fit 3 IF A PORE DEC0ME3 CLOGGED Inflammation and Irritation .sot In causing PIMPLES Blotches, blackhca-ls, I 'r blemishes, anil falling hair. T'.io c I rtvontlvo is CUTICURA SOAP. liecauso tho oiily provcutlvo of Inflanirrln tlon anil clogging of tho Foims. o.u ... n,in th .nrntilutd .air. tit ill other iktn and TOmrt.xlcm loapt. Soli throuKhoul tho world. roTTlB Ilnco junCnm. tr . rto. I ro, union. OJ- Bend for " Unw to Frevent Facial UicoiauM." freo. DR. LOBB'S BOOK FREE To Jt 8r.flrrs of KllKOItS 01' YOUTH,. I.OIT VlUOIt unit IlIMiASIiS MI' BllStV AND VVd.tllv.V. 209 pages? cloth Doundt curely sealed nd mailed free Treatment by mall ; trlctly 'ontldentlal, and a positive, quick curjj guaranter-d. No matter bow leaf standing 1 wut pos Ively cure you. Write or calL flR ORR 329 tJ. I5th St. PhHa.Pa. Ull JfJfJSIitart'CuntlttuouipraU Headache Cured. A quick euro, a certain cure. ) the best care U TAYLOR'S ANTI-HEADACHE POWDERS. We never heard of n case whore thoy failed. YVo never ox. pect to hear of one Don't uo afraid to harmless. Thoy a not contain one tingle atom of any dancer ons drnc. Tor tills reason It Is well to shun all other head- vj. noho modlclnoR. v Avoid risk by Insist- j lng on getting IAY- LOR'S. Our powders can easily be dlstln- g gulshed by the do- C llghtfnl odor and pleasant taste, nnd 2 they look llko ground coffee. Best of II nil, they euro almost Instantly. Jot ... . -..-..I..., 2 TRENTON, N. J p GRUHLER BROS. OLD DR. TI1EEL to0,ed 604 Gntriatecii."Hr." ab. Green. Philadelphia, CbtUensea th. vlJ. from the utrertlslnir ioe. ialUt up to the leciurlDg frofuion.ln cnrlng i 1'OlbOX. Ko taautrbowlinxerlDK, iercraatt I dknororoni the troubls ma b. Ni rvmn ll. ' bllltr.lrrorfi of Vnuth anil I.oam til" I'owcf' corfii without eottlng. Mt.TliEKL Upo-UivelT tbeoldeit. the Ict end must sMllnil tind tvpciienccuoiie, no tDktte hkt Other marelalm. Heiitl HveS-cent itarnni for bouETrutli''nlbj enllghtcne-i rtgirdlng rrmr d"ctue ernl bow to est cure.1, Tb onlr book l:XVOi?.J OlTACKfc autf tbclr booki nml Clrciilnrtu Itiiiaotre- nr. Jt reU (ai cured In 4tolU liar,. Ilonrit 9 to S; F-e., C to 9. VeJ. and hat. Kt r., 6 lo 10; Ban.. 9 to lit Etga (6to9. Trt'utinentby 51 nil. UThea yon rito or can -h'diioh mim jmper. i.oara ma longing If aeilred. ea4aVS Taken inter nally cures cramps and ail bowel .'sudden rfcold3, chilh atid'La Grippe. Used extcrnUy ft 13 the best liui- mcnt in the world. Beware of imitations, buy only the genuine X : j J errrtwkar. Lrt Utih. a .od M o.U eu. O 4oe5oeoo6sooo5sesso GDRED TO STAY CURED. Does This Mean Anything to You t it your truss don't Hold you Or is. causing pain, see us at once. It may savo you years of sutterlug. Wo have cured hundreds of people in Pennsylvania, andean reler you to patients ured in your own town. Our treatment is harmless and will not keep you from your -dally labor. Call and have a talk with our doctor. It will cost you nothing. Wpfeuaran. tee relief after the first treatment, and our prices aro reasonauie. The Dr. AUUer Co., Philadelphia. Seo Our Doctor Every Tuesday, at UNION HOUSE. Ashland,-Pa, 30000000C000OO90880980e09 Lauer's Lager and Pilsner Beers, Finest, Purest andv Healthiest. Chris. Schmidt, Agu, 207 West Coal Street. BASE BALL RECORDS. Standing of tlir- un .tt tin- Itnoe for Championship lVnnanU. rCntliinal Lvtirrite. cr.rn. w. t.. l-.f. rvm. w. r. p.r. Cli-f iland- 28 1) Am UrcKilclyn . . ft ?J .& Italtimirra . 31 IS .'Ul Cilono.. .. 