The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 02, 1896, Image 2

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    I, t
1'ublUhed every Evening, Except Sunday, ot
8 Botrrn jAnms Htulct, Ni:au Centre.
The Hernlil n ilcllvcled InSheimwloah nnd the
surrounding towns (or six cento a week, pay
able to the carriers. By mnll J3.00 a year, or 23
vents rt month, payable in advance. Advertise
ments charged according to ppnee and position.
The publishers reservo tho right to elmngo tlio
riosltlon of advertisements wlienever tlio puli
Icntlon of news demands it. Tlio right is
reserved to reject ftny advertisement, whether
fiold for or not. that the publishers mny deem
mpropcr. Advertising rates made known
upon application.
Kitered nt tlio postofllce at Shenandoah, Pa., as
second class mail matter.
Evening Herald
Of Husquclmnna.
Of Erie
Major I'innkv. who presides over tlio
destinies of tlio Miners' Journal, tlio repre
sentative licpublican newspaper of the county
seat, conccdos tlio nomination of Major
McKlnley. Tlio two Majors arc apparently
of ono mind.
It lias conio at last. Tlio Democratic party
in its National platform is, so it is given out,
likely to adopt a plank demanding tlio repeal
of tlio civil service law. Coining on tlio heels
of tlio President's proclamation adding about
30,000 of his appointees to tlio list of places
covered by the law, this looks as if Grovcr
was to be lepudiateil, and tlio seekers after
loavos and fishes arc to bo placated with
l'llIWIDKNT C'LKVKl.ANU'b refeienco to tlio
genoial government as a giver of gifts is not
well applied in a message vetoing a bill to
provido for thu improvement of rivers and
harbors, but it is excellent as a bit of political
campaign clap trap, it is the duty of the
government to iniprovo natural waterways to
facilitate commerce, but as tho Democratic
party has legislated tho revenues to a point
below the necessities of tlio government,
needed improvements must be deferred is tho
lino of reasoning the hiad of that party
follows in vetoing this bill.
The result of tho ic-organization of tho
School Hoard last night, by which tho Demo
crats, with tho aid of two Iiepublican mem
bers, organized that body, is received with
littlo Mirpriso by the public. Humors of
deals and counter-deals have been freely dis
cussed for tho past week or two, and thoso
who have doubted the truth of these rumors
can now bring themselves to a icalization of
tho fact that two Iiepublican members of the
Hoard, elected by Iiepublican votes, aided
Wnutlio Democrats in regaining control of tho
delcgatcird. The culmination of the deal lias
sured. Sc the principal topic of conversation
Miiiong tho leaders of both political parties, as
well as by tho who take little interest in
polities other than to exerciso tho light of
franchise and who are averse to having the
sentiments expressed by their ballot disrc-
gauled by their representatives, whether the
latter be members of the School Hoard or
Horough Council.
Whatever personal differences or amnios!
ties that may esist between certain members
of tho Uoaiil, wo have nothitigto say. That
is a personal matter, and should bo settled
between thcnuclvcs. To oiler that as justifi
cation for tho course persued by Messrs
Pricu and James is a weak argument and
places these gentlemen in an unfavorable
light before their party colleagues and tho
Itepublican voters. Tlio result of their act
has disorganized tlio party, given tliominoiity
inembers contiol of tho Hoard, and following
close upon the heels of tho dissatisfaction in
the Horough Council, makes the Democrats
masters of the situation. Shenandoah is a
Democratic town, but tho licpublicans havo
managed to secure control of tho two legisla
tive brunches of borough government, only
to lose the fruits of victory because certain
repieseiitativos of tho party have a personal
grievance to satisfy, and in doing so disrupt
the party organization.
We have no personal Interest in tho matter,
other than tho good of the party and tho
success of Republican principles. Wo havo
had no occasion to change our views as
expressed previous to tho organization, and
aro more firmly of thu opinion than over that
tho party demands of their reproscntatitos a
faithful conservation of tlio party's interests,
and that they wero in no mood for a repeti
tion of the courso pursued for the past two
years In tlio Horough Council. Instead of
allaying the feeling of dissatisfaction among
tlio party voters, which was confidently
looked fur, it has U en greatly intensified by
the result of last night's mcotiug of the
Hoard, and tho party will enter tho next
campaign disorganized and divided. Why?
