L V-,'.' s EVENING HERALD i:sTAi!Msiu:n mo. Published every Evening, Except Sunday, nt 8 Sourn Jakms Stbeet, Neaii Okntrb The lloruld Is dcllvcied lnShcnnndunn nnd the unrounding; towns for six cent ft week, pay able to the carriers, Ity ranll S3. 00 a yenr, or 29 cents n month, payable li advance Advertise ments cliarKicInceoruiiiRloinconnii position, The publishers reserve the right to change the fioaltlonof advertisements whenever the pub Icatlon of news demands It. The rlfiht Is reserved to reject any advertisement, whether fiald (or or not, that the publishers tuny deem mpropcr. Advertising rates made known upon application. Entered at the postoiTicc at Shcnnndonh, Pa., as second class mall matter. TELEPHONE CONNECTION. Evening Herald SATURDAY, JUNE C, lfeW). REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. roit coGnnssMAK'AT-r.AnoE, GALUSHA A. OHOW, Of Susquehanna. SAMUEL A. DAVENPORT, 01 Erlo Partus leaving town for tlio summer can have, tho KvnNlNit Ui:itAi.ricutto the resort whero they spend tho season at no iuciease of price. Tho paper being issued In tho evening will bo suro to reach people at a distance tho following day. The Louisiana sugar-growers should ilovoto a largo portion of tho bounty which they will receive under tho recent decision of the Supremo Court to tho work of putting their state in tho way of being governed according to the will of tho people Clevix.vnd might have shortened his veto of tho river and harbor hill a good deal by simply calling attention to tho notorious fact that Democratic lulo lias leduccd tho revenue to a point whero nothing is left for public improvements. When tho gentlemen at tho county seat, tvho by courtosy arc allowed to remain in the lEcpuhlicnu party, got through witli forming slalos for tho members of that party to veto' for, perhaps the latter will take tho matter in hand and name tho ticket. We think so. Some olHce-holdors on the "hill" havo formed an alliance that bodes no good to tho party. The Republican primary elections in Allegheny county to-day will le exciting, -and is attracting much attention throughout the state. Tho lines aro closely drawn between tho Quay and Magco forces, lioth .sides are appaieutly confident ol success, and this fact is proof that tho power of the (ombiuo is waning. This is Chris. Magco's own county, and tho success of his frieuds bciug in doubt shows very clearly that his political star is on the descent. Siiexan'Doaii is not the only place that 13 without a superintendent of public schools. George Mcllheuny was elected superintend ent of tho llarrisburg schools and the Reformed League lias filed a protust with Superintendent of Public Instructions .Sihaell'er lellccting upon Mcllheuny moral character. Supt. SchaeU'er will not issue a commission until Mcllheuny has hearing and the cliargos aio disproved. The city of Wllkesbarre has adopted a plan to keep its stiects clean from refuse of many kinds, and in this respect has fallen into line with the most advanced cities of the world. She has placed barrels on her street corners, into which all refuse may bo thrown. Envelopes, pieces of waste paper, liunsma skins, candy boxes, and all that little class of refuse that annually find its way to tho sidewalks and Into tho streets, is now thrown into theso receptacles, whenco they are taken at stated times by tho gaibage men and lemovtd to tho city's dumping lot. Persons use these receptacles as a novelty at first, but this leads to methodical habit and thus the desired end is attained. The split in tho Prohibition party is of uatioual interest, becausu it is nut only by far the oldest of tho minor organizations of the present day, hut it has lived much longer than any other "third" party which has ever figured in American polities. Its first na tional ticket was put up in 1872, and it has participated in every Presidential campaign trom that time to this. Its vote "lias grown fcteadily from tho loginnlng. Nevertheless the party never had auyiufluenco in national polities' except In 1891, when tho