The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 28, 1896, Image 3

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.11 : '
from Itching and hunilrm ecxcmns and other
i Sn tniti-oa NntTit but nan-nta rail-
iie how these lltllo ones sufler. J o know that
a warm bath with Ci-rrctiiu bnAr, and a slngto
application of Ctrricuni (ointmcni), the great
akin cure, -will in the-majority of com-s afford
Instant relief, permit rent and elecp, and point
td a (pecdy cure, onu u .u. .........
momenta delay le to fall In our duty.
moment b deli
w Sold throuzii
Boap. 250.1 Ki!
L oj-"llowto
8 To all in He
Sold throuzhout tho warn, rrlce, ltticuba, a I
n,,.. ... hisoltiit, 50c. and II, roniB Intro
An Cn.H. COKF., Bel. lJspi i . BtLv . ....
r, .11 .niTercr. nf riTltlllS flP YOIlTIf.
i ,iT viniltt. and II1M:aH1:S Ol' MKrl
AN II WOMKN". rages; cloth bound!
,rai aonifii una mnllM i-ree. Treatment bv mall
strictly onlldentlal, and a poslilve, quick cure
guaranteed. so matter now iciik e-iuuuiug.
win no lreir cure rou. Write or calL
pUDLJ SO iears'Cvntlnuout practice
Headache Cured.
A quick cure, a certain cure, i
tho best euro Is
Wo never hoard of
a case whore they
failed. Wo never ex
pect to hear of one. )t
rinn't. lm nfrnld to
take them. They ate
harmless. They do
not contain one btnglo
atom or nny uangcr- a,
nna drug. For th'a i
reason H Is well to j
Bhun all other head-
nnlio medlolncs 1-
Avoid risk by insist-1
ing on getting TAY- J
LOR'S. Our powders
can easily be dlsttn-
culshcd by the do- &
llghtfnl odor and pleasant taste, and &
thov look like Ground coffee. Best of
2$ all, they euro almost Instantly. 2!
GRUHLEH fcd ;.
tlchcKler1. Knsllidi Dtaraotid l!ran
n.llnnl nmt llv rirnnlnp. A
eArc, olwayt ratable, ladic. aik
Druggist for ChUhtKtcri J'tinlltb
boxea, cc&lea wlta blue riDDOQ. i oko w
(lona and imitation!, i t nroggUii, cr aeoa4.
la tAmii for rArtlcuUri, t aUnioDlBli aal
"lieuci i.ntm-R, i.imn, vj
AlulU JO.'IU" ioiimr,Dtnii. an.vrr,
rhCtCrUUCmlCMl-O..UUlianrl -quill,
TuuUta. 1 uar-' ar.
ts-ii n nn tiicci
ULU Mill I llrUlik to
GD.rn(cei. wro." ab. Green, Philadelphia
Challenges tu vlJ, Iroio the adrertlilog fpec
Iilltt up to tL Iccinrlug Profiaitorajn oiirlnv
ttia wornicuci of tidal Pluet ftuil jlLOUlf
I'llbO Kottatt r L w llngeiinfr, rsfere ui
ilanrrpronathr. triwt mnv fan. Nrornnat lit-
jrii MIll3-,J'rr,,"orYoiilUtilT osnofi'owcr
fcf curtcl, htrli'turc, VutkwM'lo aul I'llc(
cortd wuboutcuttlLii. iiu -iiiL1 it Hi.o.iuve'y iiic'Jtt,
tne beet ca mot Bkiiiiui nnu eipericiucacne, no
matte t otttn ui tia'.m. rttui Us e 2-ctot tampi fcr
to ikTruttwi.Ddv CDllshtene.1 regirilinff rnnr d.-piia
Rnl h.w to ct cured. Tbe onlT Limk i:VOlA(
OCAC'Iv ao tueir btoki timl tlmilni-M. jLuntre
fl f FrvU Catce curi'tl Jn 'ItulO Jlurn.. IJonrit
V t 9; 6 to 0. 1. nt-l M,t, Ktjt ., 0 1 1 10. gon.t 9 to
Hi Ergi ,6 to 9. Trviitoifnt by Mull, Mhea Toturrltc
Uiion vuib jmr(, tatuai inn iimgiDf II ueairtd.
They never hwaw-ineT V"-t" VKr?i Plated.
C.BA.BTUUaN, 11 H. tAh Btreet, PUllaaalytu,
Lager and
Pilsner Beers.
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, Agt..
West Coal Street.
Does This Mean Anjthlng to You t
If your truss don't hold you or Is causing
pain. si'O us nt once. It may savo you years of
-.offering A e havo cured hundreds ol peoplo
In Pennsylvania, aiidi an icfer youtopatlcnts
cured in your onu town. Our treatment is
harmless and will not keep you from your
daily labor. Call aud have a talk with our
Kdoetor It will costjou nothing. We guaran
tiee r lief after the Out treatment, aud our
jiriees are reasonable.
The Dr. fillller Co., Philadelphia.
Sco Our Jloctor Every Tuesday at
UNION HOUSE, Ashland, Pa.
