The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 13, 1896, Image 3

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My baby broko oat with a nth, Tie would
scratch and scream. It would take two to hold
him, and one to put medicine on him. Vr o lutd
to hold him sometimes an hour betoro we could
get him quieted down. All Bald that they never
saw such n laco or body on any baby ns on mm.
1 had to tlo his hands tleht In a cloth, nlybt nml
day, for flvo months. My sister had used CU I 1
CUIIA, and 1 began to uf o It. Altr mty ent
application he Invtlovn and ''" h 'ltt.d"?i
for a month, poor iltllo follow. ,Vh""n,'n.'c"
on him now, and Is n fair an 1 hH flesh Is ns soft
as any baby! While ho had turn dlscaso I had to
cut the sleeves out of his clothes, and put eaujo
underwear on him to keep hint cool. I lrad to
keep pieces of soft cloth around his neck. It was
no wet with moisture from tho sores, and I had to
change tho cloths Jl'icnT?!hl"el 1 mM
n day. lilts. A. IIAYNES, Lisbon, N. 1).
HD.n fi'MM Tbiatmext roR Babt IItoiors.
W.rmblthV l?h c" ccba 80p. and nntls orp'.lca
tonf OOTicei" (ointment), the Brest sllneiin.
Soli throughout ths ijorlit. Fottxj Daoo AI
Cb2 CoarfBols ttopi, Boiton, U. 8. A.
Nervous DUi'Ii.oh Falling
Memory, Impotencr, Sleeplctw
urns, etc. caused by Abuse and
other KirestseB and indiBcro
lions. They quickly nml
mircly restore Lout Vitality tn
old or younp, and fit a man for
Ftudr. buslapps or marrlacro.
Prevent Insanity and Consump
tion tf taken Intlmo. Ihelru-w
shows lmmertlato Improvement
and nTeetit a tMTHH wliero
nil nthrra fall. Insist iinon
tiatincr lhn ppnnlnn A3x TaijTjVts. The? have cured
thousands and " curu you. Wo clvo pusltlvo written
Kuarautee tn effect ft euro in each caso or refund the
money. Price GO cen per package, or six packages
(lull treatment) tor . liy mall, in plain wrapper,
upon receipt OI pnj. uiruuiur auuuds
For salo In Slicnnndoali, Pa., by J.JM. Illlllan
Headache Cured.
A quick cure, a certain cutp, (
tho best cure la
Wo never hoard of
a case whero they
f ailed. Wo never ex
pect to hear of one.
Don't bo nfrajd to
toko them. Theyaro
harmless. They do
not contain onoblnglo r
atom of any daneer
ons drug. Tor this
reason It Is well to J
-i ii i.n..i.
aoho modlclnen.
Avoid risk by Insist
ing on Betting TAY
LOR'S. Our powders
can easily bo dtstln-
culshed by the de-
llRhtful odor and pleasant taste, and
W they look llko crouna coffee, uest or.
$ nil, they euro almost instantly,
To ail eutTerer cf nttROHS OP VOtlTIT,
AM) HO.uL. iWS paces; colli Dound: se
curely sealed .nd mailed ree. Treutmcnt by mall
strictly onfidTitiiiI, and n positive, quick cur
eoaranrpM. nniaiier now ions suinumg;
will po i vriy ct t a you. Write or call.
rears' entinuoui practice
IH AV t YUU Colored 8pot, Aches, 6ld bores
Ulcers In Month. Halr-Falllngl Write COOKl
IEESIEDY CO., U07 Masonic Templej
Chlcairo, III., for proofs of enres. Cupl-1
tal, S.-.OO.OOO. Worst cases cured In Id
to 35 dan. lOO-nnse t)uol free I
Celebrated Female
l'owderg never fall.
ItiJAjO Ljuiies Ueclaru tlietn
.rn nii anr failT fslllnir
' with Tsmy and rcnnyrojsl I'lUl snd other liar
rancdlei). Always buy tho best snd .vold.dUsp.
pototmcnt. . Onarante. j superior' to U otBjrs. ly.i ij aj
the bctt in
lU 111" llinravvi, A - ' -
Bosk B)f, Bo(tonf Mail.
? For sale nt
Centre street.
' drug store, 28 VmbX
Beauty Unrolled
To the ndmlrlnir eaze ot those who liavo a tnsto
for really line wall paper Is the display otnew
wall paper wrinkles we have Justreccivcu.xou
can, find any color or rntteru you want for your
hall, lied room, parlor, illnttitr room, kitchen or
cafo, from 5o up to S3 per roll. I'lnoartUtlo
papers a specialty.