Democratic margin was to small In tho decisive state of New York that tho Prohibitionists may have turned tho scalo. Yery few minor parties have over split, but when one of them does this its days are numbered. Slavery split tho Know-nothing party in ISM, as it split nearly very other party at ono time and another, except tho l'rto Soil and Republican parties, and it never participated in another Presi dential election. The Democratic party is hopelessly wreekod upon tho silver rock. Henry Wattoron, editor of tho Louisville Courier-Journal, and who is now so-journeying in Europe, writes to hit paper as follows: "They (the Demo crats) havo repudiated the only President the Democratic party lias elected and seated for fifty years. They havo repudiated ,tho most distinguished of Kentucky's living hous and tho gientest Democratic intellect in the United State. They have spit upon the fathers of tho party whoso name and organization thoy claim-, havo proclaimed Jefi'ersou an Ignoramus, Jackson a conspirator, lienton u knave, and Cleveland a traitor, For the faith hanUcd down through a hundred years of glorious party history, they liavo gulntltuted a fad rejected by every Intelligent civilisation on tho globe, and for the cxiKincuts of that faith they havo sub-.-tituted such apostles of Populism as Stewart, ueh exhorters of socialism as Tillman, such evangels of anarchism as Altgold. Saturday's worKiimkos Kentucky Republican for years. Ilefore Saturday liradleylsm was dead, but Saturday made it possible for any Republican to carry Kentucky over the party which biudk itself to the corpse of freo ellvcrism Tho only thing now for Kentucky Democ- rw-y is that the Chicago Convention shall nut ratify it M'ipendous blunder, aud that i-uaiuc socuib u'. ij remote' IIcIIkIoiis Notices. Services will be hold in the Methodist Episcopal church to-inoirov at 10:30 n. m. and 0:30 p. m. l'roaohlug by tho pastor, ltov, Alfred' Jlccbnor. Sunday school at S! p. m. All aro invited. Services in tho Trinity Reformed church to-morrow at 10:00 a. m., and 0:30 p. in. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7:30. Services in All Saints' Protestant Episcopal church on East O.ik street to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 7 p. ui. Tho rector will olliciato. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Regular services will bo held in tho United Evangelical church, (Doughorty's Hall,) to morrow at 10 a. in. and 0.30 p. m. Preaching by tho pastor, Rov. I. J. Koltz. Sunday school at 1.30 p. in. Sorvices In tho Proshytorlan cliurch to morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Rev. T. Maxwell Morrison, pastor. Tho subject of tho sonnon in tho evening will bo "The Fourth Point of Calvinism Ellicacious Grace." God's American Volunteers aro going to hold meetings all day Sunday in Robbins' building, 33 West Ccntro street. Meetings at 10 a, ui., 3 and 7:45 p. m, Every ono is welcome. Charles X.usk, Captain. Ebcnczer Evangelical church, corner of South West and Cherry streets, II. Horaco Romig, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Primitive Methodist Church, Rov. James Moore, pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 8:30 p. m. Morning subject, "The Hidden Manna." Evening subject, "God's Jewel Case." Sunday school at 2 o'clock. Every body invited to theso services. Seats free. Welsh liaptist cliurch, corner of West and Oak streets, Rov. I). I. Evans rastor. Services at 10 a. m. and 0 p. in. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Prayer meeting Monday evenings. Young Peoplo's meeting Wednesday even ings. Class meeting Thursday evenings. Rov. James Williams, of Yalo College will occupy the pulpit in tho Welsh Congregational church to-morrow. In tho morning tho services will bo conducted in Wolsli and in thoovening in English, Sunday school at 2.00 p. in. Services in the Calvary Baptist cliurch to morrow at 10:30 a. in. and 0:30 p. m. Preach ing by Mr. William Howells. Sabbath school at 2 p, in. When you want good roofing, plumbine, gas fitting, or general tinsmithiug done call on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street. Dealer ir stoves. 