. 3 K H m km iji to rj mi ram n ran rmn I W M m FS lift! M M Wl r Ml W B Vi 17 m Ttt'EItr humor, wViVr Itchtne, burning, 'j bleeding, n..ily, ci i t d, pimply, or blotchy, whether s.mplo, nroiulnus, or hurulititry, from Infnucy to nge, nre now speedily lurid by fttiCULF. ZJ A ABKIN nnd blood pnrlltcr or incomparatuo purltynr.il curnllro power, l'urcly vegcta. . tie, fafe.lmioccrit.lan'l palatable. It appeals to ",,nndcrUtlyinottiors, nurses, and children. Sold throoshout the world. Price. Cl'tlcrnA, Mc-I o' Low to"uM Uwl Skin Humor," free. DR. LOBB'S BOOK FREE To nil suflerers of MtUOIlS OP YOUTH,' t.wi- Vli:ilt unci IIIMJASIX OF MII AND WOMEN. 20 tagess cloth Dounai se pi v npniii linii rtmlltri free. Treatment bv mall strictly onlldenilal, and a positive, quiet cur guarnmeea. " uih uuw .unit bhiuuuji, will pot lT 17 curs you. Write or call. nR nRR 329HJ5thSt.PMIa.Pa. HA)MAAft ! Headache Cured. A quick cure, a certain euro, S tho best cure la C uuuuno . ANTI-HEADACHE r POWDERS. We never heard of a case whoro they failed. Wo never ex- poet to hear of ono. J take them. Theyait-J harmless. They do not contain one blngle atom of any dancer- us I ona drutr. aorimsw- , I reason It Is well to Bhun all other hcad aoho raodlclncs. Avoid risk by Insist ing on eettlng TAY LOR'S. Our powders p can easily bo dlstin guished by tha do- X Hghtfnl odor and pleasant taste, and they look llko srouna coireo. uest. or alb, they cure almost Instantly. TRVIAQ nnllR A CHEMICAL. CO.. S TRENTON, N.J. GRUHLER BROS. Chlchculer's l!nllih Diamond HmnS. Orltrfnul find Onlr Grnnlnc SArCt ftlwyi reliable, ladies aik . UroggUt for Chlehettert FnqlUh Via-i momlVrani la lted tuil Gold mf tallio .hoxei, seftiea wim diuo nuuon. i ako a iiilmp TtftSim rinnnrrtiuM nihMttL 'fiom and imitation. At HruggUn, of lend 4 in itunrt for rarllcular. teitimonltli tni "IteilCI lor (n (tiitr, u rt'iuru JIalL l.O04 TeitlmonKli. A'am itapr. lolie"lerChcinlcutCo.tMtttll"nn4)uar OLD DR. THEEL hT,0,ed 604 norm oixin St.. . 'GnKnntef-14. re." &b. Green, Philadebhla, Cholknffei ti. vU. from the Rilrertlslrjirtwo. ' lalUt up to toe leoturlD; rroreriKiri.In curing theKOrnt'cftietoffpcciil DlsGaM.iandJII.UOit i lMUbO.V. Ko moitir(.ewHngerlDf,sererebni danffcroua ttlfl trooMn rn bo. Arrrnm 11a. 5 blllty,i;Tgrnof VoulhinJI.owiof I'ower y cond. trloturo. lurliucpln Bud l'ilrm. nrcd iihou( cutting. Vlt. TJiEKL li po.iilvelj' tbaoMLSt, the brt Bd nut i.lllful anil trxpcrteitccdooe, no mine uii crn. ri mj cimira. rcua ove v-ocnt At am pi tor book "Trutli" And be enUghtmed reeArfllng rnur dlpaia nl bow to cureil. Tbe cult look JVOMau OfAOKHaDd tiulr booke nnJ tiwnlorn, lLtlotre ilef. I'rt-uh 4?um rnrcl In 4t.i lO Iii-a.. Ilonni S to 8r ., 6 io. Wcl. od Hat, to 10; Hod., 9 1 iz: t.ig ,ow. -ironimcntnr Slitll. MhenfCQrit& r can niioo iui aicr. t-ohtu aua nosing ir deilred. " . in-TT-n UT HOvTlVlMO. JUNEJa, IMI. TRADE MARK "'" Thi met beautlftrt ' PStT The? newr V SlOiUUtuil Lauer's Lager and Pilsner Beers Finest. laid Ullil-nO Ml ifflw Purest anJ IWilll lllvtjll Chris. Schmidt, Ast.. 207 West Coal Street. seeoccoeoococ sse ooo CURED TO STAY CURED. Does This Mean Anything to You? If your truss don't hold you or is causing pain, see us at once. It may savo you years of suffering. We havo cured hundreds of people In Pennsylvania, and can refer you to patients cureu lit your own town, uur in-iumeiit is liarmlesd iaud will not keep you from your daily labor Call and hare a talk with our uoctor, It will cost you nouiing. we guaran tee relief aftnr the first trcalincut, audtour The Dr. AUUer Cp., PhUndefphla. Sco Our Doctor JiTery Tuesdojr nt UNION HOUSE, Ashland,. Pa. Ono