House, Sign and Decorative' Painting.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Estimates cheer
fully furnished, Hi'inl postal.
221 AV. Centre St., Shenandoah, Va,
l'laco Your Orders Now.
CURE NOS. 3&5.
Applied by men only. Sold at
ISarf Aiia Kihe". w'JoaS VuiPwoiKsi s BAf i
Tot sale at I'ovinsky's drug store, 1$ Hast
Centre street.
f Till Ii1 1 fl "f ". """"
(Continued from Plrst I'ano )
nothing hlinpelttowarirst'cunngtnoplaco,
but his numerous friends In tho west lmvo
done n good deal of hustling.
Mitcro wt-ro in circulation yesterday re
ports that Thomas C. Plntt hni declnrod
his Intention of bolting or walking out of
tho convention If tho six contestants from
ow York should bo seated. It Is learned
front members of tho national commlttco
that In all probability tho six I'latt men
will bo thrown out and tho other men
placed on tho temporary roll. Tho roport
of whit Piatt hnd said was reported to Sir.
Ilanna, und ho would not discuss tho mat
ter In i.ny way. "1 shall not net excited
ovor this, oven If Sir. I'latt laid it," Sir.
Ilanna remarked, and when nssurod, that
Piatt had mado tho remark, ho was not
dUturliod. Other friends of SIcKlnloy who
heard tho talk said that Plott was putting
up a grand bluU and that no ono was to
bo alarmod ovor what ho might say.
jv most important conforonco wns held
In Senator Quay's rooms last rtlght, at
wmcn senator Quay himself, Hon. Mark
Ilanna, Mr. Hahn, national committee
man from Ohio ; Qarrott Hobart of Now
Jorsoy, Hon. Samuel Fossenden of Con
necticut and w. H. Sndrows of Pennsyl
vanla were present, nnd at which It was
practically arranged that Mr. Quay should
rotlro from tho contest for the presidency.
sir. Quay sold It was ovldent that SIc
Klnloy already had ovor 500 uncontested
votes, making It evident that the people
demanded his nomination. Ho acquiesced
in tho BUggostlon that SIcKlnloy should be
nominated by acclamation, and said the
sooner tho convoutlon porformod Its work
and ndiourned tho hotter It would bo.
Tho slow progross mado by tho national
Republican commlttoo In disposing of
contests contlnuo to oxclto tho concern of
tho members of tho commlttoo. It Is now
predicted that If a moans Is not found
to oxpedlto tho work or prolonging the
hours of tho sittings, tho temporary roll
cannot bo.comploted boforo Sunday night
or Monday." .There Is talk of holding oil
night sosslons from this tlmo forward tin
n ttia .,-.1- is .,,ii.i i"i, .,!,., r,,-.
lis viiu si w x n tAuiibttii uiiiiujuitu stii. I
tor Is detormlnod to hold all parties, com
mitteemen Included, strictly to tho time '
limit, and Is hopeful that moro rapid pro
gress can bo mado from this tlmo forward.
tt ii i,i. t.i ii... il '
ujimiiuuTOaiusmigui mu eunimiir ,
too had taken action upon contests lnvolv
lng nlnety-slx scats In tho convention,
leaving povonty still to bo passed upon.
Of thoso nlncty-slx, thlrty-slx wore dis
posed of yesterday. Tho thlrty-slx In
cluded tho contosts on tho dolegatos-at-largo
from tho states of Delaware nnd
Louisiana and tho Territory of Arizona
nnd districts from Virginia, Mississippi
and Alabama .
In tho Arizona caso tho mombers of each
delegation were awarded a half seat each.
Of tho sixteen dolegatos seated from Louis
iana, flvo favor lteod nnd tho others for
Tho most blttor contest was that of tho
two Delaware delegations, led respectively
by Senator Illgglns and J. Edward Ad
dicks. Tho discussion throughout bristled
with bitter porsoualltlos.
Mr. Addlcks, speaking for himself, said
ho had been a Republican slnco tho days of
Lincoln, for whom ho had voted, and that
ho had been a Republican voter In Dela
ware for nlnotoon years. Ho had bocome
tired of tho sneers cast upon him and had
uudortakon to mako an appeal to the
pooplo to bo elected n delegate to tho na
tional convention, Intending, If defeated,
to retire from polities. Ho had succeeded
and was hero to appeal to have his cause
Mr. Hlgglns assorted that Addlcks had
elected tho delegates to tho convention by
opou fraud and bribery. Ho admitted that
tho Addlcks convention wns regularly
callod and convouod, but said It wns Irreg
ular In Its procoodlngs. Ho said also that
his convontlon was n bolting convention.