1-tf Odd TelloWH Memorial Day. Thursday, Juno 11th. will bo observed as Memorial day by tho lodges of tho btatc. In many places great preparations arc being made. At Shamokin there will bo a parade of six hundred members who will visit tho cemeteries at 0:30 in tho evening. If you want a fine wedding cake, let Otto mako it for you. Held Up and ltohhod. While coming from Coutialia, Michaol Gcttigan and Mr. Burns, of Girardville, wero holdup by five masked men. They took a watch valued at $95, $T)0 in cash and other articles fiom Gettigan and a watch and somo coin from liurus. It is said that six men have been held up at the samo place duriug tho past week. Journal. Druggists say 'their sales of Hood's Sir- saparilla oxcecd those of all others. Thorois no substitute for Hood's. OreEon's Vnti' for Congress Vet In Doubt. 1'oiiTI.AMi, Oro., Juno (1. Latest dec- tion returns show that Yandorburg (Pop.) for congress in the First district has a plurality of 31 over Tongue (Kfp). Com pleto ret urns havo boon received from every county in the district except Curry. This county, as far as reported, gives Tongue 100 plurality, and the remainder of tho vote may give Tooguo u plurality. In tho f-'econd dl -rviet Ellis (Hep.) leads Qulim (Pop.) In- 2i7. Four counties nro still in ctimplt 'i . mid it Is probable tho complete vote in the counties will l. it bo known until the oilleinl eanv.iss is made next Mninlnv Scrofula Broke Out On our boy when a baby. We gave him much treatment without avail. Noticing In the papers Hood's Sarsaparilla was rec ommended for scrofula and blood diseases we gave it a trial. We soon saw a change for the better. Ho has taken four bottles Hood's Sarsaparilla end Is now entirely well, hearty and free from all scrofulous symptoms. I have also taken three bottles for nervous head ache and catarrh. It gave me great relief." Mrs. T. M. Smith., Kuther Glen, Va. Hood's Pills tlon. Price 24o Suits Made to Order I AT i- I! Former Prices. i Rluo, Mack, Drown and Gray I j Cheviots, $10. H Mixed Goods, (Stylishly Made and j j Trimmed) ?10, ?U, fl2, ?13 and ?14. ! I Stylish Pantaloon's, f3.00 $3.50, fl.00 j j and upwards. ; j Mack Clay Diagonals, $15. i j These goods are all well liued ji and well made. Every i j suit guaranteed to fit. II KELLY & CONWAY, l NO. 5 W. CENTRE STREET. Ij BEDDALL BUILDING. ANOTHER YACHTING $NARL. Iho Absurd Kngllsli Clmrgo Agnlust Tlovr nril Would- Yacht Niagara. LiONDOX. J uiloO. Another lntnrnntlnnn.1 difficulty lms'nrlson. Ithnsiilrenily thrown another wot lilnnkotovor yachting, nnil is holloved to havo bean tho cnuso of Mr. Howard Gould's twenty niter Nlngnrn not RtnrtltiK In tho race for tho smnllor crnft on tho pnntrnm of tho ltoynl London Yncht club's rcgnttu on Thursday, when Metuor. Emperor William's yncht, won hor maiden raco. In brief, Kmrllsh viichtsmnn felt sora over tho mpoat'd vlrtirlos of Xiiignrn last year, ninl several insinuations oxplninlng her potvervms (riven. One nequntio oxpert hail It that tho Nhifwm w.is minsr. shlftinp wntcr ballast, mid this was finally settled upon us being tho oxphvnatlon of hor suc cess. Kvontunlly comnlnlht was inndo to the Yncht Haelnc; association, and three mem ber of tho council wore roriiostod to In spect tho tanks, which thov did on May 23, and In Mr. Gould's absonco woro af forded ovory facility by Captain Harr. In letter to Mr. Gould Secretary Kemp suggests that "It Is doslrablo to make Im practicable tho run of water from ono tank to tho othor. which could roadlly bo dono by n small nltoratlon of the plpos." ino xnchtsman. referring: to thlslfttost unpleasantnoss, says : "Wo havo seon tho water tanks, and thero Is absolutely no room undor tho iloor for any tanks. It Is truo thoro Is a connecting plpo between tho win Kg, nut wo tall to soo that It cOulil bo usod for shifting ballast, as It tnkos ten minutes for ono tank to ompty into tho other, and this can only bo dono when tho yacht Is heeled