EVENING HERALD KSTAltLISUi:i 1870. Published every Evening, Biccpt Sunday, at 8 Sooth JAnuix Street, Neah Centhk. The He rald Is dcllvcird InMlicnnmlnnh and tbo surrounding towns for nix cents a week, pay nuiu io uiu earners, iiy man sa.iun year, or so cents n month, pnyalilo In advance. Advertise ments charged according tuppneoand position. The lmhHshcrfl reserve the right to change the riosuiou or auvertiemcnts whenever tho puii Icatlon of news demand It. The right la rcsencd to reject any advertlement, whether paid for or not, that the publishers may deem Improper. Advertising rates mado known upon application. Entered at tho potof)lcc at Shenandoah, l'a., ns eccouu class man mailer. TULKPHONE CONNECTION. Evening Herald WEDNESDAY, JUNK 10, 1S00. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. ron coNautMAX-AT-i.Anoi:, C1AI.USIIA A. GROW, Of Susquehanna. SAMUEL A. DAVENl'OItT, Of Erie Partus leaving town for tho siiimner can havo tho KVENI-Vd Herald sent to tho resort whero they spend tho season at no incuaso of price. Tho paper being issued in tho evening will ho suro to reach people at a distance tho following day. Conoms-s is about to adjourn, leaving Gen eral Woylur still in possession of tbo field. Seciiktakv C.vitr.lkLE denies tho report that ho has become wealthy while holding his pioseut ollke. The President appears to be tho only member uf tho Administration who lias mado a fortune. TilEt'zar has left Moscow fur St. Peters burg, taklug with him his crown stained with tho blood of 3,000 victims. l!ut tho blood of 3,000 victims on tho erown of ltussia is a inoro drop in tho bucket. A JIahanoy City man suggests that no one bo admitted to tbo Miners' hospital who cannot produce a tax receipt. This plan, bo thinks, will solve tbo problem of collecting taxes from tho foreign element. A VJto.MlXEXT business man of (lirardvillo writes to tbo lliitui.li as fullows : "I am well pleased with tho IIekaj.d as an advertising medium." This is merely an old story re told and can bo verified by all who uso .theso columns. Ax exchange arranges tbo following roll ofjiiblical namoa: With Matthew (Juay at tbo bead of the National Committee, Mark llanna in tho stato management, Mr. I.uko Staley in tho local, and John Sherman to look after things generally, the McKinley campaign would open auspiciously. Matthew, Mark, I.uko and John it sounds Apostolic, aty way. 1 PtllNTPH' IxK Tints thn liftinfpill to thrnuslness man who doesn't advertise w'lieli it says: "Tho present is tbo time to advertise. You are losing money every day you wait. People aro spending money ovcry ininuto for just your sort uf goods." And thoro is no better medium than tho Heualu in Schuylkill county. Tho oldest established paper in tho town, it has tho prostigo and commands the attention of its thousands of readers. 7 The city of Johnstown, says the St. Louis (ilobo-Dcmocrat, which was overwhelmed by the waters of a biokcn dam May 31, lbbi), HiKtilllng several thousand people, is now a haudsomo and thriving place of -10,000 in habitants, having added 10,000 to its popula tion since that calamity. Johnstown lost 7 per cent, of its citizens in the raging tor rent, and yet it is now ono of the most pros perous cities of its sio in the -state. Ameri can pluck has always been found coual to etery emergency. The pastor of tho Methodist Episcopal church at Tmlle, lierks county, has given a practical exhibition of homo mission work that might with much profit to the poor at homo bo followed by others, llo announced a special collection for tho benefit of iv family of that placo whoso residence had been Bwept away by the recent cyclone. A largo con .grogatlou was present and the amount realized was worthy of tho cause for which it was donated. It it true that chaiity Is sometimes bestowed upon those not worthy to receive it, yet tlieru are hundreds in this and other communltiQH that mod a helping hand. They aro tho victims of circumstances over which they havo no control, and instead of expend ing thousands of dollars annually for foreign iuUious a portion of that