Klllt'il nt Coltinililn. Cot.rMillA. I'n., Slny 2ll. A oyclononnd ntcrspout struck Columbia yostorday ion. in wriRntiviiio.on the York county lo or tno rtinciuciiiiiimi rl VL'r.iimiiy hausos re unroofed, nnd Uillmver & Smnll'a plrVinliiK mill was almost completely eked, lho storm crovied ths rlvar. ill. viilSmn tho vntr for nupncu of 500 feet, iviivtiiig ino uou ot tno river visible. Tho wnt1 It wim rnisod from tho rlvur mnl mr. Hod vor tho town. Tho pinning mills of JnchAmin & Korrynml tlio Columbia lium her CL'lmpiniy were unroofed, in were also numlber of houses. Soveral cum of lnm. ber stnailifi on tho rnilroiid trucks wore unlonduiis and tho boards carried t.wn snuarus. I Tho storm coinnlntnlr wnwl-nil the mill lof tho Columbia llolllng Mill company, (where 200 men were nt. work, lirty of wlAom wort) lmprlsonod untlor tho debris, whftch caught ilro. Isnao Havcr stlck, a pupdler, was scalded to death by escaping s 'Jeam nnd flfty others wero so- riousiy injftircd, scvoral of whom may dlo. A CycHono Scnro In Wnihlngton, WASIItSOVoN. Slnv 20 Vnr t.hn thlr,l tlmo in ten llays Washington has oxperi enccd a cyiliimlo storm nnd for twenty minutes yosUerdny afternoon tho wluil swept tno cnty, nnd tho rain boat down with a vlolcmVo suggestive of tho'St, Louis hqrror. Wltjh tho newspaper storlas of tho tornado t fresh In mind, tho sudden Bwoep of tho sltorm cnuso! much suffering 10 nervous potopie. 1 no winu swept away roofs from n nihmbor of buildings. Much dnmago was doVio to tho splondlod foliage In tho oxeoutlo mansion grounds, and two of tho flnosf of tho largo old trees were torn up by tht roots, making four lost In a wcok from stoiyms. Tho wind nctod like a gouuiuo yostoiVn cyclone In tho' White iiouso grounds. A ratnllfiy at Ijinglioroe, LANOnoRNE, Pn, May 29. Georco Wont- erk was killed by tho destruction of a barn In which ho had 6raj,ht shelter during yoslerdny's storinl, ' toliacco houses oi James and bairiuel Headloy and Honrj Deckel were wrdekert. At Whcatshcaf, on tho Pennsylvnftla railroad, tho stntior. was blown Uowln nnd flvo toljacco ware houses unroofijd. On its way to Jersoj tho storm dostr0ycd tho burn of Wllllau: fliorsnon, on ayorrls Island. Wonr Whltf Ilorso GeorgolNowoll, whilo driving t wagon, was chught by tho tornado and fatally hurt. 1 Harrison Dillon, colored was ulno badl injured. Swept Wytrytliliig in Its I'ntli. CENTUALlA.ills., May 29. Southern II llnols was thi! soono of two dostructlvo cy clones Wednesday ovonlng. Tho llrst die much dnmn(oat East St. Louis and vicin ity. Tho soaond spent Itself inn district less densely populated. Tho latter struct, tho vlllago ipf Now Iloden, twenty milei west of this city. Only flvo buildings wen left standing, nnd tho list of killed Is ro portod nil tho way from eighteen to thirty eight. The storm covered a strip about ono mllo wide and swept overything in iti path. Swept a Clean 1'atli. Ymts, Pa., May 29. A wind storm amounting almost to a cyclone, struct near Hanover yesterday. It demolished sfx barns, blow down Albert Forry'f dwelling houso and a schoolhoiiho in Pour, township. On n farm owned by a Mrs Myers a building Inclosing some live stock was lifted up and dcmollshodj bul tho stock was uninjured. Tho storn; swept a clean path through tho wooded lands, showing that it was confined to b narrow space. Threo Sloro Storm Victims. XOHHISTOW.V, Pa., May 29, Tho storm which passed over this placo yesterdaj afternoon wrocked a number of small buildings and uprooted many trees. The coroner has been notiflod that two men wero killed at Jarrottstown, near hero. At Hatboro consldorablo dnmago was dona Mills and othor