over. Wo regard tho Inci dent as peculiarly unfortunate, liocatiso tho suspicion attaches to a foreign gentlo mnn who has dono much for British yacht ing, and who Is known as a thorough sportsman. Yachtsmen In America will rogard It us a national Insult." . Mr. Gould wrltos to Tho Field ns fol lows: "Tho tanks woro never used for ballast or for any purposo except for wntcr for tho crew. Tho yacht was measured and always racos with tho tanks empty, and even if they were filled tho idea that they could bo of advantage Is absurd." Kclief In Six Hours. relieved in six hours by tho "Now Great South American Kidney Cure." This new reiueuy is a grvai surprise on uccuuiii, 01 its exceeding nronmtness in reliovini? min in tho bladder, kidneys, back and every part ot tho urinary passages in malo or lcnialo. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quicK relict anil euro tnis is your remeay. Sold by Shaplra's pharmacy, 107 South Main street. THE CAMPOS-BORRERO AFFAIR. A Ili lli t Thnt the Spanish ttenorulft Will Yet right n Duel. MAnnii), Juno 0. Tho Cainpos-Borrerc affair contlnuos tho sensation of tho hour. It appears that tho captain gunoral ot Madrid went to tho grounds of the jaar quls of Cabrintvnu, which was tho rendez vous of the disputants and prevented the dnel. Tho marquis tried to stop tho cap tain general from entering his grounds, but tho latter asserted his military author ity, entered and placed the combatants under arrost. It Is believed that tho ctuej will yet occur nt tho earliest posslblo oc casion. General Horroro has many par tisans, ospoclally among tho younger of ficers of tho army. General Horroro licensed Marshal Cam pos of hystomatlcally preventing promo tion In the army. Ho assorted that Mar shal Cumpos for tho past twenty yoar.s had beep tho irresponsible arbiter of Spanish polities, uml had become n sort of mentor to royalty. Chancjos In the cabinet and of high olllciiils, General Rorrero assertod, wore often due to his Influence. Marshal Campos, he said further, dosplto tho Cuban chock, still claims a preponderating in fluence in politic. " Grip-Cnlds-Headache. Why BUlI'er with Coughs, Colds and La Grippo when Laxativo llromo Quinine will euro you in ono day. Put up In tablets con venicnt for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents. For salo by Kirliu's Pharmacy. Hewnril for aiiirilcroiisHlrlko Sympathisers Milwadkkk, Juno 0. Tho street ruiN wny company olTors a reward of $3,000 for evidenco which will result In tho ar rost nnil conviction of tho person or per sons who shot tho two employes of tho company on tho Powell avenue line Thursday night. There is llttlo hopo for tho wounded motornuin, John IJreen. The bullet lodged In his Ilito-dlnes, whero it still remains. Fully twonty shots wore lired Into the car. Hreeu came from Man isteo. Mich. H, .1. Cavlcau and John Wal ters nro under arrest on .suspicion. An ex plosive missile wn thrown Into a car filled with ladles on Wells street rniir-Mtay nignt bv somebody In iv crowd, which Is known to havo included an ux-oonductor of tho lino. Tho panic strlckou women dosortcd the car. HucUlen's Arnica Salve. Tho best fealvo In tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, cornB, and all skin eruptions, anil positively ctnea pues, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salo by A. Wasley. Clileago 'Wiiiiu t'.ce Iteuiliiiuirters. CmoAiio. Juno II. The first stops look Inir toward tho removal of tho headquar ters of the UDpiiuuoau national commutes from Now Yo.