amount might bo applied to aiUtiug the worthy poor at homo to a gieater extent than isnow done. POLITICAL POINTS. Tho position of tho Pottsvillo liepubllcan on tho question of tho Grccnlwck tail wagging tho liepublican dog any longer, is in accord with tho sentiments of a majority of tho Itepublicans north of the mountain. Now that Juhu Phillips has a good berth wo presumo ho will lie deaf to the lteeordor beo which Senator Coylo set to burning about his oars. Congressman Urumm's friends aro con gratulating themsolvon upou having switched John T. Shoenor off the track for the Con grtatlonal nomination. It might possibly havo been better to have kept him in the race. Dan. McCarthy, the actlvo politician of 1'reeland, is out ns a Democratic candidate for Senator in lower Luzerne, and to boom his candidacy along lias purchased a con trolling interest in tho Hazletou Truth. There aro 'about four Greenback liepubli cans in St. Clair. Ono of them is a Deputy Clork of tho Courts, another an Under Warden in tho prison, a third is a cadet at Annapolis, while tho fourth, our gonial mid bonded friend, Dan, Dully, it secretary f the county committee, with a notion to shy h i outer in tho ring again for another county ofneo. The I"attIon presidential boom has ap vr lontly been struck by a cyclone, The k nd of warfare tho Pottsvillo 1!( publican i waging against Congressman llrumm la hardly eontlitent with cloun journalism, and may react in a manner so as to .strengthen Mr. llrtimm's position. Wo believe, liki hundreds of liepublicans, that there aic any number of good toasons why tho present Congressman should step asiilo for some ono else. Tho licpuhllcaii has adopted tho wrong course to accomplish that end. Hon. Joseph Wyatt is saying very llttlo these days, but tho wood-pllo in his liaek yard is growing to magnificent proportions, Tho friends of genial Dan. Drennan aro confident ot his nomination for Commissioner by the Democratic county convention. II. Jcll'erson Yost, whoso groat-grent-grand father fought in tbo Colonial army, announces to his friends that ho Is a enndidato for Clork of the Courts. Jell' is no novico in tho field of politics, and when tho round-up comos Ills lories will be marshaled with tbo skill of a veteran general. The Pottsvillc "coinblno" is looking for a Shenandoah liepublican for tho olllco of Register. It will not work, though. Tho political gossip appearing fn the columns ol the 'Xamaqua Recorder furnishes interest- ing reading for tho county statesmen, lly tho way, Tamauua will bo an important nattio ground tins tall, bolore and after tbo county convention. Emanuel Jenkyn, tho workiueman's candidate, is making an nggrosslvo fight for Uecordcr, Mr. Jenkyn is a staunch ltcpuhlican who would add much strength to tno ticket. The liepublican paity will not want for candidates this fall. Georgo Primer's friends sav ho will bo nominated lor County Treasurer, with little, it any, opposition. PITHY POINTS. Happenings Throughout tho Iteglon Chron icled for Hasty Perusal. Tho painters and paper-hangers aro busy. Tho Pottsvillo hospital is in need of funds. Tho Gilberton bicycle raeo will bo held on Saturday afternoon. Thoro is a demand for machinists at tbo Jeanesvillo Iron Works. Ashland wheelmen have formed a evelo club, with twenty-fivo members. 1 lvo-year-old Alice Drehor was run over by a trolley air at hhamokin and was killed. Iho Justices and Constables Association will meet in Pottsvillo at 1:00 p. m. uoxt Monday. LawrciU'O Dunn to-day chanced his nlaco of residence from West Cherry street to West Hucklcberrjvillcy. eathcrly's burcoss has Issued a nroc- laination to muzzle all dogs from Juno 15th to September 15th. James McCabe, inside foreman at Schuvlkill colliery, Mas slightly burned about tho hands and face yesterday. the shooting match between Kraus and Weeks is off, tho latter being very ill at his home in Park Place. Harry Williams, of Gilberton. fell twentv feet at ono of tho collieries at that nlaco on Monday and broko his leg. E. YV. Rowley is no Iongor in tho cmnlov of tho Kalcr ilrowing