KANSAS BABY CITY OF Bj tlio CMC1A ECZEMA REMEDIES Onr baby ihcn Ihmo wr-ctn c1J was badly pf fllctwl v, Itli Eczema. I Icr lv J, ill ms, neck, Invl and nearly every Joint In bor body wa rawund bleeding when wo concluded to try CnicrjA IUmedie". Wo began with CUTiriMA (oint ment) and Ccticuha Soap, and pntr thr .; application wo could soo n cliatijro. Alter wo I ad used them ono week some of tlio sores had bf-aled entirely, and ceased to spread. In lcs than n month, sbo was tree from scales and blemishes, aid to-day has as lorcly skin and hair ns any chtld. She was shown at tho Orango Fair, ami t. nk n premium as tlio prettied baby, over sixteen otlit : . i Bin. A Mns. l'AHK. IMS Hcllm lew Ave.. Kan. City. Bold crcrywbtre. 1'otteb i;aua b Cuxg.Conr., Iionuu. I Headache Cured. A quick cure, a certain cure, j the best cure la TAYLOR'S ANTI-HEADACHE POWDERS. Yfo never heard ol a caso whero thoy failed. Wo never ex pect to hear of ono. Don't bo afraid to take them. They are harmless. Thoy do not contain ono single atom of any danger ous drng. For this reason it Is well to shun all other head aoho modlolncs. Avoid risk by Insist ing on Betting TAY LOR'S. Our powders can easily ho dlstln- g culshod by tho dc-E llBhtful odor and pleasant taste, and they look llko uround coffee, Best or g all, thoy euro almost Instantly. TAYLOR DRUG A. CHEMICAL CO.. & TRENTON, N.J. Q. DR. LOBB'S BOOK FREE To nil Batterers of EUROUS OP VOtlTIT, M)ST VHIOIt and DISEASES OV lUliH AM) WOMEN. 203 pases; cloth bound: se curely sealed and mailed free. Treatment by mfiU strictly onfldentlal, and a positive, quick curt guaranteed. No matter bow lens etandlDg, 1 wiu pqt ivfiy curejou. nniuor cau. DR ,0BBi 329H.l5UiSt.PHIa.Pa. ' SQyeart cvnttnuouiprazttca- LllUCVnil oro Throat, J"implMj Copper -VfllHlS. IUU Colored BpoW, Acnes, uio.Dore.il fttUlcers In Mouth, llalr-l alllngl Write COOKE ;.ici:ilt;il uu., UU7 Jlu.onic -xempie fAChlcapo, 111., tor proofs of cures. Cupl-J .Vital. 8SOO.OOO. Worst cases cured In 1CI wtmmmmmmm Celebrated Femalo Powders cover fall. luluVj ltulitn doclaro tin i enftt unri aitf ttfln falllnz l.t. m IWnirmir) 1111a ami nthfr Ilk " rcoiedki). Always boy the beet and fold jl"P mlntment. Guaranteed "upcrior to mi "nm nuuray Ihebcit t lnine market,, anu-i. siumviwuiiw " UOC 1M7 VQtiQV, Mill , For sale at Centre street. Porlns 8 drug store, 28 Eaai POLITICAL CARDS. I7I0R LEGISLATURE, Second District, H. W. BECKER, Of Glrnrdvlllo, Pa. Subject to Democratic rules. jjoncqrNTY treasurer, - ELIAS DAVIS, Of Broad Mountain, Subject to Republican rules. J? OK CLERK OP. THE COURTS, PHIL. J. CONNELL, Of Glrardvllle. Subject to Democratic rules. JJlOIt COUNTY COMMISSIONER, FRANK RENTZ, Of Ashland. Subject to Republican rules. JjlOR RECORDER, EMANUEL JENKYN, Of Jollett, Porter Township. Subject to Republican rules. JJIOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, CHAS. F. ALLEN, Of Tainaqua. Subject to Republican Rules. OR CLERK OP Tlin COURTS, JOHN T. SHOENER, Of Orwig&burg, Subject to nepubllean rules. .CHASES BloodflerveFood For Weak and Run-Down People from Childhood to Old Aqs. WHAT iT IS ! The richest of all restorathe Food., ,hou8 it replaces tho .ra. KSrtSlfcI! tp tile blood oud mrvn that are eihanitS lli th.twollte.aivi.1gflulrt.bydlaw,"d," high Ilrlue, overwork, worry, eicewes, abiie.itc. WHAT IT DQE8 ! Ry m.klotr the blood pnrsaud rich, antl theHiiestfon perf 4t, It crsiie. solid Ile;h,iuuulo and slreneth; Tr 'nerVes be. log mago st-onir,tli brluleooms actlie and clear. I or resturfn g lost vitality and .topping ill watting drain, and, weakness In eltn.r hi, It has no.qusl i and a a female regulator it Is worth its weight in gold. Oua box last, a week. I'rlre tto.. or t boie. iSCiw. Druggl.t.orbyDisll. Hook free. C . THE DR. CHASE COMPANY, ' UU Che.tnnt EU PhUad.lpbU. HARLES DERR'S Barber Shop I 12 West Centre Street. Our Hot Towel Shave becoming popular. You wjll like It. make