-lc to Chwaio wore tnkon vastordny at n mooting of the Itopubllivin stata central rimimlttoo by the adoption Of resolutions requesting the Uelenntos to the national oonvontlou at tit. IjouIs ana the national eoinmlttoinun trom Illinois, when selected, to all Iionornblo moans to secure the change of locution. Alleged Murderer lloMiiaiui Ijm-hIimI St. Lol ls, June (I. Chief Uwrlgunnud his detwttvus think thoy havo looutoil Huv, Francis Hermann, the fugitive niluUtor of Salt. Jjrtku City, Utah, who 1 charged wit.'i a double murder. It Is nllogoil that Honiiunn was at the Union station In this city about May II, and that his iiiovo- nic it) miwi then huvo been U'i-oed to hi p!i- s ol hiding. Coining; Invent, Juno 15. -Ico cream festival under the autplcos of God's American Volunteers 1 ICobblus' opera house. Juno 25. Lawn party at the residence of A. 1!. liroomo, at llrowpsvllle. riare Your Orders Now. If you want envelopes, letter or bill heads, statements, tags, circulars, order or receipt books, ball programs. Invitations, tickets, postern, cards or anything in tho printing lino, come or send your orders tu the Hkkalp office. Good material, goon workmaustiiii and prices consistent with first-class work are tho magnets, FINANCE AND TRADE Factories nnil Mills Still Wnlting for the ltlmll of lltlslneKS. Nkw Yoisk, Juno 0. H. G. Dun & Co.' weekly rovlow of trade says: It Is highly euggostivo that, with as llttlo help as there is now from new business, mnrkotn aro so noarly maintained. Summer Is close nt hand, nnd with now crops promising well nnil old stocks largo, it Is no wondor that the farm products nra cheap. The factories' nil mills are still waiting for tho rusli ol business soon last year, and In spite ol arrow orders at present, are gononuij holding on with much confidence. It Is so lato that gold exports no longer nlnrm, for tho date of expected return draws noar. The opinion gains ground that more active business Is to be oxpectod after tho conven tions havo boon held, and tho safoty and sufficiency of crops havo b"0ii assured. Low prices at this season infect lnrmort very llttlo, but tho speculators who liavi bought from thorn for a rise. Decline In whont and cotton has helped marketing tho surplus, so that exports hare been moro liberal, from Atlantlo ports 3,327,411 bushels wheat for the woeki flour In cluded, ngulnst 1,553,303 last year, while wostorn receipts woro 2,00U,473, against 1,720,157 last year. I'alluros for tho week woro 234 In the United States, ngnlnst 103 last year, and 29 In Canada, against 33 last year. IJraustreot.s review says : General trade contlnuos dopressod In olmost nil lines Demand Is smnllor than a week ago and request for nnd offorlngs of commercial paper havo decreased. Mercantile collec tions continue complained of, and tho ten dency of prices, particularly of cereals sugar, coiTeo, pork products, cotton and cotton goods, anil iron and steql contlnuel downward. At tho south the moro favor ablo features aro the rain which has vis ited South Carolina, Georgia and Ala bama, with benout to th .crops. lllicumatlsm Cured In a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon tho system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at onco tho causo and tho disease immediately disappears. Tho first doso groatly benefits ; 75 cents. Sold by II. Ilagcnbuch, Druggist, Shenandoah. Alleged Fugitive Murderer Surrenders. TlUFFALO, Juno 0. Archibald Lowe, In dicted for complicity In tho Towandn riots last summer, in which Captain Phillips and his son were murdered, surrendered himself to District Attorney Koneflek yes terday. He disappeared Immediately after the murder. Ho was sent to jail to await trial. NUGGETS OF NEWS. Christ Anderson, n saloonkeeper, and a Polish dock laborer dlod from tho heat In Chicago yesterday. Ernest Birkainuu will clio. While a large Hoot of vossols was trying to rtneh tho port of St. John's, N. F., five of them drove ashoru at dllreront points, nnd three men were drowned. D. U. Iloblnson, vleo president of tho Atchison, Topeka and Santa lo railway, has accepted tho -presidency of tho St, jouIs and isau b ranclsco railroad. Throo hundred famllios recently con verted to Mormonlsm In tho mountains of Vlrginiu, havo started for Mexico's Pacific coast, where thoy will form a polygamous colony. Hon. Joseph H. Manloy will leave Au guSta, Mo., tomorrow morning direct for 3t. Louis, meeting Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge and othor Massachusetts delegates at Hoston. A moiistor mass meeeing of freo sliver Democrats was held last night in