Asked by a member of tho commlttoo how
ho could reconcile his claims to this ad
mitted stato of affairs, ho replied that
"fraud vltliitos all things," honco tho Re
publican commlttco could afford to take
It up.
After tho dlfforont arguments had been
presented the membors of tho committee
spont considerable tlmo in arguments be
tween themselves. Tho discussion finally
rosultod, by a vote of 41 to u, In tho ndon-
tlon of a resolution that "tho committee
declines to soat olthcr delegation, und re
fers the entire matter of representation
from tho stato of Delaware to tho. conven
Tho movements of tho mon who ore op
posed to MoKlnloy havo been very quiet,
but It Is understood that slnco tho arrival
of Mr. Quay yesterday there has been a
conforonco of men representing tho dlffor
ont candidates, thoso prosont being I'latt
for Morton, Quay for himself, Hondorson
for Mr. Allison, and an castorn man rep
resenting Mr. Roed. It was understood
that tho conferenco wus not with any hopo
of defeating tho nomination of MoKlnloy,
bocauso Mr. Quay ond Mr. Mauley have
already conceded tho nomination of the
Ohio man on tho llrst ballot, but that it
was proposed to proparo a platform on tho
monoy quostlon which was to lo insisted
upon nt nil hazards, and to glvo it to tho
MoKlnloy meu as ono of tho domauds of
tho opposition. It was understood that
the declaration was to bo unon.ulvocally
for gold.
In this connection, it is said, tho declar
ation will bo so pronounced that It will
not bo acceptablo to tho groat mlddlo wost,
which is hero solid for MoKlnloy, and may
precipitate a light. This Is ono of tho
many storlos that were In circulation, in
dicating that tho arrival of Mr. Piatt and
Mr. Quay had made tho opposition moro
formidable thou was supposed.
It has been positively donlod that tho
MoKlnloy managomont has urged tho 60
loctlon of tho non. Charlos W. Fnlrbouks,
of Indiana, for temporary chairman of tho
convention. Marcus A. Ilariua so stated
yesterday. Ho said that Mr. Fairbanks
would bo acceptable, and that was all. "I
wish It distinctly understood," said Mr.
Ilanna, "that at no tlmo, nor In auy place,
havo I stated that It was tho wish of tho
MeKlnley management that Mr. Fair
banks should bo seloctod ns temporary
chairman. Tho impression that I had
forecasted this seloctlou grow out of n
newspaper dispatch sent from Indianap
olis on tho night I passed through that
city. That Interview mado mo stato that
I anticipated tho selection of Mr. Fair
banks as temporary chairman. I did not
so state, and said nothing upon this sub
Joot that could bn distorted into su,oh a
statement. When wo wero approachod on
tho subjoot wo simply said that Mr. Fair
banks would bo accoptablo."
Quito a number ot tho mombers of tho
national commlttoo stated today that there
was no doubt of tho selection of Mr. Fair
banks as temporary chairman when that
order of business, tho wloctlou of tempo
rary oWeors of tho convention, comes bo
foro tho coiMulttoo this afternoon. Thoy
contend that the commlttoo In .selecting
temporary cnairrrMit wiro w'l soiim
tho keynote of the campaign should pay
no attention to any looal lssuo or rivalry
or personal advantage.
Senator Dubois Determined.
VTashixcitox, Juno 18. Senator Dubois,
of Idaho, who Is Senator Teller's chief
lieutenant In tho fight for free silver, loft
today lor bt. kouls. "Wo will mako tho
light for silver," said Senator Dubois last
night, "In tho commlttco on resolutions
and on tho floor of tho convention. "W'o
bollovo that a majority of tho Hepubllcans
of tho country bollevu In tho colnago of
silver on tno samo terms with gold, rncro
can lie no compromise of tho lssuo. It is
plnlu and clear out. W o will battlo for
our convictions to tho bitter end. If tho
majority Is against us wo will act as our
bost judgment dictates."