Vt.SJ '&
...T trti. fi.iaan. jurtai... io.u , nn-. ,
i.u ,. ,aa. I
iiewaro of fraudulent end worthleii W1""0,nJ7,t from It. A chemical nnnlysls has just been
UnUC Rpnlinp"FJ!ifn TnIN completed of tho water in tho well, made
NUHt UBnU lib ." "P'!'' t by Professor R. C. Schlodt, of Franklin
rt-a mnn iiauLii nil "run. . r .: : ..-. 1
in tax mm
SeWte Eefusos to Increase tho
Tariff on That Beverage.
ScnntiVr lliltlor's rutlle M'ort to Socnrn n
DnloUnr l'liml Action iin Ills lVt Mens-
iirp trlio Dcllcletic)' 11111 Ooes Through
the llolbac.
WAsniKiliTON-. Mnv 23. -Tho sennto Yes
terday deft fated tho proposition to Increnso
tho beor tW soventy-flvo cents per barrel,
by a voto ol 34 to 37. Tho vote was taken
as soon as tjho flllod chcoso bill was token
up, tho betlr tax proposition bolng pub-
mltted as Uu nmcudmcut. With the
amendment); disposed of tho cheeso bill was
further dol:5tod but not dlsnosod of.
Tho debut
on tho bond bill proccedo;!
nfter2 o'cloc
ik. Mr. Hnusbroua-h of North
Dakota nntl
Mr. D.tnlol of Virginia spoke
for nnd Mr
miuns of West Virginia
bill. Mr. Elklus' remarks
ntod by sharp and nmusinp
ngnlust tho
wore punctu
colloqulos wlth Mossrs. Dutlcr and Per
kins. Tho sp eoch of Mr. Daniol was no-
tnblo as nu ox position of tho froo sllvor at
tltudo of todaw.
Shortly boforo 0 o'clock Mr. Butlor
sought to havri a tlmo flxod for a voto on
tho bill, suggesting today, tomorrow ot
Monday nt 5 ofclook. Thero wcro oljjeo'
tlons, howovor, I whereupon ho moved n ro
cess at 0 o'clock until 11:55 n. m. today
Thero wns brief niarllnmoutary obstruction
which was termijnnted by nu adjournment
without nn ngreemout having boon or
footed. I
Tho houso spomt nlmost tho ontlro day
discussing tho sofnnto amendment to the
general doflciejicy bill appropriating
$1,027,000 for till) payment of about 70C
French spollathm claims, $543,000 for 32!
war claims foulnd to bo tine under the
Bowmnn net, ft74,O0O for the payment n'
what is knownfns tho Chautoau claim for
tho constructloln of an ironclad steam bat
tery in 1S01, null about 810,000 for Indian
suppllos I uruiHhou In 1878 and 1H 4. Uhnlr-
mau Cannon; of tho appropriations com
mittee, seconded by Mr. Payers, led the
light against the payment of thoo claim,
which they charged had been lumped to
gether Into ano amendment in order tc
command enpugh strength to secure pas
sage. Tho voto was closo, but the friends
of thoclaimscarriod tho day by 111 to 07.
Ynllnrdio Acquitted of Murder.
MAY'S IjAftDlNO.N. J., May 23. Antonic
yallardno, fho Italian on trial for his llfo,
charged wluhthonmrderof Charles Holler
at Hammojuton, took tho witness stand
yesterday tn his own defense, and has
mndo snclf n good witness In his own lie-
half that his acquittal was confidently pro
dlctod iy tho jury left tho court room.
From If testimony, which tho prosecu
tion wiy nnablo to shako, It was evident
that y illnrduo fired only In self defense,
nnd wtth no intention of hitting Holler.
The juhy evidently had faith in tho pris
oner', stntemont, for after but n few min
utes deliberation they returned n verdict
of acquittal.
lleriucMt to 1'cnn.ylvnnln University.
PITT3HURO, May 28. The will of tho late
Dr. William McGownn, of Latrobe. who
committod suicide u fow days ajo, was
filed for probato at Greeusburg yesterday
afternoon. Tho estate is said to bo worth
Eevoral hundred thousand dollars. The
decoasod directs that his body bo Interred
in the Itod Stone comotery, near Ilrowns
ville, and after a fow small beiuosts bo-
ctuoiths tho rodduo to th-j University of
I'ennsylvanla, of Philadelphia, for tho Ut-e
in tho medical dopartnnnt thiroof, of
which medical department ho was a grail
uato, for ,tho endowment nnd establish
mcnt of free bods in tho surgical anil med
ical wards.
Typhoid Germs In n Well.