Iudluu upolls. The idea of tho meeting was to tounturaet ihe inllueueo of tho meeting of gold standard Democrats held a Week ago, Dr. D. 1!. Itothrock, of New Berlin, Pa., does not hesitate to recommend Chamber lain's medicines. Ho says: "I havo hand led them for a year or moro in my pharmacy and And 'them safo and reliable. My cus tomers praioo them very highly." No ono who is troubled with rheumatism can uso Chamberlain's Pain Balm without praising it. Tho quick relief from pain which.it allbrds is alone worth many times its cost. For salo by Gruhler Bros., druggists. "Helm-in" l.tader.. Not Wt Tree. Puktdi.ia! Transvaal, Juno IS. Tho ex ecutive council, after a long discussion has postponed the final deelslou regarding the reloa-e ot the four reform lenders, IvOl onel Francis Rhodes, John Hays Ham mopd, Lionel Phillips and Georgo Furrur, until June 11. Tim Weather. For earorn NmvhViirk, cistern 1'ennsyl vaula and New Jcmv Fair .outburb wine". "Last summer whilo attending court at Uniontowii," says D. B. Patton, a promlnen druggist of Fayetto City, Pa., "tbreo wit nesses wero suffering from diarrhoea. I gavo each a doso of Cluunborlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy and it gavo imme diate relief. On the way homo ono of my neighbors was taken with a sovore cramp in tho stomach and was sull'ering with intense pains. I gavo him a dose of this remedy and within live minutes the pains had ceased The remedy is a favorite hero, I know of many who aro never without it. I always tako it with mo when going away from homo." For sale by Gruhler Bros., druggists Another Chinese 'Concession to Itussla, vikksa, Juno ). A Moscow telegram reports that tho Uusso-ChlnoM bunk has obtained a eonooslon for a railway mrougn aiancnurm to i'oning, with oaliitulof 100.000,000 gold roubles. Each country grants a concession, and guaran tnos tho capital for tho linos running mrougn tuoir respective territories. Cliaiuliciiulii'H Cough lteiuoily tbu llest and Most ropulur. Wo sell inoro of Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy thau of all others combined, writes Mossrs. Kerr & Son's, druggists, Mars, Pa. Thoy also say: "The salo of it something phenomenal. Wo have sold tw gross this winter, selling as high as six bottlos in ouo morning to as many ditlerent cus tomers, This remedy has proved particularly successiul in croupy affections. Our cus tomers invariably pronounce it tho best thoy can llud, and wo know of no caso whore has failed to givo satisfaction," For salo 85 and 50 cents per hottlo by Gruhler Bros, druggists. , Ask your grocor for tho "Itoyal Patent' flour, and tako no other brand. It is the best Hour made. WILL MARRYMRS BARNES. Kx-Mnyor Mnguwnii rrimrlng for House- licoplng nt. Trenton. TnENTOX, Juuo 0. Fmnk A. Mngownti, ex-mayor of Trenton, whoso martini troubles are well known to tho public, has recently had the mansion next door to his former homo rofurnlshed.has hired n cook and bought n team of horses, his intention lielng to ronow housekeeping. Since he was divorced ho has lived at n hotel hero. Mrs. Magowan and her children still oc cupy the house next to which Mr. Ma gowan will set up his now establishment. His former wlfo Is said to be much agi tated over tho turn offnlrs have taken, and tho cldost daughter, Emily, fainted upon hearing tho report that hor father had married Mrs. Barnes. Feeling against Mngowan la very high throughout Tren ton. When Mrs. Mncownn acrcod not to con- tost his suit for divorco, It Is said, he bound himself in writing to pay her 500 n month for the support of herself ami five children. Tho nssortlon Is now nindo that for tho past two months only $100 have ueon paid, anil that Mrs1. Magowan Is con sequently In stralghtenod circumstances. When tho ox-mnyor went west a few woeks ago. It Is furthor declared, he took with him 83,000 advanced by friends,, who say thoy thought the money was to bo usod to settle a law suit, but who now aver thut it was spent In aiding Mrs. Barnes to get her divorce. Beforo leaving Chicago for Indlnnapolls