The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 15, 1896, Image 2

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    IB H
1WTA1II.ISIII:I) 1870.
Published every Evening, Except Sunday, at
8 HouTrt Jaroin Street, Neah Centre,
The Iloruld I? dcilvcicd InShennmlonti mid tlio
surrounding towns for six cents a week. imv
able to tlio carriers, lly ntnll 88.00 a year, or 26
centq a month, payable In advance. Advertise
ments cimrgcti according lo ppnee and poHlllon.
The publishers reserve the right to clinnge the
fiosltton of advertisements whenever the pul
lcatton of news demands It. The right
reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
f)ald for or not, that the publishers may deem
tnpropcr. Advertising; rates made known
upon application.
Entered at the postofllce at Shenandoah, I'a., as
second class mall matter.
Evening Herald
MONDAY, JUNK 15, 1600.
C.ALU8HA A. (JltOff,
Of Susquehanna.
Of Erie things have happened than tliat
which an exchange predicts, to tlio effect that
llcnjamin Harrison may turn up in Washing
ton on the 1th of March noxt as the successor
of Daniel W. Vuorheos in tho United Status
Senate, or as a member of President Mc
Klnley's enhiuet.
Tin: state courcntion of tho Ancient
(mlcr of Hibernians, held at Williamsport
last week, passed resolutions of sympathy
upon the death of the lato John J. liatigan,
of l'ottsvillo, who was tho stato secretary of
the organization at tho time of his death.
Mr. Itutigan was a prime f.tvorito among tho
members, and his death was a severe loss to
the order in this county.
At tho Lebanon county Itepublican primar
ies on Saturday, Henry Hmick, deputy State
Superintendent of Public Instruction, was
nominated lor Congress by a majority of
1231). Mr. Houck is well known in this
section, and his sou, l'aul JIuuck, is the
affable drug clerk in Muldoon's pharmacy in
The bald-headed statesman from Schuyl
kill Haven and his lieutenants havo deserted
the sinking "Comhino" ship, as tho following
from yesterday's Philadelphia Times very
plainly shows: "Tho veteran Samuel A.Losch,
of Schuylkill county, is also one of tho pass
engers. Loch fur a long tinio obstinately
lemaiucd outside of tho (Juay breastworks,
but ho has at last climbed inside and with
his characteristic enthusiasm bo is now
snouting tho loudest of tho Quay shunters.
To ue his own languagc,ho 'has sworn in for
the old man,' and hence 'will havo no time
. lor .V.-tin, Mageo and tlio other Combiners,
Tin: Woman's Edition of tho Pottsvillo
lii publican appeared on Satmilay, and tho
expectations of the public wero fully utilized,
The paper was edited by Mrs. A. W. Sehalck,
with a largo corps of assistants and advisers,
and the proceeds of tho edition will go
tenants tlio erection of tho new Methodist
Episcopal church edifice. Tho ladles of that
denomination can well feel proud of their
first eil'urts ill tlio journalistic field. Mucl:
of the credit for tho success of tho under
taking, however, is duo Kditor Zerbeynnd
Ins well equipped ollice, without which tho
success attained would havo been impossible
Tub present term of criminal court will be
of much interest to tho peoplo of Shenan
doah. Two homicido easos, witli lesidcuts of
this town figuring as tho principals, will be
tailed for trial. Theodore i:icnhoiver, who
is charged with tho shooting of John
Schwindt, was placed on trial this moining,
and the case will likely occupy tho greater
part of tho week. Tlio second homicide caso
is that of Mike Mlnellaand three companions
charged with the murderof Joseph Zlnkosky,
during a riot on street last April. Thoeo
trials will be fully reported by the IlKltAl.D,
a representative of tho paper being in attend
ance at court.
Hon. Et.iAg Davis, who wields the editor
ial pen on tho. Schuylkill Haven Call, and
who-,0 homo Is at Ilroad Mountain, has an
interesting editorial this week upon tho rich
discoveries of gold at Cripple Creek, Col.