Company, his resignation having been accepted on Saturday. J ho Echigh alley Coal Company has awarded tho contract for all stripping work which they aro now doing to a Philadelphia h rm. An operation was performed upon Dr. P. II. McCarthy, of St. Clair, at tho Pottsvillo hospital yostcrday. Ho is suffering from appendicitis. Mcholas liuflling was run over by a P. & It, train Monday night at Sliamokin, cutting off his right arm and leg. Ho was removed to tho Miners' hospital. Tho joint debato on tho financial question, in tno camp room ot Camp 81, 1". O. S. of A at Ashland, this evening is attracting much attention and will provo interesting. Cards aro out for tho wedding of Miss Alphia, daughter of llov.and Mrs. liowcrs, of I rackville, to Elmer It. Eachman, on Tues day, Juno 23d, at St. Peter's Reformed church, rrackvlllo. A Jr. O. U. A. M. Council will bechartered at Quakako in a few weeks. Members of Council No. 70S, Heaver Meadow, havo so- cured enough names of charter members to warrant tho organization. Within thico weeks there will bo a great rovival among tho United Mine Workers National President P. II. l'enna, Mcilrido and l-'aliy will visit this section and inako nightly addresses, with a veiw of solid organization clean to the Lackawanna region Harper's Weekly. During Juno articles on tho following sub jects will bo published in Harper s Weekly Iho Republican Convention at St. Louis (profusely illustrated); Tho Destructive Cyolono at St. Louis : Tho Coronation of tho Czar Tho Yalo Crow for Heuloy ; Opening of tho Ecu Eako Indian noservation. S, It. Crockett's serial, Tho Gray Man, will bo concluded, and a now novel by W. D, Howells, entitled Tho Landlord of tho Lion's Head, will bo begun. Illustrations for Mr. Howells's story havo been mado by Snicdlcy. Will Not PerformMiracles But It Will Cure. It. MILES' BESTOr.ATIVK NEBVINE cures nervous prostration. Not mi raculously, but scientifically, by first removing tho gorms ot dlscaso, and then supplying healthy nerve food, increasing tho appetite, helping digestion and strength ening tho entiro system. Desperate cases requlro prolonged treatment as shown by that of Mrs. M. 11. Reed, of Delta, Iowa, who writes: "As tho result of a lightning stroke, the physicians said I had a light atroko of paralysis, my limbs would all draw up. I Tv Mtloc' would havo throublngs in my chest that seemed unendurable. For throo months I could not sloep and for thrco weoks did Nervine Restores TTpilih not closo my oyos. 1 HCtlllllMtt prayed for sleep, and felt that If relief did not come I would bo dead or insane I took Dr. Miles' Rostora tlvo Norvlno aud the socond night slept two hours and from that time on my hoalth im proved; slowly at first, but steadily and surely. I took in all 40 bottles, and I cannot express .how grateful I am, for I am now perfectly well, and nave taken no mcdlclno for over four months." Dr. MIIos' Nervine Is sold by druggists on guarantee that first bottlo benefits or money refunded. Hook on heart nnd norves free. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. COTTOLfiNU. question of the wholesomeness of the food prepared with vegetable oil. The healthful ness of the animal fat obtained from the hog is and always has been questioned. Those who eat food prepared with Cottolene have nothing to fear. vegetable shortening, free from the unwholesome greasiness of lard. The 1 . t 1 i . . ... . . is seeKing me purest ana most economical Sold everywhere. The genuine has trade-marks "Cottolene" and steer's Jiead in cotton-plant wreath on every tin. TUB N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Cltlcajio, ' New Yorlt, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh. RIOT AT A CONVENTION. Tho Defeat or tho yunjites at tho Allo- glicny County Conventions. PlTTSBUiiG, Juno 10. The elu-hteen Hc- pulillcnn county conventions vero held yesterday nnd resulted In n decided victory for tho regulars. Tho reformers secured tno rcnomlnntlon of . A. Htono for con gress lu tho Twenty-third dlstrlot and tho four assemblymen In tho First nnd Socond legislative