The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 11, 1896, Image 2

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iTAii(,ism:i mo.
Published every Kvcnlng, Except Sunday,
8 Bourn jAitm.f Sirekt, Neaii Centre.
Tlie Herald is dellveied lnHhcnnndoahftndtbe
surrounding towns for six cents a week, pay
ablo to the, ennlcrs. Hy mall 58.00 a year, or 26
cents n month, payable 111 advance. Advertise-
, mcnis cnargeuaccoruingio space aim position.
Tlio publishers reserve tha right to change tho
fiosltlon of advertisements whenever tho pul
Icatloii or new demand it. Tho right Is
reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
mm lor or not. mat mc puunsiicra may nc-m
mpropcr. Advertising rates niado known
upon application.
Entered at tho postofllco at Shenandoah, I'o., as
second class mail matter.
Evening Herald
, Ot Susquehanna.
Of Erlo
rAiiTins leaving town for tho summer can
liavo tlio Kven'INo HnrsAf.ihentto tlio resort
vchoro tlicy spend tlio season nt no iucrcaso
of price. Tho paper being issued lu the
evening will bo suro to roach people nt n
dlstanco tho following day.
Lord Cuiw Justici: 1!ussi;ll, of England,
will probably inako tlio principal address at
tho next meeting of tho American liar
Association at Saratoga, in August next.
Four, years more of Grovcr, and instead of
being lu clover wo would bo in tho condition
of the Irishman who had a remarkable dream,
that he was walking about naked, with his
Jiauds in his pockety looking for work.
l'ADr.urcwsKl has commissioned the broth
ers Dolloszko to buy hi in a Polish estate on
the lino between Cracow and Warsaw, and
hero tho great pianist proposes to build a
Mit. Maxm:y. manager of tho Itccd forces
at St. Louis, at last concedes tlio nomination
of Mclviuley on tho first ballot. Senator
Quay could have furnished tho information
to Mr. Manley several weeks ago, apparently.
Happening Throughout tho Itrglon Chron
tclfu for Hasty l'criisal
llnzlcton is to havo a now hotel.
Thero aro iilnety-two patients at tho
Miner' hospital.
There are said to bo about fifty bicycles in
Delano, and the list is growing.
Mrs. Alfred Millard, of Mnhanoy C ity, died
yesterday afternoon after a mouth's illness.
The Delaney properties, on West Centre
street, aio being fitted up with new porches.
A new stablo to accomniodato thirty mules
will be erected at Mahanoy City collier-
J. H.
(Continued from First Page.)
iiiKi woro ot it niiriiioiuous ennructer, ana
whllo thoro wns evidence that thoro wns
Renulno fooling lu behalf of tho various
candidates, this fooling; did not nt nny
tlino tnko on personally nprgrosslvo form.
Tho ontlro day's session was givon up to
tho Ahibnnm contosta, which involvod tho
(-cats of tho four deloiiatos-nt-lariro and nil
The Jleuaing collieries win worK iouruays oi mo nino districts oxcept tlio Second,
this week, suspending to-night for thobalanco
of the week .
Paul M. Dunn, of Mahanoy City, will
graduate from tho University of Pennsyl
vania this week nsau M. I).
Tho lieddall properties, on Wost Ccntro
street, aro receiving a new coat of paint at
tlio hands of Thomas Snyder.
Nicholas Huffing, who was injured in a
railroad accident nt Shamokln on Monday,
died at tho hospital yesterday.
The caso of J. V. Lloyd vs. John A. Noe,
tho book agent, charged with fraud and falso
pretense, will como up for trial on Monday.
County Superintendent George W. Weiss
will examino all applicants for teachers'
certificates, in tho Oilbcrton district, in tho
Mlddlo Ward building on tho 10th Inst.
Dunn's Review gives n hopeful view of
tho condition of tho antliracito coal trade,
and tho lllack Diamond says tho trado is in
tho best possiblo condition west of liull'alo.