a specialty of hair cutting We THE PRIZE find oft W Disfiguring n$s. 1J RjlCDDPS A1MN. Beoretary Oarlislo Appears Before the Seuato Oomniittee. RELATIONS WITH THE SYNDICATE. Tlio Itcnil of thoTrensury Department nnd Ills Assistant, Testifying Under O.itli, Tell of tlio Conferences with Sir. Morgan and Other New York llnnlccrs. Wasiiinoton-, Juno IB. Secretary Car- llslo was examined under oath yesterday by tho senate committee appointed to In vestigate recent bond Issues. Tho hearing was held In tho rooms of the Ronato com mittee) on finance, Senators Harris, Vest, Walthall, Jouos, of Nevada, and I'latt being present. Chairman Harris explained mat iuq commlttoo had decided to tnko nil tho testimony under oath, and did not wish to mako discriminations. Jlr. Car lislo responded that ho expected and do- Bireci to do put under oath. Mr. Vest began tho examination, asftlng for fuller explanation of tho first bond contract with tho Morgan syndicate than had been given In Mr. Carllslo's written statcmont Ills main purpose, SecroUiry Carllslo said, was to prevent tho shipments of gold from this country. Mr. Vest asked who mado tho first suggestion as to tho protective clause in tho bond contract with tho Morgan syndicate Tho secretary an Bworcd that tho first draft was mado in his private office and thon taken to an adjoin ing room and Rhown to Mr. Morgan and Mr. Francis Lyndo Stotson, after which somo ohangos wero mado. This was tho Mr. Stotson, tho secretary oxplnlncd In ro- spouso to Inquiries, who had boon tho law partner of tho president. "You nover had negotiations with any other bankers outsldo of tho Morgan syn dicate?" asked Mr. Y ost. "Thoro was somo Inquiry, but no nego tiations woro oponod," said tho socrotary. Mr. Carlisle wont on to explain that tho president was kept npprisod of all pharos of tho negotiation. Ono of Mr. Vest's questions ruferrod to tho tlmo of tho pros. Idont s information ns compared with that of Mr. Belmont, to which tho socrotary said that tho president's mossago giving Information to .congress ns to tho ;closo of tno bona transaction was sent at noon, whllo Mr. Belmont did -not roach Wash ington until 2 p. in. To Mr. Vests questions as to why n pub- llo bond salo was resorted to at a later date, whon tho oarly salo was by private contract, Mr. Carlisle said tho first movo was duo entirely to tho emergencies exist ing, nnd to tho disturbing reports, which were without a shadow of foundation, that tho governmont hail long contemplated a bond lssuo. Mr. Vosts quostlon turned to tho Graves bid, which was rejoctcd, tho amount of tho Graves award for 44,500,000 of bonds being glvon to tlio Morgan syndicate. Ho asked why, after tho Gravos bid was rojoctcd, tho government did not recolvo tho benefit of tho rise which had occurred In tho prico of tho bonds, instead of tho benefits going to tho Morgan syndicate under their "blanket bid." Mr. Carllslo sold that wna a matter of opinion, and in his Judgment tho Graves bid was a nullity, after which tho Morgan bid, which was the noxt hlgbost, tool: tho bonds. His action, ho said, was taken after consulting tho law officers of tho g6vcrnment. Ho would have takon tho samo courso If tho price of tho bonds had fallen. "But would tho syndicate have taken tho Bomo oourso if tho bonds had fallonf " Interposed Mr. Jonos. Tho secretary answered that his courso proceeded without rofcrenco to what tho syndicate deslrod or would do. Ho be lieved, however, that If tho price of tho bonds had fallon ho could have compollod tho Morgan syndicate to tnko thorn. 