.Simply boeause ono or two members of tho
organization have saorifleed party interests
and principle to satisfy personal animosity,
Last night's meeting and its results only
developed a small portion of tho deal, and
other developments will conio later on. Tho
meeting of tho Hoard in July may furnish
food fur thought, and its result is awaited
with much intsrokt by tho Republicans.
It is very appaiont that tho Democrats
aro tho bi tter politicians, and can givo their
J'epublloau1 bretlneu many points in tho
game of polities. Whon their party iuterosts
are at stake, they sacrifice personal feelings
and stand together for Democracy. For this
they aro to be commended and not only re
ceive tlio approval of theirown jarty voters
but also tho respect and plaudits of Republi
can. How different with tho. representa
tive of the latter, who aro elected to tlio
position they occupy to perform a publicduty,
and not to repay a personal griovunco.
The ladles' 08c Oxfords that wo advertised
are going fast. Have a big lot left they aro
Factoiiy Shoe Stork,
-0-20-tf J. A. Moyeii, Mau.
The Second Day of tho ,luii- Term ot Court
nt 1'oltMlllc.
1'ottsvili.i:, Juno 2,
Tho arbitrators, II. 13. Bartholomew, Clias.
Graver and S. M. Mortimer, in tho enso of
Sunday vs, Knapp, awarded a vcrdset of $23
to tho plaintiff. This was a suit for damages
fur nnn-conipllanco of a contract which plain
tlir entered Into with defendant fur lighting
ond healing rooms. The parties are from
Mahanoy City.
'Squire O'llriou, of Mahanoy City, com
mitted to jail William Harris, charged with
surety of tlio poaco on oath of William
liurke, in default of $300 ball,
'Squire l orpslcr, of town, tried a sutcty
case in which William Fogarty was tlio prose
cutor and Harry Lilly the defendant. They
both livo at Palo Alto.
A deed from Hinlcl Shepp and wlfo and
James Dull, to Nicholas Mumerick, for lot In
Nelson City, was recorded.
Marriago licenses: Frederick llichc, of
I'rackvUle, and Mary J. Frantz, of Heading j
Samuel Karlck, of Hecla, and Susanna Sassa
man, of Utst llruuswick township; Itobcrt
Kauirnian.of Orwigsburg.and Laura Brosslcr,
of Auburn ; Walcnty Chopka and Aunio
l'crock, both of liuck Mountain.
Thomas Horay, of Mahanoy City, attended
to business in town to-day.
Charles if. Dodson, of the C. M. Dodson
Coal Co., of Bethlehem, was a visitor to
Tho Commissioners wcro at tho court house
Mr. and Mrs. Mycr Gcrson, Miss IMytho
Suellenburg and Mr. Leon Sternberger, of
Philadelphia; Miss Emily Swartz, of Park
Place; Miss Mamo Carter, of Mahanoy City;
Miss Lillio Beddall, of Will. Ponn; Prof.
Focring and Mr. Gcorgo Itomlg, of Betlile
hem; Mr. Win. Komeig, of Hazlcton, and
Phil Maley, of Shenandoah, woro tho guests
of friends at Morca on Decoration Day.
Miss Margaret Thomas, of Morca, is visit
ing her friend, Miss Sullenburg, of Philadel
phia. .Mr. and Mrs. Myer Gerson, of Philadel
phia, returned homo this morning. They
were tho guests of Miss Thomas, of Morca.
John F. Corser, Fred. Swaviug, Clarenco
Dcngler and William Knt, of tho University
of Pennsylvania, aro homo for tho summer
The County Commissioners held a meeting
yesterday, and discus-cd tho Almshouse
Improvements with Architect Hill. The
Commissioners will go to Harrishurg to-morrow
to consult with tlio State Hoard of Public
Charities as to the host way to proceed in
order to socuro' the improvements at tho
Twenty-four new citizens were naturalized
When you want good roofing, plumbing,
gas fitting, or general tinsrnithing douo call
on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street.
Dealer ir stoves. 1-tf
Peter Wcndliug and family to-day moved
to Hear Valley.
Miss Mary Sailers, of Pottsville, spent tho
past few days visiting friends in town.
Aubor Iiobbins, of town, is in Illoomsburg
visiting friends.
William Grant, of West Oak street, is con
fined to bis bed by illness.
I'. W. Hicrstein is engrossing the diplomas
for tho Girardvillo public schools.
Mrs. Elizabeth IUrtsch visited friends at
tlio county scat to-day.
Justice M. J. Lawlor left for Lock Haven
this morning.
rairicK Lieary, ot .Mahanoy City, was a
town visitor to-day.