buildings wero unroofed nnd sixteon burns destroyed. John Wal ters, n Heading railroad section hand, wns killed In a barn whoro ho had sought shel ter. . Unllding!) Wrecked In New Jersey. Thentox, May 29. A heavy storm swept over from tho Pennsylvania shore yester day nftomoon, after having blown down sovoral tobacco warehouses nnd barns In Lunghorno, Pa. At Wlilto Horse, south oi Trenton, a barn was blown down nnd a man namod Duffy, who hnd sought shelter there, was badly hurt. Tho storm went on to Allontown, Monmouth county, where a number of small buildings wero wrecked; and soveral porsons injured. ltcsldences Flooded nt llctlilelieiu. Bethlehem, Pa., May 29. This place suffered many thousand dollars damage by yesterday afternoon's storm. For two hours tho rain foil in torrents. Forty rosl donees along Gauchy sower woro Hooded to the dopth of throo foot on tho llrst lloor, whilo ut Flvo Points as many more prop ertioj woro flvo foot under water. Tornado Victim at Mount -Vernon, Iml Mt. Veiison', Ind., May 29. A tomadc struck tho southorn portion of this city ut 10 6'olock Wodnosday night, wreokliifi ntneteon buildings, numerous out houses, trcos, oto. Tho peoplo oscapod death Or serious injury. Tho loss Is great, nnd n relief corps is now nt work securing aid foi tho storm strlckon pooplo. Storm Damage nt ltemllnp;. ' Beadixo, Ph., May SO. A suddon and unoxpoctod Bhowor rosombllnct n cloud burst flooded many streets and cellars in tills city yostorday afternoon. Tho ihiinnge to proporty inny raich sovoral thousand dollars. Tho storm lasted thirty minutes, and was the most severe ever experienced In this locality. Four Kllli il, Ono I'litiilly Injured. Mexico, Mo., Slay 29. A oyclono ot great vlolenco, bringing with it death nnd destruction, visited tho northern pnrt of Audray county, about olght milos north east of Mexico, Wednesday afternoon. Four children were killed nnd ono fatally injured. A prominent western newspaper recom mends llax 6ecd tea as an oxcelleut remedy for whooping cough. It may bo good but it is not to bo compared with Chamberlain's Cough ltcmcdy. This preparation will allay tho violont fits of coughiug and make them less frequent and less severe. It also liquifies the tough mucus, making it easier to expec torate. Complete recovery Is much quicker, too, when tins remedy is given. There is no danger in giving it to small children, as it Is a pleasaut syrup and contains nothing in jurious. For salo at 25 and 50 cents iwr bottlo by Oruhlor Bros., druggists. Ask your grocer for tho "Itoyal Patent" Hour, nnd tako no othor brand. It is tho best flour imtdo. When you want good roofing, piummng, gas fitting, or general tinsmithing done call on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street. Dealer ir. stoves. 1-tf CURES DYSrEPBIA. A New l'rrpiiriillotl, l'lellKnnt, UnrJlllf , Simple, rrrpiired .Soltjy for AWak Dlgi-n- tlun. ' " A now remedy fur dyspepsia nnd indiges tion; very highly recommended by Dr. Ilnr land uiil Dr. Jemilsou mid other prominent physicians Is a comMmttlun in tnblo form of vogetablo nnd fruit essences, pure aseptic pepsin and Golden Soul. Ono of tlioso tab lets should bo dissolved In lho mouth after each meal and according to Dr. Jennisou tho clled seems to bo that tho food Is perfectly nnd promptly digested, beforo it iias timo to sour and ferment, which causes all tho mis chief. So popular lmvo theso tablets becomo with people who lmvo any form of indigestion that they nro now sold by druggists every where under tho namo of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. They aro not a secret patent mcdlcino, but as related aliovo, contain