districts in Allegheny City. Tho other faction carried ovcrythlng else, naming John Dnlzoll for his tenth term In congress nnd John "W. Crawford and C. L. Mngoo for tho stnto senate In tho Forty fourth and Forty-fifth senatorial districts, respectively. A riot occurred In tho Eighth legislative convention, and thn Quay pooplo, with Thomas A. TUlbrook, of MoKcosport, ns their enndidato, bolted and held u conven tion of their own. Sonio of tho Quay lead ers say tho independent ticket In tho Eighth will not bo tho only ono, us It Is tho intention to noinlnato an entirely new Quay county ticket. During tho struggle In tho convention tho seats of tho common council chamber wero torn up and thrown ubout.dcsks ovcrturucd.plstols brandished nnd rrulto iv number of heads wero bumped and oyos blackened. It required u Equad of twenty police to restoro order. liucklen's Arnica Salve. Tho best salvo in tho world for cuts, bruises, soros, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores. ICl.Vl, UlrtJ'lU ..units, wiuumiua, auu all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perlcct satisfaction or mony rctunded. Price 25 cents per box, For sale bv A. Wasloy, A Slicnandoali Alan's Itad Itui-galn Tho Malianoy City Itecord tells of a bad bargain mado by a Shcuaudoah stock dealer. It appears that Simon Miller, of town, with a viow to always driving a good bargain, traded cows witli 31. J. Mulvey, tho tea agent, and received an animal that had nut been fresh for two years. Tho following day Miller appeared in Mahauoy City with tho cow and n calf, and ofl'ered to trado them for Alem Stciner's horse. Tho latter knew of the former's transaction with Mulvey and also knew that tho cow and calf boro no re lation. Ho also took much pleasure from the fact that his horso preferred but ono motion and that of backing. Tho animal cost him $3.00. Tho bargain was made, much to tbo delight of Simon. Tho latter, however, wa3 very anxious to swap back when ho found which way tho horso had been trained to go. Simon left tho town mad all over, with his new purchaso tied to his wagon aud rosistiug with all fours. ICellcf In Six Hours. Distressing kidnoy and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by tho "New Great South American Kidnoy Cure." This new remedy is a great surpnso on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in tho bladder, kidneys, back and every part of tho urinary passages in nialo or iemalo. It relieves retention of water and pain In passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and euro this is your remedy. Sold by Shaplra's pharmacy, 107 South Main street. The Logan Colliery Strike, Special to KVE.NIM) IlEItALD, Ceuthama, Juno 10. Tho employes of tho Logan colliery at Centralia continuo on their strike against tho reduction being enforced by tho now superintendent, E. T. Connor. Tho colliery is still idle. Tho men made a proposition to the couipauy, looking to a com promise of tho diffcultion, Hint the reduction bo mado live cents on a car instead of ten, which was refused. Tho report that Supt. Conner had been shot is unfounded, and ulso tho sensational telegrams published in several county papers about au oscliango of shots between tho men and tho superinten dent. Thoro was no shooting, aud tho strikers aro conducting thomselvog in a quiet manner, l'lugers Smashed. Edward Eeoso had his two middlo lingers on his left hand smashed at Indian IMdgo colliery this moruiug by tho slamming of tho door on tho oil house. Tho nail on ono of tho lingers was torn oh" and tho ilosh terribly lacerated on tho other. Tho wounds wero drosscd by Dr. G. M. Hamilton, Whim vnn want pood roofintr. rduniblnB. gas fitting, or general tlnsmlthlng dono call on E, F. Gallagher 18 West Ceutro street Dealer lr stoves. 