81 2.! .4S; PhUnd-lV IM M .rtl'l Pl.tvrar4 IS 20 .17 Clneiuimtl t 11 X'V.H 2J .4 Bmt'JD Ai 17 ,57i Ht. Lal .. 1.' 29 WBult'un... 20 19 .518 Loitlnvllln.. 0 3! .2.1 SATTRUAY'3 NATIONAL I.KAOUK OAMKJ. AtPMlntloliilila l'hllndehihlri. 5: I'ltts- burpt, 3. At liD-tfin ChlmiiM, -J: H.nton I. At DrooUlvn Clliclnnntl. 13: Umok lyn. 0. At Hitltliuove noro. 11 Cl"veland, 0. At Now York .St. Louis. 5 K 'v Yurk, 4. At Wtiahliiainii Wtthlna tuu, 10; LouUrlllo, H. KtHtfru Lcnr;tio. v. T in. nr.ttu. w. p.n. Providence 21 0 .710 lluffttW 19 17 .31i K ichoster.. 2-J 12 Ml WlUttrSb'rn. It' 211 .84' Syracuse.-17 14 .6 SonHlWtt ... 10'W .88V Toronto 17 14 .515' SurlnBfl'Id. 11' 28 .82. SATnr.BAY'r CASTtttiT tMttXriTUXUtA ' At VUtanl)iirro Htiffril.i. 'S: A'lTlto barro,2. At'Scrnntonrfrpton, tffiVq- rouro, i. At Hprilifcflold-St)vliiKfleld:TJ Rochoster, 4 .At Pr'dvtdenco-SPrrtvlJoiico 11; Syracuse, 2. ' ' ' ( : x Atlantic T.ear;uo. '; cxnn. w. 1 1. P.O. CI.ITIH. w. i. on Pawrsnn. .. 23 13 .OJ) Ilarttbrd... 2i) 21 .4S HeivarR..... 21 13 .538 "WiJmnTjt'n 17' M, .4' SATTJllDAY A ATLAS'TIO' I-EAOIk! OAMBS. At'A'iitnilli'gtOnr-Pntorson, 7; Wilmlnr.. ton. 0. At No wort Nawnrk. 10: Nuw Itn ven, 4. At Hurforfl-lIitrtford, 13; Metro- puttutu, -i. SUNDAY'S ATLANTIC LTIAOUK OAMEi, At Potorsoii Pitturson, o; llarrfuril. 1 At Aowurk ro Hnron. 7; Ivowttrk, li. l'ciintjlrmitti Stnto Letiuo. cr.un?. w. l. P.O. cr.unA. w. t. r.o Lnncaiter. 24 0 .800 Hazletoii... 12 18 .4X Athletic... 21 0 .SOJ Eion 11 19 .S'll Carbmdalo 20 11 .845 Pottvillo... 10 21 .82! Shamokhi- 11 10 .-107 York 0 24 .2J( BATCUDAY'S I'KNXSYLVANtA I.KAOUK OAMK! At Lnncnstor Limciiritcr, 10; Huston, 0 At York Curbondtilo, 0; York, 2. Al Shnmokin Shatnaklu,15; Hnzletou.lO. Al 1'oUsvlUe Athlotics, u; Pott'villo, 4. Mnrderer RnnbornN .Snrond Victim. PniLAUKLPIIlA, .Tuna 8. Mrs, Bulla San born, wlio wan murderously itsiulted bj her mnnlao fnthcr-lu-liiw, Ira rn)iborti on tho night of May 2(), tiled yesterday ivf tornooti an tho rosult of bur lujurlos. Tin arisault was coininlttou whilo she wai sleeplnrr In bed with her 6-months'-olt child, during tho ubseuco of hur husband who Is it nlpht worker, foanborn, whohac been thought only mildly liisnne, hail beet reproved by his dnurihter-lu-hiw durlnt tho day. in rovongo ho stout upon the sleeping woman at midnight, nnd with ac iron oonpllng pin lnfllctod the fatal inju rios. Ho thon Set flro to tho house and lied. Tho child wns ro badly burned that II died a few hours afterwards. Sanborn was cupturod nnd oommlttod to un asylum. l'cll a Hundred and 1'lfty lVct to Iiontli. PciiAXTO.V, Ph., Juno B. Josoph llalll- man, 18 yearn old, mot n terriblo death by falling down tho Munvllloi-huft. n distance of lo0 tout. Ilalllnian mill his two brothers were on tho earringo ascending tho shaft. He wns looking upward, and being untie-' customed to mines liecmno dizzy and top pled ovor. Tho carriage Was then ubout 150 feet from the foot of tho shaft, nnd Halllmau was found lying dead tit the bottom of tho shaft. His head was fright fully mangled. 