Waslcy's Drug Store
Larger stock of gold watches at Holder-
man's than any where else iu town. 0-12-tf
a WIDELY known Wisconsin publisher,
who resides at Green Bay, writes
March 6th, 1SD5, as follows:
"Flvo years ago I becarno so nervous that
mental work was a burden. I could not rest
at night on account of sleeplessness. My
attention was called to Dr. Miles' Restora
tlvo Nervine, and I commenced to uso It
with tho very best effect. Since then I
havo kept a bottlo in my house and uso It
whenever ray nerves becomo unstrung, with
always tho samo good results. My son also
Tir Mi1P;' takes it for nervousness
. " with liko nover falling
KerVine success. I havorocom-
rv . mended it to many and
KcSlOreS it cures them. All who
UpoHli suffer from norvo
IlCillUl troubles should try It.
It Is frco from narcotics, perfoctly harm
less, and yet soothes and strengthens. Dr.
Miles, through his Nervino is a benefactor
to thousands." A, O. LEHMAN.
Editor and proprietor of Deb Landsman.
Dr. Miles' Nervino is sold on guaranteo
first bottlo will benefit or money refunded.
Nothing has ever been produced to
equal or compare with Humphroys'
"Witch Hasol Oil as a curative and
healing application. Jt has been
used 40 years and always affords relief
and always gives satisfaction.
It Cures Piles or I Iemorrhoids, External
or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and
Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas,
lielief immediate curo certain.
It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and
Contraction from Burns. Ilelief instant.
It Cure, Torn, Cut and Lacerated
Wounds and Bruises.
It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old
Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald
Ucad. It is Infallible.
It Cures Blamed or Caked Breasts
and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable.
It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy
Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters,
Sore Lfps or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions,
Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects
Three Sfies, 25c, 50c. and $1.00.
Sold by Druggista,or Bent post-paid on receiptof price.
Ill 5II'llItE3' Jltl). 10., Ill & 113 Milium St., !te Tori.
''or sale ut Povlnskv's drill? ntore. 28 Knsfc
ueniro sireci.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
OLD DR. THEEL hT"d 604
Oii.r.iwl. -ve." ab. Creen, Philadelphia.
1 Olfcll.N, . No l.lttitn,wlliijiirinl,..tWe.od
J.nnroo.tlie troubl, m,, te. rTo. lie.
bUltr.l mnofroulbuI.S.VJnow
- ... r.'"u.r- J1 urlcucele and J'Ue.
-.uivu.GuiuoK. im.injtlL l.pOKluvelr theolile.t
Sool "Truth" o4l. .oUSUMl rtg.rdloj ,V,"l..u
IUTA; K'H.lI ihtlr book, unil Vlrn!u,. itrZ
irw. I'UKiiM riiMd I j -.77---:
: Ki... It ta u. w-i -'u."".". uour.i
-uu p.,, ...Fi., B ta 10; B.O., 1 10
S tO 3: Kff... It la u
1J1 .. TKulm.tbyMifll.'
- .ww.iog ir aeaircd.
Does This Mean Anything to You 7
If your truss don't hold you oriscauiinir
pain, i,eo us at onco. It may ave you ycai s ol
sunerlUB. , Wo havo cured hundreds ol pcoplo
'.1,ei"."sy,val,la' nndcau refer youtopatlc its
cuied lu your own town. Our treatment s
harmless and will not keep you Irom your
dally labor. Cal and have- a talk with our
Jloftor u win cost you nomine We suiran
teoiellet alter tlio (list treatment, and our
piiccsure reasonable.
77;e Dr. Atiller Co., Philadelphia.
iTc.0,9ill.Voclor yery Tuesday at
UNION HOUSE, Ashland, Pa.
Wholesale and Retail
Liquor Dealer.
Clt'iira, Tobacco, fee. Ascent (or Heading
llreivlns Co.' Beer and l'ortcr.
11Q end 11 a S. Main St
and receipts and expenditures of the
For the fiscal year ending on Monday, June ist, 1896.
Whole number of nchnnla
Average number uf mouth taught..
Number of mnlo tench ers rtimlnvnl
Number uf female tench era employed ,
Al'prnirn niilrtri uf tiiriln rnnnlinr. . ..... .......11.
Average salnry of fcinnlo tenchers per monthll!!!!".."."! 47 u
Number of male ncholars enrolled In schools ,
Number of femalo scholars enrolled In schools !'
Total number in nttendanco T
A eratfo dally attendance ......"..'...'... V." "
Averano pcrecntano of nttendauce ..,.,.,....'. "......',!"", ,
Cost of each pupil per month .'.".!!.'.."!!!'",' $
Number ol cvrnlntr nchoolg ,14
Average, number of months taught In evening schools '.'."'..'.'.!
Number of male teachers employed ,y,f., 0 """
Number of female teachers employed "
Number of scholars enrolled from 0 to 13 years .."!.. '!
Number of scholars above 13 years ,
Total number of malo scholars attending evening schools
Total number of female scholars attending evcnfiiK schools w !
Whole number of scholars attending evening schools
Average evening attendance m, ,7,'...,
Average percentage of attendance
Average salary of male teachers per month ....'......'$
Average salary of female teachers per mouth .M
Cost of each scholar per month.......