vcgctablo and fruit csseuccs, pepsin and Golden Seal in a form absolutely safe and pleasant to tako. " A few of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets should bo curried in tho pocket and taken after meals and whenever there ia any pain or discomfort In the stomach. They euro sour stomach, heartburn, bloating, gas, pal pitation nnd all symptoms arising from dis ordered digestion. Will euro auy stomach troublo except cancer of stomach. All druggists sell Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets nt 50 cents for full sizedjpnekage, or sent pre paid by mail from Stuart Co.,'Marshall, Mich. Coming Kvent, May 30 Second annual picuic of tho Key stone Gymnasium at Columbia Park. May 30. Ice cream festival under t auspices of tho 22 Club, in Kobbins' opera llOUfO. ' June 11. Ico cream festival under tho auspices of God's American Volunteers in Itobbins' opera bouse. Juno 19. Lawn party at tho residenco of A. R. Broome, at Hrownsvillo. Juno 3. Ico cream and strawberry festival under tho auspices of tho Ladles' Aid Society of the Presbyterian church, at Itobbins' opera house. There is some ono in almost every neicii- borhood who is subject to attacks of pain in tho stomach or bilious colic. Mr. J. D. Kin ney, Warren Center, Pa., used to bo troubled in that way. Ho says: "Tho attacks wero marked by tumble pains, diarrhoea and fainting spells. At such times I suffered exceedingly until I began using Chamber- lain s Uo'.ic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Jtemedy, two nr three does of which etl'ectcd an im mediate and lasting euro." For silo by Uruliler liros., ilniL'uiiU. v ... XfifS;U Taken luter- . "MfetSL-nally cures . , "xr" cramps Ji,0:Vrfs. ami all bowel com- plaints, t .sudden S VJlsf1,,,dLaGrinne. i ' Used externally it is the best liui- J g mcut iu the world. Beware of I imitations, buy only the genuine made by Perry Davis. film. J 0 hkigt bottlei 23 .nl 50 ceoL eiali. JOHN F. CLEARY, PUItF. SF.LTZHR WATEIt A cure for headache and Mnmach troubles. GIXOKIt AI.E, WKI9S 11KKR, LAQICI: HBEIJ, BOTTLER OF . . . t7 and !9Peacli Alley, Shenandoah . UlUCVnll ""ro Tttront, rimplel, Copper tlAlC IUU Colored Spots, Acini, OM Sorc Ulcers In WootU, llalr-t filing) Write COOK ItEMEDY CO., (JOT Muionlc Temple, Chlcniro, III., tor proofs oi cure. Cupl tul, W.-.OO.OOO. Worst cse cured lu ID to aa daya. xoo-paice hooitrrce- BSoodfHerveFood For Weak and Run-Down People from Childhood to Old Age. WHAT IT IS! Tho rlcheetof aUrcntorBtlTa Food a, bvcauae it replaced the inrae BnbBtHncea to tlie blnod ad Qf-rvea that are pihaneted la thefce two Hfe-KiTiofftlaids by disease, tDttifiestlon, high livins, o?erw oric, worry ( excebuts, abuse, etc. WHAT IT DOES! Br mtltlng the blood pure And rich, aod the aicet-tlon perfect, it creirtei BOiia tleuh, muscle f.nd ttrt-iiKth. The nerres be iag wade Btrtmp.tho brain becomes active aud clear. 1 or restoring lost vitality and btopplnjr alt wasting drnlns and weakness In eith'T nex. It baa noeqnil ; atidiBMKfpmalerpgatatorlt U worth its weight in ffold. OuflboilaftBttweok. Price 5io or 6 boxes $u, Drugsists ortjrnil. Ilnokl'reu . THE OR. CHASE COMPANY, 1U CUu.tnut ILL. Philadelphia. HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Humphreys' Witch Hazol Oil as a curative and UKAtiNO application. Jt has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and Burning Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Hclief immediate cure certain. It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Relief instant It Cure? Torn, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions. Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures It'lf LAMED or CAKED BRBAST3 and Sore Nipplts, It is invaluable. It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or hostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Siaes, S5c, 50c. and $1.00. J5oldbyDrusgi8t,or9ent post-paid on recclptorprlce. lll lll'KllKlS'JltD. CO., 11 ill Vllll.m .,! York. l-'ur aiilo nt I'ovlnsky'i druir ttorc, 21 liifct centre btroet. The "Twin Comet" and "Little Giant" LAWN SPRINKLERS. BUST MADK. Unique. Elllclcnt, tabor Saving. H'lll sprinkle lour iimeu greater urea limn otner upruiKier made. Jllgheht nwnnt ut the C'lilcago Kx position. Send for Circulars Giving Testi monials and Prices. E. STEBBINS MFG. CO., Bole Manufacturers, Springfield, Mass. For sale by nil hardware nnd rubber stores In me c mien states, Will Not Revoke the British Sout'i Africa Company's Charter, CONFIDENCE IN GREAT BRITAIN Tin-)- Alc Tlint llrr 5lnjcty' Cmorniiirnt Will Thoroughly liirmtlgnte tlu-.Iaiin-on Itnld nnd Tnho Mi-p. to Prevent 11 Itcpetltltm of Such .rt. Capetown, MnyS'J. The house of nsom bly yesterday voted upon Mr. Merrliunn'! nmendmcnt In fnvor of revoking tho char tcr of tho llrltish South Africa company owing to tho manner In which they havi been implicated In tho Jameson raid. Tin houio rejected the amendment by a vo of 00 to 11. Tho hoito of assembly then adopted Mr Schrelnor's motion to tho efTe"t th'tt th house cundomiH tha Jameson inroad trtlsta th.it her inajo-ity'ri guverninnt will set on foot a scarchlhg lniiuiry into th origin nud carrying out of tho same promises nsslstunco to tho inquiry; recog nlo tho stops aire tdy tak mi ; trusts that her majesty's government will tako fur ther measures' by administration of the territories or otherwise to prevout a rep etition of tho inroad, and feels asmred that by proceeding in n spirit of mutual conciliation and forboiranco complete tranquility will bo rostirod and further discord, so fatal to the ponco of South Af rica, will bo prevented. Mr. Schreiner'i motion also contemplates that a select committee should bo appointed to Inquirt into tlu circumstance of tho raid as af fecting Capo Colony. Ambassador Visit thw C;nr, Moscow, May 21). Tho czar and czarlni yestorday received tho ambassadors, tin speplal missions, tho military olllcors 01 oxaltod rank, tho Ai-latlo deputations auc tho mayors of tho provinces in St. An draw's throuo room. The function win ono of tho mot brilliant it is possible tc imagine Tho czarina was dressed in pith blue silk, with iv velvet train richly cm broldored with silver and studdod will diamonds. United States Minister Hrurk eiirldse and 11 full representation of tin American mission participated in tho cero nionlos. Tho rabbis of St. Petersburg Moscow nnd Wiu-saw wore tmcerdutn robosof pure whlto silk, donned speeinlli to mark tho first occasion of Jews Leln; received at tho ltusslan court. Supposed Addition to Cuba's NatJ. Savaxxak, May 2J. A clo-o watch 1 being kept by customs ofilcinls hero upot the i-toiviii yni ht Vlsllnnt,upon which con sldorablu worJc has boon done recently. I Is thought Cubans have cutraired her though tho announcement bus Iweu madi Hut tho Vigilant has boon latsod to a lijs ton, Mass., company for luO days to run t ple.isuro resorts. She is the fnstosr, st.'amo in tills section, only ono year old and sea worthy. New York's School Superintendent. New Your, May 20. Tho nnmo of T)r Daniel Colt GUinan, as candidate for tin po-ltlon of superintendent of tho publb schools, was withdrawn yesterday. I)r Gilninn wroto that tho opposition to hi leaving tho Johns Hopkins tinlvorsity wn so groat that ho could not accept tho pos nt this