1'orttottlco Safo DyjiamlttMl. Bellefontk, Pa., JunoS.Kitrly yester day morning robbers entered ho post ofllco at Snow Shoo, nnd blow open the safe with dynamite. About flOO worth of stamps were t-toloti and $00 worth of postal cards nnd stumped envelopes destroyed. Charles Gray, William Myers and Will iam May, of Philadelphia, and Hownrd Smith, of Kentucky, were arrested on sus picion and brought to this city for safe keeping. ratal Tall with ll ScalToId. Bethlehem, Pa., June 8. While Cyrus Moser and Alexander Kldd were at work on top of thirty foot scaffold at Lipp & Button's sllK mm tno scnuom coiiapseu. Tho men were precipitated to tho cellar below. Mosur was Instantly killed, hla neck being broken. Almost ovory bono in Kidd's bodv was brokon. Ho was re moved to thohospltnlinndylng condition, uoctor3 gnlj 110 could llVO bllt few hours. Tho mon wcro ongnged in whitewashing tho top of tho olovntor shaft when tho accldont occurred. Qiiayltcs Ilcfented In Allegheny County, PlTTSBCr.o, Juno 8. Tho Allegheny countv Republican prlniarlos held ou Satunlav afternoon were tho hottest In the history of tho county, xno result shows that tho Quayltos were badly boaten. Thoy socuretl four members of tho legislature In Allegheny City, two iu Seventh district and ono in tho Eighth. Tho regulars win two senators nnd eight members or tho legislature, aim prouauiy nil of tho county offices. There scorns to bo sonio little ilpubt about controller and judge. Dent nnd Itobbed n Peddler. Tasiaqua, Ph., Juno 8. Jacob Michael, nn Arabian peddler, ISO years of age, was robbed unit sovoroly beaten near town uy two men nnd n boy. Ho was on his way to town when ho met tho trio, who knocked him lnsonslble and robbed hliu of 7o cash nnd stock worth iHO. The Discovery Sated III Life. Mr. G, Calllouetto, Druggist, Ueaversvlllo, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe mr life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the physicians for miles about, but of uo avail and was given up nnd told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I scut for n bottle and began Its use and from the first dose began to get better, aud nfterusing thrco bottles was upaudabout again. It is worth its weight In gold. We won't keep storo or houso without It." Get a fvco trial at A. wusieva urug store. GlaiMuno'H Denunciation of Turkey, London, Juue 8. Mr. Gladstone has written a reply to a oorrepondoiit,ln which he says: "In my opinion the Turkish gov ernment Is the graitost soourgu of man kind and Is tho greato-,t hoatldal and ills grace to religion, includlug tho religion of Mahomet, on tho faoo of tho earth." The Weather. Kor eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware and Now Jersey Local rains nml thunder storms, with partly rloudy weather; warmer near coast ; southerly winds. KlieuiiiutUm Cured in u Way. "Mystic Curo" for nhcumutism and Neu ralgia radically euros lu 1 to 3 days. Its actio'uupon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes nt once the cause and tho dlseaso Immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits i 75 cents. Sold'by O. U. Hasenbucb, Druggist, Suenaudoah. COTTOLUNIJ, I ! PreParefaodwith the besflf,e best The Cottotenr tra niirks are "Ctetfolfnc" and ifwr'j Tiead in cottotuplQul wreath on every tin THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chlcaoo. "-Tnf,l,hHi..lMpM'i. rjttabnr- Tcamo to Hire. If Vou want to htro a unfa and reliable tenia for lirmnu of for worklnc purposrp pay SlileUU' livery stable a visit. Team coiiftuntly on baud at reasonable ratcp. JAMES SHIELDS, No. 410 Et Centre street, Opposite Read! ps i allroad station. nillions of Dollars Go up in smoke every year. Tako no risks but get your houses, stock, fur niture, etc., insured in first-class re liable companies as represented by TNAVm T3ATTCT Insurance Agent, unuu nuui, 130 Houtn Slain HI. AIo I.I to