Councilman Archibald Lamb, of Shenan
doah, was hero last evening. Mr. Lamb
may go into the coal business and his visit
had refrenco to securing a leasofor land near
Shcppton. Mahanoy City Record.
When you want good roofing, plumbing,
gas fitting, or general tinsmlthlng dono call
on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Ccntro street.
Dealer it- stoves. 1-tf
Tin: York baso ball club of tho Stato
League, seeing that Pottsvillo could not
reach tho coveted goal as "tall-euders"
unless tho former bisbanded, has at last
thrown up the spougo. Pottsvillo will now
slide into last placo without much effort.
A Newspaper Secret.
For tho next few weeks tho leading items
of nows will relate to tho Republican and
Democratic National Convention, tho Rcpub-
lican convention will meet at St. Louis on
tho 10th Inst., and as tho National Cominlttco
began Its sessions on tho 10th, tho interest
is now nt fever boat. Newspapers aro sup
posed to be ablo to accomplish wonders, hut
it is doubtful whether one person In a thou
sand appreciates tho ell'ort which a great
journal puts forth to plcaso its readers. At
St. Louis, for instance, tho Philadelphia
Press will bo represented by Hon. Charles
Emory Smith, Col. James II. Lambert, Col.
George N. McCain, Mr. E. J. Gibson, chief of
the Press' Washington Mr. Robert
Ilrnnuan, city editor of The Press. Thcso
gentlemen will control tho services of a corps
f skilled telegraphers and every detail of
the proceedings will bo given to tho readers
of The Press each day. It is doubtful
whether any newspaper has ever been repre
sented ut ono point by bo distinguished
DEAlt Wii.hklm: Don't talk, especially
ou the free coinago of silver. Look at the
position of the National Democracy, becauso
of tho sixtcen-to-one theory. Following tho
cxamnlo of vour nreccntor. William Mc-
Kinlcy, i tho interest of Republican success
this fall ylou't talk. 3o a clam, dear William
,TI1U largo circle of friends of lion. 1). D.
Phillips, of Gordon, will legrct to learn that
liis physical condition is of a serious nature,
and hope that his illness will bo but tempor
arily. No man In Schuylkill county has a
larger acquaintance and few havo as staunch
friends as Mr. Phillips, and tho Heiiald
joins his hundreds of friends in tho hopo that
lie may soon bo enjoying good health.
TltKKEaro hundreds of Grccnbackers who
left tho ranks of Democracy and who support
tho Republican ticket from principle, and it
comes with bad gmco for tho Pottsvillo Re
publican to say that they aro not wanted.
Ou tho other hand, wo believo every clement
in tho party should be represented on the
ticket according to tho numerical strength of
each ; but wo-do not believe that tho Green
hick tall should wag tho Republican dug, n
has been tho case in tho past few years.
Tun local lettor carricis, in common with
then' brethren throughout the country, are
in high gleo to-day. Tho cause is tho passago
of a bill by tho House increasing their
salaries and fixing tho amount according to
the length of servlco. Tho bill provides that
after Juno 30 tho pay of letter-carriers in
citios of moro than 73,000 population for tho
first year of servlco shall bo ?G00 ; second
year, f MM) ; third yoar, $1000, and thereafter,
f 1200: and after Juno 30, 1600, tho pay of
letter-carriers In cities of a population under
75,000, for the first year of servlco shall bo
?000 j second year, 5800 ; third year and there
after, $1000.
The following from tho Philadelphia
Reconl of Juno 5th shows that our Congress
man has not entirely forgotten his old fiat
money herosios: "Mr. (!. N. llrumui, tho
Populist Republican Representative from tho
Schuylkill district, predicts that there, will lo
several Populists from Pennsylvania lu tho
next Congress. Such u consummation would
nut bo iinpostlblo in a stato that scuds
Jlrumm to Congress ; but if tho Republicans
of Schuylkill county havo tho least respect
for their professed principles of Sound Money
they will bco to It tliat Mr, Brumm's name is
not in tho list of Pennsylvania Populists In
tho next House," Tho feeling against Mr,
llrumm is rapidly erystallUlng, and wo opine
that our osteemod contemporary need havo
no fear of old Schuylkill, as sho stands
' solidly for a dollar worth 100 cents and will
so proclaim her belief at tho proper time.