There is but ono Klias in Schuylkill county,
and whether in tlio editorial chair at Schuyl
kill llavon down by the placid waters of the
Schuylkill ri or, or maintaining the dignity
of Major Finney's staunch Republican paper
under tho eves of the county's scat of justice,
or prr.-haneo upon tho rostrum expounding
the doctrines of the McKintoy tariff or tho
intrinsic value of gold and silver dollars,
or piesuntlng tho claims of tho Welsh
upon tho ltepublican iarty, in oithor
capacity our friend I.lias is perfectly
at ea-e. Wo know not what called forth tho
editorial on tho gold discoveries, but we
surmise that tho fall campaign may have
caused tho mighty and caustic pen of our
editorial brother to got in line with tho
gold standard" plank of tho Kepublicau
national convention. Then, again, It is a
well known fact that Klius is a candidate for
Treasurer, and it is usually certain that Ills
aspirations in this direction will be realized ;
ttud putting these two fact side by side the
further impurtaut information is olleited,
that tho campaign this fall, so fur a tho
Troasurerthlp Is concerned, will be iijion a
gold standard basis, augmented by the
"Davis band-and-arui-ihako." It is now in
order for tho opponent of Editor ItavU to
dei hire themselves upon the financial ques
tion whether, In the event of election, they
will cash the county's due-bills In Cripple
Cieck gold or Ilrtimm greenbacks. We
P iticntly await the announcement.
Tiik situation at St. LouU, so far us the
j-lutform 1 concerned, Is gratifying to the
ercat majority of Itepubllmns. There will
lc no straddle, and tho silver men have
givi n up the fight. The National Committee
b is finished its work; in fact, up to tlu-
iiioriiing one half of tho contest had barely
Ku heard. Tl.c Pennsylvania contests
ha been settled in a manner anything but
agreeable to the Combiners in Philadelphia.
Henry Clay and Senator liocker, friends of
Senator (Juay, contested tho seats of Klein
merer and Anderson, the adherents of David
Martin frum tlio Third district of Philadel
phia, tho latter being a member of tho
.National Committee hearing the contests.
Sonator (Juay secured tho proxy of a friend
and appeared before the committee. Upon
his motion it was decided to seat all four
delegates with n half vote each. Martin
opposed it, but the committee stood by (Juay
by a veto of SO to II). The nomination of
McKinloy Is conceded on tho first ballot, but
tho iiamu of his running mate has not been
decided upon, and wilt not bo definitely
known until McKiuley has been nominated.
As It now looks this will not take place until
Thursday, and prolmbly Friday. Tho con
testing delegations will occupy the attention
of the committee until that time. Satur
day's dispatches slated that Quay's name
would not be presented to tho convention,
but the statement has slnco been denied.
Governor Hastings says ho has been au
thorized to name the Junior Senator, and
that he will do so.
Don't he Without lliittons
On your shoes. The Factory Shoo Store has
the best fastener in town and will fasten them
on free of charge, whether your shoes were
bought of us or not.
0-3-tf J. A. Moyiir, Man.
I!uy Keystone flour, lla sure that tho uamo
Lrcssto & llAi:r., Ashland, Pa., is printed on
every sack.
Standing of the Clubs In tho Itaco for
Championship IViitmnts.
CI.UIH. W. I P.O. RLVDS. W. I. I'.O.
Baltimore. 29 17 .(IB Pittsburg 23 21 .523
1'leveiand.. 2il 111 .019 Brooklyn;.. 21 22 .622
Vhiladel'a 28 20 .533 Chicago.. . 21 21 .
1'incinnatl 28 20 .583 New York 20 27 .420
lioston 28 11) .508 St. LouU . 13 31 .295
Wash'tc - 23 20 .SIT, Louisville 10 33 .222
At Philadelphia Louisville, 3; Philadel
phia, 1. At Xow York Pittsburg, 10; New
York, 8. At Bnlttmoro-Chicngo, 17: Haiti
inoro, -1. At Brooklyn Brooklyn, (1; Clove
land, 5. At Uoston Cinclnnatl.O ; Boston, 1.
ljilstcrn Ijcagtio.
cr.uns. w. i,. p.o. cluus. w. I l'.c.
Providence 21 12 .007 Buffalo 17 10 .515
ItochBstcr.. 20 11 .050 Wilkosb're. 14 25 .359
Syracuse. 22 15 .593 Soranton... 13 21 .351
Toronto... 22 19 .517 Spriugfl'ld. 11 21 .314
At Provldcnco Buffalo, 13; Provldcnco,
12. At Springfield Toronto, 9; Spring
Held, 0.