and Aocldentnl Companies. The "Twin Comet" and "Little Giant" LAWN SPRINKLERS. nuHT Made Unique, KalctiMit, Labor Having. "fill sprinkle four times irrentcr area than other sprinkler ln.u!e. UlKlicit awari! at tno uiueaij;o Iixposltio'i. Send for Circulars Giving Testi monials and Prices, E. STEBB1NS MFG. CO., Solo Manufacturers, Springfield, Mass. For sale by all hardware and rubber stores In the United tnteii, Oilcho.tcrVi EnclUh Diamond llrand. Urlslnul and Only Conu!nc . A Arc, aJwara rulabla. ladies ai c VtomM tor a(tft(arf W D-f mond Brand Id lted nn-l Gold metallio ?nosei, eaiei vitb Dine tiodod, mko x 'tiont and ImiltUton. At nrailili. or icpl 4 la itareri tor rartlculara, mUmontaaa atil aiuIL 10,000 TtiitmonLiO. A'ame iopcr. loll tt ail I-w.." "roiiilitA. rhllnuoi fliinsb iwu uoioreu Br, ,ri lulcer. lo Moutrt, iiair-rainngi iiio s;wn. 9 IS EM El) x cel., UU7 fliaionic iem?i.j r-Sinnnn 11.. tftT nroof. of CUrOB. Cunl- Btiil, SGOO.OOO. Worst cases cored to 1CI Hto OS duy. 100-pne Iiooil me. .CHASES Bloody3 Serve Food For Weak' and Run-Down People from ' Childhood to Old Age. JJ U AT :-T It? ThA r(sV,eaf f .11 .n.f nt-.llwa Foods, hcnnse it replaces tbe saioe snbatancea to tlm blood and Dtrvps that'are tibanatedin tncfiw two Mie-RivluiT nulds by disease. iDdfgestlon, high liiing, overwork, worry, exce&swt, abuse, tto, WHAT JT DOES! lij malvg the blood pnrti and rich, and tbe digestion perfect, it creiAea ao'.ld tlesli, muscle and streopth. Tho Derves b ina mad a atronir. the brain becomea active and clear. For rbtoring loBt vitality and stopping all wabtlng drafna and weakneua in either ai, it has noenual i and an fpiualeretrnlator it la worth It Height W gold. OtkeboxUftsawefk. Price 5c, or o Doses ajf or uy man. iMiOKircCi . THE DR. CHASE CO IV. PA NY, 1512 Chettnut I'hUadelphli. VETERINARYSPECIFICS Tor Zttzbi, Cattle, Ehcep,-EoE, Xcgs, AMD PO0LTET. AOOPage Tlook on Treatment ofAnlmals fltl.l I'.Uart ,. Ifrtt... COT.ESjrevcrn.roUBestlonn.Inllamrnntlos A.A.lMilunl lUeulnBlttH, Milk l'ovrr. Il.ll.Mrnioi, I.amcneaii, UhenniaUsm. i;.u.i,iir.iiiper, rtasai iiiscuarserj. ar (Jrubg, Worms. K.K...Conirbtf, Heaven, l'neanion!a IM'.Collo or (irlpen, Ilcllracbe. ).(). niUcnrrlurrc. llcinorrhaEeri. II. II. Urinary nad Kidney UUeaacs. DlNpneim. Itlanare. J.K.--l)liuesot" Uliftntiou. I'aralysM, Ciogle Dottle (over W doses), - ,00 Stable Case, with Rpeclflcs, MaaudL Veterinary Curo Oil and Medlcator, $7,00 Jar Veterinary Cure Ull. J, 00 BoM brDrnefUlii p ...t ir.,U4 aajwb.rnd taanr llHrlinttS'SlD. (a, HI A IlirnnUraSt, X.wTork. HOMEOPAXIUO fffr SPECIFIC No.kO la use 30 jean. Tha onlrcuccesflfat remedffor i rt.LiMi.. Uii.l 911. .t.... I and f'rfiatnttlnn. f rnm overcrorlc op other canaea. 81 iier vial, or 6 villa and largo vtal powder, for 85. mnrilltliTS'JKU.CaaStiAllSUlUIaai faU.9iwiork. For sale nt Povlusky's druc store, 2-1 list Centre street. I. C. WATSON, Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer. Cigar., Tobacco, Ate. Agent for Reading llrewlng Co.'a Heer and Toiler. 