Taken inter-
ually cures
rrnmna S
t mm i
m Plaints. ;
'WU&VWrA colds, chills t
and La Grippe. S
Used externally it is the best lini- 1
mcnt in the world. Beware of S
imitationsi buy only the i;cnuine
made by Perry Davis. f,;i,r,. 3
0 Ltrs bneid 25 .Bi .VI eest. t.cH. t
J Chlehriter'a Enellsh Diamond Ilmni.
l)mf!t tor' Chit he iter a ITnglUh Dia-
monti ii ran I in Ilea ana wom rofiimov
iboxes, iekled vlitt bins ribbon. TaLo
nn nthsu. Rrtiit dannrrtma iu?iiflfii
tion and imitation. At Proggliti, or cod 4
In mmpi for r&rticnlsri, (ollmcnUlj tnJ
"lltTlier ror i.nuie," in truer, dj riarn
' JilOll. ll'iWW" ii-iiuimiiian, j. urns mjnn
ChIohett?r Chemical Co.,Mntllon qutir
PAT. NOV, 11, 1890. JUNE S3, 1391. TRADE MARK JAN. 24, fll
TlfwftrA nf frAiirtnlent nnd wnrthlfAB tmltfLtlnnR.
NONE G6nuinevI'Sar,,TWIN,,
Th most lieautlf ut I most nllable! most rmrfoct at&Tt
Th.r n.T., lirpntrt TIipt TiRvrr mit! Th.v navpr ruatl
Mnifii In Cotton and 611E Caslnirs and Nickel Plated.
Bena 25 . istamns) for saraDlcs "Oenulno Twin." to
C B13T11UK.V, ISM. eta Sired, I'aUtdafytla, fa.
Nothing has ever been produced to
equal or compare with Htimpliroys'
Witch HdZOl Oil as a curative and
used 40 years and always affords relief
and always cives satisfaction,
It Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, External
or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and
Jiurning; Cracks or rissurcs and. ristulas.
Relief immediate cure certain.
It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and
Contraction from Burns. Relief instant.
It Cure? Torn, Cut and Lacerated
Wounds and Bruises.
It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old
Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald
Head. It is Infallible.
It Cures Iwlamed or Cakf.d Breasts
and Sore KippTos. It is invaluable.
It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy
eruptions, cuappca lianas, icver misters,
Sore Lfp3 or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions,
bore and Chaicu rcct, stings ot insects.
Three Sizes, 2?c., Soc. and Si.oo.
Bold byDrugglsts, or sent post-paid on receiptof pries.
IU'SrllRETS' MEU. CO., ill Alls MUlUm St., Hew York.
For sale at Povinsky's druu btorc, 23 Knst
Centre street.
Shenandoah Gollege
Eight Principal Teachers . . .
. . . Ten Assistant Teacl erj
Business, Shorthand,
. . . Penmanship,
English, Typewriting,
Combined Scholarship .... $150
Ono Department 50
genuine welcome awaits you at
Cor. rialn and Coal Sts.
wuiattcBf uteris, jjuitcr uu uiouuu
etantly on tap. Choice temperance drlnka ond
Under the auspices of
S. P. K. Co., No. 1, ot Shenandoah,.
July 4th, 1896,
At Columbia Park.
Music will bo furnished by tho famous Schoppo
orchestra ot ten pieces. The lmvllllon Is one ot
tlio finest In tlio county, nnd alTordu lovers of
tho umugemcnt much enjoyment.
Ono of tho special attractions of tlio day will
bo n bicyclo race, a valuable prize to tho winner.
Assist tho Are laddies by purchasing n ticket
and bavo a good day put.
Admission to Dancing Pavllllon, 35 cts.
The Oolorado Senator Prediots a
Oompleto Eout for Silver.
While the Srnntnr llefuses to Admit That
Colnrnilo's DoleRiltes Will tcnvetlie Con.
veiitlcin, Hi, Points to Ills Declaration to
Colurntlo Itcpuhllenn.
ClNCIX.VATi. Juno 13. Senator nnd Mrs.
Toller remnlnod hero last night while en
routo from Washington to St. Louis.
They resumed their journoy today. Sena'
tor Teller was Interviewed by The En
qulrer, tho froo silver organ, its follows:
"What do you think tlio Hepubllcans
will do nt St. Louis, senator? "
I think thnt McKlnler will lie the
nominee on a gold standard platform."
"in that ovont what will you tlof
"I do not wish to mako nny statomonl
further than that which is already on
record. Whon tho Republican state con
vontlon of Colorado was In session I tele
graphod them that I did not deslro to go
to bt. Louis, but that If my party sent
me I would not support a gold standard
cnndldate"for president on a gold standard
platform or on a platform of doubtful lin
port, or In other words a straddle. Nol
only did tho convention olect me. but in
structed tho other dclcgatos to bo governed
by my notion."
Then you will bolt tho convention?