'la it not a fact," askod Mr. Vost, "that because tho syndicate had carried out tho protective clause you were inclined to favor thorn?" "Not In the least," declared tho socro tary, emphatically. "I am not conscious of any such fooling." "But you nnd tho president woro pleased with tho manner In which tho protective clause hod been carrlod out? queried Mr, Vest "Yes, but I am not conscious of tho re motest fooling of favor resulting." In nnswor to further quostions Secretary Carlisle uociarou no nau novor contom plated paying In silver. Assistant Secretary Curtis was exam ined rapidly and pointedly by Mr. Vest. Mr. Curtis said ho had gono to Now Yorl; by direction of Mr. Carllslo before tho syn dicate bond contract was mado, to ascer tain tho temper of tho situation. Ho had visited bankers, officials, etc "Did you oxpoct to got tho temper of tho situation from tno bankors? ' asked Mr. Vest. The assistant secretary responded that ho had talked with men at tho clubs and with Mr. Falrchlld and Mr. Stewart. His first spcclflo Instructions from Mr. Car lisle woro to "go and boo Mr. Bolmont." Tho socrotary directed him to soo what could be dono to get gold, from abroad, but authorized no proposition to bo mado. Mr. Bolmont showod him unfavorable cablograms from Eurono. Mr. Vost's quostions Indicated surprise that Mr. Bolmont should know of tho treasury's neod of gold and should bo ne gotiating with Europe before Mr. Curtis had arrived. Tho subsequent testimony showed that Mr. Belmont's viow was posslmistlo as to Betting gold abroad Mr. Morgan prom ised to do tho best he could. At a Inter meeting at Mr. Morgan's houso, arranged by telophouo mossago botweon Now York and Washington, tho two gentlomou told him thoy could get gold abroad and sell ?60,000,000 of bonds there. It was understood that Mr. Curtis would telephono Mr. Morgan from tho treasury at 8 o'clock tho noxt day ns to whether tho general opinion had boon npprovod. Ho telophonod Mr. Morgan that u mossonger would carry a letter to him that night. The letter, which was from Mr. Carlisle, said tho lntorvit rate was too high. Tho two fimmelers then enmo to Washington, Mr. Belmont calling on Mr. Carlisle and Mr. Murgan uu the wltnoss. Mr. Morgnu said It was urgent for tho governmont to act quickly In order to be nblo to continue Its policy of 'gold pay ments. Mr. Stotson came over with Mr. Morgan. Thursday morning Mr. Morgun, Mr. Stotson and Mr. Curtis drow tho con tract, the witness dlctatlngto an amanoun sis and Mr. Morgan aud Mr. Stotson mak ing occasional suggestions. It was then submitted to Mr. Carlisle nnd Mr. Oluoy, who mado some chauges.nf tor whichltwas signed, tho right to sign tho Belmont Itothschlld names being cabled from Europo. Tho investigation will continue at Nor York ou Thursday. MNYON'S NERVE CURE. Cures nil forms of ncrvousnoss. nervous prostration and all tlio symptoms of nervous exhaustion, such as depressed spirits, peevish ness. Irritability, general sensitiveness of tho wliolo nervous system, lauuro 01 memory, inability to couccutrnto the thoughts, morbid fears, restless aud sleepless nights, pains in tho head, noisos In tho oars and dizriucss. It stimulates and strengthens tho nerves and acts ns a Btrong tonic. Price 23 cents. Munyon's Itheumatism Curo seldom fails to relievo in onu to threo hours, nnd cures hi a few days. Price 23c. Munyon's Dyspepsia Curo positively cures all forms of Indigestion and stomach troubles. i'rlco 2jc. Munyon's Catarrh Itemedies positively curo. Price Bo cents each. Munyon's Vitalizcr restores lost powers to weak men. Prlco, $1.00. A separnto curo for each disease. At all driiEBlsts. mostly 23 cents a vial. Porsonal letters to i'rol. Munyon, lauo Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., nnswored with frco medical advice for any dlseaso. Coming Event. Juno 25. Lawn party at tho residence of A. II, Broome, nt Brownsville July 8. Strawberry nnd ico cream festival uudor tho auspices of tho Y. P. A., in tho basement of tho P. M. church. Did Yon Ker Try Electric Hitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get n bnttlo now nnd get relief. This medicine has been found to bo peculiarly adapted to tho relief and cure of nil Fcmalo Complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and touo to the orcans. It you have Loss ot Appetite. Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, bleeploss. .hxcitablo, Melancholy or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters is tho mcdicino you need. Health aud Btrengthnro guaranteed by its use. Iirgo bottles only fll'ty cents at A. Wasley's drug store. M. C. WATS Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer. Cigars. Tobacco, &c. Agent for Heading urewing kjo. b ueer ana rortcr. 11 and 113 S. Main St JOHN F. CLEARY, i rUUE SELTZERYATER Df I I I I : A. curo ior ncauacne anu stomach troubles. GINOEU ALE, OF WEISS liEER, LAGER BEER. j I'OKTEB. 17 and 1 9 Peach. Alley, Shenandoah. P. J. Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity --For BARBEY'S Beer and Porter. Try Barbey's BohemianBeer. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 0 S. PIULLIPS, M. D. Office : 30 West Centra street. Can be consulted at nil hours. P.F- BURKE, M. D. 80 E. Lloyd street, Shenandoah, Office hours : 7 to 9 a. in., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p. m. j n. roiiEitoY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Shenandoah, Pa, M. BTJKKE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office Euan bulldtnt?. corner of lSfaln and Centre streets, Shenandoah. )KOF JOHN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 63, Mahanoy Ctty, Pa. TIavintr studied under somo of the heat masters ip London nnd I'arls, will givo lessons on tho violin, guitar and vocal culture. Terms reasonable. Address In care of Strouso, the eweler, Shenandoah. OLD DR. THEEL iS"" 604 urn ii iuui ii hl.lf. rtirTTi1?.. 1 'GDirutetL"r." ab. Green, Phlladelp:i!a laJUt up to tbe leoiurine frofuturi.ln eurloj l5?aT2i;l?MS.,ofHieoi1,IietB wdiaooif l'Uibll. Jo wturhowllnjerlm,ioTi;rD'l daneerouatoe traubla tnnr h. V.,.n... iw lIlllritrofVomlin4LoMoflowcr STG y flurt-d. hir xliiHu. 1 -1 1.. ... i ..... uedwTthoiii cutting, Ult. TliHtL ( poilUvely tholde, the bent tud mu.t nklUrul uad expcrlencvdoot, n P.11' fttet inyillrii. eatllfto&Dtiun.pB tor book Truth" tad b euUehtece4 regtrdlu mat dkiM ??.tibJ5!I-19 VK cure oaif l"k KXVOSi.NU l ACKNn4 tbeir booka untlClr.ul.ip. Inauaire. J, rwli t'utei eurvd In 4tul0 lur. Uoutit 8 to Si Es., 8 to D. l'ed ud f t. Ktj... 0 tu 10. 6au., 9 U IS) t f8i ,6 to if. Tn-utuieatbr MulL Wba tcb rite cr ctU wit ntlot this pir. Itoaroi kod iwljinf if IciM 'AUSY PILLS! Safe no sure. sN04o. mawoMAU s safe CUAP-!' Wu:i .Specific Co,Pila,Pa. For sale at Povlnsky's drue torer S3 East centre street. cu5 m VCEISM z A Stranger Enters His Bank and Demands $10,000. MISCREANT THEN SHOOTS HIMSELF. Tlio Wntil.l.bo Robber nnd Ills Vlrtlln Now I.Jiiigat n Hospital, nnd It Is n-nrvd Tlmt Iloth Men Aro Tntnlly Wounded, Tho Identity tif tlio linbbcr In Doubt. NEW YoilK. June 10. President George H. WyekolT, of tho Bank of Now Amster dam, was shot in the abdomen us ho sat nt his desk In tho bank ofllco yesterday by a man who U said to be Gcorgo T. Clark xho would-bo assassin thon turned the pistol on himself nnd fired two shots, both of which took effoct. Both men are per haps fatally Injured. Tho Bank of Now Amsterdam Is In the Metropolitan Opora Houso, at Broadway and Thirty-eighth street. Mr. Wyckofl was olono in his offico when Clark outercd tho bank. Ho walked Into tho front of the bank, turned down tho corrl Air. and pass ing tho clerks behind tho wicket, without a word, wont straight up to thjiresidont'f room. Ho passed through nnurelosod the aoor behind mm, advanced politely to Mr Wyckoff's desk and laid n lottor before him. It was n demand for f 10,000. Mr. Wyckoff rofusod to comply, nnd Clnrli drow n pistol. Mr. Wyckoff jumped to disarm tho man, who fired Immediately tho bnll entering Wyckoff's nbdomcn. Be fore tho startlod clerks could enter the president's room Clark turned tho pistol and flrod two bullets Into his own body ana fell to tho Uoor. Mr. Wyckoff staggered Into tho corri dor, told tho