11 and 11B S. Main St 'AMSY PILLS! Sn alio suhe. s!N0 4c.fiis' woman 3 SAfl CUAf" Vlk-1K SPCiricCOjPHllja-PA. I'or sal at l'ovlnky' drug (torn i Kast ventre strrci. F mm HUMPHREY fJM DMlMIMa Egyptian Troops Havo a Big Fight with the Khalifa's Forces. rULLY A THOUSAND MEN SLAIU. Tho Troop. March mi l'lt ki t In tin- Xirtlit, mil Ciipturr tb I'biet! After a linttli' La.tlug an Hour nml 11 Hall -Tilt?' l.os of I io I.vptlaiis Very Small. l''I!!KKT, Kgypt, June 8. This point wis taken by Egyptian tr.iops nt nne irly hour yesterday morning, nml their manner ot ficmilttliiH themselves in this, the first en gagement of tho Xlln campaign, has given satlsfitotbm lo thu Iiritih olticers in com mand of thorn. TIib Kitrntlnn forces left Aknsheh, tho Kgyptlan outpost, Saturday evening. Tho distance is twenty mnos, ml it took tho whole night to ncoompitsn the march. Tho march was tiur.suotl In absolute si lenco. In coneemienco, tho arrival of the Krrvntians nt, tbn doi-vlsh ciinin took the enomy completely by surprlso.They rjulckly rallied, however, nnd rushed to their nrms. Thoy stood to their positions and mndo n stubborn dofense of tho camp for nil hour and n half, during which there wns nnru ugntlng. Tho dervishes' woro finally put to rout by n flank movement oxocutcd by tho env- lry. Tho forces of tho khalifa took lllght towards Suarda, pursued by tho cavalry. Suarda la nearly n hundred miles south of here, but it is strongly hold by n force or several thousand dervishes. Iloports so far received Indicate that tho loss tt tho dervishes will amount to a thousand men. A'mohg those killed is Emir Hntnmuda, who was their com mander, besides many Important cnicts. Tho Egyptian loss was twenty killed und eighty wouii''od. The dervlsiles mado n hard fight, with n largo force of riflemen, ami not only held their ground, but nttempted to advance with a porfect roar of musketry, which was repulsed by Shrapnell and Maxim hall nnd steady converging volleys, which shattered the mud houses of Flrkot. The position of tho dervishes was storniod from tho north, nml tho remnant of the ilorvisho.s mado a running light through tho hills towards Mograt. Hammtidn was In command of tho larger force at Suarda. Ho was of tho tribe of Habbnnla, nnd was well known to Slatln Pasha whilo the latter was n cnptlvo of the khalifa in tho soudan. Slatln has de scribed him as a great favorite with the khalifa, who promotod him to the mine ot emir because ho left his own tribe when tho insurrection llrt broke out to serve tho khalifa personally. It is probable that tho taking of inrKet was docldod upon owing to the doubtful strength of Altnhoh as an outpost, sur rounded as it Is by low hills, the taking of which would make Alcasheh a death trap. Tho finishing of tho railroad lino from Surras has lieoti rapidly pushed since tho oxpodltlon was dctonnlnod upon. By ex tending it to Flrkot tho worst cataract will bo turned, tiiul early advantage can thus lo taken of tho rise in tho Mlo at tho end of July for water transport to Dongola. Tho officers in command of thohgyptinn forces oxpross great gratification at tho conduct lu yesterday's fight of tho Egyp tians, about whom somo doubts havo been felt, ami tho Soudanese;, who havo been looked to with confidence for good fight ing, Both tho Egyptluns and Soudanese displayed great steadiness and dash. Hun dreds of dervishes were taken prisoners. Crisp'a Victory In Geiirgla. Atlanta, Juno 8. Democratic primaries were hold in nearly ull of tho 137 counties of Georma, and it looks as if tho admlnis- tratiou had not carried more than lllteen counties. Wherovor there has been a con test tho silver mon havo won. Thoy have carried several countios which they did not expect to win. About seven couutlos held prlmnrlos to allow Democrats to ox- press a choice for United States senator. Crlsn has w'on all along tho Hue. Not one oounty has tnstvuotod for