Harper's Himir.
Among noteworthy features of tho Iiazar
uring the mouth of Juno wo mention a
characteristic paper by Professor C. A.
Young, of Princeton University, on tho
fascinating subject of Mars and its Imagined
Inhabitants. An articlo by Mrs. Jean Pardeo
Clark, on The Woman's Country Club, treats
a popular themo in a practical way. Charm
ing short stories will bo contributed by Julia
Magrudcr and Dullicld Osborne.
Sltiery In America.
Even tho Hungarians employed by tho
Silver lirook Coal Company, who board else-
wheio than in tho company's dingy shanties,
havo been notified that thoy must bring their
traps within tho company s preserves or quit
its employ. Tho company recently issued an
order to all Hazlcton storekeepers not to
trespass on their property, tho purposo of
which was to compel its slaves to buy every
thing at tho company store.
liny Keystone flour. l!o suro that tho name
Lessig & IlAKit, Ashland, Pa., is printed on
every sack.
Charges Helnsco with Conspiracy.
New YoiiK, Juno 11 N. K. Fnlrhank's
sldo of tho controversy wlthD.vvidHclnsoo
wns stated in tho trial yesterday. Counsel
for Fnliimnk assorted that his client was
tlio victim of n conspiracy nnd confidence
game, in which Helnsco nnd Mrs. Carter
woro operators. Instead of owing Helasco
05,000, ho charged that Helasco owed 1 nir-
bank $50,000 for monoy lulvnnccil.
convention, nnd Slnjof 'Hnlnwutor, ennfr"-
mnn of tho hotol committee, woro granted
a honrlng to ninko n, statement concerning
tho report that colored delegates would
not ho given accommodations nt tho ho
tels. They stated that tho loading hotels
had nitreod to tnko enro of delegntos re
gardless ot color, aim mat at. L-ouis was
prepared to make good all her nnto-con-ventlon
promises. Thoy said that tho
statement to the effect that tho color lino
wns to lie drawn to tho oxtont of crowding
tho oolorod delegates out of tho hotels Woro
without authority. Tho statement wns
received with general applause by tho
Tlio Jury ltecoininends aiorcy.
NoimiSTOWX, Pa., Juno 11. Joseph
Bonto, on trial for tho murder ot John II
Eokort, wns yostorday convicted of volun-
tnrr manslaughter, and was recommended
to tho mercy of tho court. Tho defonso
clnlmed that tho murder was committed
in self defenso. Counsel for Honto mado
u motion for a now trial.
I'olsmi In tho Ico Cream.
Snr.LHYVJLLE, Ills., Juno 11. Thomas
Thomas and his ontlro family, six in all
will dlo from tho olfoets of eating lco
cream in which poison is bcllovcd to havo
boon placod by somebody, Tho mysterious
caso Is bolng investigated with u view to
nrrost tho suspoctod poisoner.
Ilrltlsli Ship Wrecked, All Hands Saved,
CAPETOWN, Juno 11. Tho Hrltlsh ship
Groystoko Castlo, Captain Grilllths, from
Hangoon on April 18 for Buenos Ayres,
has been wrecked near tho Agulhas bank,
the southernmost point of Africa, situated
ubout 1D0 miles east southeast of this port.
All on board woro saved.
Michael J. Poweus, candidate for tho
Democratic nomination in the First Legis
lative district, aocordltig to tho Dally Ameri
can, challenges hie rivals to a discussion of
tho vital questions of tlio day. Ho will dls
cum bl-uiotalLin, freo silver, mono-motalUm,
sixttieii-to-one or tho gold standard. An im
portant point in tlio proposed financial dis
cumIoh is as to which of tho five will Mr.