Henry Weber, for many months salesman
witli Max Supowitz, on East Centre street,
returned to Ins homo in New York to-day
Mrs. Fishbum, of Turkey liun, is confined
to her home by illness.
Miss Mary Kennels and Mrs. Kato Brown
attended the McDonald obsequies at Mt.
Carmel yesterday.
MUs Belle Green, who was a guest of town
friends, left to-day forherhomoinNaiiticoko,
accompanied by Miss Clara V llliams.
Harry Howling, of Philadelphia, is visiting
ins parents on West Cherry street.
Mrs. Clark, of Pottsville, is the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. John Conry, on East Lloyd
Lou Gamer, who has been visiting her
grandparents at Lost Creek, was called homo
to tho bedsido of her sister, Margaret, who is
lying ill with pneumonia.
Edward Williams, driver for Wilson Otto,
tho baker, will leave for Reading to-morrow,
to accept a position as book-keeper with tho
Grand Union Tea Company. Ho will bo
succeeded by Sanford Shoemaker, now with
tho local branch of the Grand Union Tea
An Kxploslon of Gas.
Shamokin, June 2, An explosion of gas
occurred in tho No. 0 vein at tlio Buck
Ridge colliery, owned and operated by tho
Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron
Company, at 8 o'clock yesterday morning,
burning five miners, two fatally. The vic
tims aro Thomas Thompson, 30 years old.
who died shoitly after being taken from the
mino, and Gcorgo Faust, 32 years old, who
died last evening. Samuel Smetz, aged 39
years, married; John Spccht, 35 years, un
married, and Samuel Faust, 33 years, mar
ncd, all sutl'ered serious injuries, When tho
mino closed down during tho latter part of
last week tho lire boss, fecott, and a gang
consisting of Thompson, Gcorgo Faust,
Samuel Faust. Spccht, Smetz and John Mc
Donald had just finished clearing tho No. 33
breast from gas, l esterday morning's work
was to clear the No. 31 breast, so that it
could bo worked. Tho men were bustlly en
gageu in trausierring tne ian wnen tlio ex
ploslou occurred. No ono knows what
ignited the gas.
To Oust a Ciller Ilitrgess.
A petition has bcon presented to court ask
Ins for a writ of quo warranto on Charles
Shlndol, of Tamamia, to show by what
authority hu holds tlio office of Chief Burgees,
J ne petition sots lortli that Mr. blilndcl was
elected Justico of tho Peace of tho Borough
of in tho spring of 1893 ; that 1
1801 ho was elected Chief Burgess and
1693 was appointed a Notary Public by the
Governor and that ho duly qualified fur nil
three of tha positions by taking the oaths o
office and by filing the required bonds,
violation of the law.
False Imprisonment Charged.
Coustablo Thomas Boliu was required last
night to furnish 300 ball to answer a charge
ot idlse arrest and Imprisonment mado by
ono John Pokalonls. Boliu says ho arrested
Pokalonls last Saturday because ho iutor
forod with him while ho was taking a prisoner
to jail.
Lost Creek Will Win.
John J. Moran, manager; of tho Lost Creek
baso ball club, was in consultation with Phil.
J. Connell and asked for a game with the
Pottsville Leaguo team on tho first opportune
date. This was promised him. Manager
Moran is willing to stako his reputation that lie
has tho wiuniug team In the Schuylkill
The Contest.
Tho counsel for Judge Lyon yesterday
filed nu additional hill of particulars in tho
Lyon-Dunn contest, and it contains tho
names of 2,131 persons who aro alleged to
have voted illegally for P. M. Dunn. Of tho
total number of 2,313 alleged. Illegal voters
tho bill allcgos that 1353 were not registered
and failed to mako proof ol their right to
as required by law. Thoso persons aro
picked out of districts throughout tho whole
county fioni Ashland to Yorkvllle. Thoso
people will likely bo subpoenaed.
Get a "Periodical Ticket" book free. 12t
Inspector Itrennuii's ltcport.
Mine Inspector Ed u aid Hreiuiau finished
Is report yesterday for last mouth in tho
Shamokin district and found that six fttal
nd eighteen serious non-fatal accidents
occurred. Tho fatal accidents happened as
follows : One at Locust Gap ; two at Black
Diamond and ono each at Columbus No. 1, at
Mt. Carmel, the Hlg Mountain and Hickory
lldge. The number Is unusually largo as
compared with the past several months but it
compares favorably with tho same mouth
other j oars.