Dublgnon. The staW convention, which meets in Mueon on Juno 25, will send au instructed silver delegation to Chicago. One Killed, Two Vutnlly Injured. NliW YoitK, Juno bt. An overloaded trolloy car ran away down a long incline ou tho Nassuu streeo railway oxtendlug to Coney Inland yesterday when tho tide of travel wns at Its height. More than a hun dred passengers woro put In peril of their lives. An uuknowkn llusslati boy, about 13 years old, was Killed outright, Tallin, on his head and crushing it. Twenty were brutsett ami nattoruu in Horrible fashion Lena Blackmail, of Now York, and Miss Milry Evans, of Brooklyn, are probably fa tally Injured A Moscow Itlot That Win Not Ileported VlKNXA, Juno 8. According to a Polish- Gallcian paper there was a riot at St. Petersburg ou tho ovonlilg of coronation day. A drunken crowd, It Is alleged, filled Nowskl Prospect nnd became un manageable, whereupon Cossacks gallopod into tho crowd.wlilcn responded by throw ing stones. Tho Cossacks, it is further stated, thereupon used their snbros right and loft, and finally fired into the crowd of which 350 persons wcro killed and wounded, and B0 wore arrested. HT, .Ttilea Hlmou Ueported Dying. Pahis, June 8. M. Jules Francois SI mon. tho celebrated statesman, llfu mom- lier of tho French senate, member of tho French academy, liorpctual secretary of tho Acadomy of Moral and Political Sciences anil formerly prime minister of Franco, is In a dyinit condition. M. Simon has boon ill for a fortuight, with necrosis of tho stomach, but ho suddenly boonmo worse on Saturday, and his family was eummonod to his bedside. Hels 83 years old. Crushed 13' 1'alllnc; Itock. Pohantox, Pa., Juno a. In Storrs No shaft, at Prlooburg, Henry O.tky was killed and his sou John sorloiuly injured by a fall of rock. Two tons of rock fell ou him, breaking his nock and lotli legs and horribly mangling his body. John Oaky, tho son, was seriously Injured, but It Is'lhought that ho will vooovor. Henry Oaky was 111 years old. Ho Is survived by 11 wife and six children. ' Detectho Otlklii.on's Widow Dead. PlTTSliuitO, Juue 8. Mrs. Catherine H. (lilklnsnn, widow of tho Into Detoctlvo D, H. Gllkinson, who was killed by Joseph Fitzsluunous March 31, 1891, dletl yester day at tho homo of a frlond InEdgowOrth. She was 40 years old, and tho only woman ever llconscd by the courts in this county to operate a detective agency. She had successfully carried on tho business since her uusluind'f death. " Cut Down A woman knows what a bargain really is. She knows better than a man. "BATTLE AX" is selected every time by wives who buy tobacco for their hus bands. They select it because it is an honest bargain. It is the biggest in size, the smallest in price, and the best in quality. The 5 cent piece is almost as large as the 10 cent piece of other high grade brands. "A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLSO Xic&olt in 4 'Weeks. For Mlo by P. P. D. KIEL1N, bhei.iuloah. Pa. READING R. R. SYSTEM IN EFFECT MAY 17. 18!'8. Trains leave Shenaodoab as follows : For New York via Philadelphia, week day 210, 323, 720 a. m., 12 IS, 300 nnd 5 55 p. m Sundays, 2 10 a. in. For New i ork via Maucli CnutiK, wcelc uay. 5 23, 7 20 ll. m., 12 4S nnd 3 00 p. ill. For lteadliiff and lMilladcltilila, week daya, 2 10, 5 23, 7 20 a.m., 12 43, 3 O) and 3 S3 p. in. Bun- uays, io a. m. r or I'otlsvuie, wcck unys, i 10; t m n. in., anu 12 48, 3 00 and 5 35 p. in. jsundays, 2 10 a. m. Vitr Tniminun nnd labnnov Citv. week davfl. 