Lancaster, Pa., May 23. Harry IIe
and Elmer Iveen, living near Quarryvillo,
diud within u few days of each othor from
a mysterious dlsoaso, nnd a dozon other
persons in tho same neighborhood are
very ill. Tho lllnoss was trucoa to an old
well, all these partlos having drunk water
and Marshnll College Ho has found the
well prollllo with typhoid germs, nnd by
bin direction tho well has been closed.
riorlda's Iloltlng Kepubllcau Ticket
OcALA,Fla.,May23. ThoGunloy-Chubb
wing of tho Republican party, represent
trig 39 out of 405 counties, held its state
convention hero yesterday nnd nominated
the following stato ticket: lor governor,
E. It. Gunby; socretary of state, II. S,
Chubb ; comptroller, T. T. Monroo : trcas
urer, Phillip Walter; attorney general
Foster: superintendent of puullo lnstruC'
tlons. E. I. Webster; commissioner of
agriculture, E. E. Skipper; Justice of tho
supremo court, uoorgo M. itoDDins.
May Compromise Milwaukee's Strike,
Milwaukee, May2S. There Is a possl
bllity that tho street railway strike will lio
settled. President Cromwell, of Jsow
York, who is hero, approached tho strlkors
on Tuesday, anil negotiations for a settle
ment are In progress. An importnnt meet
ing of strike managers was held nt tho
striker's headquarters yosterday, and when
it was over tolegrums were sent to Presi
dent Gompors, of tho American reitera
tion of Labor, urging that ho come to
Milwaukee without delay.
Five of the Grow Drowned,
Halifax, J. S., May 23. A terrible dis
aster Is reported from St. Paul's Island, in
the Gulf of St. liiuvrouco. About mid
night the Norwegian bark Beodruno, from
Avonmouth for Mlrnmlehl, was wrecked
half a mile from tho fogwhlstlo on bt.
Paul's Island. A thiol; mist aud a heavy
sea prevailed at the time. Captain II
Wilson, First Mnte H. M. Swoeuson, Sec
ond Mate Theodora Pnrsou and Seanion
Harold Nelson and Emll Soterstron wore
lost Five men were saved.
Muring Troops at Lima.
Lima, Peru, May .. The government
U fltiinir out the transport Constitution
for it lung voyngo nnd Is engaging tho
orew. They havo contracted for 000 ham
mocks aud are masslnit troops at Lima for
an expedition. Tho outbreak In the do-
lMirtment of Loreta. on the upper Amazon,
is undoubtedly tho objootlve point of tho
expedition, though no olllolai announce
ment of Its purpose Is given out.
A Mlno Mnunirer's Sentence.
Kimhkuly, Grldualand, May 33. Gard
ncr Williams, local manager of tho I)
Boers initios, charged with lUFplylugarinsa
to Johannesburg, has lieon soutonced to
nay a iljio of ? 150 nnd bo Imprisoned for
tnruu inoauu.
Every Man Who Would Know the
Gr-nd Truth, tho Plain 1'nctn, tho
Kow nineoTCrlca of Hlodlcnl Hrlonce
as Applied to Married Idle, Who
Would Atano for Past Errors nnd
; Avoid Futuro Pltfults, Should Becilro
the Wonderful Lltllo Hook Called,
" Complcto Manhood, and How to AN
lain It."
"Here at last Is Information from a hlfrh
medical sourco that must work wonders with
this generation of men." .
The Irook fully describes a method by which
to attain full vigor nnd manly power.
A method by which to end all unnatural
drains on tho system.
To euro nervousness, lack of self-control, de
spondency, &c.
To cxchanKo a jaded and worn naturo for
tme of brightness, buoyancy nnd power.
To euro forever effects of excesses, overwork,
tvorry, &c -
To Klvo full strength, development and tono
to ever' portion nnd organ of tho body, .
Age no barrier. Failure Impossible. Two
thousand references. .
Tho book) is purely medical nnd scientific,
useless to curiosity seekers, invaluable to men
only who need It. , -
Adospalring man, who. had applied to lis,
soon after wrote : - -
"Well. I tell von that first dnv h nna I'll
never forget. I Just bubbled with Joy. I
wanted to hue everybody nnd tell them my
old self had
lied vestcrdav. nnd my now self
was born
when I fl
to-day. Why didn't jou tell r-.o
flrst wroto that 1 would find it this
And another thus:
"If you dumped a cart load of gold rt my
feet it would not bring such gladness Into my
life as your method has done.''
Buffalo. N. . and ak frr tho little boo:
called ''COMPLETE JIANIIOoU" Refer to
this paper, anu the company promises to t,u.n
tne douh, m scaicu imeiope, wunoui a.1'
marks, and entirely free, until It Is el! Intro
duced. .040.1.
S U&iif.ii Taken inter- .
r4j?V'ii'' - 3 "ally cures
fjwxafj cramps
-Z ' -r on,! oil I
-JNS bowel
" ' 1 T I
ioVjdJT" colds, chills
vend La Gripfie.
Used cxtcrrallv it is the best llui-
mcnt in C-e wor'.d. Beware of J
imitations, buy only the genuine
made by Perry Davis. rHm.
C Lai,. tiu4 Hi anil M orotl each.
! pritK sr.i.T7.i:n wateb
DfiTTT HT) i A nun- f .r headache and
DU1 lt-I-rv uroninil troubles. ai.i:.