Powers advocate; or, Is ho prepared to stand
upon a platform oudore'ug cither of tho
five. Ily all moans let tho debate proceed,
A campaign of education in the First di
trist, upon a cmMtlon which Is occupying tLc
attention of tho loading statesmen of tho
nation, would bo highly appreciated by the
vole. Mr. Powers who desires that Hon,
be a profix to his namo Is ou the right track.
and his opponent, Mr. E. A. UriUlth
opportunity of his political life to
"Merit talkB"tho
Intrinsic value of
Hood's SarsapnriUa.
Merit in medicine means tho power to
cure. Hood's Sarsaparllla possesses actual
and unequalled curative power end there
fore it has truo merit. Whon you buy
Hood's Sarsaparllla, and tako it according
to directions, to purify your blood, or
euro any ot tho many blood diseases, you
are morally certain to receive benefit.
Tho power to cure is thero. You aro not
trying an experiment. It will make your
blood pure, rich and nourishing, and tbuB
drive out tho germs of disease, strengthen
tho nerves and build up tho wholo system.
I s the best, In fact tho One True lilood Purifier.
Prepared only by C.,1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass,
..hail tho
mnklng wenty-two sonts thatwero in dis
pute. Tho contosts wcro all decided ox
cept thoso from tho Third, and Fifth dis
tricts, In which honrlngs woro postponed
until Friday on nccount of tho absence of
either contestants or contostcos. Tho
points at Issuo In tho Sixth nnd Eighth
districts were settled outsldo of tho com
mltteo, and thocolitest in both Instances
withdrawn. Tho Issue was prosontod to
tho cominlttco in nil other cases.
Of tho eighteen delegates whoso enses
vcro decided olthor by vote of tho com-
mltteo or by withdrawal sixteen aro for
RIoKinloy and two for Ileod for president.
inoro wns no division upon any of the
jontosts except that mndo In tho cas6 ol
tho delegatos-at-largo, nnd this was over-
tvlielmlngly lu favor of thoBucklcv.orMo-
Kinlcy dolcgntos, and against tho Moselj)
or antl-MoKinloy men.
J. ho motion to scat Mosolv wns defeated
by a voto of 33 to 0, nnd tho Buokloy dele
gation was thon seated without opposition.
It was a decided McKlnloy victory. Those
voting to scat tho Mosely delegation were
Fossondon of Connecticut, Gear of Iowa,
.Leonard of Louisiana, Crnln of Massachu
setts, Sutherland of Now York and Carson
of Colorado.
At the evening sosslon of tho committee
tho Georgia contests woro taken up. The
result was tho seating ot six MoKlnley
uciogntos. Tho contests for tho day, thoro
foro, resulted In seating twenty-two Mc-
liiuloymon and two Heed men. A contest
from one Goorgia nnd two Alabama dis
tricts remain to bo settled.
Senator Proctor, who has boon men
tioned as n candidate for vlco president,
says; "I do not want to bo vlco president
of tho United States. My namo shall not
bo presented for that olllco beforo tho He
publican national convention. Whcnover
I am satisfied that such action Is probable
1 shall tako steps to prevent It. I do not
know a great deal about politics. I do
know something about Vermont politics,
however, audi know that tho Itopubllcan
ism of my stato Is flvo to ono for McKlu
ley. Ho will surely win on tho first ballob"
John Ij. Jelfery, of Chicago, am vod hero
today to tako an active part in tlio press
ing of tho nomination ot ox-Govornor
Bulkely, of Connecticut, as a candidate of
tho Hepubllcan party for vlco president.
Tho ox-governor's recent visit to Canton,
O., followed by tho announcement of his
candidacy, gavo rlso to thostntcmcnt that
ho would havo tho support of Major jsic-
Kinlcy for second place on tho nntionnl
ticket, nnd Mr. Bulkoly's friends aro push
ing his campnlgn with vigor.