tlmo. Superintendent Jasper win ro-eleetod, his only opponent being Super Indent Gilbort, of St. Paul. Murtelous Itesults. From a letter written by Rev. J. Gundcr man, of Dimondaie, Mich., wo aro permitted to make this extract : "I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's Xcw Discovery, as tho results wero almost marvelous in tho caso of inj- wife. Whilo I was pastor of the Baptist church nt Hives Junction she was brought down with Pneumonia succeeding La Qrinpo. Terriblo paroxysms of coughing would last hours witli little interruption and it seemed as If sho could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at A. Wasley's drug storo. lingular sizo 50c and $1.00. Mine'. Xurillcn WilileiI. Iotiaxatolis, May 29. Lllllnn B. Nor ton, better known as Mine. Xordlca, thi distinguished soprnno, was married 01 Wodnosday to Zoltan F. Doomo. Tin bridegroom Is a young Hungarian tenor who for 11 year has boon with tho grant opera of Paris. Ho Is a hand'onio man nnd about twclvo years tho junior of Mmo Xordlca. Harden Diamond Ilobbcrs Vn ltnutc. Loxdo.v, May 20. William Tumor nm William It. Dunlop, tho Burden dlamom roblwrs, sallod for Now York on board thi steamer Oermanlc yostorday In custody o' otllcers, who will deltvor thorn to tha Nov York authorities for triul. Mr. Charles H. Wetzel, of Sunbury, Pa., was so much pleased with a remedy which cured him of rheumatism that ho mado atli davit to tho fact for publication as follows : "Tills is to certify that on Jiay lltn 1 walked into Jlelick's drugstore 011 npair of crutches. bought a bottlo of Chamberlain's Puin Balm for inflammatory rheumatism which had crippled 1110 up. After using threo bottles I am completely cured. 1 can cheortully recommend it." CHAItLKS II. WETZEL. Sworn and subscribed to beforo 1110 011 Auc. 10, ISOt. Walter Shipman, J. P. Pain Balm is for salo at 25 and 50 cents ner bottlo bv Gruhler Bros., druggists. New York' .Sailor, m-h-at Cincinnati's, New YoitK, May 29. The raeo between the crewfMjf tho cruisers New York and Cincinnati took plnco yostorday afternoon In a heavy ruin nnd on a rough sou. Until tho last quarter tho race was very close, but whan Hearing tho finishing mark Non York mado a pretty burst of speed and won by throe lengths. llln-umiUlnm Cured III a Day, "Mystio Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu ralgia radically euros in 1 to 3 days. Its action upou tho system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at onco tho cause and tho disease Immediately disappears. The first doso greatly benofits j 75 cents. Sold by C, II. Hageubuch, Druggist, Shenandoah, Till,' llupoil.xl l.nt Ulth All nil Hoard. WiKDMm, Out., May an. It Is nvwd here that tho tug Lnrlmer, of D.-trutt. owned by Alex Bnelln, has gone down on the middle groun I, off Pelou l-damis, and all hands lust Thi' ,vl' ,rt enniiot lx veri fied The LoVliuci' w.n in cuminund of Capinlu Jiim'os O'Neill, of Windsor. The crew woro from Detroit. Orlp-Cnlds-Henduclie, Why eufler with Coughs, Colds and I Qrlppo when Laxative llromo Quinine will euro you Iu ono day. Put up iu tablets con venient for taking. Guaranteed to euro, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents. For sale by Kirlln's Pharmacy, I ji p The Governor of North Carolina said M If j j to the Governor of South Carolina j I i "BATTLE AX" is the most tobacco, of the best quality, for the least money. Large quantities redivce the cost of manufacture, the result coins? to the con sumer in the shape less money, than was "A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. fsM p5f tA'yS TOAD r hT In r v 'nt t- use for Ven-cu Dsblll-. t- 't tcx, lu.p.te.i-,, Avr'n, Vntit'ifeV ir. 1 ' ir'-i i Sexino Pi.!,. iJr.ns tii- J i I I.'