Atlantic League, w. r,. io. cr.uiw. w. i v.c.
Patcrson. . 20 15 .059 Newark 23 22 .511
Wilmngt'u 23 22 .611 Metrop'ton 21 22 .439
Hartford 23 22 .611 KowIIav'n 13 110 .302
At Ilnrtfiird Now Ilnrcn, I); Hartford,
B. At Paterson Newark, 7; Pnterson, (1.
At Wilmington 'Wilnilngton, 10; Metro
politan, 7.
l'eunsylvniiia State I,cnguo.
ciA-ns. w. i,. ic. ci.uns. w. i p.o.
Athh tic . . 28 8 .773 .Haaloton . 14 10 .421
Lancaster. 28 8 .778 Easton. 13 23 M
Carboudale 21 14 .000 PottsvUle... 11 25 .801!
Shamokiu. 17 19 .472 York. 8 24 .250
At Kaston Athletics, 7; Viston, 0. At
Shamokln Lancaster, 13; Shamokln, 10.
At lTnzlcton Iliizloton-Pottsvillo gamo
postponed; rain.
Saturday's College (lalui-s.
At Now York Ynlo, 8; Princeton, 4. At
Cainbrldgo Hnrvnrd, 10; Cornell, 3.
Itochestcr Defeats Cincinnati.
At Itucheiteryostcrdny ( 14 Innings) Ito
chestcr, 3; Cincinnati. 2.
Tried to Wrcclt a Traill.
HAiimsijrjiio, Juno in. A wicked nt
tcmpt was miuio to wreck the southwest
ern express, on tho I'oiinsylriiniii railroad,
near Bailey's station. Tho second section
of tho oppress loft this city about 1 :30 n.
m. for tho wost. As tho train npprouched
Balluy'satn high rnto of speed tho engi
neer saw u number of ties piled upon tho
track In front of him. Tho locomotivo
knocked thoin nsldo without doing any
damage to tho train. Tho niattor will bo
thoroughly Investigated by tho railroad
officials. All of the cars wero mull and
baggage cars.
Dying from rt llrtital Heating.
Siiamui:in, Pa., Juno 15.-Michaol Clel
ln, of Mt. Cannel, was so brutally kicked
and beaten by several companions that ho
Is now dying from his Injuries. John
Fnuscock, Michael Koposk, Georgo Sltkn
and Paul Slavock aro being held In jail to
uwult tho result of his Injuries.
Tlie Kaston Club Disbands.
Easton, Pa., Juno lo. Tho Huston Base
ball club, of the Pennsylvania Stato
Ijonguo, disbanded yesterday. Manager
Hamsey and flvo players Clove, Holno,
Klnselln, Lnwlornml Gray will probably
sign with the Hoauoko club, of tho Vir
ginia Stato League.
No Prohibition Bolt In Pennsylvania.
Lancaster 1'n., Juno 15. Chairman
Patton, of tlio Prohibition commlttco,
says there will lio no bolt In Pennsylvania.
Ho says reports from tho stato show loy
ulty to tho party, and that tho discon
tented ones nro Incoming reconciled ovory
day and some of them enthusiastic for tho
slnglo Issue, especially as tho stato plat
form Is broad.
OI severest trial and test prove
In regard to Hood's Sarsaparilla
1st, Greatest Mevlt
1 Secured by a peculiar Combina
tion, Proportion and Process
unknown to others which
naturally and actually produces
rjd, Greatest Cures
shown by thousands of honest,
voluntary testimonials - which
naturally and actually produce
3d, Greatest Sales
According to tho statements of
druggists all over the country.
In these three points Hood's
Sarsaparilla is peculiar to Itself.
Ig the best - It Is the Que True lllood Purifier.
AAr. mil., aro fho only tillls totiko
llOOtl S PUIS with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
(Continued from First l'ngo.)
Pennsylvania was ronched in tlio rnlfcjill.
withdraw from tho contest and throw his
Pennsylvania voto to the Ohio candidate.