Ur a a a LAOlilt ITnU,
17 and I o Me.'icli Alley, Shenandoah.
mmw vnn jsste,K,f?.?.Kr
Ulcers m mouth, iiairiai.mgi nie tuu
UKMJUlIx CO., UU7 .Tliiioiuc l cm pie
ChlKfivn. III., for nroofa vt cures. Cuil-
trxli !f.00,oyo. Worst cases cured la 1G
to US days. lOO-pnize boolt free
For Weak end Run-Down People from
Cnllahood to Old Age.
WHAT iT IS ! The richest of all rentnratlve
Food., ix-cnri.e i. rev lace, the sauie s-ihatance.
to ttie I lot dad rres that are exhausted In
ineaetwo me-siv lap aulas nvoirease, lmlisestloD,
high living, ovuniorL, wjrry, excesses, abuse, etc,
WHAT !T DOES ! Tij ni.llnirlho blood
pnreana rich, and ttiedlirestlnn perfeit,lt creiatei
SO.ld tledh. lilUSlleaiul atreni-lh. Thr. tir-rrr.a hn.
Injr niarle f,' roup, t lie' brain bpcomea active and
clear. 1 or reatonna lost vitality end stopping- all
waatlnjr drain, aud ueaknesa in either sex, It has
noeaunl l and a-afeiualerer7nlatnrlt la worth lta
tveiBUtriffold. OoeLrixlartaaweek. Price 5c., or
6 boxes $-i.iai. JlruKgtsts or by mail, llnok free.
lili Chestnut St.. Philadelphia.
Nothing has ever been produced to
equal or compare with HUEiphroyS
Witcla Kazol Oil as a curative and
healing application. Jt has been
used 40 years and always affords relief
and always gives satisfaction.
It Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, External
or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and
Burning; Crack3 or Fissures and Fistulas.
Relief immediate cure certain.
It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and
Contraction frcm Burns. Kelief instant.
It Cure." Torn, Cut and Lacerated
Wounds and Bruises.
It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old
Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald
Head. It is Infallible. '
It Cures I.'tFLAMED or Caked Breasts
end Sore Nippiis. It is invaluable.
It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy
Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters,
Sore Lips or Ivostrils, Corns and Bunions,
Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects.
Three S.'ies, 25c, 50c. and $1.00. .
Bold hyDrUKglsts,oreent post-paid on receiptof price,
ni'jririums' jiiu. to., 1 11 i 118 nmiam at,, k, York.
For sale at I'ovlnsky a drug store, il East
Centre .treit.
The "Twin Comet" and "Little Giant"
Unique, Kflloleiit, I.abor Saving. Till sprinkle
lour tnniM grunter nrenioun oilier sprniKler
Highest award nt the Chicago
Send for Circulars (Jiving Testi
monials and Prices.
Sole Manufacturers,
Springfield, Mass.
For sale by all hardware and rubber totc In
tho V nlted States,
SF AltO SURE. "4O.fU';y0MS SAfl
UUHT Wl.raH aca.iri.--T-
ail n
Win-re the Method. t Lenders
lH"-ti'll tn Aldde rprmnlli'litly.
CLKVUI.ANt), Mav 23. A suni'lse was
spnmi tipnn fh.i M3thodlst Kpisejptl gen
eral conference yostordny wh?n a mntlm,
wis mnile and ea'nlod to refer the report
of the) committee on constitution t'ini' un
mlsslon, to rjpjrt four years hn.-e This
relort had bdeli umbr discussion for th-ee
days and arouse I much blttornos. Tho
reason for yesterday's ii"tion-ls lulbvod to
be a desire for a constitution which will
dopart more from ol 1 lines th in did the
report of the committee. Thero Is a feel
ing that tho laymen should be nlvon more
equal representation, and It Is hojwl that
may bo granted in th constitution which
tho commission will prepare.
Ihe bishops have selo'to.l their plms of
residences as follows: Mallallcu, from
IiUfTalo to Histon; Fowler, from Minne
apolis to Buffalo; Flt.gerald, from New
Orleans to St. Louis; Joyce, from Chatta
nooga to Minneapolis; Xownun, from
Omaha to San Fr.mclsoo; Good soli, from
Sun Francisco to Clvittnnoog.i; McCabu,
to Fort Worth. To ; Cranstm, to Port
land, Ore. ; Foss romilns In Philadelphia,
Merrill In Chlcaao, Andrews In Now York.
Ndtiilo In Detroit, Walilen in Cincinnati,
Warren in Djuver, Hurst in Washington
nnd Vincent In Topeka, Kan. New Or
leans and Omaha, by th3 now arrange
ment, ore loft without bishops.
Hlshop Aomiiim has tho cholco of clthci
San Francisco or Los Angelos, nnd there
will probably be a warm contest between
theso cities as to which shall lie tho place ol
episcopal residence. The bishop may. how
over, alternate botwe.m tho two citios.
Bishop McCabo has the choice of clthpt
Now Orleans or Fort Worth, Tex. He hn
practically decided in favor of tho latter
on account of its better facilities for reach
ing the north.
Ihdhitm' lteptihllenn Deadlock.
