The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 12, 1896, Image 1

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    1701. XI.-N0. 150.
A Full and Complete Line
From 50c to $1.25.
Laces, Gloves, Ribbons and
a finr. graduating dress.
1 I iZD fZD ! L-T ' C: North Main St.,
i iviwb
Headquarters For Shirt Waists, Silks, Etc.
The demand for laundered sliirt waists is dally increasing and wo aro now fully prepared
to meet tlio wants of the trade Wo handlo only well mado garments, but you will find our
prices as low as others ask for common goods,
Our fiilk stock is immense You aro suro
dress patterns, dress trimmings, waists, etc.
whatever there is new in tlio market.
FIXE DUESDEN SILKS, 1st quality, $1.00 to $1.23 per yard.
BliACK SATIX DUCHESS, extra heavy, ?1.00 per yard.
PEINTED JAPAN SILKS, 23 cents to 45 cents. x
PLAIN JAPAN SILKS, 50 cents to 75 cents.
A largo variety of Fancy Silks from 35 cents to U0 cents per yard.
Our Carpet stock is complete. Look through our lino and seo tbo pretty designs In
Moquctts, Tapestry, Velvet, Iiody Brussels
per yarn up.
Wo Handle Buttcrlcka' Paper Patterns.
P. J.
Special Drive in
Our Spring L,ine of Ladies' Shoes is
in everything good and attractive in the market.
We are making a drive in
will be sold at 2 a pair. Regular price is $2.50. This may be
this last of this line this season. We have them in C, D, EX
I5IS widths. No better shoe
General Agent for the
If you want GOOD BREAD
High Grade Blended Flour : v
Daisy, Moss Rose, Lexington, Our Lilly.
They are the product of a combination of the Best Winter and
Northern Spring Wheat.
Our "Old Time" Family Flour is a complete Roller Flour
at $4 a barrel and is guaranteed to please you.
Good Pies and Cakes
It is made of wheat
especially for Pastry
Our "Whole Wheat Graham" Flour is made of selected
hard wheat, carefully prepared and ground by the. Buhr
Process, retaining all the properties of the whole wheat
Our Rye Flour is Old Process Stone Ground Rye Flour.
If you want Minnesota Patent Flour we have the Best Brands in
Washburn Sc Crosby Gold Medal. Our Special
Brand "18 W."
Next Door to Coffee House
Children's Carriages $3.75
and upwards.
-rAll Styles of
j. p.
Williams 8c Son,
South Main St.
Fans. Everything suitable for
w3 Shenandoah, Pa.
50c, luc, 7,c, 7uc to $wio.
to find hero tlio material you want for either
Wo receive now invoices almost daily and get
and Ingrain, also liag Carpet from 25 cents
- 2? N. Main St.
Ladies' Footwear!
being increased every day. Takes
the Waverly ladies shoe. 300 pair
is made for the money.
Snag Proof Duck Boot.
Only tho happy wearers of Morgan's Shoes
can nppreeiato tneir real goouuess ot quality,
fit and durability. Tho prices aro right a trial
will tell a long story. Seo our special in ladles'
Alfred F. Morgan,
No. 11 W. Oak Street.
use either of the following brands of
use our "Brookside Pastry" Brand.
selected for the purpose and made
He Again Secures Nearly All the Con
tested Delegations.
Advocates of tho Gold Standard Declare
That There Must be no Straddle on Fi
nanceBliss' Boom for the Vice Presi
dency Thurston Tavors Hobart.
St. Loots, Juno 12. Tho Republican
national committeo mndo such poor pro
gress yesterday that tho members of tho
committeo aro beginning tofeol that there
is danger 01 very groat prolongation 01
their work. There aro consequently many
suggestions as to tho necessity of finding
a moans or reducing tho time. Up to 11
o'clock lost night tho committeo. after sit
ting for twolvo hours, had decided contests
affoctlng fifty suats In tho convention.
Those Included tho four delogates-nt-largo
from each of tho states of Mississippi nnd
Florida and scattering district delegations
from Collfornla, Alabama, Kentucky,
Florida, Mississippi nnd Missouri. All tho
delegates soated, with tho exception ot
two, nro MoKinloy men.
Telegrams havo been received hero that
Cornelius N. Bliss, of Now York, with a
" 5" W
large delegation of McKlnley men from
that stato, nro on the way to St. Louis.