2 10,3 23, 7 20 a. 111., 12 43, 3 00 and 3 53 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. in. V Mllltnn.unnv, U.. ..I.,.., mt.l T Yin'l.h,,. week days, 3 23, 1130 a. tu., 130 and 7 23 p.m. Sundaya, 3 25 a. in. For Jlahanoy IMane, weekdays, 2 10. 3 25, 5 25, 7 20, 11 30 a. m 12 4S, 1 B0, 3 00,5 53, 7 23 and 9 15 p. in. minuays, : & iu,a-ja a. in, For Aahland and Sliamokln, week days, 8 25, 7 20,1130 a. in., 159,725 and 9 33 p.m. Sur uays, a v a. in. For Baltimore, Washington and the West via II. Si O, It. H., through trains leave UeadlnR Ternilunl. l'bl adclnliia. (1'. & It. It. It.l at 8 20. 70.,111:0 a. m., a iu anu t.xt p. m. sunuays, 3 20, 7 00, II 20 a. in., 3 46 and 7 27 p. ni. Addi tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest nut streets station, week days, 10 SO n. m, 12 20, 12 16 8 40 p m. Sundays, 1 83, 8 23 p. m. TRAINS FOU SHENANDOAH, Leave New York via Philadelphia, week days, -ISO, 8 00 a. m., 130, '4 SO, 0 00 p. m. and niKiil. minuays, o ou p. m. Leave New York via Maucb Chunk, week days, 1 30, 9 10 a. 111., 1 80 and 4 13 p. 111. Leave Phtladelplila, Heading Terminal, week daya, 4 20, 8 S!i, 1005 a. 111. and 4 03, 6 80, 1181' p. m. nunuavs, ji 20 p. 111. Leave Heading, week days, 133, 710, 10 08 11 33 a, m., 8 00 and 8 20 p. in, Sundays, 1 S3 a. 10. L30VO l'ottavllle, weekdays, 2 35, 7 40 a. in. 12 30 and 6 12 p. in. Sundays, 2 S3 a. in. Leave Tamaquo, week dayn, 3 18, 8 30, 11 23 a m., 1 27, 7 20 and 9 43 p. 111. Sundayi, 3 18 a. m. Leave Mahauoy City, week days, 3 45, 9 21 11 47 a. m., 2 03, 7 41 and 10 OS p. m. Sundays, 8 43 a. 111. Iave Mnhanoy IMane, week days, 2 40, 4 00j 6S0.9 37, 1139 a. m., 1 12,2 19, 5 20, 0 20, 7 57 aud 10 2) p. in. Sundays, 2 40, 4 00 a. in. Leavo Wllllamsport, week days, 7 12, 10 10 a. m., 3 33 and 11 41 p. in, Sundays, ll 13 p, in, ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf and South street wharf for Atlantic City. Weekdava Express, 900 a. m., Saturday only, 1 30 , 2 00, 4 00, 4 30, 3 00 p. m. Accom modation, 8 00 a. m,. 4 30, 6 30 p. m, Sunday Eipress, 8 00, 9 00, 1000 a. m. Accom modation 8 00 a. m., 4 45 p. m. Returning leave Atlantic City depot, corner Atlantic and Arkansas avenues. Wcekdays,express,7 00, 7 4-5, 9 CO a. 111. ,3 30, 5 SO p. 111. Accommodation. 6 23, 8 15 a. ni., 4 32 p. 111. Sundays Express, I 00, 8 30 8 00 p. in, Accom modation, 7 13 n. in., 4 13 , in, I'urlor Cars on all express trains. I. A.SWKlOAltl), (t, G. HANCOCK, uen'i HuperinieiuieiH. uen-i rani, ai Grocers can tell you why those whobuykEUG'S keep coming back for it. You can't keep ou selling a poor Uilng to the same people. saved by using Seel- ld'sbecause you k y t i. ituu uuy t:ueup coffee and make it delicious bv a 1 little 01 this admixture. Expenses." USTCR WhenindouMvhattotifiefor Nervous Debility, ts cf fexual I'ocr(ln either tcx). Jmpotency, Atrophy, Varicocele and othtr ciI,.iki, fn -n any caue, ua sexine Pills. lJraina enecked and full iigrr nuIcKly r-"-:or..J. If i c'Wred, autb troubles result fatally. Mailed anywhere, ncaVd, for'ivn 6 tcs f r f5-oo. With every f oo order e give a legal guar-rtee to euro cr refund th inonc. Addreaa I'LAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, ohiu PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD hCHUYKlLL DIVISION, May2H, ISM. Trains will leave Mienaudiifili after the ahore date for WisKitti". Oilberton, Fr3ckviiie, Park