Indianapolis, Mav 28. Since 1 o'clock
yoUerdity afternoon the H'uiuMlcnn start
centml committee has lieen in soslon with
a deadlock 'which it has been unnblo tc
break. The meeting was called two day
ago by momliorsof tho committee who an1
opposed to Chairman Gowdy. At 2 o'clock
tho committee and executive committee
met together. Sir. Morris, of Fort Wayne,
had the proxy of Committeeman Wood.
A motion was mado to exclude tho execu
tive committee. Tho result was 0 to 7, the
proxy voting against Gowdy. Tho point
was raised as to tho power of tho proxy to
voto. Tho result was 0. to (V a tlo. Chair
man Gowdy cast tho deciding voto nnd
threw out the proxy. This caused a dead
lock, and all kinds of parliamentary tac
tics have failed to break it. Thoro is no
tolling when tho deadlock will be broken.
Death of 11 Noted American Ijiwyer.
WAsniNOTON, May 28. Hon. Victor C.
Bnrringer, who was thu first American
justlco of tho international court of ap
peals In Alexandria, Egypt, died nt his
rosldoncu In this city yostordiiy. Judge
Ilarrlnger was considered one of tho most
distinguished members of tho American
bar in tho days just after tho war nnd Ijo
foro his appointment liy President Grant
to tho International court of appeals at
Aloxaudrla. Ho cuiuo originally to Wash
ington from North Carolina. lie resigned
from tho International court a few years
ngo on account of 111 health.
Matt clous llosults.
From n letter written by Hev. J. Gumlcr-
ninn. of Ditiiondnlo. Mich.. i-n nro lu-rimtted
to make tills extract : "I have no hesitation
in recommending Dr. King's Isetv Discovery,
as the results wero almost marvelous in the
case of mv wife. While I was pastor of the
Baptist church at Itives Junction sho was
brought down with Pneumonia succeeding
1M Grippe. Tertlhlo paroxysms ot coughing
would iast hours with littlo interruption and
it seemed as if she could not survive them.
A friend recommended Dr. King's New
Discovery: it was quick in its work and
highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles
free at A. Wnsley s drug store. Kegular sizo
50c and $1.00.
Prefer to llecomo "Hail Indians."
GiiF.AT Falls, Mont., May 23. Two
troops of cavalry havo been ordered from
Fort Cutter to round up tho Crea Indians,
so that they mny bo deported to Canada,
In accordance with rocent foiloral legisla
tion. The Croos say they will not go ttu
les Canada proclaims amnesty for their
participation in tho rebellion. They fear
(loath sontoncos if returned to Canada,
and prefer tho alternative of Hoeing to tho
mountains nnd becoming "bad Indians."
Iteeelved by tho Czar.
Moscow, May 28. The czar and czarina,
in the throno room of tho Kremlin, sur
rounded by their court, recolved depu
tations from tho nobility, tho zmnstvos,
municipal bodies and tho clergy. Alto
gether about 1,200 persons offorod their
congratulations. The zemstvos presented
btv,id and salt, and tho clergy ikons and
6ploudld triptysch with Images of Saints
Nicholas, Alexander and Olga, which the
Mr. Charles II. Wetzel, of Sunbury, ra.,
was so much pleased with a remedy which
cured him of rheumatism that lie mado nfll
davitfotho fact for publication as follows:
"This is to certify that on May lltli I walked
into Mellck's drugstore on a pair of crutches,
bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm
for Inflammatory rheumatism which had
crippled me up. After using threo bottles I
am completely cured, I can cheerfully
recommend it."
Sworn and subscribed to before mo on Aug.
10, 1S01. Walter Sliipman, J. P. Pain Balm
Is for sale nt 35 and 50 cents per bottlu by
Gruhler lire., druggists.
Anntlier l'roposed Trip for tho Lnunida.
New Yohk, Mny as. The Commnn lal
Advertiser nays: Ulsnrolxiblethut within
n fortnight another flllbustorlng oi'iodi
tlon will leave tills port for Cuba, and al
ready tho Cubans in this city are actively
engaged in givtlierlmt the men. A large
supply of Remington rlllos, cartridges,
uniforms and other WHr suppllos are ready
to be taken on board a steamer at a mo
ment' notice. The ttemor Lnumdu Is
bound for this lnirt. It Is likely that she
.will be the one to carry tho next expidl
'tlon, thus making her third filibustering
Tn Clone the Stniidiml'n Cleveland Works.
CLKYKLAKP, May 2-i. It la now regarded
ns certain that tho rttaudnrd oil works In
this city, at one time an Immense Institu
tion, will bo practloally abandoned nnd its
place til tho oomiKiny's system lie taken by
works nt Lima, 0-, aud Whiting, Intl. Not
long ago Ii. H. Severance, the treasurer of
the OlUo Standard Oil oompnnv, reslguod
and 1). F. Leslie, the auditor, did likewise
when ordered to New York city. Malcolm
G. Yilus, a young man, has boon made
auditor and noting treasurer.
lt' Queer How Quirk
Fnu-Tiua cures coughs and colds, 29c.
a rubier Urns., drug store
Mirnyon's Improved Homoeopathic Itemc
dics act almoit instantly, speedily curing the
most obstinate cRes. Munyon's ItheitmatUm
Curo cures ItheumatWm in n few days.