County Commissioners' Mileage.
Tho Supremo Court decided in a Lycoming
county caso that County Commissioners can
only chargo milcago and traveling expenses
whllo out attending to duties appertaining
to their oilico, but that they nro not entitled
to any milcago or expenses going to their
oflico or returning therefrom to their homos.
Tnmnqiia Sellout Hoard.
Tho Tamaqua School Board met last oven-
ng for re-organization, An election for
lllcors for tho year resulted as follows:
President, Major Wallaco Guss ; Socretary, J.
Frank Ellcck , Treasurer, Elmer Brodo,
It Promises to ho tho Slost Successful l
Any In Recent Years.
St. Paul, Sllnn., Juno 2. Tho comtna
convention of tho Grand Army of the He
public, which is to bo hold in this city the
tho first week In Soptunibernoxt, promise
to bo tho most largely attended nnd th'
most successful of rocent years. Tho cor.
trovorsles with tho railroad coinpfiniiv
havo been amicably adjusted, nnl e-
trnnifllp lnw mtnj fpmn nil cnr-Hmi4 nf thu
country will shortly Iw nnnounceil.
otoruns will bo provided with free
quarters In tho school buildings. Cots ol
mattresses will bo furnished In thoso iroe
quarter.?, but no blaulcats. Hotel rate!
will vary fi-jm 61 1 j ?) par day. Tho no
commodntlons commtttoo will furnl-h u
list of hotols and lunrdlinr houM on re
quest. Early and dallnlto Information Is
ddilred as to the uuinlurof comrades from
each department who will ospoct froc
quarters during tha encumpnumt. Tha ac
commodations commlttco cm suitably
provlib for all.
A veterans camn will bo o vtn ullshod nt
University nvonuo nnd St. Albans strct.
near four linos of street cars. It . will bi
equipped with wuterservica nnd other con-
venlcncos, and ood moals will ho served
ut reasonable ratos. Spnco will bo pro
vided adjacent to tho vetorans camp, for
thoso who desire to bring touts, etc., for
private campln, parties.
Tho route of tho G. A. It. parado on S-opt
2 embraces portions of tho bust residence
and business truots, Is lossthan two nnlo
lonjr, all down grado, on asph tit pave-
montf, and froo from strest car tracks ex
cept at two or three street cros-lngs. Di
visions will form on shaded rosidunce
Indianapolis' Poisoned Water Supply.
Indianapolis, Juno 2. The Indianapo
lis Water company yesterday nsked the
federal court to clto the American Straw
Board works of Noblosvlllo for eontompt,
for permitting its refuse to outer White
river. Tho court Issued an order to the
company Federal years ago instructing
them to not allow this offal to roach the
river. All tho animal llfo in tho rivci
for a distance of twenty-live mllos ha
boon do'troyod and millions of dead llsh
are floating down. Tho board of public
works yesterday ordered the water supply
from tho rlvor out oil and only tho watet
company's wells nro In use. Many restau
rants aro hauling their water.
Republicans Win In Oregon.
Portland, Ore, Juno 2. Returns from
tho election hold In Oregon yo-torday arc
coming In Flowly. From present appear
uncos tho legislature will bo Iiepublican
by a large majority. It Is concodod by the
Democrats and 1'opullsts that lioan, ite
publlcnn candidate for supreme judge,
will havo nt least 5,0u0 plurality. Ex-Gov
ernor I'oiinoyer has been elected mayor ot
this city. Ono republican congressman
is elected and tho other 14 in doubt.
Murdered on tlio Street.
GnArTON,AV.Va.,Jnno2. Whllo Charlc"
L. Maglll, tho son of Lewis
Mngill, a landing lumber dialer, was
standing In front of a Latrobo street busi
ness hotio Frank Powell, colored, W year?
old, with whom he had previously had
sonio words, rama up. A fow more word?
passed, and the nogro pulled his revolvet
and fired. Tho shot passed through Ma
gill's heart, nnd ho dlod in ton nilnutos
Tho mu merer was nrrestou.
White Swelling
Came on my leg after typhoid fever, and
pieces of the bone came out. Rheumatism
Joined tho scrofula to put mo in misery.
Hood's Sarsaparllla proved Just the modl
clne; relieved mo ot naln. gave me a
good appetite and I laid aside my crutch
ana cane, Having taueti iu bottles
Hood's SarsapariSia
my limb is entlrelv healed and now I am
perfectly well." Quo hg K V. Chomwell,
Mt. Pleasant, Maryland, flj six for-sB.