"I did not say anything about that, but
my declaration to tho Hepubllcans of Coh
orado Is on record, nndyou can draw what
ovor conclusion you nloaso from that."
"Will any of tho other silver senators
from the west refuso to support a gold
gold standard man?"
"You hnvo no Idea that Senator Carter,
of Montana, chiiirmnn of tho ltoimblicnu
nntlonal committee, will refuse to support
tho ticket under such circumstances)"
'Yos ho will, and so will Dubois, Mantle
and Cannon."
"Do you lmllove tho Democrats will go
for silver?"
"It looks very strongly thnt way."
"Would you support a freo silver Doruo-
crnt ns against n cold Republican?"
ltcally I do not wish to bo Interviewed
on that point now. I go to St. Louis as n
Republican, representing tho Republicans
of my stato. Tho Republican party has not
as yet put Itself on record as a gold stand
ard party, and until that timo I have
nothing to say further than my record bo-
foro tho Colorado stato convention."
Tho Inovltablo conclusion drawn from
tho talk with Senator Teller is that he
will bolt If a gold standrrd ticket and
platform Is uamod. Ho was asked further;
"What figure Mil tho turlff question
cut lu tho campaign? "
"Not much. All tho tariff In tho world
won't help this country without tho free
and unlimited colnago of silver."
Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and La
Grlppo when Laxative Bromo Quiniuo will
euro you in ono day. Put up in tablots con
venient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or
money refunded. Prico, 25 cents. For salo
by Kirlln's Pharmacy.
Coutlcnseil Testimony,
Chas. Ii. Hood. Broker and Manufacturer';
Aircnt. Columbus. Ohio, certifies that Dr,
Kinc's New Discovorv has no equal as
Couch rcniedv. J. D. Brown. Prop. St
James Hotel, Vt. Wayne, Ind., testifies that
ho was cured ot a couch ol two years stauu
lng, caused by La Grippe, by Dr. King's New
Discovery. 11. 1-, ilerrll. ualilwinsviiio,
Mass.. snvs that ho has used and recommend
ed it and nevor knew It to fail and would
rather havo it than any doctor, because it
always euros. Mrs. Hemming, 222 K. 23th
St., Chicago, always keeps it nt hand nnd has
no tear ot Croup, uecausoit instantly relieves.
r ree Trial liotticsatA. wasiey s urug store
"Pockot Veto'1 Mcns'ures,
WAsniSGToy, Juno 13. Tho list of bills
passed during tho last ten days of tho ses.
sion of congross just closed which wero
not npproved by the presldont boforo nip
Journment, nnd so havo boon "pocket
vctood," number thirtcon, They havo
not been nnnouncod, but among them Is
tho Arizona bond bill and tho bill provide
lng for tho punishment of persons soiling
liquors unacr unauthorized names.
Ild Yon liver
Try Electric Hitters as n remedy for your
troubles? If not. get a bottlo now and get
rcuci. I ills mcdlcino has been lound to no
peculiarly adapted to tho relief and curo of
all iemalo Complaints, oxcrtmg a wonderful
direct iniluenco iu giving strength and tono
to tno organs, it you nave Loss ot Appetite,
Constipation. Headache. Fainting Spoils, oi
are Nervous, Sleepless, Kxcitahle, Melancholy
or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Hitters
is tlio mcdlcino you need, iieaitn ana
strength arc guaranteed by its use. Largo
bottles only fifty cents at A. Wasley's drug
Comlnc; Kvent,
Juno IB. Ico cream festival under tho
auspices of God's American "Volunteers lu
Bobbins' opera house.
Juno 25. Lawn rajty at tho residence of
A. It. Uroome, nt Brownsville.
Itellef In Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by the "New Great
South American Kidney Curo." This new
remedy Is a great surprlso on account of Its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain in
tho bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of tho urinary passages in nialo or female.
Jt reliovos retention of water nnd rain in
passing It almost Immediately. If you want
quick rcllof and cure this Is your remedy.
Sold by Shapira's pharmacy, 1U7 South Main
Alleged Murderer's llcrolo Ilecord,
Vienna, Juno 13. Tho nowspapers ol
this city nro publishing fncts
regarding tho career of Joseph Dlanther,
who Is suspootod of being tho murdcrov oi
Mrs. 1'hlllpamn Lnngfoldt, n wealthy Indy
of San Francisco, about tho mlddlo of Inst
month. At tho ngo of 19 Blunther, while
sorvlng with tho Austrian army of occu
pation In Bosnia anil Ilorzegovlmi, lu 1673,
with his company, defended tho position
of n battery of nrtlllory ngalnst n superior
force of Insurgents. Of tho company nnd
battery Blauthor and ono sergeant osenped
Injury, but nil tho others wero either killed
or wounded. For this ho rocolved tho Or
der of tho Iron Crown, liclng tho youngest
officer upon whom this ordorhas been con
forrod. Later Blauthor was presented to
King Humbert of Italy, and received from
tho latter tho Ordor of tho Italian Crown.