Tho friends of other candidates nro still
qulto deterininoil to continue tholr candi
dates in the rare to tho finish. Mr. Piatt,
us tho representative of Governor Morton,
Is ospocliilly iMTslstont In urging this
course Ills reason for this Is his tloslro to
secure a roll call for tho purpose of put
ting the Now York tlclegntlou on record.
Ho Is, however, decided to abldo by the
decision of tho national commlttco In dis
posing of tho Now York contests and not
to mo k any factious opposition.
Tho talk of a bolt from tho convention
unless tho Piatt men wero seated, and the
almost implied threats of Mr. Sutherland
In committee that n bolt would follow tho
seating of Bliss and Crugor, worked tho
commlttco up to tho highest pitch of ex
citement. Not In any other contest was
there such bitter fooling ralsod in tho com
mltteo, and although tho languago which
might be In tho least distasteful to airy
inembcrof tho commlttco wns withdrawn,
it did not lesson tho determined feeling of
opposing sides to scat their rospcctlvonien.
Senator Dubois of Idaho anil Itcpresont
ntivo Hnrtman of Montana Joined Senator
Teller of Colorado hero last night. Thcro
Is no longer any doubt of the purposo of
tho silver men to bolt the action of tho
convention unless they can have their way
nbout tho financial plank. The program
they liavo arranged will probably furnish
tho most sensational incident of tho con
vention. Thoy Intend, as a preliminary,
to marshal all tho strength thoy can In tho
committee on resolutions for silver. They
know they will full, but Instead of their
attempting to sccuro a compromlso It will
bo their plan to so throw their strength In
tho committee) as to force, if possible, tho
adoption of a stralghtout gold plank. As
one of thoin said today : "If the ltepubli
can convention cannot bo right wo will
forco It to bo lionost. Better a gold declar
ation for all concerned than nn equivocal
plank that wonrs gold." Tho light will bo
carried to tho floor of the convention under
the leadership of Senator Teller, who, his
frlonds, sny, will make a speech that will
bo tho effort of his life. It will bo his val
edictory to tho Republican party. Tho
silver mon expect to carry at least flvo
states out of tho convention with them
Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Nevada and Mon
tana and they nro very hopeful that tho
Democratic convention nt Chicago will
nominate the man who leads the bolt here.
Yesterday tho Iteod boom was given tho
first impetus that it has had during the
nnto-conventlon days. Tho arrival of tho
Maine and Massachusetts delegations,
with glittering badgos and waving ban
ners, gave tho first real upponrnnco of
Heed's candidacy that lias lieon seen. Sen
ator Lodge, of Massachusetts, who Is to
place Heed in nomination, has bocomo tho
recognized leader of tho Iteod forces, and
Flnce his arrival has been trying to gather
tho scattered Hoed forces nnd rotriovo tho
lossos that havo occurred in tho past few
days. Chairman Littleflold, of tho Malno
delegation, who will probably second
Hood's nomination, has had the Reed head
quarters formally opened, and last night
tho delegation had a mooting in which
stops wero taken towards pressing tho
candidacy of Rood with all possible spirit.
Tho Reed men nro jubilant over the re
sults of a colored mass meeting a't which
representatives from Florida, Alabama
nnd South Carolina declared for Mr. Rood,
and practically withdraw their names
from tho MoKluloy column. Tho mooting
was called by Congressman Murray, of
South Carolina, tlio only colored represen
tative In congress. About 200 colored del
egates and aljernatcs attended.
It will interest tho stntos that havo con
tests lwforo tho national committee, as It
will also Interest tho-o who hoH for a
short convention, to know that those In
control of the convention havo formulated
u plan whereby tho numerous contosts will
not lie opened again by tho convention or
by tho committee on contested seats. It
had lieen tho general opinion up to luto
yostcrday afternoon that tho weurisomo
task just finished by tho national commit
tee will bo repented by tho committee on
credentials of tho convention, and that a
delay of at least n couple doys would en
sue when tho defeated contestants or eon
tostcos applied for a reopening of their
Klthor the McKinley managers aro fear
ful of delay or else they liollevo It Is a
wasto of tinio and energy to roopon those
ensos, for tho edict wont forth that tho
convention would by resolution cither
formally accupt as llnnl tho roport of tho
national committee on all contosts decided
by thoin, or would Instruct tho committee
on credentials to so roport. This menus
that only such contostsnstho Texas and
Delaware onos shall Imj referred tothooon-
voutlou, lieoauso such action would make
tho temporary roll call a porniaiiont ono
wlthtuoexoeptlonor the two states named.