HnndQ Pi'Ic easy to buy, easy to tak,
Barber Shop !
12 West Centre Street.
Our Hot Towel Shave
becoming popular. You will (Ike It.
make a specialty o( halrcuttlns.
In his ablo work entitled ''Longovlty,"
published a few years ago, Dr. John Gard
ner, of England, predicts that a vegetable
agent will yet bo found that shall so retard
those changes thatbring about old age as to
prolong human llfo much beyond its preseut
Acting perhaps, upon the Impulse pro
duced by his thought, many eminent phy
sicians havo called irom timo to time upon
the Shakers of Mt. Lebanon to inquire of
them concerning the secrets of medicinal
plants, in which those sincere, simple-minded
and God-fearing people nro known to bo wise
and skillful boyuud all other men.
Tho Shakers willlnslv told what they had
learned, a'nd In return received from their
visitors much valuablo information about
disease! which they at once made practical
use of. The most important point was that
if a genuine and certain remedy could bo
found fiir indigestion and dyspepsia, and tho
ailments growing out of It, a long step would
bo taken In the right direction. Old age.
said these physicians, begins in a failure of
tho digestion, and so do most diseases at any
and all periods of life. The result of thoso
consultations was tho discovery by tho
Shakers of the desired specific, made wholly
from herbs, and now known as tho Shaker
Digestive Cordial. Its action is magical and
worthy of Its origin. ,
Where thcro is distress after eating, heart
burn, sick headache, bad tasto in tlio mouth,
biliousness, weakness and wcarinoss, cold
hands and feet, aversion to food, nervous
ness, or any other symptom of dyspepsia,
tho Cordial will prove its curatlvo virtues.
Behind it Is tho reputation of a peoplo who
havo never defrauded or deceived their
fellow men.
In order to test whether this remedy Is
adapted to your case, at practically no cost,
you may procure a trial bottle for ten cents
of almost any druggist.
The Chicago Coliseum Opened.
CniOAOo, Juno 3. Tho Coliseum build
ing,at Sixty-third street and Stony Island
nvonuo, in which tho Dimocratio national
convention is to bo held, was thrown open
to tho public yesterday. Iluff'ilo Bill's
"Wild Wost" had tho honor of drawing
the first crowd Into tho building, and thoy
drew ono sulllcicntly largo to provo that
tho building will accommodate in splen
did shape any crowd that may gather.
Ulangled by n Premnturo Explosion.
Waterloo, In., Juno 2. Dv tho prema
ture ospioslou of powdorFred Hurmeistor
and Julius Ilunneister wero fatally in
jured. Fred Durmolstor had both oyes
blown gut, and both arms had to bo am
putated. Julius Dunnelster's right arm
was badlv burned, and ono eye was blown
out. Doth will probably die. Thoy wer
blasting bowlders.
Itoyal Wed ling In N.nv Yorlt.
New Youk, Juno 3. Prudencla Tld
daurl Milm ), daughter of Seuor Patrick
Mllmo, ono of Mexico's wo ilthiost citizens,
was undo Princess Albort Iladslwlll yos
terday in tho Church of St. Francis
Xnvler Archbishop Corrljtin offlcn.teJ,
and Sanor Mllmo gava tho bride a.vay.
The function was conducted throug 'iritt
on tho most clnbornto senlo. After thj
mass a special benediction sont by tho poc
was pronounced by Archbishop Corrlguu.
Thrown from a Steam Cycle nnd KIUc.1.
I3ohjv, June 2. S. H. Hop-r, of 11.-
bury, a mechanical engineer, whllo pacing
Tom Jlutlo,r, the professional bicyclo rider,
with a steam bicyclo which lloper hud In
vented, was killed at tho Charles River
Park track yestorday. Hoper's machine
became unmanageable and ho was thrown,
striking upon his head. Itopor, who wns
70 years of age, had been at work on hii
motor twenry-flvo years.
Cholera Iilots In Cairo.
LoNTiox, June '2. A dispatch to tho Ex
change Teloiraph company from Cairo
rays th'it a serious riot has occurred In
that city growing out of the public alarm
over tho prevalence of cholera. In tho
courso of tho disturbances tho govornor of
Cairo was woundod, an 1 tho polico wore
compelled to ilro upon tho tnob. Over 200
of tho rioters were arrested.