Munyon's Dyspepsia Curo cures all forms of
stomach trnuhles. Munyon's Hendacho Cure
stops headache lu 5 minutes. Nervous
diseases promptly cured. Kidney troubles,
Piles, Neuralgia, Asthma and all 1'emalo
Complaluts quickly cured. Munyon's Vital
izer imparts new vigor to weak men.
I'rico $1.
Personal letters to Prof. Muiiyon, 1505
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., answered
with free medical advice for any disease.
A Separate Cure for Each Disease.
TtalnnRtnp; Admission of a 1'liyslclnn
Against the Alleged 1'oUoner.
New Yohk, May Ss. In the trial ol
Mary Alleo Livingston, or Fleming, fot
tho allogod poisoning of her mothor, Mrs.
Evallna Bliss, the prosecution scored u
fnlpable hit yesterday. Charles W.
Brooko, couuul for tho accusod, had re
sisted attempts of tho prosecution to elicll
from Dr. Bullman, who attended Mrs.
UUss in her lat lllnoss, a statemaut made
to him by Mrs. Bliss that sho suspected
Mrs. Fleming of having poisoned hor, nnd
tho ruling of the recorder had boon lu
favor of tho defense. Then Dr. O'Stllll-
van, who is assisting tho state In tho oase
put tho following question:
" In making your lnqulrlos of Mrs. BUst
regarding her illness, did Mrs. Bliss suy tc
you: Doctor, I know that I nm going tc
d)o. I know It. I havo ljoen poisoned. A
relative of mine sent 1110 some clam chow
dor, and after eating It I liecumo deadlj
sick, vomited and purged,' and did you
then ask who the relative was, aud did slu
then say : ' It Is 0110 who will benefit grentlj
by my death.' "
Before Mrs-Flomiug's attorney could in
terpose Dr. Bullmnn nn.swo.-ed "Yoi."
Then Mr. Brooko passionately attacked
tho witness and Dr. O'Sulllvau until he
was interrupted by tho recorder aud told
to make his objection, if ho so doired.
Mr. Brooko made his objection formally,
and the examination of Dr. Bullman pro
ceeded. ,
i:iecti-le llltteis.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any
season, but perhaps moru pcnenilly needed in
the spring, when the languid exhausted
feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and
sluggish and the need of a tonic anil altera
tive is felt. A prompt use of this medicine
lias often averted long and perhaps fatal
bilious fevers. No medicine will act more
suiely in counteracting and freeing tho sys
tem from the malarial poison. Headache,
Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to
Electric Hitters. Only fifty cents per bottle
at A. Wasley's drug store.
iiiurup-um.. '
oantim, In session at Atlanta, uunnlniously !
(elected Boston as the place of meeting
next your.
An imperial rescript has lieen issued by
tho czarnppolntlng M. De Witte, the min
ister of finance, to be secretary of statu for
At Boston Johu Iteilly, a 75-yoar-old vet
eran, wns fined S2-"0 and sentenced to ton
days Imprisonment for jierjury lu a pen
sion case.
A conference of Iron manufacturers nnd
u committee of tho Amalgamated Associa
tion, nt Detroit, have thus far fuilod to
reach nu agreement on the wage cnlo.
A mass meeting of Xew York cigar
manufacturers pus-i 1 a resolution asking
that the tariff on cigars from Havana be
.ncron'oJ to $10 per pound If the embargo
was not removed before Jan I r -:t.
Uellef In Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by tho "New Great
South American Kidney Curo." This new
remedy is a great surpriso on account ot its
exceeding promptness in lclioving pain in
tho bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary passages in raalo or female.
It relieves retention of water and pain in
passiug it almost immediately. If you want
quick relief and euro this is your remedy.
Sold by Shaplra's pharmacy, 107 South Main
Klslo Kreglo'a Murde'rcr Sentenced to Die.
Washington-, Mny 28. Irwin D. Ford,
tho negro convicted of tho brutal murder
of ll)-year-old Elsie Kreglo, noar tho Zoo
logical Park, was yesterday sentoncod by
Judgr Cole to bo hangod Juno 20.
The Marqula Dl Itiidlnl tn Slurry.
Home, May 2S. Tho Marquis ill Itudlnl,
pro-blent of tho Italian ministry, is aliout
to marry tho daughter of the Marquis Iiec-onrla-lucisa.
Tho SInrquis di Iludiul is a
Itlieiititutlsin Cured In a Day.
"Mystic Curo" for Eheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically euros in 1 to 3 days. Its
actlou upon tho system is remarkable aud
mysterious. It removes at onco tho cutiso
nnd tho dlseaso immediately disappears. Tho
first dose greatly benefits ; 75 cents. Sold by
C. H. ltageiibuch, Druggist, Shenandoah.
Celebrated Female
l'owdcra never fall.
jVo bulivs iTeclara tUcui
r.aml lur, lifter fallinS
i.u n- .. 1 n..nml 1SII. anil .,lh.r 111
remodlea), Aleyi buy the beat ud tvulil diaap.
polntrmmt. Guaranteed wiU'r to ul oiaert, jmiiivsuf
the beat
in ine maran, a i-u
Unk Day, llotton, Una.