clerks to send for his wife nnd his friend, Mr. Tllford, who Is vice president of tho bank, and fell. Both men wore taken to n hospital, where Mr. Wyck off madonn nnto-mortcm statomcnt. Clark absolutely refused to givo his namonud address, jr occupation. Ho said ho needed monoy, and had been out of employment for n .weak. Ho clalmod that ho had no particular motlvo othor than that of got- tlng money for tho support of his wife and boy. Ho said: "I had novor soon tho bank president bo- foro, and did not know him. Ho had novor dono mo nor any member ot my family any wrong. I did not mean to harm him, but when refused tho demand that I tnndo, I meant suicido. I hopo ho may recover. Thoro can bo no defamatory statements against this man, as ho Is of too high a Btandlng. There was only ono llfo wanted to take, and that was mlno." Tho letter presented by Clark was found on Mr. Wyckoff's dost It Is written ou note paper of tlfo Hotel Marlborough, nnd Is as follows: "We want ffl.OOO flvo $1,000 bills, ten 8100 bills. I will shoot you If you mako a falso movo, so lw careful. My partner out sido has you covered. If you givo nn alarm within threo minutes after I havo loft ho will throw a stick of dynamite through tho front entrance. Vat monoy In nn en velope. Don't talk." Tuoro was no signature. Whothcr there won roally an accomplice or not Is not known. Tho police do not know Chirk, nor had any of tho bank employes over soon him about the bank. U is real idontlty Is a mystery, and every effort is being mado to Identify him. Tho accepted theory Is that ho was crazy. Tho shooting created great excitement on Broadway and In Wall strcot. Tho at tempt of Norcross to klU Kusscll Sago was rocallod and intensified tho oxcltoinent. Tho bank officers wero quickly upon tho scene and In a short whllo every arrange ment was rorfoctod for any emergency. Prosldont Wyckolf has apartments In tho Chelsoa fiats nnd also a homo In Mont clalr, N, J., whoro his wifo and two mnr rlod daughters llvo. Belief In Six Honrs. Distressing kidney and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by tho "New Great South American Kidney Curo." This new remedy is a great surpriso on account of its exceeding promptness in rclloving pain in the bladder, kidneya, back and every part of tho urinary passages in malo or female. It relieves retention of water and tain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and euro this is your remedy. Sold by Shaplra's pharmacy, 107 South Main, street. A Delaware Murder Mystery. Wilmington, Del., Juno 10. Abncf HoUlngsworth, a farmer, ngod about 30 yoars, who llvod with his wldowod mother noar Wooddalo, about sovon milos from this olty, was murdered lato Sunday night or oarly yesterday inornlrig. nis body was found lying noar tho Baltimore nnd Ohio trncK by John Conner, tho V ooddnlo sta tion agent. Thoro woro two cuts on the sldo of tho hoad, which had undoubtedly caused tho man's death. Dotootlvos from this city arrested Antonio Hnrtlncall and Louis Tong, Italian qunrrymon, who llvod in tno Italian colony near wooddalo. llol llngsworth was drinking with thoso men on Sunday, and whou last soon allvo wns lying in tho rear of Bartluoall's shnntv Tong had boon hoard to threaten to kill him. Condensed Testimony. Chas. B. Hood, Broker and Manufacturer's Agent, i;oiumuus, Ulilo, cortlues that Dr, jvuiB s nmy iJiscovery nas no equal as a Cough remedy. J. D. Brown. Pron. St James Hotol, Ft. Wayne, Ind,, testifies that uu nuscurixi oi a iugu ot two years stand ing, caused by La Grippe, by Dr, King's New Discovery. 1). P. Morril, Baldwiuavillc, Mass., says that ho has used and rccominond- ou it ami novor knew It to fuil 'and would rathor havo it than any doctor, becauso it always euros. Jlrs. Hemming, 222 I'.. 