Ilritniinlii Won on Time Allowance.
Lovdox, Juno 2. In tho regatta of tho
Royal Harwich Yacht club yosterday Sa
tanlta cro-,eJ the finish lino first. Britan
nia was socond and Atlsa was third in tho
race for the large yachts. Hrltaanla, how
ovor, won on time allowance.
The Weather.
For eastern Now York, eastern Pennsyl
vania, .Miff Jersey and Delaware: Fair
continued cool, northerly winds, shifting
to easterly. 1
Closing Quotation-, of tlio New- York urn
l'hlladelplila Kxchatigug.
Kav," Yoni;, Juno 1. Tho'bulls wero eneour
ag"i at I'js riMumption of business to Uy bj
huhnr m-ic.'tf foe Aiu"rlean se urittas in Lon-
dmi nnd by man chprful sentiment osprnsnej
irom mat center. Uiojlnj bios:
Baltimore is Ohio. 18 Li-Ulgh Valloy . . 83
Chosa. & Ohio
New Jersey On. .105
Del. Us Hudson
D..L.&W .
Lake Erie SsY
Lehigh Nav
N. Y. Central
Pennsylvania .
6t. Paul..
W. N. Y. & Pa, ,
General Mnrkets.
Philadelphia, June 1. Hour weakj win
ter superfine. '!.!XVa2.65! in. mt. t2.A.vz,9.njv
Pennsylvania roller, clear, 3.103.30; do. do.
inugut,; western winter, clear, I3.U ivueai uuiii JUay, UlMfttGBo. Corn In-
aotlvo:May,l)(fuk. Oats dull-. Matr. iu:H
35c. Hay quiet; choloB timothy, $1717.50 for
large balos. Doef steady; family, 0.5011.5Q
mo-,, i, uoei nnnii, !; paelcot, fa.50!m
city extra inula moss, llSOill). Pork dull- nil
to new mess, ss.KKftO.iH ; short clear, f 0(4 10.50 1
fnmtW airv.,n la r , .
u....jr, vxv,o. uuriiwi'tta; western ateam,
U.37a. Butter firm ; western dairv. STtlln. : ln.
cicamory, ll'i5e. ; Elgins, 150.; imitation
creamery, 13c. ; New Yorlt dairy, u315c. ; do.
creamery, imnao. uhwwe steady : largo. Si
(g,o. ; small, 97Jio. ; part skima, &lUp. ; full
skims, lHtiio. Exif steady; Nov York and
xruuu&yiviuiiu, 1AQ)1S0.
Uvo Stock Market.
Nbw Yohk, June 1. Beeves active; native
itnT, migriur m ennu-o, ; common
toifood sttllers, W!v$i.VH; (.tags and oxen.
18.50(9,1.10: bulls, i.S.Vj.33; dry cows, J.15rj
pw. v.uivvi o,aiec una weaic ; poor to very
Choioo VBU.1. S:iUA. nn.l lnvl, an,l...,.
potjr to prime nheep, tl.50; oommon to fair
jruiiiaua, .ioi(; Houtheru lambs, oora
laon to prime, 4(1 47.50. Hogs ilrrn at 8.001.10,
uiutuiTT, ro,., juno 1. ttattlo lower
extra, j.ivaj.fio; rair. W.KyiM.W. ; ttugs and
cows, I3.VJ3.UI. Hogwoalc; prime selected, S.M
(48.(10; host Yorkern, l3.S0flAK; common to fair
ioriterB. Ki.jJisij.oui neavy hogs, 13.283.85
uuu, naeap active; prime, t6.WH
mr, a.s.iu; oomrnoa, .75a.2a; choice
yuariinio, i.isyj.ia ; upruitf lambs, JW43.W
Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and La
drippo when Laxatlvo Uromo Quinine will
cure you in ono day. Tut up in tablets con
venient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or
money refunded. Price, 25 cents. For Bale
hy-Kirliu's Pharmacy.
One Negn Tn'len Irom t'l- Court Iton-n
ami Anntlier .1
Cou-M Ms, Oa., ,1uaoa.Af lo l'i VbHc
j-osterd.iy fowioo.i k mob of 0r armed
men broke Into th VBbtw bull llntt dur
ing tho trial of Jesse .-ilaytoii, ch ireil
with imsnuUlng 18-ye ir-old ' Mrs. Howard
Drynn last Thursday, and took tho prisoner
from th j o?a -. i;i-tin'(i trial had al
ready boguu behind looked doors and a
heavy armed guard of men was proG:itto
prots't, t'n P"Hoiiot fro.n nny Uj-nonstra-tlon
of violence.