For sale nt Povina'
Centro street. ;
's drug store, 28 Vm
IS THE PROPER THING nceli a rollible, monthly, reeuUtim; luodlclce. Only lurmless and
tho purest drug, should he uioj. It you vant the hoei, get
Dr. PeaK's PennraaB PiBIs
They sre prompt, life and certain In remit. The eesulne (Dr. Peul'e) never dlup.
nolnt. Addtesi Phil Muoiciaa Co., Cloreuud, 0.
For salo by r. 1'. D, KIKLIN, Shenandoah, Ta.
Mav 17, 1M.
Trnlua will leave Shenandoah nft?r the nhore
date for Wl(rnii, Clilherton. rrnekvllle, Darlr
Water, St. flair, l'ottavllle. HomlmrK, liwidlnjr,
l'otttovn 1'hiH'iiixvllle, KorrUtown nod Phil
adelphia illmnd rdreet station) nt f, OS aud 111S
a. tn. and I !." it. 111. on week days. Por I'otte
vlllc nnd intei tiled late stations 9 iOn. m.
For WlKirnns, Ollhcrton, rrnekvllle, Dark
Water, St. Clair, Pottsvllle, nt 0 OS, 9 10 a. m. and
3 10 p. 111. l-'or HanihiirK, Itondlne, Pott-down,
l'hoenlxvllle, Norrlstowu, Philadelphia at 6 00,
9 40 n. 111., il 10 p, 111.
Trains lenvo l-'mckvllle for Shenandoah ot
10 10 a. 111. nnd 12 11, 5 01, 712 nnd 10 37 p. tn.
Sunday, 11 13 n, 111. nnd 5 10 p. tn,
1-eave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah nt 10 13, It 4
n. 111. and! 10, 7 13 and 10 00 p. 111. Sunday at
10 40 a. m.. S 19 p. 111
Lenvo Philadelphia, (Ilroad street station), for
Shennndonh nt 5 Q7 an 1 H 33 a. in., 4 10 and 7 1
111. weeK uays. Mummy lenve nt r, .to a. m.
Leave llrond street station. Phllndelithtn.. lor
Sen Olrt, Asliury Park, Ocean Groc, Iina;
jsrnnc'j, nnu intermediate stations, 6.30, 8.23,
11.30 n. 111., 3.30, 4.00 p. m. week-daya. Sundny.
(stop at lliterlaken tor Aslutry Park), 8.23 a. m.
l.eavc nroou street station, I'lilliulelpliln,
Exm-ess. week dnv. 3 20. 4 05. 4 50. .115. 6 SO.
7 33, 8 20,9 20, 9 50. 10 21 (DlnlliR Cnr). 11 00, 11 14 B.
i a noon, iao ti.iitiiieu i w and l
p. m. Dining Cars) 1 10, 2 30 (I)inlnir
Car). 320. 3 50 4 00. 3 00. 5 50 IDInlnir Carl.
0 00, 0 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. m., i2 01 night. Sundays,
3 20, 4 03, 4 60, 5 13, 8 20,8 30,9 50,10 21 (Dining
Cnr), 11 at n. in., 12 33. 280 (Dining Cnr)
100 (Limited 4 22, Dining Cnr) 5 20, 3 5S
(Dining Cnr), 0 33, 0 50, 812, 10 00 p. in., 12 01
Kxpress (or Boston, without chnnge, II 00 la,
tu. week days, nnd 0 50 p. m. dally.
For Ilattlnioro and Washlmrton. 3 50. 7 20. 8 81
9 12, 10 20,1121 n. in., 12 00 (12 31 Limited Din
ing Cnr), 112, 3 IS 141 (519 ConKieslonal
Limited, Dining Car), 9 17, 053 (Dining Car).
5S (Dining Car) t. m.. nnd 12 03 nlchi
week days. Sundas, 3 50, 7 20, 912, 1123 n.
, 12 09 I 12. 4 41. ( 5 15 Congress olml Limited.
Dining Car), 0 53 (Dining Car), 7 5S p. m.
iwiung uur) ami vive night.
Iave Ihoad Mreet station, Philadelphia (via
Delawnrc liver bridge), express, 9 05 a. in, and
7 00 p. in. dally.
Leave Market street Ferry, express, 8 50 a. m.,
210,(3 10 Saturdays only), 4 10, nnd f 00 p. m.
week days. Sundavi, 8 13 and 9 43 n. in. (4 00,
1 13 p. in. accommodation).
For Capo May, AngleMien, Wlldwood and
Holly Ilench. Kxpress, 0 O) a, in., nnd 4 00 p. m.
week days. Sunda s, 9 00 n. m.
ForSealale City, (leean City nnd Avalon.
Kxpress, 9 00 a. m., nnd 4 00 p. in. w-ek days.