Tho advocates ot tho freo nnd unlimited
coinago of silver will hold a mooting this
afternoon to compare vlows and discuss
tho proper lino of proceeding when tho
convention meets. Tho mooting will bo
informal, and It Is oxpocted that it will lw
attended by tho dolcgato-i and national
commltteomeil present from tho states of
California, Colorado, Utah, Montana, Ne
vada, Idaho, North Dakota, South Da
kota, Washington and Oregon. It Is tho
desiro of tho movers of tho mooting to try
to get united notion in behalf of tho froo
coinago of silver nnd for a posltivo declar
ation for tho protection of wool and load
ore. Thoro has been somo effort to secure
tho co-oporatlon of tho southern delegates
in this movement, but it has not so far
boon successful.
Tho St. Janios hotel yesterday openly re
fused to entertain nogro delegates, and
cancelled a $0,000 contract for feeding and
housing delegntos.
Several weeks ago tho officers of the Tip
pecanoe club, under tho direction of M. A.
Hanna, mado a contract with Thomas P.
Miller, tho proprietor ot tho St. Jnmos
hotel, to tako caro of a certain number of
delegates for llvo days during tho conven
tion. Tho club officers tnon wrote to cer
tain southern delegations that rooms had
been engaged for them at tho St. Janios.
When Mr. Miller learned that tho club In
tended to fill tho rooms with negroos ho
If I permit you to bring nosroos nero,'
ho said, "all my help will lcavo. It will
put mo lu a most embarrassing predicament."
Upon tho nTrival of Mr. Hanna from
Clovcland ho was told of what had oc
I am sorry for Mr. Miller," said Mr.
Hanna to his agent, "but ho slgnod a con
tract, and unless ho lives up to It ho will
find himself Involvod lu n most unpleasant
letrnl complication."
When tho hotel man was so notified ol
this ho mado a written reply to tho effect
that ho could not fuuln his contract.
As all tho loading hotels aro crowdod
tho Tlnnccivnoo club Is in a quandary as
to what It win tlo wltn tno colored uoie-
iratos whom it promised to caro for,
Mr. Hauna said ho felt very sorry for
tho Buslnoss Men's Loaguo, which prom
lscd tho national committee thero would
bo no color lino drawn. '.'Tho loaguo has
dono ovcrythlng in Its power to provont
this troublo," ho added, "and I do not
consider It In nny way to blnmo."
Mr. Hanna s emissaries also rented tno
big Exposition building for use during tho
oonventlon. it was suggested mat oots
bo plaeod In It for tho uso of tho colored
mon, but wnon tno managoinont ot tno
building loarnedof this It told tho club
that tho negroes could not bo qunrtored
thero. It was finally agreed, however.
that tho colored delegates might bo fed
thoro. Tony Faust, who holds tho loaso
of tho kltehon at the exposition, said ho
could not f urnlsli cither food or cooks to
do tho work. An ollloer of tho club said
today that cooks would bo imported from
Many of tho oolorod mon havo, of tholr
own accord, irone to tha homos of oolorod
people living hero and obtalnod boaVd and
lodgings. Somo of thorn, howovor, rofuso
to do this.
Dr. John Gant, ot Sherman, Tox., who
loads tho contostlnir MoKlnley delogatlon
from thoLouo Htnrstuto, is angry over tho
service which ho Is assured Proprietor
Grlswold, of tlio Laclodo -hotel, oxioct8 to
irlvo tho colored monibors ot ills doioga
tlon. Gant hasn contract with Grlswold
for nuarters at tho Lucledo for his pooplo,
black and white nllko, and this end ot It
tho hotol man Is going to koop, but black
dcloiratos will not 1 allowed to oat in tho
dining hall- Meals will bo served In tholr
rooms and thero will lw no lack of atten
tion to them. This Is what makos Dr.
Gant nngry
Whllo tho national cominlttco was In
elusion Mr. Konnard. chairman of tho
Will Ui-go a Strong Hold l'lank "JIcKln-
ley on tho l'lrst Hallot."