25th St., Chicago, always keop3 It at baud aud has no fear of Croup, becauso it instnntlv rnllnvna FreoTrial Bottles at A. Wasloy's1 Drugstore' Injured While "Miootlnp; tlio Cliute." Washixgtox, Juno 10. Iteprosontntlvo Ablxitt, of Texas, is rooovorlng from tho Injuries ho received on Suudny whllo "bhootlUB the ohute" nt Rlvor Vlow. Ho suffers from oconsloual oonvulslvo pnlus. The lower irt of tho body and tho legs aro parttnlly imralyzed, but his physloluns do not approhond pormanent paralysis. Sunk by Collision, Six Drowned. Lontios, June 10. Tho steamer Bertha, from Bilbao for MiddlosbQrough, was sunk off Southwood by collision with tho stonmor Claverloy, and six of her crow wero drowued. Tho Clavorlcy had her port bow badly stove, but rosouod tho ro malndor of tho Bertha's crow and landod them at Graviwoud. Tho Vresldent Goes u-rUhlng. Wasiiinqton, Juno 10. President Clove land returned to tho city nt 10 o'clock last ulght from it day s fishing trip nt tho trofc proservos of Mr- Harrison, noar LoosburfS 'a. Comnilsslonor Mlllor, of tho lutoruul I rovouuo bureau, returned with him 11 & How are J cQ Does Your Back Ache ? sgja 9 D?Hobks Make the kid ney, strong mP paraeus onu neaiiny. rfr TllliY cause !ie kidnevsto r- tiller all uric 8 KT 0rl1 ociu uuu oilier -.-I I-lllO ',rltes fronl V,tlie blood. Healthy Kidneys make gfjl pure dioou. Dr. Ilobbs Snnrnmis Kldnev Pills cure Kncumatlsm. uout. :czema. irifi Anxmla, Pimples, lladlllood.Uriglit's ST Disease, Alalarla, Backache, Kidney eA) Pains, Dropsy, Pain In theAbdomen, g" Frequent Urination, Inflammation of (fh I'll ... t. ... 1 !...(. n Cfjs clans nnd Druggists. 50 cents n box. ffp JT Sample Pills and Valuable Book free. 2T OQp llobUIt.in.df Cih, ChlciroftDd Baa Francisco. Cy9 ,f. For Salo In SHENANDOAH, PA., by J. y S. P. Klrlln, DrucBlst.G South Main St. "d' MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS rOSITlYELY CUltE ALL Nervous i)IrnFCR 1'allluR Mrmori, Imirotrnejr, Slerpk'KB ih'Rb. etc., canned by Abuse and other Kxresfes and 'niHtscre lions. Thoy qulrkly mill surely restore Lost Vitality In old or young, and tit n man for (study, ImMneRs or marriage. lTou-nt Insanity andOmsumn. tlonlf takon Intlme. Tuelrusa shows Immediate improvement and rtrrcK a (MJlti; whero all ftllinra ft 1 1 . 1 titter 11 rum having tho frontline Ajax tadlfts. ihey havo cund thoimmlsnnd 111 curo toil U'oclvn nnMt. murium puarantee to effect a curo Iti each cam or refund tho money. Prlco 50 cents per packane, or six nnckairefl (full treatment) for$ift'). liy mall, lu plain wrapper, AJAX REMEDY CO., SoOT' I'or snlo In Shenandoah, Pa., by J.JM. Ullllnu, Druggist. h Chlchontcr'ti Knell h Diamond Ilrand. TNNYROYAL PILLS Orlfilnal and Only Genuine. A SArc, alwayi rdl&ble. uoiti uk a Urogelrit for Chtehtttert FnglUh "'o-VXX txe. icaIoI with tilao ribbon. TaLo no other. Iiefiutdangtrouitubintw V (ion and fmUadoni. AiDrognlsti, or Bcni-lc Id ftampi Tor vortlculari, ti-f tlmoclsJi ol " Itellcr for I.o.llca," in tntir, by return f7titititt.if 'tiomlojil t3a.UallinnlviUir Loci .'rus&liu. l'hUi-o lit HUMPHBEYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Humphreys' Witch Hasol 0ilasacuR.mvEand healing application. Jt has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always give3 satisfaction. It Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. , Helief immediate cure certain. It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Relief instant It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures Itk-LAMCD or CAKED Breasts and Sore Ninpfes. It is invaluable. It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c, 30c. and $1.00. Bold b;Druggists,or sent post-paid on recelptolprico. Ut'rimEIS' BED. CO., 1 11 & IIS Ullll.m St., Af Tork. For sale nt Povlnsky's drug store, East Centre street. Layer's Lager and Pilsner Beers, Finest, Purest ant Healthiest. Chris. Schmidt, Agt., 207 West Coal Street. FOLLOW THE . . . BIG RUSH And your inevitable wind up point will be the place where you can buy . . . READY TO WEAR CLOTHING Made in a proper manner, fit aud style by the most reliable manufac