1-tf COTIOLCNE. MI POTTSVILLE LETTER. l'OTTSVILLE, Juno 10. A two-weeks session of Criminal Court will bo held commencing Monday morning. There are two murder cases on tho list, and District Attorney Ucchtel with his deputios aro busily engaged in preparing cases for trial. After this sossiou court will tako the usual summer vacation. Testimony was taken this morning in 'tho partition proceedings of tho Jano llradbury estate DKEDS RECORDED, From Mary Lynch to Margaret Coyle, for lot in Shenandoah. From A. S. Wilson and wife to Georgo 15, Lurwick, for premises in Port Carbon. From Patrick and Ilridgct Monagbau to John Monaghan, for lot in Butler township, From Daniel Ilyorly and wife to John A, Eaudenbush, for lots in Schuylkill Haven. From John Brock to Henry Barnard, for lot in Ashland. From Lehigh and Wllkesbarro Coal Com pany to Comilo Bruno, for lot in Kline town ship. MAItntAOn LICEKSE. Marriage liccusos wero granted to tho fol lowing; Movis P. Maitlaud.and Emma K. Slobig, both of Asiilaud ; Walenty Chudzinski aud Amelia Zubcr, both of Shenandoah; Cornelius F. Straub aud Clara M. Fey, both of Pottsvillo. Stincy Michael, tho popular hotelkeeper, received a largo sea turtle by express from Auglcsea, New Jersey, this morning. It weighs 150 pounds aud will furnish turtle soup for his many patrons. Col. Henry Itoycrand family arrived homo to-day from Philadelphia, whero they havo been spending tho past few days. They have been living at Denver for the last four years for tho benefit of tho Colonel's health, which has been restored sulllciently to allow him to return home. Georgo M. Itoads, Esq,, is iu Scranton on business for several days. Caught In the Screens. Young Caiferty, 10 years old. workinc at tbo Hammond colliery, was caught in tbo screens yesterday. His right leg was broken in two places. His parents rosidoat Girard villo. YESTERDAY'S BASE BALL GAMES. N'atlonnl League. Atl'lllladolnhlo Clnvnl.iml O. Phllmlnl. phln, 1. At Now York Now York, 7; Cin- muuuri, . At uroomyn Brooklyn, 6; Pittsburg, 1. At Boston St. Louis, 5; Boston, o. Other gaiuos postponed by rain. Kasteru League. At Springfield First gamo: Springfield, 14; Itochoster, D. Second gamo: Ilochostor, 0; Springfield, 8. At Wllkesburro Wllkes barro, 11 ; Buffalo, 0. At Scranton To ronto, 15; Scranton, & At Provldonce Providenco, 7; Syrncuso, 2. I'cnusylvanLt Statu League. At Pottsvillo Pottsvillo, 0; Carbondnlo, 0. At ShamolUn Athletics, 11; Shatnokln, 0. At Lauoastor First gamo: Hazleton, 11 ; Lancaster, B. Second gamo : Lancaster, ll;IhloUm, 10. At York First gamo; York, (1; Easton, 5. Socond guino; York, C; Huston, 2. ltht-uiuatUui Cured lu u Day, "Mystic Curo" for Rheumatism and Neu ralgia radically euros in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon tho system Is remarkable and mysterious. It romovos at oaco tho cause and tho diseaso immediately disappears. Tho first dose groatly benefits; 75 cents. Wdby C. II. Hagenbuch, Druggist, Shenandoah. Ills Scheme Didn't Work. Niagara Falls, N. Y., Juno 10. Tho story that was told yostordny by E. B. Ilouderson ns to the Identity of a man who was supposed to havo fallen Into tho rlvor and passed over tho fulls Monday night, whllo trying to savo his hat. provos to bo a fake. Chief of Police Dlnoen dls covered yesterday that Henderson and Goorge Iliaok, tho supposed diwnodmun, woro tho siiuo, and that tho two men whom Henderson said ho had seen on Lunn Island had not boon thoro at all. Henderson hus toon ldcntlflod by tho local pollcoits nu nllogod insurance swindler, well known to tlioiu. v Ask your grocer for tho "Eoyal Patent" flour, and tako no other brand. It is tho best Hour mado, COTTOLliND. snortening, will hnd it Delano School Coiiiiiielieiiient. Tho third annual commencmeut of tho Delano High school was held last evening, tinder tho auspices of tho class of '00. Tho motto of tho class is "Out of tho harbor into tho sea." Tho following was tho program: March; anthem, Praiso bo to God; prayer, Itov. F. C. Buyers; salutatory essay, Our Bows aud Arrows, Millio Smith; gleo, Swiftly From tho Mountain's Brow; essay. Mothers, Dcdio Crossan; recitation, How ho Saved St. Michael's, Clara M. Kimbel; duett. I Know a Bank; declamation, Tho Futuro of tho United States, Llzzto B. Butlpr, recita tion, Curfew Must not King To-uight, Dedio Crossaii; violin solo, Auld Lang Syuo, Bucholz, Millio Smith; essay, Thou