Sundays, 9 00 a. in.
t-or Homers roinr. i-;xprce, sou a. tu., and
1 10 p. in. m cek dnys. Sundays, 8 13 a. m.
a, M. Pnnvo.T, ,1. H. Wood,
Oen'l Manager. (Jeu'l Pass'g'r Aglt
IN" KFFEOr MAY 17. 196.
Trains leave SlienanOonh follows :
KorXcw York n I'liil lUt'lpIifn, week days.
210, 5 25, 7 20 a. m., 12 H, 3 lO and5iS p. m
binitlftVf", 2 10 a. m.
For New York la Maudi Chunk, week days.
5 2.1.7 20a. in., 12 H Mil 3 0 p. m.
For Head i uk nml rhllariulplita, week days.
2 10, 5 23, 7 20 a.m., 12 4S. 3 00 nnd 5 M p.' m. Sun
davfc( 2 JO a. m.
For l'ottM'UU1, w t ok days, 2 10; 7 20 a. m., and
12 -IS 3 00 and S 55 p. m. SntidnyH, 2 10 a. in.
For Taiuaqua and Malmnov CitV, wt'ek days.
210, S 25, 7 20 n. in., 12 m, 3 00 nnd 5 55 p. ra.
.Sundnys, 210 a. in.
For M, Sunlnuy nnd I-ewlshurg,
week daj p, 3 25, 11 30 a. in., J fVO and 7 25 p.m.
Sundays, 3 26 a. in.
For Slnhanoy Vlnne, wpt'kdnv, 2 10. 3 25, 525,
7 20, 11 30 a. tn., 12 IS, 1 SO, 3 (n,5 55, 7 25 nnd 9 ( 5
p. in. Sundny, 2 10, 3 25 n. in,
For Ashland and Shnmolcin, eek days, 8 25,
7 20,1130 a. in., 150,725 and 9 55 p.m. Sun
days, 3 2-5 a. in. 4 "
lir ll.iHlmore, M"ahhiKton and the West via
11. fcO. IE. ll.i through trnlitn lenvo Keadlnu:
Terminal. Philadelphia, (1. & It. It. It.) at 8 20,
3 20 7 00,1120 o. in.. 3 46 and 7 27 p. 111. Addl-
tlonal trains from Tucnty-fourth and Chest.
iw, ii aio n, in., u iv nnu i.. p. m, nununys.
tint streets station, week days, 10 ''0 a, in, 12 20,
if i: o 4u p in. aununys, i j, s a p. in.
Lenvo Now York via Philadelphia, week
days, 4 30, 8 00 a. in , 1 30, 1 30, U 00 p. in. aud
night. Sundays, fl 00 p. ni.
Leave New York vin Mauch Chunk, week
dnys, I 30, 9 10 a. in.. 1 30 mid 4 1.1 p. tn.
l.eave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
days, 4 20, 8 35, 10 0.1 a. ill. and 1 05, 6 30, 11 SO
p. 111. Sundays, 11 30 p. in.
Leave Heading, week days, 133, 710, 10 08,
11 G.1 a. in., GOO nml s 20 p. in. holidays, 1 31 a, m.
Leave Pottsvllle, .week da vs, 2 3.1, 7 40 a.m.,
12 30 and fl 12 p. in. Sundays, 2 &1 n. in.
Lenvo Tauiaqiin. weekday-, 3 IS, 8 50, 1123 a
in., 1 27, 7 20 and 9 43 p. in. Sundays, 3 18 n. tn.
Iavo Mnhanoy City, week davs, 3 45, 9 21,
11 47 a. m.,2 03. 7 II and 10 ok p. in. Sundays, 8 4S
n. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00,
8 80, 9 37, 11 59 a. lu , 1 12, 2 PJ, 5 20, G 20, 7 57 and
10 23 p. in. Sundays, 2 40, 4 00 a. in.
Leave Williainsport, week unys, 7 42, 10 10 a.
m., 3 35 nnd 11 41 p. m. Sundays, 11 15 p. ui.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf and
South street w half for Atlantic Citv.
Weekdays Kxprees, 9 00 n. ln 2 00, Saturday
only, 3 00 , 4 00, 5 00 p. m. Accommodation, 8 CO
a. 111.. 4 30, 0 30 p. lu
Sunday Kxpress, 9 00. 1000 a. lu. Accommo
dation 8 00 n. in., 4 43 p. m.
Iteturning leave Atlantic City depot, corner
Atlantic nnd Arkansas n miles.
Weekdays, express, 7 31, 9 00 a. in.. 3 30, 5 30 p.
m. Accommodation, G50, 8 1,1 a. m., -132 p. m.
Sundays Kxpress, 100, 5 30 8 00 p. in. Accom
nidation, 7 15 n. in., 4 15 p. m.
Parlor Cars on all express trains
Gen'l Superintendent. Oen'l Pass. Agt
genuine welcome awaits you at
Cor. ilaln and Coal Sts,
Finest whiskeys, been porter nnd ale con
stantly ou tap. Choice temperance drinks and
If we can only sell
you one package
of Seellg's we
better stop busi
ness. But we're in
business because
those who try it
keep on buyinjr.
of coffee
enriched by
t isn't tt. Tliisad
' mixture civesor-
I delicious flavor.