turers, all sold at the lowest prices ever known for well made Men's, Boys' and Children's wear. We are oflering some great values in Blue, drey and Black Serges, Fancy Cheviots and Worsted. Ljght suits of every description with low cut vests. We have a large stock to select from. The place is at S. BLOCK'S ROCHESTER : CLOTHINO : HOUSE, COB. MAIN AND CHERRY STS. afi ' i9h BometitsMceodis reliable, monthly, reyaUtlnff taUclue, Ouly harmlusOBd tho pureit drugs ehould to ueoa. If you want the best, gt Dp- Peal's Psnairosafi PiSSs They are prompt, nlo and certain In remit. The genuine (Dr. real's) neTer dUap oolnt. Bant anywhere, (1,00. Addtei) PtiL MsDiaau Co., ClcTeland, O. For salo by P. P. D. KIBLIN, Shcuaudoah, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SCIIUVKII.I, DIVISION. May , 1198. Trnlns rrlll lenvo Hbennmlonh nfter tbe Above date for WtRirnns, Gllberton, Frnckrllte, Dnrk Wnter, St. I'lnlr, I'ottsrlllp. ItninburK, Hemline, 1'oltstmMi, riloenlxrllle, Norrlftoivn mid l'bil fulelpliln I llrond stn-et station) nt 603 nnd 1143 n. in. nnd 4 15 in. on u eek days. For 1'otts vlllo nnd Intermediate station. 9 io a. m. SUNDAY. For WlgftntM, (lllberlnn, Frackvllle, Dark Wnter, Ht. flair, l'ottsvllio, nt 0 OS, 9 10 n. in. and 310. m. For Hamburg, ltendlnft, l'ottstoirn, l'lioeulxvllle, NorrUtown, l'lillnilellbla atOOQ, 9-IOn. in., 3 10 p. m. Trnlns lenvo l-'rnekvlllo for ShenHiulonh al 10 40 n. in. and 1211. SOI, 7 12 nnd 10 27 p. in. Sunday, 11 13 n. in. and 5 40 p. til. Lenvo l'ottsvllio for Sbennndonh nt 10 15, 11 4S n. in. nnd 4 40. 7 15 nnd 10 00 n. m. Suuuav al 10 10 a. lit., 5 15 i. in. Lenvo I'lilladclnlila. fllrond street station), for Sbcnniiilonli nt 5 57 nnd 8 35 a. m.. 4 10 nnd 7 U p. in. M eek nays. Sundays lenvo nt 6 50 a. m. Lenvo Drond street station, lMilladelpbla, lor Sen tllrt, Asbury Park, Ocenn drove, Ixing; Branch, nnd Intermediate stations, 5.50, 8.25, ii.ava, m.,3.w, 4.UOII. in, weeK-nnys. ununys (stop at Intcrlnken for Asbury Park), 8.25 a.m. Leave Broad Street Station, lMilIndelphln, FOIt NEW YOBK. Express, week days, 3 20, 4 03, 4 50, 5 15, 6 50, 7 33, 8 20,9 20, 9 50, 10 21 (DIlilllK Car). 11 00, 11 14 B. m 12 noon, 12 35 (F.tmlted 100 nnd 4 23 p. in. DlnliiK Cars) 1 40, 2 30 (Dlnlne Car), 8 20, 3 50 4 00, 5 00, 5 50 (Dining Car), 6 00, 0 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. in., 12 01 nlsbt. Sundays, 320, 405, 150, 5 15, 8 20,8 30,950,10 21 (Dlnine Car), HOB n. m.. 12 35. 2 30 (Dlnlnn Car) 4 00 (Limited 4 22, Dlnlnc Car) 6 20, 5 59 (DlnlncCor), 0 35, 6 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. in., 1201 nlRbt. Express tor Boston, without change, 11 00 a. m. week days, nnd 6 50 p. m. dally. WASHINGTON AND THE SOCTn For Baltimore nnd Washington, 8 50, 7 20, 8 81, 912,10 20,1123 n. 111., 12 00 (1231 Limited Din ing Car), 1 12. 3 18, I 41 (5 19 Congressional Limited, Dining Car), 9 17, 0 55 (Dining Car), 758 (Dining Car) p. m., and 12 05 night week days. Sundays, 3 50, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23 n. m., 12 09 1 12, 4 41, ( 5 15 Congressional Limited, Dining Car), 0 55 (Dining Car), 7 5S o. m. (Dining Car) and 12 05 night. FOIt ATLANTIC CITY. Lenvo Broail street Mutton. Philadelphia (vin Delaware river bridge), express, 9 05 a. in. and 7 00 p. m. dally. wave mantel street f erry, express, o uu,o ou u. m., (1 00 Saturdays only), 2 10, 3 55, 4 20 and ft 00 p. m. week dnys. Sundnys, 8 00, 8 15 nnd 9 15 n. ni. (I 00, 1 4.5 p. m. necointnodatlon). For Capo Mny, Auglessen, Wildwood nnd Holly Boacb. Express, 9 00 n. m., nnd 1 05 p. m. week days. Sundnys, 9 00 n. in. Cape Jlay only, 1 30 p. m. Saturdays. For Sea No City, Ocenn City and Avalon. Kxprcss, 9 00 a. m,, nnd 120 p. m. week days. SundnyB, 9 00 a. m. For Homers Point. Express, 5 00 a. m., 2 10, 3 55 nnd 4 20 p. in. week days. Sundays, 8 45 a. m. S. M. PnnvosT, J. It. Wood, Gen'l JInnnger. Gcn'l Pnss'jr'r Agtl READING R. R. SYSTEM" IN EFFECT MAY 17. 