This immediately stnrtod a great deal of
gossip, anil among tho rumors that were
nlloat was one to tho effect that Mr. Illlss
wii's" to be pushed for tho vlco presidency,
nnd that, although ho had stated long ago
that ho could not accept tho nomination,
ho would bo prevailed upon to take tho
second phico in order to strengthen the
ticket In Now York. This rumor had a
runnlngmato in ono which stated that tho
Information had been obtained saying that
Governor Morton would accopt the second
place, and that Mr. Piatt had.bcen con
suited and said tho arrangement would bo
Tho rumor has been started by those
who think tho McKlnley men, nowTiav-
lng full control of tho convention nnd
everything connected with it, nro under
tho necosslty of placating 0110 s-cction or
another ct the country, especially where
there have been disappointed presidential
candidates. Senator Gear, of Iowu, has
been glvcu second place in ono of those
wild sweops of tho Imagination, which has
conceived a necessity for placating the
stato of Iowa, because bonator Allison
could not Ihj nominated for president. Tho
fact appears that there aro a number ot
rathor eager aspirants for tho vlco pros!
deney, and for several of thorn there is
vory warm feeling in tho McKlnley camp,
The declaration of Senator Thurston in
favor of Hobart, of New "Jersey, for tho
vice presidential nomination, carries
weight with many of the Mclunloy poopio,
and thoro nro somo who nro disposed to
discuss Governor Hastings as 11 favorite.
When Senator Quay reaches hero possibly
the Hnstlngs boom willassumo something
like tangible shape.
Thero aro hundreds of forms of finan
cial planks for tho Hepubllcan national
platform at tho MoKinloy hondiiuartors In
St. Louis and in the hands of Molvlnley's
frlonds, who will largely determine what
tho platform shall bo. Moro thnn a weok
ago thero was sent out to tho newspapors
various forms of a financial plank and
Intimations mado that it was 11 form of
declaration which was wanted. This was
done for tho purposo of securing views and
financial planks from all sections, and
from people intorostcd In tho character of
tlio llnancial resolution. The result has
been as anticipated, and platforms havo
been comliiIn by letter and by telegraph
from every part of tho country. Tho Mo
Kinloy managers have not only boon ablo
to obtain forms of financial planks, but
thoy have also boon ablo to secure tho
vlows of 1110a all over tho country whoso
opinions aro worth having.
I ho moro tho matter is considered tho
moro proliablo It appears that tlio national
platform will conform close to that of the
Indiana convention, with all roforonco to
a ratio stricken out. Tho Indiana pint
form doelares against tho free and un
limited colnngo of silver "at a ratio of 10
to 1." It Is proposed to cut oil tho sen
tence quoted and ond with n straight doo-
( Continued on Kioiul 1'Agc.)
tho Home Honor Spi-nki-r ltccd by a Ills
1 11 If Vote, of Tlltlllks.
"lVASIlWQTO.V. Juno 12. Vlco Prosldont
Stevenson brought tho session of tho sen
ate to a final closo at 4 o clock yostorday,
liter a brief valedictory oxprcsslng his
thanks to senntors for their courtesies to
him throughout tho session. Tho closing
was not of the dramatic order, but was
marked by tho placid serenity characteris
tic of the upper branch of congross. The
galleries were well filled, but thoro was an
abseuco of tho packed corridors Incident to
an eventful closo of congross. Tho senate
convened at 11 o clock, but no business
was transacted beyond tho formalities pro
ceding nn adjournment. Senators Smith
and Shorman wero named to mako tho
usual call on tho president, and reported
mat thoro wero no further communica
tions from tho chief executive.
Tho last bill to bo passed was ono urged
by Mr. Shcnnnn pensioning tho widow of
Gonoral William It. atbson, ft promlnont
Ohio officer. Resolutions of thanks wero
unanimously adopted to Vlco President
Stevenson nnd President Pro Tom. Fryo
for their Impartial rulings in tho chair.
Ono of tho lost acts was to glvo tho Im
portant Immigration bill a parliamentary
status by which It sooures tho right of
way as soon as the senato reassemblos.
Tho final session of tho houso was do
voldof public lntorost. Tho appropria
tions bill had been passed nnd tho mem
bers simply waited for tho end to como.
A mimbor of tho mombers wero mado
happy by tho passage of small local bills
of Interest to their districts. To General
Wheeler, of Alabama, belonged tho dis
tinction of securing the passago of tho last
bill, lioyond a little misunderstanding
between Mr. Ilalloy, of Texas, and Mr.