BliAVWt, Pa., Juno 11. Sountor Quay
arrived hero yesterday morning. Tho sen
ator states that ho will leave In n special
car this evening for St. Louis nnd tho
sccnoof battle. On being asked who would
bo likely to be nominated for vlco presi
dent, ho replied: "I do not know nny thing
nbout It."
Whon It wns intimated that tho loglo of
tho situation pointed to a Now York man
ho said: "I do not supposo that Governor
Morton would want tho placo, bolng a
presidential candidate himself, and hav
ing onco been elected as vlco prosldont."
Ho snid in regard to tho first placo on tho
ticket: "I think that Major McKlnloy
will bo nominated on the first ballot, as
thoro will 1k a groat nnxicty on tho partof
tho delegates to got In tho swim."
As to tho platform, ho was noncom
mltal, excopt to say that ho himself was In
favor of an unequivocal declaration In
favor ot tho gold standard. So far as his
ndvlco is hecdod, there will bo no uncertain
sound on tho monoy question, nnd there
will lie no straddle From what tho cor
respondent could gather from tho sona tor's
ideas, ho is in favor of mnklng tho tariff
tho leading lssuo of tho campaign.
and receipts and expenditures of the
For the fiscal year ending on Monday, June ist, 1896.
To Urgo a Strong Protective rianlc.
Philadelphia, Juno 11. President Dor
nan, of tho Manufacturers' club, yoster
dny appointed a commltteo to npponr bo
foro tlio committee on resolutions In St.
Louis nnd urgo tho Insertion of a strong
protcctlvo tariff plnnk in tho Itopubllcan
platform. Tho chairman ot tho comnit
teo Is James Pollock.
No l-'reo Silver for Heslng.
Chicago, Juno 11. Postmaster Wash
ington Hosing, of this city, announces that
if tho Democratic party declares for freo
sllvcrnndthollopubllcan party declarosfor
a gold standard ho and his paper, tho Chi
cago Staats Zeltung, will bolt tho Demo
cratic party nnd work for tho Hepubllcan
New I'oiunllanil's I.eglslatnro Opens.
St. Johns, N. F., Juno 11. Tho Now
Foundland leglslntnro opcnod.yosterdny.
There Is a serious rupturo among tho
members of tho cabinet, and tho troublo is
such that they havo been unablo to fill six
vacancies in tho loglslntlvo council, leav
ing that body with only three members
moro than a quorum, whon absentees aro
oxceptod. A stormy session is nntlclpated,
including tho probablo retirement of Prc
mlor Whltoway nnd tho succession of Co
lonial Secretary Bond.
Whole number of schools
Average number of months taugbt .'...7.7."7.7."""7.
Number of male teachers employed
Number of female teachers omploycd JJ".J"".'!!V''!iy"!!I""!"!"!J!I!!."."'
Averago salary of male teachers per month ""! S
Avcrngo salary of femalo touchers per month
Number of male scholars enrolled lu schools . . ,
Number of female scliolars enrolled In schools .
Total number in attendance , ,
Averago dally attendance "7,"..'. .7..'
Average percentage of nUendAiicc !7.7..7.7.'."
Cost of each pupil per month .7,7.!.7!!7.!!!!!"."8
Number of evening schools
Average number of months taught In evening schools '..".
Number of malo teachers employed -
Number of femalo teachers employed
Number of scholars enrolled from 6 to 13 years
Number of scholars above 13 years
Total number of malo scholars attending evening schools
Total number of female scholars nttcndlng evening schools
Wliolo number of scholars attending evening schools
Average evening attendance
Average percentage of attendance
Avcrago salary of malo teachers per month , .3
Averago salary of female teachers per month
Cost of each scholar per month
Number of mills lovled for school purposes 11
Number of mills levied for building purposes 3
Amount levied for school purposes ?27,3o7 10
Amount levied for building purposes 7,1G3 80
Total amount levied $31,831 35
Kxoneratlon of Collector Dean by resolution of School Hoard $
Kxoncratlon of Hoehm's hond-mian bv resolution of School Hoard
Kxoucrntion of Collector Higglns IfiOl and 1S91! duplicate.....