That the Now York dologatlou and Mr.
Piatt coincide with this oouiw Is one of
tho peculiarities of antl-oonvontlou Iiap
nenlnits. i
The action of tho national committee
on the Now York contest was tllsntrou
to Mr. Piatt's friends. The district In
which he was intensely Interested wero
those In the city of New York. He never
felt alarmed alumt the contests In Brook
lvn, and It apisiaml that tho men who In
tended to con tost tho seats of tho l'latt
men abandoned thoin, and tho l'latt dele
gates were sontud unanimously. The
greatost fight niiido was that In the
Twelfth New York district, whero Corne
lius N. Bliss and S. V. It. Crugor, ontl
Platt, woro contesting with tho l'latt del
egates, Howard Carroll nnd Thurlow
Wood Barnes. This was the strongest
case the t men preouted, nnd yot his
delegates secured but u naif voto each
I shared with the nntl-Phitt men. In the
other districts tho nutl-Platt mon wore
i , - . - v t'..
sonted'wltli lull delegate powers.
An analysis of the work of the national
committee In regard to tho IDS contests
which wero originally filed with It shows
that 13il cii'-es were noted on, sonio of tlio
original number having been abandoned,
while several, notably thoso of Delaware
nnd a twrtlon of the Texas delegation
were referred to tho convention.
Of the 13(1 claimants rejected by tho com
mittee 02 were avowed MoKInlev mon
The Impression which prevailed that tho
committee wns deciding n largo m vjo-lty
of tho raises In favor of MoK' -l-.- doubt
less grow out of tho fact ih i. l'i noarlv all
tho states where there wero a lunro num
ber of contests both contestants and con
tostccs wore, according to their own stato
mcntSj McKinley mon.
In New York throe districts were con
tested, covering six dclogutcs. Two of tho
contosts wore decided In favor of tho Mc
Kinley delegates, and In tho other district
oth delegates were admitted, glvlngoach
ilclegato a half vote.
In Pennsylvania thoro was a contest In
tho Third district. Tho contesting dele
gations wore both admitted, each delegate
having a half voto.
In Virginia there wero contosts In tho
Second, Third and Eighth districts. In
tho Third nnd Eighth tho contosts woro
withdrawn, and in tho Second district
both delegations wero ndmltted, each del
egate lielng given hnlf n vote.
In North Carolina thoro was a contest In
tho Sixth district. Both delegations wero
ndmltted, oach with half a voto.
In South Carolina thero woro contests
In ench of tho districts, and ns to tho dolo-gates-at-largo,
covering eighteen votes.
Both tho contestants and contcstcos wore
McKinley men, tho contests turning on
differences between local factions. All tho
contests wero decided In favor of tho Web
ster faction. '
In Georgia thcro wero contosts In throo
of tho districts, and ns to two of tho dele-gates-at-large,
all of which wero docldod
In favor of tho McKinley delegates.
In Florida there wore contosts In the
Second district nnd ns to tho dclcgatos-at-largo.
The McKinley dolcgntos wore ac
cepted in the Second district, nlso that tho
old delegntes-at-lurgo, the McKinley dele
gate In tho First district lielng rejected.
In Alabama thoro were contosts In the
First, Third, Fourth, Fifth.Sixth, Seventh,
Eighth, Ninth districts and tho dclegatos-at-largo.
Tho Fifth and Ninth districts
wore decided against McKinloy, tho others
seated wero for McKinley.
In California thiro woro contests In tho
Third and Fourth districts, both of which
were decided in favor of tho McKinloy
In Mlsslssippl'thero wero contests In tho
Seventh district and ns to tho delegatos-at-large.
All wore avowed McKinley mon,
tho light being between local factious. The
Hill faction were succossful except In tho
Second, Third and Sixth districts.
In Louisiana there were contests In the
First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and
Sixth districts, tho McKinloy delegates
being succossful, excopt In tho Fourth dis
trict, whero tho decision was ugulust the
McKinloy delegntos.
In Toxas thcro were contosts In every
district nnd as to tho dclegatcs-at-largo.