Marsh, of Illinois, the utmost good feel
ing prevailed. Thoro was an attempt by
Mr. liailcy and Mr. Maguiro, of Califor
nia, to precipitate a political discussion In
tho last half hour of tho session, but tho
Republicans declined tho gaugo of combat
thrown down to thorn. Mr. Turner, of
Georgia, tho floor loader of tho minority
during tho nbseuco of Mr. Crisp, offered a
resolution of thanks to tho spoakor, which
was adopted by a standing vote, a most
unusual honor. Tho speaker closed tho
sosslon with a graceful speech.
Three Drowned in tlio Allegheny.
PlTTSnuilo, Juno 12. Sylvester Ryan,
28 years of ago j his brother, Albort, aged
21, and Patrick Sclgh, aged 40 years, em
ployes of tho Philadelphia Natural Ga
company, at Now Kensington, wero
drowned In tho Alloghony river at Lon
gnu's Ferry on Wednesday evening. Jim
Connor was rescued at tho last moment
by tho ferryman, who was tho only wit
ness to tho accident. Tho old flat boat in
which thoy wero crossing tho rlvor sank
in midstream.
Hrutally "Assaulted ly 11 Tramp.
IlAnitlSHUliO, Juno 12. Tho 8-year-old
daughter of Robert Patrick, a farmer liv
ing near Dcrry Church, was brutally as
saulted yesterday afternoon by a tramp,
who dragged her Into a clump of bushes
along tho highway. Tho child was return
ing from school nt the tlmo. The tramp
escaped and Is still nt largo. Tho peoplo
of tho neighborhood threaten to lynch tho
men if ho is caught.
At llrccn'H Cafe, 1 XortliMulu Street.
Grand Army beau soup will bo served ns
freo lunch to-morrow morning. Plenty furall.
Meals served at all hours.
Larceny as Hailco.
William ISonness, an East Centre street
saloonkeeper, was arrested on a chargo of
larceny as bailee preferred by Jon Sletkofski
before Justice Shoemaker last evening. Joe,
who owed tho saloonkeeper a bill for drinks,
went into tho place to buy a keg of beer and
paid $1.73 for it, which tho saloonkeeper
kept and said ho would deduct it from his
bill and refusod to give him the keg of beer.
He waived a hearing and entered bail for
appearance at court.
Dig bargains in colored shirts at MAX
LEVIT'S, 15 liist Centre street.
Gather Your lltihhUli,
Supervisor Llewellyn makos tho announce
ment that all residents should clean the
rubbish of tho street un a heap so as to havo it
in readiness for tlio men to-morrow niorniug
who will mako a tour of the town. This is
bchig dono tn give tlio streets a cleaner
appearance. '
At 'Kcpclltnakl's Arcade. Cafe,
t'him soup to-night.
Hot lunch every morning.
Littlo neck clams.
Meals served at all hours.
Tj pliold l'u er.
A case of typhoid fever was reported to tho
Board of Health by Dr. S. C. Spalding this
mornitig.the victim being Bernard J. Durkin,
of liibt Centre street. Tho case is a modified
one, being of an infectious order.
Socials every Saturday night at the Colum
bia park by tlio famous Schoppo orchestra.
Columbia l'oreer,
Columbia beer is growing in popular favor
ovcry day, and justly so. It is puro and
wholesome, A splendid tunic, being made of
pure hops and malt.
Too Smashed.
Adam Noyak had tho big too of his right
foot smashed by a fall of eoal at Packer col
liery No. 3 yostorday afternoon. Ho was
taken to his home, where Dr. J. P. Huberts
temporarily dressed tho wound. Ho was
afterwards taken to the Minors' hospital.
1 ply linen collars, 5 for 13 cents. MAX
LEVIT'S, 15 East Centre street.
For the Hot Hummer Mouths.
Iluy your tea, cotl'ee or linking powder at
our storo to-morrow, anil rocelvo a Jieautiful
Japanese fun, free, at tho
GitANii Union Tea Co.,
-12-2t . 2S South Main St.
ltuse. Hall.
Tho Black Diamond team und the Zulu's
played a game at the Trotting park this
morning. Both teams have decided not to
mention the scoro as tho Zulu's wero terribly
Tho Schoppo orchestra will hold dances at
Columbia park every Saturday night, be
ginning with next Saturday. An enjoyable
tlmo for all. u-li-it '
The Directors Held a Special fleeting
Last Night for General Business.