! w 1 .i. y troi 1 fP;i.'t j Ms, 1 -. n , 1 r., a0ilr ', f T cer fx.oo ir.ttm plve a L'al i.ir -r-e Lrtj cr rv For salo by P. P. D. READING R. R. SYSTE1V1 IN EFFECT MAY 17, 11. Trains leave Shenandoah ns follows : For New York vin l'litlndelpliln, week days 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 n. m., 12 IS, 3 00 and 5 53 p. m' Kuudnys, 2 10 n. m. For New York via Mnuth Chunk, week days, 5 25, 7 20 ft. m., 12 18 anil a 00 p. in. For Heading- nnd Philadelphia, week days, 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a.m., 12 W, 3 00 and 5 55 p. m. Sun days, 210 n. m. For Potisvllle, week days, 2 10; 7 20 n. m., and 12 43. 3 00 Ulld 5 55 I). In. bimiliivn. 2 10 u. m. For Tamaqua nnd Jlalmnoy City, week dayB, 210,5 25, 720 .a. m., 12 IS, 3 01) and 5 5.5 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 n. ill. For illlainniKirt, Sunbury nud Lcwlsburg, week days, 3 25, 11,30 a. m., 150 and 7 25 p. in Sundays, 3 25 n. ni. For Mnhnuoy Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 3 23, 5 25, 720, 1130 a. m., 12-13, 1 50,3 00,5 55, 725 nnd 915 p. in. Sundays, 2 10, 8 23 n. m. For Ashland nnd Slininokiu, week days, 3 25, 720,1130 a.'m., 159,723 nnd 9 55 p.m. Sun days, 3 25 n. m. For IJnltinioro. Washington nnd the West vl II. .to. It. ( ihrouirli trains leave Heading Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & It. 1C, It.) nt 3 20, 755,1128 a. tn., 8 10 nn.l 7.27 p. m. Sundays, 3 20, 7 00, 11 20 a. ra.,3 10 nnd 7 27 p. ni, Addl tional trains from Twenty-fourth nnd Chest nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a. m, 12 a) 1216 810 pm. Sundays, 135, 8 23 p. ru. TKAIN3 FOK SHENANDOAH. Leave New York via Philadelphia, week days, 180, 8 00 n. in., 130, -130, 9 00 p. m. and iiiKiit. ouuuityH, i, w 111. Leave New York la Maucli Chunk, week dnys, t 80. 9 10 n. ru., 1 30 and 1 15 ill. in. Leave I'lillndelpbla, lteadlnv Terminal, week days, -1 20, 8 35, 10 03 e, in. and 105, 0 30, U8C p. m. Sundays, II 30 ,.. in. Leave ltendhifr, week days, 135, 710, 10 08, 11 55 a. in., 6 00 and 8 20 p. in, Sundays, 1 35 a. in. Leave l'ottsvllle, weekdays, 2 S3, 710 a.m.. 12 SO and 6 12 p. in. Sundays, 2 33 a. in. Leave Tamnnun, week days, 3 18, 8 50, 1123 a ni., 1 27, 7 20 and 9 13 p, in. Sundays, 3 18 a. m. Leavo Mahatioy City, week days, 315, 9 21, 11 17 ii. in., 2 03, 7 -il and 10 OS p. m, Sundays, 8 45 a. m. Leave Mahanoy Plnne, week dnys, 2 40, 4 00, 630, 9 37, 11 59 ft. in., 1 12, 2 19, 3 20, 0 20, 7 57 and iu p. in. mnuiays, i su, 4 uu a. m. Leavo Wllllnmsport, week days, 7 42, 10 10 a. m., 3 35 and 11 41 p. in. Sundays, 11 15 p. ru. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf and South street whaif for Atlantic City. Weekdays Express, 9 00 a. m., 2 00, SAturdny only, 3 00 , 4 00, 0 00 p. in. Accommodation, 8 00 ft. m.. t SO, a 80 p. m. Sunday Express, 9 00. 1000 a. in. Accommo dation 8 00 a. in., 4 45 p. in. Iteturnlnir leave Atlantic City depot, corner Atlautlo aud Arknnsas avenues. Weekdays, exnress. 7 35, 9 00 a. in.. 3 30. 5 80 n. in. Accommodation, 6 50, 8 15 n. in., 4 32 p. m, Sundays Express, 4 00, 5 30 S 00 p. tu. Ac-corn- lU'MlNMUII, , Jt) U. Jll., -i J-1 . IU. Parlor Curs on nil exnress trains. I. A. HWKIQAIII), i. O. HANCOCK, uen'l Superintendent. llen'l Pans. Api II we can sell you one ic package of Seelig's Kaffee will be satisfied. We know you'll buy more. Twill touch the spot. Grocers. 1! lflH used r SEELIO'S Kaffeg. knows a trrand i i.:i,l,,. 