Exoneration of Collector Scaulan 1805 dupllcato
Abatements ,
From balancu on hand lat annual statement $ 22G 87
From Win. T. Trezlse nccount text books nnd supplies 1)1 19
From M'ni. T. Trezlso account library fines 5 91
From Win. T. Trezlse nccount sale of prlvilego sewer at Union Btrcct 25 00
From Wm. T. nccount proceeds of commencement 197 00
From stato appropriation 19,933 83
From M. 1". Whltakcr, Tuition from non-resident pupils 190 90
From Tax Collector Seanlan, dupllcato of 1191 i 10,700 00
From " ' " " " 1805 18.700 00
From " " " older 1257 for commission 1,163 42
r,l 41
17 11
432 15
80 00
110 14
2,213 17
631 57
l-'rom proceeds of order No. 1 Discounted temporary loans...
No. 3SS
No. 389
No. 511
No. 612
No. 9-0
No. 10S0
No. 1182
No. 1258
Proceeds of sale ot Ilonds.
Total ltccelpts 81,81:
For Interest on bonded Indebtedness S 1,978 00
For orders redeemed 21,500 CO
For purchasing grounds , t 0,000 00
For building and furnishing 9,995 76
For renting and repairing 2,717 58
4,922 50
2,981 00
2,173 37
2,983 00
1,988 67
1,181 75
1,979 67
1,581 00
8,167 47
10,000 00
Weyler Kntertnlns Lee.
HAVANA, Juno 11. United States Con
sul General Leo dined with Captain Gen
eral Woyler yesterday, sitting at his host's
right hand, whllo Mr. Williams, tno retir
ing consul general of tho United States,
sat nt his left. General Weyfer's otner
cuosts woro Spanish officers. Thoro was
a courteous exchange of hopo for tho con
clusion of peace Captain General Wey
ler expressed a doslro to visit tho United
Statos, and Consul General Leo ollcred to
accompany him rihould ho decide to do so.
President Tyler's Son In Trouble.
ItlCIIMO.NU, Va., Juno 11. H. F. Tylor, a
son of tho Into Prosldont John Tylor, was
a prisoner in tho polico court horo yester
day charged with snooting, wltn intent to
kill, Jack Carr, a young nogro. Mr. Tylor
is n dalrymun residing near tho city. Ho
went to tho asslstanco or another porson
who wns in a difficulty with Carr, nnd
says tho shooting was In self defenso. The
caso or tho accused was sent to tno grand
jury and Mr. Tyler was released on ball.
Holts Mistrust tlio Ilrltlsli.
PiiF.TOMA, Juno 11. Tho feeling of tin-
rest in governmout circles continue, and
tho movements of British troops are
watched with tho greatest suspicion. Sev
eral commandants havo notified tholr men
not to loavo tholr districts, which menus
to prepare for activo servlco. This is prob
ably duo to an unfounded rumor of a con
flict between tno lioer Dordor guard and
Hrltlsh troops to tho north.
Teachts Wares.
For day i-chools 3 26,827 26
For substitute teachers H 357 12
For attendance nt County Institute 550 O)
For evening schools 1,612 50
S 11,191 31
$ 29,370 83
Salaries of Officers. -
For salary of Superintendent ...8 1,800 00
For salary of Secretary .'. .' , 720 00
For salary of Treasurer ; 200 03
For snlnry of Solicitor 50 00 '
For Hecclvers Commission 1,163 12
Text Books and Supplies,
For school text books , 8 1,788 20
For school supplies 1,160 90
$ 3,933 42
Fuel and Contingencies.
For Janitor's wages 3 3,571 16
For coal .'. 1,065 25
For gas 108 16
For hauling ashes ;. 70 05
For supplies :. 3 00
For wood 3 00
S 3,217 16
For new books and re-bindlng..