yostorday, whither he went In connection with Mr. Barnes damage suit against him, Mr. Magowan said: hen tho marriage llcenso was seourod In Chicago l(i was our Intention to ba married that day, but I ro'oolvod" a tele gram from Oklahoma saying that It was Illegal for us to bo marrlod, tho laws of tho territory forbidding marrlago within six months from tho date of tho docree of divorco. Anothor reason which Induced us to postpone tho ceremony was the pending suit which Mr. Barnes has agnlnst mo for damngos. It Is my purposo to set tlo tho caso If posslblo. and I thought It could bo dona Ui hotter ad van tago before marrying Mrs. Barnos than after." Uradley for Vice President. CurcitfSATl, Juno a Tho Cincinnati Gazetto's special from Frankfort says: Governor Bradley denlos that he has withdrawn as a presidential candldutcjind says his namo will bo presented to tho St. Louis convention. Ho also denies that Chairman Barrett went to Washington to confer with General Grbsvonor about n cnblnot position or anything else In con sideration of tho withdrawal. Tho special states that a movoment has been started for Governor Bradley for vico prosldont. Meantime it can bo statod that tho an nouncement of Governor Bradley's with drawal oamo directly from tho governor through a member of his stall. Curo for Jlcndnchc. As a remedy for all forms of Headache Electric Bitters has proved to bo tho very best. It effects a permanent curo and tho most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. Wourgoall who aro afflicted to nrocuro a bottle, and give this remedy a lair trial, in caso ot minimal constipation Electric Bitters cures by civing tho needed tone to tho bowels, and few cases long resist the use ot tins mculclno. Try it once, .Largo bottlos only 50 cents at A. Wasley's Drug btoro. To Mitku "jludiigaacnr a I-'rencli Colony Paws, Juno 13. Tho committee of the chamber of deputies has unanimously ap proved tho bill making Madagascar i French colony. Previous to so doing the committee was addressed by M.Hanotaux tho minister for foreign affairs, who statoc that tho Lnltcd btutos govornmont, In firm and clear dispatch, had insisted upor the uoeosslty of a categoric! deelarutloi regurding the annexation. Tho govern mcnt of Great Britain had also urged tha' the treaties between Madagascar and for eign powers existed until the nnuexatioi ot tnat. lsianii was prociaiuieu uy lu-iiucu Sadlo lmtnu Ileiid from Iter Wounds Wakth ji.tox. Juno (i. r-.u"...i lus ji tho vouuge child of tho l'ni iily f f mi person', win were so mur lcruitslv ns saultcil by -in unknown parson at Galth ersburg, Jul., nearly iwowoeKs ngo, mo yostorday fr.i.n tho efoets of tho wound) she then received. The lather, mother am an older sister, who also received seven wounds, aro on tho rond to recovery. Xotpd Italian Actor Dead. Rome, Juno 0. Ernesto Kn-s. tho Itnl lan actor, ("Jed on Thursday nt Poscara Italy. Ha was born lu 1SJJ, uudafter huv lug achloved fame throughout Europi with Ristori, hovi-jite-l thu united Suite Twice (sulwmcritly hs visited America and as n'rusultof his onfagoniunts thero Tit nmussou u fortune. He rotu-od from thi stage lul8$3. STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS Gln-ihig (Quotation of the New York anc riilluilclphla. lxcliuuges. Nl'.v? "Von, .Tune 5. Although the dealing. In stocks tolay wore ou trw same modest soak as UMial r.iceutly, Kpeenlativ si ntiment wai cheerful tunl covering or shorts was a resultini feature. Uoehig bid-s: Baltimore & Ohio lJJi Lhigu Valley New- Jersey lu N. Y. O-utral Poiiusylraala. Reading St. Paul W. N. Y. & Pa . . 82 CLui.,S;Ohlo.. 15W lOftV, Del. Aj Hudson. . DI.&W. ... Erie . . Lake Erie & W Lehigh Nav .127 .1115 ua . 13 40)4 t 71 General Markets, PHILADF.WIIIA, Juuo 5. Flour weak: vrtn ter superfine, $2.233.60; do. oxtras, ti.SS 2.75; Pounylvnuia roller, clear, f3fi3.2o; do do. straight, 3.30(a.30;w(turnwiutor, eluor 3'3.25. Wheat strong; May, Ciy(0Mo. Corn quiet; Jf ay, SJMjia. Oats steady; May, 3Kfl ityic. liny dull lor low grades; cliolco tim othy, 17(17U for large bales. Bom steady city family. 