Water, Ht. Clair, rotUvllle. Hamburg, Keadine, Pott-town, rtioeiiixvllle, Norrltovn and Phil ndelphln inroad ntrcet fltutloii) nt 0 08 nml 1145 a. tn. ami 1 15 ft. in. cm week davH, For Potts- vine auu intermeuinto stations y iu a. iu. SUNDAY. For Wlgfrntis, Gilberton, Frackville, Dark 3 10 p. in; Kor humburj?, 'lEeadln'jr, Pottstown, t'uoemxviiie, iNorriMown, I'liuaueipniA atouu, 9 40 a. m., 3 10 p. m. Tntlna leave Frackville for Shenandoah at 1040a. m. and 1211, OQI, 742 nnd 1027 p. m. Sunday, 11 13 a. tu. nnd 3 40 p. in. Leave l'ottsvlllo for Rlienandoali nt 10 15, 11 48 a. m, nnd 4 40, 7 15 and 10 00 p. m. bunday at 10 40 n. m., 5 11 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, (Broad street station), for Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 a. in., 4 10 and 711 p. m, week days. Sundays leave at 6 50 a, m. Leave Broad street flat Ion, Philadelphia, lor Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, Long Branch, nnd Intermediate stations, 6.50, 8,25, 11.39 n. in., 3.30, 4.00 1. in, week-days. Sunday a (stop nt interiaKeit lor Afuury I'nrtc;, H.a,m, Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, FOU NEW YOUK. ExpreH, week days, 3 20, 4 05, 4 50, 5 15, 6 50. 7 33, 20,9 20, 9 50. 10 21 1 IHnhiR Car), 11 00, 11 14 a. m., 12 noon, 12 35 (Limited 100 and 4 22 p. in. Dining Cnrsf 1 40. 2 30 (DInlnB Car), 3 20, 3 50 4 00, 5 00, 5 OA (Dining Car), 600, 6 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. in., 12 01 nlKht. Sundays, 3 20. 4 05, 4 50, 515, 8:0,8 30,950,10 21 (Dining Car), 1103 a. in., 12 35. 2 8C (DilihiR Car) 4 00 (Limited 4 22. Dining Car) 5 20, 5 50 (DinitnjCarJ.saa, 0 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. inM 1201 night. Express for BoHton, without change, 1100 a. m. week days, and 0 50 p. in. dally, WASHINQTON AKP TJIESOUTII For Baltimore nt d Washington, 8 50, 7 20, l 912.1Q20.1123 a. lit.. 1300 (V2RJ Llmltfxl Din. lng Car), 112, 3 18. 4 41 (519 Congressional 7 5S (Dining Cur; p. m and 1205 nlgbt week days. Sundays, 3 50, 7 20, 912, 1123 a. ni., 12 09 1 12, 4 11. ( 5 in CungrebHloimi Limited, Dining Car), 6M (Dining Cnr), 7 5 p. m. (Dining Car) nnd 12 03 night. FOU ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Broad street Mntlon. Philadelphia (via Delaware river bridge), expres, 0 06 a. m nnd 7 00p in. daily. Leavn Market street Ferry, express, 500,850 a. ru., (100 Saturdays only) 2 10. 3 55, 4 20 and -0Q p. m, week days. Sundays, 8 Oil, 8 15 and 9 W a. u. (4 00 4 41 p. in. accommodation). For Cape Mny, Angles-!, Wild wood and Holly Beach. Express, 900 a. m., and 4 05 p ro. week days. Sundays, 9 00 n. in. Cute May only, 1 UO n. ni. Saturday. ForSenjffle City, Otean City nnd Avalon. Expre, 9 00 a. m., ttnd 4 30 p. m. wek days. Sundays, 9 OQ a. in. For Somera Point. Express, 5 10 a. m., 210, i) 35 uoc 4 20 p. in, week days. Sundays, 8 45 a. in. H. M. PamoT, J. It. Wood, .en'l Manager. tien'l PuKs'g'r Aglt vita Toy .rul l'riovroj.l J'Jli. anil olli.r liar . . .. j i J . dlK-.jl...u,hAlkuf anil AVliLl dllASiV th fitU tod SVoU tiUap. to all cthm. llnvely ,'ajUcuii,4cti. Ur.a.T- -.t. f.n tanif-A unerior to & the beat lu the market, ANn L PartlcilUw, ' Ml X, UmI liar, Button, Sluu For sale nt Centre street Povlns 's drug store, 28 Eat JOHN F. CLEARY, I'UltE SIJLTZEH WATEK A cure for headache and i itomach troubles. : OINOHH ALE, WEISS llUEIt, LAQEH llKKH, BOTTLER OF . . . I'OUTEK. 17 and 1 9 Peach Alley, Shenandoah. 4 1 I ll VI 'It turn majagajaaamsiasiBaamiiMfTOls