1896. Trains leave Sbennndoab ns follows : For New York via Pldlmlelpbta, week days. 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 n. m., 12 48, 3 00 and 5 55 p. m Sundays, 2 10 a. m. For New York via Mnuch Chunk, week days, 5 25, 7 20 a. in., 12 4S nnd 3 00 p. m. For Beading and Pblladelpbta, week days, 2 10, 5 23, 7 20 n.ln., 12 IS, 3 O) and 5 55 p. In. Sun davs, 2 10 n. m. For Pottsvlllc, week days, 2 10; 7 20 n. m., and 12 4S, 3 00 and 5 55 p. in. Sundays, 2 10 n. in. For Tnmniila nud Maliunoy City, week days, 2 10,5 25, 7 20 a. m., 12 W, 8 00 nnd 3 55 p. in. Sundays, 210 n. m. f or wininmsporr, aunoury nnu i.ewisoiiix week days, 3 25, 11 30 a. in., 150 aud 7 25 p. In. Sundays, 3 25 a. m. For Mnbnnoy Plnne, weekdays, 2 10. 3 28, 5 35, 7 20, 11 30n. ni., 12 W, 1 50,8 00,5 55, 7 25 and 9ti p. ni. Sundays, 2 10, 3 25 a. in. For Ashland and Slinmnkin, week days, 8 23, 7 20, 11 30 n. m., 1 50, 7 23 nnd 9 55 p. ui. Bun days, 3 23 a. ni. For Baltimore. Wasblngton nnd tlio West via B. &0. K. It., ibrougb trains leave Beading Terminal, Pliliadelplilu, (P. ,t It. It. B.) nt 8 20, 7 55,1128 a. m., 3 10 nnd 7.27 p. m. Sundays, 3 20, 7 00, 11 20 n. m., 3 16 nnd 7 27 p. ni. Addi tional trains from Twenty-fourth nnd Chest nut streets station, wccic uays, lu ou a. m. u -.a, 12 15 8 40 p ru. Sundays, 1 35, 8 23 p. in. TRAINS FOB SHENANDOAH. Leave New York via Philadelphia, wcle days, 4 30, 8 00a.m., ISO. 130, 9 00 p. in. bnd night. Sundnys, 6 OO p. m. Iave New York via Mnuch Chunk, week days, 1 30, 9 10 a. in., 1 30 nuil 4 15p. m. Leave I'blladelpbio, Bending Terminal, week days, 4 20, 8 35, 10 03 a. in. and 105, 6 30, 1180 p. in. Sundays, 11 30 p. in. Lenvo Beading, week days, 133, 7 10, 10 08, 11 55 a. m., 0 00 and 8 20 p. in. Sundays, 1 35 a. m. Leave Pottsville, weekdays, 2 35, 7 40 a.m., 12 30 and 0 12 p. in. Sundays, 2 33 a. in. Leave Tomofiua, week days, 3 11, 850, 1123 n m., 1 27, 7 20 nnd 9 13 ii. m. Sundnys, 3 18 a. m. Leave Mabanoy City, week dnys, 3 4,3, 9 21, 11 47 n. m., 2 03, 7 41 nud 10 08 p. ni. Sundnys, 8 45 a. ra. Leave Mnlmnoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00, 630,9 37, U59n. in., 1 12, 2 19,5 20, 6 26, 7 57 and 102.Jn.tn. Sundays, 2 40, 4 00 n. in. Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 10 a rn., 3 &3 and 11 41 p. m. Sundays, 11 15 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, tepve PMlmtelpUln CheStlull Slreel warl nni South street wharf for Atlantis Cityi Weekdays Express, 9 00 a. Saturday only, 130, 2 00, 4 00, 130, 5 00 p. m. Abconi modatlon, 8 00 a. in.. 4 SO, 6 30 p. in. Sunday Express, 8 00, 9 00, 10 00 a. in. Accom modation 8 00 n. m., 4 43 p. m. Returning leave Atlantic City depot, corner Atlantio and Arkansas avenues. Weckdays,cxpress,7 00, 7 43, 9 CO a. m.,3 30, 5 80 p. m. Accommodation. 6 25, 8 15 n. lu., 4 82 p.,m. Sundays Express, 4 00, 5 30 8 00 p. in. Accom modation, 7 15 n, in., 1 15 p. lu. Parlor Cars on nil express trains. I. A. SWEIOARD, G. G. ILiNCOCK, Gcu'l Superintendent. Geu'l Pass. Ag millions of Dollars Go up In smoke every year, Talco no risks hut get your houses, stock, fur niture, etc., Insured in flrst-clnss ro Uahlo companies as represented by hAVIn FATKT Insurance Affuit, LriiYlD rAUJl, 130 South Main St, Also Llfo and Accidental Companies. Teams to Hire. If you want to hire a safe and reliable team for driving or for working purpose pny Shields' livery stable a visit. Teams constantly on hand nt reasonable rates, JAMES SHIELDS, No. 410 East Centro street. Opposite Reading railroad station. The "Twin Comet" and "Little Giant" LAWN SPRINKLERS. BEST MADR. Unique, Efficient, Lalmr Saving. Vlll sprinkle four time, greater area tlian other sprinkler made. Highest award at the Chlango IixKwltlon. Send for Circulars diving Testi monials aud Prices. E. STEBBINS MFG. CO., Sole Manufacturers, Springfield, Mass For sale bv nil hardware and rubber store In tbo United States,