Nono of tho delegatos-at-largo wero placud
upon tho temporary roll. In ten of the
districts the contests were docldod In favor
of tho McKinley dolegates, while In the
other three tho doclslon was against the
MoKlnley delegates.
In Kontuoky thero was but ono contest,
tho Fifth district, which was docldod in
favor of tho McKinley delogato.
In Tennosseo there wero contosts in tho
Sixth and Ninth districts, contestants and
contestecs being McKinloy men in ono dis
trict, whllo in tho other, tho Sixth, the
antl-McKlnley contestants woro seated.
In Arizona thoro was a contest as to tho
six delogates-at-large, all being admitted
with a half voto to oach. Tho contest In
Alaska was decided In tho same manner.
In South Carolina, Louisiana and Texas
thero woro organizations commonly
known as tho "Lily Whites" claiming
soats In tho convention, but In all of these
cases tho committee docldod that tho or
ganizations wero Irregular, and could not
bo recognized.
Mr. l'latt, askod for his personal opinion
In tho matter of tho Twelfth district, said:
"Messrs. Bliss and Cruger did not havo a
leg to stand upon, and tho national com
mlttco knows It. It is surprising that a
man of Mr. Bliss' Una sonso of honor
would accept a placo in the convention
under such circumstances. However, we
got more than wo wero told to expect."
Mr. Piatt stated explicitly that tho New
York delegation had no Intention of bolt
ing tho convention. "Wo shall," ho said,
"leave tho hall only when tho convention
had adjourned." Tho other Piatt loaders
expressed similar views.
There was u conference last night at the
Southern hotel, at which tho following
states wero represented: Maine, Now
Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, Mas
sachusetts, Rhodo Island, Now York,
Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Illinois, Minne
sota and Wisconsin. Tlio following was
agreed upon ns satisfactory, and will be
presented to the commlttco on resolutions:
"Wo favor the maintenance of tho ex
isting gold standard, and are opposed to
tho free coinage of silver except by Inter
national agreement for bimetallism with
tho loading commercial nations of the
world." Tho mun In tho conference wero
thoso who will proliably represent their
states on tho oominlttoo ou resolutions.
Delogato Yerkos, of Kontucky, rocolvod
a telegram from Governor Hradloy last
evening announcing that his nnmo would
not bo pronontod to tho convention. This
has boon in the governor's mind for some
tlmo. Governor Bradley arrived here this
morning to engage notlvoly In tho contest
in behalf of a plutform declaration for a
gold standard.
Joseph Munloy was severely criticized nt
u meeting of tho Malno dolegution yester
day. Some of the delegates ovon went so
far as to Intimate that It would bo for tho
good of the cause of Republicanism in
Maine to select a nuw conunlltoinun. This
was brought aliout by tho action of Mr.
Manloy In announcing unon his arrival
lu St. Louis, that Mr. MoKinloy could not
uo ueioateu lor tlio nomination.
Cornelius N. Bliss said this inoriilug:'
"I am not and luivo nt no tlmo been a can
didate for the presidential nomination. I
am nwnro that kind friond havo men
tioned my muno in that oonncsUon during
the lust few days. There has baen more
or loss uewsiiaper talk of mo, but I really
am not u candidate."
W. R. Roilly, of Kentucky, who lias
been selected as the first boerotary In tho
temporary organization, said today that a
nomination ouuld not bo reached lwforo
Thursday, and that the convention would
last through Friday, owing to the fact that
there will bo uo night sessions on Tues
day, Wednesday or Thursday, tho hall bo
lng given up for other purposes on thoso
Tho unusual varloty and oleganco of tho
budges and buttons tllspluyed hero strlko
oil late arrivals. Thero ore naturally more
McKinloy badges than, thoso of any othpr
candidate. Imtnlnni ninninntna w.t.
represented in tho lino. The favorite Mc-
jvuuuy nisiginu is n uiiOKoyo With a pur
trait of MclCiulov nttjir.1,,.,1 v.,m- l,.,,,ti.
ful budges boarlng in relief the portraits
ui viiisuu aim morion are Worn Ijy thoro
snnntlvn followers of tl,,in
u.bau itiiituimiua.