The Superintendent-Elect Confident That
the Charges Cannot be Sustained, and
Is Anxious for a Hearing The
Graduating Exercises.
Tho School Board held a special meeting in
tho Directors' room last evening for tho
transaction of general business. The mem
bers present were: President Price, Hannn,
Trczise, Baugh, Edwards, Church, Dovitt,
Connors, Sullivan, Higglns, Morgan, Lec,
O'Brien and Williams. Prof. J. W. Cooper
and T. I!. Beddall, Esq., wero also In at
tendance. Treasurer-olcct C. W. Dcnglcr appeared be
foro tho Board and stated that ho had a bond
prepared, but It was only in tho sum of $20,
000. Ho had been informed by tlio Presi
dent that tho amount was correct, but ho
had subsequently learned it should have
been In the sum of $30,000. The bond was
issued in tho nanio of a Philadelphia Trust
Solicitor Beddall informed tlio Board that
tho bond was not drawn up properly, being
mado out to tlio Shenandoah School District,
when it should havo been mado in tho nanio
of tho President of the School Hoard. Tho
matter was finally disposed of by tho Solici
tor stating that tho bond would bo drawn, up
properly and ready to bo presented to tho
Board by Monday evening nott. :
Tho High school committeo reported nvl
recommended sixty-six pupilsfrom tho Gram
mar schools as being entitled to tho honors of
graduates. Tho committeo also recoin.
mended tho names of eighteen pupils from
the High school as graduates, and that they
bo given diplomas; that hereafter seven
honors bo conferred upon tho A class in tho
High school; that complimentary tickets to
tho commencement oxcrcises bo presented to
tho Directors, ox-Directors ot tho outgoing
Board, to tho graduates and tho press. The
recommendations were adopted.
Mr. Treziso reported that the filling in of
trendies at tho new school building was not
being dono properly.
A committeo representing tho Daughters of
Liberty appeared beforo tlio Board and re
quested that they bo allowed to rabo a liag
at tho Union street school building 011 July
1th. The matter was referred to tho Build
ing committee, as thero was some dispute
concerning tho privilege of liag raising.
Both tho P. O. S. of A. and tho Jr. O. U. A.
M., it was said, claimed tlio right, and tho
Hoard thought tho question should bo ad
justed to avoid futuro troublo and misunder
Mr. Leo asked if anything 'further had
been learned concerning tliesupcriutondeucy.
President Price stated that ho had a conver
sation with Prof. Bogart In Philadelphia 011
Tuesday, and that tlio latter most emphati
cally denied all the charges. The Superintendent-elect
met State Superintendent
Schaell'erj said that ho had no fear of tlio
outcome and was only too anxious to meet
all parties at any time. To a question as to
whether Prof. Bogart would bo here, Presi
dent Prico replied that lie is anxious to como
and intends to como. Solicitor Beddall stated
that he hadjwritten to Dr. hchacHor urging a
speedy disposition of the case, but had not
yet received a reply to his communication.
On motion tho Sccietary was instructed to
communicate with Dr. Scliiiell'er, under seal
of tho Board, requesting a hearing of tlio
caso at once, so that tho schools may not
sutler becauso of delay.
Tho Board adjourned to meet at tlio call of
tho President for general business.
Larger stock of gold watches at Holder
mail's than any whero clso in town. 0-12-tf
(lave a Party to Their rrlends.
Misses Agnos and Lizzie Cooney, of West
Oak street, gavo a party to their young
friends last evening. A very pleasant time
was spent in games and other amusements,
after which refreshments were served. Among
those present wore Mis-es Inira Lorab,
Bessie Webl), Bessie Boran, Lizzie Lorab,
Maggio Burke, Violet Fieldors, Clam White
lock, Sallio Whitaker, Annie McCormick and
liiiinio Shares.
For your Negligo shirts go to tlio Ur-TO-dath
hat store, 15 East Centro street.
Advance In Coal 1'rlces.
It is understood that thero will bo an
advance of 25 cents per ton 011 all domostio
sizes of coal, both at the East and West, on
Julv 1, and an iucreaso in tlio output for
July of about 1,000,000 tons.
Fancy goods suitable for gifts. Prices
moderate. At Holdorman's.
Threw stones at llliu.