3 4,823 62
..3 368 82
8 363 82
Jnmes It. Lewis service at library
Wm. K. James, servlco at library
Itent of theatre
l'icturo frames
Police duty at commencement
Class ribbon
Interpreters assisting assessors
Affidavit to statement for bond Issue..
Loitering diplomas
Tuition refunded
l'rintlntr bonds
Subscription to School Journal
Hauling hooks to schools
Insurance w
Writing duplicate
Floral deblgn
Discount on renewal of notes
For two town directories
Legal services
Ministers Should Use
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure.
25 00
30 00
22 05
70 00
535 70
30 35
21 Ot)
6 20
82 00
9 60
3 60
31 33
77 20
75 00
91 70
10 73
195 00
SO 00
12 80
221 23
6 00
45 90
Halauco In hand of Treasurer..
$ 1,633 97
227 31
$ 81,812 52
llalaneo In hands of Treasurer, June 4, 1895..
From salo of bonds
From Tax ltccelvcr...
From stato appropriation
From other sources
Treasury overdrawn
"V "
..? 220 87
... 10,000 00
30,568 42
... 19,933 83
. 510 CO
... 13,800 00
Jl labors so severely tax tho nervous sys
tem, as that of tho ministry. Tho do
rangomcnt o tho nervo contors of tho brain
by over work, frequently brings on attacks
of hoart troublo, and nervous prostration,
Uov. J. P. Kostcr, M.' D., Pastor U. B.
church, London Mills, Ills., himself a physi
cian, wrltos Fob. 20, 1833: "Hoart affection
and nervous prostration had bocomo so
serious last fall that a llttlo over work in
tho pulpit would so complotoly prostrato mo
Dr. Miles' thaX ' ioemo11 cortaln I
must relinquish tho work
Heart CUre o th0 ministry ontlrely.
TJocinfAc Hoart palpitation bocamo
iCMUlCa so bad that my auditors
Wpllth would ask mo If I did not
IlSiUlU...... havo heart disease. Last
November I commenced taking Dr. Mllos'
New Hoart Curo alternately with Dr. Miles'
Norvlno and derived tho groattst possiblo
benefit. I havo Jus.t closed rovival work of
10 weeks, preaching nearly overy night and
twicoon tho Bubbath. I can spoak for hours
without suffering as I formerly did. Hard
working ministers should keep Dr. Mllos'
grand romodies on tiajjj
l-l. MIIau' Ifnnrt. ffuito.
Cash lu hands of Treasurer
Duo from Collector Seanlan duplicate 1893...
Duo " " " " 1891..
Duo " " . " ' 1895..
Kntimated value of school property
Total resources..
Honds outstanding ,.1.".
nterest one anil unpaia w".'t'ff',oTcT
J.OS. 39, oi l, uso, iou, no-, " -
Orders outfttandhur
Tidal liabilities
..$51,000 00
76 CO
- 13,800 00
liesourccs In excess of liabilities-.
875,015 12
For orders outstanding, Juno 4, 1895 ; ?
For current expenses of the year - " ui,sia i.
875,013 12
Resources and Liabilities of District.
- 3 227 31
-.. 25 50
1,261 05
13,912 36
115,000 00
.8130,156 23
-f07,670 00
862,580 23
Library Account.
Halauco due fund Juno 1st 1695 .$ 1,523 63
Proceeds of commencement .... ivi uu
fultlomif non-resident pupils - 196 90
Library lliic..m,...,.,.J. 91
Total receipt. - 3 1,923 41
For now books and reblndlng $
-$ 863 82
llalaneo In fund June 1st 1896..
8 1,551 62
w - -n s i 'in
We, the undersigned auditors of tho llorough of Shenandoah, having examined the various
accounts of the Treasurer of the Shenandoah School District submit the abovo statements as
W,rret'' JOHN M. MEDALI8,
Borough. Auditors.
Hrl tM!lo M. i101., J,a! J o'
first bottlo will be
int rvnmniU.tHiim arrangements for thp
name famous.
1IUVU 1 lllf WiPC. All UTUgb'1319. HW.