Recti and Quay buttons and badges aro
also seen in lnrgo numbers upon tho lapels
of tholr friends, while the street hawkers
handling tho emblems of all impartially
nro encountered at every turn. Tho Massa
chusetts delegation brought with It a but-
wii in uio siiiiR) anu oi mo color ot a gold
nugget, uoariiig mo worus "Uold Basis."
Kciinlfir Ciillitm VIsIIb 1lf.tri..i...
Canton, O., Juno 15. Senator Cu'llom
reached Canton yesterday, und spent tho
dav with Mnior MMf lntnr IT., lnff l..ot
night. Ho says thcro Is no doubt but that
tuumiupy win no nominated, ami no thinks
a flouiiu money pintiorm is assured. He
has no choice for second place.
Rheumatism Cured In n Day.
"Mystic Curo" for Rheumatism ft nil Knn
ralcia radically urcs in 1 to 3 ilnx-a. Tta
action upon the system is remarkablo and
mysterious, it removes at oico the causo
nnd tho disease immediately disappears. Tho
first doso greatly benefits 1 75 cents. Sold by
C. II. Hagenbuch, Druggist, Shenandoah.
Itnsplmlllst Charged with Abduction.
RocilESTElt, N. Y., Juno 15. Thomas
O'Brien, leftfleldor on tho Toronto Base
ball club, was brought to this city Satur
day by Detective Kavanngu from Now
York. O'Brien Is charged with nbductlng
n girl under 18 years of ago named Nora
O'Nell. The girl lives in Toronto, but ran
away to this city. It is said that sho left
hero with O'Brien when tho Toronto club
went to Toronto. At tho tlmo tho girl
disappeared tho Rochostor club was play
ing nt Toronto. Thomas O'Brien denies
all knowlcdgo of tho girl, nnd tho author
ities think tho party wanted may bo "Jack"
O'Brion, of tho Rochester club.
Uraztl's Monarchists Active
Rio Janeiro, Juno 15. Indications nro
shown of tho growth of tho monarchist
party recently. It is Offouso Celso do As
sis Flgucrdo, Vlscondo do Ouro-Preto, tho
former minister of tho empire, who is tho
soul of ?ho actual monarchical agitation.
It is tho hopo of tho monarchists that tho
daughter of Doni Pedro II, Isabel Count
ess D'Eu, will ascend tho throno ns Em
press Isabel I. It is reported on good au
thority that tho monarchical party, before
attempting a stroke In Rio Janeiro, alms
first to soouro ono of tho states of tho fed
eration In which to establish headquarters.
Never Nervous on the Stage.
The Chicago Kecord of Oct. 21 under
personal mention column, has this to say of
tho greatest vocalist in tho world: "Mad-
aino Mclha is never nervous on tho stage, and
sho attributes her immunity from tho
uiisfortuno which afflicts most opera singers
to her simple diet. Sho holds that indiges
tion brought on by irregular and self-indul
gent habits of eating, is tho great causo of
nervousness aud worry among actors and
This is truo, not only of actors and singors,
but of business men and womeu, as well as
school children; in fact, tho American nation
is fast becoming a nation of nervous, high-
strung dyspeptics.
Tho idea is, not to diet and starvo ono's
self, but to eat plenty of wholesome food, and
after each meal take, a harmless, but effective
digestivo preparation liko Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets, Tako ono or two of tlioso Tablets
after each meal and no matter how weak the
stomach, they will thoroughly digest the
food; it does not remain in tlio stomach for
hours to ferment, decay, and poison the
blood and nerves.
Whilo Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets aro
pleasant to tako and simple in their action,
yet they aro probably tho safest and most
reliable curo for all stomach troubles, .loss
of flesh and appetite, palpitation, sour or
acid stomach, gas aud distress after meals.
Not only a relief but a permanent curo for all
stomach diseases except cancer of thotomach.
t ull sized packago sold by druggists at 50
cents or by mail from Stuart Co., Marshall,
Grateful for Kruser's Clemency.