9.S010. Pork dull ; family, I1U.5C 11. Lard firmer; western steam, tl-15. But ter steady; western dairy, Sialic.; do. cream erv. ll(315Ho. ; Kleins, ISHc. : imitation cream ery, lK12o.; Now York dairy, 1015o.; do. creamery, ll15Ho-1 Pennsylvania and western creamery prints, extra, lOo. ; somo fancy lots higher; do. fair to good, 13C$15o. ; prints jou- binir at 17ra3uc. CJhoeso auiot : lamo. BKCftUiio, timnll. AU7u. : nart Hklms. 2'.-l-e. : full skims. l.i2o. Eggs steady; New York and Pennsyl vania, lUa. ; western I rosli, ll)(&n;o. Live Stock Markets. Jp.w Yotik. -Tnno fi. Beoves aulet and trifle ea.ier; native steers, medium to prime, t9Tsiu.vaS!utii imd Mrn.' I2.83S3.85; bulls, 2.5U43.40: dry cows, l.ao3.BU. Sheep and lambs active, but lower; poor to prime sheep, "i 'Y!.sn- common to crime lambs, W.5037.25, Hogs bteadyat 3.6053.(I0. Culvos aotlvti and higher; poor to prima veais, to.Doiiin.ia, uuin-r- milk caives, tta.so. EAsrLiiimiTY. Pa.. June 8. Cattle steady extra. 1.4M,4.W; fair, 3.503.00; stagu and ouwa. IM3.5U. Hobs firm ; prime light weights. f 3.50(3 3.M ; belt medium, J3.Wi3.60 ; common to fair Yorkers. il.Wflo.io ; ueavy nog, t3.an4;n roughs, fS3. Sheep lower; prime, 13.80(3.(10 fair.3.20&ti.5O: common, $2.50&8; culla, 1132 choice yoarlingK, HWS1.73.- common to food yearlings, S3.-wsi.zj; tpi-iug lamtm, iwi. vuat talvos, filMU. . "DR.MILES, Through His Nervine Is a Ben efactor to Thousands." WIDELY known Wisconsin publisher, who resides at Green Bay, writes March 6th, 1803, as follows: Flvo years ago I became so norvons that mental work was a burden. I could sot rest at night on account of sleeplessness. My attontlon was called to Dr. Miles Restora tive Nervine, and I commoncod to uso It with tho very best effect. Since then I have kept a bottle in my housoand use It whenever my nerves becomo unstrung, with always tho same good results. My son also Tlr MilPC' takes It for nervousness JJ,,muw with like never falling Nervine success, i havo rocon- r . mended It to many and KeStOlcS it cures them. All who TTpnlfh suffer from nOrvo flCtUlll...... troubles should try It. It is free from narcotics, perfectly harm less, and yet soothes and strengthens. Dr. Miles, through his Nervino is a benefactor to thousands'." A. O. LEHMAN. Editor and proprietor of Deb Landsman Dr. Miles' Nervino Is sold on guaranteo first bottle will benefit or monoy refunded. POLITICAL CARDS. TTtOIt LEGISLATURE, isccond District, H. W. BECKER, Of Girardville, Pa. Subject to Democratic rules. niOK COUNTY TREASURER, ELIAS DAVIS, Of Broad Mountain. Subject to Republican rules. ITlOIt CLERK OF THE COUItTS, PHIL. J. C0NNELL, Of Girardville. Subject to Democratic rules. -filOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. t FRANK RENTZ, Of Ashland. Subject to Republican rules. TTiOn RECORDER, EMANUEL JENKYN, Of Jollctt, Porter Township. Subject to Republican rules. TTIOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, CHAS. R -ALLEN, Of Tamaqua. Subject to Republican Rules. TTlOIt CLERIC OF Till! COURTS, JOHN T. SH0ENER, Of OrwlEsburK Subjcct to Republican rules. 'ROFESSIONAL CARDS. c. S. PHILLIPS, M. D. Office : 30 West Centre street. Can be consulted at all hours. p F. BURKE, M. D. SO E. Lloyd street, Shenandoah. Office hours : 7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p. m. J II. POMEROY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Shenaitdonli, Pa. M. BURKE, . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office Eiran bulldlne. corner of Main and Centre streets, Shenandoah. PROF JOHN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 65, Mahanoy Ctty, Pa. TTaflnrr .t.tiflld under Kome Of the belt masters lp London and Paris, will give lessons on the violin, guitar and vocal culture. Terms reasonable. Address In core of Strouse, the eweler. Shenandoah. P. J. CANFIELD, Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity For- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter. Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer. L