Th'i in b fovon-l the doof s, nnd wlh a
resistless rush swept bick the spuutnrors
and gaards and seize 1 nnd onrrlol tw
nogro out into the street. A rops Was
placed around Slayton's neck nnd ho was
dragged up Hroad street, tho crowd shoot
ing nt him as they went along. Near tho
bell tower thoy swung tho nogro up nnd
perforated him with bullots.
Aftor this the mob as coolly nnd delib
erately as In tho first instance, went im
mediately to tho court houso. overpowered
thu jailer and took "Will Miles, a negro
charged with assaulting Mrs. Albright,
two years ago, and marohod him slowly
to whero Slayton's Ufoloss body was hang
ing from a troo. Tha trembling nogro was
mado to look upon tho fato of his brother
In crime, tben a ropa was placed about his
flock and ho na slowlr suannmlnd in thn
air and hts' Uody fllleJ. with bulbts.
Tho bodlos of tho two nogr6 bruto4 wore
left hanging during tho afternoon nnd a
surging mass of humanity was packed
around tho scono. Tho greatest excite
ment prevails hero, ospoclally nmong tho
no.s?roos, nnd It U not improbable that
further trouble will cusuo.
The Waiting Murder Trlnl.
NnwpoiiT. Ky.. Juno 2. Seott Jankson.
by order of .Tudgo Helni, Was transferred
yesterday afternoon to tho Kenton county
jail at Covington as a precaution against
a possible jnll delivery. In tho Walling
trial stronger export evidence that tho girl
was ktllod on tho spot was obtained than
that brought out in tho Seott Jackson
trial. In cross examination, ospclally of
medical experts, the defense shows groat
thoroughness of preparation and much
skill. No stone will be left uuturnod to
Insert a Ixdlef In tho nllnds that Pearl
Bryan was taken dead to tho spot whore
she was found and beheaded Instead of be
ing killod thoro.
Tho Hlscovory Saved Ills Life.
Mr. G. Caillouette. Druggist. Bcaversville.
111., says: ,"To Dr. Kihg's New Discovery I
owo my life. Was taken with La Grippo and
tried all tho physicians for miles about, but
of no, avail and was given up and told I could
not live. Having Dr. King's Now Discovery
in my storo I sent for a bottlo and began its
uso and from tho first dose began to get better,
and after using three bottles was up and about
again, it is worth its weight tn gout, wo
won't keep storo or houso without it." Get
tree trial at A. Wasloy's Urug Storo.
Wife Murderer Dies lit Prison.
TliKXTOX, Juno 2. William Agnow, who
was serving a twenty years' sontonco in
tho Now Jersey state prison for wlfo mur
der, died at th'it Institution yostordny.
Tho murdor was committed In 1887. Ag
new's wlfo had boon dead threo weeks
when hor body was found in tho. house,
and a broken chair Indicated how sho had
been killed. It was provod that Agnew
was intoxicated at tho tlnlo of tho mur
der, this being rosponsiblo for his oscaplng
a doatn sontonco.
Hnmmond Out nu Parole.
Piiktoria, Juno 2. John 'Hayes Ham
mond, tho Aniorlcan mining enslnoor who
was sontoncod to death as ono of tho load
ers of tho Johannesburg reform commit
too In the lato conspiracy against tho
Transvaal Rovernmout, but whose sen
tence was subsequently commuted to fif
teen years imprisonment, has been re
loasod on parole in order that ho might
visit his wifo, who Is 111 at Johannesburg.
Clarkson Seriously 111.
New Yohk, Juno 2. Jaruos S. Clark-
pon, of Iowa, Is sorlously 111 in his apart
ments nt tho Fifth Aveuuo hotel. Mr.
Clarkson has boon 111 for more than two
weeks, but his Illness was not considered
of a pjravo nature; Sunday night, how
ever, after what had appoared to bo a
period of sura recuperation, ho had a re-
apse, ami he Is now reported to bo in a
Curo for Headache.
As a remedy for all forms of Ilcadacho
Electric Hitters has nrovcil tn ho tho vcrv
best. It effects , a permanent curo . and tho
most urenneu Habitual sick headaches yield
to its Influence. Wo urge all who are afflicted
to procure a bottlo, and givo this remedy a
lair trial, in case of habitual constipation
Electric Bitters cures bv civimr tho needed
tone to tho bowels, nnd few cases long resist
tho uso of this medicine. Try it once. Largo
bottles only SO ceuts at A. Waslcy's Drug
Tim I'ulillc UeM.