Phetoiua, Juno 15. Deputations, with
tho mayors of all tho towns of South
Africa, waited upon President Krugcryes
torday to thank him for his clomoncy to
the convicted reformers. President Kruger
pointed to tho Blblo, with tho remark that
thcro was his guide. Ho thon referred to
Cecil Rhodes, who, ho said, was acting as
if ho woro ogglng on a dog fight. Ho, who
had caused tho trouble, was still unpun
ished. FHATCnXAIi onGAXizuns
We sjtIhIi orjjniiirerH tlioroiiKli
lr ftuiilltnr with fruternnl Itiiilire
wnrli. lrlio lutvo orKUHlzr-i! for the
nlil lieiicllclnl iiNMoctiitlmiH. We
do not lixU a limn to ilcvuli- Ills en
tire time, lint only to ivorlc ilurliiK
IiIm Hiuirc lioiim mill eveiiliitrN. Sncli
iv mint imiHt he iicll unit fiivornhl)
Unoivn mill imiHt (rive rccommendii
tloiiH of iiiiiincHtloneil chnrnetcr.
Such rt one fun mill very intieh to
IiIh Itirome liy orKftnlxImr l.mlKCH
for the Order of the World mill Its
iiiHiiriinec department.
I.lhernl terniM svlll lie (riven. All
Information emi lie olitnlneil hy
VfrltlllB I'dl.SOM A OI'I'KMIHIMnit.
IlooniH r,0S-r,O!l Temple llnllilliifr.
llrouil street, corner Cherry, l'hlln
dcllihlii, l'n.
Soveru Storm at Atluutlo City.
Atlantic City, Juno 15. Ono of tho
severest wind and rain storms In many
years passed ovor this city yostorday, blow
lug down trees, foncos, smokestacks, two
tents of tho Salvation Army, nnd creating
other damage. A ploasuro yacht named
Tllllo Covert was sunk at tho Inlot, but
fortunately no ono was aboard nt tho
time. Tho schooner Richard K. For had
her rigging torn in plecos, whilo smaller
boats wore driven up tho bank nlpug tho
Arrenu Wins the (Irund Prix.
PAMB, Juno 15. Iu tho race for
Grand Prix do Purls yostorday Arr.
won. Charnpaubcrt was seoond nnd Mos
treull third. Thoro was splendid woathor.
Presldont Fuuro was loudly oheerod upon
his arrival on tho grounds, nnd his box
was throngod with a brilliant company.
llucklen'a Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, soros, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positive! v cures nilea.
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mouy refunded. Price
so cents per oox. or sale uy A. Wasloy.
ID YOTJ EVER suffer from real ner
vousness? When every nerve seemed
to quiver with a, nccullar. creenv
feeling, first in ono place, and then another
and all seemed finally to concentrate In a
writhing Jumblo in tho brain, and you bo
como irritable, fretful and pcovishs to bo
followed by an impotent, weakened condi
tion of tho nervo centers, ringing In the
cars, and sleepless, mlserablo nights ?
YiY IYHi?s' Mra- Eugeno Searles,
VI. 11U iW slmonton SUi Elk.
Nervine hart-1- says: "Nor-
Yy , vous troubles had mado
KCStOlCS , mo nearly insano and
TTpolfli physicians wero unablo
XlCdllllssstss to help mo. Mytnemory
was almost gono and every llttlo thing
worried mo until I was almost distracted.
I really feared I was becoming a maniac. I
Imagined all sorts of evil things and would
cry ovor nothing. I commenced taking Dr.
Miles' Restoratlvo Ncrvlno and four bottles
of this wonderful remedy completely cured
mo, and I am as well now as I over was."
Dr. Miles' Ncrvlno Is sold on guarantee,
first bottlo will benefit or money ref undod.
Lager and
Purest and
Healthiest. '
Chris. Schmidt, a?u
West Coal Street.
Rfl TTI R I A curo ror hendacuo una
stomach troubles.
i rOUTEIt.
17 and 1 9 Peach Alley, Shenandoah. Jt
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barley's Bohemian Beer.
Offlco i SO West Centre street.
- Can bo consulted at all hours.
p F. BURKE, M. D.
80 E. Lloyd street, Shenandoah.
Office hours : 7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 3 and 1 to t
p. in.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Office Egan building, corner ot Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Lock Box 63, Mahanoy Ctty, I'a.
Having' studied under some ot the beat
masters m London and Paris, will give lesson!
on the violin, giltar and vocal culture. Terms
reasonable. Address In care of Slrouao, tlio
ewelcr, Shenandoah.
1 4