Number of mills levied for school purposes n
Number of milN levieil for building purposes w 3
Amount lovled for school purposes ; , $27 307 19
Amount levied for building purposes 7lG3 86
Total amount levied , ..$31 831 35
Rxoiieriitloii of Collector Denn by resolution of Hcliool Hoard '. 13 is
Ilxoncrntlon of Hochm's bondsman by resolution of .School Ilonrd " fcO 00
ICxonenillon of Collector Illireiiis 1891 nnd 1892 duplicate no 11
i:iiueriitlon uf Collector ijcanlau 18'.I3 dunlicntu o.,, ,
From balance on band Inst annual mtntcmcnt . , $
I'roiii Win. T. Trczlse account text books and supplies
I'rom Win. T. Trezise account library lines
KrOill Wm. T. Trozlso nt-comit suln nf tirlvtlmm sn.n f i r.,i.. . ' ' ' """
From Wm. T. Trezise account proceeds of commencement '.1'.'.'.''!".'.""
From Mate, appropriation ' "
From M. V. Whltakcr, Tuition from non-iesldent piiplls..!.!..!!.'!!.'.'.!!!!!.'.'.'."!!!!.'!!",',"'
From Tax Collector Scaulnn, duplicate of 1891
From " " " " " isoo !.!.1!'.'.."'.!!!'.'.'."m
From 1 " older 12.)7 for commission
From prneeeds of order No. 1 Discounted temporary loons
From " " " No. 38 "
61 ii
031 57
I' roin
No. 3S9
No. 511
No. 612
No. (ISO
No. 10V,
No. 1182
No. 12.VJ
l'roceeds of sale of Bonds
Total ltecclpts..
220 87
. . 91 19
5 91
2.1 00
107 00
. 19,9.13 83
190 90
. 10,700 CO
. 18,700 00
. 1,168 42
. 1,922 50
. 2,981 00
. 2,173 87
. 2,983 00
. I,9s8 67
. 1,181 7.1
. 1,979 67
. 1,581 00
. 3,167 17
. 10,000 00
81,812 52
For Interest on bonded indebtedness
For orders redeemed :
For piirebasinp; grounds
For Inillding and furnishing
For renting and repairing
Teaeier's Wages.
For day schools
For substitute teachers ,
For attendance at County Institute
For evening schools ,
Salaries of Officers,
For salary of Superintendent
For salary of Secretary
For salary of Treasurer
For salary of Solicitor ,
For Receivers Commission
! 1,978 00
21,500 00
5,000 O)
9,993 70
2,717 53
$ 41,191 31
$ 20,827 28
3.17 12
510 Oil
8 29,376 83
8 1,800 00
720 00
200 00
.;..:. so oo
1.16S u
Text Books and Supplies.
For school text books
For school supplies
Fuel and Contingencies.
For Janitor's wages
For coal
8 3,933 42
....( 8 1,780 20
1,460 98
8 3,217 16
For gas
For hauling ashes
For wood
, 8 3,571 16
1,063 23
108 16
, 70 0.1
3 00
3 00
For new books nnd rebliiding
8 4,823 62
..8 368 82
.Tames IE. Lewis service at library
Wm. . James, service at Ubrarv
Kent ot theatre ,
J'lcture frames
I'olice duty at commencement
Class ribbon
Interpreters assisting assessors
AMldavlt to statement for bond Issue...
Lettering diplomas
Tuition refunded
I'rititfug lioiids
Subscription to School Journal
naming hooks toscnools
Writing duplicate
rioral ueslgn..... , , ,
Discount on renewal of notes
For two town directories
Legal services
8 303 82
llalance In hand of Treasurer..
23 Ol
30 00
22 01
70 00
533 70
36 31
21 00
0 20
3 60
31 33
77 20
75 01
91 70
10 7.1
193 00
30 00
12 M)
221 23
I 6 00
41 90
1,631 07
227 31
81,812 52
Iliilniu u In hands of Treasurer, June 4, 1893
From salo of bonds ,
From Tax Receiver..:.,, . , ,M
From stato appropriation m,.Iab,
From other sources 1:
Treasury overdrawn ,u
. S 220JS7 a)
uwSitt 80,568 42
::::::z::z::::::::::: :
616 00
3S!.... 13,800 00
For orders outstanding, June 4, 189.V.
ror eurroiii expenses oi ino year..
875,013 12
...811,500 00
... 63,315 12
875.0W 12
Resources and Liabilities of District.
Cash iu hands of Treasurer 8 227 31
Due from Collector Seanlun duplicate 1893 23 50
Due " " " " 1891 - 1,261 0.1
Due " ' " ' 1893 - 13,912 30
intimated value of school property 115,000 00
Total resources 8130,136 23
I loads outstanding 831,000 00
Interest duo and unpaid ........ u 78 oo
Orders outstanding Nos. 389, 514, 080, 1088, 1182, 1258 13 000 00
Total liabilities a. , 87370 00
UcsourcGg In oxcess of liabilities..
Library Account.
$62,580 23
llalunco duo fund Juno 1st 1893
l'roceeds of commencement...
Tuition of non-resident pupils
Library lines
....8 1,123 63
.. 197 00
196 90
5 91
Total receipts,,.............
For new books and rebindlntl,....
llalanco in fund June 1st 1S96.
8 1,923 41
..8 363 82
-8 S63 82
8 1,531 62
We, the i undersigned auditors of tho Horough of M.cnandoah, having examined the various
ints of the Treasurer of tlio Shenandoah Hcliool District submit thl ab ,3U.,,.;5l.
Borough Auditors.