Slialt Find it After Many Days, Clara M. Kimbel; class oration, Out of tho Harbor Into tho Sea, Llzzio B. Butler; gleo, Voices of tho Night; oration, valedictory, A Smooth Sea Never Mado a Skillful Sailor, H. Oliver Moser; presentation of diplomas, AIoiizq P. Blakslee, president School Boards anthem, Evening Blessing; benediction. Did You. Kter Try Elcctrio Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottlo now aud get relief. This medicino has been found to bo peculiarly adapted to the relief and curo of all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength aud tone to tho organs. If you havo Los of Appetite, Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, or aro Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melancholy or troubled witli Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters is tho medicino you need. Health and strength aro guaranteed by its us-o. Largo bottlos only fifty cents at A. YVasley's drug store. Minister Taylor 111 in Paris. WASIIIXOTOV jllllnln Wnnl liadMinl.. fid "Vnshlnrrr,mi fhnt. AT . TTnnilo TWi- United States minister to Spain, has been lur-eii iu in t-ans. no was on ills return to Madrid from England, after sending his family home. Dr. D. It. ltothrock, of Now Berlin, Pa., does not hesitato to recommend Chamber lain's medicines. Ho says: "I havo hand led them for a year or moro iu my pharmacy aud find them safo and reliablo. My cus tomers praiso them vory highly." No one who is troubled with rheumatism can uso Chamberlain's Pain Balm without praising it. Tho quick relief from pain which it affords is alone worth many tlmos its cost. For salo by Gruhlcr Bros., druggists? P. J. CANFIELD, Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity For BARBEY'S ' Beer and Porter. Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer. Celebrated Female, I'owders never fall. ..rasnd mraf after falllDi .... n. luinnnvil 1'illa tnl other likr V SsilSi AlwMTi buy the tint ind avoid jjlup. to: link Mr, Bortm, Mut. it in i no uiitn - - For sale at I'ovlus, 's drug store, S3 Enet Centro street. ROW'S Utati mi -MM COTTOLENU. It is a pure housewife who POLITICAL CARDS. OR LEGISLATUIU3, becond District, H. W. BECKER, Of Glrardvlllc, Pa. Subject to Democratic rules. JlOIt COUNTY TKEASURER, ELIAS DAVIS, Of Broad Mountain. Subject to Republican rulca. JjlOU CLEItK OF THE COURTS, PHIL. J. C0NNELL, Of C-lrardvllle. Subject to Democratic rules. TjlOIt COUNTY COMSIISSIONEIt, FRANK RENTZ, Of Ashland. Subject to Republican rules. JjlOIt RECORDER, EMANUEL JENKYN, Ol Jollett, Porter Township. Subject to liepublican rules. CHAS. F. ALLEN, Of Tamaqua. Subject to Republican Rules. "JjlOR CLERK OP THE COURTS, JOHN T. SH0ENER, Of OrwlKsburtf. Subject to Republican rules. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 1 S. PHILLIPS, M. D. J, Office : 30 West Centre street. Can bo consulted at all hours. p F. BURKE, M. D. SO E. Lloyd street, Shenandoah. Office bours : 7 to 9 a. in., 1 to S nndj to S p. in. H. l'OMEROY, ATT0R.NEY-AT-LAW, Shenandoah, Pa. M- M. BURKE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. -p-n-n. i...tl.ltnv Nimer nf Mnln Anil Centre streets, Shenandoah. pROF JOHN JONHS, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 63, Mahanoy City, Pa. Having studied under some of the belt musters in Loudon and Paris, will glvo lessons on the violin, gultnr nnd vocal culture. Terms reasonable. Address In caro ot Strouse, the eweler, Shenandoah, JOHN F. CLEARY, i l'URE SELTZBR WATER ROTTT FR i cure tor headache aud DJ 1 1 i-J-IV i stomach troubles. I GINOKR AI.K. fF ! WEISS 11K15R, ul i LAGER HEER, 1 PORTER. 7 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah. Teams to Hire. It you want to hire a sale and reliable team for driving or for working purposes pay Shields' livery stable a visit. Teauls constantly on hand at reasonable rates, JAMES SHIELDS, No. 110 East Centre street. Opposite Reading railroad station. 'ANSY PILLS! !FC AND SURE. SUQ 40. HlfHOHk 3 SAFE ;UAPt' Wax Specific Co-.Pxula.PA. For sale at I'ovinalcy's drug store, 23 East intuitu B,VC. DRUG MS