Blauthor was ooiupollod to loavo tho army
In ISSfl, owing to his heavy dobts, and
went to the United Stuto-i.
Buy Kcystono flour. Bo sure that tho uanio
Les9iq & Uaeb, Ashland, Pa., Is printed on
every sack.
A Public Benefactor
Great Discoveries Result In
Permanent Cure of Thousands
of Sufferers.
You Are Ailing, Ask Your Druggist for
Munyon's Guide to Health. Buy a
25c, Miiny'on Remedy and
James Heumau, 218 Webster avenue.
Pittsburc. 1'a.. sars: "Hail rheumatism for
past two months. Could not get about. Took
two bottles of Munyon's Itlieumatistu Cure
and am now as well and stroiis aa ever."
jsiuurou s Kiieumatism uuro seldom lulls
to rellovo iu ono to tliroo hours, and cures in
few days. Prico 23c.
Munyon's Dyspepsia Curo positively cures
nuiornnoi indigestion ami stomacn troubles.
I'nco Soc.
Muuyon's Cold Giro Prevents pneumonia
aim urcaKs up a com in low hours, l'rico,
Munyon's Coush Curo stops couch?, nicht
sweats, nllays soreness nnd speedily heals
tno lungs, i-nco 'ac.
Jlunyon's Kidney Uuro speedily cures nains
in the buck, loius or groins and all forms of
kidney diseases, l'rico 2.'c.
Jluuyon lleadaclio Curo stops headacliosin
threo minutes. Price, 23 cents.
Munyon's Pilo Ointment nositlvelv euros
all forms of piles. Prico, 23c.
Munyon's Illnod Curo eradicates all impuri
ties of tho blood. Price 23c.
Munyon s J cmalo Iteinedies aro a boon to
all women. Prico 25c.
Munyon s Asthma llemedios relievo in 3
minutes and curo permanently. Prico fl.
Munyon's Catarrh ICciucdios never lull
Tlio Catarrh Cure prico 23c. eradicates the
dlscaso Irom tlio sj'steni, and tho Catarrh
Tablets prico 23c. cleanse and heal the
.Munyon's icrvo uuro is a wonueriui ncrvo
tonic. Prico 23 cents.
Munyon's Vitalizcr restores lost vigor.
A separate curo for each disease. At all
ruggists, mostly 23 cents a vial.
1'ersoual letters to 1'rol. Munyon, 1505
Arch street. Philadelphia. Pa., answered
with frco medical advico for any disease.
Evan J. Davies,
13 N. Jardin Street.
THE . . .
And your inevitable
wind up point will be tlie place
where you can buy
Made in a proper manner, fit and
style by the most reliable manufac
turers, all sold at the lowest prices
ever known for well made Men's,
Boys' and Children's wear.
We are oflering some great
values in
Blue, Grey nnd Black Serges,
Fancy Cheviots and Worsted.
Light suits of every description
with low cut vests.
We have a large stock to select
irom. The place is at
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, Agt.,
West Coal Street.
Somititzes needs a reliable, monthly, regulating moJIclne. Only harmless and
the puitit drugs should be m.eJ. If you want the beat, get
Op. Peal's PGQEroai PMs
Thoy are prompt, safo ard certain In rosalt. The eonalne (Dr, Peal's) never dlaap
qolnt, Bcntauywbere, tl.00. Addreu Pan. Jleoicmu Co., Clerolnd, O.
For salo by P. P, D. KIBLIK, Shenandoah, Pa.
Train lenvo Shennndnnli ft1 fotlown t
For New York via riiUndelnliJft, week days.
210, fi2ft, 7 20 n, tn., 12 IS, 3U0 nml 3 65 p. m
HuiulnvM, 2 10 a. m.
For New York via Maucli Chunk, week dnrg
45 25, 7 20 n. m. 12 IS nml 3 00 p. m.
For liendliiK mid IMtllnflelplilft, week daya,
2 10, 5 SI, 7 20,, 12 H, .1 00 nnd 5 55 p. m. Hud
days, 2 10 n, m.
For rottsville, week dnyn, 2 10; 7 20 n, m., and
12 43. 3 U find 3 55 p. in. Hundnyn. 2 10 n. in.