Tl,ronl.nva Ti.lm .luHursnii Artlilll- Kmltli
and James Dillman, ranging in ages from 1 1
to 18 years, had a hearing uetote Justice olioe-
msker for stoning Joseph. btiugelskl, who
was assorting rags ill his stable. Upon the
proinli-e o( tho boys not to molest him again,
tho case was withdrawn, tho defendant
paying the costs.
aui: YOU Till! .MAN
That is looking for a new colored Ihwiii
shirt? If so, come at once. We have tho
latest novelties at roasonablo pricos. At
MAX LEVIT'S, 15 Hast Centio street.
UWil ina v0n!v.ul liprrt Vffetflrd.lV of tho
death of Margaiet, the four-yoar-old daughter
of William Gamer, at Jcauusville. Mr.
Gamer and his family formerly resided here,
and about three weeks ago moved to Jeunos-
vlllo. Their many friends here will be sorry
to learn of their bereavement.
Seo Holdorman's selection of jowolry and
fancy goods, Pricos the lowest. 0-JS-tf
Drowned in a Tub of Water.
At Nuwtowu Tuesday the infant daughter
of Mrs. Eliza Itlchardi, widow of tho late
Jury t'ommi.loiier Tliomns J. liichards, fell
Into a tub of water and was urownou. llio
child was playing around the kitchen floor
while her mother was attending to tier house
work. Sco A. Holdonuau'8 display of Jewelry, tf
New Designs in Glassware.
Summer Specialties.
Milk Sets, Water Sets,
Lemonade Sets, Fruit Sets,
Tea Sets, Juice Extractors,
Cracker Jars, Water Bottles,
Banquet Vases,
Fruit and Cake Stands,
Tumblers in Shell and Pressed
Syrup Jugs, etc., etc.
8 S. Main Street.
Mrs. McLaren's 1'tiiicral.
Tho funeral of Margaret, wife of William
McLaren, of East Coal street, took place
yesterday afternoon from her late residence
and was very largely attended. The funeral
services wero held at her home, l!cv. Morri
son, pastor of tho Presbyterian church, oili
elating, of which sho was a member up to tlx
time of her death. Deceased was a resident
of town for many years, and attained tho age
of 72 years. Her death was duo to kidney
troublo and a complication of diseases. Tho
following acted as pall bearers: Frank
Terrel, of Gilberton; Jolinlieed, of Mahanoy
City; John Watson, Albert Hoover, Hiram
Spccrs and Hon. Joseph Wyatt, of town.
Interment was mado in tho Odd Fellows'
For a good still' hat at special prices go to,
MAX LEVIT'S, 15 East Centra street.
Itlrtlulay 1'urty.
Miss Gertrudo Itoxby, of South West street,
was handsomely entertained by a number of
her friends in honor of her thirteenth birth
day anniversary at her homo last evening.
A very pleasant evening was spent and re
freshments h ore served in honor of tho ovent.
The following wero in attendance : Florence
Hoover, Bessie Ellis, Edith Heclmer, Gertie
West, Mablo Johnson, Pearl Matter, IluUs
Matter, Mamio Bitner and Frank Xork.
Hlekerl's Cafe.
Our freo lunch to-morrow morning will
consist of Boston Baked Beans and pork.
Delegates l.eaxn lor St. Louts.
John F. Finney, of Pottsvilio, and Joseph
D. MlCoiiucII, of Ashland, tho two delegates
to the llepubllrau national convention winch
meets in St. Louis on Tuesday, accompanied
by S. Burd Edwards, 0110 of tlio alternates,
left to-day for Philadelphia. They will join
tho stato delegation and loavo that city to
night for St. Louis.
Keep Cool.
Freo to every purchaser of tea. codec or
baking powder to-morrow, a beautiful
JapauoEO fan. At tho
CIuani) Union Tka Co.,
88 South Main St
You can be con -viuced
that the
line of tableware
now on sale our
store is certainly
the Handsomest
most datable and
cheapest tliinp; yet
offered to you.
Water Sets, Table Sets,
Syrup Jugs, Castors, Salt and
Pepper Shakers, Tumblers,
Cream Pitchers, Sugar Bowls,
Spoon Holder, Covered Butter
Dish, Gallon Jugs.
Use your own ideas in forminf;
sets. Any piece sold separately.
Call and see this beautiful line of
goods now on exhibition in our
F.J. Portz&Son,
Out the worst tormentor in the
quickest time. Only 10 cents.
6 South Alain Street.
...iii&u.-. i4i.:.