1 IjWUUIIII. .iia. m will please her husband.! of a larger piece, for m ever beiore possible. f Sei:-! Toner fin either ' f-i n env cause, us . r? 1. it nt-'jlected, tuch ft tKixi. for fxxt. With un4 t:.c miirii". Addre KIRLIX, Shcnamlouh. Pa. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SCHUYKILI. DIVISION. May 29, 196. Trains will leave Micnniidnah after the nhova date for WIkkiiiii, HillMTton, Frnckville, Dark YVnter, St. I'lnlr, PotNvtllc- Ilainblirir, Itendine, lttitown, PliaenlxTille, Norrlstown and Phil adelphia (llroad street i.tntli,ii) at 6 OS and 1145 a. m. anil 4 15 i. m. on week days. For Potta vllle and lntcruicdinto stntlnns 9 10 n. m. SUNDAY. For Wlircnns, Olliicrton, Frnckville, Dark Wnter, St. Clair, Pottivllle, nt 6 OS, 9 10 a. in. and 3 10 p. m. For Iianiburir, HiMidlnir, l'ottstown. l'lioenlxville, NorrUtown, l'hlladclphln at 0 00, v w ii. in,, a ij i. in. Trains leave Frnckville for Sbennndonh at 10 10 a. m. nnd 12 11, 5 01, 7 42 nnd 10 27 p. m. Sundny, 11 13 n. in, nnd 3 10 p. in. Leave I'ottsvlllo for Shenandoah at 10 13, 11 48 n. m. and 4 40, 7 15 and 10 00 p. in. Sunday at 10 10 a. m., 5 IS p. in. Leave l'lilladelplila, (Broad street station), for Shenandoah at 5 57 tmdb 35 n. m., 4 10 und 711 p. m. week days. Sundays leave nt 6 50 a. m. Leave Hroad street station, Philadelphia, lor Sen Girt, Asliury Park, Ocean Grove, Long Krnncli, nud intermediate stntlnns, 6.50, 8.25, 11.39 a. m., 3.30, 1.00 p. in. week-days. Sundays l-lnnnl I..I..1.I.... In. ,.1...... C n Leave llroad Street Station, Philadelphia, FOIt NEW YOItK. Express, week dnys, 3 20, 4 03, 150, 515, 6 50, 733, 8 20,9 20, 9 50, 1021 (DiniliK Car), 11 00,11 lift, ill., 12 noon, 1235 (Limited 100 nnd 4 22 p. ill. DiniliK Cars) 1 40. 2 30 (Dining Car), 3 20, 3 50 4 00, 3 00, 5 50 (Dlnlnir Car), uw.ou,o i-, iu w p, in., iz 01 niirlil. Bunuays, 3 20. 4 03, 4 50, 5 15, 8 20,8 30,9 50,1021 (Dining Car), 1103 a. in., 12 85. 2BC, (Dlninir Car) I" su . J.lllllIK uiii o t (DinliiBCar),6 33, 6 50, 812, 10 00 p. ni 12 01 niKlit. .Express for Boston, without chatiire, 1100 a, m. week duys, and 6 50 p. in. daily. Washington and the south 9 12, 10 20, 11 2:1 n. in., 12 09 (12.11 Limited Din- I s,r , ' " i'i lai'J l-oiiBresslonal H'J1";'!1.', flnlnc Car). 9 17, 6 5-5 (Dlnlnir Car), 7 5S (Dining Oar) p. m., nud 12 03 nlghi week dnys. Sundays, 3 50, 7 20, 912, 1123 a, IV." ?S 09 J lV '-'J' ( ,5, Congrowloiml Limited. Tallinn' Cnr II fW 111..) .... - m (Dining Cor) nnd 12 05 nlKbt. FOIt ATLANTIC CITY. Leave nroad street stntlon, Pliilailulilila (vin Delaware river bridge), express, 0 05 a. m and 7 00ii in. dully. Leo vp Market street Ferry, oxpresa, S 00,8 50 n. m., (100SturdoB mil) ), 2 10,8 55, 1 20 nnd f-00 p, m. week days. Sundays, 8 00, 8 45 and 9 45 a, mi. (4 OO, 4 45 p. in. necommiidation). For Capo May, AuglosMen, Wlldwood and Holly Beach. Exprtm, 9 00 a. m., and (Osii ni. week days. Sundays, 9 00 a. in. Cuie May only, 1 30 p. in. Saturday,. For Sen Isle City, Ocean City nnd Avalon. Kxpresa, 9 00n. m., and 4 20 p. iu. wek dnys. Sundays, 9 00 a. iu. , For Somers 1'nliit. l'.Tpre.s, 5n n. in 210, 3 55 aim 4 20 p. in. ten days. Si ndays, 8 43 a. in S. M. l'HEvnvr, J. II. M'iioii, Gen'l Manager. fion I l'mw'g'r Agtt genuine welcome awaits you at JOE WYATT'S SALOON, Cor. Hali. and Coal Sts. Finest whiskeys, been, porter, and ale con etantly on tap. Cbolce'teixjieranco drinkv and D ;dih! Celebrated Fcmalo l'oxtdcra pever fail. &fe tnd lure tiiltr fkllioit th Tana and ItnoTruv&i lMli snd cthtr lik tcincdkil. AJvara buy the bt and ?old dUap. rolntment. (lutrmnteed uperior to oil other. roiittviiW lhelKitinthmrkrt, ANu 1. I'UticuUtf, i eta. Pr.tt-T. tXX, BKk iltfi llotCDt Mui. For Bale nt Poviiuk druar store, 2S Knet Centra vtrcet.