For Tatnftotm and Mnhnnoy City, week days.
2 10,5 25. 7 20 a. in., 12 H, 3 00 and 3 55 p. m.
Bimufty, iu n. in.
For Hlliiiinpnrt, Suntmry and Lewlrrimrgi
week day, 3 25, 11 30 n. m., 1 50 nnd 7 25 p. in.
Sunday., 3 25 n. m.
For Malianoy l'lanc, weekdays, 2 10. 3 25, 825.
720,1130ft. ill.. 12 If, 150,3 00,3 55, 7 23 and 9B5
p. in, Kiindnyu, 2 10, 3 25 a. m.
For Ashland and Slmtiinkln, week days, 3 25,
7 20,1130 a. m., 150,723 nnd 9 55 p, tn. Ban
days, 0 25 n. in.
For Halt I more. Washington nnd tho West tU
11. &0. 11. It., through trains leave Heading
Terminal, Philadelphia, (V. & U. It. It.) at 3 20,
7 5511 2ft n. in., 310 nnd 7.27 p.m. Sundays,
3 20,7 00,112ft ft. m., 8 40 nnd 7 27 p.m. Addl
tlonnl trains from Twenty-fourth nnd Chest
nut streets station, week days, 1030 a, m. 12 20,
12 li 8 40 p m. Sundays, 1 35, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia,
days, 4 30, 8 00 a, m., 1 30, i 30, 0 00 ),
. nnd
ttiRiit. ununys, u w i. in.
leavo isew orlc via iunucn uuunlc, weelc
dltvs. 4 80. 9 10 n. in.. 1 30 anil 4 15 n,
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
days, 4 20, S 33, 10 0.1 a, m. and 4 03, 0 30, 1130
p. m, Sundays, 11 30 p. ni.
Lenvo HendliiK, week dayn, 135, 710, 1008,
11 55 a. in., 0 00 and 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 1 85 n. tn.
Leave Pottsville, weekdays, 2 35, 7 40 a.m.,
12 30 nnd 012 p.m. Sundays, 2 35 a. m.
Lenvo Tnmnqua, week day. 3 18, 8 50. 11 23 a
m., 1 27, 7 20 and 9 13 p. m. Sundays, 8 18 o. m.
Ixavo Mahanny City, week days, 3 45, 9 21,
11 47 a. m.,',2 03, 7 41 and 10 OS p. in. Sundays, 8 45
n. m.
Iave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00,
030, 9 37, 11 50 a. m 1 12, 2 111, 5 20, 0 26, 7 57 and
10 23 p. in. Sundays, 2 10, 4 00 a. m,
Leave William-port, week days, 7 42, 1010 A.
m., 3 35 and 11 41 p. ui. Sundays, li 15 p. lu.
LcavoJMiiladelphin Clietnut street warf and
South street wltaif for Atlautlo City.
Weekdays Impress, uuo n. in., Saturday
onlv, 130, 2 00, 4 00, I 30, 5 00 p. m. Accom
modation. H 00 a. in.. I 30, 0 30 p. m.
Sunday Hxprcss, 8 00, 9 00, 1000 a. m. Accom.
modatlon 8 00 a. in., I 43 p. in.
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, corner
Atlantic anil Arkansas nvenues.
Vcekdnys,cprcss,7 00, 7 15. 9 00 n. m.,3 30, 580
pm. Accommodation. 0 21, 8 15 a. m., 1 32 p. m.
SundayB lCsprcsa, 1 00, 5 30 8 00 p. m. Accom
mndntlon, 7 13 a. m., 4 15 p. m.
Tarlor Cars on all express trains.
Gen'l Superintendent. Oeli'l Pasi. Agt
May 29, ist).
Trains willleaveSliennnUoali nfter tho nbovo
date for Wicxnin, (Jilberton, Frnckvllle, Dark
Water, ht. Clair, Pottivllle. llnmburir, itcndtnir,
l'ottstown, lMiocnlxTille, Xorristown nnd Phil
adelphia ( street station) at 0 08 and 1145
a. ni. and 4 15 p. m. on week days. For Potts
ville and Intermediate stations 0 io a. m.
For WlKKans, Cilllierton, Frackvllle, Dark
Water, St. Clair, Pottsvlllc, at C OS, 0 40 a. m. and
3 10 p. m. For llatnhiirp;, llendlne;, Pottvtown,
l'lmcnlxvlllc, Norrlbtown, Philadelphia at a 00,
S 10 n. m 3 10 p. ni.