WASniN-GTOX, Juno 2. Tho publlo debt
statement issued, by tho treasury depart'
mont yo- ter.lay shows that tho dobt, lesl
cash In tha treasury, mrjrreiratos l)M,I70,
400, 1111 Increase for tho mouth of May of
3,ibs,7uU, vrmcn is accounted lor by a no
creaso In the cash of S2,Sf)7,450 nnd an In
croasoof83,17o,3r0!nbond3of tho last is-
suo paid for some weeks ago nnd delivered
during the las: month.
Death .of lSx-Judire Tappan.
New Youu, Juno 2. Rx-Judiro A. B,
Tappeu died last night in Kingsbrldgo of
paralysis, lio was born In Now Hamburg,
Duohoss county,- 75 years ago, and has
llvod for forty years In Klngsbrldgo. Ho
was elected a judgo of tho supremo court
and served for fourtojn years. Ho served
in the constitutional convention of 1807,
with W. M. Evnrta and Samuel J. TUdon,
llucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salvo In tho world for cute,
bruises. Boros. ulcers, salt rheum, fover sores.
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For salo br A. Wasley.
Coiulue; Kvent,
Juno 15, Ice cream festival undor ,tho
auspices of God's American Volunteers in
Itobbins onora house.
Juno 18. La'wn party at tho resldenco of
A. It. llroomo, at Brownsville.
Juno 3. Ico cream and strawberry festival
under tho auspices of tho Ladles' Aid Socloty
of tho Presbyterian church, at Robbius' opera
1'lac o Your Orders Now.
If you want envelopes, lettor or hill heads,
statements, tags, circulars, order or receipt
hooks, hall programs, invitations, tickets,
posters, cards or anything in the printing
lino, corao or send your ordors to tho Herald
ofllee. Good material, good workmanship
aud prices consistent with first-class work aro
tho magnets.
ID Yotf EVER suffer .from real ner
vousness? When qvery nerve eocmcd
to quiver with a pe'culiar, creepy
f eollng, first In ono plaop, and then another
and all so6mod finally to concentrato in a
wrlthlnc jumbld in tha br.Mn. nm vnn he.
como irritable, fretful! and pcovlshi to bo
followed by an impotent, woakencd condi
tion of the nervo centers, ringing In the
cars, and sleepless, miserable nights 7
Dr. Miles' JTJ0
hart, Ind., says; "Ner
vous troubles had made
ma nearly Insauo and
llart If u physicians woro unable
ncmillx.ii tohelpmo. Mymemory
was almost gone and every Ilttlo thing
worried mo until I was almost distracted.
I really feared I was becoming a maniac I
Imagined all sorts of evil things and would
cry over nothing. I commenced taking Dr.
Miles' Restoratlvo Nervine and four bottles
of this wonderful remedy completely cured
me, and I am as well now as I over was."
Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold on guarantee.
first bottlo will benefit or money refunded.
l Konrtn.l TltotfM
Of airardvlllo, 1'n.
Subject to Democratic rules.
Ot Brand Mountain.
Subject to Itepublican rules.
Of Girardvillo.
Subject to Democratic rules.
Of Ashland.
Subject to Itepublican rules.
Of Jollett, Porter Township.
Subject to Republican rules.
Of Tftnmqun.
Subject to Iiepublican Kales.
Ofllee : 80 Vest Centre street.
Can be consulted at all hours.
) F. BURKE, M. D.
80 E. Lloyd street, Shenandoah.
Office hours i 7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 8 and 7 to 9
p. in.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Office Ecan buildliicr. corner ot Main and
Centre streets, SheiwnUonh.
Lock Box 63, Mahanoy City, Ta.
TTnvlntf Atnrlletl under some of the beat
mnoterH iivl.ondon and l'arls. will elve lessons
on the -IolIn, guitar ond vocal culture. Terms
reasonniue. Auaress in care 01 oirouse, mo
eweler, bhenaniloaii.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
nillionsof Dollars
Go up in smoke every year. Take no
risks but got yourliouses, stock, fur
niture, etc., insured iu first-class re
liable companies as represented by
DAVIb FATIST Insurance Agent,
UO.VIU rAUOl) 130 South Main Bt.
Also Ufa and Accidental Companies.