Trains leno Frnckrillo for Shenandoah as
10 40 a. m. and 1211, .101, 7 42 and 1027 p. m.
Sunday, 11 13 n. in. and 5 10 p. in.
Leavo l'ottsi Hie for Shenaiidnnb nt 10 15. 11 -IS
n. in. and 4 40, 7 15 nnd 10 OU p. m. .Sunday at
10 40 n. in., 5 15 p. in.
Leavo Philadelphia, (Itroad street station), (or
Shenandoah at 5 07 nnd H 33 n. in., 110 and 711
n. m. week tlavs. Sundays lenvo at 6 50 a. m.
Leave Urond street station, Philadelphia, lor
Sea tllrt, Anbury Pnrk, Ocean drove. Long;
llrnncli, and liilerineuialo ptalloim, u.imj, uja,
11.39 a. m., 3.30, 1.00 p. m. week-days. SunCay
(stop at Interlaken for Anbury Park), 8.25 a.m.
Lcao llroad Street Station, Pliiladclpbla,
Kipress, week days, 3 20, 105, 4 50, 515, 6 50,
7 33, b 20,0 20, 9 50, 10 21 (Dining Car), 11 00, 11 14 B.
m 12 noon, 12 35 (Mllllted 100 and 4 22
p. m. DlnhiK Cnrs) 1 40. 2 30 (Dining
Car), 3 20, 3 50 4 00, 5 00, 0 50 (I)lnlll(r Car),
C 00, 6 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. in., 12 01 nlsbt. Slliulays,
3 20, 4 03, 4 00, 515, 8 20,8 30,0 50,10 21 (Dining
Car), 11 03 a. m.. 12 85. 2 30 (Dining Car)
400 (Limited 4 22, Dining Car) 5 20, 55o
(Dining Car), 6 33, 0 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. in., 1201
Kxprcss for Boston, without change, 11 00 a
ni. week days, and 050 p. in. dally.
For naltiinoro and Washington, 3 00, 7 20, 8 31,
mo inoo 11 a n ni .lna (1231 Limited Din
ing carl, i vz, a i, m . iv mhikfi-bwiubi
Limited, Dining Car), 9 17, 0 05 (Dining Car),
7 0S (Dining Car) p. in., and 1205 night
week days. Sundays, 3 50, 7 20, 9 12. 1123 a.
m., 1J09 1 1, 4 11, l o 10 congressional i.uimuu,
Dining Car), 005 (Dining Car), 7 5S v m
(Dining Car) and 12 05 night.
Leavo Iirond street stution, l'lillaileliihla (via
Delaware river brlilae). express, 0 03 a. in, and
7 00 p. in. daily.
ueavo jinrKet street Ferry, express, a oo.s oo a.
m., (1 00 fnturdnys only), 2 10. 3 53, 4 20 and 5 00
p. m. week days. Sundays, 8 00, 8 45 and 9 43
a. ra. (4 00, 4 43 p. iu. accommodation).
For Cape JIny, Anglcssea, Wlldwood and
Holly lleacli. Uxiiress, 00 a. in., and 4 05 p m.
week days. Sundays, 9 00 a. in. Capo May
only, 1 30 p. in. Saturdays.
ForSealslo City, Ocean City nnd Avalon
Express, 9 00 a. in., and 4 20 p, ni. w-ek days.
Sundays, 900 n. m. ?
For Bomers Point. Express, 5 GO a. ra., 210,
3 55 and 120 p. ni. week Uoye, Sundays, 8 43.
a. m,
8. M. PntrvosT, J. It. Woon,
Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Pass'g'r Agtl
millions of Dollars
Go up in snioko every year. Tato no
risks but get your houses, slock, fur
niture, etc., insured in tlrst-class ro
Hablo companies ns represented by
TiAVTTi FATIST Insurancc Asrent,
JJAViU rAUJl, 130 South Main SI.
Also T.lfe and Accidental Companies.
DflTTI T3P A cure (or headache and
JJU X 1 x stomach troublea.
U" s LAO E It HEEIt,
17 and 1 9 Peach Alley, Shenandoah.
Barber Shop I
12 West Centre Street.
Our Hot Towel Sliavt:
becoming popular. You will like it.
make n specialty o( hair cutting.
Tea m e to Hire.
It you want to hire a safe and reliable
team tor driving or lor working purposfts
pay Shields' livery stable n visit. Teauu
constantly on hand nt reasonable rates.
No. 410 East Centre street.
Opposite Heading railroad statloif.
, -iLJt.VJ atliA